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The /vm/ Ruins & Riches server has returned, this time on the Adventurers of Akalabeth fork. Unlike other forks, AoA is mostly bug fixes and QOL tweaks. Of particular note is being able to craft in bulk and get skill increases from each item crafted. You can check out all the updates and download the client (link in the discussion tab if you don't have a servuo account) here: https://www.servuo.com/archive/adventurers-of-akalabeth.2014/
I did revert the strange portal change. Having a return portal is gay and misses the point.

I've also made some other changes to keep the content from getting too easy too quickly. First is magic damage against monsters is reduced from 200% to 125%. Second is removing the 20% drop chance for messages in a bottle that all sea creatures get. This made it far too easy to sail around or go to sea dungeons and hoard treasure maps for artifacts. Now just like base UO you can only get them from fishing, krakens and leviathans.

Changes from default settings:
>stat gain every 10m instead of 15
>vendors always buy rare items
>need line of sight to see mobs
>player corpse bones persist for a year
>no hunger/thirst inside banks, inns or houses
>all creature races start as evil
>vendors have a chance to sell crafting resources

To connect, change the IP in settings.json to The server is in Virginia and it was fine for eurofags last time.
>Some hermit spent the last decade (probably more) turning UO into his own sandbox adventure game so you can enjoy it alone or with a small party
>It's very focused on exploration, it's a bunch of new world maps filled with towns and dungeons, you have to look for clues to figure out the paths between worlds.
>A lot of skills were rebalanced or extensively changed so they aren't completely useless.
>For crafting professions, if you acquire a house you can open up a shop and get crafting contracts.
>There isn't a storyline, quests are all random. Quest boards in town can give you random contracts like killing a lizard in a dungeon you've never heard of. You can also find epic quest books asking you to collect a bunch of unique items nobody knows where they were buried. You can listen to the random NPCs dialogue in town to sometimes get hints at where things are located.
>Resurrecting eats away your skill points if you can't pay the tribute, the traps in dungeons are brutal (I've had one reverse my karma once so I had to live in spooky town underground for a while as good-aligned town guards hated me), there are random portals in the overworld that can send you deep into hell or summon demons to rip your asshole in two if you're not careful
>I tried hosting it locally to play with friends and we had a good time, the world is really big so you can all do your own thing if you want to. Adventuring in groups is also fun as you can cover your asses in case someone gets fucked by a trap or a boss, we've had to organize a few rescue operations to recover the corpses of characters that made bad decisions. There's a lot of funny builds you can try out, depending on your character origin you can also get higher skill caps to expand possibilities
t. anon from the first server
Oh also I recommend using the TazUO client. It has grid containers and other QOL stuff. Just download it from https://github.com/bittiez/TazUO/releases and replace the files in the AoA client directory.
Hey, thats me!
Ehmmm UO bros.
And we're back.
Nice to see this back. Had a great time with anons the first time around. Will hop on tonight.
so how grindy is it? typical UO or is it faster progression since it's tuned for single player?
Dudes.. i want to touch it so badly.
It snowballs. It starts slow AF, but once you get your first artifacts, you snowball into a gigachad.
Touch it.
>It starts slow AF, but once you get your first artifacts, you snowball into a gigachad.
This, but also you shouldn't approach this like a typical UO shard. Think of it more like a sandbox Ultima VII. There is a TON of shit to discover and you're well rewarded for exploring. The game world is huge. Read the PDF that came with the game, because Djeryv explains exactly what this game is and what it isn't. If you are used to modern games that tell you to go to point A, to B, to C then this ain't it.

>There are many other different elements that you will have to discover on your own. If you enjoyed tales of Conan or Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. If you played older D&D games where characters were in constant danger. If you like older computer role-playing games and want to play something where you simply exist in a fantasy world, then go ahead and give this a try. It was designed to play many different types of character classes, instead of the common ones most people play. You can be a very effective adventurer being a necromancer, alchemist, bard, thief, or assassin. You will get the most out of this game if you try different professions and see how you can navigate the dangers with them. There are a ton of things to do so you just need to pick a path and go as the only goal of the game is what you set for yourself.
Joining a guild makes the skills associated with the guild go up faster. For example the Warrior guild skills are Swordsmanship/Tactics/Parry. You can also switch guilds for gold, but each time you switch the cost increases.
>Touch it.
Nothing happened. I need to read a book first?
my new name is Bradney, no one will ever suspect of my past slaying niggers.
Merchants still dont want to buy or sell me stuff, i dunno if its a bug or intended, but its ok.
Disguises just get you through town without the guards heeming you iirc
fugitive? go to stonewall
This is the 3rd time i die and lose all my taming progress. please save my soul.
Fugitive is pretty brutal.
Is it there a way to make guards as strong as a dragon, instead of making em gods that kills stuff in 1 hit? I want to get revenge on the society that hunted me once shit hits the fan.
Lemme tell you a couple of three things.
>You can have 2 accounts per IP.
I originally had it set to 1 because I think having 2 characters logged in at once goes against the spirit of this thing, but people are going to want more character slots eventually and it's not a competitive server (although I'm not against PKing) so who gives a shit if someone wants to macro 2 characters all day. Go nuts if that's how you want to play.
>You can no longer sell bolts of cloth/balls of yarn to NPC vendors.
This was a setting that AoA added and I like it. Cloth farming trivializes the early game gold scarcity and remains more profitable than dungeon diving for quite a while. I haven't even created a character yet so I haven't taken advantage of it before making the change.

