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File: wow-classic.jpg (93 KB, 1024x512)
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Are there any good NEW vanilla private servers? Or really just any non-pozzed ones.
Nostalrius, but it shut down.
>Seriously. This was the only good, stable, 1x, not p2w through "donations", high population, etc
Everything is "pozzed" for you, Tyrone Gonsales.
look up azcore and just run your own
What makes WoW classic so attractive compared to any other game with private servers?
Sanctuary WOW
nostalgiaboomers aka eternal children
are there more addons like power auras to show aura countdown ?
tranny central
>What makes WoW classic so attractive compared to any other game with private servers?
PVE only servers. Private servers are full pvp.
I don’t know if it’s pozzed, but I’ve said some pretty wild shit in global chat without repercussion, as well as frequently telling heinous jokes in guild chat. I’m on Warmanes Onyxia server and having a great time
Playing Tutrtle WoW right now. It's alright I guess. Just above 25 hours of playtime and no issues yet.
Turtle is fucked the second Project Epoch comes out of testing. The 1.12.1 client is really holding things back.
Nice try PE shill
i host my own and play with bots
PVP in vanilla is what God intended. Also, you're illiterate and can't derive context. That anon was asking about private servers not actually WoW Classic. Expected from a PVE carebear.

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