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Early Access is now LIVE!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ci3RzUSKgk
Website: https://www.tribes3rivals.com
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES_3_Rivals
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tribes
Previous Thread: >>1176915
Reminder to thank Jagle for killing this game
Don't try to shift the blame, Erez.
Jagle won.
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I'll play it if it's ever F2P, the game isn't worth more than 5 USD in it's current condition and player count decline, they'll abandon it within a month.
List of trivial decisions Erez made that killed launch
>Trying to sell a bare bones game mode for $20 in a genre dominated by massive F2P games (unfixed)
>No text chat (unfixed)
>Secret obfuscated bots (partial fix)
>Denuvo (unfixed)
>Voice chat disabled by default (fixed)
>No server browser/dedicated servers (absolute requirement for non-F2P) (unfixed)

I'm not even complaining about gameplay. The game is what it is. Which is whatever.
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how are we supposed to know what the comp ranks are
Hey listen
Basically I'm just not gonna do it (send a message with my dollars to game companies that consumers are willing to tolerate and spend money on products with Denuvo)
I'm sorry! UGH I know... I know...
It's just that I'm not doing it is all
kino game im pretty sure ive seen one of your guys names on this forget what it was though
poor brazilian hands typed this post, game is worth $20 USD easily unless you are super fucking poverty tier
my meme got reposted, mom get the camera
A whopping 500 people agree with you.
not many people have heard of the game, only old tribes autists are butthurt about it for whatever reason
i had like 1000 hours in ascend and only heard about T3 because a random steam friend asked if i was going to play it
Do you even have a bare fucking modicum of reading comprehension?
It's clearly not about caring if I have $20 less dollars, but rather about principle.
Sending them $20 sends a message to the gaming industry that Denuvo is OK, when it is not.
denuvo won bro, they are still uncracked year later for wh3 and many other games

cracker scene is dead
They heard you. And they didnt get the message, they dont care you loser. Google denuvo games. Its shit like starfield and madden and shit.

All you do by not buying is fail to support tribes. Thats it. Stop pretending youre doing anything else. Erez isnt fucking stupid, that shits in the game for a reason. He KNOWS that tribes nerds are EXACTLY the kind of people who will try to rip the game and make an open source mod of it and call it freetribe or some shit, using his product.

They can make their own fucking game.
You forgot
>wasting half of the development resources on failed Tarkov clone not a single person ever asked for
>wasting half of actual Tribes' testing time trying to push some 5v5 garbage
We don’t know because none of us have climbed out of Bronze ELO Hell yet.
denuvo also probably functions as an indirect anticheat making the game files more obfuscated to reverse engineer

for a low population game that makes it very much not worth the time and effort
The Tribes community is oldskool enough to not let companies walk over them.
if paying for a game i like and have fun with = walking over me, then walk over me daddy
Kek, actual Tribes nerds know Midair > T3.
Not saying Midair is fantastic but it > T3.

Sure, enjoy your empty game.
Shame Midair is fucking dead and they're reworking it into something even worse than T3.
Isn't mid air just light tribes rolled into a game? At least the devs are honest unlike Hirez
legionary 1 here
its baically impossible they constantly stick me with newbs vs 3 jagles
At least it captured the very essence of Tribes: fast-paced CTF with fast, fun movement.
That's the core of Tribes and T3 doesn't even manage to capture that.
denuvo antipiracy and denuvo anticheat are two different things
lot of denuvo antipiracy games have been cracked
It was never not going to be an empty game anon, it's Tribes we're talking about here.

Both this and Ascend were killed by incompetence so I guess we'll never know.
>a ragtag group of /v/irgins run by a furry and a BR with 140 ping beaten by a well coordinated and heavily practiced reddit team
those days are over
4chan is new reddit
it's true. 4chan is far less white than it was 10 years ago, the average gaming stock of this website has deteriorated and is now polluted with third world phoneposters. reddit would utterly annihilate 4chan today.
I used to hate r*ddit but now the quality of poster on niche subs is higher than here. Too many piece of shit low IQ fucks that took ironic posting seriously and ruined it
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World First Shocklance-Chaser
Well at least one challenge in this game tracks correctly
deadzone actually had a max concurrent of 5k at one point. more than tribes got. People kinda did want halo tarkov a bit. But tarkovs a shit genre, most spinoffs are failing in general.

every tribes game has been made by company. Its a product, a videogame. What, you think we're doing communist revolution or some shit?

t3 is way better than midair. Midair will always suck because the meta isnt deep at all. Its just a game about boosting across the map and aiming. No positioning, no class choices, no secondary objectives. Theres only one thing to do, and when theres only one thing to do (cap flag, kill flag) it means you dont even have to communicate with your team. Its just aim trainer. Is it more skilled? Sure, if skill is literally just how well you can aim. Its a fucking puddle. No denuvo, free, supaaaa fast, and cant crack 20 players.

Its a patreon scam. With willing participants who love the scam.

ok bro, go play it. Good luck sinking even 50 hours into it without getting bored. Oh, and they added a compass last update!

you fuckin tryhard dude. You play one fucking class and playstyle lol. You sweat so hard in casual pubs its honestly embarrassing. I hate midair, but you, you can fuck off to midair. Its ok. Or at least fuck around a bit jesus christ mopsy.
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>Light Chaingun Master I
mopsy killed me a lot but getting instead of getting buttmad about it he inspired me to try light defense and it is pretty fun, dont be a crybaby
>every tribes game has been made by company. Its a product, a videogame. What, you think we're doing communist revolution or some shit?
That's not what it is about, here, a list of scummy actions by Hirez: >>1210640
The Tribes community is simply not gonna swallow that.
and will never happen again ever, modern /v/ is probably the most low skilled shitters in the entire fucking internet, im willing to bet nowadays that they could get beat by a middle aged woman that only plays match or whatever on her phone
what tribes community? You mean a collection of dead games with 20 players each?

Fuck off. Im gonna play some tribes. I fucking hate all of you faggots if you guys are "tribes players". The only thing you guys seem unified on is killing the only tribes game. You guys suck ass. Fuckin bots.
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>Theres only one thing to do... (cap flag, kill flag)
Right. That's the essence of Tribes. T3 doesn't even get this part right. At least Midair gets this part right.
>it means you dont even have to communicate with your team
Absolutely wrong. Have you ever even played a PUG/clan match?
Cappers and offensive players disrupting flag defenders absolutely need to coordinate their efforts so the cappers arrive at the enemy flag at the same time the offensive players are disrupting/killing the defenders and knocking them off the flag stand.
The most fun I ever had in Tribes was playing Shifter X and Shifter TG mods in Tribes 1. These mods had a regular playerbase with 10-20 people playing on the public server at most hours of the day for years and years, as well as organized clan matches and PUGs.
The cool thing about these mods was the defensive options available, stuff like laser turrets that you could cover with blast floors, blast walls or force fields to make them harder to kill. You could also cover the flag with stuff like force fields or blast walls. With the right scripts, engineers could deploy these defensive options very, very quickly.
However, you needed power or a deployable inventory to use these defensive options, and the mod also had very powerful offensive options available to teams with power, like tactical nukes, medium armors with six speed boosts for capping, an armor with cloaking that made it invisible to players and turrets (the latter as long as you didn't use your jets around turrets) for capping and base infiltration, etc.
In other words, the generators mattered. A lot. A team without power was powerless to stop a team with power. Skilled gen room campers were very valuable, as were skilled gen room defenders.
Over time, as the mods developed, the very strong defensive options like laser turrets and the very strong offensive options like tactical nukes balanced each other out surprisingly well and competitive play was surprisingly deep on a strategic and tactical level.
It's a shame we will never have something like this again because devs are no longer mod-friendly.
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At this point I'm convinced the salty comments are mid-air devs in this thread. Mid air looks like complete fucking garbage. Kill yourselves.
>That's the essence of Tribes. T3 doesn't even get this part right. At least Midair gets this part right.

Yeah, thats the whole patreon scam. Theyre making this pure idealized tribes. No one plays it of course, because it sucks ass, but thats besides the point!

>need to coordinate

Yah, by boosting across the map and shooting the guy holding your flag. Thats the game, the entire game. There is no meta at all. There is no defense or offense, no one even guards the flag. Its pointless. Have you played midair? It's LT. Even if someone decided to guard the flag and go for a body block, that fucker dont have mines or snipers or shit, can just run two cappers at the same time and the flag gets out guaranteed, no offense required. Its a garbage game with no meta, no strategy. Its just bad, braindead garbage.
I mean, I kinda like the cel-shaded graphics actually, but I could really care fucking less about the graphics. The gameplay is what is important.
Graphicsfags are pathetic.
>Have you played midair?
Yes. I was ranked #1 in it for a while.
>the flag gets out guaranteed, no offense required
If you grab the flag, you're dying to the defenders' chainguns before you get anywhere near your own flag, unless, like I said, the cappers and offensive players distracting/killing the flag defenders are coordinating their efforts.
>There is no meta at all.
The meta is essentially the T1 meta which is described well here: https://playt1.com/
>light offense (The primary focus for LO is to go to the enemy base, ask when your cappers are coming in, and try to kill at least one of the enemy defenders when your cappers are 5 to 10 seconds away from grabbing.)
>home D (defends flagstand even when other team has flag to prevent other team from camping flagstand)
That's the original Tribes meta and that's the Midair meta.
This is the essence of Tribes. If you don't like this, you don't like Tribes.
nah Im watchin a midair pug right now and as I predicted they just run multiple cappers to deal with the hof who is essentially helpless. There is no offense at all. just cappers. Which works great of course, because theres no fucking classes in the game and the lightonflag just fuckin MELTS as cappers and crashers just murder him because its convenient. They were only running 1 D the whole game lol. Thats what you get when respawns are nearly instant. What traaaaash.
You're watching a bad Midair pug.
they really should so 4 copies for $20 so I can actually get my friends to play it
>its another hirez forced 50/50 of 7 games in a row without a capper and a defense with a 0.1ktd ratio
>that obvious AI slop Liama
absolutely soulless