Possibly. I'm thinking of doing random events in the future, like monsters invading towns. Obviously that won't work with godlike guards.
Found this archived thread of "helpful newbie advice" from the now defunct Odyssey forum https://web.archive.org/web/20220430234652/https://britainknights.com/viewtopic.php?t=110
>Possibly. I'm thinking of doing random events in the future, like monsters invading towns. Obviously that won't work with godlike guards.
Based and invasion pilled.
I hate poison so much its unreal.
Im growing stronger
Nice. Did the follower issue resolve itself?
Y it did
is it still up? getting a socket error
Yeah it's back up. VPS crashed and I haven't set up an auto start script yet. I should get on that.
Same. Almost every enemy uses it
Starting your first character as a mage is painful, but I am determined.
I started as a tamer, in hardcore mode (hanged man). It's painful AF, but i have 300 extra points for skills
>Beta the Perceptive
>in the bank
oy vey
You don't know how much pain i went through to get to the bank playing as a fugitive. Shit's insane, i'm really having fun with my progression tho, baby steps to greatness.
did you find Stonewall?
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>letting a bunch of sheep beat up on you to train parrying
just like they did in ye olden times
Y, it was hard tho, i'm quite noob at this game mod.
Been playing on my own solo server and just finished this quest but where do I use the tree key? I don't remember seeing anything for it and just kept going forward until I got to the end and still didn't find it.
Where did you find the tree key? I did Skara Brae on the last server /vm/ had. There aren't many online resources so I don't remember the names of the keys but I do roughly remember the overall path I had to take to get out.
Getting a socket error again if you're around.
I think I got it from shattering the statue with the crystal sword not 100% sure that I got it from there though but as far as I could tell it's not used in the main quest.
Yeah the VPS is rebooting every night and I'm trying to figure out why. The logs aren't being very helpful. This is the same host/same setup I used last time and I don't think the VPS crashed even once. I'll put the server back up for now.
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Loaded an older save and here's my quest log right before the final boss.
wasn't breaking the statue for one of the 3 crystal objects you need? it's either that or it also gave a key to one of the gates in the sewers. I think after I explored that big triangular castle with the statue and the keyword for the emerald gate I went into the sewers to get into mangar's tower but I'm not 100% sure if I'm remembering correctly.
The silver object in Kylearan's tower was from a chest guarded by a dragon and Kylearan himself gives you the key to the sewers.
Can't remember, if i recall well, only 2 schizos managed to do Skara on the last server. and both did it with starter characters.
Can't remember, if i recall well, only 2 schizos managed to do Skara on the last server. And both did it with starter characters. I can be wrong tho, since i only played for a month.
I reached out to the host about this. The interesting thing is that it always does it in the early morning hours EDT. In the meantime I've set the server up to autostart on reboot and the next time I restart the server save frequency will be every 20 minutes.
After searching r*ddit as a last resort according to one post you use the tree key to get into the room where Kylearan is.
I don't recall any text popping up when opening that door but I've been backtracking everywhere and couldn't find shit so I'll just accept that as the truth.
I took the server down for a few minutes while I try to troubleshoot something.
are mages bad starting characters?
It depends, if you go elementalist, you're quite op at the start, but mages, require resources scrolls and stuff. This said, mages are the most OP class on end game. They can spam powerful ancient magic spells at 0 reagent cost, and virtually infinite mp.
Elementalists decay hard on mid game tho, since most high level mage monsters just dispel your summons.
some other guys did it after those 2 had their epic adventure and escaped - probably a few weeks or a month after
Server is finally back up. It will now restart automatically on either a system or server crash. Linux is a bitch.
I really like the Soulbound mode on Adventures. May see about stealing it.
>probably a few weeks or a month after
So... full geared with dwarven ore gear.
That is the best thing they added. For those who don't know, it's randomized starting skills/gear hardcore mode. When you die you start as a new character in a random starting location with new starting skills/gear. You don't get any bonuses from items except resists. Instead you can accumulate "soulforce" to attain item bonuses permanently and they follow you through death. Pretty cool system that adds some longevity to the game. Would be cool to get it working without all the other less good - to be kind - additions in UA.
sounds pretty fun.
Hey im a retard that playe dlike once and then stopped playing after the guy gave me walktrought for playing the game i remember he said how he will make written guide for retards for me did he do it ?
not sure. what did you want a guide for exactly? the game mechanics? or did you want like a guide on locations and what you can do in each place? I can write up something if I have the knowledge.
Well kinda ish like begginers guide aka which class to pick,where to farm,some game controls etc its hard to explain since i dont know what i would need
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pic related for baby first dungeon. Paladin is a good starter class, just keep in mind you need to first get some points into your weapon of choice skill and Tactics skill so you don't miss 9 out of 10 attacks. Game controls are easy, use mouse, configure some macros in either razor or ingame to give hotkeys to certain actions like healing yourself. Get some bandages from the priest and cure potions from the local alchemist (poison is no joke). Then you just kill stuff, explore the world, buy a boat, explore other worlds, read books looking for information regarding places and treasures, etc.
Also, when you get enough gold and str, try to always carry a 10 foot pole so you can deactivate traps. Traps are another fun mechanic here, because they screw you so badly its fun.
sorry, wrong picture. heres the one with the baby dungeons.
The server is shitting itself, this is the 3rd time in less than 10 minutes that the server drops me.
4th time now, i'll log out, it's unplayable right now and im not gonna risk dying because i get dropped midfight.
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might be a you problem.
Probably ill restart my router. Countryside internet sucks.
Went to the tomb dungeon with 4 elder bears, i went through the first levels in a breeze, but i got cucked by sand spiders with lethal poison. I got killed and all my bears died from poison after the fight. 10/10, ill miss you bobo.
poison is so shitty
server dead?
Don't think so
nice it's back. it was down for like 5~ minutes
I joined the server and im in Britain what would be places where i can get my skills up and which weapons should i get ? (im paladin and i like swords Rapier looked interesting)
you can hit some dummies in one of the buildings near the blacksmith to get a few early skill levels. after that you should probably hit some weak animals like birds and goats to get your weapon skill and tactics up so you have higher accuracy.
>Do not play this game if your play style is that which belongs on current Ultima Online servers. This game will disappoint you. There are no champion spawns, or other types of major events where mass players are involved. This is a game of living in a virtual fantasy environment, where you explore the lands and brave the dungeons to acquire skill, treasure, and knowledge. There are no safety nets, no item insurance, and death will cost you either trained abilities or precious gold. The dangers are more worrisome than simply death. If you find older style Dungeons & Dragons games unforgiving...this game isn’t for you.
>If you need detailed web sites, telling you every secret to this game. If you need to have a character with unlimited power. If you require a character to begin their journey with powerful artifacts. If you cannot function without a game that leads you from point A to B to C...this game isn’t for you.
>A mistake players commonly make is approaching this like an Ultima Online game. They felt that information was hidden from them when in fact it was freely available in the world. So treat this like an older Ultima game and not an MMORPG. Talk to NPCs and read the books or scrolls you find. Some information may be useless to you, but you may learn something about the world that becomes your next quest.
t. Djeryv
That said, here's a r*ddit post with links to a bunch of helpful posts containing various levels of spoilers. https://old.reddit.com/r/uodyssey/comments/y68b3h/index_of_helpful_posts_obviously_contains_spoilers/
This mfker is camping me.
ok and which sword would be good for starter ?
All weapons have perks. Early on they'll feel pretty similar other than speed (maces are slower). Later on you'll get weapon skills that do different things like armor pierce or multitarget attacks. Certain weapons in a category have skills which give them an advantage, I suggest picking whichever you think looks cool in a category (bludgeoning, fencing, swordsmanship) and you can find weapon skills you like within those categories later on. Swordsmanship has the largest pool of weapons so you'll probably find more weapons for it while exploring
I seen that weapons have also durability how fast does it degrade and is it easy to fix the weapon ? (also can i duald wield rapier and starting dagger for bonus attacks ?) (im soon going to sleep so im curious for tomorrow what to try)
NPCs can repair them but early on it won't be a problem because you won't be using them for too long before upgrading to one you find from a dungeon. As you progress you'll eventually find items with "Self Repair" on them which means they actually repair themselves a bit each time they takes damage so it slows down durability loss significantly.
bushido parry works with wizard staves
bushido parry is op, don't you know about the famous reaper samurai build in vanilla UO? necro ethereal form + bushido. Dunno if that works here tho.
I spent a couple hours tinkering with the soulbound code and I think i can get it working. It's gonna take a while and I might hit some roadblocks since I'm not a programmer and i may change a couple things, but my impression rn is it's just going to be tedious transposition.
Based. Is it an optional mode you select on character creation / gypsy hut?
Yes. That's one thing I have to change because Adventures has a different character creation process. Simple enough though. I've made some decent progress on it today.
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Found a place called Dungeon Doom earlier. Liches are strong, had to run away from one and found this broken door. Didn't die at least
It's a trap!
hey Sankius, sorry I missed you in chat. Went AFK right after logging in.
I cant play today, i'm still waging. I hope to have some free time on wednesday. - Nate Higgers.
Also, my internet is shitting itself, i just want to finish training my taming skills so i can go to skara braap, and break Mogar the nigger's Buck.
Wow, sounds comfy, congratulations surviving a wizard that early, it's not something every newbie can tell.
I've got soulbound working (mostly) on my local test server. There are some bugs and kinks to work out, but so far so good.
Neat, what are the features of this "soulbound" race?
I think it will be necessary to tune up this "soulforce" thing scaling, since as a feature it was meant for a multiplayer version of RnR with stronger mobs in general.
I meant "tune down".
Yeah some tuning will be needed. In Adventures you can acquire a high resist (the only item properties that apply to you) starting set of armor at the beginning of each new life for less than the gold you start with. I won't be including that. There's also a modified soulbound only version of the basement shared space (where you get the aforementioned armor) which allows for risk free training of most skills with a dungeon skill gain bonus. We won't have that.
You gain soulforce for killing mobs at varying rates depending on mob difficulty. Soulforce persists across lives. Once you have 500 soulforce you can get a soul vault from an NPC vendor called a Blood Lich. The soul vault is "ensouled" (soulbound version of blessed item) and stays in your backpack across lives. You can then purchase essences from the NPC with soulforce. These essences apply permanent item bonuses (+hits, lower reagent cost etc) to your soul vault, which are then applied to you. You can upgrade your soul vault to store more essences, up to level 10. Lowering the max soul vault level and/or amount of essences per level would be the easiest way to balance it. I don't think we have to go too crazy though, considering you lose EVERYTHING when you die. House, bank vault, everything, starting over with 1k gold, basic gear and one of several 225 skill templates.
>when your best over-armor clothing for stats is a dress and you're male
How do runes work exactly? I found a book about runes and it seems like they're permanent reagents (as an alternative to magery reagents) you use in a certain order to cast different spells. Is this correct or am I misunderstanding?
You put a handful of them at a time in a rune bag. Then use the rune bag and it casts a spell with no reagents.

