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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 3 started March 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
[YouTube] Eternal Return - Official Animation Trailer

>Spirit Hunter Yuki
[YouTube] Spirit Hunter Yuki - Eternal Return

>2024 Season 3: Change
[YouTube] 2024 Season 3: Change Preview - Eternal Return

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide
[YouTube] Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide - Eternal Return 1.0

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbsg/ friends

>OP Changes

>Chloe 3600
Also why the fuck Katja and Abigail have so much votes
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It was a good day. People are saying Leni is worthless right now, but I'm growing more confident with her.
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>Play Jan
>Fight breaks out at Hospital kiosk
>Enemy engages
>I ult>Q>Q>W two enemies then dodge Yuki ult with Totem
>Totem gives time for ult to give me more passive charges
>double dash back to my teammates immediately
>find that they both got killed by Jackie in 8 seconds
Nerf this fucking braindead ez mode Master Yi knockoff already
>Play Jan
why are you black
who were your backline
While we're at it delete AR as a weapon from the game too
guys how do i find a game that is not populated by bots?
i would play this game more if i knew
it really hurt too cuz i thought i was beasting on people but then i realized they were ai
If you're new to the game it will automatically place you in bot matches unless you explicitly chose the "I'm experienced" option when going through/after the tutorial. You will get out of bot hell after maybe level 20 or so I don't remember.
Jackie doesn't need any nerfs and is shut down by CC more than anyone else. Only dual swords are even worth running right now.
Unfortunately, they are right. Other supports do her job better and bring better tools to the table to deal with various situations while also dealing a ton of damage. If you want to focus on healing, you pick Johann. If you want to prevent dives and protect your team you take Priya. If you want to do a bit of both with the ability to chase and deal obnoxious amounts of damage, you choose Theodore. If your team also needs a tank/frontline you get Xiukai. Got a dive comp? Pick Silvia, she's got damage, she's mobile, heals, can peel and CC with the ability to chase forever. What does Leni bring to the table outside a very mediocre heal? Not damage for sure.
if used to be bustass heal
they gutted it
I think that happened around the time heal cut was split between ranged/melee so it was too strong
lmao marketing for this game is still dogshit
>marketing with cancer that no one cares (aka esports, vtubers and streamers) again
NN its so fucking dense holy shit
huh so thats what manta looks like? not sure how to feel about that
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>Chiara was raped again
same thought manta was korean
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She has a ridiculous punish game. If someone's left toe is 2 inches out of position you have pistol skill and w into her ult which just means they're dead. Theodore can sorta do that if you see a good ult opportunity, but it requires your whole team to run at them. Silvia can catch just as well, but puts herself at a much higher risk by needing to be on top of the enemy. While individually she does everything worse than each of them, she is a lot more versatile in whether you want to play up or back.
Just hit level 30 so much from casual queue to ranked.
Are there any unwritten rules I should be aware of when playing ranked?
just b urself
finish your purple stuff fronto then farm, be it people or animals. Group within night 1 so you can move to an objective at the start of day 2
that's the basic of basics
Given how the twins seem to be the prime candidate to get a new epic skin, I've been learning how to play them and they're really fucking fun, specially when your team isn't fucking braindead and they can actually throw spells at the bunch of gathered players that just ate the twin's R skill.
Play characters that you know how to use.
Have fun.
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So who is it?
Saw a lot of people guessing Vanya just because of the blue gem, but watch and money? Could be any of the rich characters. Emma, Alex, twins, or maybe even Magnus.
how do you even know they are rich?
shouldn't jenny be included?
I don't get it either. We need the Loresage's help for this one captain.
Probably Nicky so they'll give out the event rewards regardless of who picked what character. My personal pick would be Eleven, though.
no it's actually pretty gay just click select character then the new one
Zahir was looking at me very angrily trying to pick anyone else.
Alex has a fancy watch especially in his detective skin. No idea about the amulet or money.
Yeah, they kinda let you fail if you really, really want to. I guess they don't want people to fail and get pissed for no reason and my idea of what they wanted to do was probably worse with zero benefit
At least with this you don't lose out on it and don't feel bad, just your regular participation event
I bet this will be a jebait.
Hmmm yes, Yamato nakadashi
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I will not make a twitter account
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>March 2024
>NN still refuses to return removed skins because muh korean pp drama and muh rework that no one asked
>Gacha box drops rate still being shit and literally a scam
Yeah, don't spend money was the best decision I did since more of 3 months ago
I mean the new nicky skin is preddy good too
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That still doesn't justify their decision of being more retarded that guys of genshin impact (CCP literally) and remove in-game skins because some koreans (who pretty sure didn't even spent ₩1,000 in ER) got butthurt at shitty pp comments
Incels are a social power in Korea, no way around it if nearly all their money comes from there.
Hardly can make money with removed content lol, I've seen koreans saying things like summer nicky was better compared to school and detective
Kinda new to the game, having a lot of fun with it right now but has anyone got any tips?
I'm not new to top-down character-based games, but I was just wondering if there was anything I should know
>inb4 check the OP
I have, I meant things not mentioned in the beginner guide.
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>be me
>have three gook friends
>ask them about latest drama
>they say that fire the people involved is correct but remove skins was plain retarded because a fuck ton of people and them were waiting months (almost a year) to purchase bakery sua, demon hunter johann, summer nicky, masked daniel, maid adriana, etc
NN fucked up big
hello can i get an expresso with breast milk sorry i mean breast milk sorry i mean breast milk sorry i mean breast milk sorry i mean breast milk
Once you find characters you're comfortable with find out what they scale off and consider alternate transition items
You do not want to be in a situation where a mythril drops and your Abigail/Rio teammates pass it around like a hot potato or your 5 item fully transition teammates throw you every single crafting mat that drops and you fumble with the menu trying to see what you can craft
Those situations are few and far in-between but it'll feel like shit if you get caught with your pants down
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>months waiting for demon hunter Johann to come back
>every update gives more reasons to not play Johann but I do it anyway
I'm this close to just playing Camilo (Johann) but he's just a pure damage character...
>substantial katja buffs
>nerf to a dailin build that is already terrible
Uhm, NN? 1st of april is still a few days away?
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JaLORDS cannot be contained.
>demon hunter johann
pretty good skin ngl, every jonahnn main I know just want buy it now, no one cares about "muh rework"
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it's back
More A coins for newfriends to buy all characters.
Being able to use/"try out" Cadet or locked skins in practice mode is great but I still want Cadet Echion. ;_;
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>team rootkits at the start of day 3 because we lost 2 fights
These little bitches
how alive is this game in OCE, it's been something ive wanted to play for a while but with it apparently being dead itll be beyond dead in my region
put up with 150ms and play in the kr server
if you can handle that ping then the game is alive 24/7
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depends on the game but yea im use to 150 ping haha guess ill sell my soul to a moba
here's a guy
he streams so watch him if you want to see how bad it is
Massive Right clicker patch
>lauqe has another breakdown in character hub
