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So, is Guild Wars 2 worth playing? The only MMO I've ever put significant time into is SWTOR and I've always been interested in trying it out. Any other MMOs worth trying out, like say Elder Scrolls Online?
Yes, I love guild wars 1 and 2 very dearly. It's an extremely comfy and social romp if you want to play casually, and a really fun and meaty MMO to sink your teeth into if you continue past that. As for ESO, it's very similar to guild wars 2 but instead of massive zone wide events that require large amount of people, it's overworld is mostly about singleplayer questing, with minidungeons sprinkled throughout that have skill point shards in them. As for endgame, it has the typical MMO format of dungeons raids and small and large scale PvP. It's very comfy as well, and has decent crafting and housing.
guild wars 2 sucks.
eso has a lot to do and is fun but very casual; still hundreds of hours in the base game
guild wars is arguably the best MMO of all time
I play GW2 only for the arenas, bcz the meta change every 2-3 weeks, and u can get a stuff pretty easly.
Pvp is great
Never tried GW2 myself but I have played a lot of ESO.
It's fucking dogshit, don't bother. I could probably rant for hours about why I hate the game now.
10k hours here. Don't even try it. Game is primarily PvE, and PvE is primarily story updates with throwaway flavor of the month maps. And story is just awful troonshit. It is BAD.
The game world does not feel like a world full of adventure and exploration, it feels like a haunted house ride with a chore checklist.
Combat is fine-ish, admittedly. I still remember my reaper fondly. Problem is, the co tent in which this combat takes place is shite. It has shitty bite-sized pseudodungeons called fractals, a few raids that are heavily neglected, and the rest is just brain dead story content or shitty open world events.
Oh and also, Arena PvP is only good if you prefer running around and being a nuisance instead of battling, since the main goal is to control points instead of fighting, and you oftentimes need shit like "the guy who can be a faggot and decap enemy's homepoint then run away" or "the guy who has retarded defense and can tie up enemy's home point and waste their time". Then there is WvW which is either large scale fights where you just spam AoEs in the enemy's general dirextion hoping that your AoEs will be spammed harder than theirs, or you solo roam in which case it's like a bootleg open world PvP game except nobody ever balanced nor will they balance around roaming, so most people are either thieves who just run away constantly, or absurd overpowered trailblazer or other bullshit builds that are nearly or completely impossible to duel without a bullshit build of your own. My favorite was the perma stealth trap thief build that that would just never stop being invisible while spamming DoTs at you and whitling you down without you having any counterplay whatsoever unless you're like one specific build, and even then they'd just run away from them. Only got nerfed because someone used that build to solo a raid boss.
It has good combat but it's completely wasted on a dev team uninterested in making mid/hardcore endgame content. It's all PvE but by PvE I mean story and zergathon grinding. There's nothing that actually pushes you beyond "yea hit your buttons... sometimes.. i guess". You'll finish whatever story in a few weeks, finish gearing in a week after that, then you have nothing to do *forever* because there's no gear/power treadmill. You have some useless horizontal progression each expansion or so and that's it. It is the most casual MMO of the big few by far.

And boy oh boy don't even let me get into the story. I'm not a rightoid or someone who complains about "le woke" like a terminally online faggot, so trust me when I say GW2 is the most pozzed, twinkle fairy fart dust californian leftie shit IMAGINABLE. It's so fucking horrible. It is the worst shit I have ever experienced in an MMO, maybe even a game period, in my life.
Do you like fags? What about trannies? How about tons of stronk womyn (who are gay)? If so you'll love Guild Wars 2. Also I'm talking about ArenaNet, although it's true for the game as well.
Yeah basically. I remember being so excited for GW2 to come out back in 2012 and then it ended up turning into what it is now.. What a let down.
>uses le chud strawman
>proceeds to do the exact thing that le chud strawman is used to shut down
>no self-awareness whatsoever
Well at least not even your double digit IQ enlightened centrist ass is able to defend the garbage that is GW2.
Same, I actually liked it on release but every decision they made since then was a bad one.
GW2 is the one game that wasted my time. 4k hours and looking back I had so much more fun in other games than this.
It's 99% PvE. PvP and WvW are treated by the devs like they don't exist. Sadly, the PvE is really easy. There was a streamer who completed the main story without using a skill, just by letting the pet of his hunter do everything.
Also, the meta is just DMG + CC. If you see anything else being good it is temporary and will be nerfed. The only things being constant are insane damage, control effects and invulnerability.
The story is also not really good, even fans of the game will say this. The original creators of the game have been gone for a long time and you clearly see around lvl 40 that the story goes bad shortly after the beginning.
The game is fun for a little while. The PvE gets boring and repetitive. The PvP is really shitty once you get to a level where the meta matters. You’ll get a lot of hours out of it before any of that becomes a factor though.
gw2 is shit play 1
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gw 2 is buy to play, alot of guild functions are paywalled so please if you are a f2player recognise that the bad parts of the experience are because of drawbacks to the "trial" version of the game you are playing

