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GW1 Guild Wars 1 thread, hall of heroes edition

previous thread >>1252306

GW1 is alive and well anniversary festival is going on, and our /vm/ guild has been surging with players come join us!

Lately we've been dipping our feet into PvP and badly playing HA, made it to hall of heroes a few times and have done not too bad for a group of people who've never done HA or PvP before in GW1. Future plans for some GvG scrimmages along with some endgame dungeons we typically run at least 2 meetups per week. Friday which is campaign prog day, and saturday which is end game dungeons.

Friday May 3rd - 7 PM EST Proph Prog (we are at Iron Mines of Moladune)
Saturday May 4th - SoO dervway? (check next post) I might be busy on this day however. Time undecided.

Future week plans include GvG scrimmages, and potentially some RA games/bot bullying.
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Tomorrow (Saturday 27th) we are going to run SoO some more till someone gets a BDS drop, we don't have anyone confident enough to do speedrun strats, however I think we can optimize a build team to run this the legit way pretty quickly, and thus SoO dervway was born.

The demons in my mind however spoke to me last night, we're still going run this current build... however I wonder if we can replace the monk, and the ritual lord ritualist with 2 more dervs running dwayna+melandru healers... they'd stick on heart of holy flame for more holy damage for the meme.

Also what time do we want to do SoO tomorrow? I'm impartial to 7 PM EST cause thats what we did last week but someone mentioned 4 PM EST? PICK WHICH TIME YOU PREFER I WILL ANNOUNCE FINAL TIME AT 2 PM EST TOMORROW.
first for first for first

>what is DSOAL-GW1
When GW was released in 2005, the audio component of Microsoft’s DirectX API was something called DirectSound. DirectSound had a 3D audio component called DirectSound3D, or DS3D, that could pan and amplify/attenuate sound sources based on their position relative to the camera in the game’s 3D world. PC’s with a high-end Creative sound card also had access to EAX, an extension to DS3D with a suite of hardware DSP effects for occlusion, obstruction, reverb, echo, etc. Like most games of its era, GW’s audio system was designed around DirectSound and DS3D, and owners of high-end PCs could get the “definitive” audio experience with EAX.

All that ended in 2007 with Windows Vista. Vista completely broke DS3D and EAX. Rather than fix it, Microsoft deprecated DirectSound and pushed developers to adopt its new XAudio2 API for future games. With DS3D and EAX broken, GW hasn’t sounded “right” in any version of Windows since XP.
>Order of the Vampire and Order of Pain
For what purpose?
I'm genuinely curious I never use OotV cause it doesn't stack with any other buffs.
"Party members under another Necromancer enchantment are not affected."

I COMPLETELY forgot that quirk with Order of Vampire thanks for catching that. I'll probably just have necro run Weaken Armor or something else there maybe even MoP. It'd probably be better to change elites instead so there won't be interference with Dark Fury, but I feel like Order of Vamp is just too good to give up on esp in a party where the healing might be a problem.
You could use Mark of Fury for the extra adrenaline gain but its single target and takes a 10s to recharge so not great in PvE. If you keep the monk you might want Restore Conditions over Life Sheath since they shit conditions in SoO it usually heals for 200+ each time. You could also have the monk bring Judge's Insight for the ranger so they can get in on the holy damage meme as well.
I was gonna make a joke about overcalling but it's impossible to find a picture of the party window with the double called target online
I'll be working through the EotN story this weekend if anybody is masochistic and wants to join on some alt. I finished the Norn part tonight so I'll focus on Asura tomorrow and finishing the full thing before Northern Support ends.
>thinking about having to do this again on my Ranger in the future
What do you have to be masochistic for it? EotN is great content
>t. has maxed all four EotN reps on 6 of 9 chars so far
>maxed all four EotN reps on 6 of 9 chars so far
what the fuck
I don't think I have more than 1 maxed rep eotn title of any kind on all my chars combined. do you get it free with vqing all of eotn or something
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I'm starting to get worried about my PC but that lucky title won't max itself. Gotta get that bread.
>I'm starting to get worried about my PC
Why? it's not like this game is taxing anymore unless you're playing it on a 10 year old laptop.
I used leave GW running minimized in the background for days at a time on my shitty Sam's Club prebuilt PC in 2008. You'll be fine
Going through without a full complement of Heroes feels tedious and considering I've done all this before, perhaps I view it as a chore since it is merely an obstacle before farming.
Because it's old and sickly
You either find someone doing it for free or pay someone 150e to do it for you. There is no in between.
The reason I chose life sheath is because we have no ST so enemies will be slapping for full damage also because this comp has a pretty large amount of condi clear's already. Recovery will reduce all condi's by 60% and running mend body, SoS running spirit's gift, and necro with foul feast. Between all of that I figure we didn't need the heavy condi removal of RC but you might be right.

Mark of Fury is something I keep playing with in my head I like it but like you said 10s recharge. I guess the necro will have plenty of other stuff to weave inbetween Order of Vampire casts so maybe it won't be an issue.

Speaking of no ST, think I'll have 1 of the dervs drop LoD for SY.

As far as Judge's insight I was thinking about sticking that on the SoS, that's a bit energy heavy for monk to run. SoS would drop ancestor's rage and drop spawning to 11, smite to 6. If our SoS has GDW I'll probably have them run that too.

I've also made an interesting discovery. Purifying Veil + Recovery means you can turn 10 second conditions into lasting only one second. So in theory if we had our necro, monk, and SoS rit each maintain 1-2 purifying veil's on frontline we might be able to just totally ignore conditions all together. Idea for another day maybe and I need to do some more testing. We might just replace the ranger, monk, and ritual lord with 1 melandru, and 2 dwayna dervs in the future for MAX derv memery.