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A new Leni picker is born
Jackie a shit, Leni a shit.
>16 yo
too old
new code: ELENAGIFT
Esdeath vibes.
Have fun being dodged on sight unless your name is Thomshu.
Why would they give her disgust expression? One would think she would be honored to be a cadet but looks like she hates it bad.
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>Estelle nerf
Why though?
>Slower than Bernice and Alonso
>Must be team's cocksleeve 24/7 to make her defense and heal buff worth something
>HP punching bag, must swallow all enemy's cum so they will enough tired to fight back against her team
>Helitack Stat it's so fucking that should be renamed to Watch Paint Dry
>tank has to tank to be useful
She got nerfed because she tails right behind Mai in usefulness and Mai's the strongest tank right now in an ADC meta and being able to both save your carry from any situation and give her one of the most broken items in the game (Ao Dai) is the best thing to do if you want to secure a win. Estelle is a step below where she provides AoE % damage reduction which also helps your other teammate and has more CC than Mai with a nice big shield for your carry. She also has a lot of skill expression in her E with how it works when initially deploying it versus projectiles/skill shot characters.
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literally the exact same face as the pool party haze skin
>tank has to be a hp punching bag who barely
do damage
I lol'd hard
Quake 3/BoT 3 tanks deal enough damage to be a threat, do you want tanks to just 1v3?
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>be me
>check news in discord
>have a talk with some mod about queue bugs
>ask his thoughts about cadet elena
>"uhm, looks like summer haze"
>I hear this here again
>see the comparisons by myself
Changed artist in charge of her I guess, if we complain enough they might fix it before final release.
>summer haze + snow elena = cadet elena
>We're so sorry for your inconvenience here's 500 blue np
>We're in progress of removing Cadet Elena
>Look forward for Cadet Zahir at the end of the season instead
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Ah fuck I fucked up pasting the last crop
oh well
>not student hyejin
Imagine missing the most sexo skin
refunded for milage tokens
>movement nerfed by 0,02 across the board
Man, I suck at this game, I think the problem is my positioning, I feel like I die super easy sometimes and the fact that I dunno what to loot other than the stuff in the preset build means I may be missing out on lots of utility, I haven't even ever crafted a trap.
We can't help you if you don't post a replay
Keeping up with weapon level matters lot. Get your purples asap then start hunting and never stop. If you're standing still doing nothing at any point you're losing. This includes standing and waiting for objective to spawn (tree/meteorite etc). 20 seconds is plenty to kill few extra mobs. Hunting gives steady income to buy the better items if your team don't manage to win at the objectives. Just by doing this you're above the average player.
I know what is wrong with my positioning, I just gotta grow out of playing hyper-aggressive on squishies.
I do all that don't worry, the bit I am struggling with is positioning myself in teamfights, I just find I tunnel, not to the point of chasing someone too far, I mean tunneling as in I struggle to pay attention to the teamfight at large and instead I focus on downing each enemy one by one which means when I get dived by more than a single player I panic and die, my 1v1 is good though.
>You can try the removed skins in practice mode
>But the removed skins still unavailable
NN peak retardation again
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>Mai and Silvia in ER got smaller tits than BS
>Sua and Nadine in ER has bigger tits than BS
Makes thematical sense
>Mai is nuanced and cultured, thus medium sized chest
>Silvia is a degenerate adrenaline junkie, thus flat
>Sua and Nadine are both animals in their own way, i.e. unsophisticated and uncultured, which pairs well with bigger breasts
maybe you're meant to play bulkier characters?
so i decided to play the game, and honestly pretty fun, hate how much im enjoying an ASSFAGGOTs br but it is fun. ping is a bitch but ehh.
whats a good character to learn the game with, right now im just playing nicky due to a fairly simple but seemingly strong kit
For learning the game, you have characters in each "category" which are pretty easy to play with.
The likes of Yuki, Tia, Rio, Nicky, Jackie, Aya are pretty easy to use as a novice.
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>queue ranked with friend
>obnoxious and unfinished build golden player complaining we don't go for him while gets raped in day 1 for pick fights solo
no wonder nobody plays with you, soon-to-be-silver-again nigger
New player here.
Is there some kind of built in delay when using skills in this game?
I feel like skills don't come out as fast as League.
it's your ping
Rio and Aya are the easiest characters to pick up. They basically revolve around their auto attacks so you can focus on position a lot easier.
lmao even
Don't be mad that basic as fuck characters are just as useful as your adhd schizo characters
no I main rio and I laugh when you think she's easy to play
not complex sure but not easy either
Nope. She's easy. She's basically like Jayce but twice as easy.
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I love this shit
Perhaps, i'll give Nicky and Lenox a go and see if I do any better.
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>We increased the drop rates
>I use my 20 boxes saved from past events
>Only common and uncommon shit I already own
Yeah no, NN scamming people again
I got purple leni
and dupe purple leni
and purple leni design
People who used 20-40 boxes should get at least 2 purples
well I did
dupes tho
>Another 10 boxes boxes saved from past events
>Still common and uncommon shit I already own
My friend was right, it's worse than genshin drop rates lol
I just started playing this with an old friend I recently reconnected with. I admit there's a lot of the gameplay loop that could be improved, but the controls and everything feel great. How does this game have so few players outside of KR?
> old friend I recently reconnected
good for you
wish that were me
as for your questions
lots of wrong moves and ineffective marketing
>Not enough players
>Long queues and inbalanced matches
>People leave
>Not enough players..
It's kind of sad vicious cycle. But they have made bunch of mistakes too. Servers / matchmaking bugs and errors that made the game near unplayable at times.
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Peak Design
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>NN literally removed skin because an artist got involved in korean pp drama that no one cares AKA +90% of planet
Wait, are they retarded or what?
It's like if Toyota stopped to sell some truck wheels because a guy behind of them (who did the fucking job under terms and contract beforehand) turned gay and said nonsense shit
you have absolutely no idea what is happening in south korea or why they did what they did
>you have absolutely no idea what is happening in south korea or why they did what they did
did they put a bomb, committed mass murder or just were unable to cope about having small pp?
daily reminder black survival was shut down after people got tired of NN bullshit and gook agenda wasn't enough to keep this niche franchise alive
as I said you have absolutely no idea and seem just intent on basic reductionism without even trying to understand the concept of why it might be a bigger picture
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>Meanwhile the involved author
>Also made Hyun, Yuki, Aiden, Jan and more skins
>They're not removed from game
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>Not removed
NN should grow a pair and explain what happened exactly then
The extreme feminists in Korea are literal nazis who want to genocide men. They advocate for all women to abort male babies. The artist in question was a supporter of this movement. Being involved with this is like publicly announcing you are a KKK member in America. Of course companies will want to cut off all connection with you.
And what about the logic of skins? Like literally made Demon hunter bernice and Demon hunter johann but just the later got removed, etv
I think they removed any skin that made anything resembling the small PP hand gesture iirc so the skins that don't have it are safe
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Is this Alex? I want this in ER
you're on stream gl tft
I played a normal game and some little bitch faggot got butthurt because I went Radar on Bernice or something?
First off, it was a fucking normal game. Why the fuck are you getting butthurt in a normal game?
Second. I checked his profile and this nigga was Iron in S2. Nigga you're bad at the game. Don't get mad at other places you little iron bitch.