By the time you probably find the runes you need and a bag you probably won't need it.

Besides one niche use for them temporarily near the endgame
I'm going to cap lower reagant cost and lower mana cost to 75%.
>I'm going to cap lower reagant cost and lower mana cost to 75%
That would be cool. 100% lower reagent cost and mana is just too op.
A portal.
in the ancient pyramid in the NW section of the map? I was exploring that but my inventory filled up after exploring 10 rooms so I had to leave and never went back. that's pretty cool.
Yeah, there.that's a portal to a scary huge new world.
except lower mana cost is already capped at 40%
so that would be a massive buff instead
this is why it helps to actually know the game before you "balance" it
You got me. I was thinking of Adventures where the cap is 90.
I think that reagents use reduction should be capped at 40% too.
well, you are a retard
reagents aren't a meaningful game mechanic
it is shit that someone thought to include once because d&d did it in the 70s
all it does is provide a minor annoyance that you have to make sure you have enough before you leave for a dungeon
but running out in a dungeon isn't even a real concern because the game throws hundreds of reagents at you in every chest
it is like the hunger/thirst mechanic
someone thought it would be cool for RP
but it actually serves no purpose and it just a nusiance
you have some hateboner against spellcucks in the delusion that they are overpowered
but it doesn't really matter for them
the real classes that get fucked by changing LRC are the ones that don't even use reagents, but still benefit from it
those can't easily recharge themselves in the wild like spellcucks can and some of them are just retardedly clunky like deathknight
>you have some hateboner against spellcucks in the delusion that they are overpowered.
How isn't spamming 200 damage spells with a macro is not overpowered?
because there are multiple ways to do 3-5x more damage with less downsides
Let's see how things play out. Nothing is set in stone.
I am looking for the Altar of the Golden Rangers. Can anyone give me a hint?
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wtf i want to try this where can i do that
Just follow the instructions >>1215003
shit i thought he was talking about some random other server woops
you shouldn't go there, grues will eat you
I lost all my party to an adult red dragon.
rip. I tried to fight a dragon on the previous server, got a good hit in so I thought I could take it on, but then it shredded me
I've spent all my gaming time this week toiling over merging the soulbound system. It was a bit more involved than just tedious transposition, but it's now running well on my local test server. There's just some housekeeping to do and a couple changes I'm considering. First, you always start a new life as the sex you picked at creation. Currently it's random. Second, I think I want to scrap the blood lich NPC and transfer its functionality to a soul item that remains in your inventory. This way you don't have to go to an NPC to spend your soulforce.
Terry Davis is the hero we need to return.
The strongest programmer that ever lived.
How long will this server be up?
I'm gonna DDoS it in a couple of weeks so not much longer.
"Hello, FBI?"
I committed to a year for the VPS and crash recovery is fully automated so at least a year.
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Thank you for the answer. Also pic related pops up all the time and its no even accurate? Anyone know how can I disable it? I am using TazUO.
It's something TazUO added. It's not inaccurate it's just delayed when you make quick skill gains. I'm not sure what the setting is to disable it. Just look through the options.
please don't, knight and deathknight need reagent lowering to be good
reagent lowering does nothing to knight.
it did in ruins and riches. what changed?
to be clear, Lower Reagent Cost isn't a percent reduction, it's a chance to not use reagents. if you're basing your knowledge of knight off of ingame experience and you're only just starting out, you're very likely to miss it working, but unless AoA specifically changed this and called out that it changed it, it doesn't really make sense to assume that it doesn't work for Knight anymore.

Not only was Tithe a reagent for Knights, but Jedi and Syth crystals are too, and they benefit from reagent cost as well.
You will tithe and you will be happy.
You can literally go on for a solid 10 hour gameplay with 10k gold/tithe. What the fuck are you on about. 10k is like an antfart in the financial wind.
for the same reason we shouldn't cap quiver arrow use to 40%, there's a tangible goal in making sure you're not pulling your own pants down by accident for not packing 50 nuts of horse or not stopping by the shrine in your loot run.

on top of that, it feels empowering to cut them out of your main gameplay loop eventually, like how good it feels to eventually be generating arrows through combat instead of stopping by the fletcher you'd definitely never be visiting otherwise.

arbitrarily removing that aspirational goal from multiple classes because they... >>1226180
...do less DPS than the fighting skills that don't need the stat is weird.
>...do less DPS than the fighting skills that don't need the stat is weird.
Melee classes are restricted by the attack speed cap. Wizards at some point can spam multiple spells per second. They just melt stuff with their summons tanking for them and dealing really good damage (necro summons cannot be dispelled). It just doesn't feel good that a wizard can cast spells faster than a warrior or a pugilist can attack, it feels so wrong.
>(necro summons cannot be dispelled)
unless i'm mistaken, there's a few things that made that a nonissue last server, like any undead summon more complex than a small zombie sharing health with the necro (golems did this too)

i had dabbled in wizardry myself after getting to titan of ether off of just knightship archery and utility spells, and stopped trying to use spells for DPS after it felt like there was a (worse) cast speed cap than auto attacks. if there's just no cast cooldown at all anymore then the obvious solution would just be to... put it back
just to be clear, what experiences are you basing this on? were you in the ruins and riches server or are you talking about stuff you see in other codebases?