For monk you can swap skill 2 to something you'd prefer, I liked dismiss condition for direct healing + condi removal but with life sheath might not be necessary so maybe you could run something like Aura of Stability, Reverse Hex, Shield Guardian etc...

Necro updated with Mark of Fury, skill 5 is blood ritual for some energy support but can be swapped for whatever else you might prefer (MoP, weaken armor, barbs, ebon assassin etc...)

Thanks to everyone who gave input.
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personally earlier works better for me
I need one destroyer core for LoD quest and I'm good to go.
you online? I have one

Also have 1 vote for earlier, and 1 vote for 7 PM so far
>finish Time For Heroes
>guy in kamadan looking to buy drok's key just as I finish
Neat. Why do people shell out 40e for these things, anyways? The skins are ugly and you can get statistically equivalent gear for far less.
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Healslut reportin' in. 3PM is too early, 4PM and 7PM both works.
I can only play monk for this, none of my other characters aren't equipped for it. So hopefully nobody else wants to monk it.
4 works
you got the name field on
can't get easy 20/20s for every attribute
ok we will do 4 PM then for SoO today since that seems to be popular.

also thanks, I don't normally use name field so I never look at it when I go to post lol.
nah I've only completed the VQs on one of the those six chars. I'm just really autistic about doing the Zaishen missions/bounties.
I have enough account titles that I don't need Master of the North, so I just play EotN until I finish the reps.

That's fair. All of my characters have the meta mesmerway team set up at a minimum, with other offmeta team comps depending on what prof the character is.
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I genially can't tell if she's supposed to be a comic relief or just a horrible written.
A horrible written what? Fucking say it.
how important is asura rank to dervway
the answer to this question may impact my presence later today
looks like the necro is the only one with any asura skills
was thinking about the title for the energy
don't think you get the energy in dungeons
You do in some but not in SoO.
completely unimportant. Luxon (or kurzick rank) is most important on the dervs than any other rank here.

Though asura rank on necro is mostly for quality of life.

WE PLAYIN IN 1 HOUR. I will fill any role we don't have covered.
Why not
>Asura territory includes all towns, outposts, and explorable areas in the Tarnished Coast,
you sure? I doubt you get it in any of em besides the story ones
I'm pretty sure you get title buffs on the top floor of few of them like Bogroots outside of the story ones. I also think you get the norn buff throughout frostmaw but I might be remembering wrong.
IT'S SoO TIME >>1268562

here's the builds we'll be running I will fill whatever role we are missing. We'll be doing SoO runs until we get a BDS drop, or 2-3 hours pass.
SoO round 2, log in if you're interested and want to come. First round went well. Dervs FUCK
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Today's SoO was pretty fun, though we did discover a few things that will warrant some team comp changes.

Apparently if you apply holy damage type to your weapons you no longer trigger Order of Vampire (which requires physical damage type) did not know that. So our necro position needs to likely be replaced or seriously revised.

>Arcane Mimicry "No effect if target's elite skill is a form."

Upon doing further inspection, it appears anet did this nerf 17 years ago because of groups abusing Ursan Blessing and the fact it blocks dervish forms is purely coincidental. God damn it anet.

RC is definitely not the choice the monk should be running here, cast time is too long and the pressure on the monk to do healing is too great. Current heal Life Sheath seems pretty good, but Martyr might have potential too.

Not sure how I feel on the R/A position, it pretty consistently did half the DPS of our dervs and requires both judge's insight + more healing unlike other dervs.

Have 2 current ideas I kind of want to play with.

1 is we go full meme and lean fully into dervway, drop the necro, the ranger, and the ritual lord ritualist. Add 2 avatar of dwayna's and an avatar of melandru for AoE healing + AoE condi removal. Additionally have the pious dervs bring asuran scan and have them fuck up the skeleton wizards.

2nd idea is we add purifying veil onto our comp. From the tests I've done with a -60% recovery + -50% purifying veil we could potentially almost TOTALLY negate condi's in this dungeon. SoS would maintain 3 of them, monk would maintain 4th.

I'll make team builds for next week later tonight. Our quest to see a BDS drop will continue next saturday... assuming I am able to which is most certainly in question

Also if anyone wants to do their daily HA log in. Tomorrow is IWAY memes see this PvX page. https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:Team_-_HA_IWAY Come on a PvP character if you can, but if you can't a PvE character works too
>can't get easy 20/20s for every attribute
Can't you? I thought the crafters in the kurzick/luxon areas made 40/40 sets for every attribute.
no resto wand. maybe others too, can't remember
>two rits
>hm wheres the spirits, i only see two
>oh there's three of them on the ranger
>each one takes five (5) whole seconds to cast, recharge in sixty
>lmao whats he gonna do for the other forty five seconds
>Oath Shot: Elite Bow Attack. If Oath Shot hits, all of your skills except Oath Shot are recharged.
this is very funny
also must be very boring to play, just kneeling around
yeah this is the most devilishly dumb build I've ever seen used in PvP before and I love it dearly. If marcus was still actively playing this is 100% what he would be running.

Even if you waste time killing the spirits ranger can just recast them with oath shot. That entire build has been crafted for the sole purpose of being an annoying dickhead it even has snares for fucks sake lmao
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There's a reason why this sort of build archetype was called "Spiritgay" back then. It's absolute devilish to play especially with other Rit spirits pre-nerf.
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Kaineng City is the sewer level of all time.
What do they eat?
the poopfalls provide
Where do you farm for gold scythes and spears? I'm loaded with martial weapon mods except for those two.
It's worth a shot but I feel Martyr's cd is might be too long. Conditions reapply really fast in that shithole and 10 sec is going to look like an eternity. Obviously I'd take more condi (self) removal along with it, but still. Life Sheath felt better because it's snappy and on a 2 sec cd. Combined with dismiss condi it felt the most manageable. RC had good gains but it was just too slow to be comfortable. Purifying veil has a bigger potential but I'm more interested in seeing the full meme comp with the avatars.