modern dev please understand
Midair is fucking awful. Even Erez slop clears it easy.
I don't know why I bother to read the official discord its full of bad delusional takes.
haven't ya'll reached the age yet where you can just walk away from something you don't like?
kinda shot your comment in the foot there
Enter any 16v16. Something like 80% of players play light. You arent special. In fact, you're kind of the problem. Only wanting to play light leads to a shallow experience like midair. And there's a lot of casual players who just show up to go fast and then get bored of the game in a month. Prophecy originally had heavies who were much more powerful in the first few play tests in not so subtle ways. They had sniper rifles and kicked the shit out of lights. The current balance buffed lights to pander to light players. They can now kill a heavy in seconds. If I wanted to tryhard tribes 3, I would play nothing but light. Because the community has demanded yet another bad game. One where vehicles and multiarms and classes and such can never matter due to how Op and fast players demand the light must be. One thing I hate to admit, is that t3 just kind feels like midair 2. And it is failing for the same reasons. There's just no reason to play anything but the flag rn.
>walk away from something you don't like?
For all its asset flipping, bad direction, lazy AI art, shit anti cheat, Erez BS and etc I still really enjoy the game and want it to succeed. So I will continue to follow it closely in the hopes that it somehow succeeds despite its litany of issues.
one thing is though, development teams don't radically change their vision unless the game is getting hammered to such a degree that they have no choice. i've seen it happen many times with other games, but it's a very slow process, and in that time there's a lot of flame wars, a lot of rough periods for the game, a lot of boredom. it's much easier to think "i don't owe them my time" and be done with it, or at least periodically check in every few months.
There's difference between something that is inherently dogshit and not worthy of attention and something potentially great made into shit via combination of greed, laziness and general retardation.
Just walk away from the negative comments, “y’all”.
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I want to play tribes 3 it's a good fun game with depth and soul and kino
i can't believe we're like 15 years into early access games being a thing and there's still people out there who think a game will change radically over it's EA process
pro tip: it never ever does
>I don't like playing light
>I don't like playing the flag
You don't like Tribes.
I do better as heavy than light, but I agree that heavies could use some way to catch up to or counter lights. Chainguns having drop off could be removed as a start.
Heavy armor is boring. It’s the designated shitter class. Who wants to shoot stationary base assets or mortar flag stands all day? Who finds that enjoyable? I tried playing Heavy and couldn’t even last 5 minutes before getting bored and switching back to Light. No wonder you desperately want to go back to the early playtests where Heavies were comically overpowered.
Oh actually I had this idea talking with a friend where instead of mines you had a small directional wall that lasts for ~0.2-0.5s. If they hit it they preserve all momentum but in the opposite direction. Mines do fuck all because they are instakilled by even light weapons, so a different way to protect against the meta strategy of getting a big windup would be defendable by the heavy defense if they're super predictable about it.
>t. Erez
I have to wonder if they are just going to dump the game or try making it F2P first.
tribes 1 had base assets and turrets and vehicles. Even tribes ascend had force fields, generators and other stuff that necessitated some kind of offense

If you want literally just flag play and no heavies, midair 2 is there for you.

Oh look, another speed purist. Go play midair you faggot, you wont. You wanna know why you wont? Its fucking boring as shit. Heavy is fun as fuck and it adds variety and strategy to a game that desperately needs some sort of meta to keep you engaged. Also, you clearly have never hof's while 5 people come to kill you and 4 cappers are being pinged. If you think thats not hard and fast gameplay then you are d8phxxvelusional.

Depends on how much it costs them to run the servers.
the mortar is the only interesting gun in the game right now
Heavies without base interiors are pointless.
Greth did nothing wrong
They should something like that in the base game. Modes like that are great because you can still contribute even if youre not a great fragger. Thats the same reason people still play TF2.
All of these tribes clones die because there is no base play and generators are worthless so newbies quit after getting stomped by people that fly, jet, and aim better than them.
Gloat video when
Know how I know this game is utter fucking trash?

During the T:A hype train everyone was posting them doing crazy fucking flag caps and routes and genuinly having a good time, this isn't happening with T:R
I'm an old Tribes Ascend player, is this game good for the same feeling?
>I want to go slow on purpose
You don't like Tribes.
if literally all you did was play light and run flags then yeah, that's the entire game in T3
if you liked anything else in Ascend then no, it doesn't exist in T3
Too bad then, T:A will never live again.
>this isn't happening with T:R
T3 somehow managed to be unappealing to both Ascend and classic Tribes fans, it's probably the worst misuse of an IP since the Prey debacle.
Prey at least became appealing to new people, a feat T3 I doubt will manage.
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Tribes: Venegance, once fixed, had the best infantry gameplay of all Tribes games and that's fact, not opinion.
We had it too good back then.
>if you aren't capping in your first hour then you don't like tribes
Enjoy your dead genre, boomer. Can't wait for another downgrade with even less things to do.
T:A managed to be fast and allow for people who aren't capping to play via secondary objectives which made the capper's life hell like shields, turrets, mines, doombringer missiles and body blocking kinetic damage

I had way more fun solo shutting down generators as infiltrator and raider until they started to rework all the maps to be utter dogshit and giving the TCN a fucking thumper
>tribes 1 had base assets and turrets and vehicles.
...and they were always periphery things for the shitters to fuck around with. The best players were always either capping or chasing.
Because the movement is fucking shit.
They somehow managed to make the game all about light/flag play while making sure the movement is shit and unfun for even lights.
>Modes like that are great because you can still contribute even if youre not a great fragger.
Yes, my clan used to eagerly recruit unskilled, new players who were nonetheless eager to learn - we'd teach them how to use the scripts that deployed defense quickly and they'd become very valuable defenders almost instantly.
I used to use the text chat (!) in public servers to teach new players how to set defense in effective ways, and when they'd seem receptive to learning from someone more experienced I'd know they were someone worth recruiting into the clan.
>The best players were always either capping or chasing.
And when you make a game for the tiny clique of elitists, you get a dead game like midair, soon to be joined by T3
What’s wrong with the movement?
what a garbage take. Everyone and their mom knows that tribes isnt really that fast because the speed is all in predictable trajectories. Thats why every dumb comment in this thread bitches about how this game isnt fast enough, or the movement sucks. They all want to go faster and faster without limit until the game starts breaking in many other ways. Your entire idea that faster speed = more skill is just bullshit. Youre moving in a straight line, shooting another guy moving in a straight line. If you think youre such a god then go play counterstrike, a slow ass game, rank up, and get owned.

Or for real, go play fucking midair (you wont). Its a game custom made for fags like you who dont understand good game design and just want to go fast. I look forward to seeing midairs numbers not changing at all while tribes 3 gets a small but healthy userbase.Fucks like you always bitchin but you WONT FUCKING PLAY YOUR GAME.
And then these best players make shit like Midair that even they don't want to play.
Tribes movement: ski + jets
Honorball Rivals movement: initial boost + slope bounce
Far less ability to change direction in mid-air than any other Tribes or Midair game.
It just feels shitty and clunky.
has anyone tried refunding beyond two hours played
i've done it with other early access games before and just curious if anyone has done it yet
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shazsisters... it's over.
Tried with like 4 hours and it was a no. I have played 20 hours by now, so I don't feel ripped off, but no player base is too bad. I thought the game would at least last until June.
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>Deadzone was more popular than Tribes 3
>that fucking steep cliff jump from peak in one month
Kek the fuck happened? T3's skiing graph is boring in comparison, it will probably chug along for two more months until it drops to double digit numbers daily peak
Wasn’t deadzone f2p?
Probably would have played Deadzone if I had heard about it. Hm.. That's seems familiar.
Yah. But so we're play tests and we didn't see those kinds of numbers. Shit on prophecy all you want, but good luck getting "" dead zone is better than t3"" out of your mouth.
Popular != Better
i value your effort anon
i do wonder though if the game gets axed in under a year if that option would be available
Maybe the DLC. It does say 1 year.
oh yah, for sure. But for a multiplayer game you kind of need at least like 50 people playing daily or any sense of superiority is kind of a joke. And I think in that way, t3 may outlast deadzone.

Deadzone players got bored and went back to hunt/tarkov/darkeranddarker.

Where the tribes fans gonna go?
So Tribes has ended up like Sonic games, huh. In both series the OG games werent just about le gotta go fast retard shit
Tribes was when every server you joined was an entirely different type of modded clusterfuck.

Gamedevs think ingame chat is dangerous, let alone dedicated servers and custom modding.

Never ever.
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I love not being able to see anything because the weapon models are so big
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Hi-Rez never learns.
Sigh... another thing that was solved in Ascend and here Hirez is making the same mistake again.
It's all about them having full control of your game to sell 40$ skin packs and the rest is a consequence of that.
damn that's crazy then why did people stop playing it
Game sucks. They zoomerfied Tribes.
game doesn't suck. its very fun and i -think- you might just be a fucking retarded nigger : / oops did i just say that :O
the average Tribes fan is like fucking 40 of course they're going to try to get kids to play it.
Catering to the 1,000 remaining Tribes-playing boomers isn’t a viable business strategy.
I dunno, if it was my way we'd all just be modding and playing Xonotic. The modern commercial multiplayer FPS genre is illegitimate and redundant.

Open source is great for a lot of stuff. Linux can actually run most games now, and I know their are some great open source tools. But do you really think thats a great solution for entertainment?

>Wanna watch this sick open source movie?
>Hey kids! Lets listen to some open source DRM free creative commons music!

Gross. People expect more from their entertainment. Updates, support, and for a game like tribes, nothing is really set in stone- its not some boring arena shooter- every single tribes game has been radically different. Ascend and tribes 2 have radically different iterations within the games lifespan even.
Just make Tribes as a Xonotic mod. Vehicles are already a thing. The point is if people genuinely wanted classic multiplayer FPS perfection it's available and free. Few play Xonotic for no real legitimate reason.
Big weapon models mean you see more of the skin you bought and they don't need to bother adding an inspect function.
Stuff like this doesn't become bad on accident, it's actively malicious.
Patch delayed. kek
I'm sure Jewball had nothing to do with this.
we wanted to kill it. Mission success you idiots. Shows over. Go home.
>EU ranked is dead
>NA ranked is down to a single lobby during primetime hours
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the music is great, and the funny part the sound guy is erez's kid
the music is inoffensive at best and at worst taken straight from Tribes Ascend.
He should be bankrolling his son's career instead of tormenting us.
the music sounds like dogshit compared to what came before it.

Surely they're planning a strong marketing push with free weekends to build a playerbase right? They can't be retarded right?
>me: Playing tribes while its still somewhat populated
>You: Not playing tribes. Begging like some loser

What a stupid shitty cope. Deadzone was f2p and it got down to literally 0 players. Its not going free you blithering retards, get it through your fucking heads. You either buy it and get to play, or you never get to play.

20 bucks faggots. Bitch and moan all you want about what it does or doesnt have. No ones going to crack denuvo for this niche game. 20 bucks. Thats what it costs. You arent getting it any other way.

>marketing push

At least you guys are honest about streamers literally telling you what to play. Crap like balatro and shit are just paid marketing and its gross as fuck.
You're right, the free weekend would be suicide because then someone will try it for an hour or two and realize they just wasted $30 worth of their time.

You sound upset.
show me some cap routes that don't require thrust pack to work
Nigga I'm playing the game too. Nothing in my post indicated that I'm not, in fact the fact that I'm hoping they do something to bring in more players means I like the game and want to see it succeed.
flag chaser is ez mode
it seems like erez admitted they cant get hands on the unreal engine proper (thats used in fortnite) so real tribes with vehicles and 64 players isnt viable everyone seems to forget this fact when they go to shit on this tribes pocket edition game
That's no excuse, you are supposed to make sure you picked the correct engine BEFORE making the game.
Unreal has been ruining Tribes games since Vengeance. I remember when I heard about T3 the first thing I asked was what engine and then I knew it was fucked immediately. Unreal fights Tribes gameplay every step of the way and always has.
They can do a marketing push with making the game good.
>Come play ranked Tribes 3 on Saturday! Event starts at 4 PM EDT in the Competitive Discord: https://discord.gg/t3-comp

>Today (Saturday, March 23rd) starting at 4PM EST we are going to get as many people playing ranked as we can. If you're new to 7v7, over on the T3 Comp Discord we're going to set up groups that have an experienced player in them to help you learn the basics. If you're an experienced player, we'll also get you in to a group to queue with. Or you can just play ranked however and with whoever you want. We're going to start on EU servers, then we'll make new teams and switch to NA at 8 PM EDT.

