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Now that the dust has settled... what do we think of Seon and the Anniversary? New expansions are always great since that means more toys to play with but I don't agree with them pushing a stronger emphasis on custom epics and bringing back hell mode to facilitate (lol) the process. The Anniversary did help give out two (2) guaranteed 4/4 pieces but if you didn't have enough 3/4s already the results won't be significant enough to warrant a switch from a fixed build. Maybe it's because I'm a lucklet and call it cope but I'll stick with Archon so I can turn my brain off and unga bunga through dungeons, thanks.

The other Anniversary rewards were helpful too and just as you expected from every year. Geared an alt with the free rare clone avatar and emblems, topped off with the fabled +13 weapon ticket which boosted their fame rather quickly. Now I can larp as a chink whale with that sweet sweet sweet pink glow.
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I'm also sad there wasn't a complimentary card this year so have one with Seria. Try grabbing her breasts.
I like the update, albeit bringing back hell mode grind with two thousand runs to guarantee one mist piece is retarded. Having reached 320+ option / 55k fame, there is a steep drop off in progression and I'll probably stop playing as much now.
There's also the Refined Mist Gear quest by collecting 1k Dim Floating Stones from Seon advanced dungeons which wil take roughly six (6) months to get! I'm grateful that the Anniversary shop had some available for purchase even if it's only about a month and a half's worth. I've been slacking a bit in both so unfortunately I won't be getting them any time soon.
Holy FUCK people still play this?? I just looked at see that this isn't published by Nexon anymore. How is the game now? I only played a little bit back in the day but I remember it being kinda fun.
Join NEET!
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There's a few of us here that still play even if there isn't much discussion going on. Sounds like you've only played during Nexon, which while it was fun at first it wasn't very good. Once you reach midgame things start to become apparent: terrible exp and quest drop rates, paid skill resets, poor management, awful customer support, radio silence from Nexon, cheaters, and what have you. Now that Neople is self publishing the DFO revival it is doing MUCH better to ensure it gets the proper care and attention. However, there have been some questionable decisions made by Neople over the years such as the removal of endless Neo Premium Contracts (RIP) but overall it is still miles better than Nexon.

The game is more streamlined now, you can easily reach the max level 110 in a few days. All the weekly endgame dungeons can be solo'd except for Bakal Raid if you're unable to party with other players or if you prefer to play solo. And my favorite is that gear progress isn't completely reset with each new level cap. Something they introduced in lv100 cap: you can transfer over enhancement values to new gear at the low cost of 25k gold. There are many changes and other improvements the game has accrued over the years and we will be getting another batch of QoL changes next week but if you have the time why not give it another shot?
so whats the endgame. i just cameback after a while
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Right now the hardest dungeon in the game is the Weekly Legion dungeon Dusky Island. You will need a whopping 50k fame to enter. In order to reach that you have to feed your epics into each other to option lvl80 so that they can be upgraded into lvl110 Seon versions. After that you will continue feeding them gear to increase your fame. The Weekly Legion dungeons Ispins and Hall of Dimensions, Bakal Raid/Total War, and Seon's White Cloud Valley Advanced dungeon all provide gear with high option levels for growth. Events also provide plentiful resources to grow characters/fame quickly. If you get lost there is also an in-game guide to tell you which dungeons you should be farming at your appropriate level.
sweet. got alot to catching up to do. i gotta see bakal and dressy sirroco. so are all characters viable now? im using a m.grappler as a main
People like to throw around the statement that "every class is viable" or "as long as you're having fun" but that is objectively not true and fun is subjective. Some classes are downright awful even with similar or stronger gear compared with others and unfortunately Male Grappler is one of them. His damage output is considerably lower than others at an endgame level. One thing you shoud note: if you're in a party and you experience a bad connection or high ping your grab attacks will cause desync and you will often end up whiffing your skills, effectively dealing no damage. Actually you should try to avoid bad internet connections in general since you can't even hit anything but it's more noticable while playing Male Grappler due to the nature of his skills.

I don't want to discourage you and I know it's ironic after writing all of that but if you're currently having fun with Male Grappler and are ok with his gimmick keep playing him. Just don't be too surprised when others are outperforming you. There's a website that I wanted to show you that counted all the numbers for each class created on the Korean server which can be used as a popularity reference but I can't seem to find it.
I will say this with certainty: do not play Dark Knight or Creator they are meme classes.
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ok. i'll just have weapon master and m.striker as mains
Does it matter which server I pick?
Most players are on the Cain server so pick that one, they are both literally the same and you can still see and interact with players from the other server. Fun fact: in 2015 it used to be Cain (US East), Delezie (US West) and Sirocco (South America). Delezie got merged into Cain shortly a few months after open beta. It ultimately doesn't matter in the end since you end up connecting to other players via peer to peer anyway. Also I hope you're playing directly on from the DFO website. Steam version is very buggy and has some problems.
Tell me about the archer girl and how good her paths are.
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We have two Archer classes Traveler and Muse. Traveler is very agile and has a constellation motif with flashy explosive skills that leave you starstruck (literally). Very strong when she released last year, OP even although maybe I'm inclined to believe the leveling event she had helped greatly. Muse is a buffer/healer idol class and her gimmick is akin to the Hunting Horn from Monster Hunter except you have to constantly play notes to refresh and upkeep your buffs as they do not last that long. For that reason I don't recommend a beginner making a Muse yet so stick with Traveler for now. There's also two remaining archer subclasses which we will most likely get this summer: Hunter and Vigilante. Hunter uses a giant crossbow with explosive bolts and has a falcon hunting partner. Vigilante can morph into a cat beast like creature and uses magical based attacks. I don't know how strong Vigilante is but Hunter is OP in KDNF and surprisngly gets buffed later.
do they play well in pvp or thats just a meme now due to powercreep?
I don't care much for PvP so I'm not sure. I don't even know if you can PvP with them yet since the last two classes Blitz and Spectre were also restricted from PvP for a while after their release.
oh ok. is blitz fun? like hes a mix of gunner and agent skills? I only seen the mech you can ride in later on awakenings
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I like Blitz he's pretty fun, a bit tricky at first. He has fast attack and movement speed and his gimmick is building up meter so you can discharge it while using your boost skills for greater effect. You can call in a mech and have it fight alongside you or manually pilot it.
that sounds cool. im making one after i finish leveling traveler
>Event character
>Made White Dog last time, made Red Dog (Zerk) this time
>Huge fun, very gore. 48k fame - highest I've ever gotten
Worst part is, I can't pay to make this go smoothly so I'm just cope-grinding a FNen to the 44-46k barrier everything else is stuck at. I hate it here but still love me DFO. Even if I'm too stupid to raise fame after a certain point.
who the hell is white dog? blade master?
White/Red Dog = Korean terms for the very common yet powerful classes. So popular, seeing one is akin to seeing a dog outside.
>White Dog
Correct. Blade Master.
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>Korean terms for the very common yet powerful classes
oh, i thought it was a ch*nese thing which is evident by looking at some of the berserker names like "REDDOG6666"
>idols still relegated as a support.
I expected a dps kind of like angelic buster(MS), I'm not feeling traveler's kit.
PVP hasn't been relevant in the west since the Nexon days.
Are there any good resources for this game? Even in Korean? The fandom is incomplete and most of the stuff I run into are like 3 or more years old.
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>Official Guides

