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Talk about modern or retro Arena FPS games in the competitive/action vein, such as:
Quakeworld, Q2, Q3-CPMA, QLive, Quake Champions and UT'99-2k4, UT3, UT4 (rip)
Also welcome to talk about highly anticipated indie developer game Diabotical and nu-retro titles like Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, Amid Evil and DUSK.

Non-main stream retro AFPS titles such as:
https://toxikk.com | https://www.warsow.net | https://www.xonotic.org
Ratz Instagib, Nexuiz, Reflex Arena, Shootmania and mods for any well-known title are all welcome.

>brakfst oats links
quakeworld.nu | playmorepromode.com | quakelive.com
>brakfst of Champions
>children's game

>useful tools and guides
(Work in Progress, please share useful links without shorteners)
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Hop on qdubs
OpenArena OmegA?
Hey, you! I've got servers for a ton of arena games! Pick one and play on 'em!

(Located in California, USA)

>Quake 1:

>Quake 3:

>Quake Live:

>Star Wars Jedi Knight 3 (Jedi Academy):

>Half-Life DM:

>Half-Life Deathmatch Classic (Quake in Goldsrc):

>Open Fortress (TF2 mod):

>Chocolate Doom
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quake hampions
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Hope it lasts
Q2R gets a ton of cool shit on weekends
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When are we getting dedicated servers
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Why won't you Quake Champion fucks realize how much better QCDE is and switch over. I'm tired of playing against bots.
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You could've just posted in the Quake thread, made a UT thread instead, or at least have the decency to not copy and past things wholesale. The board already has too many failed generals as-is clogging thing up.
>nu-retro titles like Wrath: Aeon of Ruin and Amid Evil
Come on man, those aren't even multiplayer (or at least not until the Wrath modders fix things). You're not even trying.
Because QCDE by all means is ASS
I think it is way better than real QC. I don't get to play it often because I am also tired of shooting bots and it's hard to convince niggas I know to download and play it with me.
i like playing champions :(
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Play More QuakeWorld
Quake 5 when?
2025 i hope
downloaded nquake, now what
hello all, gunna shill some reflex arena noobie cups, only catch is for registering is dont have a history in previous reflex arena cups, (like playing in one before, steam hours dont mean shit even if you have 200+ in)

Reflex Arena Rookie cups is coming up soon, if you have the time and energy to play, please come around, and come play, no pressure on bein the best, its all for fun, and reserved for the casual whim type players to the beginner sort of reflex gamer,
if you consider yourself too experienced for the reflex rookie cups, bring a new friend along and coach them up, more players the merrier
https://challonge.com/RRCEU march 30th 4 pm CET/central europe time
https://challonge.com/RRCNA march 31st 8 pm CDT/chicago time
i'll be streaming it with shitty quality and will be showcasing [wsg] bumps for extra comfy, and reflex arena fragvids, and whatever else
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdUQ1KGUvJk last streamed cup

hope to see you anons around, take care
wanna duel? there will be 4on4 in a couple hours otherwise, and theres probably enough people on now for 2on2 as well
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guess ill save shards for galena
happy friday night fragging
I never really liked duel, it's always soulless
i wish i could play 2v2s but I dont know many people who are willing to play it and I refuse to join a Discord so I just end up playing duel with cpma bots
>I refuse to join a Discord
cutting off your nose to spite your face
More like he is refusing to cut off his dick in order to fit in with the other discorders.
Yeah a bunch of dudes in their 30s and 40s who moved over from IRC are just genital-mutilating trannies. Whatever excuse you need to not play AFPS man.
anyone plays the remaster of Quake 1?
yea... we keep our princess sticks we arent that crazy lol come play with them
I play 2v2 sometimes, whats ur nick?
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>I play 2v2 sometimes, whats ur nick?
should i just give you my steam friend code? fuck it heres my friend code 163203406
which AFPS do you play im down for any except i never played Xon, QW or Q4
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Lets go!

Is there any discord server or something for the europeans to organize ourselves to play some Deathmatch? Specially with QC.
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almost every qc server i joined has died within 2 weeks
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It's over... Well, at least, the south america server is active and they make tournaments even
I HATE Quake!
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I LOVE Quake!
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>Also welcome to talk about highly anticipated indie developer game Diabotical
Highly anticipated indicates that the game isn't available yet. dbt is dead.
While ut99 community netcode is much better for hitscan than the old netcode it completely breaks dodging if you are playing against HPBs. For a game where in combat avoidance is important (dodge) not being able to dodge due to taking damage from rocket fired by a 500ms player that is given damage even though you did avoid it really takes away from what the game was back in the day. gib was always pretty popular and the netcode simply pushes play onto the sniper even more. 99 has a place in my heart but unless you know you will have all LPBs with stable connections (even playing against 100ms player starts to make avoidance harder) it is a hard pass for me.
Modern quakeworld netcode however is very nice.
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If you're from latam. I would to recommend you go to https://www.quakeros.com/

There's tournaments, specially from QC, but sometimes they play QL.