>Let's get those queue times down and get more people playing 7v7! I hope to see you there!
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Queue for NA ranked. Now.
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well, its over
testing was fun tho
>well, its over
Did something new happen? or is it the fact that this place is dead because there's nothing new to discuss?
flag chaser is broken people with precision aim are allowed to be anywhere they want on the map at a moments notice
the best chasers in the world cannot catch a 300+ km/h back-to-front. git gud and go fast.
t. free speed abuser
tribes literally wouldnt exist if people didnt abuse movement tech
Hardly if anything its the opposite even with the timer.
Timer literally does nothing against the best skiers. It only punishes worse players. It's so comical they only managed to broaden the skill gap while making the game less fun for the new players.
thats beside the point, the flag chaser awards speed just because someone has your flag it doesnt even register on the speedometer you just go faster
hardly what, the fact that light defense can be anywhere on the map at the drop of a dime because their flag is taken?
only raindance provides some relief from this terrible design decision because there is no steep angles right outside of spawns.
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Holy fuck what went so wrong?
F2P game during the F2P boom. Plus HiRez hadn't established their reputation of abandoning games. I know they did it to Global Agenda first, but 1 time wasn't a pattern
no popular youtuber told us to play it. Thats the cold hard truth that people dont want to deal with. People, unfortunately, are sheeple.

TA was far from perfect, and right out of the gate T3 is already more polished, with custom physics options, matchmakiing, and not being pay 2 win (huge). It even has a higher playercount at 16v16 instead of TA's 14v14 (though ta often was 11v11). Its still fast, but isnt chain hell.

It is lacking for maps and vehicles, but if this took off like TA did, I guarantee we would get them.

I do hear one criticism that rings true though. "Bare minimal product". And I dont think that what they want is more maps, or more weapons, unfortunately. They want a grind, an ecosystem, a live-service and seasons. They just want lots of 'content,' they want a more social experience. Tribes is too simple and cant compete with todays games for the same reason arena shooters cant.

Ill admit, the lonely-ass no text chat shit really doesnt help.
Chasers are woefully under equipped to deal with even a mildly competent Capper running routes. I have no idea how you got the notion that Chasers have the upper hand especially when 90% of current matches devolve into who can rabbit the flag more effectively.
TA was Tribes for casuals done right
T3 is... I don't think even Erez know what the fuck is it supposed to be, just fucking put it out of its misery already
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the actual defense should be chipping some of the flag offender's health down regardless of speed while midfield players are ready to finish the job
this fallacious repeat use of "mildly competent" is just obscuring your opposition of centering the game around high speed routes, exactly where i posit the game should take place.
you would rather cater to flag campers and fresh spawns..
>is just obscuring your opposition of centering the game around high speed routes
Yeah I don't think its very fun dealing with the same players ad nauseum blink grabbing while running the same routes game after game.
>you would rather cater to flag campers and fresh spawns..
I would rather defending not just be body blocking from inside a shield or mortar spamming. The entire defense side of this game is busted at its core because the defense is not equipped to meaningfully defend on top of base assets being down right pointless in 16v16. Reworking defense would at least help alleviate the issue of uncatchable Cappers and at the same time make running interference a viable strat beyond hill camping with a mortar. Who knows maybe mediums will have something to do besides dick about in midfield.
Deployable laser turrets for defense. They zap those trying to grab the flag no matter how fast they're going.
You can only set them if you have power, though, so this makes defending the generator important.
God damn I'm a genius. It's not like they thought of this over 20 years ago with T1 Shifter mod or anything.
small indie company. only 40 developers. please understand.
If they just let us mod it the community would take care of the rest.
Mods mean less sales of the generated kitbash skins and that's a no-go. Mods also imply self-hosted servers and that would mean in the near future Erez would be denied his last spiteful shitfit on exit where he pulls the plug and proclaims that this was the last Tribes game ever.
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>and right out of the gate T3 is already more polished
Just make a mod of some other game that supports mods. Tribes isnt that hard to make. You can lkegit make a basic prototype in a day.

It is. To say otherwise you kind of have to admit that TA was a polished game. Which it wasnt. You should have seen the /vg/ thread dumping on it ten years ago and officially abandoning it for PS2.
Did you even play T:A?
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Comparing T:A to T3's Raindance is just depressing.

why dont they just use a different engine, or customize the physics engine themselves?
its worth noting the devs have said they wanted to flesh out raindance with more atmosphere, and that the current iteration is just a early port. Of course, this was from before it bombed so Im gonna take it with a grain of salt. Also,


Im here for ease of access, matchmaking, community, and freedom from old stale game mechanics. The only TA players still playing are super hardcore assholes running every exploit in the book to sniper brightly colored players from across the map.

expensive. You have to hire skilled engineers. If I were erez I wouldnt invest heavily in tribes like that. That would be retarded. Not until midair goes viral and hits 800k players.
No self-hosted servers is really shitty from a competitive/community standpoint.
Back when I played T1 clans would have their own servers they'd practice/coordinate on before clan matches. The level of play in clan matches was very high because of this.
This is not possible now.
theres literally a t3 comp discord where they organize pugs. Hell I was in that stupid faux tourney and we spun up a server to practice on seamlessly with no issues. You dont even play the game. why you even posting lol.
>theres literally this other thing that is inferior in every single way
erez isnt going to sleep with u, lil bro
ok, well have fun bitching about mods (which were replaced by indie games like 10 years ago lol). Too dumb to realize that stuff like midair is the mod community. You dont need hirez anymore you idiot. Just make the game you want you tard.
Graphics that run WORSE. T3 doesn't get a pass on performance when it was outdone more than a decade ago.
Yeah, that's not practicing on a private, password-protected server with time limit turned off.
Also, free team switching, observer mode, respawn set to instantaneous... etc... all things super useful for a clan practice.
what you think this is some esport? lol
Lorez seemed to think so when they first started development, pushing 5v5 and tiny maps.
Just say its not an esport faggot. Is that so hard? Its a tiny, tiny niche fucking game with 300 players or less. Its not a fucking esport. This isnt fucking starcraft you faggot. You losers are bitching about fucking demos and mods. LIKE FOR WHAT FUCKING COMMUNITY.


The finals doesnt have demos, or community servers, or mods, or 64 player modes, or vehicles. BUT THE FINALS IS DOING FUCKING FINE AND YOU FUCKS SLOP THAT FORTNIGHT GAMEPLAY COCK HARD.

You guys are bitching about how ascend had better graphics, BUT YA WONT FUCKING GO PLAY IT ON THE COMMUNITY SERVER.

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show me your best scores faggots
Super clever way of just saying you want free speed and light defense spam is your ideal
>defending should have more depth
>you must want light defense spam
Amazing take away, ironic even considering the current meta is light attack spam.
>Nerfed weapons then sold gold weapons that were strictly better upgrades
>Gave the TCN a thumper
>Reworked all maps, as well as made new maps where the generator is located directly under the flag with only one entrance, resulting in everyone just dogpiling the flag stand and spamming forcefields
>abandoned the game in a broken state, such as the plasma gun having the hitbox of a fucking boeing 747, as well as not allowing players to run their own servers so aimbot snipers became prevelant
>The issues above compounded along side flagdrag to create a gamestate that just didn't fucking end because it was way too easy to defend and way too hard to cap
>OOTB patch no one asked for that came in and removed classes and perks making the game even more imbalanced and broken
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just admit you want rubber banding
>just don't have mods or any features for that matter and your game will be popular like the finals or fortnite
This is some backwards fucking logic.
The finals does not have mod support.

Fortnight has 'modding' but no one makes anything for it, because, again, modding is dead. Talented people just make their own games now in unity or unreal or whatever. Modding is 2003 shit.

The real issue is this franchise is old, and the user base is dumb and old.
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Was looking forward to DM but it's already dead. I'm not playing a 2v1. Maybe it will be better at earlier hours, but what a shame. Story of this game. Just one round of adverts would have done wonders.
Eslop has nothing to do with grassroots comp communities, Erez.
It turns out 4v4 TDM is a nightmare with stacks, AFKs and leavers.
The worst part is that the queue is broken. Nearly every game I've played has been 2 v 4. Sometimes it's 1 v 3 and then it fills to 1 v 4. This has been happening since early playtests. It was a fucking honorball bug. This is easily the most important thing for any fucking game is to simply have teams with similar numbers and they can't fix it. On the rare occasion I had a full game it was very fun. As soon as the game ended it forced everyone back to the main menu ruining the lobby.
>buy skin pass
>first 10 skins are brown/sand/peach colored
i want my money back, erez
The Finals would be doing better if the devs weren't pants on head retarded
>242,000 peak, 26,000 daily

The finals is doing fine.
Post the whole thing

Besides, I really do enjoy the game, but by god are the devs retarded. It took them 6 months for them to address the recon abuse and the most op gun for the medium is still OP

and just yesterday they announced they'd be removing unranked tournament and bank it from the game mode pool and just put Cashout as the new game mode

The Finals lacks game modes and you wanna fucking remove the actually good ones (not Bank it though, Bank it sucks)
>whole thing

I did you fuck. What are you a child? You needed a picture book?

I would kill for tribes to have 27k concurrent. 27k players for an online game is a success story. /v/ brainworms obsessed with tortanic memes just cant get that through their heads. People just respond better to negativity.

My point still stands that finals does everything wrong or even worse than tribes does. All the reasons you guys claim to hate tribes for, much more popular games do as well. Tribes just isnt that popular. And it has to do with the gameplay at its very core.

And lets be honest, its just too fast. Thats always been the balancing issue. Imagine if in counterstrike you even moves 2x faster. It would utterly break the game. And we're moving like 30x faster. Its a ridiculously stupid idea. But a large part of this community want this to be exhilarating like a racing game the entire time. Just free speed whenever they want all the time. Its so silly.
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I would kill for 27k concurrent players shared between all multiplayer game I love.
i think this game died faster than shootmania lmao
>died faster than shootmania

god that's a name I haven't heard in a while
>died faster than tribes: ascend
>died faster than starsiege: deadzone
>died faster than realm royale
>died faster than paladins strike
>died faster than jetpack fighter
>died faster than divine knockout
>died faster than hand of the gods
>died faster than global agenda
game can't die if it was never alive in the first place
>I hate Tribes
>having fun going fast sucks I hate it
I bet I can get you on my side.

Tribes doesnt have much air control for a reason. Same with midair, and pretty much every tribes like game except for legions. The goal is to have predictable trajectories usually. Without predictable paths, all of our projectile based weapons break and you start needing more and more hitscan weapons, or guess-base gameplay (both gross right?).

