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Formerly Wiimmfi's

Wiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):
For DS, use:
>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)
>an unprotected mobile hotspot
and set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimfi):
Supported games:
CTGP-R (a Mario Kart Wii hack) comes preloaded with Wiimfi

Insignia.live (Xbox Live 1.0 Revival)

Pretendo (3DS & WiiU Revival)
>This project is a WIP.
CTGP-7 (A Mario Kart 7 hack) connects to independently operated servers
It can also be downloaded from your 3DS with the Universal Updater homebrew app

me and who
i wonder if call of duty on the ds is any good. i remember playing it once in school and i had fun
spotpass servers are still up, dump your spotpass data
theres also ps2online
i keep forgetting that spotpass exists and i probably would've gotten way more content if i remembered NOT to shut off my 3ds
So Pretendo works, not perfectly but it does. Had a connection, found players, ran fine on MK7. The only thing was I got eternal loading on the early screens, everything else just insallah
Are they blocking cheaters? I remember that Nintendo Network was pretty much unusable after they gave up on it.
imagine wanting to cheat on pretendo
IIRC Pretendo was having cheat security but this was months ago so it may have changed
kys muslim
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You know... that actually may happen lmao
noooo don't kill yourself we still haven't played mario kart yet and gradually grew more attached to each other until we decided to meet irl and we end up making out nooooo
That guy wasn't me (Akashi), I've been busy not looking at this chat ever since you dropped that GAGWORTHY vocaroo.
Also don't really like being tied down with obligations, so now that official network support is down I probably will just fade away from here soonish, just fyi. Will get you PNID if I can just 'cause, but no guarantees there either. I don't usually dive into mod stuff until it's stable, which Pretendo IDs clearly aren't right now.
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So.... I hit the cap on the home menu, can't fill my 3DS icon screen. Any way to cope or cheat through it?
There's two different limits:
>DSiWare takes space on TWLNAND, which is only 140 MB, and the home menu database only has 40 slots for it to go
>3DS then has 300 total slots on top of that, used by all apps (system software, homebrew apps, 3ds apps).

My advise? Nuke all VC installs other than MAYBE GBA and SNES to run on emulators instead; I personally moved to GpSP for the former so I could excise VC entirely, given emulator saves are easier to manage anyway, but it does have its quirks.
After that, nuke any redundant installs for games you already own, if applicable, in particular the long RPGs that you already played and aren't likely to restart on a whim. Then just start backing up saves and cycling out titles as you beat them; if you still can't get under 300 like that you've got a deeper problem.
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>3DS then has 300 total slots on top of that, used by all apps (system software, homebrew apps, 3ds apps).
I really was eager to fill up the whole icon menu, sad it's not possible

>no screen full of 3DS games, the handful of VC games that are actually good and a couple of homebrew apps
You'll get less titles in with folder since the folders count toward the 300 cap
ok but who needs 300 titles
Nigga that isn't remotely close to what I need lol
what do you need 300 for. are you going to use them all?
>what do you need 300 for.
To play and replay

>are you going to use them all?
It was magical to play one game wireless multiplayer with my younger siblings. We played a shit ton of CoD 4 DS. World at War was fun online, I was pretty damn good at it but my sibling stole and lost/sold my copy of it.
(I did try to get PNID set up, just fyi. Bugged as hell when trying to do it on the 3ds though, and I don't want to make it online since they advise against it... and ALSO don't want to take the time figuring out the more complicated Wii U install right now, so yeah. Nothin' for you right now.)
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cool but can i have your pretendo friend code please :)
I still can't sign in with Pretendo on my 3DS...
you have to delete all your nintendo friends and then reboot (sad i know but i mean what use is connecting to nintendo at this point)
I don't even have a Nintendo account on that one, nor friends.
wait why are you guys making a pnid? there's literally no reason to make one. unless you paid for the juxtaposition beta?
How do I get a fren code then
>download nimbus from universal updater
>change from nintendo to pretendo
??????? how have you not done this yet?????
That I did, it seemingly worked. Don't I have to sign in in Settings to get fren code?
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?????? no???????!!!!!
Fuck, it's been a while, thanks for unfarting my brain.
Here's mine, let's see if it works:
more like
Well, at least I see it works.
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No, that's the thing, I don't want cheaters. I stopped playing MK7 because of them.
I hope it does. Follow up question: can I use my Hittler Mii without turbofags banning me for it?
i honestly can't imagine why anyone would. it's just a mii.
In my case had mixed results; sometimes worked just fine but with some long loading times and sometimes didn't even found players

There shouldn't be a problem. I'd love to race with the fuhrer just like I loved racing with McLovin on MKWii back then
how to dump 3ds data for pretendo on citra?
That reminds me

>have a bunch of recorded game session files
Ok, what do with them now?
Mine (Akashi's) Pretendo friend code: 3325 1114 7965.
Added >>1255175 and >>1244607...

Though it didn't work until I updated nimbus from 1.5 to 1.6, which is going to be god fucking obnoxious if it's a thing going forward. Matchmaking is one thing but Friendsadding should never be build dependent.
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Probably nothing, frankly, given your stockpiling them this long probably means you didn't properly notate 'em. Pictured from the submission guide on their site; if it's just a bunch of randomass MK7 playsessions or whatever I wouldn't bother.

