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previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
Old client: https://files.catbox.moe/ckyq5t.7z (Download and swap out your modules folder to earn tickets while playing with bots. Remember to back up your previous module)

>Technical errors:
If you can't get past the bench test screen, change your computer's region to Japanese in the control panel
If your NAT type is below C, try forwarding port 5291 on your router
If matchmaking breaks more than once, restart the game

>Wtf is the point of my role?:
Bombers destroy buildings and dig for items.
Attackers make space by separating enemies either by distracting or killing them.
Shooters make it to mid as soon as possible for the first team fights before going back to base to defend.
Blockers delay any inevitable attacks for as long as possible by denying area and stalling with heals, buffs, and blocks.

>In-depth resources:
JPN wiki
Map Guides

>Shitpost images resources:

>Top JP players:
テラルナ (Bomber)
だいげんしさん (Attacker)
カスり (Bomber/Blocker)
ぽろぴ (Any role)
momoko's momokos
What happens to the arcade cabinets when bomba servers are in maintenance?
they show bombergirl porn videos
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i saw that
I was mad because no Emera GF. But I'm more calm now.
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Map Guides for the New Rotation (April 17th - April 25th)

Seija's Ruins (Sorrow)

Karakuri Castle (Dusk)

Bomb Volcano 1

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are you ok, anon?
i'm tired no bully. also i just realized the map rotation is ending this week, i guess we'll get bomb volcano 3 as soon as the new character hits
I don't know. I guess first it'll be Aqua Blue castle 5.1 or they'll leave it for the ranked map rotation since Konami loves Aqua's catle for ranked. Then it'll be Bomb Volcano 3.
i think ranked starts next week. 2 weeks at most. what changed in aqua 5.1? did they add a wide gate?
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Someone make a bombergirl version of this
goddamn she's so smug
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I don't think so. Chiamo launched when ranked finished. They'll wait a couple of weeks after Dark-sama release to start ranked.
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Why do it if the discord trannies are going to do it anyway and post on Twitter?
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holy shit
they buffed kuro slightly


cooldown on kuro gaman reduced by 3 seconds, and the length of the damage reduction is increased by 4 seconds.
I was about to say but this is the arcade maps and event rewards right?
Yeah this is an arcade event.
they haven't posted the konasute map pool yet, just the arcade one too.
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and my pic didn't go for some reason
it bugs me that her hairpin is in side-profile in the in-game model, but in-profile in the art.
Before she gets release what's your opinion on dark so far?
her skills seem mediocre.

Her piercing bomb exploding first into a 3x3 and then piercing is hard to imagine a situation where that's better than shiron's piercing then exploding into a 3x3.

Galaxy bomb seems funny and might actually be good depending on the range and if you can instant explode it for instant killing the defense, then triggering rush, which is basically game winning.

Dark Illusion is either shitty or good, or "good" (as in it only really works with lag). If it has too much recovery, it's not a good way to break chokes, but it if doesn't then it's close to broken in terms of breaking chokes. Though counter play would be to just set a bomb behind the other bomb to stop her. So the only situation where she could probably use it well is if there is a soft block placed, above a choke. Which is somehow worse than linebombs in terms of breaking chokes, because at least line bomb threatens some damage.

Her last skill that buffs her sounds like a meme, but it really depends on how long it last and how good she is buffed.

I rate her 6/10.

9.5/10 on desert bomb maps where you can spam her buff and galaxy bomb.
nobody uses gaman
people still use it
prove it
I play the game
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Does the game prevent you from getting 500% boosts if you're in a bot game? I hardly get any boosts and the highest I've gotten was 200%. Last time I played during an event I was getting 500%s back to back.

>arcade event only
You gotta be shitting me.

Btw it looks like the current event is being extended on PC.
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I wasn't interested in the brat but now I want her
you can get them with bots

i think she will be broken. there's always an incentive for new characters to be broken so people spend money to get them
i could be wrong but i don't think they're extending the event. they extended the bus (paid event boost) to end coinciding with the event. they also made the current banner end 1 hour earlier

i hope there's a new event after this one. it's bad enough that this event had 8 rewards with a low number tickets
It depends a bit on how everything works. She took longer to release but came with four skills and a leotard. I think Konami has prepared a lot of things for her already and maybe she's more interesting than expected.
She seems to be better against Melon than Platinum and Shiro. Especially with Dark Illusion that destroys bombs (now that I think about it, it'll be funny if she can destroy Ultra Bombs) and reinforced blocks.
She'll be very strong but tough to use and some GMs have said that she'll be more broken than Platinum.
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STFU Yapper.
Cunny Sexo.
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translate it ching chong
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It's untranslatable. It's a collection of ancient Japanese and popular slang that can't be understood without context.
I know you are lying
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>I know you are lying
Oh shit
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that rat is cute
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Yeah. He is. Pekora is cute too Her mother is more.
i'm not sure the exact translation but i think it's something like "why do i feel the sudden urge to breed her"

my attempt (might be wrong i'm dumb)
1. the brat suddenly wearing a leotard is going too far isn't it? stepping into a new level
2. i think he's saying something like "made for old men"
3. that tan is just the dark elemental mode isn't it
4. the brat... i'm glad i have enough points
correction, 4 would be "i'm glad i earned enough points". i think. i can understand the words but i have a hard time with grammar
GG qt
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Do i have to wait till ranked is up again to get myself back in queue? haven't played in months cant get my morning games in before work
shouldn't have disappeared
please im straight and i do not crossdress also i'm not that short
The event and the event ticket boost is being extended by a day because of the maintenances, however the gacha is being shortened by an hour.
shut up, you are anons' gf now
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It's a reference to Saya no Uta. But I understand your concern
yes i know im making a silly joke
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i dont know how but this happened
Why isn't Olive doing the Contra dance?
Show the enemy team. probably has one or two grandmasters on the other team.
I thought you had to win to get the pose
didnt screenshot em sorry
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Watch me.
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This is illegal. That's worse than rape.
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that's it, I am stealing you rats, they live in my computer now
I'll pretend I didn't read it.
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Why don't you post our own rat?
I don't have rrat
I hate rrats
There aren't many images of the rat and I don't lewd the rat.
I haven't played in a while. Is Plat still stupid broken? Playing against a competent Plat was pure suffering.
strong yes
broken? no
Nice try Plat apologist. She and tye purple fat fuck are broken.
Chiamo isn't fat
Sort of. People have learned to play against Platinum and it's not so dominant. The problem is that people have learned to play Platinum as well and a good Platinum player is still very strong.
Does the PC version still do freebies? I remember them giving out free bomba garus a while ago.
they do that during anniversaries, so the last one was like 4 months ago
Didn't a recent event also have a free skill and free girl?

that was an event during the anniversary
I'd count it separately, since you could still get that well into January, but fair enough
Still waiting...
You could watch a 30-minute video teaching GNU or Adobe and do it yourself.
I will continue to say Blueberry is superior to Momokek and Pine.
it was never broken
made the unfunny edit yourself monkey
>can nuke both gates and the base without having to step foot inside
Can I get the ripped game models anywhere? As FBX or something similar.
give me shooter tips. i have emera, tsugaru, olive and brass. i think i have a rough idea on how to play olive
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dumb ratposter
focus on the attacker
figure out how many shots you need to kill
look out for attacker skills that don't have invul past the recovery
use your base's walls to hide bombs
use defensive bomb placement patterns like


in 3 space wide hallways to slow down or force invul skills to be used
if you have tsugaru, her 4 speed makes it easier to bomb punish stunned opponents, so look out for that with her.
delaying chokes by alternating bomb explosion timing with her trumpet is really strong, so figuring out the rhythm to have the choke always be dangerous is good.
emera should pretty much always just have her balls selected unless you are in long hallways, then you can gun. She can overkill with only 1 shot, so you should stagger your shots to check for them using their invul skill in response or changing their direction immediate when hearing the shot so you don't miss any. If you get Silver, you have a bigger forgivable range since she can miss like 2 shots and still have enough to kill.
I don't recognize this defeat animation.
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Is no longer in the game
I guess a rip of all the images in the game will be posted after the new girl comes out?
For some reason I thought these threads had a dump of all the game image and sound files in the OP.
So sad. I can't believe bombergirl would do this.
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and grim
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funny, I also got 1st in a losing game as olive today
Did they say why they censored them?
ruudo was playing urushi, your team probably gave up during the team vs screen
He's creative, at least.
secret banwave maintenance in an hour from now
the bans are basically there just for ruudo
1.6gb update
momoko skill was added to the game
Tsubaki and Ruudo. Tsubaki has lost 9 out of 10 accounts and Ruudo has also lost but still has others.
Why have the lag option to report if they're not going to penalize the lag gaijins? And there are still those who disconnected so they wouldn't lose points during ranked matches, who also got away with it. They should at least have been banned from playing for the rest of the season and not get any tickets at the end of the ranked.
I don't know, ticafr, DMP, >>ぱふぱふ<<, コナコナ, ミントメール and meat would all be banned by now if that option actually did anything. Those 5 have insanely shitty lag.
is tsubaki an arcade menace? i remember seeing his name in jp thread but not in game. did he do the same shit as ruudo?
I think he's just super toxic, rather than just throwing games.
anon that's 6 players...
I wrote 5, and then remembered another name and forgot to update the number
dmp and ticafr i often see complaints about. konakona as well in the jp threads. i don't know about the other 3, seem out of place
DMP and Ticafr have unmatched lag. At least Ticafr is a good human being and I respect that.
>>ぱふぱふ<< has ok lag. I forget how much but it's acceptable and he doesn't play so badly.
Nanoka and Konakona have 360ms of lag. It's painful and they do too much shogi.
I've never played with meat or mint mail or seen them on any stream.
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shes so cute
>update launcher
>game won't start
>gives errors
shit, what do?
do you have the english mod installed?
I imagine that could fuck it up.