this infuriated me since i wanted to be social but i could not do something guild related and quit because of it. I know now why it happened and may even give another go but do not do it like me and think the game is amazing for EVERYONE cuz its not
>GW general
is it... safe? I haven't been here in ages.
if you mean "are people still impotently bitching gw2 is not gw1" then no. if you mean the bot that's been dealt with.
Its fun to play very casually, but I would not care about the game too much. I play it like a Ubisoft game. Disable the story and quest log and run around the map doing whatever events are close and seem fun. There seems to be room for depth, but it feels like the devs did not really focus on it (probably for the best).
You're better off getting GW1 and running the campaigns solo
It's great if you ignore anything related to the story. Lore bits are nice but only because it's taken from gw1, the sense of scale is epic, combat you may love or hate, keep in mind the base game doesn't reflect at all how the game plays at the expacs, not a real f2p game.

Interact with people as little as possible. Also HoT maps are still the GOAT.
which mmo do you actually like anon?
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The story can only be somewhat enjoyable if the player doesn't take it seriously. Which is kinda fucked because it often tries to take itself seriously which just ends up being ridiculous. Still, besides the weak plotpoints, buggy af story progress (I can't even count how many times we had to restart complete chapters when I was replaying the whole thing with a fella), I still could find *a few* enjoyable people from the cast, but the rest was just straight up annoying.

On top of that, the newest expansion's story is even shittier than before, destroying the somewhat promisable dark, raw, meaty and cruel atmosphere with "i know we kill your whole society but our king is so grumpy (。•́︿•̀。) plspls help" plot.

Also fuck those who decided to kill Tybalt in episode 6.
I enjoyed the original story up to heart of thorns, you are right, newest expac does suck massive balls
Reminder that Taimi has been dying for 12 years and Braham is also still alive.
>"It has good combat but it's completely wasted on a dev team uninterested in making mid/hardcore endgame content."
>tfw the hardest content in the game was made that way accidentally
>Reminder that Taimi has been dying for 12 years
Haven't we all??
Also reminder ANet completely memory holed Magdaer.
Man I really tried getting into GW2, but I just did not like the combat. I found it very surface level and repetitive. It's a shame because I really like everything else about the game. Great music, fluid movement, fun exploration, and it just feels like an actual MMO with a ton of shit to do.

And one of the factors that eventually got me stayed alongside the game was community. Ask anything on /map, let that be your most petty problem you have encountered, there will always be people coming to aid. Also all big group events (METAs) are filled with life and interactions. The somehow still living optimism I have been seeking all along after going for WoW raids on the nine millionth private server already kek

Besides that, I think the most of endgame time is filled with mastery grind, collections grind (including Legendaries here), and finally some harder combat in raids and higher fractals.

But as a player preferring solo content... you must stick to open world pve then, and there aren't enough events to keep you hyped in the long run. Unless you are a story and atmosphere sucker like me - but then it might be better to look for other alternatives. (I am currently trying out SWTOR and its stories, for instance.) At this point I have done most shit in the game and I only log in once for stacking up Wizard's Vault rewards in every season and giving help to folks I know and currently playing the game. Sometimes I go back on alts re-experiencing the adventure in core Tyria maps but I will never be able to discover the world as I have done it for the very first time.

GW2 is literally the MMO for social butterflies hah

it's fine. being b2p means you can always come back, no stress due to gear decay either. what does suck however is the price for the seasonal content if you've never been around at their release or rerun. sadly, story is garbage mostly and decent at best, maps and mounts are really superb and the game's strongest point. combat is alright, action camera mode is very enjoyable. community is super friendly and helpful. everybody in the main hub looks like a fucking clown because of shiny cosmetics. pvp is good, i hate pvp yet played nothing but pvp for months. i haven't even done any group content because i can't stand talking to people, i hate mmos with a burning passion, the game is very solo friendly. the cash shop is of course filled with shit and "pay for convenience" but none of it is truly needed and at least you can buy its currency with ingame gold.