The submission instructions are right about the pictured chunk, though, so go learn yourself if ya really want to send them in I guess.
>it didn't work until I updated nimbus from 1.5 to 1.6
That sucks, I'm not sure which version I have, did you use Universal Updater or github?
So I recently got a Wii and modded it. What should I do with it?
What games should I fuck around with for wiimmfi shit
WiiLink/RC24 is pretty comfy for a "boot my Wii up for 10 minutes and see what's new" type of thing. It's funny to read about major news/happenings on the News channel and I enjoy doing the Everyone Votes polls.
Mario Kart Wii mods are a big one, there are tons ranging from pure texture packs, track packs, and entire rebalancing of the game so that Flame Runner/Mach Bike isn't the only viable option. There was one I played, I think it was riibalanced, where the Blue Falcon was a "performance" class kart which after boosting would maintain its boosting speed until you started turning again.
If you have a classic controller, look into installing VC games especially if you are still on a CRT. I have done this with a few SNES games and it's kind of nostalgic.
You must play PBR/My Pokemon Ranch alongside Diamond and Pearl if you are a Pokemon fan, in fact this is the reason why I entered this thread because I have had no luck in doing a semi-competitive playthrough with other people in other places I have asked about it.
Is that cucked anti piracy crap?
I didn't like that MK7 CTGP-7 thing. The retro tracks are fine, but custom ones are a mess, literally "Nintendo hire this man" stuff.
idk the 2 new cups they added in 1.5 had some good courses i think
does anyone here know how to dump 3ds data to play on pretendo with citra
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holy shit, 7 heroes are still connected
btw i found this on one of the replies to that tweet
Amby has fallen, rip
>2 players
>Pokemon X
>1 player
I've always wanted to play Outbreak but I've balked at the idea of digging into the private server scene as-is because I figure it's all hardcore fans optimizing their play with each other. Does anyone here want to play it?
does anyone wanna play call of duty DS
also how much sooner until ctww ctgp nitro
>StreetPass is about to return
streetpass never went away, it's just hard to randomly find others with a 3ds now
/comn/ has fallen... millions must die.
/comn/bros... It's so over...
Maybe if people posted friend codes?
haven't even opened mk7 or ctgp7 in a while. just been making songs on warioware.
3DSchads I have a question. I'm trying to install opengba-firm on my spare SD card but don't want to erase the access to luma and Godmode9 and merely followed the guide to hack 3ds so don't understand payloads and their installation
ask /hbg/
can't you just play gba virtual console
VC has ugly dark filter and takes home menu space which is capped
VC also takes a lot to boot (inject)
GBAfirm is completely native, no filter whatsoever, use space from home menu and boots way faster
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>VC has ugly dark filter
A must for some games, which were designed for non-backlit screens, less prevalent on GBA
>A must for some games
A must for no games. You never saw an actual gb screen, dark filter tries to emulate gba type of screen but fails completely by fucking up the brightness in total instead of replicating how the screen actually looked. Filters never work for a reason
>hasn't played them on an actual GBA
I still have my original GBC, GBA and GBA SP from the 90's and 00's, They did not look like the image on the left.
Also there's https://github.com/joemck/agb_edit
I still prefer open_agb_firm
Your nostalgia is talking they exactly did but the lack of backlight indoors and outdoors prevented you to notice it, more cockblocked outdoors depending on the sun. The backlight was a game changer in several regards
they very much look like that
>The backlight was a game changer in several regards
Obviously, I'm not defending non-backlit Jewtendo products, but devs had to work around that limitation, hence the saturated colors.
It wasn't a limitation for devs at all. It was technological limitation at its core, something that simply wasn't advanced enough to get there, afaik. at least it wasn't around back then otherwise lots of people would have ended poor from all the batteries those handheld would eat.
can you guys makes qr codes for virtual console for super mario /v/orld for o3ds
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>mfw you only need to download the firm then luma will enable a switcher for you to select what firm you want to launch
>you can have godmode9 and openagb just fine togheter
I guess... I can now finally play gba natively without faggotass dark filter and without taking home menu space slots with a long wait to launch. Learn from my mistakes, /vm/
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This is nice. But is pretendo usable outside MK7?
i haven't tested it smash, TFH, or KI:U but theoritically these games should work
anything for vita?
>mk7 communities still nonfunctional
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any1 still here? it's me /b/alls. i just found out ctgp7 got support for private lobbies.
spite bump
omagad poko
ermagerd new frens?
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anyone wanna play metroid prime hunters mp in 5 hours or so?
anybody wanna play ctgp7
I am peeking back in here, but just to curse you with empty hope for another few months

I would actually try MPH at some point, but you'd have to get lucky with timing. Not anytime from 6th-13th at least
is mph on o3ds
also can i ask why
It is. I don't actually know how to get that set up offhand so mostly just offering for the experience, assuming that guy still wants to.
And no you may not.
i can't find it anywhere on the pretendo website but i'm down for some ctgp7
Pretty sure Hunters is on Wiimmfi, not Pretendo
Yeah it's just DNS + connect to 2000s wifi.
Gonna have to test if phone hotspot's able to get an unsecured network going if if I gotta do network fuckery, this is just me raising my hand going 'if you have another time and I can get it working I will'.

Nop. Late on a workday and I am Stella Glowing it up to close things off. Have been 3dsing a lot though, Network shutdown had me jonesing for more data collection so I've been flooding save repositories like https://gbatemp.net/download/categories/game-saves.1660/ with trash. Got time for something less-trash on the side, so long as it ain't more of the same.
ok well i'll probably check out mph soon maybe i'll play some if it's fun
>Wiimmfi is changing its fucking DNS AGAIN

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