worst case reinstall.
Meat is laggy but not at dmp, ticafr or nanoka levels of lag.
actually wait, what is the error the launcher says
I forgot about nanoka. that dude also shogis every time without fail like kona.
isn't nanoka japanese? how the fuck does he have 360 ms in japan?
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1st error, in english

Runtime Error!

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

Then once I close out of that error window I get pic related.
i think that just says game closed abnormally and asking to send data to konami about it
no, he's an SA monkey 1000000%
who the fuck is nanoka. ive never seen them
Pretty sure he is a gaijin.
super laggy guy who will only play bomber
it's like how mintmail is super laggy and will only play bomber/attacker

they both should go play minecraft
oh ok
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>it's like how mintmail is super laggy and will only play bomber/attacker
i'm literally playing aqua right now (with no heal)
post character levels

Don't worry about the shamming. Play your games and be happy.
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When will Konami make a wolf girl for bombergirl?

Asagi doesn't count
asagi exists
Newshitfag here. Just how predatory is this game's gacha? Do I need to roll in order to git gud?
>reinstalling bomba
>1718 / 8152 MB
>after like 20 minutes
wtf? I have fast internet, why so slow?
no pity system and the default girls are all good except for one green bitch shooter where her big laser sucks ass
The free fours are viable at least. You can roll with Shiro and Momo in their default state but with Oren and Emera you need their gacha skills IMO. Don't worry too much you get matched with guys without their gacha skills as well at the beginning.
It's better than it looks. The rates seem bad but playing an hour a day people already have more than half the roster for free.
The roster is small, with 24 girls to take in the gacha, which makes it easier to get things with the 3% chance and 3-4 month gap for a new girl makes people catch up with the roster without too much trouble.
I have spent 25000 yen and I already have the full roster.
I've spent a lot more on other f2p games.
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i need to play more as shooter and blocker, but my only viable options are emera, momoko, pine, blueberry and just recently grim aloe
i know, don't worry man
They do 50% off sales when new characters come out. Plus the Yen is super weak. So you can probably get a bunch of characters for like 50 bucks in a couple days.
Sounds pretty rough. I'll give the game a try at least.

>25000 yen
That's like $150. You're in whale territory, anon.
for minnow/zako tier you can pay one of the nips to do arcade service
it costs around $30 or $40 something and you will get like 3-4 new girls and guaranteed gacha skills for the default fours
Also for the record I am pure f2p and it was rought during the first few months to a year
Just try it for a week while the new character is out. If you want to spend, then you can take advantage of the 50% tickets while the new character banner is up.

I think it's like 110 rolls for like 60 dollars, which should give you a decent amount of characters and stuff.
the game is more generous now with f2p with event and ranked tickets rather than just 10 tickets a day.
>That's like $150. You're in whale territory, anon.
Whale Territory is $1000 and many Japanese are in the territory of 150000 yen. I'm a small fish, a ざこ if you will, in the world of bombergirl.
play more shooter anon
>3-4 new girls
>1 random girl as a konaste bonus
>1 random girl from each of the 4 classes
so you could get unlucky and get a dupe, but at minimum you're walking out with 5 new characters as a brand new account, 6 if you aren't super unlucky. plus you've got the actual rolls after each game so that's minimum 20 rolls at potentially getting another.
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same maps as the arcade
no cosmestic at all huh
should I stream my rolls? I have 700 tickets
posting 7 pics is kinda tiring
So pc doesn't get any event? This sucks. Why can't we get the skin unlock event?
If you want to, sure why not.
post pics
idk, we should be glad we have arcade parity
Now with the extra maintenance it could mean that finally the arcade events will have parity with konasute or at least they will change something about the events.

There's nothing good to give at the events, at least for now.
>they keep releasing events on arcade
>don't have access to arcade
>either spend $$$ getting access to arcade during event
>or wait 56 years for it to reach PC
>once the event ends, even if I come into disposable income for arcade access, I'll still have to wait because the event is gone
you are not their main target audiance
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no, how could this be?...
My only viable shooter is Emera.
Tsugaru and Olive only have their base skills and playing with just that is quite hard.
But I will play more shooter
oh neat
I will be setting up with kasuri
you fucks scamble to get 6
or 7 if you can
Because arcade is pay to play.

I hope they do something like some monthly pass thing for a "premium event" that's a much more recent arcade event. That's the only way I could see them ever doing that.
Just marry kasuri already naka.
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I wonder what Konami is planning for May 15th that needs a maintenance?

Stop being a tsundere, anon.
adding the next event because there isn't one for konasute between the 25th and the 15th
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vote for private games.
There are no items to hold an event. There's only Alice's maid outfit and the bomberman costumes.
what do you mean, are you saying theres nothing in the new update for konasute events
I'll explain it to you later. I'm too tired to do it now.
it's not that complicated man
I'm getting
>APP_VERSION_ERROR 5-1590-0000
When I try to use the old client in the OP for bot tickets.

Anyone else having problems?
sounds like they finally killed the /v/ module
its over....
It's working, you're a zako.
you can still just set your nat to F if you want to farm bots
>full games

nevermind, DMP is breaking the game

when are they fixing the report function, it's clearly not working
/v/ module not working for me either. same error. the last times it was broken, it got fixed after a few days/weeks. but it didn't show an error like that, we just couldn't queue together
the error says something like "this software version can't be played now. please close the program". might come back eventually but get used to the nat F trick if you still wanna farm stuff
how to
I've tested it again and it's working. I swear if you're some discord trannies using some shit mod I'll make you guys pay for wasting my time.
It's probably the translation patch. Imagine not knowing basic moonrunes.
speaking of which
I do want to know the affection lines
do they have translations in a sheet somewhere?
not working for me. i didn't install any patches. i'm not in the discord
Open the client and recheck the files. If it persists, reinstall.
it works with the regular bomber
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download this: https://github.com/jagt/clumsy
make sure your settings (2nd tab) looks like the above
enter the information in the program as shown below
hit start
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>prune gf
>not shiron gf
Apply yourself.
>KONAMI IDで参照中のe-amusement passが存在しません。
>参照するe-amusement passを切り替えてください

Holy Fuck. I thought I'd been banned.
That reminds me. How do you get a new card? I had a buddy play on the cabinets to get the purple fat fuck when I first stared, but he's since lost the card.
you can just deattach your account to the e amusement pass and attach a new one
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what the fuck are these momoko buffs i swear i just saw her shit like 6 blocks right in front of me
she needs it
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She needs LITERALLY ANYTHING to make her relevant. Pine/Melon do vanilla blocking better. Aqua, Grim, Blueberry and Prune do meme blocking better.
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I'm glad they removed panic island from the game
are you afk naka
ye, why?
oh fuck
I forgot
Sorry but you're boring. I personally find Aqua to be the most fun by far. Her fast mini heal is great for topping off gates and the teleporter, but obviously it's not as good for when you need a big heal to save the game. The minions though are just too fun to pass up on.
If konami looks at the match and discovers the /v/ module I already know who to blame
why are you even afking on the main module you dum dum
i dont get it
how are you niggers not getting an error on the /v/ module wtf
because I forgot the update overwrite your exe file you dum dum
have you tried playing the game
it's a pretty fun game
also I got kasuri confirmation at 2pm sunday jst
so 3 hours before maintenance on the 27th
Naka's connection is pretty good. He seems to download some gay porn when he's afk and the bots keep skipping frames, but he never disconnects.
>Prune do meme blocking better.
prune needs a new skill
Prune is pretty good as is. She's one of those rare instances where her base kit is good and doesn't need gacha skills. She's basically the polar opposite of Aqua who is steaming shit without her gacha skills.
prunes new should be her taking a nap and becoming an invincible hard block for 5 seconds while she heals up.
>Prune is locked in place
>plant giga bomb next to her
the fat blob deserves it
get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
everything needs counterplay
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Today's matches were so boring. All five had someone trolling.
in a way they were not boring at all?
I wanted to see the new skill, the balance patch and some nice outfits but it seems that nobody wants to play.
I'll wait for the new girl to play again
but people are literally playing????
WTF? Chigussy with Chigusa's arcade clothes. Did you go to Japan just for this or did you ask someone?
Chigussy is from discord IIRC
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What? Nigga is on discord or is it someone else's alt?
I knew it
troons the rest of you
is naka stalking again
I am not >>1263265
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5 out of 8 so far.