eso is a worse version of gw2 with a tes skin like swtor is wow with a sw skin. i played this trainwreck at launch. the famous angryjoe review holds still true to this day, don't be fooled by redditors who call themselves tes fans. sure, they "improved" the game by making it less shit, doesn't mean it's "good". eso is a fucking disgrace. it's a hideous loooking game that lacks artistic direction. the armors are all painted on your skin with floppy floating parts attached to it to simulate depth. the animations are horrendous. the horses look like stuffed animals. the combat is very bad, it's floaty and lacks impact. the effects look extremely pathetic, too. oh, and everything is monetized, from fashion to content to storage space, it feels very crippling and is quite expensive. the game's balance is all over the place, too. you constantly have to deal with absurd nerfs and insane design overhauls that nobody asked for. its story, lore, setting shits on everything you knew before. if you can ignore that it's "decent" enough on its own due to the sheer amount of voiced dialogues and regional quests.
It's literally free you lose nothing from just trying it out yourself
i think guild war 2 is fun and good
it is video game but can't have general because it didn't have any anime waifu
Are you going to defend the story?
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Remember what they took from you
Probably the best review here
Ugh, my hunter MILF was the reason I kept going in the stories. Fucking dead in the first xpac.
At least we can get her cultural armor.
Why would I? I'm one of the chuds that you kverch about, retard.
Right? At least she had a lot of enjoyable scenes in the book. Too bad his son is just a straight up edgy teen for the entire saga.
>reading books for MMOs
welp this thread's been nice while it lasted
>Ask anything on /map, let that be your most petty problem you have encountered, there will always be people coming to aid.
that's a giant red flag signaling that this player base and by extension game has nothing going for it
it's over...
Most MMORPGs do some things good, some things bad. They're all different shades of shit depending on who you ask. As someone who has played it off/on since beta, I think something Gw2 does really well is open world content. They lean heavily on it to keep players entertained and its honestly the only mmorpg I've played recently where they have truly "epic feeling" open world pve content. You have things like world bosses and meta events that span the entire size of the map. Often leveraging a significant portion of the maps population.

The combat itself, its ok. Its not the best combat I've ever played in a game. But as far as mmorpgs go, its pretty good I think. Its this "role-less" action combat where there's no tank/healer/dps roles instead everyone sorta fits into the same slot. Though as time as progressed, balance and meta changes happened; roles in the game sorta came about on their own. They're all still dps focused. But now its things like full dps role, dps + support buffs role, etc.

The story shifts from shit to pretty fun for a mmorpg depending on what expansion/content you're playing. Its not as immersive or engaging as ESO/swtor imo, but its not as bad as say new world.

So yeah. Gw2 is good if you want action combat, no traditional trinity roles, and open world content.
the story in gw2 fascinates me because of how truly ridiculous it gets, but then it gets better, then worse, then better again
like, the event that sets in motion the huge elder dragon arc starts with this lesbian romance film noir detective story. I'm not right wing at all either, its like fan fiction.
the plot at least becomes fairly interesting, but yeah its definitely always made of twinkle fairy farts
be prepared for crystal dragon jesus she will deliver us
troon game. avoid
/gw2g/ died again
slid off /vg/ but some gacha shit

sad times
Are we going to stay here?
Why is GW2 so unpopular on this site?
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Generals on /vg/ are proportional to the popularity of the game. If an MMO is on /vm/ then you know its fucking dead.

Also the general was nothing but coomer posting from rats, charr, and muh FHDs
There were some newer people in there asking questions actually, before it died.
>I think something Gw2 does really well is open world content. They lean heavily on it to keep players entertained and its honestly the only mmorpg I've played recently where they have truly "epic feeling" open world pve content.
50 retards auto attacking a big thing looping through three animations at 8 FPS until it reaches 0 HP, so fucking epic bro, love all mildly difficult content getting nerfed because the game has been in a perpetual cycle of braindead content and the expectation of braindead content since its release (not that the complete shitshow that is organizing these things helps)
>The story shifts from shit to pretty fun
Ah you're trolling
I can't pick a main class. I can't pick a name. After coming back to the game I hated every single name I picked. I'm so fucking autistic I can't stand having an "inferior" name on the main class I'm playing so being forced to have "unique" names pisses me off to no end. Most people would be fine in such a situation but my perfectionism makes it impossible not be on constantly on edge from just thikning about this.
I feel this anon. Dunno if it makes it any better but there are name change contracts in the gem store, so with a bit of grinding you can change your character's name later.
For me an additional problem is just character creation in general, I can't seem to make characters I actually like the look of very easily so sometimes I feel like just doing the same appearance across multiple characters but then I feel stupid and lame for doing that too.
Here here. It doesn't help that a lot of the better options are in the gem store. Suppose I could just use a full face helmet but that would require me to play Guardian/Warrior.
People on generals instinctively start to ignore new questions because people use them so often to bump/troll, /vg/ culture is just self defeating
ye this game is dead as fuck and belongs on /vm/ if anywhere at all
sucks, I just got back into the game too
guess I should have shitposted more
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You're really not missing out on much when it comes to the general. It was really just circlejerk anet sucks without the reddit facade. The game is currently in a cock-infested state and people only ever stick around because of the combat or that they want to collect shit.

