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A vanilla 1.20 Paper server, open to JAVA from 1.18.2 And above or Bedrock clients, even pocket edition.

Pirate and cracked friendly, with chat reporting disabled for those who want to avoid Mircrsift's ever worsening tactics.

A server with obsene amounts of lore, a few adminstrators come and gone, and a recent bout of cancer now in remission, we present you /v/craft! Now in it's fifth year!

Current map opened June 2021 (1.17), and expanded with fresh 1.20 terrain. End and nether are trimmed periodically.

JAVA - mc.chimpout.club:25600
Bedrock (all others) - mc.chimpout.club:19132
Map - http://mc.chimpout.club:9788/

>How to can I join?
Official and pirated clients can join in without issue... unless you can't figure out how to make a password for your player on the server.
VPN and (((Certain Countries))) may be blocked. If your connection is blocked contact instructions are provided by the server.

Yes. This isn't Anarchy. Be cool. Hackers get autojannied. Shitting things up will result in a ban. You might learn more about that, in this thread!
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Home of dog-bombing
Somebody needs to build an interesting project in The End because there is almost no reason to visit it
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Apparently sweeping edge doesnt work on dogs, so I had to kill all 400+ of them one at a time.

Unfortunately it wasnt enough, so now I need to grow more.
I'm considering making a full scale replica of the Halo 3 map "Sandtrap" in the end so that I don't have to dig a bagillion chunks down to bedrock, and also get more vertical resolution.

Don't we have the build limit set really high in the end?
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the house of cod

One of the oldest schizo builds on the server.
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The Great Spawn Boat Fiasco of 2021
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Back when the villager factory was still in active use.
no i think it's the normal one, but maybe idk
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A server for fellow horsefvckers
Horse fuckers should go to >>>/mlp/40876533
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formerly, in spawn...
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apparently i already have a password which i don't remember setting and i don't use discord so i can't request to have it reset
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you can ask here and maybe someone will believe you, and perhaps relay it.
Anon likes to play tricks after all.
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vcraft is a hardcore pvp duels room, not for the faint of heart
I am retarded and can't figure out how to join, help plz?
cracked or uncracked minecraft launcher. add the server in the multiplayer shit. God speed
Dead server, only bots and pajeets that barely speak English play on this shitty server
all /vm/ servers seem dead compared to a few years ago
what happened?
People grow up, /vm/ is no longer a "new" board, and /vg/ fags ruined the board
Pretty much the only sever that actually has people on it most of the time. At any given time you might have 5-6 players on instead of the average of 0 for most /vm/ servers (even if 1/2 the players are AFK)
when was the last time something exciting that involved more than 5 people happened here
We'll tell you when it happens Billy
keep telling yourself that lol
Mods can I redeem my newnigger pass and get my inventory restored?
and where's your server
Does anyone actually go on /vm/ anymore? I guess servers seem so dead because nobody actually plays games.
The servers are dead because they're operated by retards
To be fair Minecraft is also operated by retards so Minecraft naturally has a content glut despite having literally millions of dollars behind any development AND codemonkeys readily available.
What's that anon, I couldn't hear you, I just spent 6 months adding in bees and 3 (3) new blocks that do absolutely nothing into the game.
Jeb get off of 4chan and go back to the cuck chair, Notch and Jenny are waiting on you
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based server ............ needs more block bros
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It really does, somehow it's the most active server on /vm/ but there's hardly anyone on daily. We are losing players to roblox now.
>it's the most active server on /vm/
You're delusional, AnonCraft almost always has more players at any time of the day, you're losing players to them
What happend to a player going by the name Aits on this server?
down bad
Will /v/craft be updating to the newest version of Minecraft?
No we are switching to 1.0
>Who the fuck is 0skar?
i cant belive /v/craft is dead. RIP guys, it was a fun ride
hello guys i am new player my name is sp8
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sp8 aka 0skar is a griefer, hacker and a thief
beware of the this pajeet
bloody benchod bastard
are anoncraft and vcraft doing banned user transfers again?
you're brown and smelly
no u
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walking corpse server. just put it to rest already
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The best is yet to come for /v/craft
yeah, the owner doesn't even play
too busy working on his jewtuber gerg wank server
since /v/craft is dying may i suggest we all go play on clover.mc instead?
no thanks, I'd rather play on a dead server than with you insufferable faggots
The server should get get a world reset
The map should be extended 500 blocks in all directions but only cherry blossoms should spawn there resulting in a pleasing pink border the whole way around the map
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da bes minecraf server on v
unfortunately not many people here play minecraft, and would-be newer players are going to more heavily shilled servers instead :(
When browsing /v/ I see new minecraft server popping up and shilled every week or so.
It's been almost a year when I joined /v/craft. It was pretty smooth so far, the last thing I want is server going down in flames and losing all build progress
Reset the server world this is only way to have more active player
For a week or two until they all fuck off just like last time.
meanwhile (other server) just reset their map and is hitting 15-30 players and this one is dying
The people who actually play there don't want this. Who cares what people think if they don't even play? You're the kind of person to make all girls in a game ugly to please feminists who don't even play games.
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The way it is right now, is the way it's been the entire time Mark has been in charge.
Including hecklers in these threads insisting it's dying and the map should be reset.
most of the currently active players came after the 1.17 reset
most of the players who were active before the reset didn't leave at that time either, so it's not that resetting the server replaces the old players with new ones, everyone who is not overly attached to their block creations benefits from it
The block creations are the point of the game. There is more than enough undeveloped land on the map for new players to build in.
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Look at any given minecrap server, how many players are still active 2 years later, that's the timeframe 1.17 is.
For that matter, how many minecrap servers are still up two years later?
If you're worried about bringing in more players, advertising does that, which no one has aggressively done for /v/craft in about 6 months.
>Look at any given minecrap server, how many players are still active 2 years later, that's the timeframe 1.17 is.
my point was that resetting after 1.17 DID bring new players
>If you're worried about bringing in more players, advertising does that, which no one has aggressively done for /v/craft in about 6 months.
because it doesn't work, nobody wants to play on a map filled with old builds from unknown players, it's exactly the same as downloading a random map from the internet and playing on it
you don't play multiplayer minecraft for the "undeveloped land" and in-game chat, it's all about building a new world together
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>resetting after 1.17 DID bring new players
>nobody wants to play on a map filled with old builds
explain players on literally any server that doesn't reset.
Pro-tip: you can't!
But you can build things together on the current map, there is lots of space
> nobody wants to play on a map filled with old builds from unknown players
But that's the fun part. I like exploring other people buildings and reading lore
If you want a fresh start, open up /v/ and find "new minecraft server of the day" thread
Were you even old enough to post on this board when the map got reset for 1.17
ur failure to provide proofs means you have none
You can make a portal that connect the old world to new world that way we can have new player play on new map while old fagg can play on main map
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>>resetting after 1.17 DID bring new players
Check your own server's lore once in a while retard
Pic related is day 1 of 1.17 /v/craft
In case you can't count either that was 56-57 players online concurrent to the map reset.
Meanwhile /v/craft is lucky to peak at 8 players any given week.
Reset the map already, spawn's a shithole and the only people playing are literal femboys and trannies.
Yeah that's cool anon, except nearly every one of them were players during 1.16 too.
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1.17 was 3 years ago.