Anyway. Why is Radar so bad on Bernice that this autistic bitch got butthurt over it?
How the fuck are you supposed to play Haze?
Her model makes me the hardest metal diamonds, but when I try to play her I can't do shit.
Like you're supposed to alternate right click with a skill right?
You pop ult, shoot a skill, right click, shoot a skill, rinse and repeat right?
I do that, but I do literally no damage even if I land my Q's while in missile launcher mode?
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Nothing wrong with Radar, just ignore him. Bad players often have no idea what they're talking about. The only thing I could think of is that perhaps rather than Radar, another item supporting his armor pen build would be better.

Most of Haze's damage doesn't actually come from her ult, it comes from her regular abilities (Q, EQ). Ult is mostly for poke damage.

An example of a fast burst combo would be Q->EQ->W->Q->Weapon skill for instant reload>Auto attack. Or well I prefer, Q->EQ->Weapon Skill>Auto Attack->W->Q->Auto
The only alternative would be Mythril Armband but Radar's still pretty busted, I dunno what he was on about.
bunch of bitch faggots under level 30 complaining in norms. i notice most of them are all range right clickers. always flaming the front line. game is only worth playing for battle pass. nothing else. squad and e-sport ruin this game
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My votes for Sissela
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That's fucking retarded
It seems like kinda regret their actions
I don't see it
>Reading mental endurance and self help book
>Trying to understand their actions and how everything ended up like this
I don't see that as regret
People who don't give a shit never look behind to see what's wrong though
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Get your coupons!
Can you remind me about this on Monday so I can claim them all at once?
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>I think they removed any skin that made anything resembling the small PP hand gesture iirc so the skins that don't have it are safe
I doubt, Maid Adriana and Underworld Haze doesn't make any kind of gesture, meanwhile we have skins from same artist like pic related who are available in the game
This bianca picture makes me hard for some reason. Its the look in her eyes I think and she's posed like she's sitting on your crotch. It's pretty hot
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Drops not showing up in game for anyone else?
Twitch accounts have been unlinked because of the whole twitch korea move, relink it once more to have drops appear in your mailbox, under the drops tab again. Thank you for your attention.

Relink your twitch account and it'll be on the drops tab again
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Imagine get less votes than Ardaniggers who just know press W while bitch at the tanks and supports for not "cover" their sorry weak asses raped by a underleveled Leni with shit build lol, Nicky's popularity fell apart with the loss of her skin because korean pp drama.
>First off, it was a fucking normal game.
Should've stopped here.
Normal games don't fucking matter, good players don't try hard in normals.
>Check lobby
>Someone picked Karla
>Match insta-dodged
I mean I play to the best of my ability even in normals. I just fully accept and expect that all my team mates are shit and every battle is essentially 1vs3 I have to overcome and don't bitch about it.
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>Would you lose to the girl with most fake personality of game and the other who's an edgy boy because has mental retardation?
>Chiara: Nah I'd Win
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>streamer cancer
fuck off
why shit isn't this in the containment board
didn't ask
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it is what it is
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>open one of the keyless boxes
>get an epic
>it's silvia's
why should we
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>Everyone's POV when Chiara join the queue
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that's pretty much every chiara lewd in some way shape or form
OoC trash
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>Implying Chiara isn't the designated cumdump of lumia island
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I suppose the jokes kind of write themselves when she was such a shit character she needed twelve consecutive buffs to maybe contribute
after all, if someone can't run away and they can't fight back then, well...
i'm pretty sure a non-zero amount of people have an axe to grind with our beloved fluffball nun for the times they forgot she existed until day 6 and then she squashed them between hr big sinful butt for 850+ true damage
It's ok to spend some RP to get her closer to the deserved rank (gold)
Are you brain damaged
not in this season gwo...
I'm not implying the previous 2 seasons weren't easy especially when >3 stacking to sit in myth 0 rp was a thing but wtf
5 games in and you're in platinum
but if you're willing to take the RP hit godspeed soldier
I'll warn my eu bwos again if a new RP assassin pops up
na scrimmers
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>3 sentinel jennies
I don't know the numbers behind it but basically she has enough agency in her kit to abuse sentinel and a lot of damage thanks to the new racing helm + tellurian so she can afford to run a bit of survivability. Sentinel just recently got buffed to a good level too, so it's not a bad pick on those that can run it. Also there's no real good core augments for characters like Jenny that plays with on-hit amp items outside of frailty so if you don't need frailty, sentinel is an attractive option. She also can't use blue augments well outside of dine n dash and unwavering which are the most general situation type of augments you could run, so she seems to be doubling down on damage augs from red and green tree (thorn shackles + penny pincher for earlier and faster power spikes)
>queue ranked
>teammate picks vanya
>then picks rio
ok, still good
>picks karla in the last second
what is it about this game that makes people so insufferable you see countless bitching from players everywhere
would this still happen if solos existed?
Unfortunately, that's just competitive team games in general or games where you have shared agency over the outcome of a win, anon.

>would this still happen if solos existed?
Yes, they'd just complain about other people "griefing" them or teaming or something else. It'd be a lot more personal.
karla is shit btw
it's even worse in solo
The thing about team games is that most people will just default any errors or misplays to their teammates so anytime they lose it is never that the opponent team outplayed them or because they made a mistake (whether mechanical mistake or because they failed to properly convey their intentions to their team i.e. people who blame their teammates for not reading their mind)

And even in solos, unless it is literal 1v1, people will just default to blaming their solos experience on being griefed/3rd partied/some other factor. Even in 1v1 games like fighting games people will try to blame things like lag, their controller, their screen input delay, sun was in their eyes, etc.
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Too bad I already owned all those purple skins.
better luck next time
You've been blessed by Marching Band Leni. Good luck and high RP gains come to your way but only if you main Leni from now on.
The removed skins should return to gacha boxes as data to craft at least, current drop rates are awful and NN knows it.
Johann and Chiara had baby?
genshin reject
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>April 2024
>No news or anything from NN
To think Nicky was one of winners of previous skin contest, how the mighty have fallen.
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"Let my light...be your hope."

Young Charlotte's sole wish was to make everyone happy.
But instead, her kind heart got taken advantage of and stomped all over.
After she lost the people she loved the most, she found herself falling deep into despair.

She often thought to herself, "If only I didn’t have these powers..."

Ironically, those who were after her were the same ones she’d once saved.
So, she made up her mind and ran away.

Little did she know, this decision would lead her to a really tough spot, forcing her to make a regrettable choice.
And that choice? To step into the endless darkness of Lumia Island.