They have a telegram and discord server.
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Does anyone have that image of QC Doomguy being hit by a railgun and dissolving. He's staring at his hand as it turns into dust.
I don't believe I've seen that one.
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Thanks anon.

what's a QW client that's not bloated to shit? i hate ezquake.
FTE. Your two realistic options are ezquake and FTE. Ezquake isn't that bloated, but some of its features are hacked together.
i only play unreal championship on insignia on my og xbox, is still amazing
I'm now too much of a boomer to keep up with these hipster zoomzooms
The best QW duelists are all in their 30s. You're coping.
Who cares!
The best 4on4 and 2on2 players are also in their 30s. You're not too old to keep up with zoomers, you just aren't good.
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i used to play QC a ton on launch cause quake is fun, and i loved playing slash with her crouch sliding. Is there really any reason to come back and actually try to Git Gud and duel or should i just DM against the other players/bots
Oh I'm not him, I'm just taking every opportunity to tell you that Duel is bad.
>You're not too old to keep up with zoomers, you just aren't good.
Precisely. Ironically the zoomer excuse is "I can't keep up with boomers who have been playing this for 20 years." The truth is if you aren't a moron you'll do fine, good decision making matters a lot more than good aim.
Duel is a fun game mode that only requires one other player. Is it the best mode? No. I think you're hard pressed to call it "bad" though.
I love that "20 year" excuse a lot, too. People really fail to realize that it's easier to learn knowledge that has already been handed down vs learning it themselves. Boomers had to waste 20 years learning all this shit, all you have to do is read what they wrote down for a few months.

Duels are funny. Kinda a different experience than the other game modes. The sounds you make affects a lot more in the gameplay than just the chaotic 8 players fights.

Now, there's also 2v2 on ranked. So you can play with a friend.
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quack hampions
Dangerously based.
want to play hampions again but i need to beat some games from my backlog
I love slash and crouch sliding so much bros...wish i could do it in other quakes fr fr
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>crouch sliding
I prefer Strogg for his funny voice.
quakeguy ranger personality > nyx assets
They can coexist.
this is agreeable
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Is Quake 3 CPMA still active?
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This is what I imagine whenever I pick up a bunch of armor bonuses at once.
mainly curious but is QC largely the only arena shooter that gets brought up on /v/? does anyone ever talk about xonotic or unreal tournament? guessing those and QL and QC are the only arena shooters that break 50 ccu.
Just Q3/L and QC. There's some UT talk in said threads though.
ah that's a bit of a shame, but it's still lovely to see discussion about this genre at times anyways. just played xonotic instagib grapple ctf for the first time and that was a blast!
I don't see QC get mentioned at all anymore. Most I've seen is some UT talk from people posting about Facing Worlds or complaining about Epic shutting down the server registry, or just Quake threads about Quake itself.
>the only arena shooters that break 50 concurrent users
Halo still gets a lot of players for an arena shooter
>are the only arena shooters that break 50 ccu.
QuakeWorld easily breaks this every single day
I do see threads about ranger's jumping grunts or quake hampions every so often. Got linked to this general from a /v/ thread recently.
Oh right, those games and splitgate are pretty fun too!
Shit sorry forgot about QW. I gotta try it out someday. The duel and 4v4 matches I've watched of the game were insane and the map design feels unique as well.
people need to pick a single fucking game and stay on that. No reason to split the community between 20 quake clones.
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I play as both, luv' Ranger and I want to hotdog Nyx's fat bottom.
>is QC largely the only arena shooter that gets brought up on /v/
all me btw
only because I started playing it after playing unreal and unreal tournament and having a blast
just wish this game had a single player campaign too
QC afaik seems to have like 250 people playing it
well thank you for your services anon! what're your favorite champions to play? i like slash and strogg
Downloading QC later
so true, but which quake is the ultimate quake? diabotical seems like the easiest to setup
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First time playing since early access
getting disconnects every match
Diabotical could had been the best if it wasn't for the retarded decisions and execution behind it
all it needs is a steam release and someone to cut down the game modes and to make the game have a more clear stylized look
giving the game to streamers did nothing for player population since all the bad decisions to begin with
For all the shit nu-DOOM gets, I would really like for them to try something similar with Quake Champions as far as single player campaigns go even if it is meant to be a reboot of Quake 3 Arena (with some aspects of Quake 4 iirc) than the first two games. For all the shit Champions gets, it has a ton of personality.
oh that's not good
I appreciate some of the lore entries tying later games to the lovecraftian stuff from Quake 1. Maybe Quake 6 will be the bridge from Q2/4 to Q1. Also hope they bring back crouchsliding.
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Hoping that a Steam release comes by the end of this year. Picrel, 2GD apparently talked about this in an anniversary stream as well as mentioned streamlining the gamemodes. (Probably going to be just making Wipeout, Macguffin, and Duel the main gamemodes).
>For all the shit Champions gets, it has a ton of personality.
Champions could have been great if they just kept adding new champs every season. Would be cool if you could play as Crash, Orbb, Bones, etc. Just add everybody from Q3 as a unique champ. Anything to keep players coming back for more.
Got it fixed

Having a lot of fun recommended beginner heroes? Slash so far I like
I thought 2GD had some grudge against Steam and that's why there was never any planned release on that platform, guessing that's changed?