Take your meds.
mark is too poor to host two maps, he can't even keep the coreprotect logs for more than a few weeks
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>spend money on me daddy uwu
Anon craft did that already
Anon craft is full of stupids
Is vcraft adopting armoured paws or just waiting for the next major update to upgrade?
Full of stupids > empty dying server
For me, it's the clay pot redstone.
there can be a new world with 2000 block border and we can make new thread for that
We can have big map with build and less player or new world with more player
can we get a big player with less map and none world?
haha so funny! have an upvote
there should be a new world with a border and some more good plugins
I have seen it used to be most popular 4 chan server and now its almost dead
And then, one day, for no reason at all, billy said fuck it, and gave it to sub.
Reminder that DocWaluigian is a janny on anoncraft as well as vcraft, he just hides it so he doesn't get banned by mark
doc is /v/craft admin now
Why would someone play in one server while being an admin in the other?
Can someone give qrd of server timeline?
Timelime of when server started, changed hands, got reset and other noteworthy events?
ask mark
nobody is going to ask mark
why do you keep asking this doc
what happen to withdueprocess
Guy i got banned >autumnrock
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It didn't happen, but if it did, you deserved it
Hello 0skar2
Thx Oskar for giving me your name Fuck you
Thanks for playing all these years!

But all things must come to an end.

