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Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.

Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.

News and Events

List of all patches chronologically

We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply by mentioning you're from /vm/.

[Helpful links - These links contain useful guides and other stuff.]
Beginners guide and outline to just some of mabinogi's features.

wiki for Mabinogi

Skill Training Guide

Best In Slot Gear guide and gear progression
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I hate elves.
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>keep saving for new weapon
>might as well get a staff for DD to farm for other types of stuff easier
>wake up and find I spent my money on expensive fashion
the secret to saving your money is
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I am proud of myself.
I know it's only a few hours worth but it feels like a good start.
you're halfway there!
No I'm not!
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get outta there
why did you punch your screen
Is there a way to make crafting faster?
The simple act of waiting 2-4 seconds or whatever over the course of 10000000s of crafts is starting to wear me down
some let you bulk craft like leather straps but otherwise no
oh i'm mega gassy rn desu
>someone namedropped me, even indirectly
I will find you.
I will kill you.
Mostly because you were retarded enough to do it at dead hours.
im so gassy does anyone have something to plug up my big gassy ass
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what mouth expresses this one the best in mabi?
Anime before wavery mouths was so primitive
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More mabinogians in perilous situations when?
you cant do this to me
Shut up you dumb Slaugh, you're not me.
When it does let you bulk craft, make sure you have enough durability on your tool if it needs one.
I fell for the dirty Jewish tricks and bought extra inventory space...
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it was almost a suzu sweep but ther sniped the win
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rude tbqhwyd
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oops here's the one without the big ass wing covering haou
flampy is the cutest one there
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It is so over...
it's ok anon i lowrolled mine too
i can't read dis niqa
Translate it for me
At least you have it now
>3 infusions at once
>But the damage of each is nerfed even if its on its own
>stam/mana drain stays the same but can get up to 3x more if you have all 3 infusions

tl;dr 3 infusions with about the same bonus as current lightning but triple the drain on stam/mana

Fucking dogshit.

Oh right and Rage Impact is 5 secs of 15% damage on all melee now, which is also a dogshit change.

Melee in shambles. Fuck these devs, they do not play their own game.
>rage impact bonus changed from 50% to 15% at r1
>duration lowered from 10 seconds to 5
Why buff it then nerf it?
Dont forget
The specifications of the [Elemental Injection: Lightning] skill are changed.
: Minimum and maximum damage increase effect changes from 6% to 2% based on rank 1.

They really hate melee don't they?
Reading down a bit further there's some interesting play with the infusions and extra skill effects, but I really don't think they understand how bad the drain can get - especially with Rage Impact - nor does anyone have the time to infuseswap on/off in the heat of battle when you have to double check if it actually activates or not with Mabi's jank shit combat and netcode
But really what pisses me off is the nerf on the additional damages, they really could have just left it. Drain stacks 100% but the damage had to be nerfed? Fuck off.
awful devs
50% damage amp for 5 seconds would've been insane. 15% is still really good.
I saw the draining speed in that video linked earlier. That shit is insane, what were they thinking?
>what were they thinking
they weren't
when was the last time fighter got a buff
Fighter is one of the strongest skills, it doesn't need a buff, although rage impact being a duration is sort of indirectly a buff.
turn demi and eat food.
fighter needs perseus/nightbringer, erg 50, reforges, and combo cards. if you're missing even one of these then fighter is complete ass
Also needs everything enchanted that provide will and max damage right? I’ve been told to not go into fighter elf expecting to do a ton of dmg unless I can somehow cap will
The same is true of any high end skillset and not every skillset is even high end at any point, e.g. guns, ninja, non 2h melee.
did you guys even see what the additional infuse bonuses are? mister n1 giant korea was icemilling an entire fahmes room and his lsmash had the same range as a mag shot. it looks fun.
>KR latency
>soluna blade + d robe
It was my first time seeing KR latency what the fuck
>The same is true of any high end skillset
This isn't true.
t. guy who cries about DDs with 1.5bil invested in gear out damaging his naked Bhafel Hunter.
So you know you were wrong and still insisted on saying every talent needs that level of investment just to get off the ground? Fighter isn't just weak, it's actually unplayable without all of that.
I accelerate hour sneedcession
elf EKs finally get to eat
none of that affects the ice wm or dyna smash range
What are the chances AS gets gutted like EK? Should I just take the DD pill
DD will be the only option in the future
Fuck off, Demi isn't 24/7 and food is already used - prot cater gives stamina
More like "Always have an HS" which can't be a guarantee.
If you just use lightning like you used to, you're nerfed. 6% down to 2%.

PS: Fuck you again
>she doesn't have a pocket HS
only mabi players can get a clear huge buff and cry about it
It's not a buff. How exactly are you going to sustain the mana drain?
potions, glyph, switch to wand/staff for inspiration the same shit i do with DD
Broseph, your stamina drain?
DD uses mana and dorcha which you cycle through to up the other if one is low
Additionally mages have spirit procs to give huge mana
You don't worry about stamina, or even HP

EKs have mana drain, heavy stamina drain, and HP to juggle
The stamina drain is something you do not understand, with how often you proc RI and how much EK skills/Combat Skills take on their own, especially if you do shit like cancelling a loaded skill to use a different one depending on the situation

Mages don't have to do this and juggle debuffs/self buffs like warriors so don't you dare post as how you managing mana and dorcha is in any way the same

This isn't the same old "mage too strong" bitch, its the fact that single element EK just got a nerf because they expect you to run 2, 3 instills and somehow have enough stamina for all that bs
>the same shit I do with DD
Staves have lucky strike which infinitely refills their mana. DDfags are always dishonest about how overpowered they are and act like everyone else has this shit. EKs have no way to refill mana, they can't even use inspiration despite EK supposedly being a magic arcana.
>j-just get a staff and extra equip slots!
May as well just play DD so I don't have to deal with the mana drain at all.
>EK buff
>You actually have to manage a ton more shit to utilize the full power, otherwise you're nerfed as a single infusion
every change is to guide people to playing dd
>dd gameplay:
>activate thunderblight, nuke whatever doesn't die with flare, if thing still not dead run away with blight active again
>ek/as gameplay:
>manage 5 different skills and juggle them perfectly with millions invested in gear to do what dd does in 2 button presses and a celtic staff
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shut up you whiny fag I hate having to play DD to solo anything quickly and I've been waiting for EK buff because when I tried EK in 7n I couldn't one shot so I was getting swarmed
I already used glyphs and potions when running EK outside of techs so I guess you fags have a SKILL ISSUE like you say any other time somebody criticizes the game
EK gets a massive damage boost, grouping, much longer range and bigger aoe and you and the fags on discord still find a way to whine
EK's defense skill is fucking useless
>Hates playing DD
>Is OK with a nerf to give a buff + more management for melee
>Too afraid to say "This is not good enough, the nerf wasn't needed"