>Huge infodump for almost everything in the game

>Look at (and steal) players' builds from KDNF & DFOG

There's a lot of information to digest. Enjoy!
I'm exclusively a solo player (I hide chat off screen and don't even see it) and, under Neople's management, the in-game help is actually pretty good and will tell you most things. There's just a shit ton of systems to learn.
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Are their HQ scans of the anniversary 15th artbook online?
There's definitely a few pages of it floating around online. Whether there's a complete scan or not that's the million dollar question, probably hidden deep within the Korean net. I wish Neople would let us buy the artbooks directly from them as there's clearly a demand. Even if they jacked up the prices to a premium I'd still buy it.
it doesnt make sense. why wont they release year long version? i want to look at the hq npc arts that aren't online
Years ago I used to follow the Naver blogs of several of the key artists, I don't know if that's still a thing. At this point there's shit tons more art for this game than any book can hold, considering all the characters who have been removed.
is there a gallery for a collection of concept the arts?
No centralized one I ever found, other than the old NExon English forums and now DNFU. I just realized I said "shit ton" two posts in a row and feel bad about it.
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Maypole Dance. Maypole. May... pole... hmmm this event reminds me of a certain game.
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found elex's waifu
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>elex solely contributed 99% of all sharan porn from commissions
god bless that crazy bastard
hes admirable. he even did some for doghead and some other character
I wasn't aware about the doghead commissions. that reminds me i sometimes see a particular anon fascinated with her in random /v/ threads
really? what are the chances
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Who is best class and why is it Rogue?
>high dps
>high crit rate
>high crit damage
>can use aerials with some aoe
>can use grabs to turn invincible
shes pretty fun and agile.
So how do you beat the seon birdman?
Birdman? Do you mean Captain Birdie?
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Mileage will be reset during maintenance on May 14. You have 5 days 4 actually. Spend it or else.
nah i dont feel like it
I always forget to spend it, but is there even really anything good in the mileage store these days?
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Not much. Aside from the weekly megaphones, you can deck out your alts with a full set of unique runes if you haven't already and never touch Exile Mountains again. The talismans and adjusters can be easily obtained from your guild's shop since you get way too many coins each week. Perhaps a creature rename card or two for a funny name; otherwise, I recommend spending all your mileage on the Special All-Purpose Material Pouch for a chance at Dragon Conflagrations. You can buy Lieren Cores and Harmonious Crystals too, if needed. Everything else is either too expensive or not worth buying at all. There used to be avatar tickets in the shop that turned mileage avatars permanent and this set would look PERFECT for my Muse.
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Bugmagebros...I don't feel so good...
bugbug has always been on the bottom end
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bugmage... w-why are you smiling at me like that?
battle mage can actually throw damage?
Shadow Cancer bros WE FUCKING WON.
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>activate my lagswitch
>your damage drops to 0
nothing personnel
>No Paladin
Did I just unknowingly pick a shit tier class for this game?
I wouldn't worry about it. The difference between a shit-tier and god-tier class is 25% at most, and balance changes all the time. Lightbringer is also pretty tanky and great at farming. Your gear level and skill matters far more than what class you pick.
Mind sharing the whole list?
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I think he's talking about this fat fuck.
Oh Penrud... I thought he was a bipedal seal. Anyway, there's a tree growing on the left or right side of the screen. If it completely grows he'll uproot it and do a special attack. You can't get rid of the tree yourself so you have to bait him to crash into it when he charges his slide attack (giant red arrows) If you miss and he uproots the tree dodge the spin attack by hugging the upper corner of the screen or if you see water puddles bait him over them so he slips
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I've been strangely having a bit of fun picking up this dead ass game again after so many years. Can't help but feel a sense of disappointment though that this is what I've ended up playing since the current state of MMOs is so dogshit.
>I thought he was a bipedal seal
Half seal, half penguin, 100% bitch slapper.
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yeah mmos are a dying breed. im happy i can play this again and some others for the time being.
Ironically all you people with copy-pasted Archon prove right the refrain that "if MMOs still had RPG variety everyone would just follow the meta build".
Archon is literally the worst set in the entire game right now, and it gets even worse with tomorrow's patch. Every Archon player could swap to Barrier right now and gain 15-20% DPS with no drawbacks.
You're right that most people are metaslaves, but there is still decent build variety. If you look at the top 100 ranking of any character you'll see a good mix of status/DD watch/Barrier builds, with the occasional Sleep, Cube, or Archon.
>Handed over on a silver platter in every alt event and mogs all the other 3 free sets.
>Fixed set has massive MP pool and regen, making you very tanky without compromising damage too much, great for shitters starting out.
>Swapping entire builds costs a lot of money for little gain (fixed by tomorrow, apparently).
>More gimmicky sets like basic attack and hit count get ignored or just straight up suck.
It's nipple's fault for being incapable in making better balanced sets. Now if new buffers would stop picking that fucking set and go for sleep instead...
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last chance to use mileage
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bugmagebros...we might be the worst class in the game, but at least we look stylish
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>we might be the worst class in the game
that's not specialist, dark knight, creator, etc.
Pretty big change stylistically for BM's transformation.
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It's up!
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>damage increased by at least 40%
>no more annoying conditionals on my customs
>my class is no longer a meme
>gained like 15 gear levels from the new system
Today was a good day.
Travelerbros? What happened?
dfo will do this thing where if a class is overpowered they just ignore it and buff everything else until the previously OP thing falls into irrelevancy
thats what happened to Traveler
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>double digit millions were the target when I quit
huge buffs
Can you even keep this transformation perma?
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Travelerbros... we got too cocky... at least we have a figure... haha...
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yeah... not like the other classes
Wasnt she best fslayer? Why is she not in the ranking?
maybe her damage got worst on balance changes
unfortunately no, closest you can get is a 15 second cooldown after it expires if you're using first step weapon, manual command input, and launching the 40 chasers for additional cooldown
is the game still p2w as fuck?
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more like pay to make it easier
so, yes.
was thinking of going back but if it's still p2w i dont want to bother
i do want to see if my account is still there though. haven't played in YEARS
i havent palyed since 2018 and my account was ok
i forgot everything about it though
i forgot username, password and email
i only ever used 3 emails so it's probably one of those
recover you account then. you might need to tell them what you last remembered in a ticket if you forgot your password
its so far back i dont even remember the things i did
only had these two screenshots saved
i think this one was the last one i took
if oyu cant remeber try to send a ticket using one of your emails. if not time to start fresh. should be quick with a easy leveling character
Nah, I got it. Just sent a forgot password request to all the emails I remember using and I found it.
I don't even want to play, I just wanted to know if my account still exists.
Battle Mage was my favorite class.
i should finish awakening mine but making mistress is tempting
rip she just got a huge revamp yesterday
Nerfed then ignored until a month or two back. She's better now, but still not on the top.
is the game solo friendly yet? can i solo raids and shit?
you can solo everything in the game except for bakal raid. there's a weaker version of it called total war that gives less materials but with enough clears you can buy all your fusion armor pieces
thanks, cutie.
one more question, does the game support 4k yet? last i played it only had 800x600
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800x600 is the native resolution but yeah it should work if you do fullscreen or window(free) and adjusting it by dragging the screen. there's a detailed page on resolution changes about a year ago somewhere i'll see if i can find it.
i finally found it or so i thought... not only was it hidden somewhere completely unrelated but i was wrong about resolution it's just a bunch of options for the chat window. still a nice feature
Yes, and it has decent support for widescreens, but you want to stick to a multiple of 600(height) so the sprite-work doesn't look blurry as shit.
Is it a good time to try this game or should I wait for a newfag event?
How bad is it for f2p players?
Do you need to play multiple characters to make the most of it or can I focus on one char?
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>Is it a good time to try this game or should I wait for a newfag event?
You missed the anniversary where they gave away all the big stuff and a level up event that let's you gear up 2 characters very quickly. The next level up event won't be until September when the remaining Archer subclasses Hunter and Vigilante release. Perhaps there will be another one between now and then as summer is also a time where the events often handout lots of freebies. We just received a big update last week that caught us up with the Korean server for the most part and the events right now offer some stuff a brand new player can take advantage of but not quite as impactful of a level event. If you're interested in the game you could also play now to get a general feel and take it slow otherwise you can wait until then.