You're kinda right. But for me, the biggest issue of QC is two things: You can't host the server and the game runs really bad. It crashes like a bethesda game, that level of troubles. And the lag, oh the lag, even if you have a good ping the game can freeze at the middle of the fight.
Make Quake Champions: Deluxe Edition, add more levels and characters, more character customization (skins, animations, etc..) and mosr important, a server browser (let people host games without having to add them as friends).
also release it on consoles
Anarki is pretty fun since you can learn to play him in 5 seconds ignoring that I had to look up a tutorial to figure out what was special about him
which was that you can hold Strafe while jumping and gain speed and pretty much fly across the map that is until you get hit by any weapons that slow you down in a meaningful amount and just die
and he counters the cancerous bleed damage champions his ultimate is basically a counter fuck you heal my second favorite is doomguy since you can double jump and not have to rely on rocket jumping to get to specific spots
I'm a shitter but champs like Death knight, Sorlag, and Scalebearer are pretty press-Q-to-win (although Ranger can be as well). Sorlag and Scalebearer have additional movement quirks in their passives so you can have fun messing around with that too.
QC Doom Edition kind of does this but it's not really the same. I would say QC is kind of unsalvageable. I prefer it if they just made a better sequel from the ground up. Quake Champions 2. There is a huge laundry list of things they would have to do to make a hypothetical QC2 actually good.
>server browser
>LAN support
>in-game tournament system
>in-game level editor
>lots of customization in settings and cosmetics
>runs on id Tech
>more champions
>more movement types
>better movement tutorial
>more official maps
>mapping contests?
>mod support
>better netcode
>runs well on low specs
>better artstyle
>singleplayer campaign, maybe something like an anthology where you play through the story of each of the different champs
>modes for casuals (I would just say copy Wipeout from DBT, but Battle Royale could unironically be cool too. Cocaine Diesel game also showed that a CS Defuse mode can work in an AFPS)
>console ports and crossplay (could work but then you have niggas fighting over controller vs. KBM)
dunno what else? these are all kind of obvious things that a game should have, though I doubt the next game from id (assuming its quake) would even have 1/5th of these things
>dunno what else?

No syncerror.
This looks like a neat Q3 mod, adds in QC elements even with some maps being recreated in Q3 https://youtu.be/1f7A_qvgHyQ
>No syncerror.
there ya go. perfect quake game.
Was following this mod for a bit but I haven't heard anything new from it since the last update. Last I checked there was still only 6 playable characters: Visor, Galena, Sorlag, Ranger, Keel and Anarki.
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QC battle pass worth to just farm bots?
Intel Bloodrun > Vanilla Bloodrun
Change my mind
All arena shooters should have Hold Space to Autojump
I just realized a feature QC is missing that should sorely be re-implemented; the player character yelling a furious "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" when falling down a bottomless pit.
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>No Iron Maiden in Hampions
this is why the game flopped
lawbreakers is semi back
So I'm assuming this dumbfuck realized he could score some cheap kudos if he acted like this was his idea and took some setup, whereas the miniscule community that has existed for the game has been complaining for a while now that they just want to get the competition LAN build that already exists released to the public. Man, fuck CliffyB. Fucker doesn't even have his name on any of the really fukken good Unreal and UT99 maps.
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I wanted a Fiend that'd play like the raptor in Turok Rage Wars, just a lot faster.
Quake and Doom are on sale on Steam again but because I'm a cheapskate and they apparently doubled price for PLN when I wasn't looking since last year I will instead use G2A to buy Quake I and II for the price of one (around $5) on Steam (fees not included).
Reflex Arena is also at its all time low price for just under a dollar.
QUAKE 1 IS AMAZING HOLY SHIT. I figured I'd be too tired and worn down after a long day outside and stuff bothering me to enjoy it properly but no. At E1M4 so far and everything is just clicking as far as game packages go, much like with Unreal and multiplayer Quake not too long ago.

The similarities to GoldSrc and Half-Life are very apparent now especially with the water physics, and the mood of the soundtrack. I'd wager some of the same samples were used. The low FPS animations also have something of a surrealist quality to them that I find satisfying.

I will probably wake up tomorrow and try to replay the first few maps though just to figure out where I've missed quad damage, not that I needed any though given hard difficulty seems to be working out okay so far.
One can also not pay $1 for Reflex Arena, and at the end of the experience, you get to keep the dollar
God I wish this game worked out, the launch was so ass and it took over a year to get some basic shit. My main regret is not learning/playing duel when the game was more active. I love Slash so much anons, i love crouch sliding T.T
then play Quake 4 you dumb faggot
I will! I have 2 expansion packs for Quake 1 on nightmare left. I know I'll get to crouch slide in Q4, but it will not be what I'm talking about. AFPS tomboy crouch slider is unique to QC
>Q4 sliding
Only in MP.

