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>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)
>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024
>Promotional Site

>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)
>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)

>Cross-Region Data Center Travel Test (Until Patch 7.0)
>PvP Series 5 (Until Patch 7.0)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

A fresh new start
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I love final fantasy 14 and being nice.
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That OP is spooky
It's Nice isn't it?
db got me banned for 20 days
I can dig spooky silly stuff like that
shhhhh there's none of that here sister. We heal.
Kyoppi beat his ex

Gonna kms
So what are people doing ingame?
I'm doing roulettes to finish the relics before dawn trail. how about you
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NICE one khloester
My late ass is catching up on EW storyline. Hopefully I can finish it all before DT hits
Wow I sure hope a rascal doesn't post cat gore in this thread
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/meanxivg/ here
>no meet ups
I am actually contemplating suicide I don't know if I make it without xiv
is it your first long ban?
threads were better before meetups and i regret ever suggesting them
We needed a fresh start. no more meet ups
First one was 10 days and I almost did it
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Finally got my nice/xivg/ invite were so back.
MSQ patch quests to catch up
who cares where the idea comes from if it's reasonable?
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Male-only meetups are all we can have on nice/xivg/.
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I honestly find forays enjoyable and hope DT's is very Nice.
This but unironically.
They killed off ps3 support right I don't keep up with those.
I'll take a slow /vm/ thread over an avatarfag drama infested thread
Forays are the perfect group activity for me and I'm really excited to see what they will do with DT and that I'll be able to get my friends to do a foray again
Dalradia was dope and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.
Yeah. I been enjoying Bosnia quite a bit, though farming DRn sometimes is annoying for the relic step
they should just change the amount now, they already did you USE to have to do it 15 times per wep.
Should just be changed to one drn clear per weapon now, tedious just to even get a party.
If you don't make it obvious who you are and aren't posting animal gore I'll respond to you the same way I respond to everyone else.
what did they exactly get you for?
They don't tell you
As long as this multiplayer doesn't wind up like the general, I do not mind.

You're welcome.
And I'm not sorry.
This is Nice™
For me it's that small but fun part where you split up to save prisoners in castrum
I remember all the groups failing at lyon even the "premades" kek
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>dps in need
>14 minute queue
Yeah. I just need to catch a DRn party whenever they are up in PF
go away this is nice xivg, we don't post racism here
A bit of a random question but I don't suppose anyone would have any recommendations or ideas on how to pull off a Pramanix glamour?
I don't, but let me know if you find out so I can breed you.
I found ear and tail mods for miqo to get the snow leopard aesthetic. Guess I'll need to mess around with comfy clothing to get a closer look
Go back to your containment board you shit-eating faggot
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Be nice, our little tsundere~
>they think this is the real nice/xivg/
all according to plan
what happened to the /vg/ general?
try looking at caster robes that have thigh windows I think one of the nier ones does and another dungeon drop but no other idea beyond there
still exists
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Posting in the nice xivg
sending you back to mean/eftg/
Wtf I hate tarkov now they ruined my pay to win exclusive upgrade by adding an even more pay to win upgrade and removed the exclusivity from mine.
I'm on nikg instead now
Post nice femras
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I found this nice thread today.
But whats the purpose exactly? Trying to avoid drama? Its not as if you can stop those who cause drama from following.
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This doesn't seem very nice desu
What's the point of having another xiv general when it's going to be filled with the same posters posting the same garbage spam that the old one is. Mods need to nip this in the bud and corral you back into your faggot torture chamber and if you don't like it go "goon with your sissies" on discord or something
there's multiple other generals from vg here stop melting bitch
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I'm a bit lonely but I'm ok with it
I'm a new player, in Shadowbringers now, I'm curious, what was the reaction to the Thancred-Minfilia thing when this came out?
I know a bunch of females and woke trannies play this game and this seems hugely problematic. Intentionally weird tension, huge age gap, fatherly yet romantic subtext, totally dependent on an older male figure, the idea that she "needs to be more" for him. One would think this triggered all sorts of female alarm bells and caused a category 5 freak out. There's no way they let this slide right?
go back to mabi general endelyon
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67th for sunsluts
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Hello, new player here, just finished downloading. What should I know? Are there mods that I should install?
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Just choose whatever race, gender, and job that appeals to you more and clear quests, anon. It's one long ride and you want to be comfortable doing it.

You won't need addons.
Is the Chaos/Omega FC active? Looking for one currently
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n i c e
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go back to /vg/
My wife
Why the fuck is this even here go back to your containment board
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My character on cloudtest02 was cooler than my main. I remade the character on dynamis, but I fucking hate 90% of the MSQ and I don't want to do it again. Maybe I'll stop being too stubborn and cheap to buy a story skip once Dawntrail comes out.
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>you can load up xiv and play to your heart's content but it will never be the same as those nights in 2013 when you'd drink beers and play ARR duties for the first time
These posts are neither nice nor comfy.
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im playing bard in dawntrail and you cant stop me!
Just found this thread and this is very funny
It's just a schizo, ignore him.
I'm playing a ninja for now, but I don't know what other job is cool. Do we have a job tier list itt?
Posting here again because it feels like vg went to shit quality.
What is the rarest realistic to get title out there?
Any of the dueling titles.
It happened again

Thank you. I should try to get them as I am nearing the end to Bozja. I have heard of sleep tricks to parmesan the fights up real bad
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Is it possible to play this as F2P? I don't want to spend money buying the game or on a monthly fee. Is it possible to play this game as a free player?
I don't see why not. Isn't it free up to the end of Stormblood now?
Just be sure to keep in mind that you can't trade, use the marketboard, join FCs (guilds), stuff like that. You can't create or invite others to a party, but others can invite you, so you can still play with frens.
yeah the limitations arent that bad
It's been really tough to find a raid party lately. I started this tier only about a month ago — I wasn't playing when these raids came out — and I've been trying to get a P12S clear. I'm worried that I won't get it before DT.

Part of the problem is my 3rd shift work schedule. But besides that, you should see the state of these non-farm P12S parties. It takes forever for them to fill and everyone wipes repeatedly on early mechs like Para 2, SC 1, and Para 3. Last weekend, I sat in a PF for two hours overnight to get a Limit Cut cleanup party going. We saw the Limit Cut once. It's been tough.
Bring me back
Yes you can play a ton of story. And if you make some friends you can do a lot of fun raiding too.
p12s a year old now, I can only imagine the horrors that await in PF
Let's keep the good vibes going, bros.
You get to skip the slog feeling part for free if you do the story until the end of Stormblood. Makes it so that you will only have to pay to unlock the story intense "modern" turn of the game. Nice money saving
>nice thread dead
>regular thread ruined by coomers
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Made it to the end of the instance :D
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Reminder that YGMI
Dawntrail is really cool so far. I just finished the first dungeon. How does everyone like it?
dawntrail killed the game
it's over
"w3 haz tac0s" ass expansion

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