It took me a while to get into the rythm of the teamcomp but even when I was in the zone we still suffered some deaths. Mostly because I was off position and/or someone strayed outside my healing circle and I didn't notice on time. Almost every death involved me running towards them but they got stomped so quickly before I was back in range. And like I said in-game, the importance of a designated puller can't be understated. First round all dervishes rushed in and it cost me and Thalky half an energy bar to save them from the initial burst, which resulted in having no energy halway into the encounter and that's a part of the recipe for a wipe.

Not sure about the ranger neither. ToA is a big boon for defense and offense but that can be replaced with plenty of other skills.

>When you finally get to leave that shithole and just before you see some green soil you have to wade through a literal shitstream
That was a nice touch
halls chest, zaishen chest
I know vigor runes don't stack but will one vigor rune stack with four vitae runes?
yes, but you should definitely use at least one attribute rune in place of a vitae rune
When we did SoO yesterday I felt like I got an unusually high number of gold scythe drops but could just be coincidence.

Yeah, I feel like we could potentially drop the ranger, necro, monk, and ritual lord ritualist for more avatars. figuring out the right ratio is tough though. I'm not sure if we should just go all in and run 4 dwayna derv's and let asuran scan pick apart the enemy groups bit by bit. Or if we should go 2-3 dwayna and 1-2 melandru for some AoE condi cleanse.

SoS rit would need to be replaced with ST which would make the GDW situation harder but maybe an avatar of dwayna can help or something (or we can go true memes weapons of 3 forges).

I'll make a set up for it later this week.
I'm farming Norn rep for rank 5 in Varajar Falls https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Norn_rank and HOLY SHIT this is mindnumbingly boring.
>metagayming sucks all the fun out of the game
EotN enjoyer reporting in
Just finished maxing the titles on my seventh char and am currently getting my ironman through the EotN missions on NM and HM.
I fucking love EotN bros
Just do dungeons and books, grinding like that is pain.
you're a loony
I went from r3 to r4 because of Northern Support but I don't have it in me right now for another round.
are you using the path of revelation trick? You should get like 30k rep in one vanquish minimum with that.
nope. i don't even know if my party could do all that, it's pretty wonky with my current selection of heroes
Do people buy zkeys individually? I almost never see anyone doing it that way.
some people sell them for 2e~ each, but i think waiting to have a stack and selling for 9-10a/500e+ is better

that is all
I've never done HA in my life because I've played this game solo for 4k hours
we are a very seriouz pvp guild. Couple days ago we had a guy with a PVE character missing half his runes and 30 attribute points showed up.

You're welcome to join, I assume everyone's prior experience to GW1 PvP is none.
I can't negate I'm busy being social. I'll be there tomorrow.
probably won't be back in time
i got all of my heroes ascent wins in the summer of 2005 on teams doing the thing where people kept killing themselves so shitloads of minions could be made
>teams doing the thing where people kept killing themselves so shitloads of minions could be made
kek based
why was smiters boon nerfed into the ground
what was even the builds that used it
it was because the fat fuck got rejected by a girl wasn't it
I'm sad I missed the minion factory meta it sounded like so much fun. This was before minion limit was capped so both teams would spend their 60 secs of prep killing eachother repeatedly and summoning more minions, then when battle started hundreds of minions would clash.

someone can correct me if I'm wrong but iirc the story goes something like the developers kept having to play wack-a-mole with the skill, they'd nerf it too hard and nobody would use it, or they'd buff it slightly and suddenly every monk is now running smite so the main balance dev Isisah? Had a vacation or something and he didn't have enough time to fix the skill so he nerfed it through the floor and went "I'll fix that later when I get back" but then forgot about it, and then balance changes stopped happening in GW1 so now it's left in it's current awful state.
The game died when EoTN released. I will never buy EoTN nor will I use any of the broken "pve" skills it provides for casuals (single-players).
>vanquishing every zone in the game with other players only
big fuck that
You aren't invited.
To what? Is this supposed to be an epic reddit diss?
>The game died when EoTN released.
Big if true.
Large even.
just because i echo chain EVAS doesn't make me a casual
based, fuck eotn
except dungeons, those are ok
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>I wonder what I can do to make this easier so I can complete the HM bonus
>attribute number go UP
It really does solve life problems in Guild Wars. Last Factions HM mission tomorrow!

The Sulfurous Wastes looks like what I will feel like after vanquishing.
yo you can own a town for 590k luxon faction right now
I'm down to help make a push for one so we can all stock up on lockpicks
Second for I am willing to pledge my wasted time towards this
how'd the ha go
I was gonna try that margonite farm out in turai's procession, it should give spears and scythes... only, wrist pain means I can't play GW for a little while.

Anyhow, here's a video:
This kills the player who always completes all the quests.
it's sorta fucked
not just farming, if you wanna do wik again for example you need to make a new char
Thanks for the video, sadly the only character I have that far is my main warrior, and the drakes don't seem to drop gold scythes or spears
spear skills are fucking awful
i thought smiting prayers were the worst artribute in the game but boy was i wrong
whats the third worst attribute in the game?
>Please wait a while before making a post
>Get captcha
why not play a fuckin ad while you're at it
Because Paragons already a form of irremovable buffs. If they had good combat on top of that they'd probably be on par or better than Mesmer.
Please understand, we need trap options otherwise the game wouldn't be fun :^)
Have you seen a male paragon lately? Spear mastery isn't about the skills you get.