I saw this video awhile ago, its super different but it is crouch sliding. Will play Q4 regardless as I'd like to play all the SP games as well.
Do you know what board you're on?
Did you read the post I responded to? He's clearly talking about SP.
The post I replied to is talking about Quake Champions
>I will! (play Q4) I have 2 expansion packs for Quake 1 on nightmare left. I know I'll get to crouch slide in Q4
>the launch was so ass and it took over a year to get some basic shit. My main regret is not learning/playing duel when the game was more active.
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Bro....I was just thinking that :')
What would her QC abilities be?
I think a tracker/trail ability kind of like a version of visors wall hacks would be cool and fitting.
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like in QCDE? or something different?
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these john mueller quake designs are really nice btw
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>Let's hop into an old game wich it's the least loved game of the saga, what could it be wrong?
>The peak of active players per day is 30, 0.05 times than the QC active players.

Bait or mental retardation, call it.
These are so good!
QCDE but this is super cool
30 different people to duel is quite a lot, i expected less
will i learn faster playing ranger since hes the most basic champ?
ranger is the bread and butter of quake
he is the default
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>skaarj will defend this
Wait till you install AD...
I play QuakeLive still. Wish I could move on to newer games but they dont hold the same appeal.

Sucks giving up a game you're good at and starting fresh playing against a million+ zoomers.
What is this? Do they pick ban far in advanced
pretty much i guess? every match for a given series, the maps and champions allowed and banned, are determined before the first map is ever played. so sometimes you hear the commentators say they're excited to see how the next map plays out with the champion matchup and imply they want the player on series point to lose so the series can keep going.
i remember in the Foundry tournament hosted by Endpoint Quake all the player did their pick/bans right before a series on stream so you could see who they pick and ban in real time.
I wish they would make an arena fps without bunnyhopping, or at least an automated bunn hopping system so that new players don't have to learn how to bhop.
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Does Halo count as an arena fps?
Yeah. It meets the basic qualifications.
>without bunnyhopping
Halo, Unreal Tournament
>with automated bunnyhopping
Xonotic, Diabotical
its an FPS and there are arenas, so yes. it's just not a quake-like
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Any QC Duelchads wanna give this 1000sr scrub some tips? Is it ever useful to delay picking up my resource to fuck with the timings? Is doing this at start retarded?
Any mods for Q3 or QL that convert the movement/weapon balance/item spawns into something similar to Quake Champions? Curious to know what it would feel like on the old engine.
20 years old
not an arena shooter.
never heard of it

>health and armor pickups
>weapon pickups
>no ADS
I would say that the two biggest factors which differentiate it from an arena shooter are that the game can't be played as a 5v5 elimination and as 1v1 time limit. Instead Halo has more of a CoD style of gameplay with team objectives and respawning. I guess the CTF mode is pretty similar to arena shooter gameplay, but I don't think any arena shooters have vehicles like Halo does. Also you can only have 2 weapons at a time in Halo, and you have a grenade slot. Much more like CoD or BF.
>I don't think any arena shooters have vehicles like Halo does
Unreal Tournament 2004 and Unreal Tournament III feature vehicles.
Very obvious your idea of what an "AFPS" is only stems from this board.
>>1260009 > >>1246817
What a game needs to be an arena shooter:
1) You spawn in with basic weapons
2) You can get better weapons and pickups from the map
3) You get an advantage for controlling the map and said weapons/pickups
Any autism outside of that generally just boils down to "how much is this Quake" rather than "how much is this an Arena Shooter"
At that low SR that kind of shit doesn't matter. Just keep decent timings, hit 50% RG, and don't mindlessly rush after grtting fragged. That's pretty much all you need against those types of players.
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release diabotical on steam already i don't wanna download the stupid fucking epic games launcher
idk what you mean
>Any autism outside of that
so is bunnyhopping autism?
>boils down to "how much is this Quake" rather than "how much is this an Arena Shooter"
but all of the arena shooters try to be like quake.
this isn't instagram. no one wants to see your shitty memes.
If you use Heroic, you avoid the EGS. If you use Legendary, you can put it in your Steam/Playnite library.
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Will everyone in duel hate me if i play nyx? i only fight against Doom and other rangers though I have run into a BJ, Clutch, and Scalebearer I love to rocket jump so ill miss Rangers passive, but the disengage is pretty good cause i have bad decision making/positioning sometimes
Thinking that respawning game modes are an inherent CoD feature and that quake is "5v5 elimination" just goes to show you don't actually play these games much at all, is what I mean.
>quake is "5v5 elimination"
That and 1v1, as I wrote. I guess also ctf. Pro quake gameplay is and always has been 1v1. Certainly, team deathmatch style gameplay which is standard for Halo and other mainstream fps games is hard to implement in arena shooters.
>you don't actually play these games much at all
I don't. I think I actually said that earlier in the thread, but maybe that was a different reply chain.
However you define an arena fps, which is hard to do because all of the "current" arena fps games are basically dead, Halo is reminiscent of but not actually an arena fps. Happy?
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Just be yourself.
What's the difference between Quake 3 Arena and Quake Live again besides source code and modding support? Do I even bother buying it (with the remainder of the bundle consisting of Q4) on the sale right now if I already have QL?
i don't know what heroic or legendary is, i'll just wait. they said it will get a steam release in 2025
i'm sorry, and it's not a meme, those are song lyrics
>Pro quake gameplay is and always has been 1v1. Certainly, team deathmatch style gameplay which is standard for Halo and other mainstream fps games is hard to implement in arena shooters.
Is this nigger cheating?? https://www.twitch.tv/fayeql/clip/CharmingSmoothGazelleResidentSleeper-vAtsNfh09OeO7dxu
these guys have thousands of hours just doing this.
64% is not possible
No, you don't understand.
5 hours a day, every day, for a decade or more
i think besides being the true original Q3A has a single player mode with tiers, but overall not worth it.
no it's faye