who writes this shit
I know 0 about ER's lore.
Tell me wise penguin, why does everyone go to lumia to explode?
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They're simply just not good writers. It's clear that the setting has taken a backfoot or has been ignored entirely in favour of whatever they think is most marketable (which is dimly understandable from their perspective even if it cheapens the overall experience) but this just makes it seem like they're signing up for a game show instead of imprisoning themselves and becoming a lab rat who may or may not endure horrific deaths over and over.
In ISBS most TSs were manipulated into being there or were otherwise basically kidnapped, with the exception of Jackie, Alex and Aiden and technically Eva, but now it just seems like there's these flyers on the wall for
with this repeated theme of "trying to make up for mistakes" or "running away from hardship" as though being forced to fight to the death and maybe having all of your intestines torn out by a serial killer with a chainsaw is a nice afternoon on the beach
it's not like their idol has a great setting either
you are a menhera
I don't trust crazy women
show butt
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...s-show butt? I don't see how that's got anything to do with what I was just talking about...
I don't ask you to trust myself, more just to consider my perspective on the setting decay in ER and how it's caused the game to lose some of its identity alongside how it keeps trying to copy LoL.
Not to mention how everyone seems to be between the age of 16 and 19 - like they're going off how the original Battle Royale was college students of the sort but now it's all characters straight out of chinese gambling apps
let's be honest with ourselves here
I'm still the best written character in the entire game
try and find character development like mine in 90% of the cast
you won't find it
Yeah my ass, she looks and sound old as Li Dailin
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ah yes, fearless stone-cold-killer girlboss #4852
I get that the average 1.0-on character's backstory is them being betrayed every morning to the point where they can't even trust their cornflakes to not form serrated edges to cut their mouths but a little bit of humility or recognition of danger would go a long way
there is a very tangible chance that a psychopathic doctor is going to slice your arteries open and let you bleed out in agonizing pain
this isn't fortnite where if you're shot in the head with a sniper rifle you're "defeated" and get teleported out of the battlefield back into the comfort of your own home
I mean, many other characters have come out since then. The one that has fallen was the Dumpire, getting beaten by Magnus of all characters
Cumdumpire was always niche though, she never got the same level of popularity and presence of Sissela at long term.
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>Go to wiki
This doesnt make any sense.
charlotte is johann.
nyooo don't take my job!!
>join match
>rozzi spam ping us while go 3vs1 solo from the other side of fucking map
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i just realized on the day me and 2 other anons decided to 3-stack in ranked we bullied another anon from the friends list...
>join queue
>make 4 lukeniggers of lobby regret for press W on me, 3 btfo'd to death
>last lukenigger think that wick buff will make a difference
>btfo'd as well
feels good
me giving the cure to my ex-lesbian friend
>I don't trust crazy women
you trust women?
i know but it just seems more apparent in this game than the others who would want to play this game where people will just bitch about everyone
I hit diamond. Is there any point for me to keep playing ranked now? Spamming norms and picking random shit feels more fun.
Diamond has point decay now so you will have to play ranked every now and then if you want to keep your Diamond
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Kinda surprises me Debi & Marlene get so many votes despite they're kinda shit in-game, it's because the porn right?
They look cool
Almost nobody gave a shit about Haze until the buffs and summer skin though
The Grace Points say they decay if you don't play, but doesn't specify ranked. Can I just spam norms and keep the grace points?
Twins means twice the fun.
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In other words, the porn
And the fact that since there's two of them, they can do something fun with the skin. Unless they decide to be boring.
Yeah but Haze is a hag and the twins aren't. I want the double Paizuri.
Haze and twins has the same age

idk, but honestly tsubame and katja make double damage with just normal attack + R than Debi & Marlene doing her full spin combos with every button at hand
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>Jackie all attacks produces bleed, slow and her passive (0 cost) reset her Q if kill a enemy in 3 seconds, no cooldowns
>NN: this is ok
>Magnus and Hyunwoo Qs rooted the enemy in 3 seconds ONLY if hits, enemies can't get rooted again for 8 seconds
>NN: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TOO OP *removed and replaced for 1 second slowed*
What a pile of bullshit
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Tiktok zoomers vote for tiktok whores.
You expect them to have even a little bit of sophisticated taste?
How much weeks left I have to get gold rank and secure cadet skin?
S4 is mid may I think
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>korean pp drama happens
blue archive
>removes animated trailer but keep all in-game content affected (decision taken days later of drama) for locals who want it and taking into consideration the global playerbase
eternal return
>removes animated trailer and in-game content affected (decision taken hours of drama) as if locals agreed 100% with it (lol) and ignoring the global playerbase
It's really humiliating to see a (barely) 3 years old gacha pedo game managing problems way better than this +8 years old franchise ngl
I wanna fuck the students
I wanna fuck the girls and some of the women
Both games are good in my book

Does anyone here care about ERCS?
>Does anyone here care about ERCS?
I care about you, anon.
Nice OP. She hot
Noboby cares about challenger and masters, esports scene it's literally the cancer killing this game like a time bomb
What if I told you Chiara is doing well this game though?
Let me guess: every was camping until day 6 and then standing, doing nothing while Chiara was using R?
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>Non-tanks when see tanks having enough money to buy at the kiosk in a nutshell
That's exactly what happened
celine wife
>Check discord
>See lukeniggers arguing "it's hard to play him because they must aim W"
Fuck off, Luke's W has been always the more low effort press to win skill of this game
>NN considered Magnus Q root op but never not this bullshit
>another teammate picked debi & marlene
dodged, it's really tiresome see those guys jump at enemy and die likes flies for piss poor damage
I'd take that over the last one I had for a teammate.
Ran away from every fight, did their best to be the first fully geared up so they could continue to run away from fights. Was getting chased by another team, they were running away ahead of me, last teammate hides in a bush, jumps out when they passed him, so I turned around to fight. Twins continued to run away.
>This anon
Is a SEAnigger/SAmonkey
just watched the replay and damn lucipurr is attractive
let her know
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>see this
>think to myself surely the twins arent that bad and play a few games as them
>pic related
how are you meant to fucking play them when their whole kit is jumping in and killing when you have no damage to back this up, you aren't tanky either so if you're hit once by cc enjoy spectating and going back to lobby
sorry dematard you're going to actually have to learn how to play the game now instead of just building the smolder weapon and outperforming characters on 5 golds
>how are you meant to fucking play them when their whole kit is jumping in and killing when you have no damage to back this up, you aren't tanky either so if you're hit once by cc enjoy spectating and going back to lobby
this but with Dailin
give her back her scaling basic atk amp, her ult damage, and her higher base health NN REEEEE
don't be greedy now
I actually saw a tank DeMa build that worked quite well. Copied it, and it works if you have another tank or bruiser on your team. You are basically just being really fucking annoying the whole fight.
>Everyone's saint
>Everyone's cumdump
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You know this shit is rigged because there is no way the cunny is doing this badly
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most of their damage comes from inking which takes awhile to show in a fight. This also means that using your R to start one deals pretty bad damage. Personally I like to build her tanky since like the other anon mentioned your goal is essentially aim for E resets and repeatedly cc while bobbing and weaving during a fight. Plus points this season since W works really well against Katjas.
Despite the praises I basically 11'd my way to plat for Elena
She already has a purple skin retard, did you even read the event notes?
Jackie a shit, Leni a shit.
>Has an epic skin
>Has an epic skin
>Doesn't have an epic skin
>Also pretty meme characters
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>day 5
>last enemy is lukenigger, press W on me and then comes fast thinking that won because NN refuses to nerf that piss low effort skill
>gets killed instantly
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>Claim all rewards and boxes for themselves
>Do nothing but run like a bitch and spam ping once get caught for pick fights solo
Why Rio shitters are like this?
Even worse when it's Hyunwoo or Alonso stealing all loot from dps characters.
>Magnus beats a Chuunishit
Maybe audience of this game isn't lost
>Chiara: I'm lost, there's no purpose for me
>Charlotte: That's wrong, you're made for one particularly and it's always before your eyes
>Chiara: And what is it?
>Charlotte: To please and suck dicks
rather have tanks taking the loot than dogshit dps that cant wipe out team. at least the tanks can revive while all dps do is spend all their credits and can't even clean up.
why is my dogshit tank died before their tank
just because you are a tank doesn't mean you need to show your face and take every single dmg they have to offer
>why is my dogshit tank died before their tank
Depends, estelle or mai going against hyunwoo or markus and expect don't die = Peak delusion
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show us on the chart where this "chiara" hit your genshin reject healslut for 850+ true damage
that's your problem
the problem with rio is she's as durable as wet tissues and her dps has a cap and it's rather low
she can't burst
she can't do dmg if there is no frontline
don't play like you do with mages
reminder that the only reason the japanese like rio so much is because she takes a long time to react to any sort of unexpected situation and therefore wouldn't scream if they groped her on the crowded train
>highschool girl
>prim and proper
>like cats
>can cook
>killer body
what more can a man ask for?
>riofags angry because they can't full auto like bots anymore
to find an actual woman with those properties and not a fictional character from a shitty anime battle royale game lmaoooooooooooooo
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plus, rio was flatter in ass and tits than silvia in black survival
Less of 17hrs for Charlotte update btw
what if charlotte gets a holy epic skin like leni in some months?
Chiara landed her fat ass on my dick with 850+ true damage
The only target she can hit LMAO
chiara's ass is not fat idk why you keep suggesting th-
>bodyblocks allies more often than xiukai or markus
okay perhaps she could do with eating a bit less of emma's baking
>Haze, Estelle and even Tia of all people got more skins in less of 1 year and half than Chiara in more of 3 years since her release
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Chiarafags should go play Uma Musume, their Chiara is very popular and as a bonus ch*arafags will leave ER
Goddamn why is Haze so stacked? i'm in need of Hazezuri.
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>next skin
>Free range milk
>Check previous match video
>Some Charlotte spent her whole time bullying a Chiara
Charlotte kinda cool. Playing her really makes you FEEL like a slut.
Okay but when are they going to make an actually interesting new character
My dad works at NN and said Darko Dukes will rule Lumia.
Seasson 4 is when the Great Kneeling begins.
Charlotte will renew Chiara's faith and turn her into a good girl priestess via cunnilingus.
go on
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Thanks anon.
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>Day 2
>Mai, Charlotte and Chiara coming to fight us while we were just picking up water
>They lost
>picking up water
Maybe he was thirsty.
why not
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bruh, rentry got hijacked with some guro shit
Is this a falseflag? Did honkeks have any gurofags in their threads I don't remember