vote for /vm/ games on the 27th 2 hours before maintenance (5pm GMT/ 10am PT/1pm ET)

out of 7*
3 hours before maintenance*
no, 5 out of 8 and 2 hours before maintenance like it's written in the poll
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no surprises in there, just darkunny and pine 12 block skill data unused
you are wrong
oh wow an actual leak.
you probably should have kept your mouth shut on that.
ill join if kasuri doesnt
we most likely won't have 8 so lol
then vote in the poll, it's /vm/ games. not naka's games
Are there any free skills or bombas in those events?
if there was, they would definitely show that in the poster.
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it's my game and you are playing in my world
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>pine 12 block skill data unused
She just can't help herself right?
I don't know if I'll be free on Saturday. I'll vote on Friday or the same day.
IIRC the new years one that had both didn't show it.
I can also do that but who knows about these lazy fucks
I can make another poll on friday to see if theres enough people, if not, continue with the other one for saturday.
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maybe the 5/15 maintenance is to enable it in the game
what about banners?
oh nice, the emera event is next. i like the cosmetics. shame about /v/ module being broke. hope it's just a matter of them updating the servers
you could always try any of the other 5 or so modules we got since then
you can just use clumsy or whatever that tool is to set yourself to NAT F so you can't get matched with anyone
What's wrong with the /v/ module?
you have been playing for hours
you okay inaba?
What's even the point of doing that and the v module? Don't you still need to let the match finder timer expire to get a match?
the /v/ module doesn't work anymore, the server rejects the application version on boot
on top of that, you can do the NAT F tech during ranked to get tickets/farm event while not dealing with ranked
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I'm supposed to be asleep 5 hours ago. Other than that I'm totally fine.
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had fun games today!
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don't you have work to do today slutty rabbit?
waitaminute. i just realized it starts on fucking may. we're gonna be 1 month without an event. and they're not giving away skill rolls anymore either. dirty jews

the /v/ module was different because it was from when the game was pay to play. it connected to different servers. the /v/ module being dead means one of three things
1. konami just hasn't updated the old servers yet, they will get to it in the next few days/weeks
2. konami decided to kill the idea of possibly making the game pay to play on pc so they threw away the servers
3. konami will be adding pay to play soon (season pass or whatever, parity with arcade rolls, you name it) and so they decided to do something about the servers we were still connecting to since they might get used for this

it's probably 2. could be 1. unlikely 3 but you never know

doesn't work at the moment. this time it throws a different error so it might be gone for good now
it seems like the new event is gonna be on both platforms
it doesn't start on may. It just says Emera's birthday is May 24th.
It could start next week.
oh ok. well i hope we don't go one month without an event
As in the dork event? Please say yes.
Slight derail but does anyone here have chrome + adblock? 1 tab of youtube is eating more than 2GB of RAM what the hell?
yeah, youtube purposefully runs like complete garbage if it detect adblock
So what do you do for your bomba outfits?
>stock with maybe an accessory or two
i only wear canon outfits because the outcomes of all of my bomberbattles are canonical to bombergirl lore
I really doubt Konami will just give a new outfit for the new character AND one bombergirl for FREE outside anniversary.
They are too jewish.
I knew it. Those sneaky bastards.
I want to believe. The fact we even get free girls is a miracle. I wish they'd unfuck the rates for PC in terms of cost. The 50% off fixes it for the most part I guess, but that's only for new releases in an ugly 5 way split.
use firefox + ublock origin, works well for me
it's terrible if you just want 1 character. if you need like 3, sure
thats not how any of it works, the game just queues the same version of the game together, this is also possible without using the module by modifying game files
in the first place they also modified the .dlls next to the module .exe so tough luck having it work like that
theres a 5 girl banner coming, thats it
really? i thought that one just connected to different servers. would be nice if one of the other modules worked then
Is it worth going through the process to play this? im really bored. is this fully translated in english?
the game is fun but the gacha will crush your balls. also it's mostly active between ~6? pm jst to 3am jst, except on friday and saturday. if you don't play during those hours, you may have a hard time getting full lobbies
no its a shit game
Nice rush.
gg nuki.
who was in my game? i wasnt paying attention to names. im grinding the last of these event point

also thanks fudge
GG on that one, great job clearing all the blocks!
Aside of you and myself, can't remember.
I usually check names but can only remember the ones I already know or players from this thread.
GG on that one anon!
Why is this game not more popular?
It's a mystery
nice defense anon!
the gacha is terrible on pc
the 2 hour maintenance kills the game halfway through the day
ranked killed most of the interest during low population hours
konami took 6 months to release a new character, a new map and a new skill (used to be ~3-4 months)

some of the things people usually complain about (no steam / archaic web interface, no official translation and whatever else i'm forgetting) are good for gatekeeping retards out
that one was close
>konami took 6 months to release a new character, a new map and a new skill (used to be ~3-4 months)
why anyway?
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i don't know if it's official but people say the bombergirl team is busy working on chase chase jokers and mahjong fight girls as well. ccj is probably dying soonish maybe but either way they may be stuck supporting too many games. and i think mfg is bringing konami more money these days, i could be wrong but it makes more sense to me seeing how popular mahjong is in asia. so they may be prioritizing that. i'm just guessing so i could be way off

there's probably other factors too. like, the more characters you have, the harder it becomes to design a character that stands out gameplaywise and is balanced

we'll see how long it takes for the next character. if it's ~4 months we might still have some hope, if it's ~6 (or more) then they might be preparing for their next game bomberfuta
my heal was just a bit too late on that one
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gg fudge
lol I remember thinking you placed a bomb there but I forgot about swords
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GGS ぬきぬき, fun playing with you!
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not a good idea to stand behind gate when attacker is on it because they can punt you with their skills. also be wary of chasing 4 speed shooters. your itch to kill me at 1hp made you predictable
i'll be sure to keep that in mind, thanks for the advice!
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the powerful triple asagi 500x win
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5 out of 8 so far.

vote for /vm/ games on the 27th 2 hours before maintenance (5pm GMT/ 10am PT/1pm ET)


sneedf&s should join us
I'd rather they stop slamming my ass with new characters so I can catch up on completing the roster.
Map Guides for the New Rotation (April 25th - May 15th)

Karakuri Castle 3

Chilly Village 2

Bomb Volcano 2

Yes. No need for English or JP knowledge, just pure gamer intuition.
If you are an Otaku (real) you should have no problem playing this game.
Think I can get all the points for the stuff before it's over? I just got 440 point reward
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just go as far as you can't and don't stop
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as far as you can*
fuck, I jinxed it
I'm going hard on it. I didn't realize it was in parts so I was just taking it easy. Now I know better.
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6 out of 8 so far.

vote for /vm/ games on the 27th 2 hours before maintenance (5pm GMT/ 10am PT/1pm ET)


gg pinezuri!
gg Chigussy!
My finger slipped when I spammed these voice lines sorry.
nek > gussi
as it should be
naka post
chigusachuds, we'll never recover from this
gg chigussy
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are you ready for ranked anons?
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No, I hate ranked season and the dumb brackets. But it is what it is I guess.
ranked season brings life back into bombergirl
>he plays a Japanese fap simulator on a competitive level
>tfw no futagf with a rank higher than mine
4 more hours...
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I mean I could make an effort because mana got to A rank, but then again I still get most of my games with him and fudge anyway... is there even a point besides number go up?
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i didnt play for a few months because i cant handle ranked stuff, i dont know how people stomach team based ranked makes me wanna kill myself
Have there been any arcade rips lately?
30 more minutes...
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I got her with 2 10 rolls of my remaining 100 paid tickets.
I couldn't get her gacha skills, so I can't test them.
her piercing skill might actually be broken.
the 3x3 explosion is whatever.

but it's 7 fire and pierces hardblocks, I think it's 7 fire regardless of your fire.
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Blew 500 tickets, and all I got was a fucking Chigusa dupe.
death gravity bomb instant timing looks like set bomb, walk 2 spaces then do gravity bomb. She doesn't kick it forward or anything, it's just a 5x5 bomb set. It does 300 damage. Not sure what the cooldown is.
Piercing has I think 7 second cooldown.
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nevermind it scales with your fire. It's probably like your fire + 2. so at 5 fire, it's 7 spaces.

rabbit doesn't explode bombs on contact.
you can block the rabbit by standing in front of it.

it does no damage but stops it from piercing.
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it goes through everything and only eats softblocks.
I don't actually know if it's good now since the rabbit doesn't do damage.
oh I guess it short stuns, but that still isn't very good.
then gravity bomb has a 55 second cooldown which is a lot.
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has anyone gotten her gacha skills yet?