There aren't enough decent combo's. EoTN skills tried to compensate but it's not that interesting. At most you'll get a deep wound out of it. There's only one rupt too and it had some sort of req too if I remember right. Paragon is all about buffing so if you don't like that you are shit outta luck.
popping chests in some NF endgame areas might also work, night if there are any vabbi chests near harpies, they have paragons so you should be able to get spears from them, or any chests near margonites in abaddon's house of spooks
How do people maxxxvaxxx treasure hunter? Outside of Boreal Station?
thats how i did mine, wouldnt be surprised if there are better ways though, i didnt look into it much. might be worth farming one of the areas where q8s/good os items can drop from chests though
zm bonus is on
dump em
>GW1 is alive and well
Yes, and?
I've gotten 3 crashes since the anniversary event started. I've had maybe 2-3 before this since I reinstalled in 2021. What's up?
In towns or outside?
I think they've all been towns. The one just now was in kama. Another was either leaving or entering HA outpost.
Happened to me a few times during anniversary, maybe it has something to do with too many people at once.
I have 120k saved up in imp I am ready to dump. We just need like 300-400k more from people.

we had a lot call out yesterday so we did 2 rounds of HA, and then my internet DC'd me we try IWAY again tonight.

3rd worst? That's a tough one. Probably Deadly Arts on Assassin.

During a sweet treat week that drops golden eggs farm a shitload of eggs. 1 egg drop = 1 treasure hunter title point. I farm 500 every festival only takes me a few hours.
Deadly Arts is worst than Smiting Prayers
The only error logs I get are
(2) Client pathing data out of sync with server. You may observe your character 'warping' during movement.
(2) Texture '' file not found
when you have some spare time, try deleting gw.dat and redownloading it with the flag -image
>I have 120k saved up in imp I am ready to dump.
I only have like 35k atm. I'm going to mess around with the Mount Qinkai vanquish later to see how it is solo. Now during the event is probably our best chance though, no?
very other guild will be farming faction during the next even too though
I can do like 150kish post-doubling, but can't do mqsc
I fucked up not vanquishing Sulfurous Wastes yesterday with others.
Remember to get your anniversary storage if you haven't already from Palora at Embark.
Even if you did, she'll give you a free blessing of war instead.
>still got like 50 charr carvings+grawl necklaces from old ascalon in my inventory
>only sold the scorched lodestones because I looked up the collectors and got what I wanted
>15 is enough for a nick set this week
finna kms
>all Canthan missions show three swords in HM
>not even at Guardian status, still Protector
>says I'm at 11/13
>even completed the other faction's Unwaking Waters/unique mission
what the fuck
Shing Jea missions?
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What mini is this?
Turns out I have to do two missions on NM with the Master's reward.
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Is this rare and/or valuable?
Note that it has an innate Spawning Power mod on a Blood Magic wand.
If you want I can do Mount Qinkai with you as well, if we both take a party of 3 heroes we could probably speedclear the zone by splitting up
No merch single mods are worthless
I didn't even pick up that shit. I'm not that desperate for coins lmao. Absolute worst fucking map in the fucking worst zone.
interesting find, but like other commenter said - it's missing it's second mod. You might of been able to find a buyer for that back in 2007 not going find one today.
i cant take this anymore im going to fucking kill myself
you might HAVE been able
dead thread
gw2 is simply better deal with it boomers
>meanwhile 15 people online, playing HA and w/e
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fuck, picked the wrong edit.
Some people just left after HA
are you normal
Can try that tomorrow maybe if we're both on at the same time. I'm afked at rings for the night though. I'll start pooling up faction tomorrow, and we can all synchronize our turn ins when ready.
there's a weirdly large amount of people who have female characters
certain classes should always be female
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>138 posts in 3 days
>14+ people on in guild
>full guild party doing PvP and Zmissions

why are you covering the names

sounds good if anyone else is interested tomorrow we'll make a big push to get a luxon town.

Speaking of tomorrow, we are trying a more balanced HA team tomorrow. Many thanks to the PvP anon who was willing to post the modern balance for us to use. Monk is the role we need filled the most, I can fill any role we lack other than that.
name 3
Ele, Ass, and Ranger
Anything else a new player might not know? I bought the game back during Christmas but did not play much and want to change that.
Paragon, mesmer, ele
Get Proof of Triumph while the anniversary is still going so you'll be able to get the pve only elites even after it's over.
Oh, and next big step after this is the Wayfarer's Reverie
and you'll be able to get yourself a Legionnaire Summon
Not sure how but I'll make note of that. I'm still in the tutorial I think? Appreciated.
get proofs by doing missions and turn them in for the weird weapons (e.g. necro scythe, ele axe, warrior spear, etc.). note that they're customized, get each on the character who'll use it
unlock the hound of balthazar
only 1 person in the party has to have it for the boss to show up
you can post itt or in kamadan and someone will run you, I wouldn't prioritize it
>only 1 person in the party has to have it for the boss to show up
Yeah, but you want to be self sufficient.
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don't worry about it then
the biggest thing is to finish a mission so you get a proof of legend (picrel) in your inventory, look for a guy called "zaishen scout" in the mission outpost, talk to him to go to embark beach, find Palora on the boat, and talk to her for extra bank space. NOTE: the only way to get back is by talking to an npc named "Kenai [Tyrian Travel]" if you left from prophecies (or Canthan Travel for factions, Elonian for nightfall), and they'll send you back
even this is not mandatory, it's just 25+% more bank storage for free
>not even at Guardian status, still Protector
two different titles
Greatly appreciated. Storage is king.
event runs til may 6th at 3pm est, so no rush
also you get a guild invite yet?
>not playing male ele for the best dance in the game
Yes no shit I learned that now. My issue was that completing Faction missions in HM (for the Guardian title) did not seem to retroactively include completion for the NM title (Protector.) I'm not looking forward to solo Eternal Grove, even NM but it's my last one.
Some War in Kryta one
>Livia in cinematic
>Tits are always in prominent view
Gw2's diversity hires would be up in arms over this