Are we alive yet?
paid promotion?
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it's all bots
it's over
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>NN wasting money the budget in vtuber and streamer cancer again
>chiara lost again
>to eleven and even the stupid echion
it wasnt sponsored.
Why are riokeks like this?
>estelle + charlotte
Anyone who suggest this idead is fucking retarded, literally free kill
No purple skin yet, please understand.
daily reminder it's your fault if you jump at enemies and die without ask teammates beforehand
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>Rio in ER has bigger tits than BS
>Hyejin in ER got smaller tits than BS
Hyejin traded looks for booba.
Season 3 is going too well. I can't wait for them to fuck up season 4.
Kakao Games Cup finals
If you think pick Charlotte
>Only have 1 attack skill
>Must ALWAYS stick to teammates
>Don't forget the shield
Otherwise you're dead weight, go pick Johann/Priya instead or fuck off
No matter who you are, see what you can do to help at: www.stopkillinggames.com

>preservation argument:
Most civilized societies see the importance in the preservation of culture and history.

>main legal argument:
Get law enforcers to enforce already established consumer law. single purchase games are consumer goods in the EU and Australia. consumer goods can not be designed to fail (programmed obsolescence). A seller is obligated to release reasonable repair instructions and resources so that the customer or a third party can repair an inoperable product.
Single purchase games are consumer goods: https://linustechtips.com/topic/953835-you-own-the-software-that-you-purchase-and-any-claims-otherwise-are-urban-myth-or-corporate-propaganda/

>Why take action on "The Crew" specifically
The videogame "The Crew", published by Ubisoft, was recently destroyed for all players and had a playerbase of at least 12 million people. Due to the game's size and France's strong consumer protection laws, this represents one of the best opportunities to hold a publisher accountable for this action. If we are successful in charges being pressed against Ubisoft, this can have a ripple effect on the videogames industry to prevent publishers from destroying more games.

>Games as a service is legal because you agree to the terms stated in the End User License Agreement
(This argument isn't true in the US where consumers lost digital rights in the 90s)

>Buying a game entitles you to the client software, you are not entitled to the server software

>What you are proposing would require businesses to support their games forever. That’s unreasonable.

>If games as a service have to be treated as goods it will hurt creativity of developers and restrain them.
hope you guys success but unfortunately there nothing I can do to help as a third worlder
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>teammate picked another character in the last seconds
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>they may bring back solos and duos in the future
Are solo's back yet?
There is a decent chance that solo's almost killed the game in like, 2022, so we'll see buddy
solo was killing the game and is gone for good
>inb4 b-but
didn't ask
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>Season 3 is going too well. I can't wait for them to fuck up season 4.
They already started bad with Eva epic summer skin, a downgrade from her predecessor BS
in all fairness we were never going to get the beachside eva skin from ISBS where she gets struck once and her tits wobble around for 50 hours like they're made of jelly
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Problem isn't the tits though, that skin was popular by the exotic combo of long hair, ribbons and rings around her, which NN completely removed now
drops are on
2 wins and 2 2nds...
team trigger is so good now
They are a strong contender for sure along with FatDogGif and Homeless Laptops with Envoys of hell trailing not too far behind either. It's nice to see there's finally some competition. Maybe NA is behind but I'm surprised Barbara isn't picked more, she's really strong right now. Only No Flame picked her and that was for like a single game.
The weird thing to me is that unless he has a secret smurf J7ang never plays Leni outside of ERCS. I saw him do it once in scrims, but even on dak nothing this season.
Almost every top player has a smurf anon
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>Haze team wins and get victory screen
>With Underworld Haze, aka the skin who made the character popular and
brought Summer Haze to reality
>People wondering why can't get that skin because looks great
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>Jackie, Luke and Shoichi team coming to us
>We raped them all
Just because NN refuses to properly rework them doesn't mean you know how play this game, Right click + W niggers
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>someone picked charlotte again
dodged, 90% of them are shitters doing almost nothing but give free kills like chiara
it's her birthday
she's a hag now
go groom
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she's sick you sick fuck
I play with these people almost every day. I'm in the discords, I speak with them. Most of them have incredibly blatant smurfs, and I could tell you who 99% of people are. Maybe it's cause I don't interact with him much, but I've never been able to identify a J7ang smurf. That's why I refer to it as "secret".
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BASED Discord spy
If you haven't noticed J7ang himself is on the /erbsg/ friends list, I'm not sure if he still browses this place since it moved back to /vm/ but maybe you can just try asking him here or on Discord if you already know these people on a closer level.
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Who won the second round of skin contest?
Obviously isn't Chiara.
we're back with more drops

I stopped doing it, that shit takes forever to redeem the daily missions like come on man let me just click one button and let me vote fast and be done with it
do you guys think er esports has potential or are people just wasting their time?
it probably has potential in KR, i havent checked the streams in a few months but esports tend to flourish over there
globally though? waste of time
It all depends on S4 and S5. If the marketing push rumors are true it just depends on if NN can get enough players to make it viable. I will say that NA scrims have picked up. We just had our first week where we could fill 2 full lobbies since like... The announcement of last ERCS. Also,