I do play a game called natural selection 2 that has amazing amounts of air control with jetpacks and flying aliens though. Its amazing fun and super fast gameplay IMO. You can trade speed for air control, and youll still have a fast game that will still have aerial combat.

Like wouldnt it be worth to give up some speed for a more powerful jetpack? One that can take cover, change direction? You could start having indoor levels with more cover, combat would become more dynamic. Mix in some skiing. Its crazy we still dont have any cool jetpack fighting games.

Its not going to happen with this game, ever. But if they actually make honorball, Im betting it will be something of a hybrid mix. And I think people should keep an open mind. Tribes failed here. But hopefully fps-z will someday come to fruition somehow. Its always been this enigma that you know should be huge but somehow isnt. Prolly cuz big studious keep making garbage like hyperscape that just fucks it all up.
Do you work at HiRez or something?
>I bet I can get you on my side.
You can't.
>Tribes doesnt have much air control for a reason.
Stopped reading here. T3 has much less air control than any other Tribes game and it feels like fucking shit because of it.
Your post is tl;dr and wrong, filthy Redditspacer.
Did you ever stop to think that the other tribes games are... bad? Like dont get me wrong, there are a lot of great ideas in there for the time. But every tribes game has died and there were tons of heated debates back then even- spawning mods, tribes 2 classic splitting off from the main game, Vengeance tried grapplers etc (hey thats tons of air control why didnt that work?). Then ascend tried changing up the movement entirely. But it still didnt take off. A lot of people crap on the final patches of ascend, but they really just went pack to the drawing board and entered an alpha stage of development again. I remember talking to the main devs on reddit and they had no idea what to do with it. Every week the game was wildly different for a few months as they tried to puzzle out a solution. There were some really wacky patches as they tried to take the game out of a death spiral. My favorite was the rapid hipfire BXT. God it was painful.

The entire tribes series has been nothing but experimentation and guesswork. Every single game. Youre right that the movement is alienating (im used to it, and thrive in it at this point). But how would you fix that? Increase air control as it is and all these easy midairs go bye-bye. And now you have to buff chain and snipers. Thats ascend bro, the thing that failed miserably.
chat gpt please generate a clueless reddit post
>But it still didnt take off.
It was literally the opposite, Ascend was the single biggest waste of momentum I have ever seen when it comes to re-imagining classic games. It took off like a fucking rocket but was blown out of the sky by Hi-Rez's incompetence and greed.
Been a month or so since I touched it, but here were my impressions:
What I liked:
>Fast paced-gameplay (as should be expected)
>Customizable projectile speed inheritance (can make the spinfusors behave more like disc launchers or honor fusors)
>Netcode is a lot more solid than Ascend
>No more regenerating health
>No Freemium bullshit (for now)
What I didn’t like:
>Small player cap, probably due to Unreal Engine limitations (Tribes Vengeance and Tribes Ascend had lag issues that StarSiege: Tribes and Tribes 2 didn't)
>Two weapon limit regardless of class just like Tribes Ascend Game of the Year Edition
>No more vehicles or combined arms gameplay which is was what the Tribes games actually were at it's core
>Base defense and offense means nothing
>Strategy requirement and skill ceiling of the first two games is non-existent
>VERY SMALL scale compared to all the previous games including the already shrunken down Tribes Ascend
>Feels more like a class based arena shooter than it does a Tribes game, at best I’d say it feels more like a class based Legions clone than previous Tribes or StarSiege/EarthSiege games
>No melee attacks
>No Loadout preset options like in Tribes Ascend
>Can't recall while airborne (in Tribes Ascend you could suicide with a key press at any time)
>Limited selection of weapons compared to all other entries including both Game of the Year Edition and Out of the Blue versions of Tribes Ascend which when combined with a 2 weapon limit and lack of presets absolutely sucks
>Runs poorly until you re-add missing fields (I copied stuff over from Ascend and UT2004) to the game's user settings file and tweak accordingly
>And now you have to buff chain and snipers
No you don't. And you don't need busted projectiles either. You're a dumb nigger, Erez. Fuck off with your retarded fantasies about winning over the entire cowadooty playerbase with 0 TTK 0 aim slaughterfest. It's the second fucking time you fail. Go ahead and bring up "muh data" that shows how some retard who only tried this game to kill time while Fortnite servers are on maintenance got blueplated by a T2 boomer and quit.
the reddit posts are just people banned from the discord which is why they're so salty over there
tribes is a reddit game for redditors
Reddit lost the Shazbowl.
0 arguments. all insults.

Sucks that you dont wanna deal with the truth. Just want to feed your dumb ape brain. You can go play midair any time you want. But you wont. Because its not fun to play. Because the weapons are nerf and they ignored this logic. You can live in denial if you want.
>Did you ever stop to think that the other tribes games are... bad?
No. T1 is the GOAT multiplayer FPS. Full-stop.
>if 100 daily people aren't still playing a 25 year old game whose master server was taken down that means it's bad
>>if 100 daily people aren't still playing a 25 year old game whose master server was taken down that means it's bad

Yeah. I remember msn gamezone for aoe2 was shutdown too. Lived on in IRC and mods and yadda yadda. T1 is, and has been, extremely playable. And if it was fun, Id play it right now. I actually installed and played it recently. It sucks. Its just not fun. You are not being honest. You dont want to admit some of the glaring flaws that t1 has. The movement feels horrible, the weapons feel horrible, the bases are simply not detailed and interesting. The base building is janky and shitty. Everything in the game is unintuitive and theres no tutorial. Turrets basically instagib you. If someone made that crap today with nice graphics and every fucking stupid feature you wanted, it would bomb, even if the dev was perfect.






Tribes Ascend died because the cash shop was LITERAL pay to win originally.
Then came the abrupt announcement that the game's development was closed and that they were working on SMITE.
Hi-Rez is the problem, not the series.
At a time when Steam was still young and PC gaming hadn't taken off outside of WOW and early League of Legends, HiRez abandoned a game that was in the top 100 at launch and kept a pop of 2000 in a PC gaming era where 2k players was impressive.
The only thing that killed Tribes was HiRez. First their greedy cash shop with p2w guns and later their greed to move onto the burgeoning MOBA genre
Someone at Prophecy needs to suck a Microsoft Executive's dick and get this on game pass. It's the only thing that's gonna save it.
I doubt f2p on steam would save this game let alone Xbots who have zero experience with Tribes.
>shitty movement
Not worth saving.
It's a shame we will never get any semblance of spiritual successor because boomers only want to remake T1 over and over.

What the fuck am I look at here?
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This image is why Tribes is a dead franchise.
this whole thing is starting to remind me of natural selection 2
Nah thats just why a Tribes game will never stay alive longer than a few months to a year. The reason Tribes is dead because it was mismanaged then put on ice for years, once your fanbase is apathetic towards the franchise its very hard to get them to play it and without players you can't bring in new fans.
lol u mad as fuck at losing to better players
I quit because I noticed certain people went from not being able to hit me to blue plating me the moment I was in remotely close. I think Denuvo only kept the cheaters out for a few weeks.
If this was Ascend my fresh install ass would be in top with triple digits kills camping in enemy generator room.
But unfortunately this is the latest iteration of Erez faggotry where his 2000 iq solution to noobs not getting kills is to give boomers who have been playing tribes for literal decades free undodgeable midairs.
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Whatever happened to gattocake. Deleted all his tribes videos
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Erez both kept obsessing over muh player retention and at the same time stripped Tribes of every aspect that allowed scrubs to have fun. Complete fucking nonsense.
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It's all so tiresome...
Man I wish they would implement an in game store then just throw this shit out as F2P. Its obvious they are going to dump it soon might as well milk it just a bit more.
its literally just 20 bucks. And its 60 bucks to get tribes + both skin passes.

The separate skin passes are only for nerds who unlock 360 skins (36 days and at last 360 wins, or easily 100 hours of game time), and still want more skins.

You can literally go play ascend right now, and a small community has been playing a modded client of it for years. You arent loading up fresh installs of shit. You just dont like fps-z. You can now fuck off.

Yes, clearly this game needs less players. Youre a genius.

Playtest was free and couldnt crack 1k. Dream on.
>Playtest was free and couldnt crack 1k. Dream on.
a closed playtest you needed to specifically request access for as opposed to sitting in the steam new free to play titles list? Yeah I am sure a few people will try it maybe not 10k but another 1-3k maybe.
It got featured in steam nexfest. It was mentioned in every 4chan nexfest thread on /v/. It got articles in pc gamer, rps, ign, and many more.

>3k players free2play game

What do you think this is, a fucking charity? LOL. Those 2k players who like this niche game can buy the fucking game. Like Im all for getting free stuff, but at one point Im like, do I want game devs to be pants on head retarded for me?
>What do you think this is, a fucking charity?
No its a failure and maybe they can salvage a bit of extra profit from it.
>Those 2k players who like this niche game can buy the fucking game.
They already didn't so either cut your losses or try to recoup what you can from this loss.
>do I want game devs to be pants on head retarded for me?
They already proved they're retarded by trying to make another Tribes game.
>whales account for 1-2% of most playerbases. This is a known fact. If they all buy ultimate edition (2% of 2k is 40 players)*(40 dollars), that's 1600 bucks.
Maybe you haven't played the game recently but just about half the 200 people still playing bought the skin pass, Considering the UI and menu are ripped straight from Deadzone I can't imagine it would be too hard to slap a store and some already pre generated skins that those niggers will absolutely drop $10 for especially if it comes with the illusion of supporting the game. Maybe the maths not there but it certainly would do a lot of the people you plan to double dip on Honorball with.
>80 players buy tribes for 20 bucks....
if 80 people bought the game that would have a massive impact on the current player count. Anyone who was going to buy this stinker already did.
>Im sorry but you are just retarded. Tribes isnt going to blow up.
I never said it would, I said it might get like 1-3k players for few weeks which would be nice for the people that supported this game. Considering by your own admission any more profits made on this game are negligible at best why not?
>they are far from dumb for betting that this game doesnt take off.
>I think they did pay for a tiktok to get like 100k views or some shit.
>they are far from dumb
>I think they did pay for a tiktok
Okay bud whatever you say, good luck with Honorball.
If Erez sends me $5 I will agree to play his game for at least several hours.
>Tribes isnt going to blow up.
That turd? absolutely not. But Tribes already blew up once with Ascend, it's HiRez that shat the bed and let it die from bad decisions and later neglect. Putting the blame on Tribes or its fanbase is fucking absurd when you remember how big following Ascend got early on.
Just go meet up with Erez and suck his cock for free, you are really not special for acting as a mouthpiece to one of the scummiest sleazebags in the industry. At least AAA execs don't pretend that their slop is a "passion project"
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Its getting crazy how they always lose when you're on a team with them too
I dunno man, the tribes fanbase is pretty fucking horrible. All of you are begging for the game to be free and calling it shitty... and its like the only fps-z around right now with players.

Ascend even got community balance patches and mods- (all pay 2 win stuff removed ascend exists right now, with various communit balance changes that theyve crafted for years).... basically what you guys all claim you wanted, and none of you played it.