> B a l a n c e d
Now this IS the Guild Wars.
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Also anyone else unironically using Zenmai or Anton in their hero party?
I'd be interested in seeing some hero sin builds that work.
Miku comes with a build so I always just throw that on my assassin heroes. Don't know how good it is but it cannot be bad.
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It's not horrible but it's not good.
I think melee hero ai is not great, shadowstep helps a bit. daggerspamming is probably about as good as you'll get
I would drop one of the defensive skills and let your other heroes handle that
anyone grinding luxon faction? I have 160k banked up ready to dump into our guild. We just need 300-400k more to take a town.
New, ignorant player here. Am I shafting myself if my Warrior dual professions into Ranger? I like having an animal buddy.
You can change it later, but yeah, pets aren't exactly Warrior meta outside tutorial zone. There are other useful ranger skills though so /R is actually a decent choice for warriors.
You can't fuck yourself that way, you can swap secondairy professions for 500g later on.
It's certainly possible to keep your pet around and even slap another skill on your bar to better support it, for example https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Never_Rampage_Alone. However, you'll be limiting your options in the long run.

If you really want to delve deep into beastmastery and play melee, it's far better to player ranger/warrior (or ranger/dervish, ranger/assassin). The reason for that is beastmastery skills all operate on energy and warrior lacks the energy pool and regen to maintain a lot of beastmastery skills. You can counter that with energy runes and gear (means losing out on survivability though). Or carefully picking low energy skills.
A ranger has a bigger pool and regen to start with. A ranger also has access to expertise, which lowers the energy cost of all attack skills. This means a ranger can carry and execute many beast mastery skills in a way a warrior can only dream off.

And like I said, you can go melee all day on ranger. You aren't obligated to use a bow if you don't like it. Warrior skills based off adrenaline will work just as well and you'll get more variety in weapon choices since you can utilize other melee classes to the same effect. Popular builds include hammers, sword, axe (warrior) scythes (dervish), daggers (assassin) or the mid-range spear (paragon). Meanwhile you'll only have access to hammer, sword and axe if you want to keep your pet around.

In short, it all depends on how big you want your pet's role to be. Having a pet in general is certainly worth it.
Good to know, thanks Anons. Going into GW blind outside of a test run on one of the free weekends/code periods a decade ago has me lost, but it's damn fun so far.
If you're still in pre-searing I'll come run around with you on my pre character
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beast mastery is super frustrating to build around because pets pause for 1-2 seconds when they reach their target, instead of just attacking as soon as they enter attack range. this makes it infuriating to try to get damage out of your pet.

if you simply want a pet and dont want to focus your build around it, you can make a somewhat risky gamble by investing 0 points into beast mastery and taking comfort animal as your only beast mastery skill. your pet will do damage and offer no utility, but as you level up with it, it will evolve into a hearty pet with 540 hp at max level. so for the cost of 0 beast mastery and 1 slot on your skill bar, you get a 540 hp tank that you can send in first to draw aggro.

the major downside is that with 0 beast mastery, your entire skill bar will be disabled for 10 seconds when your pet dies. i ran a monk/ranger with this concept long ago and my pet rarely died, but thats because i was actively trying to keep it alive with my monk skills. im not sure how well npc monks will do in keeping your pet tank alive.
what is a good sell price for ecto? can't wait to spend my entire 230p on lockpicks!
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Look at the guild sisters taking charge
send Purple Hauler Turtle a ginvite
If anyone else has luxon or imperial faction, now's the time to donate it if you want to help us get ownership of a town. The rest of us all dumped. We're at 847k, so we've got a great shot, but we could always use some more cushion.
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Today we make history.
Tomorrow- all of Europe.
dead broke but I got 205 picks now :D
Same lol
Feels very uncomfortable
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>entering the guildhall only to see 3 monks
that's an interesting webm to have saved bro
I look like that and I say that
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post catbox pics
it was being spammed in /sp/, I went and got it off the archives
Well that sucked after our struggle to git somewhat gud.That sandwiched fight was some epic shit though. Fast enemy wipes and not a single soul lost in the fight.
I'd fuck him
I wish it was easier to get more weapon skins besides super rare drops. I like several of the dagger skins but the most recent sales on kama trade chat are months old.
post WTBs with a good enough price and maybe eventually someone will have it because they went looking for it.
wow jq is botted on boths ides
just like in real life
whats the equivalent of running turles in real life
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Now to leave the game on for 24 hours.
>game disconnects after 1 hour
im going to kill myself
/resign-ing is faster and doesn't count as a death
>what's the equivalent of running turtles in real life

Escorting aid to gaza as we fund the bombs being used to blow up their aid lol.
i hate my life
Not a lot of pugs forming this time of day for ZM