bro no one playing it is even that old, we have a few hundred hours. sokaries and tyler have 2000 hours and they have the most by far probably 2 times as much as the other good lgers do. i don't know how many faye has exactly but he only come back recently after a few years break and he is like 19. ain't no way he played for a decade
people play CPMA duel on it if u want to play that get it. also less satanic censorship
i dont follow QL but there are certain players in competitive QC like serious who average 60-70% LG and he's definitely not cheating, he's gifted in tracking aim but still gets bodied by the top 5 players cause he lacks fundamentals and he tilts often
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funny bug with Rottweiler getting stuck in the lunge animation
didn't even consciously notice this version of the game has dynamic shadows until looking at this picture
Serious has been beating the top5 players since the start of this year. He hasn't lost a tournament.
in the new 2v2 tournaments this year serious and keltz have been doing really well but in 1v1's they both get bodied by the top players

i've been really enjoying the new 2v2 format, serious and keltz have extremely compatible playstyles without exerting too much effort whereas rapha and maxter's styles don't compliment each other at all yet they stay near the top due to sheer practice and willpower

i also love that the limited picks and bans in 2v2 and being able to switch mid-game allows for really interesting champion matchups and rewards adaptability
was watching some quake 4 duel footage from 2006 and got surpised by the 15 minute timers. when and why exactly did things move to the 10 minute duels we have everywhere now (except Diabotical)? since i saw early quake live duels were also 15 minutes
If they ever remade unreal do you think they'd nerf Prisoner 849's boobs?
If Epic remakes it, yes. If Nightdive, no.
lol as much as you want but you cant say that im wrong. you can nitpick as much as you want but there are obvious characteristics to arena shooters that aren't present in mainstream fps games and vice versa. that's why arena shooters are dead and gone and fps games like cod halo and battlefield haven't changed much at all since the early 2000s.
I do not want an unreal remake.
>when and why exactly did things move to the 10 minute duels we have everywhere now
QL. It went there because of games on ztn were 1-0 after 15 minutes. The "official" duel servers in QL were 10 min, but some of the earlier tournies ran 15 min as that was the standard from Q3. Also 20 minutes was pretty common around 2000, so we have slipped from that to 15 to 10. DBTs model isn't 10 minute duels as well, most of the recordings I have from when it was active are 12-13 minutes, some longer and a few 8-9 minutes where I was thrashed. Goldenfrag was an interesting idea that was poorly implemented.
But QL is almost 15 years old, I think it would be reasonable to revisit 15 minutes given modern player ability.
Speaking of DBT, the quake community reaction to the shock rifle being added was simply charming. The first iteration, that was met by
>it won't do anything to gameplay
>why add another useless weapon
>firemodes are gay etc
by the hardcore crowd was so broken they needed to patch after a few weeks. Even the more balanced weapon they ended up landing on was suitable to upset quake players. As someone who has played both over the years it was very liberating to totally curbstomp quake players with the toned down version. The only disappointing aspect was the lack of maps that had it. Unlike typical quake where either all weapons existed or either rail/LG was missing, shock was only on a few of the maps. If they truly wanted to get it used it should have been on most of them and omitted on 1-2 from the pool.
Except for TDM and CTF both being popular game modes in competitive quake. Moreso than duel depending on the Quake game in question.
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I'm home after a long evening walk/cycle, freshly out of the shower naked in the cool evening breeze, and ready to play the last episode of Quake for the first time. What am I in for?

Is the difficulty going to increase? I've been playing on Hard this whole time and it honestly hasn't been that hard to be honest. Don't know if this is where I find the secret nightmare difficulty or whatever. Haven't played Quake before, only the multiplayer games and Unreal/Half-Life.
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I'm going to assume this is the walkway to get to the secret difficulty, but given that I do not have the physical prowess to successfully execute that maneuver right now I will proceed anyway.
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Not sure what the purpose of that quad damage was, took it and then took the portal that popped you into the lava and then met face to face with the niggur-boss. WHY WON'T YOU DIE?
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Alright I reloaded, took the quad, went into the portal, and somehow this time it enacted total niggurth death. That's pretty cool. Much like this game. Nice and tidy way to close out the adventure without dragging it out, still having to take down a bunch of Shamblers to get there was cool though.

I am very satisfied by this gothic nightmare of a fever dream.
It kinda surprises me that when you pay attention it actually turns out both Quake and Unreal (among the shooters predating Half-Life) still have ample amounts of lore, story, and personality to their characters despite such things taking a backseat in the gameplay.
>when you pay attention
The first game's whole thing was story, and the UT games build off of that almost as much. You'd have to be actively trying to ignore it, rather than actively pay attention to notice it.
how would ignoring something make you notice it?
The first games whole thing was coloured lighting and looking pretty. Even back then it was an engine demo.
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>Even back then it was an engine demo.
It was still very clearly much more than just a tech demo, even without looking at what reviewers said. Unreal's story was also pretty much the proto-Avatar experience.