the heaviest hitters in the R&R server were Terry Davis, a paladin, and me, a paladin archer who decided to go jedi for fun

if you're drawing on experience elsewhere can you say what it is clearly
There are both cast speed and cast recovery caps. Let's just play with these settings and see how it feels. Like I said nothing is written in stone.
>Terry Davis
Wasn't that the schizo that got stuck into Skara Brae really early and managed to finish it? Such a mad lad.
I don't think he did it with any hints either. Man is made of alien stuff.
yeah him and Sneed duo'd it and escaped. Sneed was a fresh character playing the game for the first time.
If I want to bring over my old macros from R&R, what all am I porting from my old client?
Made some more progress on soulbound. In Adventures every time you die you get a new name/random NPC title befitting your template ("the burglar," "the barbarian"). This is cool thematically, but annoying practically, especially because client profiles are tied to character names. So I removed that. You will also always respawn as the sex you picked at creation.
The last thing I want to do is scrap the blood lich NPC and transfer its functionality to an item that stays in your backpack. Once that's done I'll roll this bitch out to the server.
Your razor profiles
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I CANNOT for the life of me figure out stat gain, you wrote that its 10m/stat, now I step to the anvil make 2 times 10 dagger, gaining blacksmith skill points, and 1-1 point to Strenght respectively, THEN no stat gain for a solid 30 minutes, no matter what, or how many stuff I craft.
Same with combat, I start killing animals, gaining skillpoint to blud, anatomy, tactics, and a single strenght point, then nothing....I mowed down half the countryside without a single statgain. Somebody please enlighten me lol
It's quite RNG based bro. I just play the game and not care about stats so much, because the more you train and fight you naturally will adapt to kill stronger shit.
Bro, im nate Higgers, would it be possible to preserve my character name when using a disguise kit? I hate my settings resetting every time my name changes.
Well fuck me sideways, I figured it out, the 10min cd actually works with camping
is this normal behavior? do i need a master key to open this? the official documentation says that the treasure will unlock once the mobs are dead.
2nd locked chest didnt spawn mobs and is locked, same shit again. So... i really need some master keys?
They don't unlock. You pick the lock, use a master key or throw acid on it.
acid didnt work. I guess ill just lose all my 4 maps.
Acid should work. What's happening?
Dunno, it just says "It seems to do nothing to the mechanism inside".
Do I NEED Vetenary beside Taming? Or I can lose it?, I need the skill slot
yes, if you want the extra pet slot you need Taming veterinary, druidism and herding lvl 60
Fought a lich at the top of a tower and found the magic mirror a book mentioned previously. I already knew the words I had to speak from the book I found in a dungeon on an island. I immediately appeared in a big dungeon and while the mobs didn't seem too bad there were so many and my bags filled up so I had to leave. Ended up finishing my exploration of the pyramid and got to the Isles of Dread. Went to a nearby town to sell some stuff and then sailed through the map looking for cool stuff and almost died to a Daemon and some Lizardmen. They kept casting on me while walking on water. Had to run away unfortunately and dropped to 10% of my health during the escape. Not sure how bricked I would have been if I died while on a ship. I think I'd have to grind out money for a new ship and sail back to loot myself?
Yeah apparently acid doesn't work. I thought it did. So it's either master key or lockpick.
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I can bank roll you if you can estabilish a portal for me to Lodoria
The first of many
Anyone wants this? i want a melee artifact in exchange.
i've got no idea how to do that. do I need magery?
You can put down a cheap tent property in Sosaria, make it public put a teleport stone inside, then make another one in Lodoria, and put a teleport stone there too and connect. Its just a question of money, you can buy teleport stones at the architect npc in britain castle as well as construction deed to build said tents.
Anyone knows where's umber veil? is it another world?
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You take a green portal on the island in the picture
you'll need a boat to get to this island.
Umber Veil didnt save as a destination after using the portal, i fucking lost my boat reeeeeee
Happy Easter! He is Risen!
Should have soulbound and maybe a couple other changes rolled out early this week.
Christ is King
Based. What's next on the roadmap? I would love to see no bullshit guards + mob invasion in towns.
forgot to drydock my ship but I think I locked it before logging out a few days ago. is that shit deleted?
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Fell off some stairs and now I'm stuck on these lava tiles forever.
Use the stuck option in the help menu
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I went through a bunch of these and couldn't find anything about stuck/unstuck options but maybe I'm blind.
I fucking love UO but is there any way to use the retail client? I'm a 4K user and it's literally impossible to play UO at such a high resolution.
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With ClassicUO play on 2k with 125% windows scaling and a 4k with 200% scaling. Both of those should make UO look like you are on a 1080p screen. Adjust windows scaling to your taste.

If you are using the original client with steam or razor edit the exe properties like this so it responds to scaling.
Do i have access to a stable as fugitive? or im really fucked?
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Doesn't show up in places where there isn't a log out delay (bank, inn etc). Where are you stuck?
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it's some random house (5687, 1297) in the fire place after taking the mirror near montor. after taking the door it takes you to (5411,1160)
Are you the guy who hosted the original Ruins and Riches server back in like August? If so could I please get the server/hosting files for the OG for single player purposes?
Are you on now? I could hop on and move you.
yeah i'm online
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Is finding a priest spellbook rare?
Wanted to do something new this time around and when I was browsing the help menu I saw priest prayers exist. Went into the castle at the start and talked to the priest there and he didn't mention anything about how to acquire them.
It's a hammer and a stake, for some reason, to become a priest you need to slay vampires with the stake, then retrieve the hammer to the priest.
That's a lot more difficult than I expected for something I would have as a starting profession.
I'll see if I can level some other skills and beef up my stats a bit before trying to kill a vampire, thanks.
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Sorry I don't have it anymore.