Seems like they fill up quick in the morning then by late afternoon it slows to a trickle
>Vanquish the map where I took my first steps in Guild Wars all these years ago.
This map is still gorgeous. The condensed variety is neato. The snowy peaks, the plains below, a few bodies of water and the infested ruins around Cho's estate to top it off.
I got nostalgia earlier at the same spot. Made me realize I'd never explore anything new in GW1 again.
It just oozes soul. It's a damn shame it's all over.
i want a gwen wife
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what in the fuck does this even mean, i guess they did a good job of obfuscating this cause i have no idea what i'm buying or where to go
lot of yuros play around midday est
The website is MMO Gamer's Market. Shitty site, their stuff is way too expensive.
They are advertising that if you spend $100 USD, you'll supposedly earn a chance to win a gold cape trim, which they sell for $350 USD.
it means download https://www.guildwarslegacy.com/ChatFilter.ini and put it in C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Guild Wars\ChatFilter.ini
Every so often they make a new spam with stuff that isn't filtered. It's a pain to figure out what the characters are to add them to the filter.
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brb moms credit card
We already lost our town.
It was tiny and shitty but it was ours. And had lockpicks at premium prices.
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you check the others? we had an even better one earlier today, but I can't log in right now to look
lmao i remember augury rock being really hard
double dragon defeats doppleganger in about 5 seconds
i beat it on a level 4 w/mo using only spear of light, and a level 4 w/me using only empathy, it is pretty easy
Were you running characters for Droknar's Key?
We got past Brauer Academy? based
I wonder how these guys are going about managing their inventories of ultra rare items like that. If they wait too long, people will stop caring, or the items may even cease to exist entirely (gw shuts down or migrates or some other unforeseen scenario). At the same time, they can't easily sell the minis in game without losing a ton of value, so they have to just keep cutting the price until some whale collector buys it I guess.
no just new accounts during the last sale, i wanted prophecies characters, theyre mainly for nick gifts
you are not truly ascended unless you best your doppelganger with actual skills you would use in normal play you cowards
I'm truly ascended cuz I did some piss easy quests in nightfall B)
>whole section of the game dedicated to ascension
>a few quests and a single mission dedicated to ascenion/weh no su
>random primary quest ascends you
white & yellow bois jelly of black kangz
not truly ascended until you do the attribute point quests desu
is this game moddable?
>anniversary is going on
>game still costs 40
braindead Arenanet
yes, in a way. theres a program called toolbox some people use, adds some things in the same way a mod would, then theres texmod/umod so you can modify textures etc, and yes, there are nude mods, but they arent very good, and they come from shady websites.



some people claim to have been banned for using either, but who knows whether its true or not. i only use umod/texmod sometimes (nude mods)
I killed my doppleganger in like 3 seconds in my most recent playthrough, with a perfectly ordinary skill bar. I was kind of astonished, definitely didn't expect it to die that fast, but I guess that's what happens when you give frenzy to a bot.
Does anyone do the War in Kryta dailies? I mean these guys- https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Wanted:_Greves_the_Overbearing
sometimes, but I think people do the hotn quests (rise?) or the escort minigame for war supplies
I do both these and >>1274936 (specifically Auspicious Beginnings), I'm only missing 5 weapons for the HoM. There still are people in Kamadan selling stacks of War Supplies for 20e, too.
To complete the descent into soullessness:

eye of the north
>self insert changes primary class
>for the HoM
but why
I picked this game up 2 months ago after 14 years and I never was rich, so you do what you gotta do.
ok but why hom?
post nude mods pls
double dragon is my normal play now
i do it when i remember they exist and the one that day is right outside a town, which is a little under half of them.
is it true that I get to have sex with Jora if I buy Guild Wars™ by ArenaNet™?
Just to complete what I had left (GWAMM and 50/50 HoM)
kamabox broken again
no, she has sex with you
guys my dad works for arenanet and he just told me that all the unobtainable minis are gonna be able to be bought with shitloads of spiritwood planks so get em while they're cheap
because of a game update
they really arent that good desu better off making ur own or paying someone to
Is it really necessary to watch the zmission cutscenes? So many pugs seem to do it now.
is it necessary in order to get the zcoins? no, it's not.
>Is it really necessary to watch the zmission cutscenes?
jokes on you I've already got a stack

Also tomorrow we are continuing our Proph prog, starting off from iron mines of moladue. Hoping to finish all of southern shiverpeaks today.

I WILL NOT BE HERE ON SATURDAY, OR NEXT WEEK. Unfortunately means I won't be able to organize those games but I have full confidence that my trusted officers™ can handle everything.
im organizing a group jerk off session at the guild hall
GENTLEMEN it is about to be HA time, I'd like one last good game of HA before I leave for vacation/before festival ends
no one cares you narcissist
my brother in christ I would be over the moon with joy if I thought things would continue without me needing to be there to coordinate and organize it lol.
locked out of my account, gotta figure it out
DirectSong additional music
>server maintenance builds two days in a row
get banned toolbox trannies
>he doesn't want quality of life improvements that any game should have in 2024

*autopops cons during combat*
yeah it's just
*takes unoffered npc dialog to skip an area*
modern conveniences
*checks enemies outside the bounds visible by holding ctrl*
a modern game
*opens chests across the map*
ought to have
lol stay seething
why would I be mad?
I found an even better qol mod, I leave my pc on overnight with it running and in the morning there's a stack of ectos in my inventory
stay abusing exploits, third-worldie. wouldn't want to actually play the game while you're dilating your hall of troonuments
>opens chest across the map
Evil hackerman opens his chest from opposite side of town rather than go walk to the chest first so that he can access it anywhere in the town, truly a despicable hacker.

Why are you making up things to be angry about?

i had no idea these skills had unlimited range, very interesting
im going to kill myself
We need extra maintenance because the playerbase grew massively over the past week obviously
NTA, but he is referring to an older version of Toolbox that allows you to open Locked Chests as soon as you are able to target them, without having to actually walk to them.
This is an exploit and has been removed from the more recent versions.
maintain these nuts
the item would still drop at the chest though right?
Today's ZM is all about USA.
yeah it does. People who are using that exploit are making it easier to get the treasure hunter title. Sometimes chests are in an area that you can't physically reach without a lot of extra walking.
The chance of getting anything valuable is so small that they usually don't bother picking up the item. Unless it's a valuable skin or something.
people farm for os golds and don't care about 99% of the drops
Why have there been so many updates recently? Is the event screwing the servers?
none of your business retard
is anyone in this thread an official arenanet employee
yeah I am
Can you max out my titles?
boxers or briefs or panties?

recently anet has put a dev working full time on GW1 again, no new content expected (supposedly) but lots of work being done on serverside.
They should finally get rid of Nightfall's bounty system and just make them work like EotN's blessings
I'm locked out of my account, can't make it tonight
yeah just made the change. Can you check that it came through on your end?
boxer briefs except when my wife wants to get crazy
check again, just unlocked your account
Do people pug the z missions often when it isn't the double coins week?
how'd you get locked out?