I'll take the troublesome management with infusions if they go back to giving the same damage buffs as they used to. I do not have enough hotkeys to put two fucking on/off toggles that I need to cycle through in combat

Let me guess you don't use more than 2 equip slots
>EK gets a massive damage boost, grouping, much longer range and bigger aoe and you and the fags on discord still find a way to whine
Because the buff is conditional. You need to be able to hold 2-3 instills at a time in order for it to be a buff.
>I already used glyphs and potions
The problem is that Crom and Glenn (and presumably newer content) put restrictions on potions to encourage people to play HS. And EKs can't really sit in a cuck circle because they need to be constantly moving and getting close to enemies. Glyphs work better for DDs who can shoot people from across the room.
He doesn't know shit, he's happy he can finally solo clear 5 year old content with a powercreeped arcana

Its not like bitching about the nerf will hurt him, it'd still be better - but anon has to show how skilled he is for using glyphs on a mobile class and pot spamming in content that doesn't restrict it
Are bows good or cope?
Just chug full restore pots every 30 seconds bro trust the plan.
you fags get carried in crom and glenn anyways i don't know why you people act like you actually play hard content by yourself where you're going to feel the effect of the drains, the only relevant content for making money that is easily doable solo doesn't have potion restrictions so suck my dick
Do you use HS?
crom predates HS by 1 or 2 years or something, potion restrictions are there just to tell you to get good
>i don't know how EK's stamina works in things above techs but i will comment on it anyway

Hey you going to run HS for the EKs?
Dumb nigger
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>buffs EK damage, range, aoe, and utility but makes the mana and stamina drain bigger (before they even go to make tweaks to it based off feedback)
if it's too hard for you to live with the EK buffs canada has some free healthcare to help you cope
you are good until you are bad then you are cope until you are good then you repeat
Why can't DDs just admit they're playing on easy mode?
>food is already used - prot cater gives stamina
No, actually eat the basic food and recover stamina.
......The black bar? From Stam?
Or are you seriously telling me to ingest food like an american just to balance out this atrocious design
C'mon man
Why is the homestead music so fucking loud
>mana and dorcha which you cycle through to up the other if one is low
If they're both low, then all you can do is chug or use dorcha conversation, which uses guess what: HP. Stam is used in spellwalk and doesn't even regen if meditate is on. Mages are just fortunate those are outdated.(I'm pretty sure sure spellwalk stam usage was nerfed at some point too.)

>don't have to do this and juggle debuffs/self buffs
Mages have buffs and debuffs and for that matter have to switch weapons to use some of them, e,g, deathmark.

>Additionally mages have spirit procs to give huge mana
Yeah, well melees have spirit procs to give huge HP if that's the case. Also have erg to avoid taking damage in the first place.
Just swap weapons and back.

>they expect you to run 2, 3 instills and somehow have enough stamina
They don't. They expect you to use it sparingly.
no it gives you normal stamina, but I think it goes away with age.
So who are the people complaining? Post your ign to determine whether you're a shitter or not.
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EK full power (Still doesn't match Magic): Use it sparringly and manage a ton of shit while getting drained like crazy
Mage: Press Seething and two buttons to change mana/dorcha around
There is a huge difference here and I'm not engaging further with dishonesty like this
Its not even a matter of me wanting melee to be uber, its the fact that they felt the need to nerf infusion percents but keep the entire drainage adding on
Now you have to micromanage 3 different toggles that I know for sure you've never done, because you would understand how mid-action they sometimes don't turn on/off properly

In essence: Shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about

I demand crossbow buffs because I like shooting stuff.
these are my two favorite mabigeniggers desu
Honestly I would've liked it if they buffed EK's survivability instead of damage. It's silly how much tankier mages are than warriors. There's no way EKs can stack mana shield on top of multiple instills.
>because you would understand how mid-action they sometimes don't turn on/off properly
Yeah that's mana shield for you, that thing that turns off whenever you're low on mana and just press a button to fill it. You ever die because your instill turned off then turned on then off again when you tried to restart it then have to hit all the toggles + convert mana before you lose mana shield again?

>I'm not engaging further with dishonesty like this
You were probably the one last thread crying about not being able to clear feth hall with a celtic staff.

What buff do crossbows need besides an infinite bolt equip like arrows?
The theoretical damage of EK is much higher than before. While I feel the complaints of resource drain are founded, this is a first release on the test server, so it's likely to face tweaking. I'm pretty excited for what they've shown so far.
>Yeah that's mana shield for you
This post is proof that DD is braindead. Mana shield effectiveness scales with magic attack and DD has several ways to keep their mana topped up. This means DDs can just turn mana shield on and their brains off because they're nigh immortal.

If an EK did that they would run out of mana instantly, and their entire kit relies on it. They don't have inspiration, render mana, or staff ego's lucky strike. EKs have to choose the right moment to use mana shield otherwise they're dead. They also end up spending way more on comprehensive potions because they have to manage HP/MP/SP while DDs only have to manage MP and dorcha.
Congrats suz; I’ll hit that in 2 weeks I think
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I haven't had the motivation to log in. I got arcana and was slowly working on content I was previously stuck on but I feel so burned out.
Someone got any cute female knight fashionogi I can work towards?
melee bad
mage good
Deal With It
>immortality argument
ask me how I know you've never done crom or glenn without saying you've never done crom or glenn
technically we're all immortal and can only be knocked out
Not the anon you're replying to, but crom 0%-70% as a Dark Diviner, the only thing im dying to is Irusan's red circle.
Glen normal its very hard to die in. Only way I die is by misplaying next to the rabbit ogre.
Its kinda hard to die as a thunder mage with magic shield unless youre really not paying attention
>norm and 70%
later rooms when you're going for 100 just delete you if you don't crowd control effectively, to the extent where the boss is genuinely the least of your worries
I don't really have much experience with glenn hm, but I'm told the mobs there can and will hit you for thousands of damage casually as well
wolfs will can and will crit 2k mana shield on normal attacks. Move speed and aggro drops are way more important and abusing defiance tech and vital surge are they way to go. Only people tanking hits are giants or people with 250-300 Protection and even then they still die because some of the mobs have level 5 piercing on them.
some of us can be knocked out and up
Flampy thighjobs
cosmetic titles added
where are the patch notes?
tomorrow or during/after maint
new features:
adding titles to extra equip slot
cosmetic titles

event: tons of minigames and afk study event

new tech/hacker themed gacha
>afk study event
This is one of the worst events mabi does
I agree and it has expiring rewards again
>What buff do crossbows need besides an infinite bolt equip like arrows?
Make it so that crossbows deal more damage the closer you are to enemies. Give them all the piercing enchants because muh crossbow privilege.