Mortal guards and invasions for sure. Also a BOD rework. Both Adventures and Confictura have these things so I can just steal theirs like I did soulbound. I'm gonna take a break from big updates because I'd like to actually play for a bit though. In hindsight I probably should have focused on the BOD rework first.
Just a heads up on the other changes coming with soulbound:
>SDI cap vs monsters bumped to 150
>LRC capped at 75%
>Quivers nerfed
There was a miscalculation with the "damage modifier" property that makes high DM quivers way too OP. All quivers will get a flat damage modifier of 10 with the only exception being the Quiver of Rage, which always has a DM of 15. This will be applied to all existing quivers.
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Man I was just thinking about this. Any of the ruins and riches homies still around?
>BOD rework
Can you elaborate please?
What the hell is that staff? I play occasionally, i'm Nate Higgers.
is this a good place to start if I never played UO (or any ultima for that matter) before
Sure, if you don't mind hard games.
>is this a good place to start if I never played UO
Was great for me. First time playing anything Ultima was on the old (R&R) server and the game does a real great job guiding you through things. Just gotta get in the habit of going through NPC dialogue or books. Also the singleplayer-ish nature of this version means you are typically capable of tackling anything the game throws at you.
Do watch a quick video on how the UI works though. Probably the biggest struggle for the first hour was trying to figure out how to play the game.
That was my old ruins and riches character but it is the staff of ultimate power
Adventures changed the way rewards work so they're less RNG. Also added carpentry and bowcrafting BODs. Confictura is working on a total rework of the system, but it's not done yet. I would like to at least have carpentry and bowcrafting BODs.
I really like how Adventures automates jobs like mining and lumberjacking.
Socket Error
Server is down while I apply the changes. You'll all need to download this zip file and extract it to your client/files folder. Replace all files. https://mega.nz/file/aVIBxKRZ#KrMdc4c2Yst5XHGRFOWeQI1J-jICfPr6DuOMbh-cD-M
And we're back. Of course I just noticed an issue with the starting clothes for the soulbound wizard template. It's probably something stupid that I'm overlooking, but that's an easy direct edit of the script on the VPS once I figure it out. For now if you respawn as that template you'll start out missing a couple clothing items.
To make a soulbound character pick THE CHARIOT tarot card in the gypsy gump at character creation. Make sure you replace those art files in the last post.
Noticed a bug with the newest patch.
If you enter a building while mounted, your mount will be sent to the stable rather than disappearing briefly. Also doesn't work in areas that would give the "your mount is safely waiting for you elsewhere" prompt.
Thanks. I think I know why that happened. I'll try to fix it before bed.
How easy is it to get into the game ? I know nothing about Ultima
>How easy is it to get into the game ?
Honestly, the hardest part is getting used to the UI and the hotkeys config, macros, etc.
Considering I just started getting into mmos , I think it won't really be a problem
i've been trying to download the client file but for some reason google keeps cancelling the download when it's close to finishing , any alternate links ?
Threw the file up on workupload for you. Hopefully this site isn't region blocked for ya.
It finally worked thanks a lot mate, excited to play the game
Accidentally fixed the issue with soulbound mage templates' starting clothes. I don't know why this worked nor why the code didn't work in the first place, but whatever. Also added a knight template and more variety to the warrior template. Finally I can actually play for a bit. I'll patch the server when I come on later tonight.
Server patched.
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Here is the tailoring BOD that will give you Blessed Clothing Deed, which can be used to bless cloth stuff. I completed it multiple times in a row, always gives the blessing.
Client froze and now I'm stuck on verifying account. This on my end or something with the server?
Happened to me too so it's server side.
Glad I was just in the city.
We're back.
ty fren I'm gonna play this with my wife tonight
Just a heads up for any of my soulbound niggas out there. If you're using tazuo grid containers and you log out as a ghost, when you log back in you won't see the "Your Soul" item. You have to close and reopen the backpack to see it.
For regular characters this would also apply to blessed items btw.
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You guys like my loincloth?
I missed out on ever playing an UO game when they were hot. This is actually the first time I've opened up a client.

I might have too many smooth parts in my brain, is there like a guide to getting started for a clueless guy like me?

Here's a pick of a cat I tamed. Can you name tamed animals?
Drag the HP bar gump out when you hover over the cat. You can name it from there. For newbie guides just talk to npcs and use the ingame help menu.
If that's not enough a few tips can be found here https://web.archive.org/web/20220430234652/https://britainknights.com/viewtopic.php?t=110
Here's a video tutorial for complete noobs. It's for UO Outlands, but most of the information is general client/game stuff. https://youtu.be/nhvYXfFfrAg?si=aiuL8g_hEltdzARZ
Mr janny, my main char got stuck and not in a good way, I logged out while my Incognito spell was on, I logged back in and suddenly my UI setup was gone, as the game thought I was a new player, and there was even a gump pop up to rename my self as my old name was unaviable, I loggout out of sheer panic again lol, and logged back in, my UI is back to normal but the name change gump is gone AND my character literally cannot move, its like I am tethered to the ground(most likely because the game still waits for my prompt for the new name) which I cannot provide as the gump is gone. I can teleport and recall but thats it, I am bound to the tile I am on
and no, the stuck in world didnt help
So your character doesn't have a name? What was your character's name?
Oh sorry i did leave that out like a retard, its Quick Ben
I'm not seeing anything in your character's properties that could be changed to fix this. Post when you're online and I'll try to get on.
Alright, I am online
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the sky castles are so cool. also throwback tuesday since this screenshot is from the old server.
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Found the real bag of holding.
I really want to play this, but i'm waging like there's no tomorrow, and i feel really tired after hitting gym.
No rush. I'm barely able to play rn and I'm paying (a pittance really) for the server. The beauty of Odyssey is that it's balanced for single player so you don't need to worry about having other people to complete content with. Get around to playing when you can.
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Here's a warning for my crafter bros out there, don't make 100 items at once in bulk (At least for Alchemy) since it has a bug where it increases the weight of your backpack/you which persists through death, so you'll end up with less and less free carry weight as the time goes on.
Maybe post about this on the servuo thread for AoA so the dev can hopefully fix it in the next update.
Good idea, I'll make a detailed bug report over there.
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I remembering seeing the original Riches & Ruins OP some months ago, then it disappearing the next time I searched the /vm/ catalog. What’s the difference between R&R and the Adventurers of Akalabeth fork?
The servuo link explains all the changes. It's mostly QOL stuff.
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this game is awesome
Game is awesome, love playing and discovering it.
Kept grinding mining till my mouse broke and now I can't play :(
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Damn, that's some good shit.
Links to server and client since they got removed from servuo and I had backups.


Thanks. Spectre a fag
Is starting as a zombie doable? I tamed a pidgeon, but does being a zombie prevent me from doing any normal stuff?
Aside from what it says at race selection (I think zombies have to eat raw meat or something) you start as evil and can't enter towns until you have 4k (?) karma or get a disguise
Hm i can eat animal brains, but each brain gives -50 karma but keeps me from starving. I have no idea what i am doing so i guess it doesn't matter. Although i did pick the "good" start.
ummm halp?
I only want singleplayer/offline.
is this different from
It's a fork of RnR with some important bug fixes and QOL additions. Unfortunately it appears to now be abandoned by the dev, but there's really no reason not to play it over base RnR. Download the server and client files here if you just want to play offline >>1271896
I guess being outside town is fine too. I found the thieves guild earlier.
Server crashed
It's so fucking over
we're so back
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Thank you Mald for supporting the cause!
The Imp Liberation Alliance is ever grateful!
Is that golem any good?
Yes.Mald said its weaker than it was in R&R, but I find it still decent, can tank pretty much anything, even multiple enemies at once.
I see why i thought that tower looked familiar.
>important bug fixes
Yeah, fixing ship crashes and trophies while in the process fucking up everything else, it's a goddamn miracle how much did spectre mess things up.
>really no reason not to play it over base RnR
lol, lmao
R&R was a significantly more stable, coherent, and consistent experience. Enjoy having half of your item properties not working or straight-up lying (especially attribute point increases), having entire spell schools bugged and dysfunctional (ancient research, secret classes, etc.), enhancing a dwarven steel weapon actually damages its statline, partial weight reduction bags can ruin your character for days with fake weight, etc.
Uh huh
You're gonna have to provide some receipts. That isn't my experience nor have I read any remotely similar complaints in any of the places I've seen AoA discussed.
dll link is down
scroll up

>You're gonna have to provide some receipts
Sure. Here's they are, live from the server, made with a default client:
Arti Helm - 20 Str Bonus, 5 Dex, 5 Int, gives none of those. I even upgraded the item during so that you can see that the stat increases just don't work.
How about deceptive item tooltips and stats on weapons, like Dracula's Sword, with 20% hit chance increase and 35% damage increase, oh nvm, it's only +10% hit chance and 0 dmg bonus.
And then for contrast I provide a katana with 23% dmg increase, which actually gives only +3%

Here's me messing around with items showcasing its stat increase inconsistent behaviour, equipping both randomly generated ones and crafted arti ones.

