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Now that the dust has settled... what do we think of Seon and the Anniversary? New expansions are always great since that means more toys to play with but I don't agree with them pushing a stronger emphasis on custom epics and bringing back hell mode to facilitate (lol) the process. The Anniversary did help give out two (2) guaranteed 4/4 pieces but if you didn't have enough 3/4s already the results won't be significant enough to warrant a switch from a fixed build. Maybe it's because I'm a lucklet and call it cope but I'll stick with Archon so I can turn my brain off and unga bunga through dungeons, thanks.

The other Anniversary rewards were helpful too and just as you expected from every year. Geared an alt with the free rare clone avatar and emblems, topped off with the fabled +13 weapon ticket which boosted their fame rather quickly. Now I can larp as a chink whale with that sweet sweet sweet pink glow.
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I'm also sad there wasn't a complimentary card this year so have one with Seria. Try grabbing her breasts.
I like the update, albeit bringing back hell mode grind with two thousand runs to guarantee one mist piece is retarded. Having reached 320+ option / 55k fame, there is a steep drop off in progression and I'll probably stop playing as much now.
There's also the Refined Mist Gear quest by collecting 1k Dim Floating Stones from Seon advanced dungeons which wil take roughly six (6) months to get! I'm grateful that the Anniversary shop had some available for purchase even if it's only about a month and a half's worth. I've been slacking a bit in both so unfortunately I won't be getting them any time soon.
Holy FUCK people still play this?? I just looked at see that this isn't published by Nexon anymore. How is the game now? I only played a little bit back in the day but I remember it being kinda fun.
Join NEET!
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There's a few of us here that still play even if there isn't much discussion going on. Sounds like you've only played during Nexon, which while it was fun at first it wasn't very good. Once you reach midgame things start to become apparent: terrible exp and quest drop rates, paid skill resets, poor management, awful customer support, radio silence from Nexon, cheaters, and what have you. Now that Neople is self publishing the DFO revival it is doing MUCH better to ensure it gets the proper care and attention. However, there have been some questionable decisions made by Neople over the years such as the removal of endless Neo Premium Contracts (RIP) but overall it is still miles better than Nexon.

The game is more streamlined now, you can easily reach the max level 110 in a few days. All the weekly endgame dungeons can be solo'd except for Bakal Raid if you're unable to party with other players or if you prefer to play solo. And my favorite is that gear progress isn't completely reset with each new level cap. Something they introduced in lv100 cap: you can transfer over enhancement values to new gear at the low cost of 25k gold. There are many changes and other improvements the game has accrued over the years and we will be getting another batch of QoL changes next week but if you have the time why not give it another shot?
so whats the endgame. i just cameback after a while
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Right now the hardest dungeon in the game is the Weekly Legion dungeon Dusky Island. You will need a whopping 50k fame to enter. In order to reach that you have to feed your epics into each other to option lvl80 so that they can be upgraded into lvl110 Seon versions. After that you will continue feeding them gear to increase your fame. The Weekly Legion dungeons Ispins and Hall of Dimensions, Bakal Raid/Total War, and Seon's White Cloud Valley Advanced dungeon all provide gear with high option levels for growth. Events also provide plentiful resources to grow characters/fame quickly. If you get lost there is also an in-game guide to tell you which dungeons you should be farming at your appropriate level.
sweet. got alot to catching up to do. i gotta see bakal and dressy sirroco. so are all characters viable now? im using a m.grappler as a main
People like to throw around the statement that "every class is viable" or "as long as you're having fun" but that is objectively not true and fun is subjective. Some classes are downright awful even with similar or stronger gear compared with others and unfortunately Male Grappler is one of them. His damage output is considerably lower than others at an endgame level. One thing you shoud note: if you're in a party and you experience a bad connection or high ping your grab attacks will cause desync and you will often end up whiffing your skills, effectively dealing no damage. Actually you should try to avoid bad internet connections in general since you can't even hit anything but it's more noticable while playing Male Grappler due to the nature of his skills.