I don't feel like spending to roll for them but I want to know what they do.
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>understood the japanese lady voice when she said i got numba 1
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She is cool. Back to dota.
>they actually believed the new bomba would beat Plat
Go back to Plat spam.
Is it just me or are the models loading faster? From 4 seconds it now takes 2 seconds
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So is the new brat worth rolling for? 5 way split looks like cancer.
if you are spending money I guess since it's half off.
Her base skills seem kind of bad. So her gacha skills need to save her.
>She's Aqua v2
This shit makes me wonder how other bombas like Plat and Pine came out strong and don't even need gacha skills to do it.
She's good, but it's too early to tell. It's easier than it looks to trap someone and kill them with the bomb.

This flag is bad for gacha if you have at least two missing.
If you have more than 1400 normal tickets or 700 paid tickets, you have a 50% chance of getting her. Less than that the chances are very low.
her base skills don't make her unplayable.
it's just a piercing bomb skill and an ultra bomb, which is all you need as bomber.

Her piercing is kind of wack, because the rabbit doesn't do anything but eat softblocks in one direction. Piercing hardblocks is cool, but Gray's already does that, in all 4 directions. Also you can't "block lightning" unlike her piercing, you die if Gray's lightning hits you, while if you get hit by the rabbit, you just cuck her from clearing more blocks. Also, the rabbit does 0 damage to anything, even buildings. And for whatever fucking reason, her piercing bomb's 3x3 explosion counts as a single hit, so it only does 100 damage to gates. So she is actually the worst at breaking gates compared to the other bombers. Even Shiron's does multihit on her 3x3 explosion.

Her ultra bomb instant kills enemies. But so does the other 5x5 ultra bombs, Grays and Shirons to a degree since they do enough damage to basically one shot anyone in the base. Gray moreso since it does 350 damage. But it has an absurd 55 second cooldown, while only doing 50 damage more to structures than Hyper Plasma bomb. So it only covers a tiny niche of killing the blocker without any damage on them before hand. Since Plasma does 175 damage to shooters in the base which is enough to kill them anyways.

Base dark just seems like worse base gray.

So I think dark illusion needs to be broken in terms of breaking chokes or her dark elemental buff needs to be broken in terms of buffs to make up for these things.
I will stream in an hour or so for my rolls
So basically she's shite.
depends on her gacha skills.
I didn't get them so I can't test them out.

But if Gray came out after Dark, I would call Gray a powercrept Dark.
Let people learn to play her. The rabbit has potential to break chokes.
>release a new character on a 5 way split
>she's not bullshit broken tier
It's as if Konami doesn't want me to spend money.
How do you break chokes with it. The only scenario I can think of is if you place the bomb to the side like you would with Gray's lightning to damage gates, to destroy a block in the choke. But that's bomb blockable.
It doesn't do any damage, so you can't threaten to kill someone behind the choke.
It doesn't ignite bombs, so technically it doesn't stop bomb blocks either even with the power of lag on your side allowing you to run in your explosion on your opponents screen.
Actually, if the rabbit moves slow enough, you could run behind it and break a specific type of choke where the softblock pokes on top of the choke. That might work.
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vote in the poll.
6/8 so far.
I can host btw. I just tested it.
That's what I'm trying to say. I haven't played enough to know how good she is and how easy it is to stun or gravity bomb someone. The rabbit doesn't affect her or the bomb, which makes her different enough from the others, I have to understand how different this will affect her playstyle.
kill the bitch
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how is that bait
>poopoo still playing
Plus. Poopoo was capable of being a host. It could be that poopoo is the host instead of you
ignore the fake ass bait
I am poopoo you fucking retards. I'm queuing against myself to see if I can host.
no you ain't
We already knew you could be a host. The first /v/ modules were you as the host. Before Inaba and naka.

Play this on the stream.
naka stop trying to dox your chat
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>Win 3 new girls
I don't care about them
>tree lesbian
lmao even
meh, not my type but will take out for a spin sometimes
I don't even like playing shoota
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>In the margin of the 8% luckiest
>Why I'm so unlucky
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you are still an ass tho
i'm just a new friend
vote in the strawpoll >>1264289
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theres no way that's good outside of with lag

I understand now, they only made this character because of the meme music video of that loli singing about lolicons
built for gaijins' cocks

OSHYN has just played. It's decent especially against the Melon's reinforced block.

The Gravity bomb seems to do a lot of damage
it's 1 cycle melon's yes
but that should've been obvious...
everyone can deal with blocks in that position except gray and kuro. it's just 1 cycle less, so it saves her 2 seconds.
gravity bomb does 400, which is good but it's 55 seconds of cooldown.
what happens if the rabbit hit a protected block, does it just remove the first hit and keep going?
Probably the same thing as Gray's lightning bomb.
she's literally just worse gray and no one can change my mind.
her dark elemental install needs to be fucking broken as hell.
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Nah. That was Brass a long time ago. This is probably the pokemon dance.
what's the pokemon dance?
also I forgot about that art, yeah you are probably right on that part.
her buff increases all stats to 666
about 10s dur
what's the cooldown, can she swap skills while it's active?
what about during rush
about 30s
idk if you can change skill
if also offers invul
shiro vs dark debacle who ould win? or the iq drop would create a blackhole?
it has invul on startup?
that might actually be kind of good then just for that.
you can stun yourself with your own bomb if you start immidiately right after
but wait a few frames and you can get away unscathed
I wonder what the invul window is.
it might be worth running her pierce and that most of the time then swap into death gravity bomb once you enter the base.
if the invul window is decent, you might be able to cheat into chokes like an attacker.

dark illusion looks like dogshit and a meme skill, but not stun poison level of meme skill.
have any streamers gotten dark or is she camera shy?
oh wow her outfit actually changes when she uses that skill.
konami already making tens of thousands of dollars out of a brat already
the 2 arcade players just went back to playing platina after checking out Dark.

Dark is bottom tier
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grinding event tickets goes faster if you actually play the game

Last try.
>basically every real match I play comes down to the wire
I don't believe you.
games go by quicker, queuing a match goes by quicker.

go play the game naka.
what are the best times on est to meet players?
between like 3am EST until maintenance at 3pm EST.
>timer reached 0
Yeah man, faster games.
>could have had an amazing sole shot
should have been playing instead of streamboaring all day
Isn't it 666?
Rush Time
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>Check Xwitter
>Check Otsun

Last hope is the leotard outfit
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wish me luck guys
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not bad for the first roll actually
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>took a break of a month cause have ot get a new gpu
>my tickets are gone
I didn't know the tickets have expiration date?
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Every time you get a ticket there's a warning saying that it expires in 180 days, to the point that it's annoying.
But it's all in Japanese
thanks, but i should have quit while i was ahead
i'll try the rest probably this weekend
also is the bathing suit from the second roll in pic related tied to any unique art?
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Bros... I think I finally found a real bonga streamer gurl(?).
>Brass and her 'bone
>decent swimsuit
Could have been a worse haul
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now that dark is old and busted
who will be the next char