>How bad is it for f2p players?
Pretty bad honestly. The previous farming dungeon's gold drop and amount rate got gutted so hard. There's a new dungeon made purely for gold farming that replaced it called Quantum Casino and has two difficulties normal and expert. Normal casino is absolutely not worth doing at all, you barely get any gold and you're better off farming the Seon dungeons on slayer difficulty instead as you can at least gain potential resources in the process. Expert casino is where the real farming starts but in order to enter you will need to meet a fame requirement. The worst thing about this is the fame requirement will exponentially increase each week as it takes the average fame of the top 20(30?) percent of players on the server. So as everyone gets stronger so will the bar of entry. You will also need acceptable titles, creatures, and auras all which increase your damage and can be obtained from packages. Packages can be bought with $ from the in-game shop or with gold from other players but seeing how hard it is for the average f2p to make gold... it'll take a while.
>Do you need to play multiple characters to make the most of it or can I focus on one char?
The game encourages you to make multiple characters to do weekly dungeons and raids(and farm) so yes. Half of the resources you get from clearing these dungeons and raids are issued as account-bound which can be freely shared between your other characters. The more you do each week the quicker you can gear and strengthen one. Of course it is possible to only play a single character to dump everything into. In fact, you should build up your main character anyway so when you later decide to make a side character or two you can help indirectly gear them by funneling those account-bound resources towards them.
I quitted this game during fiend war update or teybar grind I think? Is there any improvement of the game?
Okay never mind, I just missed my bug mage and summoner.
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But bugmage is back and better than ever!
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The game is in a good state right now, but unfortunately the progression is really fucking slow for a new player since there is no Leveling Event currently active. You would be spending months playing catch-up in outdated content. You could unironically wait for the level-up event for the Hunter classes in September and it would be faster progression than trying to start the game right now.
this auction hall bug is annoying i can't flip stuff efficiently. there better be compensation
What an absurdly jewish thing to say.
Okay I just download it back, is swapping gear still a thing? I still like old Seria room though and how I transfer untradeable gear to my other character again?
Buff swapping has been dead for years now, except it's not actually dead at all they just made it so you never have to think about it because you can set your buff gear/titles/etc in an inventory tab and it's automatically applied when you use the buff. I never really hear about anyone swapping for other reasons these days
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Yes, buff swap gear is still a thing. You can get a full fragmented abyss set very quickly now if you haven't already. Also you no longer have to have it in your inventory for it to work and can store them in your safe, the extra space is great while farming.
To transcend gear talk to Magar Rosenbach in Lemidia Basilica. Depending on the rarity of the item you will need a lot of it's respective souls (rare, legendary, epic, etc.) however, I advise you not to transcend anything since 1) your gear is very outdated 2) epic soul gain has been nerfed and you will need as much as you can get for growing the new lv105/110 epics. If you REALLY want to transcend your old gear for some reason you can try using any leftover transcendent stones if you got any or wait for an event to give out an epic transcendent stone.
That good, I got some epic lv105 gear drop while running lv100 story dungeon should I upgrade those?
Hold onto it for now. The recent update nerfed the drop rate of lv105 epics and I don't know how bad exactly it is for a fresh lv110. Epics dropped in scenario mode can't be disassembled for epic souls and growth fragments which are used to raise lv105 epic option levels so they're only usable as placeholders until you get enough to convert them into the gear from the build you're going for. Right now you should focus on leveling to 110 because that's when the Growth & Equipment Guide will open up (ESC key > under Info tab). It's a handy ingame guide that tells you exactly what you should be doing at your current fame level. There are some easy tasks that can be completed for various rewards such as life tokens, golden beryls, power essences, lv105 epic boxes, and the aforementioned buff swap gear.
buff and pet swaps are still very much a thing
Does Tessa still play?
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I think you know the answer to that already
So who are the latest memes to stalk?
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Finally managed to reach level 110 on my two characters, I really enjoying the storytelling. The animation/visuals and ost are really high quality. I guess neople must be raking in the money. But I don't understand who controlling the mass produce Becky before real Becky left the castle? Is Gizel finally dead for good? Why don't all the apostle gang up on Hilder instead? Also if I planning to solo all the way, is the object set still the best?
Although object build is purely for solo play it's better suited for general farming purposes since it instantly deletes mobs compared to bosses. It's still good to use for some of the advanced and legion dungeons of course but don't expect to clear them as quickly like with normal dungeons. You can also try the barrier build aka Forward Mover Mind's set, it's very tanky and strong. The Mana Made to Life/Mana Shield set commonly known as Archon is a similar build and was THE go-to starter build often being chosen during leveling events from a select few but is now powercrept by barrier. You can also have both of your characters use object and barrier/archon build each and see which one you prefer.

>But I don't understand who controlling the mass produce Becky before real Becky left the castle?
I don't remember them from the recent story but I'm pretty sure they were corrupted by Gizel like everyone else in the castle.
>Is Gizel finally dead for good?
Banished to another dimension but yes.
>Why don't all the apostle gang up on Hilder instead?
Apostles can't kill other Apostles so they have to indirectly enlist help like how Hilder asks (You) the Adventurer to kill each Apostle one by one. When Sirocco died a part of her survived and she tried to change destiny by warning the others about Hilder's master plan via time travel.
This game was dead to me as soon as they got rid of all my old characters and names
why not make new names for them then?
Is it ever explained why Apostles can't fuck with each other? I like to think it's a purely verbal agreement enforced by Cain and he will personally assfuck anyone that breaks it but I'd like lore confirmation.
I don't think they're literally incapable of fighting each other, Kasijas is training to 1v1 Cain after all.
Does being made an Apostle give you any powers or is it merely a title Cain gives you when you impress him? From what I understood Michael was originally strong enough to fuck up Ozma but then Cain showed up, made Michael an Apostle and then said "oh by the way you can't fight Ozma anymore since you're both Apostles now, peace." From Michael's point of view did anything actually change or was he still the exact same guy but with a cool title?
>Tell me why I shouldn't kill you the Apostle
>Because I know the truth and you don't
>Tell me then
>Sorry I can't, you have to find it your own or else my truth might make your hardship too low
>Kill apostle or get kill steal by Vaughn
What stopping Apostle from making their own adventurer?

It say in wiki their own aura stop them from doing so.
they probably do its just that they are too powerful to give them enough balance in skills
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wow. grandis looks good as ever
you should see iris, she got a new portrait too
shes looks more serious but still hot even under the cool air
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It's so over...
Can i be a jew with the auction house in this game?
I also dread the idea of an energy system, am i really forced to play 2 accounts to no life the game?
How is the playerbase in terms of numbers? I keep reading it's literally the most played vidya period, but do we even get to play with the chinks or is our game version completely different/cut off from china?
Kind of. A lot of specific items were being hoarded and their solution to price manipulation was to make it so a lot of items become untradable once they change hands once. That said that's not a blanket mechanic on everything and there's still tons of items you can hoard and flip for profit. If you're really Jewish you'll figure it out.
You don't need two accounts, though you could to double up on event rewards, the fatigue system is per character, not per account. You're limited to creating 2 new characters per day and I forget what the initial cap on your character slots is but they give out extra character slots every now and then too. The starting ones should be pretty generous unless you're an extreme autist. You'll very quickly end up making more characters than you can reasonably play.
China, Japan and Korea each have their own version, the Chinese version being the one that rakes in the most money. Chinks play ours a lot anyway, I'd guestimate that at least a quarter of global's population is Chinese. Maybe they come here once they get banned for cheating in cDnF, who knows.
Explain your meme for ants you memeloving faggot.
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dnf is changing directors yet again, they're bringing back one of the worst ones they've ever had, the entire community is in "it's so over" mode
probably as punishment for the current director dropping the ball with the new raid
it's barely been a few weeks and nobody's running it anymore
peak hours, literally 0 parties, consensus is the rewards are shit-ass and not worth getting
dead content
also their casino expert fame is now officially above the new raid requirement
the whole game is a shitshow right now
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>Can i be a jew with the auction house in this game?
Yes, however (most) premium items from packages can only be traded once. If you buy from the auction hall you can't trade them away again so be careful and double check.
>I also dread the idea of an energy system, am i really forced to play 2 accounts to no life the game?
The Fatigue Point system is noticable during the leveling process since you can clear dungeons in a minute and thus burn FP quickly. Once you reach endgame it'll take much longer to burn your entire FP bar, with any additional alts it'll take even more time to deplete your FP bars for the day. This also means you can't grind on the same character 24/7 but I have a feeling they would heavily reduce gold and item droprates for extended amounts of playtime anyway if that were the case. Personally, I don't think it's necessary to have another account it feels a lot like too much effort for such little gain.
>How is the playerbase in terms of numbers? I keep reading it's literally the most played vidya period, but do we even get to play with the chinks or is our game version completely different/cut off from china?
The reason why DFO/DNF is unknown and surprising to many people is because it's only popular in a very narrow swath of Asia (Korea/China). If I had to guess I'd say our global server has AT LEAST 1k daily players. Do not believe the steam charts numbers at face value as most players are playing through the original client from the DFO website (and also the fact steam client is a buggy piece of shit). Until Neople decides to release the API for player count we don't know exactly for sure. There are a lot of chink refugees on the global server since they're unable to compete back home on their p2w server so you'll definitely run across them.