Bitch and moan all you want. The real issue is that players just dont want tribes.
>its actually the players fault we mismanaged a franchise into irrelevance
Ah good to know I think some other devs like 343 industries will be happy they dindu nuffin.
nah thats bullshit. Theres midair, theirs legions. Plenty of ways to play without hirez if you really hate them. I dont know why you can just concede that fps-z is a niche genre. Always have to blame the company rather than admit people in general suck. Its just flavor of the month for most people and then they go back to valorant or fortnight. People hate jetpacks, and they cant handle aerial combat. They dont even play t3 long enough to figure out the nuances of why people like you hate tribes. They dont even install it.
>And yes, Erez pays me well to shit on you idiots who cant do math.
>the Redditspacing scum who has done nothing but defend poor gamemaking decisions is literally a paid shill
How surprising.
Buy an ad.
>basically what you guys all claim you wanted
Yeah, AFTER the game was left to die. They had the opportunity to make a lasting Tribes title with public appeal but instead they chose to chase another trend. Protip: playing devil's advocate doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look like a useful idiot.
>a lasting Tribes title with public appeal

And what is that, exactly? They supported ascend for like 4 years with regular updates and it died anyways.

>chasing trends

Smite made money. Thats not chasing trends. They got paid. If TA made money they would hire more devs to work on it, not abandon it. You think they hate money? Smite is as minimal effort as tribes 3 is. Im sorry youre just not living in reality. Where are the fucking tribes players? I see tons of smite players, not many tribes players.

You can go join the ta community discord and play ascend. It's been modded and has community servers. Its the top post on the tribes reddit. Its easy as crap to find out how to play. I dont like ascend as much as T3, so Im not saying you should go play it. But Im glad a community mod exists so I can tell you idiots to go show up for a pug and play it (you wont, you hate fps z, please fuck off so I can stop shitposting here)
>They supported ascend for like 4 years with regular updates
it was 1 year
>custom client still crashes because of turrets
lol lmao
who are the pretzle nibblers
You disingenuous faggot, nobody is going to go some senile nerds discord server to coordinate a shitty 6v6 pug. And nobody is going to play Midair, period, because it's shit.
>game so ded they went back to 12v12 for """larger""" team games
New patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2687970/view/4204747292683009042

Plasma + HonorBall are back. Is it too little, too late?
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Someone found a small easter egg inside the base of Wavemist.

I wonder what it is? Cut content? A calling card? A teaser for a new game? Or is this crestfallen robot Erez himself?
The trend of every single major decision Erez has made getting reversed is somewhat satisfying to see. I just want Erez to come out and say
>I actually have no idea what I'm doing and most of my beliefs and instincts are wrong and without basis.
honorball is going to be farmed by pug discord tranny 4-stacks using coordinated voice comms. they singlehandedly killed the 4v4 TDM queue by doing this last week.
Some cybrid from Deadzone probably.
TDM turned into 1v1 which was the best part of this game. And now it's gone.
a hirez dev claimed that duel mode is very easy to implement and is probably coming back
>honor ball is blue plate farming
Maybe it's not bad
Never fucking mind you. You can fly with bomb and phase shield (invulnerability) on.
This is unplayable.
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This cheese was present since the very beginning. What the fuck is wrong with these retards?
newfags discover cheese and think it started the moment they found out about it.
>Never fucking mind you. You can spam jump key and slide on the ground (ski) on.
>This is unplayable.
- Anonymous, December 1998
it's an asset they reused from deadzone (which they probably reused from raiders) lol
ok Erez Ill buy a key from G2a
I hate TF2 for the damage it has caused to every single video game.
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Lmao haven't thought about Tribes in years. Looks like whatever this is, it isn't going anywhere so here have this amazing image instead.
>If Erez sends me $5 I will agree to play his game for at least several hours.
I am now raising my price to $10. It's your move Erez, next week I'll be asking for $20.
>Erez talked about needing thousands of concurrent players to consider it worthwhile to provide long-term support
>T3 already peaks at 200 players
So when do you think they will announce putting it into maintenance mode or even "sunsetting" the game (since dedicated servers are haram)? Late Summer? Autumn?
Game goes F2P when the roadmap ends. Then, maintenance mode within 6 months/after the Honorball game releases to minimize bad PR.
At this point they should just leak the entirety of the source code and sell the IP off to somebody else.
jjbobbles will buy it
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>FPS Fest
>no discount for your dead game
>not even a demo
>sell the IP off to somebody else.
Not gonna happen, Erez now has a personal grudge towards the Tribes fanbase for not eating up his slop and will sit on the IP to spite them. Note how he keeps talking about T3 being "the last Tribes game"
Hardcore Tribes fans are begrudgingly eating up Erez slop because they pledged loyalty to the franchise and then Erez blames them for regular people not giving a fuck about his fanfic.
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Save us, F2P.

You're our only hope.
They'll make it F2P six months too late after nobody remembers this shit existed, still refuse to market it in any way and then say it's because nobody wants to play Tribes anymore.
not gonna touch this game until they add more aircontrol.
I'm so fucking happy bros, it's different but I think the game feels good to play. Love seeing all the old player names from Ascend.
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This and get rid of Denuvo.
They should have transitioned to F2P immediately after the game launch flopped. It was an obvious gamble to try to milk people for money up front and it failed. They're fools for not having a Plan B backdoor transition to F2P. The NextFest numbers were terrible and the game they released had less content than the free demo.

Nevermind that basically all the games they're competing against are F2P. You simply cannot ask money for this game when the competition is so fierce.

Price has gone up to $20.
Saying what erez cant to you babies continued

>Im the customer! I make the rules!

Dude they dont gives a shit about the few hundred buttmad losers who wont buy due to drm. There are drm filled games like the crew literally being removed from peoples libraries right now with MILLIONS of players. And ubisoft has done this before even though it didnt get press. It doesnt matter, people show up to play the games they like regardless no matter how shit a company is. No one cared to look up what happened to the first ubisoft.com when they bought the crew (closed and fucked everyone lol). MILLIONS OF PLAYERS.

People are not showing up because tribes 3 is a bad game. They dont like it. Your sale means literally nothing.

your sale means nothing. Making the game faster would only kill it faster. Not even titanfall could stay alive lol. Fucking retard go play midair you turbo nerd (you fucking wont, because you want hardcore mechanics, but with casual game design, look inward faggot).

its not going free to play lol. Dream on retard. It doesnt have mass appeal you blithering idiot. Like do you actually think doubling player count means anything? Because thats like the best case scenario. Fucking idiot. None of the people who havent bought yet are going to buy skins, they are all toxic assholes who hate the game for some reason. Probably hard as fuck to install enuvo for free cuz they actually stand for nothing lol. What goes on inside that tiny brain of yours? Have fun not playing tribes faggot. All the paypigs and whales already bought in. Now go play genshin impact.
>Dude they dont gives a shit about the few hundred buttmad losers who wont buy due to drm.
Maybe they should, that's enough to double the playerbase lmao
you think they give a shit about chasing crumbs, dude? Do you pick up pennies when you go out for a walk?

Also, it wouldnt double the playerbase. Maybe a 2-3% increase. Anyone who cares about tribes at all has already bought it. I could care less about fickle players that want a free game and will play for maybe a week. Who gives a shit. Like the player bump for removing DRM would be some sweaty linux players playing in "support of decision" and then uninstalling and refunding (after leaving negative reviews for no mod support).
How long did you get banned for advertising in this thread earlier, Redditspacing Lo-Res faggot?
this has nothing to with me liking midair or not. for the record, i never put a single minute into midair. i didn't like the development team. knew a lot of them from when they were playing ascend and legions and they were extremely annoying/rude/full of themselves, and i saw the first trailer for it and was disappointed. for the same reason i didn't reinstall any older tribes game. im tired of playing a game where no one can make you miss. every fps game whether it's a br or cs or ow or r6 or afps etc all have some way for a player to juke you and wreck your shit, but that just doesn't exist in tribes. there is zero dodging ability. it's the same old design of float in the air chaingun then groundpound oh and try for midairs that worked well for the dsl connection days, but is absolutely useless and boring for the modern fps era. you say titanfall isn't alive, but titanfall 1 sold 10 million copies and titanfall 2 sold 4 million. this game will be lucky to reach 1 million.

it's already going to be annoying enough to play this game because the players literally never grew up and still talk/act the same despite many of them being in their 30s and 40s? but on top of that i have to play something that has outdated and unfun combat mechanics? nothx, time is zero sum and i don't need another rehash of outdated gameplay.
This faggot:
>making players faster/more mobile is a bad idea because then you have to buff chaingun/snipers and it turns into chaingun/sniper hell
Also this faggot:
>it's a good idea to prevent players from being able to weave left and right in mid-air to dodge chaingun and sniper fire
t. erez's nepotism-hire son
sublime bait
I hear ya faggot. Go play legions or vengeance then (you wont). Powerful directional jets or grapple hooks. The games have been made and are awaiting communities. The issue is what you want (dodging) is fucking stupid and breaks the game. You have thousands of fucking health for a reason. Stop missing and do some fucking DPS shithead. Youre asking for well aimed, well calculated shots to miss, and thats fucking asinine and players will increasingly depend on chain or other more reliable weapons UNLESS you just nerf everything (which breaks the objective, and makes killing not worth the effort).

Also, you can fucking blink, bubble shield, or fade ability in T3, which is essentially a dodge ability. So youre also full of shit. Also, have you tried managing your energy and skiing well? Jesus christ.

Nah, the reason you want air control is because you want this to be a racing game instead of a combat game. You missed the fucking point of tribes.

You never played ascend if you think that air control would have done anything against the BXT rifle lol. Did you ever even duel brolly on his stupid little hill with his nj5? Like jesus christ dude.

he made great music. Shitty thing about nepo babies is they do have good genes and are well educated. So if they end up motivated (long shot) they kinda do own sometimes.
neither of those games have good aircontrol with jets either (trying to do so will drain your jets for not much turning and leaves you open for groundpound) and cooldown based abilities are no substitute for actual aircontrol with jets. there's zero fun combat in tribes and its clones, it's literally chaingun in the air, groundpound and go for midairs. that's why every other fps beats it in terms of combat. i don't want to play what dynamix or irrational games or hi-rez designed, i want to see a new take on the series. they've already taken a lot of liberties with the game, why not go further and make it so that it has fun combat. every other fps game has some way for a player to juke you and wreck your shit. if even cod mw2 2022 in its most nerfed state had it, why can't tribes?
because the main way you take cover in most games is with cover, ducking into and out of it in fun ways. And in tribes, you are for the most part exposed for the entire duration of getting a kill. imagine call of duty with no cover. you just spawn and can see everyone. you would just snipe them all day regardless of their stupid dash abilities. This is what tribes would be if you added air movement with weapons capable of tracking that air movement. It becomes kind of like this sick DPS machine rather than a game about movement, and the solution would be to add tons of cover, slow players down, and turn into a traditional FPS.

in your fantasy, you want to keep the same combat, roughly (spinfusors). But if both players have air control, then they can start moving further away and dodging easily when reloading and press the attack when ready to fire. This ends with fights that take forever and neither player can do much damage until a ground pound, or if the jets are strong enough, landing far enough away to avoid even ground pounds (legions had this issue). You have to buff weapons, and there is no way around that. If kills are too hard to get and everything is some arduous duel, then players can safely ignore each other and just play the objective, the game breaks. A lot of people confuse "hard kills" and "skill". Dont get caught in that trap. Making the soccer goal 1/10th the size just lets the goalie sleep in front of it to play a perfect game. It's game design, not skill.