People always say "tech demo" whenever a ground breaking title (Quake, Unreal, Half-Life) comes around even though that was still the era when the game came before the graphics. Games nowadays however fit the description of looking pretty whilst having no actual gameplay just fine.
But Half-Life was just a tech demo for skeletal animations
>It was still very clearly much more than just a tech demo
Fortnite is an engine demo. This doesn't mean that it can't also be a game. Unreals story, from a game perspective is luke warm at best. Noone was playing it for the story, we played it for the visuals (the engine demo aspect) as well as the shooting. Why is fortnite an engine demo? Because it is a showcase of what will be possible in the future with UE - since it has features that are not in the current latest version of the engine. If it wasn't they wouldn't have bothered updating it to lumen or nanite. It also has the benefit of onboarding future devs via UEFN. They finally decided to not use unreal/ut and focused on FN.
>and the UT games build off of that almost as much.
As a UT player from the time, beyond the intro, the game doesn't have a story. So I guess building off unreals almost non-existent story is fitting.
please shuttup, its so trash and surface level noone outside of the hardcore unreal lore nerds cared.
Are you listening to yourself? hl1 is modified Q2 engine.. lol. I'll quote what was said initially.
>The first game's whole thing was story,
It wasn't. It was visuals and shooting stuff. And the story, what there was, was trash.
>But Half-Life was just a tech demo for skeletal animations
No, it was clearly a tech demo for flocking.
>hl1 is modified Q2 engine.. lol
>hl1 is modified Q2 engine.
Nope; GoldSrc is forked from the Quake I version of IdTech 2, with some features that are either backported from Quake II (Source has even more stuff from Quake II) or using their own implementation (such as colored lighting). Quake 1 and 2 were just different branches of IdTech 2.
Quake Champions is alright to play today, too bad it's kinda dead.
I wanna crouchslide against people but I'm also highly impatient and don't wanna wait for matchmaking queues in QC... Wish there were more games with crouchsliding and some indie devs chose to rip off Q4 instead of Q3
Roboquest and The Finals have crouch sliding, not in the same style as Quake though.
They need to have a TF2 crossover promo event.
(this is a repost from /v/)
what if we combine armored core mechanics and an arena shooter that is accessible and fun to noobs/console plebs?

a very big hurdle, especially in a fast paced shooter for controllerfags and normies. lets switch to an fcs system.
>how will you balance the guns if this game has auto aim?
>guns with a wide lockbox
normal lock time, piss poor range and has to deplete the enemy's shield before it can deal any damage.
>guns with a balanced lockbox
slighty fast lock time, okay range and depletes both shield and HP.
>guns with a narrow fcs
short lock time, good velocity and ignores shield.

making it about energy management instead of purely mechanical skill will be more appealing to normies.
its now easier, BUT it consumes your EN after every jump.
more vertical combat, also consumes EN.
it will be used to juke and reset your opponent's lock time.