I'm closing the server. Love cyberbilly
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played a bit before the current map, but felt like everything was already done and i didnt want to impede.
current map i played a couple of months before i took a break, came back to everything robbed and griefed.
map reset when
Love you
The server is closing so can we get a dowload link of the world
dead server
If you did a reset now it would bring in so many people that it would effortlessly kill Anoncraft
But you still cling to the past and you will die with it
>hurr durr just make the two servers the exact same shurely that'll increase the playerbase!!
I can't tell whether this is anonfaggots trying to take down this server or legitimate retardation
None of the anontards give a shit. It's ICA provocateurs causing problems on both sides and trying to incite "server wars" or whatever that means
What makes you think we want new players?
You heard it here boys
/v/craft does not want new players, pack it up
Should the server get a reset or a end Vote
Get out of here anoncrafters we dont need stupid dumbass
Nigga its been over a year. ICA is still rent free in your head I see
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Where the fuck are these "wipe the map" fags coming from?
Server has functioned perfectly fine since 2019 with a nice playerbase. Nobody on the server wants a wipe. Is it all just shills or people who were banned wanting to shit up the thread/server? What benefit would a map reset even have for anyone? I don't fucking understand. A reset would easily push away the hundred or so semi-regular players (including me). Only total newfags and the dedicated regular players would remain. Are these people such faggots that they aren't willing to walk ~500 blocks out of spawn (or use the random TP command that goes out to 10,000) for a building spot?
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To continue my point, after some thought:
Personally, what I find most appealing about /v/craft is that the playerbase isn't entirely constructed of NEETs who obsess over the game. All of the regulars I see are mostly functioning members of society with lots of free time or irregular schedules. The ones that aren't are just in it for the game. Most of the players are people who only hop on every once in a while because their real life does not allow for 24/7 vidya. A playerbase like that is very difficult to curate, especially these days. It's also great because it serves as a repelling force against the scourge of the people who are online 24 hours a day and live on discord because all they see is a "dead server" with "weirdos" where they can't inject their social AIDS constantly into another group of faggots. It gives a proper sense of community, like a neighborhood, not a place where you're forced to interact with the same tiny group of retards every day like high school or prison. It's an escape from the 2020's internet where everything is a discord server.

The call for a map wipe is a call to destroy this establishment, so they can restructure it in their new image. "More players"? A map wipe would obviously reduce the server population. It's clear that they are referring to themselves as the desired "new player". Perhaps I'm speaking too highly of an internet minecraft server, but I think the analogy holds.
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And as sub did in the week billy was gone, so he did again with the server fully his, pretended being cyberbilly was easy.
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schematics copied from 2b2t
tldr on your opinion piece: anon doesn't want the map to be wiped because it's full of his reddit schematicas and homosocial comrades

New world should be here
I would understand it if those homosocial comrades actually played the game, but anon seems to have a problem specifically against server regulars, which confirms that this isn't a minecraft server with a discord but a discord with a minecraft server
lots of fishermen today ay?
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You completely misunderstand. I don't know how you have interpreted my post to mean exactly the opposite of what I intended. I have nothing against regular players. I don't even think most players here use discord. /v/craft is a minecraft server with a discord server, not a discord server with a minecraft server.
1 player currently online and 1 bot
nice regulars you've got there
if you give a shit about player count, do something about it.
A new world is a great option to have player
one time i was placing block
and in come mother
cyberbilly is kill
Thats 1 whole player more than that other tranny server
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I like the hustle and bustle of a big server
>join server
>literally ALL of the in-game chat is archived in their discord. Anything you say in this server gets sent there, for anyone to see at any point in time.
Why even have the no chat reports mod if discord mods are just gonna put you on a watchlist anyways?
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Funny, there was much dismay that the in game chat wasn't logged anymore, and the discord archives were removed. Not that discord posts from a minecraft chat bot have anything to do with getting your pirated minecraft account banned, anon. meds.
ICA server, right over there >>>>1312357
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>discord mod putting minecraft users without discord accounts on a single cracked server on a watchlist based on mirrored chatlogs posted by a bot on a server without community functions.
Are you one of those mentally retarded people? Faggots like you will bitch and cry about the stupidest "muh privacy muh feds" stuff like this and at the same time use the same username for everything or carry a mobile phone everywhere. You probably don't even do the bare minimum for maintaining anonymity and privacy. I bet you don't even back up your files.
Unfortunately anon, chat logs are maintained permanently by discord. Even if this fact wasn't confirmed, it would be safe to assume they do. Deleting them on the server just makes them inaccessible to users (shitty move by mark, honestly)
>having a discord is a terrible thing
>but since you have one you better leave it alone
These are one of many incompatibilities of running a 4chins minecraft server
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reset the world
no nigga
i kinda agree, albeit theres so much autism built i think some people might an hero
Why a new player is gonna play when everything is done already
why would player keep playing once they did everything?
suck my penis, it'll help you become less of a faggot
I guess people are bored in other servers, if they come here beg for world reset
This way the server can only visitors not players
most player are visitor
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can you update to 1.20.6 thanks
Not yet
I would like to join penis touching town
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bumping the thread for my favorite server
I hope all of the people who ran to anoncraft to talk to all of the newfrens come back someday...
May /v/craft outlive them all.
Nobody wanna play on a old fillled world
The world is far from filled, there is ample space for all these new builds people claim they want to do. What you mean to say is, "Spawn is filled and I want everyone who logs on to see my builds first."
the server is a toilet that hasn't been flushed in over 5 years
learn to wipe, it's disgusting and basic hygiene
No, all homos are banished to cok hungry mountain
How? There's fucking empty space everywhere.
Only place that's filled is the spawn area, and people still build there regardless (like the fucking cancer tower right now)
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the most filled server in all of minecraft 4chans
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This is a tremendous shitpost of a build.
Join to Anarchy server no rules no wipes IP: rexhalla.cc
Guys reset map
Why should the map be reset? I have not yet heard anyone give a good reason for this yet.
New player here, I DONT want the server reset. Servers that don't reset is a perfect niche for me, I like looking at other people's builds and the community just feels less cancerous.
People who want the server reset are just attention seekers who want their builds to be shown first at spawn and they'll shit up the server with their unpleasant personalities. This server is for the people like strolling around the server and humbly appreciating the history without the urge to leave a mark upon it.
>strolling around the server and humbly appreciating the history without the urge to leave a mark upon it
Meanwhile, in spawn.... >>1322447 >>1322323
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Update when?
paper 1.21 aint out yet
>the build is bad because i don't like it
Will you trim the overworld
I never said I don't like it. I just thought it was very ironic that such a build was posted right next to the post
Will you expand the overworld?
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Which one are you, anons?
defunct server
Anoncraft mogs
can i be unbanned please? I dont have kikecord so i cant appeal it on there. my username is Fotrik
when was fotrik banned? everybody thought his drunken rant on vcraft was hilarious, with steeve coming on very apologetic to collect one of his lost players
Why are Anoncraft refugees flocking to /v/craft then?
I'm not asking to be unbanned someone is just butthurt enough to pretend to be me because of Anoncraft drama. I don't remember shit from my drunken rant but if you thought it was hilarious I'm glad.
On second thought I do want to be unbanned. Being on a server with sensitive bitches isn't for me. vcraft is my new home
Stop larping as me retard.
Actually you should both stop larping as me
All me btw
>Being on a server with sensitive bitches isn't for me. vcraft is my new home
who's gonna tell him
deceased server
holocaust server
play on vcraft and ur goofy and likely dont smell too good
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Oy vey, not another one!
just shut down this pathetic wasteland of a server forever
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MARK! A question:
Do you have any personal objection to people shilling your server on your behalf? I just wanted to get your opinion before I invite people and whatnot.
>server is so dead that the few remaining players have to shill the server because the owner abandoned them

