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Hey frens, Im hosting a modded Terraria server
Rules: 0 griefing/stealing tolerance
Difficulty: Master Death

ip is
and the port is

the mods Ive installed (they should auto install once you join) are:
Calamity Mod
Calamity Mod Music
Calamity's Vanities
GIFs in Chat
No More Tombs
Subworld Library
Calamity: Wrath of the Gods
Ore Excavator (1.4.3/1.4.4 Veinminer)
absoluteAquarian Utilities
Shared World Map
The Stars Above
Terraria Ambience API
Terraria Ambience
Thorium Mod
Where's My Items

Official™ Discord
But I don't like Calamity
>pls buy my merch mod
>pls instal my bloat mod plus
no thanks
idk if the server from the archive is active or I missed out but it had a neat furniture mod.
i'll just wait it out for now
last thread >>1062994
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I could run it for a little bit right now though I should probably make my own thread. I've already set up a bit of a starter house.
password: 4434
there's no reason to have multiple terraria threads, these threads have always served as the modded terraria "hubs" for /vm/ and it's worked out fine
splitting the small "community" here between threads isn't advisable imo
is it too late to join?
I'll start it up later
It's up
Server's up. Same IP, same port, same password.
I'll start the server in about an hour's time.
It's up.
Server's running.
And again. I'll run it for another couple hours tonight.
closed for the night
Got the serb up for a while. I'll still run it again tonight as well.
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eye is shit and finished
Online again in about an hour but not for all that long.
we're up again
Firing it up in an hour.
Got it running again.
Gonna start it up again soon maybe 45 mins -ish.
we're live
We live we love we lie
Server's running, mods are updated. Make sure to update tModloader.
and again
Discord invite expired btw
Gonna run the server and play for a bit. Starting to feel kinda restricted with the current tech level so if we're all on tonight maybe we'll do some bosses and unlock some new toys.
did you turn it off
No. I don't know what happened but I restarted it and it should work now.
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Ok so good news. I managed to streamline the mod pack a bit so you should notice startup is about 9% faster. Anyway, the server's up and running for the time being in case anyone wants to join.
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Your body lies here: BATTERED and BEATEN
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We will NEVER beat DoG
It's up.
up earlier this time
Sky Island pretty much done
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up again
Up again for a while, again later tonight.
another nightly goon sesh
up again. We're still pre-skeletron so if anyone wants to join, there's still time.
Server's running but skele's down.
up again
IDK how long I'll run the server tonight, at least until 2AM GMT, but it's up right now. If everyone's on and ready enough, we could do the rest of the pre-wall bosses.
up tonight also changed config on bosses and hostile NPCs so hopefully they aren't bullshit anymore
its up sry about the lateness
we're up
Up again, maybe last few hours before wall of flesh.
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Wall of Flesh is kill and so begins Hardmode. If there are any Confection items that need to be transmuted into their Hallow equivalents, and shimmering or crafting isn't viable, a smaller Hallowed world can be generated and run on the server every now and then.
Running the server a little early tonight.
revving moi woif tonoight
shut up
what happened
Nothing as far as I'm aware. The server's been running normally. Up again now.
is serb died or is it just not up right now
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gonna roll this for personal use when i do get on
and i'm gonna fucking regret it
>decide a gimmick
fuck it i'll be the easter bunny
if you see random shit in chests around the map, that's me
same, fuck you OP
IP IS HERE >>1264543
>serb dies right after i connect on my modlist grabbing char
oh come on
most reliable /vm/ server
Nah we stayed up, you just disconnected for some reason. It's down for tonight though.
are you fucking kidding me
the moment i can finally connect
the server goes down
it’s over
group for organizing serbs without needing to mess with port forwarding
nice try, feds
what's wrong
scared of being laughed at for having a fetish-covered profile?
Yeah I only keep it up for a few hours each night around 10PM GMT. It's up now though you would be kinda late in the game for joining since we're just past the mech bosses.
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I wanna run the server a bit earlier today. It's up now but probably not past midnight.
beggars can't be choosers and all that, however
is there someone that might be willing to host some vanilla at some point in the near future?
but idfk how to port forwards so it’ll mostly be hosting via steam
so find the steam group linked in that thread
this means https://steamcommunity.com/groups/vgterrariageneral by the way
Server's up again albeit late.
could you perhaps write up a short "how to host for retards" guide
Just run the dedicated server from the game directory. It'll ask you a series of questions like what world you want to host and what password you want to put on. When it asks you whether you want it to automatically port forward, you'll want to tell it yes, "use steam server?" tell it no. In fact, you can change the server config file to pick whatever options work best and the server will just set up and run the world automatically.
oh so setting up a regular server is that easy now
yall got any room for one more?
i don't think there's a real limit
come on in
why does it not ask me about using a steam server
fuck you
idk but use something like https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ to check that it works
Giving the server a break for a while, busy with stuff these days and no one's logged on in a while anyway. IDK when it will be back on but I can upload the world if anyone wants to take over. wish it didn't be like this
cervesa cristal

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