any thoughts and criticism?
So basically AC but pvp in an arena possibily with pickups?
Didn't the old ones already have something like that?
Kinda, but old ac had a high skill floor for newcomers (turn speed, tank controls and complex bulids)
Basically my version is more digestible for non mech fans.
Modern wide gaming audience won't enjoy duels, best you can get them to play is tdm or ctf and those are already standard modes in your typical game like CoD.
this is probably why UT was so popular at some point
Duels are shit anyways, and it's deplorable that AFPS games have become synonymous with the gamemode, when the real spirit of things will always be in FFA. Especially given that modern audiences still love spawn-kill-die-spawn small map clusterfucks; CoD players constantly ask for Shipment 24/7, and Halo players love Husky Raid, but AFPS devs keep thinking
>ah yes, focusing on Duel and Instagib, THAT'S how we'll reach a wider audience
>own and complete quake 1 and 2
>don't get the quake 1 and 2 weapons unlocked in quake champions
I started playing Quake 1's campaign. It's a bit scary for the likes of me. At least the jump scares of E1M2 and E1M3 seem to be getting rarer as I get further into episode 1.
Wonder how this weapon selection'll feel in quakeworld
Wtf is this tiny pale bitch that keeps flying at you at mach jesus instagibbing you with the saw
burial chamber is the best map and I'm tired of pretending it is not
You mean Awoken, Ruins of Sarnath, and Vale of Pnath
I still get bad memories from the beta when it was the worst map for movement.
I dislike Vale because of my dislike for rocket launchers.
oh NOW you mofo's decide to wake up and post
Slash and she's a massive bitch in both personality and gameplay
those tiny fucking female player models whizzing around are annoying to hit properly with rails even for railgun gods
I wish Slash would viciously torture me to death.
hello id Software it's ranger we need 5 billeon rocketz to bomb shub-niggurath children, HUH
Strogg is so cute. I love his voicelines.
How do people actually switch between weapons mid-fight so quickly?
have the weapons bound to keys. bare minimum you have to have at least rox/rail/shaft bound.
I didn't realize q/e/r were bound to the big three this whole time
That'll definitely make things faster than using the numbered keys when I have to lift off wasd to switch to 7 since 1 is melee
>The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.
The slow moving rocket launcher in QC fucks me up so bad compared to the older games and TF2.
Holy fuck actually being able to switch between rocket/thunderbolt/rail at will makes everything 1000x better especially in Unholy Trinity. The performance jump is immediate and noticeable and you actually feel like you're working with the weapons and not by them.
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>that one guy who plays as BJ Blaskowitz and uses the machinegun only and nothing else
>that one guy who plays Quake Champions
>that one guy who doesn't play Quake Champions
So what's with QC? I redownloaded and that shit keeps crashing to desktop. I've asked other forums and discord. Has anyone had similar issues where the screens goes black, like it's booting, then crashes to desktop?
Nah, 306ti. I've done everything from reinstalling, verifying the files, disabling a bunch of programs, ran admin, etc. and it;s still the same shit, Over here playing bots in Toxikk just to get some AFPS in the meantime.
does quake live run better on linux for amd gpus? On some maps it runs super sluggishly cuz of the caveman opengl version it uses.
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How do I stop being a railbabby? More than 50% of my kills are with the railgun, with 50% accuracy and 50% kills/hits and shots fired. And yet it feels like I suck ass at the slow moving rockets, or always fall short of a kill with the lightning gun even if tracking is not an issue. I have also developed a somewhat impeding habit of wielding this thing like a shotgun.
longest yard, hot rockets, and 2-3 bots. Or just play a shit ton of CA if you can find games.
Was watching some Quake 2 duels on Organ Grinder vods and gosh the chaingun looks so much more interesting as a sustained tracking weapon compared to the LG with that windup and Q2's slower weapon switching.
Shame the spectator experience based on those vods are pretty lacking. No hit noises or markets and no damage numbers so telling whether a rail landed is hard.
That RNG fiesta is not interesting
I assume the drops for QC reset every week after you complete them all? It's not like in other freemium games like War Thunder where it keeps going after 7 days of show up rewards?
quake 3 railgun my beloved
>Shame the spectator experience based on those vods are pretty lacking. No hit noises or markets and no damage numbers so telling whether a rail landed is hard.
These should really be spectator only. As much as I enjoy hitsounds and numbers they give information that you shouldn't have, particularly with longer range/out of view rockets/nades.
the daily rewards cycle througy back tot the beginning 5000xp one if you play more than 7 days back to back if that's what you mean

hello reverse me
i'm doing duels again and it's amazing how much i suck ass at rail, get stomped because of it or by it
then the player thinks I suck and gets cocky, then I utterly push his shit in when it comes to short range rocket battles
getting a setup with weapons bound to keys you like is the very first thing i tell newcomers to do

as important as a good mouse sensitivity for you, i'd experiment on where to bind all the other weapons too

for me wasd is moving
2 lightning
3 shotgun
q nailgun
shift rail
x machinegun
my big mouse sidebutton under my thumb is rocket
clicking down scrollwheel is tribolt
1 is gauntlet
mouse 2 is crouch

i do keep switching next/prev weapons bound to scroll in case i'm out of ammo and completely forgot what weapons i have mid battle
would be a baller move to add a champion that literally cannot shoot guns but just leaps around like a retard hitting people
why does this thing exist
I mean it's probably an improvement over whatever we had in q3a but still
just give me the quake 1 grenade launcher at this point
You literally don't know what you're talking about.
>why does this thing exist
it's a boring choke/corner spam gun just like the grenade launcher
nyx sexo
i'd beat that backlog if you know what i mean
what's her actual sprite look like? did they do her model justice?
Yeah because Nyx's ability is busted. Ranger's orb got a drastic damage decrease but Nyx can still deal 125 damage without you even being able to see it coming. Nyx can also drag out games by running away and teleporting into unpredictable places. Sometimes it's entertaining to play mind games with Nyx though but only if the player is less skilled.
Is she the one that keeps shooting me invisibly?
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>you now remember Diabotical
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>8050 damage on telefrag
why that number specifically? is that a reference to anything?
I wish Quake Champions had more maps. Bloodrun and Blood Covenant get old stale real fast.
There are maps like Crucible and Exile, but it seems like people hate those maps. I'm just over here waiting for that one Russian dev to finish his Q3 champions mod.
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man rapha got absolutely buck broken the other day even with a map advantage, never seen him rage that much in chat either
Dude is an absolute manchild.
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>you now remember shootmania
Got vod link? Rapha has progressively been turning into a grumpy old man throughout QC.
Are the weapon balance changes from QC implemented in this mod? This looks really neat. Also love the switching animations.
Pretty good shot
when will they add shamblers to quack hampions
PvEvP in arena shooters feels untapped in general. I can't think of much beyond Crystal Castles in 1998's Unreal, or the various custom games for Halo Infinite. It's a shame for how fun it is, given that you balance spending weapons and such on monsters as well as players, and especially if you have to deposit your points.