Huh? Didn't they JUST replaced someone??
the director being replaced only came in 2023 to damage control the disastrous launch of 105 cap so he is pretty new in the grand scheme of things but you're probably thinking of the media manager guy or whatever the fuck that position is called getting the boot for indirectly insulting every single dnf streamer and content creator during an apology for a sponsored streamer insulting dnf players
Ah I see. Regardless of position, it's still not a good look if somebody has to be replaced.
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dang not even the cute boss can save it
>Need high fame to farm gold
>Need gold to get higher fame
Which genius design this?
KYS subhuman.
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thoguhts on iris? I think shes pretty neat as a mage
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she's alright and it's been so long since i leveled a new alt i completely forgot why she betrayed you in time gate or if it's even been retconned at all to fit the narrative of the new story. i know how much neople loves their retcons.
out of all the classic og npcs, it's ophelia for me.
shes great. im glad she moved into hendon myre just being a nerd
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>open like 7-8 dream pots.
>not a single harmony cube
I hate rng so much.
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I didn't mean to reply...
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>got a mystic on an alt i don't really play
>it's forest witch ring
objectively i should grind it and get a 2pc effect on my main
but i can't really bring myself to do it
pic related, my pony elven is the one that got it
sounds awfully like an excuse to ritualpost t*ssa
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As if I needed an excuse to post the pink girl.
Will i miss out on anything from not doing the new raid if im a retarded solo buffer?
if bakal raid (hard) is any indicator there'll probably be a raid exclusive item in mu raid (hard) to further augment the new armor fusion epics like with the fiery breath cubes. there's also cosmetic items (aura, creature, explorer club/character background) from raid auction if you care about that.
i can't make much out of the patch notes to confirm but if you want to take a look yourself here:
>비정상적인 접속 시도로 확인되어 이용이 제한되었습니다.
Well thank Neople.
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oh... it seems your country's been region blocked by nexon. you can try using a vpn to get around, in the meantime these are the main highlights:
new weapon fusion upgrade
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mist raid rewards
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mist raid hard rewards
Thank you, btw is there any good way to upgrade option growth? Using fragile boundary fragment doesn't seem worth it unless there a way to exchange to higher tier of boundary fragment?
it's not possible to exchange fragments into the next tier, perhaps in a future update someday. you should refer to the growth guide ingame and see which dungeons it recommends at your current fame and run them. if you're close to reaching the required fame for the next dungeon use enough fragile fragments as necessary. destroyed castle of the dead master is the earliest you can reliably get boundary fragments at 30,267 fame
I have average option level around 65 and I running out of stuff to get higher fame other than leveling it. I have 2020 title/pet and rare avatar, all gears are enchanted from golden beryl. From the ways I see I need to refine my gear but that is super expensive and you need at least 50k to farm casino while I only have 35k.
>I only have 35k.
you'll have to keep growing with fragments. are you doing your weekly ispins and total war? they drop a decent amount of boundary fragments as well plus materials to buy fusion epics that help increase your damage and fame a little. in the quest book under side stories there are some quests that reward a fusion epic box for 1/4 of the normal price, it's very helpful to start out with after a couple of clears
>Weekly ispins and total war
Yea I did, am I suppose to go full lighting fusion set if I using object set?
correct, for object build you want the following fusions
gold dragon
>total war/bakal raid
>hall of dimensions
>Using fragile boundary fragment doesn't seem worth it unless there a way to exchange to higher tier of boundary fragment?
That's like saying you want to convert pennies into quarters, which is utterly pointless. If you want higher tier frags, you need to run content where higher option level frags/equips drop. Mediator of Balance is the ideal spot if you got the entry mats and sufficient fame for it.
>when they catch me trying to snoop around for saucy fanarts
For those curious, I managed to find a website that has popularity rankings of all the classes in KDNF. However, it only shows those who are able to enter casino expert so it's not a true count. Even with most of the playerbase omitted it should still be reflective enough to see which classes players are serious about gearing up.

Pic related is 던파OFF another site that actually had the entire KDNF population recorded. The last time I tried looking for it I could not remember the name and it was during my recent search I discovered it had shutdown sometime at the end of last year. No wonder I wasn't able to find it.
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NTA but you're just fucked if you didn't keep meticulous records of your account details.
>Hey I haven't played in 5 years and forgot my secondary password (which isn't even used anymore?) can you please remove it? I have KK receipts.
>Please answer all these questions someone who hasn't played in half a decade wouldn't possibly remember the answers to.
I remembered it afterwards but fuck. Then I set up a google authenticator, couldn't get past the updated ToS with Wine anyway and ended up wiping my phone without turning off the authenticator since. Oops.
creature beating specialist is really funny
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The old man never stood a chance.
Exo bros how are we feeling?
my exo's been benched at level 90 since forever. i was lucky enough to get planet destroyer at the time and went physical.
i should make a exo. i only ever made one for pvp back in the nexon days as a mix physical zoner
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classes outside of these 5 were a mistake
trying to find an old ass piece of DFO artwork I remember seeing. it was f.mage and slayer/gunner (both) in some kind of sky tower looking area - anyone have the slightest clue what I'm talking about?
desu I can tolerate m. fighter, f. gunny, and m.mage
those might be the biggest mistakes of all because they don't even offer anything new
>I wanna punch stuff or cast spells but playing as a girl is gay
that's what half the priest/slayer subs are for
>I wanna shoot stuff but as a girl
male fighters generally have meaningful differences, the easiest examples are nen and grappler
male mage has fun magic
gunner is fair enough i guess, since they got more different as time went on because at launch they were some ryu/ken tier differences but that's why I'm okay with them
f.priest would be fine with adjustments but doesn't really fit
f.slayer feels like she might as well be an entirely different class branch with how far removed she is from slayers in general. she just recycles the weapons like knight does
I'm always wary of anyone that mains a class that isn't one of those 5 since it means they most likely didn't play this game back when you needed a brain to level up and are missing a lot of general knowledge about its mechanics that people take for granted.
The sheer amount of players that were baffled that mountainous wheel had iframes when Largo came out and saw slayers abuse it makes me wonder where you all were when slayers would use mountainous wheel with a fire weapon to save on buying a firebomb to detonate the goblin machine back when we were farming Goblin Kingdom.
I'm 99% sure it's the image used in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsJhPAjYMSQ
I've scoured through dnf-universe and it's not there so you'll have to look for it on Korean sites most likely
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nah that wasn't it but FUCKING thank you for linking that website because I found it after spending ages going through basically every english booru and similar repository for older anime image
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geomje is demon slayer
>imagine being worse than Creator
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lotta good stuff on that website in general, like this set of images that shows gunner x mage is canon and also priest experiences schrodingers loneliness
When you said old I thought you meant classic DFO lmao. That's from a KDNF anniversary a few years ago, anyway I'm glad you found it.
I honestly gaslit myself into thinking it was way older then it was because they have le wacky anime reaction faces instead of looking like kpop idols & was also trying to go thru classic dnf stuff
Sorry I was getting TK by my teammate in ozma otherverse.
what the hell is (Thursday)
By the classes that have it I'm guessing it means the awakening build.
fuck off grandpa, archer and f slayer are the only good things of these shitty game.
>f slayer
only good for finding Chinese erp whores
>edge guy
>sneaky guy
>big guy
>hot girl
>cute girl

the only 5 characters you need, every design fits into one of these
desu a nerdy/shy girl would be nice to round them out
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Hey Anon, Traveler here! You did buy my figure, right?
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badass mage martial arts
im gonna buy the sexy figure one if the price drops
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Speaking on armpits...
Is chaos still the summoner class or was she changed again? I admit i dont have good reflexes and prefer playing the summon based classes