>No Flame
>Homeless Laptops

This is the least surprising result in history.
na scrims? whats the point of that if only high rank players can participate in those
Any game has esports potential if it's popular enough, lol.
People will watch anything.
What? As opposed to low rank players?
Tell that to the OW esports scen- oh wait you can't because it's dead oops
So much for everything
Overwatch itself wasn't popular at that time though.
Overwatch League was a visual rape mess for spectators compared to other shooters.
Anyone can play scrims though? They run ERCS scrims Thurs/Fri which are seeded, but there are also first come first serve scrims Wed which are exactly what they sound like.
>do you guys think er esports has potential or are people just wasting their time?
nah, er will never be league and the devs should cope with it since long time ago
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How do I earn a-coins quick?
I have sunk 20k into joy tokens and I refuse to give up without at least an unclaimed skin voucher
You could farm cobalt before but that's been nerfed, so you should spam normal games and try to land in bot lobbies. The higher your kill count and the longer it goes, the more A-coins you earn. Play a low ttk high mobility character like Silvia, Piolo or Sua and clear misc stuff from the achievement page for additional rewards, those give out A-coins, NP, skin boxes and some other stuff.
Good luck.
I wish I could give you my stash of 600k A-coins.
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Honestly I don't care for magnus but the eleveniggers doesn't deserve win
It's Rio year
Eleven's armpits are going to win.
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>leni + charlotte
>adina + charlotte
>estelle + charlotte
dodged, I'm tired of see that shit pair giving free kills
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Vote burger girl.
I don't think I will.
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Sorry, someone I like more is in the same group and will be getting all the votes instead.
No, cope.
missed the new char codes
Same here, I keep forgetting the new char codes can only be redeemed on the same day the last one becomes available, unlike the newsletter/special event ones. There goes my leni emote purchase
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Vote double onaholes.
Sorry I vote with my soul.
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>Losing to Sissela in the first contest
>Losing to Nicky in the second contest
>Losing to Bianca in the third contest
>Will lose to Debi & Marlene or Katja soon
The absolute state of Rio
you hate on her cause she's cute
My wife and cocksleeve on the right
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total rio death
>join queue
>charlotte teammate
>do nothing but give free kills and die like a fly
Fucking faggots of NN, why would they do that to their best girl?
>best girl
lmao even
I'm pretty new to this game, is someone on my team just not participating in a fight and then causing us to lose a normal thing? It's happened enough times that I simply accept it but it still makes me mad
Normal games are rng fest mix of veteran and new players. Not enough players to make balanced teams and if someone 3 stacks they pretty much automatically win.
Release date diff
Cute has no value, it's abundant
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>Less votes than Debi & Marlene
>Less vote than Katja
>Close to get less votes than Ly Anh
Rio delusional narrative it's over
all of you kill yourself
dead fucking game
eh queue still popping 3-5 minutes for plat in NA
alive game
skrill issue
What's the p2w in this? Can i play this with a gamepad?
this is not genshit chinkpact
Haven't touched this since november, how is kenneth?, are NA normals alive or should I just run into rank and int due to being bad?
And what is the best way to learn where to tp/go next when there is no objectives up?
Only gaming time I get these days is on my steam deck, but there is yet one game that I couldn't complete.
If you think play just because "uwu this anime girl makes my pp hard~" without know shit about mobas and practice beforehand it's a waste of time
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>teammate picked charlotte
dodged, go give free kills to somewhere else
Kenneth's pretty solid. Decent mobility and good damage once he ramps up but he doesn't want to be the first one in the fight so pick him with another bruise or tank or you'll hate yourself. NA norms are pretty alive around this hour for the next 5 or 6 hours, go play your heart out and get used to the new stuff.
>And what is the best way to learn where to tp/go next when there is no objectives up?
Experience, you'll learn where and when animals spawn the more you play. Also worth checking every container for Search exp.
They finally added a real healslut in this game. Nice.
>They finally added a real healslut in this game.
It was Priya until the rework because was shit though.
If you are new I recommend unironically adding some anons on the friends list and trying to reach out to them if they are online and ask to play some norms with them. Make sure you mention you are new and are open to advice

You'll most likely just be following along with them during the norms but try to get a feel for the tempo of the game and what those anons try prioritizing during certain stages of the game. Since they're not randoms they'll likely explain things and give advice instead of being some toxic random telling you to kill yourself because you didn't dive in with him on an Eva supporter by two tanks with hard cc that have all their abilities available and are ready to peel
I wouldn't call Priya the healslut, that goes to Johann. Priya is more of a shielder, her heals aint enough for anything else
You forgot "until the rework" part though, she used to just (barely) heal and die often like Charlotte
...She was reworked? When was that
When got a new skin, check complains of Priya in her release, she was shit
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>Check discord
>"You can win with any comp"
What kind of griefer lie is this shit?
The team will struggle if go with something like Adela, Hart and Charlotte
I mean they aren't wrong, you can win bot games with any comp :)
You can win Mythril games with any comp too if you simply get lucky and manage to third party every fight and come out on top
Are you going to win consistently? Fuck no
But you can still win sometimes
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I wouldn't say 'any' comp is winnable unless they get some insane luck, but I'd say like 90-95% of comps are viable. In your example, Charlotte aside, Hart dashing in and ulting + Adela oneshot combos (Q3,W,E1,R,E2) can take out any squishy or even some bruisers and make it a quick 3v2. And I guess with Charlotte in the mix, you have a lot of invincibility/no damage taken uptime on the whole team.

Even triple DPS backline comps are very viable, but all the DPS players have to actually be good at the game so it doesn't happen that often. It's just that it's much easier to execute with just one or two frontliners instead.
this haze picture is always cute
>the dpshitter
>glass cannon getting uppity 24/7
>do 100k damage but it's just poke and run like ping-pong
>must cheese and snowball 24/7 to get a kill
>the tankchad
>makes any glass cannons piss and shit itself because can handle almost everything in the game
>with just 2k damage send dpshitters back to the lobby
>didn't get the kill at first try? just hit harder and problem solved lol
Average tank
>Sits near objective for 30 seconds before it spawns just so he can grab it as soon as possible
>5 weapon levels behind rest of the lobby
>Dives into enemy team out of position and dies in 3 seconds despite full legendary gear
>DPS has to solo entire team with 1 piece of legendary gear each
why did you dive in like a retard and die?
>sucking as tank
skill issue
Nothing is worse than a clueless tank or frontliner who doesn't shotcall and needs their carry to drag them around the map on a leash.
t. farmed 5 times in a row at day 1
>sucking as dps
way bigger skill issue
>right click spam is hard
dpshitter moment
>kitting and killing assassins who are trying their hardest to sodomize you with their weapons is hard
tanksissies will never know
>dying to assassins
dpshitters never learn
Rio losing the contest is proof that dps stop to matter once NN do a proper rework and nerf of them eventually, Magnus still being relevant while a lot of people stopped to care about that deadpan japanese since they can't go full auto like bots anymore
To think Emma and Hyejin were considered dps years ago because NN refused to nerf them like Sua lol
ew no
Nothing is worse than a clueless dps who just stands and engage when tank/ frontliner dies or afk farming instead of fighting/objective.
then just don't die?
>don't die
pick one
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how can someone be so shit to mald in platinum during the RP inflated season
Superior casting?!
he's been filling the hole circadia left and also help out the NA scene
>Watch this broadcast and get ahold of 3 limited-time coupons to use in-game during the stream!
Ain't nobody got time for this shit. Can't even afk and claim drops later.
Eternal Return: Theodore Survival
FAQWXXCZ valid for 1h
Based anons.
1500 A-Coin my beloved
I should pick up William.
This ERM has convinced my that NA would get rolled by even the worst Korean team here. I've never even heard of this DDO guy, and I guarantee every player in NA would get washed by this guy.
why nobody told me
GXXAQESG valid for 1h

but we did bwo... >>1259060
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there is nothign to buy with that
a pink box and that's it
that explain why the quality dropped way more than usual
what happened to circadia
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fuck off jwang
Do not breed the terminally ill girl.
HKFJSAW valid for 1h