Make a Crossbow of Termination. Its a shotgun and I can use it while riding a motorcycle and wearing sunglasses.
Make a crossbow that looks like a bow and acts like a bow and is actually a bow.
Crossbows are now cool again.
my elf EK with an Excalibur app scrolled S50 erg Secret Wildflower Two-handed Sword using triple instill dynavolt to oneshot waves in-between potions because i play mabi to have fun and not play it like an esport
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>i play mabi to have fun
>expiring rewards
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How about you go fuck yourself.
I want all those Flampy bodies to cum inside.
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any1 need this?
*unzips dick*
death of a thousand flampies
event is afk and the gacha is not cute.....i have nothing left to live for....
live for me
Wait where do we see the new gacha?
Live for m'dick.
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I feel nothing but pain
grats duderino
they really hate letting players get things they can use later
Both of the new events suck.
wish i could find a gf that sucked as much as these events
>Give them all the piercing enchants because muh crossbow privilege.
Just with pallid an NB can get 8 pierce
lot is available
NGL busted a phat nut till my balls fell off to Thereca, that new look is BASED
stella is secretly evil
Stella is openly evil
Give them even more options than Pallid so that they're the better mid game option similar to how Lances hit 9 piercing with all their enchants.
stella is openly closed
If they're adding all these mini games that are usually in events to the game permanently, what is going to happen to events?
more afk events
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fuck that's a good addition
Nice I get to type in all caps plus go to font size 20
Kill 100 imps every day
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I wish this swing swung.
no don't get corrupted by the red hair
i will resist the ther influence
saw the fashion statue, new thereca is kind of a baddie ngl
stop posting
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It's so over...
nah senpai
All Vas btw
>400 stickers left after
What do I blow them on?
you can do what I did and buy stuff for other ppl
Good point
I have too many festival tokens, who wants outfits/bag pouches?
IGN Lu- sorry, Vastramund
I bought a bunch of HS items to sell later
I bought a bunch of HS items to use immediately
Finally a gacha where I'm the target audience.
That stupid check in event starts tomorrow too right?
This gacha is really ugly.
Duality of sisters
I bought a dog
I like the gacha but it reminds me there's a lot of stuff that goes outside on your homestead but not much of a way to make it look like it's inside, such as flooring and walls.
I hate gachas
Im indifferernt to gachas
Anons... what do we do now? He's defended himself against the Internet Hate Machine...
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>ppl dont change channels with inflicted with impending doom
>they die with feather flag up
>with inflicted with
ow my brain
THATS how you counter it??? What about my points?
hi folks I haven’t played mabi since I was like 14 and paladins were hot shit what’d I miss
points stay on that channel. Once you relog back into the original channel you left, the points remain so you can go back to beating up the dragon
paladins are getting a buff soon
You can level everything now in months instead of 1 skill in 4 years
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immediately check the font size option
this is the first message i got upon increasing it
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poggers is now mabi canon
I hate localization I hate localization
How does the new player experience feel nowadays?

I rememeber playing Mabinogi like 10 years ago. It was very comfy yet very confusing at times. But I enjoyed my time slowly doing dungeons and looting new things.
Now I read that instead of usual skills everyone's using "arcana".
Can anyone please explain how does it work in comparison to "older" skills?
>How does the new player experience feel nowadays?
Words, words, words, words as some uncute cunt never stops speaking and poorly explains the mechanics. No letting you kill enemies to figure out the game.

>slowly doing dungeons
Dungeons monsters are a lot stronger than years ago but dungeons are super short now to the point of absurdity.

>instead of usual skills everyone's using "arcana".
They're supplemental to normal skills while bringing new skills of their own.

>Can anyone please explain how does it work in comparison to "older" skills?
They're just special skill sets you can use after you master two "older" skillsets and do some quests. They rank upon leveling like transformation skills but don't take exp to use. After getting them, you also need to farm threads for links, which are basically the same thing as when you power up characters in a gacha game.

DD, for example, has a few new skills; one that debuffs enemies while you damage them, one that pulls them in, and one nuke. It also allows your normal magic to pierce(like lance piercing levels) and the damage of the new skills are based on the damage of certain spells. It also has a silence and allows you to convert mana to dorcha or dorcha to mana(dorcha is a resource used for the chain blade skillset)
>How does the new player experience feel nowadays?
as someone who went through it for my first time recently it's confusing and not confusing at the same time.
The tutorial is probably the best it's ever been but they throw so much at you so quick it's hard to keep track of it all. But nearly everything is explained.
Game is still incredibly comfy or at least to me it is. I spend most of my time messing around, which is what I want to do in an MMO.
Don't worry about arcana, it's more of a late-game system that you will learn about as you play the game.
Test server round 2
>instill fire/lighting max damage increased from 2%/2% to 3%/5%
>mp/sp consumption with 2 instills active reduced from 10/sec to 4/sec
>mp/sp consumption with 3 instills active reduced from 60/sec to 15/sec
>various multiplier buffs on BAS/icemill/dyna
they still don't really understand how fast stamina drains in regular combat
neither do I
does this nigga not have a whale or sum the way he be cryin
Thank you!

I also remember constantly needing to replace equipment because it eventually ran out of max durability. Is it still a thing? Or did they make gear more "permanent" in any way?
It's more permanent as you get the option to pay for 100% repairs and enchants don't reduce dura on gear anymore. Even if you lose max dura there are gold/platinum hammers that raise dura per use.
Just avoid Ferghus and you can pay for 100% chance repairs
nta but
>Needing multiple whales just to upkeep yourself
Not an enjoyable experience having to do that cycle
>just spend hundreds on pets to play effectively
You sound poor.
>even with the drains severely nerfed and damage buffed even more he's still crying
selling my ele harm and going EK out of spite
>no "who slew a bear with a single hit at age 10 using only their fists" title
What's even the point...
a whale is like 40m after like 6 months since last pet gacha. plus, you get one for free if you buy basic vip for like 9m at most
it's literally two clicks every three minutes
jesus, they really thought that was ok?
just learned I was still on the quest to unlock stardust while the event was going.
feels good being this retarded.
absolutely loving the dunny study circle, this shit is comfier than I expected for a glorified AFK event
First afk event?
first one I've actually bothered doing. I like killing stuff, these events are usually boring. I just like the atmosphere of this one.
we'll see about that
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did you know that mabi automatically saves a screenshot of your last played character when you log off
yes I did
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true comfort
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how does one obtain this perfect form
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woohoo free burn in
yes daddy another BME it's been over a month i think
congrats thereca
btw can I have a small loan of 1 bme
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That's not me. I haven't gotten a good drop from AHM since the first week of the update.
i already spent that on a stance card and spirit liqueur
What are you all using/used your extra entry pass boxes on? Techs, croms, or glenns?
This is Sal. That's Dracapo for sure.
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>list item
>someone uncuts me and immediately sells
>relist a little lower so i'm next to sell
>someone uncuts me and immediately sells
>relist a little lower so i'm next to sell
>someone uncuts me and immediately sells
>relist a little lower so i'm next to sell
it isn't me either
>someone uncuts me
I'm going to let it expire because I'm too weak for all 3
There's one of two options here
Never undercut, just raise the price up and keep it there for months
Someone will buy, eventually

