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Come play on my server.

Fabric Carpet (for redstone autismo)
No world wipes ever
Thick map
Faggots only allowed on weekends
Epic gamers and women respecters only.

Whitelist currently off but will turn back on when i don't play.
Its not anarchy so bee nice

IP: simplexservers.duckdns.org
online map: http://simplexservers.duckdns.org:8123
wow anon thats a lot of mlp for one base
ok im going to bed, ill turn the whitelist back on when i wake up
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Ok open again
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الله أكبر
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The fields
Come join us, it's a friendly survival server with many on and off players and a long history of medium scale projects (1000x1000) over many years including mapart, redstone and so forth.

Very noob-friendly, you're welcome if you've never played on a large multiplayer server. With the relaxed atmosphere and friendly players this is a great place to start!

Basic important rules include:
- no griefing (damaging, or using other player's stuff), stealing or player killing
- no harassment, be respectful and reciprocate kindness from other players
- try not to die
- respawn and keep going when you do!
- have fun!
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This 2nd post is a bit rambling, but, I would've found something like this super useful when I started and got pk'd by another noob.

The spawn point is not currently occupied, although it has a simple set of buildings it isn't a safe spawn at night. There are signs with the rules but if you spawn in during the night it may be a bit difficult to read them.

The current "noob zone" (?) is a bit of a trip from spawn so don't panic! You shouldn't need to struggle and spawn a bunch of monsters as the server's mod will come and help you out to get where you need to go.

I'm "Heinous", I'm new to the server but I'll be willing to help out lots if you need and can help get you where you want to go or offer help/advice. Don't be afraid to ask!

Once you're established in your own base we can worry more about detailed rules and such. The important thing is to get comfortable and this message is already way overdone.

Note from server owner:
>Sometimes we get flooded with joins and people get stuck having trouble logging in and the server gets overloaded so they can't.

If this happens you might want to try again in a little while, but, it's likely you'll be fine.
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If you can't bring the fun bring the funk. not the skunk fun from the top or bottom bunk though. Those are crimes, much like my ... *gags to death from ubercringe*
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server's having technical issues :(
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>but, it's likely you'll be fine.
thx fren
ill check when the server is back and join
It might be mostly back by later today. Some power surge fried the server.
Not being able to place blocks is already making me feel empty inside
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The server is back but laggier than usual, at least for now.
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To the anon with the crappy house in the hill by the village, i planted a time bomb inside. You better come and disarm it before it all goes KABLOOEY
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imagine getting banned for ponyposting LMAO, see you in three days dork
"Lag mostly fixed, cum play everynyan"
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>imagine getting banned for ponyposting
Imagine those old fairy-tales about hornless unicorns ... such ridiculous lies told to our children. WON'T ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN? Everyone ought to know that hornless unicorns are a lie. It's cruel and inconsiderate to tell lies to children, especially DISHONESTY ON THE INTERNET.
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everytime you post i get a huge aneurysm
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witch farm
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completed witch farm
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Nice people?
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latest version

also im still running on a potato pc so its pretty much unplayable right now. Ill bump this thread when its completely fixed
Interested. Will consider if I don't forget.
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finally fixed the server lag and everything is back to BEEF PC. Ill be keeping the whitelist off whenever im online for new players to join.
Also dynmap is still re-rendering and it will take a while.
Boring as hell place, gigantic map yet it's just the owner and his butt buddies hanging out 5000 blocks away.
many such cases
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yeah well i dont know what you were expecting
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>butt buddies
EXCUSE ME? I'll have you know we are NOT BUTT BUDDIES ... yet.
I use the server out of a respect for the fact it's more interesting than going solo.

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