How are mechanic and the summoner witch classes compared to chaos?
>Jew Smile
No thank.
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chaos went through some changes and she's no longer busted like in 2016 but she should still play the same (summon minions/sacrifice for burst damage). she got a skill that summons all her minions at once like summoner so you don't have to do the old trick of alternating between the recruit skills with the arrow keys to skip casting time.
male mechanic is spam heavy: you set up land runners and turrets every 2 seconds, detonate, and repeat. female mechanic is a bit more lenient by cycling between the g-series laser cannons every now and then and adjusting to the situation as needed.
witch has homunculi buddies but they don't last that long compared to summoner and chaos.

in terms of which classes that are easy on the apm or if you want to be lazy/afk...
summoner > chaos > female mechanic = witch > male mechanic

i love armpit pussy.
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Sorry if i wasnt clear i still dont know the summoner names correctly

So, you are saying between Chaos,Summoner and FMechanic. Summoner is the easiest? thats what i was aiming for looking at the wiki, looks like she just summons stuff and lets them pummel everything

thank you for the response!

>game is now 40GB
Fuck what
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the summoner classes names*
if i'm being honest, i only consider summoner and chaos the only true summoner classes in the game since they can have an army of auto attacking animals. necromancer and dimension walker follow close behind by having only one main summon. to an extent, some classes like dragon knight and enchantress have a partner that follows you around but can't attack on it's own, rather they're tied to certain skills.
you can view this hub of all the classes in the game for a quick summary.
Enchantress can summon PANZOR HODOR though.
a lv1(10) hodor isn't very practical, maybe as a distraction or just to meme with. i'm surprised he was removed for bugmage.
He scales to your level. I use him to get more hits for the object set.
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will try summoner, last time i played i only had a FStriker level 65 ish and chaos level 30-40 ish then kind of dropped the game, assumed it was going to die off pretty quick.

Last normal dungeon was the one with the water motorboard i think? and bakal/space guy whatever was the last super dungeon if i aint mistaken
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>level 60 boat grinding hell
i hated it but also miss it a little, otherverse too. it's a strange feeling.
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Oh right necromancer is a thing. . .fuck. . .now i am conflicted between looks and gameplay

couldnt hurt to try all the summon-esque classes i guess
She doesn't even look like this, even with the awakening/ neo awakening costume. For some reason the dark elf is a giant uggo.
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buy a fp potion bro
i'll give you a couple of fp potions tell me what ch you're at
>only lv30
You're never gonna make it today. Losing just one of that potion isn't a big deal anyways.
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>She doesn't even look like this
>You're never gonna make it today
Wait, make it where? is there a benchmark i am supposed to grind to?
Nah its fine, i am burnt out after a few hours
As in with gold or real money?
i believe real money. there are some packages you can buy with gold i think
You need to reach Dusky Island, which is only accessible at lv110 and only after clearing a whole bunch of scenarios. It's going to take you more than a few days to reach there without a level up express event.
>which is only accessible at lv110
Oh,really? all that just to use my fp pots? guess i aint in a rush
If you think that's remotely close you need to have your eyes checked.
Thief sexo
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That's not an FP pot, dummy, that's a special pot to fill up pic related. FP pots are pretty much kill, you can try to buy one in the Auction House for 50-60k gold, but it's only 30 points so it won't take you very far.
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Back in my day you could fill an entire bar's worth of FP with daily FP pots...
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that's an event item for the new hell mode they brought back in the seon update. this is a fp potion, you can use it once a day per character.
>Kunoichi sexo while she uses shadow clone jutsu
>Shadow dancer sexo while she uses her chains
>lightspeed sexo with rogue,done before you can blink
>sexo with necromancer while nicholas watches
lighspeed is neat but shadow dancer makes me want to warm her heart
is shadow dancer the EDGIEST class in the game or does another beat it?
>The more shadow dancer advances the more her cleavage gets covered
i mean she doesnt beat berserker with the blood demon stuff but i guess from the female classes yeah
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I see, interesting
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She is in fact the most brutal class by far, what other character skews and hang a victim high with chains and then rips him apart by pulling them? Her whole being screams violence.
Excuse you, refined violence unlike those MBlade brutes
I meant Mslayer. . .fuck
what the hell. i guess she doesnt want to get a chain in her cleavage
>Creamy titties
>Purple titties
if it wasnt for the grind i did, i would make a shadow dancer char
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I dont like this place jerry
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>game is now 40GB
3/4 of it are over 10 years of accumulated sprites alone.
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she is so COOL
I wonder how much of it is shit not even used anymore after they rebooted the story like 4 times?
You might want to remove that skill on your Q, you want your minion to wander as much they can instead of sticking to you.
Added to stalk list cutie.
>covers tits exposes pits
fine i'll play shadow dancer
wait,thats bad?
Should i always have express FP enabled to level faster?

Or to be more precise,get the most exp out of the little gaming time i have daily

FP express is inefficient exp gain wise. The only reason to use it is to burn fp quickly on multiples alts while hunting for gabens in casino gold farm dungeon.
express fp is dogshit
Yes, since your minions won't hit enemies that are far away from you unless you get close to them, which puts you at risk of getting hit.
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Not only that but there's a bunch of stuff downloaded that we never even get the chance to see or use. I estimate there's at least 5GB of copy-pasted file bloat from KDNF.
Finally level 50, now i will ascend to my next job tomorrow or next time i can play!

do i still need empress skadi seals? i literally hit 50 with 0 fp, so unsure what to expect
1st awakening is free through the main story quest, 2nd awakening you will need materials but it's heavily reduced. You can even make a little bit of profit from the quest since the seals are so cheap now so don't skip it or use an awakening ticket for it.
Alright thank you, according to the game i can still switch jobs freely until level 69, can i try the other Fmage classes back and forth before making a final choice? or i should just level an alt to try elementalist
I haven't leveled a character the intended way in a long time and don't remember when they added that feature but yes you can switch classes freely until then. Personally speaking, I'd just stick with the original class, it makes the leveling experience feel more authentic.
Yes but what sucks about that is 69 is before second awakenings at 75 and I'm pretty sure elementalist is one of the classes that changes a lot once they get their second awakening, so you won't really get the full picture of how it plays.
I will make an elementalist alt in the future then, for now focusing on leveling my laggymancer
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Uhh I just logged in and this was in my mailbox. Did anyone else get one? Apparently it's from that Monster Clash MOBA event last month. I barely even played it and only did the bare minimum just for the costumes. Waiting 9000 years to find a match and having to play in a lagfest was so annoying.
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It's not even permanent...
yeah dont care. rares are better
That reward givaway was delayed until now for some reason, I got the one for 20th-50th place.
when something says "Fire damage+10" does that mean all my fire related skills are enhanced? i got a box with like six different elemental rings
Sex with the sewer princess faris
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this level 105 weapon looks pretty fucking good
Open your character's stats page with M or whatever, scroll
Whichever element is highlighted has its extra damage applied to all of your attacks regardless of everything else, stuff that increases Fire/Water/Light/Shadow Damage just makes that number bigger
If none are highlighted that's because you don't actually inflict elemental damage, so either you are playing like Kunoichi/Glacial and all of your skills will do it for free or you need to open up the material tab in your inventory and use CUBES for your cube contract to start inflicting elemental damage (or use an enchantment slot but that's strictly worse)
Culmination weapons are typically worse than the Aspect-Devoured ones raw damage + skill level but who cares
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>Get loop of domination
>Suddenly i have extra buttons on my skill bar
I wasn't aware there was a ranking nor a reward for that matter. I only played to win 5 matches to get the costume box since I love collecting toys. Fortunately, I only lost twice so it wasn't too bad overall. I'd like to think it was due to getting paired with the same guy picking Bakal every game. He seemed to know what he's doing. I guess not many people bothered with the event considering I made it to the rankings. Also, congrats to you as well.
you'll lose them all again once you get eclipse's hive and nearly every single summon skill doubles as a skill you can have the summon cast once it's out
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>Wow I remember this game after seeing the thread
>Download ~40gb client overnight
>Try to remember old account, end up making new one
>Both are instantly banned for no reason