If they come out with housing for next weeks announcement and don't fuck it up, then it might have a chance of staying alive as it can literally murder the RP casual scene and the housing market in FFXIV.
>Open World
Yeah I mean I would love for more difficult content. But don't forget, games have to survive. Not peddle to a super small and vocal demographic. You need to realize that 95% of the people gaming out there are absolute shit at it. They're idiots, plain and simple. They don't want to play a game that stresses them out. They tried difficult open world content in the past (Tequatl, 3 wurm boss, lots of the HoT bosses were difficult at one time or another). They also have gone through iterations of buffing and nerfing bosses (back when SB used to be actually hard). People complained a majority of times. A lot of it stems from being unable to not only find 50+ players to do these world bosses, but properly organize them (like you said). Not sure what the meta is these days, but when EoD released and they did the final dragon boss for that...a lot of people were bitching about the difficulty.

Pretty much all MMORPG content can be peeled away to consist of the same things. Hit target, mitigate damage (tank, heal, dmg reduction), remove debuffs, don't stand in fire. No matter the mmorpg, its pretty much that. Most of the open world bosses fall into this line. Gw2 is also the only mmorpg at least trying this large scale 50+ person PvE content. Most mmorpgs (like WoW) are what, max 10-20 people in a raid? Or you get something like ESO with reskined dolmens that are stack and smacks. At least gw2 is trying something new instead of just falling back on the same old same old.

>Shit to pretty fun
If you don't find at least one story/quest line in gw2 pretty fun; you're probably in the wrong genre/expectations are too high. Not saying they all are. There's a good amount of utter shit ones.
I can relate. That was my first and most difficult hurdle that I only recently overcame. I constantly deleted and recreated characters. I previewed outfits and armors, learning about odd model quirks and clipping issues. (For example. Gwen's Outfit gives you thick thighs, most of the new chest armors reduce human breasts to nothing, a few skirts clip horribly when you use a model other than thin. Newer weapons are further away from your back when sheathed, avoiding most clipping issues. All things you'll hardly ever hear anyone mention.)
The smallest norn is about a head taller than the tallest human but you would never know that during creation. The face type and sculpting it is truly the real endgame. Mess around too much and things like blindfolds and masks start to clip. Some faces are just awful to work with. The "iris size" slider is a bit inconsistent as it changes each face type in a different way.
Luckily I didn't prefer any of the premium-only faces over the default ones. I narrowed it down to 2 faces and then had a phase where I constantly flip-flopped between them. Sometimes I thought there was something wrong with my skintone or graphics settings but I was just being paranoid. There is truly nothing quite as satisfying as finally nailing the look and admiring your work.
Now if only I can find a naming convention across all characters I can live with and then maybe also pick a "main"...
Put in Housing, new bodies and faces, and slutty dresses and GW2 players will be feasting
spvp is 90% full of lazy ass latinx spics that seethe in spanish the entire match or go afk 30 seconds in after the first fight, so if you're a pvp enjoyer wait for gw3 or any other game
You're in no position to call anyone an idiot when you're spouting this amount of uninformed garbage
You just state GW2 is the way it is because difficult raids are niche, in reality GW2 is the niche game that nearly nobody plays or knows while the most popular one is still WoW, a game focused on difficult raids
Even fucking WoW Classic would be a dud by your logic, but it outperformed GW2 by orders of magnitude
You don't even contradict me, you only said the combat was le epic and I pointed out the boss fights are 8 FPS stutter fests with no mechanics where everyone just auto attacks, and you just go and say "yeah because of [shit reason]"
I spelled out the actual reason:
>the game has been in a perpetual cycle of braindead content and the expectation of braindead content
It's not the retard gaymer boogeyman (who may be retarded but actually enjoys difficulty, by and large) but Arenanet's own fault, they designed the game from the start to be piss easy, leveling content could all be done with auto attack, you hit level 80 in a weekend and then there's nothing to do, all the gear you needed could be bought for gold so there was no incentive to do endgame zones like Orr and instead everyone flocked to low effort gold farming like boss trains.
And the way they tried to add difficulty to HOT was pure incompetence, expansion cost as much as the base game but had way too little content, all of it being "hardcore" meta shit that gave less reward than Silverwastes didn't help, plus all the problems with their "megaservers" that they made zero attempts to fix in the entire time since, that doesn't play well with the very concept of metas
No wonder they cucked out and nerfed everything and buffed the rewards, and that's how the game is now, braindead content and a playerbase that expects braindead content and bitches if any new content isn't braindead until it is, and a company that's too incompetent to even attempt to change the direction
as if that'll happen, we've seen a clear trajectory and it's the opposite way
>If you don't find at least one story/quest line in gw2 pretty fun
is a much weaker claim than
>Shit to pretty fun
So which is one is it?
the game is quite difficult, actually, but you wouldn't know that if you play it zoomed out staring at the ground like in an RTS executing your meta build rotations after reading a bunch of guides, juggling between multiple maxed out mounts and being grouped up. every single enounter in the expansions is a challenge for me because i prefer to be guideless, guildless, friendless, and only ever using builds i like. i don't need "harder" content and i wouldn't have it any other way. i absolutely hate weapon swapping and certain weapons with a burning passion.
It is worth playing for b2p with a trial version. Since there is no sub you can take a break and come back any time. Leveling to max is basically a tutorial since a majority of the game and all the expac/living world content is lvl 80. Any additional progression comes from masteries, elite specs and legendary gear. There's also minimal gear progression since stats don't go past Ascended. Legendary gear has the benefit of full and free customization over ascended stats with is own storage but the grind for it is korean level. You can jump into pvp/wvw at any point and the game will scale you up to max. You can, in fact, level yourself up in both modes too.