If it was only a visual bug, it would be ok, but those stats really are eaten up and don't apply to the character. When I have +20 str from gear, I can't equip gear that I need 5+ more strength for than I already have.
I believe from my experience, and that of other people, that the full item properties only fully apply after a server restart, and if you unequip them you'll lose bonuses from them until the next reboot.

Here are two videos with me messing around randomly with the alchemy rucksack and some bottles. I started at 1 fake weight, ended up with 2. I assume with a systematic effort this can be replicated >>1254803 (it wasn't the fault of bulk orders, at all, it just made this flaw more apparent)

And here's a video of me on my actual client bricking a +50% hit chance increase dagger with a extraordinary hammer, dumping it to +15% as soon as the hammer touches it.

I believe that more videos won't be necessary as with this I've made my point clear.
I don't think that's AoA, I think it's an oversight on my part in the onequip/unequip changes for soulbound. It's my fault, but damn how has no one else noticed this for so long? lol I'll see if I can fix it today
Most of the single target spell research spells have 100% fizzle rate with 100 inscription and magery/necro. Dunno if that's just bugged or something you can do as well.
>but damn how has no one else noticed this for so long?
I think every active player noticed it, to the point that "QoL fork" and "god I love this game" became a ingame chat meme whenever someone stumbled onto a bug, its just that no one bothered to post in the spectre's thread once it closed down (or this one)
And well, I was recording down bugs with the intent to fix them (I would've contacted you right before I would start that endeavor) , so there was probably a little bit of the bystander's syndrome there as well >_<
hm ok I think I jumped the gun. I don't think it's my code. Were you testing this with a fresh AoA install on your machine? I'll have to do that when I get a chance later
I wasn't testing it locally since I assumed that you weren't a dweeb (an assumption which I think is proven correct). Anyway, it doesn't matter now, it shouldn't be your code, as I've managed to replicate the exact same bug on my local instance of AoA https://files.catbox.moe/95jtsy.mp4
I'll be able to help out in a few days if you struggle or get stuck somewhere (if you're willing, ofc) , since currently I am on a trip and thus have no access to my tools. A simple diff-check and de-vandalizing the scripts should likely get it fixed.
So interesting news. Spectre didn't abandon AoA, he just removed it from servuo and made a thread for it on reddit. Idk why he wouldn't announce that in the servuo thread but whatever. Can you post about this bug there?
Forgot link https://old.reddit.com/r/uodyssey/comments/1ca81f2/adventurers_of_akalabeth/
If its not a bother, it would be really great if you post your findings there for Spectre. Also I would like to thank you for archiving your foundings. IT sure be great to actually sew some cloths with stat bonuses lel
Also, on an unrelated note, the server just crashed
Back up.
Skara brae sucks. I have died more than two dozen times. The humanoids in the cellar are just too strong and i can only kill zombies,skeletons and other weaklings. No one seems to want to sell me armor or anything useful.
Atleast my hiding is 50 and I can hide from them around corners now.

And how do you even talk in public chat?
Are you trying to do a Skara run with a new character? is that even possible?
Well i got here at level 5 i am level 16 now. Maybe if something drops a proper armor it won't be as hard.

I never played this game before.
You put [c before your message. What kinda build are you going for I'd be happy to bring you some starter gear.
Meant for >>1281151 I am retarded
I dont really know. I am a necromancer, but i didn't get any spells yet.
I leveled taming slightly to 17, but i think some skills like that one are meant to be leveled with gold since leveling it takes forever.

50 hiding
50 necro
50 spirit
100 focus
40 swordmanship
10 parry
X tactics
And there are only enough points for 7 skills to 100 i read, so i don't have a lot of choices left.

Thanks for offering starter gear, but i'll just continue with the dungeon and complain in the thread when i feel truly stuck.
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The limit is 10 skills normally, unless zombies got extra shafted somehow. It goes up to 13 if you decided to be an outlaw at character creation (and are thus barred from going into towns and shit), or 20 if you're an alien (but then you have stupidly high death penalties). There's also a super secret, super pain-in-the-ass quest that lets you get 100 in another 5 skills but that's basically the endgame.

As a fellow melee chud (though not the guy you're replying to) I would advise you get Bushido and/or Knighthood up at some point. Bushido gives you some nice temporary defensive buffs and a spammable attack that increases your hit chance, while Knighthood lets you tithe gold* at shrines to cast some useful spells (highlights: cure poison in exchange for some HP, restore some HP, make your melee weapon do whatever damage type enemies are weakest against, do way more damage against the next enemy type you attack, resurrect anyone nearby).
*Once you get 100% reagent reduction it no longer uses gold for spells

With your necromancy that high I assume you're going for negative karma which wouldn't play well with knighthood but after you find a book you can be a death knight. I didn't play much as one on R&R but iirc they had some interesting spells too.
Ah that makes we less worried about all these skill points.
I didn't pick outlaw, i can enter a town, but guards do kill me on sight because i am a zombie.

I'll do the bushido route, i passed by some samurai training spot near yew before i got stuck here. I can only eat brains and they give -50 karma each, so positive karma is a no go.
>It goes up to 13 if you decided to be an outlaw at character creation (and are thus barred from going into towns and shit)
Don't do this, its not worth. It doesn't only affects your social life, but also cuts your game content. I'm a criminal and i can't go to Skara Brae, not sure if bug or intended, but i cant do Skara, and it sucks.
wdym you can't do skara? what stops you?
I cant interact with the orb.
do you get a message?
Hello, yeah, i get the following message.
Server crashed right when I finished the exodus quest...
wow, where did you fin exodus?
he moves around but I found him in the city of embers completely by accident
How does it looks like?
big robot dude with 4 legs
what are you guys doing? the server was stable for weeks and now it's crashing and hanging every other day. anyway it's back up. guess i have to look into a more robust automated restart
I tried to empower my staff of ultimate power with the core of exodus when it crashed. I have everything still so I can attempt to recreate it if you want.
yeah try again and see what happens
yeah instant crash
yep I see it in the crash log now. gay
System.MissingMethodException: Default constructor not found for type Server.Items.StaffFiveParts
says it only works with non artifacts I'll try my cape I suppose
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cape worked lmao
What the hell im looking at?
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as the personal money washer to Lord Britain, I approve this massage
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I would like to thank all of you, who helped me through the journey. Luck be with ya all!
What does the "Titan of Ether" title gives you?
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How do you train skills? Someone asks for 109 gold and i drag 109 gold onto him.
>I can't take that from you
What am i doing wrong?
You're a criminal. Hanged man route is cucked af.
I guess i will be saving my gold. Thanks
If you went for the hanged man meme, just don't. Make another character, it really is THAT bad. You will not be able to do skara brae, and any quest that involves talking to certain NPCs. The disguise mechanic is cucked af tho, since game options are bounded to the character name, which means your options and UI will reset to default once you relog until the disguise effect is over.
Fugitive start is great IF you have an already estabilished alt char with porting access and a house. Otherwise you are going to have a bad time.
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maxiumum overal stat cap is raised by 50
from 250 to 300
and maximum skillpoints is rasied by 300 or 500, I cant seem to find correct information on this
I guess this is fine. I reached a new obstacle anyway, the wizards i am supposed to kill at the end of the dungeon are too strong.

