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/mmcg/ is hosting another modded Minecraft server, see
This time, it's based on TerraFirmaCraft, a mod all about primitive technology.

From the modpack's ATLauncher page:

This pack aims at providing a complete, believable and smooth experience from stone age to interstellar travel, with heavy engineering content in mind and guided with quests and manuals.

Survive, mine, craft, design your base and your automations, manage your power generation and consumption, shape the world with your hands and in the end create the massive factory you have dreamed of.

This pack provides many unique challenges in automation, as there are no magic block which can solve every problem. You will need to use all available tools, transport belts, trains, servos, redstone gates, or even computers to control them all

The gameplay can be identified with a few “ages”:
- Stone age to Bronze age provided by vanilla TFC.
- Steel age – Basic industry with Immersive Engineering and Industrialcraft 2, unmanned resource extraction and great increase in resource processing efficiency.
- Petrochem age – Enhanced industry featuring chemistry and oil refining, powered by Magneticraft and IHL. Have you ever seen a real oil refinery?
- Aluminium age – Start of advanced rocketry, making advanced components and extracting minor elements from minerals.
- Titanium age – Basic space flight, moon landing, UUM and iridium production, experimental fusion devices.
- Tungsten age – Top-tier-insanely-complex material production, interstellar travel, ultimate productivity enhancement.
- Endgame – Mekanism self-sustainable fusion as the ultimate goal.
looks interesting
pls add crack support
its cool but those are old mods I think
I am interested. What is the IP of the server? When did it start? How do I loadup the modpack in polymc?
come play on my server niggers, im starting a new one. if i like you ill make you a mod
ATM pls
The pack is linked in the posts
Download the zip file from /mmcg/ and drag it into PolyMC.
The pack is timeless. Many mods (especially the TFC addons) haven't ever made it past 1.7.10
also, it started yesterday. They're still in the stone age
God it looks so shit compared to vintage story. I'm sure it's fun but I much prefer vintage story for building since i'm a buildfag not a techfag.
There are af fuck ton of building blocks and techfags are usually just buildlets so pic rel doesn't really show it's potential. TFC+ looks much nicer than plain TFC though
modern minecraft has better textures and mods with much better building blocks, but /mmcg/ retards will never admit that
is it dead already?
if I heard right, the server owner forgot to pregenerate the world and that caused it to crash as anons went on to explore
classic failure of a modded server from some weird issue. Time and time has proven that modded minecraft servers fail faster than vanilla
TerraFirmaCraft sounds kinda fun
based vanigger
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>up for 2 weeks
>empty spawn
does anyone play on this server or is it dead? I was excited to play some tfc kino
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its dead
mod users cant into server hosting
no, it's up and anons are making progress
should maybe add a sign for he base coords. In any case, it's normal in TFC to travel thousands of blocks so the spawn being empty isn't too surprising
have you tried following the torch trail leading west
The server is back online with people
based tfc serb?
Pack and sever info because the linked thread is dead:
Pack: https://ufile.io/90saqqoj
Installation: drag zip into PolyMC
arent you the tranny that spammed /mcg/ for weeks on end seething over modders? Talk about being a virgin kek
>no offline mode
Not playing
>he wants to snoop on my precious m$ account
rest in piss /mmcg/
are you guys up for dawmcraft or atm 9?

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