Real endgame is fashion and titles and the dye system is considered one of the best in MMOs. GW2 Also has the best mount implementation of any MMO since they all have a purpose besides prestige and speed. You need PoF for them however.
>it's real
oh shit, they really need money don't they?
>really need
Them making skins people will want isn't anything new tbdesu
/gw2g/ is back on /vg/
How long is it going to last?
it always gives me whiplash seeing the gw2 norn and human females having supermodel bimbo bodies with huge tits because its a design time capsule of better times, we'll never get that in gw3
I feel like FHDs tits have gotten a lot more "developed" since. Those look VERY buffed.
OP here. 3 days.
Should have made the thread with an FHD to attract coomers to the thread.
>gem prices have already shot up
Told you about the coomers bro. Just need player housing, and we'll be one of the top 5 MMOs again.
hope it's a thong or at least cheekier than the standard underwear
Gems at an all time high
How much is this shit going to cost do you think? Seems like 2 chest and 2 bottom pieces? 500 gems each?
Fart wars 2 is bad not recommended
Finally, they broke the emergency glass.
So what other degen shit they'll add? Usually when a dev does this, it indicates the noticeable number of paying whales (women) are leaving the game.
Thank you for respecting their gender, xister.

Edit: sent gold
surprised they modeled it on the most stacked female body type too
they must be really desperate
>10k hours here. Don't even try it.
This shit is always so funny to me. I have never in my life spent even 1k hours in a game. I would kill to like a game that much.
and 10k aren't even the hardcores
autists like wooden potatoes and whiny peepot have 20k plus
I did not "like the game that much". It was my designated timekiller slop game, for when I had free time and no idea what I wanted to do, so I would just log in and fuck around in GW2. Jump up and down in one of the capital cities, queue for PvP as I go through the motions on autopilot, go roaming in WvW (local mass / open world PvP equivalent) where I either hang out in the same place running away from ganker squads or dueling, etc.
People have different means of filling the void, when they don't have anything actually fun to do but want to do *something*. Some people flip through TV channels, some scroll plebbit/4chin/twatter, some drink themselves half to death, I played Guild Wars 2. I also have nearly 1k hours in Starbound for the same reason. My hour countn in these games was severely exacerbated by the fact that I was severely depressed and didn't feel like doing or playing anything new, so I just kept coming back to my familiar slop.
This is one of the reasons why trusting multithousand hour playtimes as a sign of good quality is moronic. A lot of the time it's just an unhealthy and loveless fixation.
I despise the GW2 ecelebs probably more than I despise the devs.
During EoD I got Noxxi to seethe uncontrollably that I wouldn't let >her have the last word in a lost argument. Jad 2 separate melties within the span of one comment section.
>despises ecelebs
>proceeds to talk about them, mentions them by name and regards it as an accomplishment to get a reaction out of them
every time
It's Kasmeer's swimsuit from 2013, nu-Net had no hands in it
>absolutely nothing is inconsistent
>some shmuck phrases it like something is
Rude. Noxxi is a good girl.

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