It did seem like everyone would talk to me? Unless it just a few specific npc's that ignore me.
Oh, nice, I didn't know there were /v/core servers besides vidyascape. Any other ones?
Basically, any "fugitive" or "criminal" route you take is hard mode, not because the game itself is harder, but just significantly more inconvenient, you do get better skill point cap thanks to it, though, which potentially makes you stronger. I recommend taking it after you get your first character situated and set-up, because its a major pain in the ass.
It's sad that all monster races are evil
Xenophobia is based.
Now that I am back from the trip I can actually pester Specter to get this fixed. And play the game. It's Goud to be back.
*literally butchers people to eat their brains*
*gains 4k karma*
*is considered innocent by civilized society as a whole*
what did Djeryv mean by this
It's a transactional relationship. Kill enough of your fellow bad guys and you can eat this much brains.
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>hello neighbor
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Do all apples cure poison?
apples do WHAT?
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Nevermind, it's just that eating food heals you apparently.
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Is the thieves guild fun? Not sure if it's worth 2000 gold.
>Verifying Account...
Mister Benito, I don't feel so good...
back up
I found the scale of ethicality. It made a special sound when i picked it up. Does anyone know what it really does? I guess i'll spam it until i find a use like with the monocle.
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It's for a quest. I had it but if you found it then mine is gone. No big deal though I'm taking a break for a while.
Wut skill and tool do i need to craft shit with skins?
Tailoring, tailoring kits
I found the other two items for that quest, and even got the shadowlord souls, but for some fucking reason (I assume a w11 update) I can't connect to the server any more
Well, if you start playing again you can have it back.
I did a fresh install and I still can't connect, so I wish you luck on getting the book and bell to finish off the shadowlords.
How do you work with skins? not leathers but skins.
Where can i buy invisibilty potions? I am having trouble getting my stuff back from the forgotten halls.

I still don't get the revive mechanic.
>Where can i buy invisibilty potions
Some alchemists, its a rare item.
>I still don't get the revive mechanic.
did you make a soulbound?
I just don't get when you are allowed to pay 5% of your stats to revive on the spot.
I think the server is down.
>I just don't get when you are allowed to pay 5% of your stats to revive on the spot.
When you dont have gold in your bank to pay the fee i think. and its 10%
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Stealthy adventure.
Wow, so cool.
Well done, anon.
Taking the gold out and putting it in again solved it. It just didn't register somehow.

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search the crates!
That's devil's watch tho, not Jew.
Oh, i thought i checked it when i walked into that town. I really need to write down the town names.
>shittons of trees that make accessing anything useful a pain in the ass
>no lake
>somehow this is Devil's Guard and not Yew
Get your orienteering skills checked
well, looking at the map, it looks like devil's guard, not Jew
Do I download this or the thing from reddit to play?
I don't understand the drama of the forks/devs but want to try this game.
It was taken off the original site and I had the files so I uploaded them mine or reddit are both fine
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If i use the building contract for a 30k home, is that all that's needed. Or do i need to do more after that before i can use it to store stuff? I wanted to skip the tent. Inventory management is becoming a bit annoying.
ClassicUO Linux client doesn't appear to have an option for scaling the UI, so the game is basically unplayable on a 4k monitor. Any Linux users have a working scaling client setup?
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Spectre/Xork has grown tired of ServUO's internal politics and decided to lose em. He's got his own blogpage where he shares development progress.Thats about it. To be honest I like his vision so I cant wait for the Warlords update.
>internal politics
Do you know more? Not about his situation specifically, but the unique autism of ServUO
Why don't you link his page for us?
Your UI looks excellent and comfy, how did you do it?
There is a link to his blog in the reddit post that this >>1279985
anon posted, you can also read all about the ServUO stuff in one of his older post, thats all I know.
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wtf you guys have been playing this for months again without telling me
Has there been any R&R releases since, or this fork is now the only decent continuation of it
This might be the only decent fork of it
Wait so where do I make an account to login or whatever? The default admin one doesn't work
You just log in with the account name and pw you want. It's automatically created.
server owner here
ngl I don't like the direction he's going with Warlord. He's trying to dumb things down which is antithetical to the design philosophy of Odyssey. I for sure will not be adopting wands in the trinket slot.
In settings you can make the container bar. The top row of potions is from the alchemy bag which reduces your potion weight.
But the alchemy bar doesn't display the amount of potions. Sometimes it stops displaying the potion amount until i open the alchemy bag again. So it's not ideal.