I don't want to discourage you and I know it's ironic after writing all of that but if you're currently having fun with Male Grappler and are ok with his gimmick keep playing him. Just don't be too surprised when others are outperforming you. There's a website that I wanted to show you that counted all the numbers for each class created on the Korean server which can be used as a popularity reference but I can't seem to find it.
I will say this with certainty: do not play Dark Knight or Creator they are meme classes.
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ok. i'll just have weapon master and m.striker as mains
Does it matter which server I pick?
Most players are on the Cain server so pick that one, they are both literally the same and you can still see and interact with players from the other server. Fun fact: in 2015 it used to be Cain (US East), Delezie (US West) and Sirocco (South America). Delezie got merged into Cain shortly a few months after open beta. It ultimately doesn't matter in the end since you end up connecting to other players via peer to peer anyway. Also I hope you're playing directly on from the DFO website. Steam version is very buggy and has some problems.
Tell me about the archer girl and how good her paths are.
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We have two Archer classes Traveler and Muse. Traveler is very agile and has a constellation motif with flashy explosive skills that leave you starstruck (literally). Very strong when she released last year, OP even although maybe I'm inclined to believe the leveling event she had helped greatly. Muse is a buffer/healer idol class and her gimmick is akin to the Hunting Horn from Monster Hunter except you have to constantly play notes to refresh and upkeep your buffs as they do not last that long. For that reason I don't recommend a beginner making a Muse yet so stick with Traveler for now. There's also two remaining archer subclasses which we will most likely get this summer: Hunter and Vigilante. Hunter uses a giant crossbow with explosive bolts and has a falcon hunting partner. Vigilante can morph into a cat beast like creature and uses magical based attacks. I don't know how strong Vigilante is but Hunter is OP in KDNF and surprisngly gets buffed later.
do they play well in pvp or thats just a meme now due to powercreep?
I don't care much for PvP so I'm not sure. I don't even know if you can PvP with them yet since the last two classes Blitz and Spectre were also restricted from PvP for a while after their release.
oh ok. is blitz fun? like hes a mix of gunner and agent skills? I only seen the mech you can ride in later on awakenings
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I like Blitz he's pretty fun, a bit tricky at first. He has fast attack and movement speed and his gimmick is building up meter so you can discharge it while using your boost skills for greater effect. You can call in a mech and have it fight alongside you or manually pilot it.
that sounds cool. im making one after i finish leveling traveler
>Event character
>Made White Dog last time, made Red Dog (Zerk) this time
>Huge fun, very gore. 48k fame - highest I've ever gotten
Worst part is, I can't pay to make this go smoothly so I'm just cope-grinding a FNen to the 44-46k barrier everything else is stuck at. I hate it here but still love me DFO. Even if I'm too stupid to raise fame after a certain point.
who the hell is white dog? blade master?
White/Red Dog = Korean terms for the very common yet powerful classes. So popular, seeing one is akin to seeing a dog outside.
>White Dog
Correct. Blade Master.
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>Korean terms for the very common yet powerful classes
oh, i thought it was a ch*nese thing which is evident by looking at some of the berserker names like "REDDOG6666"
>idols still relegated as a support.
I expected a dps kind of like angelic buster(MS), I'm not feeling traveler's kit.
PVP hasn't been relevant in the west since the Nexon days.
Are there any good resources for this game? Even in Korean? The fandom is incomplete and most of the stuff I run into are like 3 or more years old.
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>Official Guides