Bruh, Neople seems like such a shit company I'm beyond words. Looking at the steam reviews, this shit has been on-going for years. And no, I didn't use the steam client in any way lmfao
>>Both are instantly banned for no reason
>I didn't use the steam client in any way lmfao
damn that really sucks (and kinda intriguing) you can send in a ticket to recover your old account it couldn't hurt to try
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Yeah, ironically I got an email from Neople's "Ikki the Vikki" right after I posted that. So it didn't take too long for them to message back about it. Still, looking at the steam reviews, it isn't just me. I'm guessing if you have steam running in the background and change accounts in the neople client, you get auto-banned. Seems awfully retarded and lowkey kills whatever hype you had going into the experience after having to jump through all these hurdles. I hope the game is in a good place right now, because this is an awful start
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Forgot to add, Ikki said all that but I'm still banned right now lol
It's more like they just automatically ban every single new account to combat bots and hope that only a human will appeal.
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I am sure i am missing somthing obvious,how do i get rid of stuff i cant discard/dissaembled?

also i am getting showered on so many unique gear/mats that i have no fucking idea what to pick or for what the mats are used,i am just randomly buying boxes from special dungeons as i clear stuff

and they removed the motorboat ride :(
pretty sure you can sell them to an npc for 0 gold
try selling it
fuck i am stupid,thank you
You play summoner because you are not good with high skill classes,i play summoner because it makes me have two goth waifus at my beck and call

We are not the same
>two goth waifus
who are they?
Big sister and war maiden

Or fatstrong orc guy and Tau for husbando lovers
Lewd face!
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>my 21 month old daughter already knows how to use a phone
i've failed as a parent...
this is what you raised
you should feel bad
What classes are the hardest to do well with? I have noodle fingers and rather not make the mistake of starting with a hard class

Example, the fast dagger rogue class looks fun but complex as fuck, at least from her intro video
Or the gunner lady with huge fucking guns*
>get to pandemonium
>expect the streets and dungeons to be chock full of girls with big tits like Fslayer
>its a hellhole of furries
muse, fstriker, elven knight, monk, ghostblade, fspitfire, dark knight, necromancer, rogue, shadow dancer (basically Thief in general)
i main Rogue and shes honestly not that hard to do decently with, 60% of her damage comes from 2 abilities so just press those together and you're fine. she gets really sweaty if you want to min-max though since she has a ton of advanced tech like basic attack cancelling to generate combo points or advanced ground to air to ground combos.
if you didn't know, pandemonium is our earth: new york specifically and everyone got mutated into furries
it caught me off guard too. i was expecting more like michelle or the cypher characters not cat people or a fox dom
what makes muse hard?
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the most complex buffer class but also has the highest buff power... if you can consistently hit the notes. her gimmick is the notes you have to play in order to buff and said buffs don't last that long (5-10s) so you need to constantly reapply them. you also need to build up meter by using skills to play certain buffs. if you've played monhun before she plays exactly like hunting horn. her 1a and 3a skills have a qte and if you whiff the notes your awakening will end up being weaker which is something you do not want to happen.
wow really? she sounds like from octavia warframe except more punishing for missing notes
she has a passive that let's you get away by playing one note wrong in a sequence but yeah still pretty rough
>your awakening will end up being weaker which is something you do not want to happen.
That's not quite right for awakenings, what happens is if you miss too many notes, you can't use the encore function that lets you extend the 1a buff for a few seconds more within a 60 second interval after activating the 1a (or linked 3a) buff. A pretty handy and distinctive feature to add another burst window that you don't want to miss.
Also muse doesn't need to constantly play every single song in that. Only the Adrenaline Rhapsody (biggest red song) is absolutely necessary and Rubato (biggest blue song) for party protection. The other red songs are optional but very convenient and the other two blue songs aren't very good. That said, keeping the bars charged so you can cast buffs is also part of her challenge, but that's not much different from the loli sader's doll gimmick.
What about kunoichi? The only thief class you didnt mentioned
Would that make enchantress the most newbie friendly support to play?
is this still a raidsissy game?
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>Pony bitch can and will do a gorillion damage just by riding her pony and poking things with a stick
>M spit can't just do the same and mash X to death because his bullet installs don't fucking scale with basic attack.
This is some big serious bullshit going on, alright.

No, F Sader is the easiest. Loli sader still requires some doll management (which is much easier to handle with cooldown reduction gear), and some other quirks she has like favoritism mechanic and using her 2a to overtime the 1a/3a buffs.
Isnt every MMO a raidsissy game?
It's funny because there was a buff patch in DnF recently and since EK was one of the classes they were tweaking people expected them to hit the pony build but instead they buffed the pony by 12% and buffed her basic attack in general by 12%, which pony double dips into so the build is now much stronger.
Somebody at neople really likes pony elven.
tummy. are fem launchers faster or more aoe compared to males?
nice. no longer will i have to rely on vines and shield bashing
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They nerfed jupiter sader before, now they have the gall to do this shit, fucking ponyfags ruin everything.
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How i can tell which weapon of mine does better? i got an aspect devouring staff and rod of culmination-summoner, one has something like +1400% attack increase and the other 2100% yet i guide i read said staves are better for summoner due to raw stats

here is the first weapon
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second weapon,logic dictates this one should beat the first one by a landslide right? over 700% physical damage increase
oh whoops. i knew it was important to play the notes during awakening. i dropped my muse sometime after the archer event ended last year but still remember most of her kit. she's too much for me.
Screw Ffighter,i want a chick that can raze battlefields with huge guns and destroy me with her abs
go with aspect-devoured, you are forgetting about the 10% overall damage and +1 to all skills (passives included) it gives. culmination weapons are too gimmicky and don't justify the loss in power for the different effects. there are very few classes who can make use and actually prefer them over aspect like demon slayer and swift master. for future reference you can go to the training hall and test your damage, just make sure to configure the settings for a consistent environment so you have accurate results each time.
Alright thank you,once i reach 110 what do i do? As in dungeons? Collect uniques for all my characters or something?

Is there a way to share gear between characters? Vault storage seems character specific
Or should i treat each character like its own save file,as if i were playing diablo?*
when you reach level 110 you will have access to the growth and equipment guide (can be found in the menu) and it will tell you where to go and what dungeons to farm to increase fame.
there's an account vault that can be shared with everyone and is unlocked with materials, i can send you some your way for that. epics are untradable but can be transcended to other characters at a hefty cost of epic souls which are gained by disassembling unwanted epics. transcending is usually reserved for custom epics when you find a piece with valuable options that another character can make use of with their build. events tend to give out free epic transcendent stones from time to time like the one currently in the summer attendance event.
kunoichi isnt that bad, shes just a standard fire mage with a shadow clone gimmick. shes easy to pick up but can be hard to master.
>get the urge to make a female demon slayer
Well,fuck me i guess
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>Fmage is from the bronx
>any female slayer
>ever allowed to be bad
Why are people always looking for female crusaders?
they're the cutest
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God i hate the empyrean favoritism
>get chat quest
>npc sends you to the other side of the map
Five more levels then i can start playing the real game,right?
if you join a guild you can just teleport anywhere you want on the map whenever
I am being bombarded by so much stuff that i must have skipped that somehow,i still dont know where to buy talismans or what any of the billion free mats i am getting does
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you can get talismans and runes from the exile mountains (level 100 area). you can also buy a couple per week with guild coins if you're in a guild. the growth guide i mentioned earlier has some easy missions that give out useful rewards too such as a full talisman and 30 rune set but you'll probably not get the exact ones you need so you still have to farm
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Thank you
Can you summon boss monsters to use assist skills in dungeons? or is that in the minigame only?
You're gonna have to elaborate on what this minigame is. In the past you could briefly summon your other characters to help you in dungeons and they would perform a preselected skill.
Hi. Does anyone play this together? Is it worth playing together? I haven't played this since I had to use a VPN to play Arad Senki.
its Solo Fighter Online now. you cant group before lvl 110 and even when you get to 110 its honestly easier to solo most content. the hardest boss in the game heals when you he hits you so more people just makes it harder. the only thing you need to group for is the singular raid.
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while i'm at it i'll use this opportunity to plug in our "guild" i say that loosely because it's literally just me and one anon now. if you and/or the other 2 anons in the thread are interested and would like a 4chon guild: join loli all are welcome. we can help give advice, tips & tricks, carry dungeons, and whatever else you may need in your dfo journey if permitted.
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What's his fucking problem?
still need to VPN if your internet provider doesn't like peer2peer games
Empyream women are just built different
they have those long legs to reach greater heights
How is the weather up there lanky?