Forgot link.
Can you get dark's leotard on PC?
You can use but not get on the PC version (Konasute)
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i made a thread on the steam group for us to play on sunday, vote if you're interested
isn't it the same as >>1264289
I am tempted to just public the code first
and if some nigga griefed it then we do steam group
that's saturday (27th). the poll i made in the steam group is for sunday (28th)
This should be illegal.
1770 tickets
>lesbo spam first 50 rolls till playable
>retarded child spam so shes playable too now(this continues every single roll)
>90 pulls in I finally get DARKU-SAMA!!!!!!!!!
>dark illusion
>more garbage
I also had a free bonba ticket that started it all off with a shiori dupe, at least im reminding myself now she got her dig too so maybe playable?
gomen me some men for the greentext blog but i just want to say konaste gacha SUCKS
you can save for half a year and it will not mean shit
you got mating press brat
what else do you want
I will not roll for the brat of questionable utility until someone proves she's worth it. I WILL continue to be a tier list whore and only use Plat, the dishonest purple fatso, and so on.
oink oink
berry-chama obviously, Aqua is best girl
Hopefully base chiamo and dark illusion darku are viable?
I'm very grateful I was able to brute force the brat but it taking half a year of saving makes konaste bonba the most brutal gacha i play easily
base chiamo is viable
who knows about the brat
The rates aren't even the bad part. It's the ticket accumulation that's pure aids. We should be getting far more than 1 roll per day.
https://www.twitch.tv/meatboy_90 time to roll for the gaki
i don't have a twitch account but i'm watching your rolls
well after 300 tickets at least you got 2 outfits...
>he didn't hold the cowgirls hand before rolling
that's why you got nothing.
my condolences. 1460 tickets and you only got blueberry wall
there's always next time
Darks legs and her swinging ass is getting to me bros
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>he is tempted by brats and gremlins
You disappoint me.
>Can't play bomber
Play it anyway and assert dominance.
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MFW no linux client.
kill yourself
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Live happily, anon.
>PC port of a JP only arcade game that uses a browser to log in
what were you expecting
People seem to be running dark elemental and death gravity bomb late game with Dark.
I have yet to see a single use of Dark Illusion.
I got knowledge checked by Dark Illusion.
6 out of 8 so far.

vote for /vm/ games on the 27th 2 hours before maintenance (5pm GMT/ 10am PT/1pm ET)


told you there is no way we get 8
stop doomposting naka holy shit
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i thought it was an highlight and i was unimpressed
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So why the hell does PC not have the Rainbow UI and music anyway? Is there some technical limitation, or is Komoney just lazy?
Rainbow is made for a vertical setup
at least tab got daaark
darkek manaita
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But of course he has dark. His whole gimmick is flat-chested characters.
theres no flat shooter though
brass is my favorite titty monster in bombergirl
Too rude.
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oh right, you didn't get the momokek's 9 blocks skill
is it not in the pool?
I just had a match with someone using it, so it is.
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I was wondering about that too.
Was it mentioned in any of the in-game announce-
You sure it isn't only for arcade players yet?
of course I know it's in the game
I am talking the gacha pool
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it's there
>9 blocks skill
The what now
it's in the gacha pool, it's just not on rate up yet. They did the same thing with quick lightning.
>it's just not on rate up yet.
is it ever going to be
they put quick lightning on rate up after the platina/chigusa/melon/etc banner, so I assume it would be the same here.
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I finally got chigusa's gacha skill!
nice wayo!
Congrats you can actually use her now.
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2000 tickets for your earthly needs.

this nigga edged half a year
I'm a little jealous
throw that back whence it came
nice rolls anon!
I need to roll later, but all I really want is Chiamo's bear trap skill. She's really fun to play as.
I already like this brat
The invul frames on dark elemental is actually nutty
she is actually an attacker/bomber hybrid
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>booted out of the game
>won't let me log back in
>~2850 tickets
what the heck were you waiting for
what the fuck
tickets are suppose to expire after 180 days
kill yourself
how the fuck can you even have 2k8 tickets
bakas. I'm talking about the event tickets for the swimsuit.
oh, you might be fucked
This game don't need more flat girls
stop with the flat girls
you are going to have like 2-3 hours to get through like 15 games to complete it
probably not possible cause not enough people
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When does maintenance end?
in 2 hours
if you are desperate, you can cheat engine to speed up the queue times.
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I don't even have cheat engine on my pc because I am a good Christian boy.
Won't Komoney give you the ding dong bannu for that? For that matter could you also do it for the match timer too?
dont do it in games with other people and u should be fine
So theoretically, couldn't you do this on a dead module (or use that app for NAT F) so you're always against bots to hyper rush both your daily tickets and point ladders? How does this work during ranked only season?
just dailies and event tickets.
you need 1 other actual person in a game to get ranked points. Bot games will always give or take 0 points.
you get banned
>he believes Komoney even has the willpower, let alone competence, to check for this stuff
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Ain't no way I got 3 girls and not a single one was a rate up. Why has Brass forsaken me
Nice really nice sorry for no brass
great roll nonetheless anon
114 points to go!
man some of you people are spoiled. imagine complaining about getting 2 characters in a 10x roll
>3 girls
I only see 2?
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I got shiro's chibi pin and a cute bow!
no you didn't
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that's not a bow, it's a face mask. if you equip it on chigusa she becomes extremely bigoted
did you make it
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had fun games today!
17 away!
17 games or 17 points
ah, very feasible then, congrats
That's a nice olive
gg inaba.
I fugged up back there, sorry.
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6 out of 8 so far.

vote for /vm/ games on the 27th 3 hours before maintenance (5pm GMT/ 10am PT/1pm ET)


You were the mouse? It's fine.
I was momoko.
Dark and Chiamo just ate all my blocks.
It's fine. It's not like you can win against 2vs1.
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congrats anon!
too bad we're gonna be without an event now until may 15th or so
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hi pb
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stop bullying blueberry
blueberrys don't deserve to live, you are doing gods will
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fucking kek
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I lost both games either way
hey buddy, the mesugaki club is two blocks down
Didn't post the other image but I got Shiori on the pull before this
I know Im stupidly lucky but I will also complain when I dont get characters that activate my peeny.
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>200 tickets
>get brat anyway
all luck, no skill
nice get!
It's weird seeing Honey on the left after a long while.
The brat seems niche at best.
>pierce skill is basically a worse gray pierce
>big bomb instagibs enemies, but who the hell cares because any other big dick bomb would also instagib (except for blockers in base)
>illusion is a gimmicky way to break a choke when Plat/Shiro can toss to break it
>dark elemental is just an offensive version of Kuro's buff
Nothing about her screams "that shit is broken" like Plat does, for example. Cosmic bomb is still pure bullshit due to its range and pierce.
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Platina was just too good
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that's kuro's gimmick
Kuro looking more useless with every new bomber update.
Not my day for games
GG if you beat me/you were in that one mess of a game my team won, sorry if I was on your team and we lost
i accept your apology
new friend here, lots of games were loses today. we'll get them tomorrow
Good job!
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What does the bunny bomb do there? It doesn't hit the gate in that set up does it?
3x3 explosion so it hits the gate
hit the gate for 100 dmg
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stop accepting things on my behalf
I just realized the brat pulls her clothes off when using dark form. Why is she such a slut?
half of them won't show up
I'll just wait on the bench.
Are we going to play with Kasuri too?
I thought you needed 7 + the jap guy
There are 3 lists.
poopoo's list (strawpoll votes)
The Steam group list
Kasuri's list.

It's all too complicated.
the strawpoll is for saturday
the steam vote was for sunday (seems there's not enough interest however)
i don't know about a third list
>the strawpoll is for saturday
>the steam vote was for sunday
they are the same
still don't know how dark illusion works
I think it's more for survivability than breaking chokes.
so is it only for escaping a single bomb?
You know blockers like to sit on their bomb when they block you on a choke? You could try deleting the bomb the moment the blocker moves away. I'm not familiar with how fast the recovery is though. It's probably viable with the amount of lag gaijns have.
that's bomb blockable unless you are laggy.
it's the same interaction if kuro kicks a bomb or shiro tosses a bomb or shiron picks up a bomb.
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Someone fucking kill me please. Dupes should be illegal.
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they are afraid
>not pulling 3-of-a-kind
All I wanted was the dumb brat. Instead I got a retard and a psycho. At least it wasn't a total wash since I got Chiamo's hacha skill.
Dupes should at least give CPs or something. I swear getting a character dupe is worse than just getting a new voice.
i thought there would be someone streaming today at this hour since the new character just came out and it's the weekend but there's no one. wtffff
all the nips went to sleep after playing the whole night
I find it fucking wack that I can never seem to find nips online in large numbers.
>7PM JST, dead
>7AM JST, also dead
>weekends, dead
>game, dead
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9 out of 8 so far.

vote for /vm/ games on the 27th 3 hours before maintenance (5pm GMT/ 10am PT/1pm ET)


I don't believe you.
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>aw man, I'm a loser
damn, that's rough
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what the heck is going on
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11 out of 8 so far.

vote for /vm/ games on the 27th 3 hours before maintenance (5pm GMT/ 10am PT/1pm ET)



if we make it to 15/16 we can have 2 rotations of games going at once since naka voted in the poll.
From limited testing seems like you can slow down your game with cheat engine before entering the queue for private matches to trick the game into thinking your ping is low enough to host
Just remember to go back to regular speed once you see the timer
I forget, what's the requirement to be able to host? I have NAT A, but my ping is total ficking ass at an amazing 200ms.
100ms ping, nat a
Do we have a plan B? It's already obvious that someone will troll.