To get the buff bar
>drag from character to display hp/mana bar
>press on it to open new info screen
>click on the gem button to activate buff bar
Okay first time player; just messed around a bit until I got DC'd.
I killed some random animals and didn't really get anything then found a dungeon and killed some stuff until a gnome wizard dude fucked me up and I had to run away.
Where do I sell my stuff though? I could sell the swords and a couple other things but I have like a female leather armor thing that nobody will buy, as well as some shields that the smiths aren't interested in.
I assume the bank will let me exchange coins (bronze into gold for example).
Are there proper 'quests' or guilds or anything, or is it just following up on all the rumors and shit random dudes in town talk about?
Also, with the character creation the gypsy mentioned you can only have so many skills at grandmaster. I assume it takes a long time to get there, but is that an actual decision or if you overlevel something through lots of use can you lock yourself out of leveling other skills?
>I could sell the swords and a couple other things but I have like a female leather armor thing that nobody will buy
Merchants have "interest" rotations so their interest for items to buy rotates on a daily basis.
>but is that an actual decision or if you overlevel something through lots of use can you lock yourself out of leveling other skills?
Excess of skill points is just a meme. The punishment for that is so harsh its not worth.
>Are there proper 'quests' or guilds or anything
There are guilds for every profession, you have to spend 2k gold in order to join em tho. Also, there are proper quests, you find em on random books you find elsewhere.
Stuff that NPC buy off you is randomised. It is for to encouraging players to explore more and visit other towns. The local blacksmith may not want your shield you wanted to sell, but another blacksmith in another town might do. If you get inside a bank, and chose the "talk" menu at the banker npc, they will enlighten you about other valuables, and their exchange rate, as well as how banking in general works. Regarding quests: Its both. There is a panel where you can actually look up your current quests, and other notable stuff that needs to be there so you can check your progress, but yeah, following up on a certain rumor can actually progress you too. Most useful informaitons regarding quests or location of things came in a form of lorebooks.There are guilds, altho their main purpose is to help you train and level faster certain skills that reflect the guild interests and offering you opportunity to gain more gold through crafting or get better crafting tools, or certain supplies in bigger quantities.
Regarding skills: Normal, law abiding citizens start with 1000 maximum skill point(10 skill to grandmaster). You can choose a fugitive, criminal start that starts with 1300 max skill pool. Not recommended as a starter character as you will be extremely limited regarding access(towns, services, leveling). There is also an "Alien" character start who starts with 4000 maximum skillpoint, but they lose 5-10% of their skill/statpoints every time they die. In the skill menu you can up/down arrow, or lock certain skills to allow, lower or halt the progress on it. It will adjusts itself so in the end you can always make your build, as you level up the desired skill, the skill with a down arrow will start going down.
I strongly advise you to read everything in the help menu panel, its extremely useful and will give you pointers regarding game mechanics and what not. I hope I was helpful.
Thanks. About to play some more so hopefully I'll be able to offload some more loot. A lot of the guilds in the town I'm in weren't particularly interesting (tailor was one I know), but there's also ships and a sailor's wanted poster so I could probably travel a bit if I scrape together some more cash.
I found the animate creature scroll. I am finally an actual necromancer.
What do bandages do? They seem ineffective but IDK if I just need to train my healing or they just don't do health but rather status effects or something
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Is this a lot of luck?
bandages are really good. Indispensable skill for every adventurer, the chance of success is affected by the skill level.
If you pair it with the Anatomy skill, you will not only do higher damage in melee combat but also give you the ability to abolish nasty and painful poisons. With high enough skill in Anatomy and Healing you can deal with very strong or even deadly poisons, and have the ability to ressurrect others.
Where do I get runes for Sanctum Viatas/Sacred Journey?

Still worth training for a knight? I normally just cast spells for that, but I guess bandages are cheaper at 3 instead of 10 gold. They take longer though, right? So less useable during combat.
You can make bandages by cutting up cut cloth or folded cloth can't remember which also bandages are useful for melee in general
Yeah, scissors on folded cloth worked, which I have a decent amount of. I'll make a bunch, pay for healing training and trial them I guess.
>Still worth training for a knight?
You don't train knight because of the heals, lol. You train knight because enemy of one and divine fury are broken.
How do you use skills on weapons? I got a weapon with "poison cleansing" and one with "orc extinction". No idea how to use them.
I started using bandages too and they're solid for health but the poison removal spell is much better IMO.
The healing spell is very good too though; it lets me kill things I wouldn't otherwise be able to, particularly ones that move slow.
Yeah, knightship is by far the best spell school in the game, and its not even close.
Those are slayer affixes, they make your weapon do big damage against certain types of enemies. Obviously orc extinction kills the fuck out of orcs, but beyond poison elementals I'm not sure what poison cleansing is good for. Sometimes you'll find slayer stones as rare loot, you can slap them on a weapon or non-artifact trinkets to a max of two per weapon (never got around to trying it on trinkets). They're permanent afaik though, so make sure it's something you'll use for a while for a troublesome type of enemy.
Dwarven weapons mog the fuck out of regular gear with slayer affixes so get your alt up to 125 blacksmithing
Thank you, the poison cleansing made me confused. I do have a slayer rune, but i'll save it for now then.
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Damn this game is hard for someone who never played UO.
Spent my first few hours running from goats, fizzling my shitty bolt spell and trying to figure out UI.
looks comfy
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>tired of grinding dungeon near Moon
>40 elementalism, 100 meditation, 100 focus
>can summon elemental, heal, remove poison
>yeah, it's time to explore
>running in the wilderness on my dragon summon
>nice relaxing music
>out if nowhere Demon portal appears with giganigger Balor that instakills me
>try to get my stuff back, he just always appears out of nowhere and kills me
>delete game
I bet this game is lots of fun for someone who played UO back in the days, but it's definitely not for someone new.
Pleasantly surprised to see sprites from Infinity Engine games and Diablo 2, turned off by overall jankiness and shitty combat.

Going to replay Ultima 7 instead.
>try to get my stuff back, he just always appears out of nowhere and kills me
Balrogs are the newbies bane, they do disappear after some minutes tho.
Yeah don't quit because of a Balrog. They don't stay around for longer than an hour and your corpse will be there for a year so there's no rush to get your stuff back.
i fucked up.
I accidently walked into a random portal and i got teleported to some scary place where i died almost instantly.

I walked out of that place as a ghost, since i wasted my revive. But now i cannot return, since the gate is closed.

what do i do? I am at the port of shadows it seems.
oh, that's the deep sea dungeon i guess? it's in lodoria.
the gate lead to a town, the dungeon is at the stairs, you can just walk in, good luck leaving tho, the whole place is on an island lel
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Well, i did enter the town, but i cannot go back because the gates block me from going to scurvy reef.

I tried a teleport scroll, but it doesn't allow me to go past it either. I probably missed something, i walked more than a dozen of circles in this town.
Are you playing on the server or just single player? If you are on the server I can log in and port you away.
Yea i am playing on the server. I'll be online in two hours. My name is "Was".
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bump, why does this board have 12 minecraft threads.
What's that?
Wizard guild
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UH OH, I think I crashed the server. I think it doesn't like it when I cast Remove curse from knightship on my frankeinstein golem, I remember vaugely another time that it crashed just like this after a remove curse cast.Sorry.
the server did restart automatically in case anyone read this and assumed it was still down
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The server is now over 100 days old, so here's some stats. The Warlord patch for AoA is in beta. When it's fully released I'll go over it and see what I want to implement. I can't just patch normally because I've modified a lot of scripts (and the server code), but I don't want all of it anyway.
>7m player gold
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I think atleast 4 million out of that is/was mine lel. I just burned a few million into this for example. Its something I am working on here and there
No, i mean... how the fuck do you even get 4 million gold to begin with?
Trading with NPC-s. Thanks to the janny, guild traders sell basic materials (and not so basic), so if you got 2 character with some good membership and profession you can flip some big bucks. Mining/blacksmiths is exceptionally good for this. Also, most people dont know, that if you are a member of a guild, your selling prices are maxed to that guild, regardless your mercantile skill level. Even, for example, if were the basic material option would not be aviable at vendors, you can make some decent money through actually mining and blacksmithing stuff out of it and selling (I recommend royal boots.), albeit it would be a slower process. The end result is the same, swimming in millions of gold.....
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I actually found another soulstone! This shit is really rare
Post home.
Did you get the 1.5 million castle house you enter with the rope?
The only use for that is to "save" 1 skill so you can transfer it to another character.
I have nothing special, I am not much of an interior designer, I cant post screens now tho, the server is dead for a while now
Please post here if the server is down. I'll restart it in a few minutes

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