Too bad all her classes are downgrades look-wise
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The summer art this year looks odd... the PV doesn't have that distinctive DFO look.
Its weird you would expect them to look like half-angels or something. but at best their more of the same
its missing that toony look leaning more into realism with the desaturated colors
Maybe it's a different artist on the art team but there's a few comments questioning the use and likeness of AI, in particular the close up at 0:18. There's also the artwork of all the default classes but it's hard to say without the unreleased high-res wallpapers.
theres no ai art unless they cleaned it pretty well which I doubt they would take extra effort to do for a animation.

Why not release the hd images?
The KDNF wallpaper section isn't updated yet
they better update it! i want to see those monster concept arts
You'd look in https://www.dnf-universe.com for that or these scans from the artbooks
oh wow they have the images there and also on ex? This is just what im looking for thanks!
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>FSlayer slaps a demon on her blade
>Avenger turns into a demon to slay demons
>Chaos makes a contract with a demon god and tiny demons
Not sure if mistress is also demon related,a quick read on her wiki page got me puzzled,any other demon related classes i missed?
Skirmisher a guy who uses his demon spear to give him more power

Male Berserker uses kazhan's spirt like a demon i guess
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>soul bender adapts to the khazan curse and can summon ghost demons
>ghostblade died and was brought back to life by a ghost demon. his khazan curse was replaced with the ghost's own power
>dark templar (technically) joins a cult and worships usir, goddess of death
>impaler embraces mommy sirocco's power
>mistress carries the burdens of those who have sinned and becomes a pseudo demon but what really matters is her sexy succubus transformation wink wink
>what really matters is her sexy succubus transformation wink wink
it shows her naughty side or the sins she absorbed into her dark persona
>Most korean are lolicon
>Doesn't show Fmage
They come so far and yet learn nothing.
That dammed smile. . .
that damned chest. are demon slayers like zerkers but more lingering aoe focused instead of burst damage?
As far as i can tell i am seeing spiky stuff all over the screen

and her hohoho laugh is the cherry on top
to be fair, even base slayer has big tits
leveling event soon
two more weeks
trust the plan
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Big boobs and summons,cant ask for anything else
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Fuck Chaos.
Returning player here
How much $ would you recommend spending if you could?
Also, where is the vindictus general?
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$30-$40 should be enough. there's an $8 exclusive starter package you can only buy if your account has new or returning player status. the contents is sufficient to gear a single character. if you want to go further buy the $25 support package too
there's also the arad pass, an assortment of powerful stuff if fully leveled. gonna cost another $30
personally speaking, i wanted to say $0. i have money but my new year's resolution was to stop buying microtransactions altogether
don't know about vindictus
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im top 20 in my class rankings after spending $0 and have all the cosmetics i could ever want, but i relied a lot on generous handouts like the anniversary events that don't exist any more, and i farmed gold before it was locked behind fame levels

for a brand new player you might need to buy the battle pass once or twice, which is very expensive ($30 a pop) but saves you like 200 million gold worth of farming and gives you other goodies as well.
I think I spent $10 several years ago on a box that had an instant max safe upgrade because I wanted one for my 4th character. Everything else I bought for gold or got for free through events. And even then I bought that $10 KK card for gold from another player back when it was allowed and easy to do.
As far as I'm concerned the whole point of a F2P game is to not spend real money.
Thank you for the breakdown.
I don't plan on spending too much money but I only have one character currently.
Also, have anymore pics like that?
I don't disagree. Thank you for your reply.
she looks like she's gonna ntr me
A 4chan guild literally still exists.
it's a 'cord guild not a 4chan guild
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Mommy? mommy? i mean mommy
Is this archer girl of legal age?
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i wish she had more gundams in her awakenings but shes a hot card
yeah otherwise she couldnt work with a pop idol group
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humiliation ritual
what is this?
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Wife material
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Fuck empyrean
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shes a hot cleric. i would of mained her if lancer wasnt around his his big pokes
their women you mean? to repopulate after the war
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>yeah otherwise she couldnt work with a pop idol group
Oh you werent kidding, i just got to her "zone" and there is literally a concert area in display
Any woman capable of autistically building mechs and huge guns is a keeper in my book
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Anyone know how to fix this?
Google isn't very helpful.
>Class looks complex in videos
>its actually pretty easy when you play it yourself
>Veiny boobs
I am starting to believe those showcase videos just look flashy or try making the class look 'difficult'
i guess they do that to make her look complex when shes actually 1 button unga to aoe a bunch of enemies
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Bros,i am addicted to the minigame. . .
Isnt that almost every class at this point? you just choose your flavor of AOE
i've had to deal with something similar before. one day the launcher randomly decided to have a stroke and would immediately close after running it and no errors popped up. i tried restarting my pc and router to see if that'd fix it but no luck. i had to wait a few days before it magically started working again, no idea what the issue was.
if you visit https://member.dfoneople.com/launcher/main and get the same problem it's 99% internet related and you might have better luck than me by resetting your router or firewall settings. if that doesn't work i don't know what else to tell you other than waiting it out and trying again later
Last time i had launcher issues it was because the launcher uses the internet options in the control panel and something was blocked.
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What are you talking about? She's only censored in Ch*na and DNF Drool. Thankfully there's a mod to restore it.
I can view this page, so I don't think it is my router.
Do you remember what it was?
I had to reinstall my os some months ago but nothing should be different from how it was when I played before.
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>maxed out my character with best in slot gear
>still 3 months until the new classes/raid drop
what now?
fund me
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play pvp or come here and lust over your fav npc
who is this semen demon
Imagine FStriker smell. . .
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forgot pic like an idiot
She would beat you up, then kick you in the nuts and laugh at how tiny your dick is.
Man its criminal how short range this class has compared to how everyone else has screen nuke after screen nuke
ice dragon gerda from the bakal raid
I see, interesting
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Is Fspitfire actually hard or is this another case of just looking flashy in videos? She looks like to be more fragile than the mage characters
not hard but kinda annoying, she's a fixed class so easier to gear weapon wise. her shtick is the jetpack that let's her multijump and give faster aerial movement. 100% of her gameplay is jumping up in the air going zip zip zoom zoom and spamming grenades. my only complaint is she has poor y-axis movement while airborn for some reason. you can cover the width of a room faster by walking on the ground.
the only hard class in this game is Elven Knight
only 1/3 ek builds could be called hard, pony and culmination spam compete for the most braindead to play builds in dfo
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I just made one and she is pretty fun to chuck explosives like a madwoman

my only grip is the early levels having so many barricades or impassable terrain, making it weird to move
oh yeah i totally forgot about that, it seems obvious you could go over them but nope invisible wall lol fuck you
I think i fucked up with the pass,i rented the stuff to a lower level character to help it level, that means i cannot longer upgrade the pet/title/aura to permanent on my main, right?
the temp item comes with a ticket that can revert it back into a selectable box
oh wait nvm the box is untradable rip you could try sending in a ticket and ask to move it to your main if this happened recently, no harm in trying
i have been annoying them way too much recently, i have to start reading shit instead of being so stupid