Also... blink is literally a dash mechanic and its already super OP. It can avoid a ground pound or midair and basically adds a solid 700-1200 health to a light if used correctly, essentially making them a medium class for free in a skilled players hands. Ive lost tons of fights to light players better than me as a heavy because of it. Like you basically want re-usable blink, which would basically break the game and make jet energy irrelevant
>You never played ascend
I did.
>if you think that air control would have done anything against the BXT rifle
It would.
Would it eliminate kills with it? No.
Would it reduce them? Yes.
It would make it harder to hit people skilled at movement.
This is not debatable.
>b-b-but that one guy with top 0.01% hand-eye coordination
Someone gifted like that deserves success. You, as always, sound butthurt as fuck over people with good aim.
there's a difference between permanent blink, and just letting us use our jet energy to turn with the jets at the non-capping and chasing speeds. you don't have to reinvent the whole game, and if blink is really such a problem then maybe they can do a rework for it. but personally, i do not find it fun to play tribes after trying other fps games for the reasons i've stated. i can keep an open mind for whatever the hell else they want to do with the game, but i don't want to play something that i already played many times before and doesn't offer any way to escape the same loop.
>Tribes is repetitive and isnt different
>plays CoD

I dunno man. fuck off?

I agree that tribes needs to change by adopting elements from other shooter though. But unfortunately that requires slowing it down to become more of a jetpack arena type game with much slower speeds and no one wants to hear that shit. So here we are. Sadly overwatch is the closes garbage we have (not endorsing overwatch, its shit).

It would still ruin the game. We're kind of done with the bxt. No one, literally no one, wants to go back to that. I dont care about the skill or balance of it. Youre arguing with a non-existent group of people that still want sniper gods to dictate the entire game. Everyone knows that sen won the 4chan game by carrying hard. 1 player matters is gross and you should feel bad for defending the bxt. He can show off his skill in a better designed game.
steam has a time limit between discounts, the launch discount went on for a while so its probably just barely too soon for another sale
It's a GA easter egg
>going on nearly a month since the last patch with no word of the next one
>announce a tournament

I'm sure the 30 people they actually retained are excited. It's like Prophecy really wants to fuck up Tribes again.
It's kind of a shame that this game is failing to take off, I really liked being able to play with 100% forward inheritance and 0% lateral inheritance on my spinfusor, not sure if that's possible in 2 or Ascend.
PSA: Theres a playtest for the patch saturday, tomorrow, apply on discord.

fuck are you talking about? Its dead, its kill. They arent fucking up, theyre gone. They dropped this garbage. They obviously lost money. That tourney is for people who like the game and is prolly community organized. Every other indie and AAA company just watched this burn and fail. No one else is going to invest millions in it again. Anyone who thinks this shit is minimal doesnt understand that this was a test to see if there was a market for it. There just isnt. Minecraft, subnautica, many games are fucking minimal at launch. still blew up.

What company in their right mind is going to pump millions into a game like this now? Its just over.
And yet all those had more to offer the player at launch than nonstop CTF and fuckall for anything else unless you hard grind for achievements or paypig. It took Erez being embarrassed out of the community for Prophecy to even float bringing Honorball back.

They shouldn't be worrying about companies investing at all when they can't even onboard and retain the fucking customer to begin with, especially when the discord is full of battered housewives and hi-rez cocksuckers who tell anyone with criticism that they should be happy they get a new tribes game at all.
you should be happy you get a tribes game at all. Theres no competition here, and their wont be, probably ever. You can go play call of duty or whatever, but you cant go play alternatives of tribes.

Also, and this should be madatory. You should have to post the game youre playing instead of tribes.
>basically the entire playerbase applied for the beta
>they have to hand pick players now or else it demolished their steam statistics for concurrent players
>they will do this instead of just updating the main branch in an early access title
this is getting pathetic

better pray you get picked, sister
kek I predicted they would kill both the live game and PTS if they attempted to split the playerbase. pathetic.
I'm offering Erez $20 for the Tribes license. Maybe I'll make some visual novels from the deep starsiege lore.
They deserve its failure because of its clunky movement and Denuvo.
>"hates a ceo"
>pathetic player count
>"deserves" failure (unlike many successful denuvo games)
>beta testing is... bad?

Why are you guys still fucking here? play some tribes or fuck off. I swear this thread is just full of poor brazillians who only played TA cuz it was free lol. Go fuck yourselves losers. You should have been born in America. Now give me ur fucking minerals.
I'm offering Erez $20 for the license, I'm very clear about my intent.
because tribes 3 is a comedy of errors and im here to point and laugh at both it and you
He told me 20 bucks is how much it costs to lick his left nut.

Fallout 76, war thunder, destiny 2, modern warfare 3 are all top sellers on steam. If you want comedy, there you go. Plenty of meat for you.
>I swear this thread is just full of poor brazillians who only played TA cuz it was free lol.
Well that's just the thing, what does T3 offer over TA or T2? Why SHOULD I pay the 20 bucks and allocate the storage space for Tribes 3 when I could get a better experience in Ascend GOTY/OOTB lobbies or T2? Not like it has much of an edge over any previous Tribes game when it comes to player count.
Is the skiing better in 3? No. Is the shooting better? No. Are the maps better? Fuck no. Are the graphics better? See >>1224375
So they released an open, PAID beta (aka early access), but you still need to be hand-picked for the inner beta? I... don't even know how to describe it. Isn't getting feedback the entire (supposed) point of early access? What's the point of limiting the pool?
If you deny your paying customers that, what explanation is even left, besides the obvious "we want to sell an unfinished game"? What's the pretence?
nothing you said matters. t3 has PLAYERS. You arent playing t2, or TA. and if you are: well hello, I hope you enjoy your 12 player pug next wednesday.

And the shooting is better. Bitch really thinks chain, eagle pistol, and snipe didnt kill ascend. Bitch really thinks t2 weapons feel nice to use, at all (they feel like hot garbage). You can put your fuckan rose tinted goggles away. Youre living in a fantasy world where TA is even a thing.

youre entitled to betas now?
>t3 has PLAYERS
Steamcharts and SteamDB beg to differ.
You're either trolling or fucking retarded, you've ping-ponged from so many goalposts this thread that I'm starting to think we might just get 32v32 but only for Honorball.
>youre entitled to betas now?
When you've paid for it? Yes. That's what early access is supposed to be.
look at you being a little disingenuous shit. Bitch all you want I can play t3 at 5 am and multiple lobbies are going. Im happy, your the loser who thinks theres a major difference between 5k players and 300. The difference between 300 and 5 is far, far more stark and you know it. You fucking shitbag. I swear youre trolling. Or some butthurt australian.

You think I give a shit about 32v32? I already played battlebit a year ago and experienced the soul crushing pointlessness of large scale battles. I went back and played ps2 and was reminded of the crappy imbalance inherit to games like that. I played 7v7 tribes and it was nonstop action with no downtime, nothing but fighting for my life. Large player counts are bullshit, all you need is mmr for better tribes.
you didnt pay for a beta you dolt. Nowhere did it say you were paying for that. Thats just bullshit you made up.

Riddle me this, if they charged you an extra 5 bucks to be in a paid beta would you be happy? No, you'd be livid cuz you just want free access. You have no principles. Just another shitbag human. I hope someone rips your dumb ass off. You believe in NOTHING
>your the loser who thinks theres a major difference between 5k players and 300
Holy mother of cope, enjoy the impending sunsetting announcement, because I sure will enjoy watching the shitshow go down.
you think I give a shit about 20 bucks? Again. Im playing tribes right now, and Im enjoying it. I play plenty of "dead" games. In fact, those are the only good games. You have to play them while you can. Because you are right, tribes wont be around forever.
>you didnt pay for a beta
What are they selling if not a beta? What is your idea of what "early access" is supposed to be, if not getting early playtesters? You're resorting to name-calling because you have no arguments.
>you think I give a shit about 20 bucks?
Sounds like you'd be one of the rubes who paid for the game+cosmetic bundle and still considered it a worthy investment
Dude early access means literally nothing. Its probably a buggy build that crashes all the time anyways. They probably dont want to release it widely.

OMG you do care about 20 bucks. Listen dude, stop arguing with me on 4chan and go run some uber eats orders. You wont miss getting dunked on by me, and youll be able to play tribes. plus youll get some fresh air.
did anyone get into the PTS test?
What are they testing? New map?
It was nice but nothing major. Mostly sensible, minor balance changes. There might be new weapons, class perks, and packs added/removed but nothing looks final yet and most of the new stuff is buggy, unpolished, or imbalanced. I dont even wat to say specifics or post patch notes cuz it really does all look subject to change.

I dont think theyre looking to continue evolving the game beyond what t3 already kind of is.wvj2w
I will buy Tribes if Erez says the nword.
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Single digits when?
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Never thought I'd go TORtanic mode on Tribes Ascend's successor but here we are. From internet cultural phenomenon and thousands playing, to this pathetic unloved runt.
I hope Erez goes bankrupt and never touches game development again.
>right after prophecy says there's no patch this month with no timeframe on the next one

It's cooked
Imagine if all the time and resources wasted on Deadzone, Raiders, Trib3s-Lite and Shitball development was spent actually making Tribes 3.
Just stopping by to say Fallen Empire: Legions was/is superior to TV/TA/T3. If you disagree you're a fucking retard that should jump off a high-rise building. Naked.
But anon, then what resources would be left to allocate toward developing Smite 2?
steam cancelled that policy recently now it's 2hr no matter what
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apb reloaded has more players than tribes 3
The Sonic kart players are laughing at us, bros
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Even compared to all HiRez's other flops, Tribes 3 flopped the floppiest.
Honorbowels will be the beginning of Erez redemption arc... Trust the plan...
Not even F2P can save Tribes 3 at this point.
This is a really late reply but I wanted to share my experience for anyone who might still be interested:

Steam will refund a game beyond 2 hours/14 days.
I had 30 hours in Boulder's Gate 3.
Hated the game and requested a refund thru the typical channel. AI auto denied my refund.
I then directly contacted support and opened a ticket.
I explained the situation, offered to accept steam in store credit and highlighted my understanding that this was a special request against standard policy.
It took me about 5 messages. On support staff agent even closed the original ticket and I opened a new one (feigning offense).
I kept it respectful and stayed calm and logical. I just appealed to the need for an exception, my 10+ years old account, the amount I've spent and the fact that I was considering buying a Steam Deck (true for me, but prob still works if you lie).

Ultimately I did get a steam store credit refund despite 30 hours.
For me it was worth the effort, but I also imagine I won't get far by trying such a move again for a while.