people pug zmissions every day of the week. You can almost always get a group if you show up at mission reset time. During double weeks groups persist lot longer. Certain ZB's are the same (especially dungeon related ones)
what class should I play?
>I'm happy to report that starting two weeks ago my time allocated to Guild Wars changed from 10% to 80%
from big steve himself
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any of them, really.
Most people will steer you away from Monk, because playing a monk with the meta hero team is boring. I have one of each prof except for Paragon and I am slowly working on gwamming all of them.
>I am slowly working on gwamming all of them.
mad lad
are you new?
warrior, necro, ele, or mesmer
anything, even monk
first list but add dervish
How edgy should your necromancer's name be?
darkblade moondemon
super cutesy fun names only
it should be your irl name
God bless Factions quests, they make survivor easy.
>go here and talk to guy to receive 3k exp
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how can you uninstall the game before logging out>? This image is retarded
>they make survivor easy
What do you suggest for an old character? Waiting for Halloween for mobstoppers? Repeating/buying dungeon quest items?
don't buy eotn quest items, it's insanely expensive. if you want to scam it, just set up gates of madness afk
I did raptors. Vaettirs also works well. Or GoM afk like that anon said.
I do like 8~10 UW runs a year and use mobstoppers whenever I kill a skeleton. Just stock up on 2 stacks of mobstoppers during Halloween then turn it in next year.
Fill and hoard all storybooks as you go through all the content, and then do repeat copies of one of the HM books until you have massed enough to get max survivor from just turning in all your books at once.
What bow types to carry as a ranger?
If don't want to carry one for each type I'd say flatbow for pulling and general damage, short bow for DPS and recurve for interrupting, but I'm not a pro or a ranger main.
longbow to pull, recurve to rupt, otherwise it depends on your build (spirits, attack skills, etc)
What are good general green bows for each [flat/short/curve]-type? To keep on my ranger.
>has a lot of unique bows and no idea what shit is worthwhile
I just finished gwamm on my Ranger
I only used flatbows. I always had a zealous 15^50 of enchanting, vampiric 15^50 of enchanting, zealous 15^50 of fortitude, and lastly shocking 15^e of enchanting for my needling shot build.
My brain is too small to interrupt reliably, so I never used recurve.
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>tihark orchard
>first activity is a little vabbi boy wants to know how to dance
>tall ele from ascalon shakes her hips and tits for him
>"Thank you for showing me those moves. I guess girls aren't so bad after all."
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Flatbow and shortbow are all you'll ever need for PvE.
You're now reminded that Polymock exists, for some reason.
I remember not liking another forced minigame, but it was kind of fun at the end. I also remember logging in with one of my GW friend's account to beat the last quest for him.
Polymock is decently fun and the summons you get from it are really neat. I used to hate it because I was a warrior main and the summons didn't feel worth the effort due to the high energy cost.
Using "You Are All Weaklings" alongside my Naga Shaman bro so he can knock them down kicks ass
There really should be a "summonway" build where half the team takes Naga Shaman and half the team takes Mursaat.
Man, it's so cool that all the bow types works slightly differently
Apparently, the meta build for speedclearing Raven's Point utilized the Naga summon extensively.
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Oh yeah I vanquished Sulfurous Wastes and a bunch of other places recently.
Why is there a necron?
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Mortals such as I can only guess as to what those wacky Graven Monolith (plural) get up to and worship. I assume it is Abby Dabby Doo.
>Thought I had till May 8th for Anniversary stuff
>It's tomorrow
>I'll be out of the house early and probably miss free storage and stuff.