"wanted to do his own thing" whatever that might entail
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>terminally ill girl.
Does he know?
Solo queue Fiora moment.
Why do the Koreans only play meta? Meta slaving is completely soulless. Onetricking your terrible character is soulful.
>Right click + W nigger
Into the trash it goes
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>The guys of Blue Archive and others games handled the situation way better than NN
You should!
Plana sex
looks at no flame superior and franky playing sua+silvia every game. no wonder the game is dead in NA.
But Silvia isn't meta...
She's one of the most cheese supports of game though

Semen Hunter Nadine
Just had a +205 game. 20 tks, 18 elims. All but one team were wiped by us lol. Gotta say this season is super Elo inflated lmao.
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>Let the cum begin
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They need to deflate diamond again.
Why the hell is it so inflated anyway? Is it just gaining too much rp for kills or what?
>Barbara claims all rewards
>Do nothing in the match
>Go against the enemy with just 1/4 hp when we're down
Fucking retard
>another charlotte picker
dodged, reduce the team to 2 and give free kills everywhere it's stupid
XJCKAOXK valid for 1h
RJUAGHFX Limited claim 200 green NP
TKWXAJDL valid for 1h

OwO without Adina.
Last code JKNAVXKA (1h)



Nah I will voted Adina, they have like 3 skins already
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Vote Adina!!!
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Already doing that since I play her.
>Be NN
>Adds a new feature allowing everyone to use the removed skins in practice mode
>Yet refuses to return the removed skins despite everyone are even more willing to pay for them after try such feature
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Today I will remind them.
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Does Irex even wear pants?
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Why would a cat wear underwear?
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The fact everyone is running sniper characters just for free vision makes me feel so vindicated. Maybe it's my dota background, but I always considered ballistic advantage the best weapon skill in the game. Enough that sniper has been my preferred weapon for Aya.
AUXZZAQW 1 hour validity
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CZKASOWA Valid thru: 1 PM (UTC)

There is actually a JP audience for this game, and it's more than NA. The difference between the two chats is kinda funny.
BKAOXKZX Valid thru: 2:59 PM (UTC)
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NN, please make Blackfire Cannon pen Katja viable. Full pen playstyle reminds me so much of Nova from Hots.
no, get fucked
>check previous match
>estelle, emma and charlotte team
lmao, no wonder they died so fast
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I don't care for those niggers
Where did you get this art? It's cool.
ah yes, the typical dpshitter who don't run when everyone is down and thinks he can do 1vs3 with 1/4 hp lol
new code SDFWERTF
>another charlotte
You can't keep dodging your heal sluts anon
Based, armor pen Katja is a lot of fun.
Her ult on the crit build just feels so bad once you tried the pen build.
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All my matches improved since I started to dodge Charlottes at first sight though
Did you all explode at the same time? That's the only possible reason.
Teamfight breaks out, my guys die, I kill 2 as leni, katja vs leni 1v1 resulting in me dying instantly but my ult bounce pad kills katja moments later.
Feminists and lesbians stop to care about the forced homo shit narrative once they met a guy with genuine interest over them, acting reluctant as coping mechanism but then realising that men are also ok
t. Personal experiences
Sounds funny, I'll check the replay code soon.

Underworld skin for echion soon, funny how the short includes everyone but haze's
>teammate picks character in the last 2 seconds
>charlotte teammate
>do nothing but give 8 free kills and make us waste time
fucking dead weight, even leni performs way better
reminder to all chalotte shitters: tanks are not you personal bodyguard
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what are you doing here ish
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Go do your daily vote Danteh
>tanks are not you personal bodyguard
She's the lobby property.
>She's the lobby property.
Yeah, it's Chiara 2.0
I've had problems killing Sua + Charlotte comps but maybe it's more Sua thing than Charlotte thing.
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Yeah, clearly the later
>Chiara is shit
>Charlotte is shit
Why does NN hate nuns?
militant atheists?
Nuns are only good for confession booth blowjobs.
for the last time, it
>forgive me father, for I have sinned
and not
>sorry daddy, i've been a bad girl
On a scale, rate Martina, Charlotte, and Chiara relative to eachother
fine, don't have a problem with her, she's covered wars, y'know - shame NN won't write any more characters who aren't 18 year old girls with genshin superpowers because the gooks are terrified by the concept of a woman's age being over 21
honkai star reddit reject who has ended up on lumia highschool rumble sorry i mean eternal return, same thing at this point
cute but useless nun who should probably eat less of emma's baking
would do terrible things to her if left alone with myself e.g. pat her head, call her cute and buy her cupcakes
Chiara lusted after guys like Johann, Luke or even Camilo (when isn't a jerk) from time to time in black survival btw
Honestly, Sua just has NA so mindbroken. She's okay in organized play, but in solo queue she can just dominate a lobby. I've rolled Superior a few times, and I always just pick a support for him and feed him items. I'm like +400 with him this season. Spell shield is honestly kinda broken, and if she gets items she can 1v2 basically anyone.
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Chiara has no interactions with Luke or Camilo in ISBS and the only Johann-Chiara interactions are one-way, where the priest either pities her for how far she's fallen, or the ENCOUNTER_OTHER_TEST_SUBJECT dialogue Johann has for Chiara in ER which is
>Sister Chiara...it's not too late for you
Regarding Camilo it's because he's the polar opposite to her - he's a compulsive narcissist yet Chiara's opinion of herself is so far in the deep negatives the 64-bit integer limit can't support it
And as for Luke it's because her hair apparently resembles his mop. That's it.
t. chiara autist
signing off
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Nice joke, Chiara said people like Camilo and Luke are devil's temptations to test her faith because there's no way someone handsome would like get close to someone tainted and ugly like her.
>inb4 B-But
Just because your shitty knowledge it's limited to youtube clips for not play the fcuking game doesn't mean everyone are ignorants, pic related, one of many doodles done by BS devs
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>Nuns are only good for confession booth blowjobs.
It's funny how Chiara got a thematic skin where she finally admitted that her purpose is to be everyone's cumdump, aka the honest route.
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you're weird but you're also meaning chiara is on my screen so i'll take that compromise
Okay i've watched a random replay from an adina master, surely my first game with her will go swimmingly now.
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I always trust in anon.
Katja does well already compared to Hart though, time ago people used to build attack speed + crit or pen Hart because amp lacks of sustain but the problem is that half of her skills need a rework because they're obsolete today
It was a tragedy, but at least by the 4th game i was making random empowered spells without stopping.
The way to playing her even remotely optimally seems really long.
that's an understatement
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Adina bros our status?
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Having a laugh, no matter how this ends I'm fine. The best part about this is that it's actually close unlike every other group which is a total blowout.
>queue ranked
>one picks charlotte
>other picks character in the last fucking 2 second
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what did they mean by this?
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Patch notes
So many good new emotes so few slots...
>Sua is performing well and actively engaging in frontline combats, which is commendable.
Why do they talk like this?
>Event reward
When the other skins will return though
this fucking shit cancer game i pray everyday that this game fails
It will EOS next season f-for sure this time.
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To think Nadine skins has been improving through time while Rio only got worse, plain and boring like her lol
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>Mangnus won
Good, easy farming of niggers to me
GodJA bros, we eating good.
>I wouldn't say 'any' comp is winnable unless they get some insane luck, but I'd say like 90-95% of comps are viable. In your example, Charlotte aside, Hart dashing in and ulting + Adela oneshot combos (Q3,W,E1,R,E2) can take out any squishy or even some bruisers and make it a quick 3v2. And I guess with Charlotte in the mix, you have a lot of invincibility/no damage taken uptime on the whole team.
Too situational, yesterday I fought with a team like that and died like flies
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>Rio shitters before
>lol you just have to dodge the skill shot
>Rio shitters now
>wah wah dodge attacks? pls buff nn
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Rio lost again
>Rio shitters BTFO'd to death in the skin contest again
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>Gooks angry because memegnus won and rioshit lost
>Gooks are mad because they wanted a DeMa skin and not a Rio skin
Huh? Can you elaborate?
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I got Rebellious and Alley Cat Nicky from research boxes almost back to back. It's as if... game was trying to tell me something
To pursue a career as a stunt actor?
Maybe. But for now I'll play Nicky more often
That you're a 150cm tall womanlet?
How did the voting groups end? Post the finale standing of all groups.
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this is gay
I do not like this
Unironically Charlotte won't help much both compared to Leni or Johann.
>Slower than Hyunwoo
Chiara tier
who is the genshin character on the right
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>Then Bianca and Charlotte died to enemy's AoE and Hyunwoo had to spend credits for revive at kiosk
where drops? I want buy new Katja emotes.
>Spam ping while go pick fights solo in day 1
>Spam ping after die like a retard doing 1vs3
>Spam ping at some place to exclusively pick every meteor and tree for them
>Spam ping when someone isn't following them 24/7
>Seethe like a retard in chat
>Leave the game after die first in a fight
>AFK when the team ignores the spam pings and insults in chat
Rio shitters are one the worst groups of this game, glad they lost skin contest again and NN moved to do advertisement with other characters
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I can't wait for this.
So, uh, how's the online?
Am I going to see any new people on EU ranked past Diamond?
A few more than what you'd expect this season.
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>Now almost every Nadine uses Semen Hunter