>Huge infodump for almost everything in the game

>Look at (and steal) players' builds from KDNF & DFOG

There's a lot of information to digest. Enjoy!
I'm exclusively a solo player (I hide chat off screen and don't even see it) and, under Neople's management, the in-game help is actually pretty good and will tell you most things. There's just a shit ton of systems to learn.
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Are their HQ scans of the anniversary 15th artbook online?
There's definitely a few pages of it floating around online. Whether there's a complete scan or not that's the million dollar question, probably hidden deep within the Korean net. I wish Neople would let us buy the artbooks directly from them as there's clearly a demand. Even if they jacked up the prices to a premium I'd still buy it.
it doesnt make sense. why wont they release year long version? i want to look at the hq npc arts that aren't online
Years ago I used to follow the Naver blogs of several of the key artists, I don't know if that's still a thing. At this point there's shit tons more art for this game than any book can hold, considering all the characters who have been removed.
is there a gallery for a collection of concept the arts?
No centralized one I ever found, other than the old NExon English forums and now DNFU. I just realized I said "shit ton" two posts in a row and feel bad about it.
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Maypole Dance. Maypole. May... pole... hmmm this event reminds me of a certain game.
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found elex's waifu
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>elex solely contributed 99% of all sharan porn from commissions
god bless that crazy bastard
hes admirable. he even did some for doghead and some other character
I wasn't aware about the doghead commissions. that reminds me i sometimes see a particular anon fascinated with her in random /v/ threads
really? what are the chances
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Who is best class and why is it Rogue?
>high dps
>high crit rate
>high crit damage
>can use aerials with some aoe
>can use grabs to turn invincible
shes pretty fun and agile.
So how do you beat the seon birdman?
Birdman? Do you mean Captain Birdie?
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Mileage will be reset during maintenance on May 14. You have 5 days 4 actually. Spend it or else.
nah i dont feel like it
I always forget to spend it, but is there even really anything good in the mileage store these days?
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Not much. Aside from the weekly megaphones, you can deck out your alts with a full set of unique runes if you haven't already and never touch Exile Mountains again. The talismans and adjusters can be easily obtained from your guild's shop since you get way too many coins each week. Perhaps a creature rename card or two for a funny name; otherwise, I recommend spending all your mileage on the Special All-Purpose Material Pouch for a chance at Dragon Conflagrations. You can buy Lieren Cores and Harmonious Crystals too, if needed. Everything else is either too expensive or not worth buying at all. There used to be avatar tickets in the shop that turned mileage avatars permanent and this set would look PERFECT for my Muse.
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Bugmagebros...I don't feel so good...
bugbug has always been on the bottom end
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bugmage... w-why are you smiling at me like that?
battle mage can actually throw damage?
Shadow Cancer bros WE FUCKING WON.
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>activate my lagswitch
>your damage drops to 0
nothing personnel
>No Paladin
Did I just unknowingly pick a shit tier class for this game?
I wouldn't worry about it. The difference between a shit-tier and god-tier class is 25% at most, and balance changes all the time. Lightbringer is also pretty tanky and great at farming. Your gear level and skill matters far more than what class you pick.
Mind sharing the whole list?
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I think he's talking about this fat fuck.
Oh Penrud... I thought he was a bipedal seal. Anyway, there's a tree growing on the left or right side of the screen. If it completely grows he'll uproot it and do a special attack. You can't get rid of the tree yourself so you have to bait him to crash into it when he charges his slide attack (giant red arrows) If you miss and he uproots the tree dodge the spin attack by hugging the upper corner of the screen or if you see water puddles bait him over them so he slips
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I've been strangely having a bit of fun picking up this dead ass game again after so many years. Can't help but feel a sense of disappointment though that this is what I've ended up playing since the current state of MMOs is so dogshit.
>I thought he was a bipedal seal
Half seal, half penguin, 100% bitch slapper.
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yeah mmos are a dying breed. im happy i can play this again and some others for the time being.
Ironically all you people with copy-pasted Archon prove right the refrain that "if MMOs still had RPG variety everyone would just follow the meta build".
Archon is literally the worst set in the entire game right now, and it gets even worse with tomorrow's patch. Every Archon player could swap to Barrier right now and gain 15-20% DPS with no drawbacks.
You're right that most people are metaslaves, but there is still decent build variety. If you look at the top 100 ranking of any character you'll see a good mix of status/DD watch/Barrier builds, with the occasional Sleep, Cube, or Archon.
>Handed over on a silver platter in every alt event and mogs all the other 3 free sets.
>Fixed set has massive MP pool and regen, making you very tanky without compromising damage too much, great for shitters starting out.
>Swapping entire builds costs a lot of money for little gain (fixed by tomorrow, apparently).
>More gimmicky sets like basic attack and hit count get ignored or just straight up suck.
It's nipple's fault for being incapable in making better balanced sets. Now if new buffers would stop picking that fucking set and go for sleep instead...
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last chance to use mileage
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bugmagebros...we might be the worst class in the game, but at least we look stylish
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>we might be the worst class in the game
that's not specialist, dark knight, creator, etc.
Pretty big change stylistically for BM's transformation.
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It's up!
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>damage increased by at least 40%
>no more annoying conditionals on my customs
>my class is no longer a meme
>gained like 15 gear levels from the new system
Today was a good day.
Travelerbros? What happened?
dfo will do this thing where if a class is overpowered they just ignore it and buff everything else until the previously OP thing falls into irrelevancy
thats what happened to Traveler
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>double digit millions were the target when I quit
huge buffs
Can you even keep this transformation perma?
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Travelerbros... we got too cocky... at least we have a figure... haha...
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yeah... not like the other classes
Wasnt she best fslayer? Why is she not in the ranking?
maybe her damage got worst on balance changes
unfortunately no, closest you can get is a 15 second cooldown after it expires if you're using first step weapon, manual command input, and launching the 40 chasers for additional cooldown
is the game still p2w as fuck?
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more like pay to make it easier
so, yes.
was thinking of going back but if it's still p2w i dont want to bother
i do want to see if my account is still there though. haven't played in YEARS
i havent palyed since 2018 and my account was ok
i forgot everything about it though
i forgot username, password and email
i only ever used 3 emails so it's probably one of those
recover you account then. you might need to tell them what you last remembered in a ticket if you forgot your password
its so far back i dont even remember the things i did
only had these two screenshots saved
i think this one was the last one i took
if oyu cant remeber try to send a ticket using one of your emails. if not time to start fresh. should be quick with a easy leveling character
Nah, I got it. Just sent a forgot password request to all the emails I remember using and I found it.
I don't even want to play, I just wanted to know if my account still exists.
Battle Mage was my favorite class.
i should finish awakening mine but making mistress is tempting
rip she just got a huge revamp yesterday
Nerfed then ignored until a month or two back. She's better now, but still not on the top.
is the game solo friendly yet? can i solo raids and shit?
you can solo everything in the game except for bakal raid. there's a weaker version of it called total war that gives less materials but with enough clears you can buy all your fusion armor pieces
thanks, cutie.
one more question, does the game support 4k yet? last i played it only had 800x600
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800x600 is the native resolution but yeah it should work if you do fullscreen or window(free) and adjusting it by dragging the screen. there's a detailed page on resolution changes about a year ago somewhere i'll see if i can find it.
i finally found it or so i thought... not only was it hidden somewhere completely unrelated but i was wrong about resolution it's just a bunch of options for the chat window. still a nice feature
Yes, and it has decent support for widescreens, but you want to stick to a multiple of 600(height) so the sprite-work doesn't look blurry as shit.
Is it a good time to try this game or should I wait for a newfag event?
How bad is it for f2p players?
Do you need to play multiple characters to make the most of it or can I focus on one char?
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>Is it a good time to try this game or should I wait for a newfag event?
You missed the anniversary where they gave away all the big stuff and a level up event that let's you gear up 2 characters very quickly. The next level up event won't be until September when the remaining Archer subclasses Hunter and Vigilante release. Perhaps there will be another one between now and then as summer is also a time where the events often handout lots of freebies. We just received a big update last week that caught us up with the Korean server for the most part and the events right now offer some stuff a brand new player can take advantage of but not quite as impactful of a level event. If you're interested in the game you could also play now to get a general feel and take it slow otherwise you can wait until then.