Or tank it to the ground completely
We're gonna need to do SWIZZLER BABY to make money because everything but raw gold is worthless now

>old droprates were actually better
Fucking lmao.
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dont look at dragon scale fragments
it was me
You guys ever undercut yourself on accident?
I did it a lot when I had that free VIP because I'd always forget I had extra slots and I'd list another stack of something I already had but for less.
that's why you SWIZZ
nobody can devalue raw gold
if everyone swizz'd 24/7 gold would be useless
>tard-kun doesnt understand inflation
understand THIS
*inflates you big and round*
but everyone is allergic to swizzy so choke on my raw gold, bitch
open your mouths im shoving pennies in there
I do it as a tactic to simulate and bait out undercutting.
Sometimes you can trick some retards out there to keep undercutting against you until something goes down to 1/3rd of the actual value, then if you want you can swipe that shit for yourself to add to your stock.
I mainly do it out of spite because I'm patient enough to wait for the prices to climb back up.
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excuse me?
it's hard being a maber in 2024...
I wish everyone who played mabi died
you play mabi
I play mabi :(
wtf my dog plays mabi
I deny any charges claiming that I bit anyone.
flampy bite penis
Everyone dies regardless of what they play
I wish this guy died of death mmmmm
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>have items worth millionsof gold
>have the gall to (jeah) publicly
i'm out here selling herbs for like 400g each
Wait till you're selling them for 199g and only half as often as before, then you'll understand.
it takes 2500 herbs at 400g each to hit just 1mil gold
it takes me over an hour to gather that much
I already understand
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how big is marleid's rod
moot would've just nuked the board
hiro wants money
Glenn HM isn't as daunting as I thought, it's mostly about constantly moving
moot couldn't even nuke /q/qa/ or /n/new/pol/. That faggot never even made good on his promise to delete /jp/ if it got shitty.
I have 80m now after holding back from buying fashion. Should I get a deepthroat staff or brick myself with a bow
staff will carry you harder than bow
wheres mabigen power tier list
me > you
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Purely theoretically speaking; if I were interested in directly purchasing items for real currency, how would I go about doing it?
ask vast
i want to play this game but I'm afraid of the community you all seem mean and unwelcoming as fuck
I will feast on your soul
i just want to play a game
honestly just play solo or join a normie guild
Join Hiraeth.
just play and see for yourself pussy
im gonna cum on my face and your going to kiss it off then we grind alby basic
Is this the mabigen rejects guild?
It's the mabigen girl only yuri guild.
its really only mabigen who post here, most anons just play the game in our own guilds and lurk here
how can you tell?
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It's all true really, what else would you expect from a dead gook game played by 30-40yo social rejects
Rule of thumb really, never join 4chan guilds
wym theyre naming eachother in every other post
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master has given dobby a sock
>make useless items like speech bubbles not expire
>make anything useful expire
3 glenn runs at 7PST/9CST/10EST for those that missed out yesterday or want to use extra passes
>30min before fashion reg starts
I wish AS let you use alchemy with a bow equipped
glen only takes like 10 mins
I'm a 30 year old social reject but I was wrong, you guys are all very nice.
Shut the fuck up we’re not nice. Get the fuck out of here with this shit
Now you're just being creepy
yeah creepy'n into your shorts
I only wear jeggings
>he doesn't wear jeghorts
I love you
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at long last
a good es from glenn
What the FUCK
Give that to me.
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>lost to a non mabigen person
Its over...
i have to confess something
im actually gay and all of my coom posting was a lie
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idk who whines about EK more, mabigen or the retards on the mabinogi discord
i've never gone to the mabigen discord
what's it like explorer-san?
Not him but there's some guy having an autistic meltdown crunching his own numbers claiming that a Soluna Blade in the hands of a giant does less damage than a Bhafel Hunter.
mabinogi discord not a mabigen discord
gameplay "discussion" is mostly just salty jaded delusional endgamers whining about everything, saying that nothing is worth using compared to DD and AS, doomposting KR updates, doomposting eternity/UE5 update when it's literal years away, giving new players bad advice, etc
i don't think i've seen any positive discussion about the EK buffs it's all just massive crying about it still being weak terrible and garbage and shitting on the devs which is crazy because they also think there's no hard content outside of glenn hm and crom which aren't solo content so why would EK being "weak" compared to DD even matter
basically this thread but amped up to 11 because instead of 2 or 3 people jumping in it'll be 10 people at the same time, between here, discord, and reddit the reddit unironically has the most healthy discussion
>reddit the reddit
go back
you first
go back to your wives house? Okay
actually my husband's house and he's a top
Why are you gay?
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April 12th KR Test Server Patch
There were some adjustments from the last patch.
If it is not mentioned here, it should be same as APR08 update

[Close Combat]
Rage Impact debuff duration is increased from 5s to 7s.

Elemental Knight changes

[Instill: Thunder/Flame/Frost] at Rank 1:
Flame ---- Min/Max damage increase buffed (2% -> 3%)
Thunder ---- Min/Max damage increase buffed (2% -> 5%)

MP/Stamina cost for multiple activation of Instills is lowered.
[double activation] 10 per second ---> 4 per second
[triple activation] 60 per second ---> 15 per second

Instills can only be activated when current Mana and Stamina is more than or equal to 200100.

Instill: Thunder/Flame/Frost will no longer increase elemental value for the character.
(Also fixed a bug where activating Instill: Thunder/Flame/Frost adds extra elemental damage)

[Blazing Assault Slash]
When Instill: Flame is activated --- damage bonus 300% 400%
When Instill: Frost is activated --- 300% 480% additional damage when enemies frozen with shattered windmill is defrosted

[Shattered Windmill]
When Instill: Thunder is activated --- Creates electric current to frozen enemies that attacks nearby enemies enemy (one) with 300% 500% damage every 1.5 to 2s
The electric current will last 5 seconds, and stays even if the enemy is defrosted.

[Dynavolt Smash]
When Instill: Frost is activated --- 540% 810% additional damage to frozen enemies due to shattering windmill and immediately defrost the enemy

Harmonic Saint changes

During the advanced heavy stander (Curtain of Life, Iron Will technique), the character will no longer face the attacker when hit.