That being said, fuck shamblers; they're awful.
lol, diabotical is a roguelite now
what da fuck, ok im interested
Nice, better than just being Quake 3 clone #9001
Problem is he is making a MOBA with it, but this early access is wipeout. The changes to the base game will turn off a lot of existing dbt/afps players and the MOBA players won't be interest till the MOBA gametype is implemented
>ETA 6 months
Given their track record it will take at least twice that, so we will have a year of dead game (as what is there will not appeal to modern FPS players, won't appeal to old afps players and won't appeal to MOBA FPS players). I don't fully understand where they are going with it.
from what gameplay ive seen it looks cool but im not entirely sure how the roguelike element works, i would imagine in the upcoming MOBA mode for it, maybe its like Roboquest where you level up and choose between a set of random upgrades?
Honestly, how many Quake 3 clones are there. There's Reflex, Nexuiz/Xonotic, Warsaw/Warfork, and Diabotical, and after that you start just getting into no names and further mods and forks like Rexuiz. Ganghaps one could take the argument that there's so many forgettable ones that can't be named, but it feels overblown.
Open Arena, Neptune, Doombringer on top of those.
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What hope does it have to actually make it this time? I really want to try it out and hope it'll work out, but I don't want to waste my money again.
Just play Roboquest instead.
>? I really want to try it out and hope it'll work out, but I don't want to waste my money again.
It was free before. You were able to get kickstarter refunded if you supported them after they signed with epic.
As I said here the gametype they want to make isn't what is in the game currently, so at minimum I would wait until that is released to see if it is still played.
I played against him last week, not sure if hes actually bad or just fucking around with melee half the time
his grudge was against Gabe not Steam, he only made diabotical epic-exclusive because epic games paid him to
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>I thought 2GD had some grudge against Steam
Why would you think this.
"Roguelike" elements in this sort of game feels like it just wouldn't work right. You look at existing games, like Rounds or Friends vs Friends (albeit that's more of a deckbuilder), and they do well to put the focus on quick action in short rounds where the buffs you get make an impact. It looks like it still has AFPS elements and a lot of map movement and control that just doesn't pace well for that sort of thing

>not F2P
>over $10
It's like they want it to fail
>It looks like it still has AFPS elements
It doesn't. It has no movement tech outside abilities with cooldowns and you have two weapons. It isn't exactly fast paced (Apex looks faster) and I am unsure what it is even trying to be in the current format.
>It's like they want it to fail
My guess is they have spent the epic money and needed another cash injection in order to continue development. It might be wrong but.. if they are going for a MOBA fps then what they have is about as far from that as possible and they aren't hitting their target market at all.
diabotical rogue is pretty fun. i'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.
>The Hall of Souls.flac
holy shit i thought this general was dead
nevermind it is lmao
the board is already pretty slow as it is
nether animal
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Yo, any quake or other similar games that still have a lively or atleast active CTF scene?
I'm sure i'll get giga bodied in one of the older quakes.
But i'm really starting to get tired of Quake Champions bullshit in terms of matchmaking and people constantly leaving.

I love the mode in QC, but I'm starting to feel like I should shop around for alternatives in case it gets removed from stores and or the central servers get turned off line.
Quake is the very essence of arena shooter, how can you pretend there is a definition that somehow doesn't derive from Quake's precedence? Every AFPS derives from Quake in some form or notion.

Halo is an Arcade shooter. It bares no real resemblence to AFPS.
>He doesn't know

The movement systems and positioning tactics are simply too foreign to current mainstream audiences. They just want their slop they don't want to actually focus their mind.
Spam weapon like GL but actually reliable
Reflex and Warfork are CPM Clones.
Yes but NA is dying

>Decided to play QC and it's been awhile
>Feel very slow, like snailshit

I don't remember the movement being this slow, am I crazy? Did something change?
I play a bit of Q3 sometimes and played a bit of QC some months ago. I can't really explain it but strafe jumping just feels wrong in QC compared to Q3. I can't tell if it's just ping or the engine but I also found that it felt incredibly sluggish despite being the same movement mechanic. Strafe jumping in Diabotical also felt much better than in QC.
do any of you guys still play classic doom 2 deathmatch? It's a lot of fun, i used to play it with a friend or two some monthes ago on odamex. Also, odamex netplay is very good, i dare to say its better than zandronum's and you can play "well" even with 200ms
zdaemon has doom2 ctf pubs every sunday i believe. Some dudes also try to play ctf privs on odamex but you need to join the WDL discord to find out when they are going to play
I'm usually able to find a ctf server on xonotic. They often do weird maps and have modifers and custom weapons on.
i wanna know who put that superfast robot into qc
the default movement speed is literally the same, 310-320 units per second
it's probably the strafing throwing you off
Best quality weapon skins they put into QC from the first 3 games?
the q1 rocketlauncher is really good
I personally always rock the super nailgun from q1, it looks alittle different but I adore that thing

rocketlauncher i always pick the quake 2 one
railgun is the most recent version but in white so it looks like the white with red glow quake 2 one
the starting q1 nailgun is great
starting quake 2 machinegun is great
quake 2 shotgun is great

the q1 shotguns and grenadelaunchers look out of place and went a questionable direction

imo all the quake 3 weapons look very wrong proportionately

yeah good players that are really good with clutch make me a seethe a little, ngl

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