It was friday night, on the eve of golden week. I'm glad no one wants to stream or play bombergirl.
Do we have a plan B? It's already obvious that someone will troll.
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Team kaigaijin
b4g is a foreigner?
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this guy and kiji always trigger me when they're playing bomber. holy fucking shit
hope at least half the people show
just played a match where the shiro was playing defense, i dont know if they were throwing or trying to do some high level mind game
if it's at the last 10 seconds or whatever, that's normal.
otherwise they are either new or trolling
the bomber
so when are the games supposed to start
how long until then
Is he laggy or something? Genuinely curious. I barely see the guy play.
2 hours 30 minutes
no, it's the way they play
50 minutes left.
can we make it to 15/16 players
>can we make it
Whoever has me on their team has my condolences. I suck nuts at bomba garu.

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pass: 80085

queue at 17:00 UTC
It's fine anon. It's not like we're in a tournament or something. We're just here to play. and probably settle some grudges or something
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Just a reminder that we are not playing on the old module.
I'm sitting this first match out to see how it goes
just queue faggot
we only have 4 people.
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I'm not playing with the polish.
*badum tssh*
ok ill leave after this one then
with 4 people it doesnt change much
i'm here
people trickle in gradually
queue at 17:10

pass 80085
are inaba and panicbom playing
what if you queued instead of asking
find out for yourself
ill take the 1v2 win, bye
yeah, them and manaita
queue now
I got bots
we have 7 now.
poopoo you stupid tranny
where is naka
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Naka I know you're in Bossum chat. Just come
queue at 17:22

password 80085

maybe naka will stop dodging?
Win for the Pretty Bombers
feat. Shiro
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queue at 17:31
pass 80085
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Fudge you retard
sorry about the disconnect I pressed airplane mode button when I was gonna do a screenshot
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what the fuck
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It's ok.
Three volcanoes in a row...
>no report button
how am I suppose to report naka for griefing
I still hate you poo
you killed private games and fucked off for half a year
I will fucking kill you
Send a E-mail to konami.
queue at 17:41
password 80085
who dodged this time?
Sorry, I requeue.
queue at 17:52
password 80085
futa got absolute dumpstered
>Two crazy chicks fighting in the streets while a referee watches
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I got a bot game
you queued way too early
no i didn't. inaba had a sword too
why do you have airplane mode for your internet
ah I thought it was 51 instead of 52
queue at 18:03
password 80085
where is everybody
we got a 2v2. i assume there were over 8 people queuing
queue at 18:11
password 80085
you should wait a bit
give people time to regroup
i need a 5min break after this game to pee and drink water
I need to test momoko's new skill.
next queue at 18:31
password 80085
~10 minute break
good, because I got a connection error and the game closed
Does playing with the lobby code give you daily tickets and so on?
for fun only
See ya later them bums. I need my tickets.
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now what

we will have 7
we should still have 8
I just got here, are you guys still playing?

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kill him
Nothing, not even girl rank exp. You can have tittle though.
we're missing one
I missed the queue, I was playing a normal match.
my controller turned off i can't move
report futa for afk

next queue at 18:41
keyboard should still work
i'm trying to reconnect it but the ps5 controller is giving me errors sorry
I thought you threw on purpose
let's take another 5 mins break then >>1269091

which way
is futa controller ok yet
controller is back, queue :41
queue at 45

too late
it's sony's fault the ps5 controller has weird bluetooth bugs
It's over
I no longer know when to queue can you end by 45?
it's not that hard to queue on time.
what's wrong with you people.
don't queue 45. there will be another time after this game is over
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he changed his mind at 41 and I was not here for it
queue at 18:51
Sorry. I wasted a lot of time trying to kill nekimi.
I got bots
I got a full game naka
we had 9 people queuing it seems
we have 9 people
There are nine in the queue.
you guys told me there were 7
queue at 19:02

it's gonna be the last game for me
People are just bad with numbers here.
no one told you that
do you guys want to keep playing after this game? we have 9 so it's possible if you want
had your fill of bonga?
I have to play one more game to finish my dailies. I can come back and stay until maintenance.

It's ok, can you queue instead of me?
i could play until :30 or :40 but >>1269151 seems to be leaving so we'd be at 7. so last game i guess
meant for>>1269146
ggs poopoo is a stupid tranny
Fun games bros!.
ggs everyone, I'll try again next saturday same time.
Give me 10 minutes and I'll be back.
GGS anons, fun games!
tomorrow anyone? or next week?
who are you gonna play with?
nah we're done. it's ok.
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any clip?
dumb dotard
don't worry about it
I'll get some chopped up after I finish my dailies
i'll post what i recorded later. i didn't record all the games though

i'll post one of the end of the pretty bombers vs aquakek match, me and manaita were dancing kek. i accidentally blocked him from entering the base to heal too
Post the 1 on 1 clip with Chigusa
me vs inaba in karakuri was funny too but it might be too long to make a 4cuck webm
I just realised tekka vs chigucc is actually canon
I played terribly.
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momopyun is gonna have your head for this betrayal
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that one was too low quality so i made it shorter with just the victory dance

the 1v1 fight is like 90 seconds, it's too long to make a webm that works here. i'm gonna upload it to catbox in a few minutes. i'll upload the full matches later, they need to be converted since the raw capture is like 1gb
kek nice

here's the 1v1. cuts like 1 second too early but it's fine, not like it fits here anyway. full video will have audio

>300 tickets

did you get both of dark's gacha skills
bottom left
These are paid tickets.
If you are mentally retarded, you have to tell people this before you reply to them. It's only polite.
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he asked a simple question
dark's gacha skills
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Guilty as charged.
Check here >>1265719
based kukukunny enjoyer
This isn't good advice because I got them the next day.
I watched him burn tickets thats why I asked after seeing he still had paid tickets on his account
my account doesn't have the region set to jp, i can't paypig even if i want to
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I see. I got it all wrong.
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GGs everyone
Naka (Brass) is also dabbing on Tekka's body. It's too bad the death cut-in is blocking the view.
>best survivability
>gray's pierce ability
>2nd best burst damage (best practical burst damage)

they actually powercrept platina
>sucks nuts at killing gates
>can't hit both gates and the base at the same time
Plat reigns supreme.
she can 1 cycle gates while also clearing a row of blocks inside the base.

her piercing bomb is also the only bomb that can one cycle melon's blocks if you set the piercing bomb on the side of the protected block which messes up how melon's want to set their blocks in the base and to minimize how effective her pierce is, they would need to set it backwards.
Dark has better burst than Kuro, straight up.
It's actually stupid.
She is Shiron, Gray and Kuro combined.
she has 0 similarities with shiron
Is there somewhere I can download all of the images in the game?
I remember in the past there was a dump of all the audio and images that I'm 99% sure I got from here.

I have them somewhere on my computer, but it was from when Brass released.
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yes, there is
There is a special death animation that is played if you get hit by gravity bomb
Well I guess I play your game, but how about you don't be a dipshit and just post the link?

At least some vague clue would be nice, thanks in advance.
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He won
it's probably in the discord but since i'm not in it i can't link you (the discord or the dump)
dark sama is truly the strongest kakakaka
With everyone talking about how Dark/Plat are great, can we take a moment of silence for Kiro? Like holy shit she's a mess and needs a complete rework.
>make her kick spawn a bomb if there's nothing in front of her to kick
>make the double bomb pierce on one (or both) of its blasts
>make kuro immune to stun while her buff skill is active
they did fix kuro.

shes called dark now.
Darker Than Black
Dark might actually be the strongest bomber right now.
Without her gacha skill, specifically Dark Elemental, shes just worse Gray.
But Dark Elemental is actually stupid in how good it is and how versatile it is. It gives her survivability that no other bomber has, it gives her the ability to break chokes like an attacker, it increases her bomb's damage, so she has Shiori level regular bomb burst damage. While having good burst already with Gravity Bomb so she isn't a meme character like Shiori, who should be removed from the game, shes not a real bomber, please remove her from the game Konami and fire the guy who keeps adding her in random games. Thank you.
Her pierce makes it really easy to clear blocks inside the base from outside of the base like Gray/Platina can. She has Burst damage on par or even higher than Kuro. Her piercing is level 2 and it scales on top of her fire so her digging is pretty fast.