truly pathetic if you think about it
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>instant reply
Are you guys watching this thread 24/7? Somehow even more pathetic.
go for it
talk to mark
>join server
>like 2 players online, one of them is a chat bot
>get bombarded with things telling me to join the discord before i can build anything
>its full of tranny ERP and other gay shit
>also ALL of the in-game chat is logged there permanently so anyone can read it

never logged out of a server faster
The in-game chat logs were the only good thing about the d*scord, they were useful to find all sort of information about builds and locations in the server, especially now that there are no coreprotect logs for almost anything.
They're not permanent anymore and mark is a huge faggot for doing this
>Posting all of in-game chat is a good thing!

why even have no chat reports if youre gonna do this? seems like a retarded idea for a 4chan server
Cool, you made a bunch of things up
When is the server going to update to 1.21?
2 more weeks
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Paper is still experimental and a couple other important plugins are not updated to 1.21 either.
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it's never been so over
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>we are back
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not so fast anon...
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Goodbye endless waste
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W-what's that anon?
Delete everything???
But anon, I'm quite partial to some of it..
If you insist...
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/v/craft has updated to 1.21!

>Viaversion allows all accounts 1.18.2 and above!
>Bedrock crossplay disabled due chinese bots.
>Over 90% of all chunks have been pruned in all worlds, 1.21 generation in all of them!
but what if you didn't update the server?
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New mapart
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>90% chunks pruned
>pic still exists
what the fuck was deleted?
Go back to 1.20 literally no one asked for this, none of my client side plugins work now. Thanks retard
Dynmap is showing you 1.20 tiles.
Doop the retard chatbot is still on 1.18.2. You can be on whatever version you want between Doop and the server's version.
but what if there wasn't a server?
I'm tripping balls
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boat spawn
will the old autocrafter plugin be removed soon or will it be retained for as long as possible to keep farms from breaking?
it's already gone anon...
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It appears the plugin still works, and the new crafter is a one-for-one swap in most use cases
The plugin autocrafter would just fail to craft it was pointed at a container which was full. The mojank one just spits the crafted item out on the ground if the target container is full. A lot of farms may need to be altered to account for this so they don't just waste materials. I had to do so for my wool farm which used to keep containers full of the items they held (shears and shulkers) but now they only craft when they become empty.
It's totally different and the plugin doesn't work at all anymore.
crafter blocks are neat, neater than then autocraft plugin
comatose server
This is the last thread.
guys I'm trying to join the server and it says connection refused?

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