Fixed an intermittent bug that [Defense], [Protection], [Magic Def.], and [Magic Prot.] was not considered when a character takes damage more than [Curtain of Life] and [Mana Shield] can protect.
You Will Never Be Roalena
What the fuck am I supposed to do with these hundreds of combat support boxes, constantly chug?
>Fixed an intermittent bug that [Defense], [Protection], [Magic Def.], and [Magic Prot.] was not considered when a character takes damage more than [Curtain of Life] and [Mana Shield] can protect.
holy fuck that explains so much
Meleegods eating good.
Drug abuse
>people didn't believe this was good when it was in Korean
>translate and repost 3 days later
>wow melee good now
Will you ever stop seething
Cannot wait until Gun and Ninja oriented arcanas shit all over melee and AS.
will you ever stop shitting
I just realized if we get another fishing event this year the boxes will expire
I have thousands of boxes in my inventory from past events that I refuse to open because I don't want to inventory manage.
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Dead game bad events
New player question:

I decided to take a break from Blaanid's questline and ran some random advanced dungeons out of curiosity.
I got several time limited drops at the end. A celtic signet and spirit gems.
Obviously I can't really use those anywhere right now. I assume timed loot is somewhat common here?
I just feel like a lot of things I currently have are going to expire sooner than I get to use them.

Also, how popular is the game in Korea right now?
I think I used to see a lot of korean Mabi content in the past.
Now it feels like Global is more alive.
mabi runs on fomo
get used to expiring rewards
Signets aren't important anyways. Regular gems you can feed spirit weapons don't expire.
yeah you usually get a signet every run. Don't worry about them until you can get the weapon.
Holy fucking shit why do I keep failing them.
Korean mabi is definitely more popular than NA
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now THIS is obsession

>puri 4x and music dungeon box
just need a buff for raids then this will be a good time to max erg
Tech drop buff doko
Puri 4x (7x a week + 3x a day)
Music dungeon box (that'll be 50k + tax)
lol this is fucking amazing
AI generated?
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no we started a mabidegen band

>Music dungeon box (that'll be 50k + tax)
better than the current prices for stardust and strings
>Puri 4x (7x a week + 3x a day)
no hard caps so this just only incentivizes more players running
Good shit Rinkydinky
Had to ask if it was AI because it caught me off guard how close it is to bands I listen to
all of these are terrible
>no hard caps

>Sponsored Missions are the same as before, with adjusted monster health and stats. The rewards are 2 to 4 times higher.
>You can purchase up to 7 Recommendation Letters for 777 Gold each per week
>Additional Recommendation Letters can be obtained by clearing existing Purification Missions each day
>3 times per day
>Cleared solo: 4x increase for rewards
>Cleared by 2 players: 2x increase for rewards

Yeah no it's 7 x a week + 3x a day. Both people will probably need passes like lord missions anyway.
maybe you will be happier if they added puri limits
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Is there a significant difference between staves and wands besides staves allowing advanced spells, or is neither better than the other in the long run?
wands suck dick cause there is no demo wand and nightbringer is only good on god mages with god ping
whoever is making these must not be in the guild anymore
I think I used up all of my luck this year
oops didnt mean to reply
so wtf are they thinking with this bankroll? is this supposed to get people back into the game?
i dont need anything from it
why do people bitch so much about undercutting in this game when they could just sell for a non shit price?
They want NA to die
looks to me this bankroll revolves around erging
Because it may never sell
t. not enough AH slots to keep up all the shit needed to sell
I'm very stubborn so I cap out at 3 months then throw it away
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cool event these 7 weekly tagar dropping x4 the red ups will definitely BOOST me into rank s erg
>Billionaire's "Bankroll"
>Have to pay for everything
its always been like that and completely backwards
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How do you think he got to be a billionaire?
wtf happened to my post 4chan
mmmm that was tastyy
How does the bankroll event work? You just buy math passes and restore boxes?
Is it possible to get thick thighs and a large chest without going full fat? It seems like there's only two sizes for weight and maxing both upper and lower does not give my desired appeal.
>without going full fat?
yes, but you have to find specific outfits that emphasizes on an hourglass figure, which is usually the lingerie outfits
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fuck. big tits only it is, thanks anon.
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average mabinogi streamer
god I wish my characters boobs were that big
i coul dbe...
i dop bep
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they need to add a wanted/offer section to the AH
For all my grinders
And a way to find specific enchant scrolls
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You can search by name of the scroll though
Kek good job
This is so fucking good
Goddamn I love this AI slop
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>flamp dont banq 2dat
Is this a game I can play and have fun in casually? I want to try out an mmo and I'm getting super mixed signals about this game
>looks calm, stuff you can do sounds pretty relaxing
>playerbase seems friendly and welcoming compared to other small mmos
>south korean game. I can't name one sk game that's not an endless grindfest except stellar blade I guess
>players with thousands of hours, some saying not to play it.
It's a sandbox mmo, you can play at your own pace and do what you want.
yeh its "relaxing" if you take it real easy, but the game really relies on "Fear of Missing Out" on their events so you can miss out on nice stuff sometimes.
playerbase is friendly (talking about the entire server). There's tards like me who exist though.
You already know. Gook games = mega grindy
Anybody with a negative opinion at 1000+ hours always means that the game was "great" at first but they approached the "endgame"
Objectively there's a lot to do but the FOMO and Event shit constantly makes it feel like a chore, so if you're artistic and have a big ego you don't want to miss out and be behind anyone
But if you're a reasonable person you shouldn't feel an obligation and treat the events as nice bonuses, not necessary
Same for weekly run limits etc. Not mandatory to do.
Play casually and fuck around and socialize basically
grinding and hitting caps in a 20 year old mmo where you will always be behind is stupid
you might as well focus on the good aspects of mabi which are the social parts or just collecting stuff
Has there been any news on the Eternity/UE5 stuff? I check the microsite every so often, but it hasn't updated since February.
No and the microsite is just translated from the same Korean one from months before that. It's n ot happening any time in the next few years so don't hold your breath.
Darn, I was really hoping. It looks cool.
Expect it by 2030 at the absolute earliest
Nah an MMO's average dev time is around 5-7 years. Mabi is done, they just have to copy it + pretty it up.
>Nah an MMO's average dev time is around 5-7 years
2030 is only 6 years away, bro
you're only 6 years away i'll fight u
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pretty meh shotz this week
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nooticer moment
>even BME prices are tanking
its never been so over
Abyss orb prices were tanking too last time I checked
we’re gonna make it bros
Think, elf, think!
>Remnants are 16m-17m
>Frostflames are 80k-90k
>normal s'molds still hovering arouind 50k
What did Morrighan mean by this?
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Black or gold?
>only get 1 generic material and 1 rank-specific material per society request, or 1 more of each with a single crystal
>requires increasing amounts of each material
>support effects have a chance to fail upgrading
>some item requests are actually production requests, so already having the item can mean jack shit
>core requests require returning back to Melwyn just so you can finalize the quest completion
>have to do 300-600 of each line of quests just for stardust ranks, not going to bother calculating for the supports
Do I just put it off until there's a double rewards event, or is there something I'm missing?
I just do like 1 a day or 1 a week.
Masterplan only
Last one we had potions we could stack with it
how does a weapon appearance scroll that was released a few months ago go completely missing
All black music sounds the same
You get 2 mats, 4 with crystal and double those in events. Most item things were changed to let you turn in a pre-made item. You can purchase mats from the seal shop on certain days. You can change quests once an in game day. You also forgot that it costs money to attempt to rank up.
Should have bought it while it's gacha was still running. Depending on what it is even if it does get re-upped it would be for a premium.
What scroll?
just came back after a year and my style tab is unlocked, is it free now?
yeah, free forever
no give me 20 dollars
frost great scythe
sent ;)
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Somebody posted their puri raid runs before getting all 3 daily letter passes
hello am newfag. any tips?
pray game
hav fun
>pray game
>on 4channer
make me raff
Maplestory KR recently got some awful changes for free to play players essentially capping grind and slowing it to a crawl.
I hope Mabi doesn't go down that path, feels like Nexon is going to do anything to make money since its new games are all flopping.
>essentially capping grind and slowing it to a crawl.
wasn't that always the case
Capping money earned per day and removing bosses because their loot is too good? Nah i've not seen that yet.
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Aw hell yeah I've been waiting for this bow
>make cool sword
>add stupid ribbons to it
Is there any point to adventure seals anymore ? I've got hundreds
you need thousands for anything
>early main when theyre only adding a gacha
Is there anything actually worth it ? I've checked the seal merchant and all he sells are shitty mats worth 100k max
the store changes every irl day
You can buy some pretty good enchants with them.
If ur still working on stardust, Sundays has stardust materials.
If ur tech fiend, Thursday sells additional passes
If ur working on precise reforges, the stock refreshes every Thursday.
Basically adventurer seals are very useful to have a ton of
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Kinda was thinking about how the mabinogi boomers kinda have an old way of thinking things, so I wanted to share a counterpoint:
With the changes to the special upgrades and the addition of Chronicle, I think people should change their thought process on how to progress as a mage.
In the past, prior to the 2 changes I mentioned, the go-to advice was to buy a demo staff as soon as you can; the usual special upgrade was R5 on a Celtic Druid Staff because it wasnt economical to waste protective red stones and the eweca protective red stone on a Druid staff. As a result, the jump from an r5 druid staff to r5 demo staff is the 1 pierce and 20% elemental damage (which is huge).
With the 2 changes mentioned initially, my advice is to get the Demo staff LATER.
Reason to get the demo staff later is because financially, the Chronicle Celtic Druid Staff can now be built up to s7 with a comparatively minimal economic cost as opposed to an s7 Demo staff.