In a case like a game like Tribes 3, I'd try for it for two reasons: 1 you have a good chance arguing your case due to how fast the game failed. And 2 its worth fighting for even just a store credit to give the middle finger to Hi-Rez out of pure spite, because fuck them for making such a trash game.
>large playercounts are bullshit but Tribes 3 totally has 300 players (even at the time of the post this wasn't true according to steamcharts)
With less than 200 players you're essentially just playing pickup-games-but-with-extra-steps-disguised-as-matchmaking, especially considering how often you run into not just the same individual players but the same groups (i.e. teams) of players.
So, what youre saying... is that tribes isnt popular? Wow, hot take.

I guess this means I cant play it at all. Oh wait, I can.
the sports game "ultra strikers" is semi-open having playtests if anyone wants to try a bad version of fortnight. Its nothing like tribes tho. No jetpacks, no skiiing. Honestly has no fun or interesting ideas and plays like literally any other hero shooter, but with a ball. Honestly just feels like a deathmatch.
I'll jump back for F2P. I was never going to pay for it when I knew it was such a low effort release and DOA. Plus I really did not enjoy the beta test.
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Well-deserved failure for shitty retard movement and Denuvo.
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How tf do you waste so much money so quickly? Back in the day people made mods like this in their bedrooms in their spare time.
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>400k just to run an indie studio
lorez is probably including the other 2 failed tribes projects prophecy games worked on immediately before t3. all 3 tribes projects reused the exact same assets and were released or cancelled within months of each other.
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Don't they have 30+ employees? Is that really indie?
Midair artstyle.
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>Fusion Mortar and other weapon models reused from Tribes Ascend
>Smite 2 and stock photo of a burger
>stock asset New York skybox
For a real developer that takes their work seriously shitting out minimum effort prototypes at such a rapid pace and low cost would be an impressive achievement but considering how
1. They shitcan their abortions faster than they develop them never refining whatever raw demos they have into something worthwhile;
2. They go to more and more extremes in costs cutting to the point of making it look worse than untextured white walls;
3. None of it is REALLY low cost and they lose fucktons of money developing this trash;
I can't help but laugh at how cheap, sloppy and soulless it looks.
>tribes3 was 5v5
>honorball was 4v4
>ultra strikers is 3v3
What’s next?
Yikes. Did they not spend anything on marketing...
Why did T:Vengeance fail? I only played the campaign, it was okay.
spinfusors only
final destination
love tribes but hate the terrain?
play light sentinel!
Their marketing strategy was a steam notification to all wishlisters... Not a joke.
patch when?
this game is dead right?
>daily peak at 120 players
It's shazover.
Not that it ever began, but still.
Tribes 3 did not cost $3m. The IRS might believe that shit but I don't.
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I had a dream where I was happily playing T1 and then out of nowhere Erez appeared and tried to literally rape me
anon, the tribes IP is dead. think this is the final nail in the coffin.
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>mfw I bought the $80 Tribes 3 skin DLC
That's a lot of kinetic energy
I had modern games so much it's unreal. Why cannot we not just have a $60.00 game, without retarded early access, with visual consistency in the skins, without microtrannies, and with a complete, polished game being sold to us. Or give us the GOTY package that Tribes: Ascend had that unlocked almost everything. F2P has largely been a cancer to video games, and has only served as a guise for nickle-and-dimming people. Very few games actually do it well, and the ones which do would still have been better off as $60.00.
I hate modern games so much it's unreal *
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>mfw all the retards who said the skin packs were good or reasonably priced are eating crow

I hope they're ready to double dip on recycled skins for ultra strikers for the third time in a row.
T-Thank you, HiErez! May I have another?!
I put 200+ hours into a 20 dollar game lol. I got bored of helldivers quicker than that.

Even if he's only paying 5 real people to work on it, that still means tribes barely breaks even or makes such a meager profit it cant fund another month of devtime. The steamdb checks out on copies sold (roughly). Youre fooling yourself if you think this isnt all just smite money.

Theres two sides to it. Plenty of hard working devs have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Imagine if your job was a coin flip as to whether you get paid or not. We didnt fund tribes 3, someone else did. Worse, crowdfunding is rife with scams, we're worse at making complete games than they are (lol). The only reason we have games at all is all thanks to ruthless, greedy, corporate assholes willing to take risks. Communism wont make games. Xonotic just wasnt what we wanted. We wanted helldivers or palworld or fortnight. We dont know what we want, so they dont know what we want. We suck.

Sometimes I think maybe we need to end the game machine. The game grinder. More games, new games. Games games games. Ultra strikers really does feel so unnecessary, not because theres anything wrong with it. Its fine.... I just have enough games. At one point this has to end.

I just hope it doesnt end with every game genre being condensed into the GTA7 game engine.
>200 hours
Was it worth it?
Yah. If you know of a better game lemme know. Or actually, dont lol. I dont like minecraft or the hunt lol. /vm/ is such trash. I cant believe theres a fucking risk of rain thread. Probably one of the worst games you can play as multiplayer ever made. Dont even have to aim in that shit you just aim in the general direction of a mob. Someone really should go in there and tell them its just vampire survivors for delusional people.
I also had this exact dream simultaneously with both you and the other anon above
Hi-Rez lied, Tribes died.
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>stun nade
do these niggers even play no skill
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>hi-rez leadership going fucking ballistic over deadlock poaching smite 2 players
>prophecy shooting itself in the foot shoving all the manpower from tribes 3 to ultra strikers
>hi-rez leadership going fucking ballistic over deadlock poaching smite 2 players
did this actually happen?
See >>1318405
Nah, thats just spin. All these game companies are laying off massive amounts of devs as the game industry consolidates and splinters in various ways. Ive come to realize that prophecy was spun off from hirez because they were all essentially 'fired' from hirez (which now exists to update smite at best). These games: ultra strikers, tribes... are them being given a year or two to lay another golden egg, a 'smite' for their overlords.

Basically, these devs are just kind of getting desperate and you can expect a lot of erratic behavior, short sighted decisions, etc. They probably already understand (like in most places where staff are being squeezed) that they are increasingly unwanted. So if they see a post for another game in their reddit or whatever, you can expect a lot of increasingly immature behavior. We're probably witnessing the death of hirez as it existed. Unless they make a hit game lol.
>We're probably witnessing the death of hirez as it existed
And nothing of value was lost
maybe. but you should probably think about whats going to replace them. It looks like we now get thousands of low effort 1 man games that fall short of being good, and big budget games that absolutely hate the player. Midsize devs like this are important because they do take risks, and they can make more competent products with less jank and less evil business models.

Like their are multiple indie games with fast movement, and their are tons of big budget games with movement mechanics, but none of them even come close to something like tribes. I hate activision and ubsisoft far more than I hate hirez, is all.


Also, the next update for t3 may well have a t2 style map added. Its massive and has a huge underground base with multiple gravlifts and tunnels that go halfway across the map. I played the playtest. Its like a combination of DX and blueshift. The lead dev also teased maybe adding a grappler- though he was adamant that it may not happen at all.
>i got to be in the second round of PTR testing that fucked the playerbase further
>you guys don't know how good the one new map that's a month overdue is! can't say when it's coming though, teehee

I bet you stupid erez cum guzzling faggots are the reason this update is taking so long to come out in the first place. Fuck Prophecy for even doing another PTR after the early access launch to begin with, it's a waste of my money to pay for EA at all. Fuck you too
Hirez is Erez's company though, could they just kick him out?
I really don't care. "Tribes 3" is a faint shadow of the scope of T1/T2. I didn't jerk off to skiing as a 11 year old. I jerked off to the idea of blowing up a satchel charge in the generator room after driving in on a grav bike.

This is so far removed from what this bullshit is
>Midsize devs like this are important because they do take risks
KikeRez were the kings of slurping up lefttovers of big cash cows' gravy train and their absence is for the better. These faggots never took any risks, only reinforced the shitty fad meta.
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Next Fest Ultra Strikers demo has been up for a day. Good job Erez. There were more people playing Honorball. Fucking moron. For reference the Next Fest T3 demo had 1k.
So what is the difference (new stuff) that T3 has that T1 and T2 don't have??
No vehicles. The maps are smaller. Projectiles are much faster. There are less gameplay modes. New thing is a mode called "Honorball" that is about throwing balls into hoops on a small map. That's about it.
I’m going to play this game and start griefing as much as I can. I’m going to make it intolerable for the last remaining 9 players.
>could they just kick him out?
Hi Rez isn't publicly traded and I am to lazy to look for what percentage of the company he actually owns but its quite possible if he has share holders with a larger stake but I doubt it. I am more inclined to believe that he came to realization that he was a walking PR nightmare actively hurting the games Hi Rez works on and he stepped down or some variation of that considering every single Hi Rez game community openly and very vocally loathes the man. Assuming Anon is correct I would wager he's probably at Prophecy to provide leadership and because it gives him something to do other than collect a check.
What's funny is they didn't even execute skiing/movement well, at all - the game's poor movement is one of its biggest weaknesses.
To focus on CTF mechanics then make the movement shitty is baffling.
>because it gives him something to do other than collect a check.

It's amazing how easily you can fuck up a golden goose by not letting it be.
you dont think tribes is a risk? bitch please

This is exactly right. Back in the day you could help the team just by keeping everything in the base repaired. Bizarre that no one has managed to make a good game with this type of game play.

is it worth reinstalling for the patch?
I really liked the map, but probably not
map is okay, chainguns are ridiculously easy to use now though so no it's not worth installing
The map is basically DX but bigger and worse to route, but now you get hats for winning. The only people playing are the sweaty high skill fuckers, so getting the crates is a little annoying.
>chainguns are ridiculously easy to use now
Did they also buff movement to compensate or are you still a complete slave to inertia with little to no ability to change direction midair?
its been buffed but just a little
>but just a little
Yeah, it needed more than a little buff to be able to evade a buffed chaingun.
Sounds like it must be chaingun hell now.
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>nu-Tribes went from internet phenomenon to this
I stuck around to poke fun at the believers for free dumb fun, but this is just sad and not funny anymore.
So... who's excited for Smite 2?

That's literally free money!

Thank you, Prophecy Games!

And thank you, Erez Goren!
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Ultra Strikers has gone viral and is growing exponentially.
and i came back after not playing for 2 months to check what you miserable cunts are saying too

keep on keeping on, miserable cuck!