>How bad is it for f2p players?
Pretty bad honestly. The previous farming dungeon's gold drop and amount rate got gutted so hard. There's a new dungeon made purely for gold farming that replaced it called Quantum Casino and has two difficulties normal and expert. Normal casino is absolutely not worth doing at all, you barely get any gold and you're better off farming the Seon dungeons on slayer difficulty instead as you can at least gain potential resources in the process. Expert casino is where the real farming starts but in order to enter you will need to meet a fame requirement. The worst thing about this is the fame requirement will exponentially increase each week as it takes the average fame of the top 20(30?) percent of players on the server. So as everyone gets stronger so will the bar of entry. You will also need acceptable titles, creatures, and auras all which increase your damage and can be obtained from packages. Packages can be bought with $ from the in-game shop or with gold from other players but seeing how hard it is for the average f2p to make gold... it'll take a while.
>Do you need to play multiple characters to make the most of it or can I focus on one char?
The game encourages you to make multiple characters to do weekly dungeons and raids(and farm) so yes. Half of the resources you get from clearing these dungeons and raids are issued as account-bound which can be freely shared between your other characters. The more you do each week the quicker you can gear and strengthen one. Of course it is possible to only play a single character to dump everything into. In fact, you should build up your main character anyway so when you later decide to make a side character or two you can help indirectly gear them by funneling those account-bound resources towards them.
I quitted this game during fiend war update or teybar grind I think? Is there any improvement of the game?
Okay never mind, I just missed my bug mage and summoner.
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But bugmage is back and better than ever!
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The game is in a good state right now, but unfortunately the progression is really fucking slow for a new player since there is no Leveling Event currently active. You would be spending months playing catch-up in outdated content. You could unironically wait for the level-up event for the Hunter classes in September and it would be faster progression than trying to start the game right now.

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