Man. I have no-one to blame but myself. Still mad.
>free storage
you can get that in like 5 mins
only need 1 of the mission things, just do chahbek village or the great northern wall and then go to embark
I'm still in unseared land.
oh don't rush out
do you have nf? you can finish the first mission <10 mins after character creation
If this is your first ever character or even time playing the game then don't even worry too much about it. Storage is the most important and that is fast but.
It is my first, so I won't rush. I got caught up in life and officer duties in my MMO and kept putting it off. Thanks for the info, Anons.
>It is my first, so I won't rush
you can make a nf throwaway and just delete it after
make a character, skip the tutorial, do the first mission, go to embark for the voucher, and you're done
Doing this now, thanks for the heads up, Anon. It is an account unlock I take it?
>make a character, skip the tutorial, do the first mission, go to embark for the voucher, and you're done
Is the tutorial Saving Chabek Village? I fought the corsairs but did not get the voucher. Trying it again.
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yeah, there's a chest shared across all characters. if you have all the campaigns you have 4 tabs (can pay real money for more), and after popping the voucher you get a fifth
check your inventory for a proof of legend (looks like a triangle). you might need to finish the tutorial stuff in the area you're in, then you get to kamadan, where you can map to embark beach
there you talk to Palora, Sworn to Earth on a boat, and she'll give you the voucher
You need to be lvl 5 to get a Proof of legend
oh fuck I'm so sorry
if you manage to level up enough, you can get one from chahbek village
Almost level 4. I'll grind and hopefully get there before it gets any later. Appreciated,
you in the guild? I can come powerlevel you with scrolls and shit
take bounties from the shrines, they give you double xp
Will there be another chance at the heros ascent quest tomorrow before the event ends? The daily reset seems to be a few hours before the end time.
I don't think so, the last one should have been sunday at 16:00 UTC.
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This is trash, right? idk what dual mod OS shields go for, so I figured I'd check before salvaging it. but it's q10 and imperfect, so I assume worthless.
tfw have a perfect one of those I farmed myself
love celestial
Celestial stuff looks great, but doesn't usually match up with armor unfortunately. Would probably work well for an IW mesmer, though.
I made a set for my assassin to match it all. I forget the armor, but it's that one that isn't a full set from eotn mixed with some others.
it's good mods even if one is slightly off, I'd go ask for a PC from proper traders/chestrunners like on Legacy or some discord before doing anything with it
Yeah, out of all the OS shields that's the best one I've seen posted to thread yet. You won't be drowning in money but might be able to sell for a couple ectos. That's probably a GWlegacy price check though.
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check this one been to lazy to get it pced but i think it should be worth a bit
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guess i could of posted them all at once
n i c e
What are you farming, griffons?
no chest and that woc farm
A Chance Encounter?
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yeah got this staff also and the axe was from shing jea island cant remember if its the canthan or the tyrian that people want
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I believe this image from Perdition Rock to be one of my best shots. Today at the grocery store, I saw some "nut pods" being sold by the milk and I thought, "there's a your mom joke there somewhere"
Redpill me on Asassin.
sins are cringe
run, tank in speedclears, do some farming, daggerspam, and that's about it
Lightly armored melee class in a campaign where most enemies explode upon death.
Only for hardcore Gamers.
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fun to play, versatile, delicious flat chests
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Our once great city has been conquered by the Huns
I have 54 birthday vouchers just taking up space in my storage, what year bday gifts should I open/which are worth the most?
the really rare minis from 7th year gifts can be expensive, and some rare tonics from the 6th year gifts are worth something too
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i wonder how side quests worked back in the day. did people really pug for those? it must've happened. but i don't remember.
the way i remember doing it is you'd zone into a new outpost with your party after doing a mission, some might want to do every random quest that was there, some not
So what class do I play if I just want a main and have fun.
Most people didn't do side quests, especially when Factions and Nightfall made it more and more viable to just level through mission progression
were you thinking sin because it's melee, because it's in factions, because ?
mesmer and ele are pretty cool imo
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I vanquished Alcazia Tangle today.
imo if you want money, you should pick mini's the really rare ones are worth a good bit (but it's like a 0.1% drop item), but if you want an actual chance of getting something cool go for the tonics. Some random tonics can be worth some nice change and a few of them are really cool.
Is very much up to you what you like to play.
I never have much fun of warriors or eles but lots of people love them.
Critical strikes is a really cool primary attribute that lets you be very flexible with what martial weapon you use. I switch between daggers, axe, scythe, and bow.
Unfortunately most of their armor is fuck ugly.
Hey I'm in that guild! Someone joined the ally recently and has been generating faction. Other than the one guild, it's almost completely dead lol
How are you guys going about getting your water djinn essences?
just vow of silence farming
droprate isn't great
the markets are free
so much money for me
tell me why should i care for peace and love

also dubious about gott lately, feels like they don't really sell.
Is it true I can receive solo drops if I move my heroes out of range? I can easly solo farm water djinn but I just want to blast through the kournan fucks that get in the way.
Yeah, i farmed the Ritual Lord's Staff in NM with a W/Rt spirit spammer build by having the heroes help me reach him then flagging them away.
whats the range they have to be away at?
They should not be in compass range, if you see their names greyed out you're good.
and you can flag them on the u minimap, not just the compass
I ended up running through Fahranur, The First City to where there are four water djinns (three regular + boss) in the center of the ruins. Three minutes per run. Maybe not the fastest, but farming in Turai's Procession seemed annoying with all the mobs in the way and the non-water djinns mixed into the packs.
I have the impression that early Factions, particularly from Zen Daijun up until you reach Kaineng Center, is an absolute meat grinder. But I wonder how much of this impression is based upon the fact that I almost never roll up Factions characters except when I feel like playing assassin. At this point, I have just accepted that any time I do Madness in the Markets as a sin, I'm going to be hobbling through with 60% DP letting my henches carry me to Vizunah.

I remember people paid money for items that would let them turn in quests. Like Althea's ashes.

If the names of your party members are greyed out the game treats it as if they didn't exist as far as loot and exp is concerned.
should learn how to gate glitch and skip all that crap. except for ascension i guess
do you just heart of shadows off your party members to teleport over closed gates for this?
most people i see do it have 1 hero make a minion, suicide, have the minion attack them into the gate and it pushes them through
Who is running my warrior to Gadd's camp, turning HM on, and killing Mobrin for me?
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yeah bro meet me in the gate of the nightfallen lands
Roka is
>ASIDE from that 1 deadly arts build
now I'm really curious about the details of that build but I can't seem to find any info about it when googling
maybe that half range spam one
>get to Gadd's
>I'll pug Mobrin!
>wipe four times because of overaggro
>randoms have zero spatial awareness or understanding of the compass which shows enemies running around
playing devil's advocate, raptors and angrygordons are shitters
Not the exact build but it shows the core damage loop of spamming dancing daggers, conditions, and knockdowns on people.
That's a variant I run and it still suck ass(assin).
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neat but also rip, I've been trying to figure out a fun PvE caster build for assassin that isn't complete dead weight but I guess it's not really possible
>augury and dancing daggers on 7 and 8
This is triggering the same part of my brain as the uncanny valley. Something about it just wrong on a base level.
Not every class can have a build as effective as hamstorm I'm afraid.
Hey fellas are we doing anything on friday? I might be able to show up after all, but I promise nothing. Still on vacation till sunday.
deadly paradox
shadow form
augury of death
dancing daggers
feigned neutrality
heart of shadow
i can't remember the last two skills. there must've been a second damage skill, but dancing daggers was definitely the main dps.
i was an anti-runner for luxon FA.
The build I posted is usable but just meh compared to other builds that could be used.
so what ended up being the ULTIMATE pet enjoyer Ranger build?
are you /areleader/
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Today I completed Gates of Madness HM + bonus, and vanquished Poisoned Outcrops.
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I put this together while I was dicking around in FA.

speaking of which because I realize I forgot to mention this last week. For anyone wondering where our proph prog is we stopped at Thunderhead keep last week. I don't know how many people are available for this Friday's game (I myself might not be) so if we're continuing the prog on that day is debatable.

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