Between this, Jetpack Battle, and Midair 2, can any of them be expected to 'take off' insofar as the phrase can be meaningfully applied to totally-not-tribes?
Pumping out doomed to fail games (You) find fun as a mid-age crisis hobby with absolutely no regards for potential players would be based as fuck, if it didn't involve raping an old beloved franchise along the way
Maybe Midair 2. I guess. I thought the original was utter shit and there was some weird bullshit with the development of this one. Broadside will probably never be finished, because that's the nature of community projects. Jetpack Battle is just a solodev project. I don't think the guy is expecting to go further than 1v1 duals.
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>Jetpack Battle is just a solodev project. I don't think the guy is expecting to go further than 1v1 duals.
The guy says his goal is to bring back modding, Shifter, Renegades, etc.
An ambitious, but worthy goal.
I had fun with Midair until the CTF pub servers died and the only servers with anyone were LCTF. It's funny, I'm primarily a light armor capper, yet it just doesn't feel like Tribes to me without mediums and heavies, so never got into LCTF.
Midair sure FELT a hell of a lot better to play than T3.
Midair 2 looks fast as shit. Looks fun. As a capper, the training mode that shows you an outline of the flag route you can follow looks fucking amazing and I'd have so much fun just practicing routes for hours in training mode, I'm sure.
>2000 viewers on twitch

Its blowing up more than tribes right now. Its already more than doubled what t3 did, and U.S. is a very simple low effort game. Tribes community is ass and just dumped on their own game like spoiled faggots, and now youre just mad at another game.

>Id have so much fun in midair 2!

Its fucking free you faggot. You can play any time you want. Its time for you to admit you just like playing valorant or whatever shit game you felch all day.
>Tribes community is ass and just dumped on their own game like spoiled faggots
lmao, I should send a compilation of your posts to Erez one day, maybe he'll hire you as his human bidet.
ultra strikers is doing better than tribes. I'd really have to twist myself into a pretzel to not come to the conclusion that gamers, in general, suck. Gamers, in general, are dumb. They want generic, slower games with only small deviations from the norm.


This doesnt parse. They are eating slop. Theyre slopping up ultra strikers. Hell they slopped up deadzone with 4 times what tribes ever achieved. You can't have it both ways.

I dont know why people cant get it through their dumb heads that if something is popular, companies reinvest in it. Taking a 'stand' now, gets you nowhere. Bitches pretending smite was some fleshed out game when it came out. Fucking fantasy. Fucking idiot.
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Oh look it's the butthurt Reddit-spacing Hirez employee again. He mad.
>You can play any time you want.
>Currently in Closed Beta. Join our Discord for news and upcoming playtests
Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
If Im not here you guys get lost in your stupid 4chan echo chamber. Im here to help you guys be less retarded gamers. Even if you want to keep being dumb dumbs.

>go to discord
>request key

Wow, so hard. Did you even try? Lol. The reason it has scheduled playtests is because they cant carry a daily population. They keep tryin, but no one wants to keep fucking play it and the servers always die lol. Which is why Im making fun of you for claiming you like it. You dont. Youre living in a fantasy of stuff you THINK should be popular. But you wont even try it for free and show up for a playtest.
yeah, im starting to believe it's a hirez employee or erez's nepo-hire son. he's been defending hirez's honor for months now, and sounds personally aggrieved whenever he does.
>The reason it has scheduled playtests
So you're admitting you were WRONG when you said
>You can play any time you want.
Got it.
You were wrong and that makes you a bad person who should feel bad.
i knew it was a gamble to buy it but i did it anyways in hopes of a miracle. oh well.
What is this business model called? Also checked.
>make god tier massive game change suggestions that would have blown this game up.
>retards seethe because ItS nOT Le TrIbes
>tribes 3 failed
Shame but thats what you get for making the same slop that failed 5 times before
>Develop Tribes 3
>Actually make a mode people enjoyed
>Remove the mode to make a totally separate game
What the fucking fuck is wrong with HiRez???
>shit on play testers
>shit on player criticism
>shit on people who tell you to not to split the good game mode
Game fails...
>seethe at the community
>seethe at your handful of remaining fans.
Really fucking smart
This. Erez Goren and Prophecy Games did nothing wrong. They were about to create a modern masterpiece and reinvent the Tribes genre but were thwarted by the bitter, insular, arrogant boomer fanbase.
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>but were thwarted by the bitter, insular, arrogant boomer fanbase.

You mean that fanbase that occupies the T3 discord and tells anyone with criticism they should be lucky they get a new Tribes game at all? It's pretty fucking obvious how either retarded or arrogant you have to be to justify $40 hat packs, and boy do they love to do it.
And yet everyone liked honorball, and they split it from the game to.make a totally new game.
They're greedy and retarded beyond measure.
At this point tho, yes, people hate HiRez so much that nothing they do will be acceptable.
And HiRez did it to themselves.
Oh bullshit. there was plenty of hatred for honorball here as well. You guys are exactly the same kinds of insular regressive nerds on discord.

>40 dollars

Its a 20 dollar game. I dont give a shit if you want hats. The fact thats what youre mad about really tells me one thing: You are trash.

>lucky to get tribes

I don't give a shit if youre grateful or not. Theres no other tribes game as good as t3 right now. Youre in the fucking t3 thread. You arent in the midair thread, you arent in the t2 or legions thread. They don't exist (and they shouldnt). Even if youre in their discord, you dont fucking go there. Of all the fps-z games out, you ONLY go to the t3 discord. Erez is rubbing his nuts in your face and you are HERE for it.

Feel free to play another game if you want, but as far as tribes goes, theres only one game to play. (btw if youre looking to try a new fun game, may I suggest ultra strikers? Its blowing up right now and Ive been having quite a bit of fun in it. Also, its free!)

How are they greedy when t3 lost them money? Didnt tribes bankrupt like multiple companies and have multiple commercial failures throughout the 2000's? Seems like the tribes franchise just doesnt make bank.
>btw if youre looking to try a new fun game, may I suggest ultra strikers? Its blowing up right now and Ive been having quite a bit of fun in it. Also, its free!
Buy an ad.
I've already spelled it out: Honorball being split into a separate game is greedy as fuck. Just because they're idiotic with their greed and still lose money, doesn't make them any less greedy.
And Tribes Ascend was not a failure, it was abandoned after pay to win mechanics drove away your average early adopters in an era where blatant pay to win was wholly rejected by the gaming community overall.
Then not even a year into TA's lifespan, when it still had a healthy pop for the time (of about 2500 daily), despite the blatant pay to win, HiRez abandoned it to chase the MOBA trend with SMITE.
So forgive me if I'm not willing to give HiRez money after killing Tribes Ascend, and more recently, after Honorball was split into a different game.
(Seriously, what the fuck?)
That's literal HiRez historical behavior.
So no, sorry not sorry, but it isn't Tribes.
It's HiRez having a long history of shitting on their early adopters and abandoning projects. Its HiRez's behavior that has earned them a negative perception across gaming, and they are reaping what they sow.
If HiRez truly wanted to get back into the good graces of the community and if the series is such a black hole for profits, just release the game for free and let players host the servers.
Rebuild good will toward the company and rebuild a fanbase for the Tribes franchise.

But none of this is even considered by HiRez in their stupid greedy thinking.
No, blow cash on Tribes 3, find out a new mode is popular and strip it from the game and make a wholly separate game based on that mode.
Its idiocy of the highest order.
>And Tribes Ascend was not a failure

It was, they said it didnt make money. They reinvested and supported smite. And smite is also blatantly pay 2 win. I can name hundreds of successful pay2win gacha games. It was tribes that failed. Anything else is cope. The best argument that you can make is that tribes players are more picky, and willing to kill their own franchise and go play other slop.

> HiRez abandoned it to chase the MOBA trend with SMITE.

Why arent they chasing tribes players? Ill tell you why. And its gonna sting. Most tribes players only played it because it was free. They are poor, or just plain cheapskate assholes, who dont or wont have cash to support the game they fell in love with. Thats why this community sucks and mostly bought in at the minimum. You want to blame the company, but the audience is too small, and too shitty.
>The thread lived longer than the game
Hirez... i kneel...
Honorball was only hated because Erez in his infinite retardation decided that everyone should be forced to play 10 games of meme mode before being allowed into CTF, the main mode of tribes, just because MUH DATA (gathered at a scale that can never provide any hint of a valuable insight) showed a tiny spike in player retention. Erez was so invested in this brilliant business plan that as soon as he was told to fuck off and just let people play whatever they want he threw a tantrum, got mad a Tribes players and decided to split Honor Balls into its own game. That was the exact moment Tribes 3 was officially over.
>playtest a new mode for a weekend
>tribes must die! Tribes must die! Tribes is over!

Thanks for the history lesson on how shitty the tribes playerbase is. Show him to test feature in a playtest. The nerve.
What’s the mood like in Prophecy Games right now, employee-anon?
>just release the game for free and let players host the servers.
And give them modding tools.
Please post your cope here when Shitball dies too.
>And smite is also blatantly pay 2 win. I can name hundreds of successful pay2win gacha games
Never said otherwise. I never said p2w games aren't successful, but your argument only further proves my original point.
HiRez is greedy and that's why Tribes died.
Just because smite succeeded as a p2w game doesn't mean tribes ascend didn't fail because it was a p2w game.
Communities between different genres are very much different in their attitudes regarding what they'll put up with in the p2w category.
HiRez ducked on tribes A because they knew they couldn't milk the community and jumped to smite to try and milk the moba genre.
Greedy. Again, thanks for proving my entire point.
I really do think this is potentially Erez. The seethe and lies are astounding.
Is this the only place the company allows him to post because he's proven himself detrimental to the company as a whole?
What died faster, this game or shootmania?
I know it's fun to dunk on HiRez, but Shootmania was dead even in its free beta.
I keep saying this because the idiocy astounds me. If tribes made money, they would just hire more people to work on it. Its pretty simple. They dont have to choose at all. This dichotomy, that they 'chase' or 'abandon' is absolutely silly 4chan brainrot. They ARE greedy, theyre a company. Thats what a company... does. They DO want to milk tribes as hard as possible for everything its worth. And they did. They milked it, and it was an old grandma titty.

Shootmania went below 100 player daily peaks only after two years, meanwhile it took Erez's turd only three months to reach that point.
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Why is the peak 100? I was told it was blowing up bigger than T3 which had 10x that amount in beta. Hmmm
why play this when tribes 2 exists
Wow, almost as if Erez's cope about ungrateful Tribes fanbase sabotaging T3 was bullshit and his toy project studio is simply incapable of producing a game that people want.
it was slightly more alive for a month. no reason now though.
kek erez is the last person remaining still playing his latest shitty game (his 5th failure in a row)
>pretending you are not sweating with that chain gun
Is FlopBall going to be f2p or p2p? Erez was talking about how f2p games aren't feasible anymore these days but there's absolutely no fucking way anyone's gonna be retarded enough to buy this abortion.
I think the only way it can earn ANY money whatsoever is to make it f2p with overpriced Blood Eagle/Diamond Sword skins from TA to exploit retards who are still on board with Erez's scam.
They said it was f2p (with multiple classes to grind for/unlock) but lets not pretend the have any integrity. Theyre just trying to launch a game with literally any kind of players or fanbsase. Im sure everything is subject to change. The last patch took away unique skins and made every class look really lame, so, the usual stuff.

>Erez was talking about how f2p games aren't feasible anymore

I think he was talking about how tribes isnt feasable. I think he's hoping that ultra strikers will have a more broad appeal. Though I honestly havent seen it in the press at all, and I saw more people watching on twitch than actually playing. When I go on the discord its mostly 1-bit influencers who seem to be playing... basically, paid to stream it prolly. Kind of a shame because it is a fun game, reminds be of team fortress 2 but with less spam/chaos.

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