Druid staff ("free" from chronicle):
from s1-s6: spam blue stones
s7: use ladeca blue stone (can be crafted; I purchased mine for 1mil at the time. Currently going for 900k last time I checked)

Demo staff(150mil for 12 magic attack from last checked):
s1-s5: spam blue stones
s6: protective blue stone (last time I checked, approx 50mil; can be crafted)
s7: protective ladeca stone (last time I checked, approx 50 mil; cannot be crafted)

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As we all know that its a percentage chance to land the upgrades, Im not going to tally up the numbers, but you should get an idea on how expensive a Demo staff really is versus a Chronicle Celtic Druid Staff.
Another item to mention would be the reforge; Chronicle Druid staff starts at R1. Demo staff you will have to farm Journeyman reforges or pay up about 10mil for the Surging Hope Gem. Both will want the Blossoming Hope Gem, of course.
I am NOT saying a demo staff should be skipped here, just purchased later. Assuming as a mage, you are also working Dark Diviner, you also have an additional goal of hitting 1.4k magic attack thanks to Seething Mana.
As there is only 1 slot for a weapon (as a staff user), it would be more economical to build up an S7 Celtic Druid staff with the magic attack reforge versus an S7 Demo Staff with the magic attack reforge. So save the 100mil+ and build towards a Ceann Bearna glove, accessories with the magic attack reforge, and/or a magic attack hat and aim for the 1.4k magic attack first. Keep in mind that because Demo staffs can be farmed, their prices may dip further too, so by the time you ran out of other slots to upgrade, you can swap your Druid staff to a Demo staff for cheap; its just that the cost to upgrade a Demo staff is pretty high for requiring you to straight up replace an OK placeholder while you build up your other gear.
TLDR: buy demo asap is boomer logic. Get the demo, but later.
i agree with most of what you say here. however, i do want to mention that s6 prot stones are given out for free during events (this irusan checkin has one) + 2 from phantasm questline. the attendance package also provides 2 along with a bunch of other goods and is worth getting if you're willing to spend some cash.
i also disagree with rushing ceann bliana gloves as weaving gloves will more than suffice. they last for months even if you get your butt kicked while providing ~20 less MA for 1/10th of the price.
as a side note, any mage should get a cat at some point since that thing is basically +3 pierce.
I didn't mention the ceann bliana gloves as the next immediate step; I've also mentioned accessories with magic attack reforge and hat with magic attack as well in that same sentence with no clear indication of priority. my sentence:
>So save the 100mil+ and build towards a Ceann Bearna glove, accessories with the magic attack reforge, and/or a magic attack hat and aim for the 1.4k magic attack first.
I mentioned focusing on 1.4k magic attack as the next step.
Ceann Bliana gloves are also craftable though an can go down in price, just as the demo staff
Stop this meme. Your goal of 1400MA gives an additional level of pierce which is roughly a 5% damage increase. A fully built S7, reforged demo, possibly even erged is 200-250m. The same price range as ringbands but you get the pierce right away, +20% ele damage and reduced meteor cd. You are right that Celtic will last a while but ringbands are among the last thing to upgrade.
you're focusing on ringbands word why? The posts were talking about comparing chronicle celtic druid vs demolition staff.
I mentioned "ringband" once and you monkeys (>>1265872) tunnel on that word. Use weaving gloves too. the goal is 1.4k magic attack. I mentioned ringbands because thats the what I did next but its not something everybody has to do
If the point of your comparison is to showcase the cost effectiveness of different upgrades then why wouldn't we call out the one thing in your list that is backwards? And I'm saying 1400MA is not as important as you are implying.
Im up for a debate; what would be the focus for a growing mage?
For big ticket upgrades link 10 DD > demo > sp eharm > ringbands. Possibly even ruin staff before ringbands. For incremental upgrades, 15/20 free reforged gear, Alban totem with lv3 MA. Get -mprot pets like a ceranus, wizard corgi, and cat like >>1265872 mentioned which are huge since you don't get any for free like phys users do with bone dragons. The pets range from 25-60m so they are amazing value for the costs.
ok then if youre going to go the boomer route, based on your order here:
>For big ticket upgrades link 10 DD > demo > sp eharm > ringbands.
can you tell me how its better to go demo basically as soon as possible as opposed to holding onto the celtic druid and getting the demo later? I've already mentioned why you should go later in my 2 main posts. Keep in mind that gold is a limiting factor in mabinogi
Weaving gloves are cope too, get rosemary.
Kill yourself zoomer. I hate people like you who say the most obvious shit with retarded wojacks and frogs thinking they're super geniuses.
except its not the most obvious answer; the common answer is to go demo staff asap if you ask around.
>better to go demo basically as soon as possible
It's not. Why are you framing it like every single piece of gold is going solely towards a demo and that you cannot work on anything else at the same time? You work towards the demo while getting the smaller upgrades in between. Whatever gets you the most bang for your buck at the time. That's why I emphasized the pets. Add a fireball/thunder combo card and fire/lightning mastery echo to the list too. There are plenty of low/no cost things you can do.
One word: Autism.
How do you save/build up for a demo if you're building shit on the side
What the advice is: Get Demo
Means: Sell everything you make/get to fund that, including Dan test tokens (That you say to use for Lightning combo rolls)