echion skin
Readed that as erotic skin.
Damn I need some sleep.
>queue ranked
>we pick some characters
>last teammate is a retard suddenly picks ANYONE but his main for the first time, dies in seconds and start spam ping
hope you get -100rp for bullshit
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I guess Vanya will get a season pass skin next season just like Irem.
Banya HATE.
>Summer skin for Vanya
Hope be good
micro-bikini Vanya
>Skin for Vanya
Boring character can only get boring skin
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>Boring character can only get boring skin
Some people said the same thing about Nadine and yet she ended up getting better variety than Rio though
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Daily reminder Rio lost again lol
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>micro-bikini Vanya
Magnus retards thinking they were cool by taking Adina's win on their group when only DeMa and Abi will get the purple skins, enjoy your blue skin I guess.
But only first place is getting the purple skin.
It turns out that I was the retard
truly the imbeciles are numerous
my votes for gay biker were for nothing?
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1st and 2nd get epic purple, 3rd only get rare blue and that's what people wanted for Adina since pic related was removed because korean pp drama until NN realizes they did a stupid decision and her other bride skin was only available in season 1 pass
kill yourself
Exactly, why you think adinafags are not seething like riolickers?
rio has multiple blue skins, why are riofags seething? adinafags seething would make more sense for >>1267522 said.
>Angry for not get a blue skin
Maybe you didn't notice but riofags has been complaining since forever by lose every contest despite she get more skins than other characters often
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>why you think adinafags are not seething
Because this result is really funny and the votes were close throughout most of the round.
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>Magniggers didn't read shit and thought the monkey would get a epic skin
>more skins than other characters often
Booba wins once again.
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>Shrine Maiden Rio
>Magical Girl Rio
>Lovely Magical Girl Rio
>Summertime Rio
>Midnight Aurora Rio
Until the official release Rio got more skins than Adela, Aya, Li Dailin, Barbara, Eva, Bianca, Celine, Mai, Tia, Laura, Adina, Tazia and Irem
Plus Chloe, Chiara and Cathy*
>Reach diamond 4
>Get placed only in rooms full of immortals and myths
Nobody new is going to keep queuing there for long when that's the experience.
Is it an actual participation reward or they're going to choose 3/5/10 winners and rest get jackshit? Don't mind suffering in mspaint for a bit if it's the former.
>Nobody new is going to keep queuing there for long when that's the experience.
The minimum requirement for those lobbies has been moved to Diamond 2 if I'm not mistaken, so it's likely you had some premades in your lobby to skew matchmaking. Keep in mind Mythril below 200 RP never meant anything as, in previous seasons, you could always form a 3 stack to grab it for free and in this RP inflation season it doesn't mean anything either. Meaning in these lobbies you're actually facing, if I'm not mistaken, Platinum 2 to Diamond 1 players in these "Myth" lobbies and actual Mythril ~ Immortal (for our region) level players. So, despite that looming over our heads, I've seen a few stick around who weren't here for S2 or even S1 and since we're small you can easily take a look at the leaderboard and see for yourself.

The issues that come with being a small region will still persist of course, at least until the hail mary of season 4.
>You'll most likely just be following along with them during the norms but try to get a feel for the tempo of the game and what those anons try prioritizing during certain stages of the game. Since they're not randoms they'll likely explain things and give advice instead of being some toxic random telling you to kill yourself because you didn't dive in with him on an Eva supporter by two tanks with hard cc that have all their abilities available and are ready to peel
Yeah, I noticed a lot of Eva, Willian, Adela, Arda and Nathapon retards expecting everyone cover their sorry asses just to sit behind and spam buttons while spam ping because move, dodge and run are impposible tasks for their nigger brains
vanya sex
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I don't buy skins in the first place (and especially so after the Gook feminism shit) but it was funny watching the neck-neck voting.
Don't really care who wins, I'm just in the laughs.
You sound like my friend who isn't buying skins after pp drama shit and got some people to intentionally vote magnus to annoy the gooks lol
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Right on the first part but I only tossed in Magnus votes to see how far he'd get, I'm not that spiteful. Never expected him to beat out anyone else
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Well my friend spent time getting enough tokens for pic related (the only missing skin to claim was epic Nicky), then gook pp drama happened and since NN remains silent to non-kr players...
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get in there lad

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