They just made a more technical, more broken Gray once you add Dark Elemental to her skill pool.
I was gonna type out a list of all the perceived problems but I am not gonna
laziness got the better of me
I reject your wall of text and demand you join me under the homosexual tree.
Dark Elemental's invul lasts so long you can avoid Trombone with it.
what does dark elemental do
Buffs her stats +1 to 6/6/6, doesn't go past 7/7/7 during rush. Increases her bomb damage by 1.5x, for 10 seconds. 20s cooldown. has a billion invul frames during startup and the invul frames extend past the recovery frames.

so you can do something like drop 2 bombs, then use dark elemental, to avoid your own explosions and walk through your own active fire.
I miswrote, it's 30s cooldown. not 20s.
How's Chiamo? By some miracle I got her and her gacha skill from my daily tickets.
Best attacker.
arguably the strongest attacker right now


Strongest character in each role.
Oh neat. What skills should I be using? I'm guessing her gacha skill because gacha skills are always busted.
her base skills are already good. usually you swap to her gacha skill when you need to destroy gates.
but what makes her broken is her level 2. since it passes through bombs, has no cooldown and has a huge hitbox.
Papuru is
Prune is
Both wrong. Olive is the best shooter because I can land all my shots with either her shotgun or homing missles.
She has arguably the best 1st skill among the attackers. A 6-second skill that moves her 1 block forward with a 3x3 kill range
Am I taking crazy pills?
Dark's buff opens her up to getting chain-bombed once it ends, delays her for a solid five seconds, doesn't provide any defensive benefit so she gets brought low by focused fire, and the buffs it provides are equivalent to trying to drive out a Platina in base with only one skill on hand
Any defender worth their salt can
>wall up a choke point/base while Dark's summon animation happens
>wait for the animation to end and nuke her with shooter skills as soon as she stops laughing
>delay a bomb net in her path forward so she's caught in baby jail for three seconds of her buff
>reposition to a defensible point
That's not getting into the worst part, that she has to waste an ability slot waiting for the buff to charge, and only has to pair with it
>a slow and predictable piercing bomb, that might stun a defender if they're not awake or in a corner
>a Kuro bomb with meme damage numbers
>a panic bomb deleting move better suited to complement an actual offensive skill
The best time to use the buff is when both defenders are dead and can't counter-play so her DPS buff can see work, which with only one skill on Dark that isn't the buff and the defense buff in base, isn't going to reasonably happen. If both defenders are dead and both your own offense is alive and near base, you can do enough damage without relying on the buff
I haven't had a single game decided by Streaking Child, and I've had a harder time dealing with Darks who pair the gravity bomb with the Glover warp zap noise move
>but you can walk through your active fire
With a leading animation that is telegraphed five seconds ahead of time and easy to react to even if you're a 50 year old drunk? Oh shit, move over Platina, your time is over
Plat is still strong and is either tied for best or second best to Dark, but right now Dark Form is just plain fucking stupid. You can use it both for the buff and to evade damage. Ideally you want to use it AFTER the enemy team tries to box you in, thus allowing you to evade like an attacker.
>Dark's buff opens her up to getting chain-bombed once it ends
No, the fact that she can set bombs, then activate it and run around in her active explosions because of lingering invul means that it isn't punishable by chain bombing. since any attempts to chain towards her would be destroyed by her previously set bombs.
>fufufu, you boxed me in, you fell for my trap, I'm fucking invincibl-
>wait, you can't move two spaces away and set up a wall and charge your murder abilities, that's no faaaair, now I can't use my buuuuuff
>you'll be sorry! At least thirty seconds from now, my single attack's worth of iframes will be back with a vengeance, you hear!
That's on-demand kusolag chains, and only for two spaces. I just thought I was dealing with South Americans again. That she has to drop a bomb to make it happen only makes the attempt more obvious
You're right, though, that will stop a chain bomb just fine, but I don't see it breaking the meta like you guys say it does
https://www.twitch.tv/meatboy_90 guess ill stream some games
that has nothing to do with kusolag, that's a legitimate thing she can do

if you have shitty internet and can't tell what is real and what isn't, just do it in single player.
Momoko's block skill!
that's really funny, your body is deleted if you get hit by gravity bomb. You don't even have a corpse on the field. You get blown up into black cubes into nothingness.
>Dark dupe
hmmmmmm nyo...
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>Momoko's wall
Just started and have a couple questions.

1.) What time do dailies reset?

2.) Do they ever toss out bans just for being outside Japan?

I usually dolphin a bit in gacha games and
wouldn't mind spending to get a couple starting characters, but the fear of losing my account for no reason (and no pity system) is deterring me.
1) after the daily maintenance which starts at 1pm PT and lasts for 2 hours
2) no, they have never done that

If you didn't set your region to japan, you won't be able to spend any money, so make sure you did that

you can verify if you can spend if you visit here while logged in https://paseli.konami.net/charge/top.html
1. when maintenance begins
note that the game boots you 30 minutes before that, unless it's Friday or Saturday
2. don't think it happened so far

there is also a longer maintenance that starts 2 hours earlier, on the 3rd Tuesday every month(Monday for westerners)
you can only buy tickets if your account region is set to japan
You just need base Tsugaru. Base Tsugaru is peak, everything else is irrelevant, even her skills that make her play better

1)Dailies reset at exactly 05:00 AM JST (20:00 UTC) on weekends and holidays during maintenance they let those already connected to the server continue playing the game.

2)Konami has never banned a gaijin for lag. It may happen in the future but it's very unlikely after 2 years of gaijins playing.

Thanks. I'm pretty sure I set it to Japanese. I've played enough JP live service games at this point to know to do that without thinking about it.

I am here exclusively to play as bratty lolis and correct bratty lolis with explosives and for no other reason.
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if you know basic japanese it would help otherwise you might accidentally BM and get reported.
don't spam attack/defend/thanks/etc when you lose, stuff like that

also there is a technique called shogi that is only enabled through lag. Try not to do it, it makes people mad because there isn't really any counterplay and it's only enabled by poor connection.
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You're in the right place then
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Classic zako gaijin mistake. They come to try to correct the mesugakis with their ざこ chimpo but end up being corrected by the メスガキ.

what's your in-game name newfriend
don't answer this >>1270287

naka is trying to dox you
>>1270290 is right, it wouldn't be the first time
only share it once you're comfortable
i should have quit while i was ahead
you got 3 new skills, the fuck are you complaining about
grats on the 9block
uhhh but you got chigusa
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Don't listen to them. Tell me your player name, where you live and your ping.
what the fuck
not every single fucking poster is me you retard
it's okay we are on to you, you already tried and somewhat succeeded with your steam community shit
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what the actual fuck?
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People start calling names and get it wrong 90% of the time. :Skull emoji:
schizo fucks all of you
i'm terry mcginnis
Hi terry.
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They are afraid
ku ku kunny uuooooohhh
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wtf, naka is in front of my house
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>still salty he got cockblocked on steam
I'm on to you Nigga.
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I just think it's funny that everything is naka's fault
not me but whatever.
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naka just flew over my house
chigusa was a dupe, plus i will never use her because i hate her
thank you
if i don't get a new character or bathing suit outfit i consider it a loss
chigusa a shit
thakn you
>two dupes
Dupes are absolute fucking bullshit. If anything, they should either give you something nice like the ability to pick a skill for the character, OR they should be removed from the gacha pool.
they should let you pick a character skill after 5 character dupes
I get that it sucks
but it's a 6 years old game
it's unlikely they would change this
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Am I the only one who thinks dark should have a tareme instead of a tsurime? It's so strange for a loli with her personality to have a tsurime.

what? she talks big and is prideful
of course it would be tsurime
pretty lively for a Sunday evening
It's Golden Week (Mon, Apr 29, 2024 – Sun, May 5, 2024)
i just played a game where the enemy silver would have the bullets hovering over her head even after she had used them? that made it impossible to tell when he activated it or not. i only realized it halfway through the match too
Blame your team
blame it on lag
that's what I do
spend 1 year training in the mountains
Do you have prior experience with any Bomberman games?
>4 still streaming
>game still has multiple lobbies going on
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oh well
it was fun
all the top rated players are doping. they consume insane amounts of futa books. if you don't do you're never gonna make it
depends on what role, I can give you a run down for whatever role you want to know about and tech and stuff.
newfriend read my pasta on rolls before you spend your tickets. last updated after chiamo / before dark (too recent to tell)

10x rolls add up over time even if it's just a 3star cosmetic. even if you only have the 4 free characters you still want to roll for their skills.