But then you say you actually build it all up at the same time

Which tactic is better suited for growth? A slower, all-developed in tandem route, or focusing on one thing after another?
you do realize how expensive the magic-orientated pets are, right?
Young Ceranus: 32mil
Purrling (checked only cheapest one): 60mil
So im going to say pets doesnt sound that economical, but I can be wrong. Reminder that when your progressing, you want to be as efficient as possible with your gold.
if you re-read my post again, I said to focus on magic attack to 1.4k; I didnt exactly specify how. You can work on getting enchants, alban knight emblems, etc. both are cheaper than the pets and thus most bang for your buck.
And reason to focus on magic attack: for me, that was an obvious goal to become stronger. Let me know if there was a better goal to work towards to get stronger faster.
Upgrading to Demolition and eventually Ruination Staves are basically the Main Story Quests of your progression.
Making side upgrades such as Magic Attack accessories, enchants, pets, etc. are Side Quests.

That is the easiest way to think of your character progression. End of story. Stop overthinking this shit.
except not everybody has years of experience playing this game
That has nothing to do with what I just said, its not that difficult. Your main goal is to upgrade your weapon but you're obviously not doing it overnight. You are free to pursue side goals in upgrading your character but at the end of the day your main goal is upgrading to a superior weapon that gives the most bang for your buck upgrade.

The reasons why a Demolition Staff is the next best step to upgrading your gear have already been outlined by other anons. The reason you keep stressing over the costs of upgrading is because you're obviously daunted by how long the grind is especially as a newer player. Fact is, that is how Mabinogi always has been. Once upon a time making Celtic Royal weapons was a daunting task in its own right. You suck it up, quit crying about it, and grind for it. Or you swipe.
youre completely right that Im daunted by how long the grind is as a newer player, which is why I tried going a method that goes against conventional practice of immediately aiming for a demo staff and found that I was able to progress faster than most non-swiping players.
The best way, in my opinion, to retain newer players is to provide a pathway others can follow that does not appear like a huge hurdle. Telling people that the next step you must get is a Demo staff is archaic due to the new changes in the game. A Demo staff is a huge hurdle in comparison to sticking to chronicle celtic for longer and focusing on magic attack.
Once more, 250mil+ gold(45% chance to land your s7) versus 3mil+ gold; what appears less daunting?
If you look hard enough you can find Ceraunus for as low as 25m which acts as 2 pierce. A 10% damage increase for relatively little and which won't be replaced in the foreseeable future. Compare that to a single Maddening which is 5 MA for 15m on average. You can even spend 20m on an equip slot coupon so you have access to hydra/smoke for the equivalent of 3.6/1.4 pierce. It's fine to use MA as a rough gauge of strength but that is not the only way to raise your effective damage.
Stop overthinking this garbage. Don't worry about endgame and just have fun with short term goals.
Anything that needs this much thought and effort is less than 1% of the entire game.
stop asking mabigen for gear advice or progression advice you retard
how do I get a loli vampire gf
How do I become a dark knight edgelord quickly I dont fucking want to sit through seven years of text and fetch quest fuckery this game is losing my interest quickly with all this fucking engrish and walking back and forth
getting dark knight takes about an hour of going through the entirety of C1
I swear to fuck I have had to teleport back to and talk to this tarlach faggot no less than 15 times already and I am not even halfway done I hate this cunt
>how do I get bored by skipping everything interesting
zoomer mentality
This dialogue is not interesting
I'm 25 I just want to have fun where is the fun
the argument got weird because you accepted the one premise you should argue against. here you should say: "i compared a 1.4k ma druid staff against a <1.3k ma demo and found that..."
you act like you're 5
Because I don't want to read a bunch of dialogue that does not intrigue me? Sorry man didn't realize it was such a sensitive subject for you, I'm just not really wanting to read a fuckin book tonight.
go play a gacha game or mobile game where you get instant gratification
>Nooooo you have to read my heckin epic koreanslop dialogue you can't just skip it to try and build your character the way you want you're a zooooomer go play gacha games!
OK nigga stay mad
you can't possibly be older than 15
I want to come back, where is the cool spot for players now?

also I dont see a lot of people doing shadow missions anymore, what is the fun thing to do now days?
Whatever helps you sleep at night anon
everyone only does techs, puri, crom, or glen
>techs, puri, crom, or glen
I dont know any of those, any way I can get more info on this? also does it requires to be high level?
there's also sidhe
Theres also (You)
why did the mabi general move to vm
gay retard erpers like vast and lot
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gay retarded erpers are what keep games on /vg/
Lux plap
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all the frost scythe app scrolls have just disappeared off the face of the earth huh
look at it this way, did you REALLY want to spend 80m+ on a cosmetic thing instead of upgrading your gear?
yes i've been advertising for it for a fucking week
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who did this
they will pay