the best characters are subjective, but some suggestions:
avoid sepia, tsugaru and aqua unless you really like them. they need their 2 gacha skills to be decent
for bombers, platina is the best roll. don't really need her gacha skill. grey is decent even without gacha skills. shiron, shiro and kuro are easier to play if you have their bomb displacements. avoid shiori unless you like her
for attackers, chiamo is probably the best roll. she's viable without her gacha skill and is good in general. urushi also doesn't need any gacha skills. other attackers should be playable without gacha but having the extra skills either enables you to play differently or makes them stronger somehow
for shooters, you need the gacha skill for pretty much all of them. pastel and olive are the best naked ones (no gacha skills)
for blockers, the gacha skill is desirable for the pretty bombers outside prune, including blueberry. aloe and aqua have the most varied gameplay but need gacha skills to be viable. gameplaywise, prune is the best roll and she doesn't need gacha

overall most valuable rolls in terms of gameplay imo:
emera's big ball > oren level 1 sword > platina or grey > prune > pastel or olive > chiamo or urushi

if you already have a viable attacker, rolling urushi is not as important etc. so it depends on your other rolls. you should aim to have 2 viable characters of each class

it's a good idea to save your tickets for banners with characters you want. the more characters you have, the harder it becomes to roll a specific character or skill. you don't have to decide on what to roll as soon as you start playing but it will be better long term to try to stick to your favorites as soon as possible
melon is probably better than prune also but you want her gacha skill and she's harder to play imo due to the longer cooldown on heal + blocks on top of the weird range on the heal
Kuro is harder than Grey and Plat.
shes not naka
if you have kuro kick, she's easier to play than grey imo. platina is debatable since we're all laggy gaijin and the 6 move speed makes it easier to walk over whatever the enemy is doing
i can't believe カニクイアザラシ got reported in the jp thread, he's one of my favoritest players. he's always super nice
Kuro kick is easy to block compared to lightning bomb, plus line bomb is way better for chokes.
Kuro kick also takes ages to use because of the level.
this is your brain on streamboaring over actually playing the game
does being black give an advantage while playing bonga?
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naka is bombing children in the middle east
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i think kuro kick is easier to use to break chokes

oh wait, i misread it. i thought you said "gives you an advantage while playing bomber". it does. but not the other classes. desu
I use both and the only good thing Kuro has going for her, is the insane damage of her ultra bomb, but even then you can just cuck her with a counterpick like melon or grim without much risk.
>blocker or shooter stays on the other side until the last moment so kuro can't even kick the bomb.
At that point you may just want to use Kuro gaman and face tank the enemy fire, but even then Grey can just use line bomb to just get in.
It's not a question about whether or not shes bad or not. It's a question about whether or not shes easier.
Having a bomb displacement skill is always going to make the game a lot easier for you when dealing with the choke.
The counterplay to kuro kick is forfeiting the choke by setting a bomb behind your other bomb. But even if they don't do that she can ensure she only takes 50 damage by doing a late kick. On top of that Kick also makes it a lot easier to survive in the base with kuro since you are harder to trap as defenders only have 3 bombs each.

Theres a reason why Gray is a meme pick on panic island and it's because she can't deal with existing bombs on the field.
Linebomb can only break a very specific block placement on a choke. It's not a chokebreaking tool.
Gray is way more of a technical character to use. Kuro is really straight forward, the only thing you really have to get comfortable with is whether or not you can gigantic.
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stop blaming kuro for you not getting to S top kek
>Having a bomb displacement skill is always going to make the game a lot easier for you when dealing with the choke.
Don't know about that in Kuro's specific case, you can also block the kick with your own body and shoot her while she tries to kick it, and with blocker you can punish her (but it may become a 50/50), to clear chokes with blocks she also needs 2 tiles to do her kick and even then you can block the bomb with your body making harder for her to get in.
I guess it does depend on the map. But overall, while I do agree Grey can do much more technical stuff, Kuro is harder because of how her kick works compared to how simple Grey's game can be with the basic line bomb on chokes.
I'm S but I'm not naka.
all of these "kuro is too hard to play" arguments go into hardcore theorycrafting. i'm not gonna discuss any of that because it's a waste of time. kuro can move bombs. grey can't. kuro is simpler to play, especially for newbies. that's it for this discussion for me

without touching any of the theorycrafted scenarios, i think the issue you guys talking about is that people get used to relying too much on kick. and when you start playing against the better players, you get punished for being predictable. you can break chokes without any skill use. kick is just one more tool

you can believe whatever though. newbie can burn all his tickets on whatever too, he got his warning to at least watch out what he's rolling for
Fair enough.
roll Tsugaruuuuuuuuuuu
mmmm no
this is the most retarded pasta ive read please never give advice again
>Sepia is so bad and irrelevant that she isn't even mentioned
Being an attacker with no invincibility is pure suffering.
urushi is useless without her gacha skills
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it's golden week so surely people are playing right now
they arent
you can tell by the streamers. i just checked youtube and there's no one so it must be dead
uhh then how come I got a full game
i'll only believe it if you stream it
naka please... stop streamboaring...
bots dont count
ggs chigussy!.
How badly fucked am I going to get by rolling on this banner for the brat? 5 different bongas seems pretty grim.
how many of the other girls do you have
I've got Blueberry, Chiamo, and Chigussy. That leaves TOOT and Brat as the new ones.
unless you are using paid tickets it isn't worth it I think
How many tickets do you have?

Unfortunately Chiamo hasn't appeared in a three-girl banner in the four months since her release. Dark probably won't appear on one either.
some of the games from yesterday:

i recorded a few others but these were the funnier ones. there was a game with prune where poopoo kept trying to kill me with the syringe but i think he didn't land it once top kek
also if the audio is too low i can record at a higher volume next time, i think it just uses windows' volume level / it's not an obs setting
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since you said you plan on spending money on this, just know the the pc rates are really bad. it's slightly better right now since it's 50% off for the new girl, but normally pc is like 4x more expensive than arcade and has worse odds. you can find people to play on arcade for you in the discord, and it's worth it because new players get a ton of bonus stuff, including a character that can't be unlocked any other way. all the arcade people in the discord are swamped by requests for people who want the dark event though, so it'll be a while before they have open spots
>tfw got the service for like $10 from a friend
He actually stopped doing it because the DDR machine was too damn loud and it was driving him nuts.
>normally pc is like 4x more expensive than arcade and has worse odd
Does this apply to the free tickets? Like, can I just have someone log in on a cabinet, do my rolls, get better odds, and then log out?
free tickets don't show up on the arcade
>all the arcade people in the discord are swamped by requests for people who want the dark event though, so it'll be a while before they have open spots
Is there a possibility for me to get in and still get the dark event service? Does it cost extra if I haven't had anyone do the normal service for papuru, or is it just something they're gonna get on the way?
How much is it?
join the discord and ask there. you can find the link on the reddit bombergirl sub i think
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the beginner stamp papuru thing happens on top of any other event. so like if there was an event where you'd get everything after 20 matches, you would finish both at the same time
Yeah I just meant would the person doing the service charge me for both.
>$$ for beginner stamp
>+$$ for dark event
or would they just charge for the dark event?
they just charge for number of games played plus like 300 yen to cover the cost of the physical e-amuse pass.
they charge for number of games played, the event doesn't matter. they're just swamped because everyone wants dark and her swimsuit alt outfit thing
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>still no pine mfg costume in bombergirl
>still no mfg girl in bombergirl
i dont know how to play prune
I don't have prune.
Dark looks a lot like Ankoku.
i like the one with white hair beside pine. if they add one, i'd expect it to be busty momoko
I want the chipmunk girl
How reliable are they with their assessments? Like are they gonna take my money and then be like
>oops sorry, I only managed to get 2000 points before the event ended, teehee
Or would they look at the time left on the event and the rest of their customers and say
>yeah, I'm probably not gonna be able to make it. Sorry, you should've signed up sooner.
and not take my money?
They take the money after doing.
ok and
Good. She doesn't like to work anyway.
Honestly, play the game for at least a week and see if you like it before you think about spending money or joining discord.
I've been on and off since the anniversary.
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Can we get a new blocker that ISN'T a Pretty Bomber? I am fucking sick of
>blocks but FROSTY
Y'know, it took me way too long to realize why so many bombers have that dumb hat.
*blockers not bombers
my name got mentioned like a billion times while I am not even awake
rent free
kuro is weak and hard
any other opinion is wrong
i dont get it
it's called a schizo post
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Because you're popular. Any time that people start JOPing they say is you even though other people here know Japanese at least a little bit
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gg panicbom!
your heals literally saved the team at the last second
GG, that one was fun
You have to love rush time at the ten second mark
Thanks, I'm from before discord, so sometimes I forget this certain groups on this site will call everyone that uses it a tranny faggot homosexual but then proceed to allow everything of value to be solely hosted on discord.
hey now, prune doesn't have frosty blocks
there were links to the dump in older threads
but good luck searching for it
I wonder if this will work.
I wonder If someone can mod the game to bring the og screens lose pictures to pc
I'm pretty sure they can if they can replace the text files in the game, they can replace the images in the game. It's just a unity game.
The only difficult part would be the initial decryption of the files and we already know that's been blown open by that bemani guy mon.
How many of them are there? Surely not that many?
theres a decent amount, you can find them on this site
seconding this, i want to see the new renders
guess the new thread WAS made too early

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