I opened my old laptop and found this old thread was still up on it
is it a good one?
just finished a 100 where irusan took over 30 minutes.....cycled through three bachram boosts criminal amounts of scuff
all me
wtf ur not me
I havent logged in for a week...
>not logging in during free afk reward time
I've been busy as heck irl and still can study in mabi
what degrees u gettin
I wish, i'm not smart enough for college. Just picked up a temp job because I ran out of money.
played a few years ago, didn't get too far (only partway through blaanid). I've heard blaanid's changed, if I pick this up again should I just restart or continue with whatever character I had?
doesnt matter blaanid will boost you through everything straight to 20k with tons of skills and no effort
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Why did lotette become such a DAMN BRAT
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Ripe 4 the taking
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i eated bread for the firs time in a week n passed out for 10 hrs
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By the end of this year we will have a release date on Unreal Engine update and the Mabinogi Mobile game will release.
By my will it will be done.
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Back to grinding heavy armor proficiency.
if i find out the armor is terrible im gonna cry because it looks cool...
there are several armors better than it now
sweet, so it's still viable for where i'm at. looks cool as fuck.
and style tab is free now so even if you get other armor you can still wear it
I usually wear style stuff over it, I have some very nice outfits.
I like knowing I'm wearing cool armor though. I've always liked the outfits and armor in this game, most of them look really nice.
>the man who she loved is gone
>the only thing remaining is a kid that physically resembles the sole reason she turned her back from her race to become a human
Nexon really hated her, huh?
shes still a fomor
>nexon bragging about localization on their news post
chat what is your opinion on discord?
necessary evil
unnecessary evil.
MMOs are better without it.
Most games are better without it.
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It is so over...
Die zoomy scum.
If you can't say what you want ingame, whatever you have to say isn't worth hearing.
I want discord dead, eveyone in game agrees and i need to spread the word
i went to discord to explore the shitheap before spamming my god given message
check this out
;oijhasdgfkjhugfdkijhufdskjhsfd i fart kjdgfkjahdsfgkjdsbfkjbfds cum
;lkjhsfd;lkjhfd dragon ballz hfdhahahah
Add me on discord
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Inv me to Luxcord
lux isn't even in that server
>he joined
yeah months ago
i love mabinogi! do you love mabinogi? i sit in dunby town and i chat with my internet friends and family and have a great time. i feel so happy when we're together! i'm very lucky to have them. even when i'm by my lonesome, i can just bugle to all of erinn. i do challenging endgame content where i use all of my skills and gear to the fullest extent. more often than not, i run with great company where we can goof around and have the most banal and comfy conversations. i buy cute outfits with the money i make or use it to make satisfying progress in getting stronger. i play this game every day and i'm glad that i do.
thank you all! i love you!
I love my internet friends!
why is our thread filled with so many psychos
oh you think you've seen phycohitc well check this out
*does a kickflip*
New Player here, I have no idea what I'm doing.
All I really know is that the game gave me a horse and broomstick right out of the gate, and they are both fun and apparently permeant.

And when I click on a wolf it gets yeeted into oblivion by the most satisfying knockback effects I've ever experienced in a MMO.

I'm going to try and just enjoy the experience and not over think this one.
Why do people make their characters obese? Is it a fetish thing?
>eats food
>gets fat
name another MMO that does this
Name another game even. Never seen it anywhere else. But why do people intentionally make themselves fat? Isn't it supposed to be a punishment to show how much food you're wasting?
sims 2 and 3 have weight gain mechanics
San Andreas has a dedicated fat bar.
Are you Americans or something? Why do you know this
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Damn straight you spiritual Canadian.
At some point devcat attempted to make Mabinogi into a prototype of not only a combat game but also a life simulation, that's why food makes you fat and why there was so much time-gating, hell there's still the whole
>use ogre slayer title to convince Kristell that you are strong enough to go to another world
>having to measure the food manually
>manual fishing
>wine making
Is like Rune Factory or the Harvest story clones but devcat and nexon never quite manage to do it right
Its a shame because its features like these that got me into Mabinogi when it first launched to begin with.
Now none of that is relevant in the current updates.
what if..... what if i..... bought a commerce partner and dressed it up as my big sis.....i will never be alone again.......
Nothing lasts forever, not even in Erinn.
everyone is leaving me. are you leaving me too?
American obsession with "thicc". I think it's disgusting.
No but I am leaving to poo
It's a brown person thing. Poor / low iq white people as well.
Worst case scenario, follow the blaze boost quest. It introduces you to just about every early to mid game system while giving you levels. Otherwise, yeah just enjoy it how you can.
Also, make use of the fast travel system whenever you can and go to each and every gate on the maps. When you eventually hit 1000 cumulative levels, you lose out on it and can only teleport to ones that you've previously been to. It is still free when going directly from one to another, though.
Too early for its time as mabi had to slog through a decade of WoW clones so nexon warped its identity to be something similar. Which is sad because life sims and survival crafting games exploded in popularity in the last few years.
brown is not a human skin color
therefore they are not human
they are fomors
Unreal will give us physics, mountain/wall climbing, and deadly temperature effects.
Ill give you a deadly temperature effect
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I was trying to follow the story quests. and It seems to be a lot of teleporting back and forth between the same 5 npcs.

Is this just because its an old quest or are they all like that. I'm guessing that when this quest was originally made it was released over time, and would have been mixed in with daily activities, instead of being something you could blitz through with teleports.

Do they get better or worse? are the rewards worth it anyway?
everything got shortened because of people with retardedly short attention spans, but now they complain that the story is forgettable and there's no reason to pay attention to any of it.
Story seems fine, but its essentially a VN where instead of clicking 4 times to get to the next scene, I need to click 10-20 times + wait to path to the npc.

The has been a few dungeons, which were neat but short and its really hard to get a read on the power level of my character.
time has not been kind to mabi, it used to feel like an adventure but now everyone just wants to get through everything as fast as possible
>I'm guessing that when this quest was originally made it was released over time
Sort of, patches of the storyline were called generations while they were usually followed up by smaller patches called seasons. Sadly they dropped the whole "Season" patching a long time ago and just do whatever, they still call storyline patches as "Generations" though.

>would have been mixed in with daily activities, instead of being something you could blitz through with teleports.
Lot of the earlier gens had timegates, sometimes you had to wait whole real life days to weeks to make any sort of progress. They gutted that all down to be completely instanced.

>Do they get better or worse?
After C1 (Gen 1-3) everything is still the same as they originally were, mostly. There were some nerfs in later on gens but nothing extreme.

>are the rewards worth it anyway?
Yes, for the most part. Also some gens are required to unlock more content.
(you) lost The Game
what does the endgame in mabinogi look like? what do you spend your time doing? mostly dungeons? is it holy trinity? i like the artstyle, thinking about trying the game depending on the answers, especially interested in the mercantile aspect. what do non-combat classes do all day?
spending billions for tiny upgrades and doing harder content to sell to make that money
thats the cycle
>is it holy trinity?
there's no solid holy trinity, there's a pseudo-trinity for 1 specific raid content at the end-game and that's it.
>what do non-combat classes do all day?
there's no actual class system either, you can learn any skill in the game and use any type of weapons and armor and with that you can do anything you want, really.
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I hate faggots like this.
expecting a multiplayer game to be soloable is cancer
It doesn't have to be but you should have a choice to try (and fail at).
does this mean there's no thirst for specific roles? i usually tank, but i don't wanna play a giant for the bonuses. the way it sounds i can just be a generic dps guy instead anyway, if there's no trinity
you just play what you think is fun, people may demand for support but its not necessary, but if you are looking into WoW/FF14 standardized tanking it's non-existent in mabi because it's missing a lot of core mechanics to make tanking a possibility
>create character
>log in, notice i made a small mistake
>deleting character means being unable to play for the day
why are they like this?

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