will take this as a lesson
>Also the +10 ticket is only on otherversal equipment
Fuck me sideways, i was hoping to use it on my weapon
you shouldn't amp your weapon unless you're playing a fixed class or have A LOT of gold to burn. even then, weapon is the last piece you should amp for how little of a boost it gives. special accessories (earring in particular) should be amped first for the raw stat boosts to increase damage
Really? every game i have played always assumes the weapon is the most important bit,i am still lost on how this whole "Fixed" damage thing works
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it is but depending on the class you should know whether to reinforce or refine your weapon. you see there's two different types of damage in the game: percent and fixed. a majority of the classes are percentage based and need to reinforce their weapon which costs gold. reinforcing a weapon increases physical and magical attack. conversly, there are only a few classes that are fixed and has to refine instead. refinement needs powerful energy which can be exchanged with excess leiern cores obtained from daily missions and dungeons. refinement increases independent attack.
it should be noted that reinforcing a weapon for a fixed class does absolutely nothing and the same goes for refining on a percent class. you can easily tell if a class is fixed or not by viewing the status screen and seeing if independent attack is highlighted or not.
now for amplification, it's literally a more expensive version of reinforcement and for that reason it's not recommended to amplify weapons on percent classes due to the cost and low success rates on higher amp levels. fixed classes can get away with an amped weapon but remember that amplification is the same as reinforcement, so the physical and magical attack boost on the weapon will be useless, bar the amp boost, compared to a different amp'd piece and should be reserved as the final one. amping in general should also be the last thing you spend gold on after getting all the essentials (creature, title, rare clone, etc)
Ah, thank you for the information, that sounds awfully complex but i will try figuring it out
the empyrean nation attacked
for reference all of these classes deal fixed damage
>female grappler
>female spitfire
>dimension walker
>dragon knight
>all four buffers (male & female crusader, enchantress, muse)
And yet she's one of the most fun classes I've played as.
i love it when you cancel all her moves just right to get that extra damage on her Ex 1 inch punch skill
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Do we have any guilds or whatever?
I doubt it, I do remember one of our guilds getting nuked because some dipshit got promoted high enough to kick out every single member in it, myself included. Thanks kpin.
That shit is way too old, pretty sure we have like 2x the base classes now.
i joined one but i guess i got kicked out for being gone for too long
> 7,4 rogue
based i love crits
is that what happened? oh well, i'll rejoin once im not lost in newer games
>Get inquisitor to level 100
>Finally get some attack speed from gear
>fun multiplies tenfold
seriously,playing before you get your 105 gear feels like you are constantly underwater
stealing this elf pic
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here have another. i saved some while i was scouring for art on google images and forums
Also stolen, its hard to find dfo art for me i just put on google the korean names and hope for the best
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sometimes you can find them on pixiv or dnf user media gallery but some of them were removed so its hard to find unless you find a fanart gallery somewhere
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oh yeah that place too. theres where i found those rogue pics from
you can join loli if you want
How do you sign up for it? Not him but just starting out again after years of not playing.
open the guild menu (default ; key), search for the guild and apply. right now it's a 2man guild and it certainly gets lonely at times. there were more of us but they moved on to bettter places
Cool, I'll do that on next logon. Is it account-based or character-based?
it's individual for each character
Hmm guess I should probably decide on a main character then. I'm currently furthest along with M. Mechanic (level 53-54 or so) but was looking into trying some others out like Battle Mage, F. Grappler, Inquisitor and F. Nen Master.
Update on this. I am using win7 btw.
Updated internet explorer to the last version available and it half-assed loads the launcher page now.
Can type in my info but "log in" doesn't work
I just want to play dfo again :(
Have you considered trying to update your OS?
What does the launcher look like atm?
I think it no longer supports windows 7, you have to "upgrade" to windows 10 or try your luck on Linux.
i looked around online and says you have to disable internet explorer's security features and addons if any, have you tried that? i have a pc with windows 7 in storage but can't be arsed to get it out and test myself sorry
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>Have you considered trying to update your OS?
lmao even Wine can load the launcher properly but still crashes when trying to accept the updated ToS, fucking hell.
>check the issue I opened on wine's tracker
>its been 2 years and 4 months
lol, lmao
Applied on my Enchantress
Whoopsies I accidentally cancelled the request. Can you resend it?
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Fluid Druid
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i REALLY hope you didn't raised your daughter to be a ruffian anon
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Have you considered uninstalling your brain from your skull?
I get a bunch of script errors and then it looks like picrel.
After I click in the top right corner twice I can scroll down and see the login fields.
Dfo website says base reqs are win7.
I also played before less than a year ago on the same computer. I had to reinstall my OS due to getting a new hard drive and I don't know what is different.
That's what I found online but maybe I'm not tweaking the right settings. Will play around with it more since I really miss playing.
>Have you considered uninstalling your brain from your skull?
Just making a suggestion. No need to be rude about it.

Also there are plenty of options to disable the telemetry if that's why you won't upgrade.

My friend had an issue with Steam not working on his Win7 before they decided to force the upgrade and I fixed him up with fresh WIn10 and everything worked out alright.
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So uh,if you cant really party before level 110, how are support classes supposed to get there or gear up at all? or is the case of "Solo content is so easy any class can do it" kind of deal?
Based on what I've played recently it seems leveling content is pretty much a breeze and you're only walled by the fatigue system.
buffers are the strongest dps in the game by a very wide margin when they solo
my seraph is 3k fame below my main and she solos unshackled largo a whole 3 minutes faster
they specifically get a lot of passive buffs that the game turns on for them when it detects a buffer is doing a dungeon without a party
those buffs are way overtuned because gear that is optimized for buffing is bad for battle, usually, so they overcompensate but if you decided to stack damage gear on top of that it just spirals out of control
sweaty fsader tits. . .
that ain't fsader...
How is mistress in the current meta?
Then who is it?
#32 out of 64 on the KR dps charts, exactly in the middle. this is based on a patch we wont have for 2 months though. to be honest your gear and skill matters a lot more than your class, though.
judging from her hair, eyes, and breasts it's dark templar
I assumed the artist just took some artistic liberties, but now that you mention it yeah

Looks like she is the substitute? and the BIG differences arent fooling anyone
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The story is so fucking crazy that it loops around from nonsensical to cool
it's also in the title on pixiv if it wasn't obvious https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85442539
the art reminded me of another featuring fsader and dark templar. not sure if it's a coincidence or a trend over there
>seraph smoking as usual
my favorite korean meme
I cant read nip, i go blind when looking for fanart
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when is kapisa coming back from their planetary vacation?
I tired playing awhile back during the spectre lvl up event i stopped around lvl 90 was trying to get back into it Why does it cost so much to repair? Repairing one piece is more than half of my current gold on my character is it because they’re the lvl up event gear or is it always like this?
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Repairing the weapon from 0 durability alone costs like 160k gold. You'll want to make use of free repair tickets from events OR go to Joah's Lost Island to farm chests for repair kits that only work there.

Did you know? You can actually interact with the petit adventurers, subjugation bosses and even some of the level props.
Is it easy to get these rapair tickets from events some of my lvl 90 character’s gear is almost broken
Depends, Lost Island's tickets are easy, but tedious to get, let alone use. Having to get out of the way to collect and use them on that island is annoying though. Plus, you can only go there once a day per character.
Event tickets are always easy enough, but current ones either require daily attendance or 10x weekly clears on a specific lv110 dungeon.
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>Did you know? You can actually interact with the petit adventurers, subjugation bosses and even some of the level props.
No i didnt, here have a daugherfu cultist
are you selling is disassembling the junk gear from dungeons? try selling some for some quick emergency gold, or selling the clear cubes you get (Not all of them obviously)
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Selling or disassembling*
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they got rid of armor types and the retexturization system back in may and now all armor has maximum durability values of plate, lightest weight values of cloth, and gold values of light armor to average it out(?) because of the increased durability the repair costs have gone up as well. if you want to save gold don't repair all your gear after every dungeon and wait until it starts glowing red on the ui (ideally close to 0 durability) to use free repair coupons.
you can enter the forgotten land by talking to joah ferrero in west coast. there are treasure chests scattered across the map that may contain repair coupons and can only be used while inside the forgotten land. keys are needed to open chests and can be obtained by killing named monsters (green name) which respawn after some time. when night comes the chaser spawns and drops 8 keys when killed, enough to open 1/4 of the chests. you can only enter the forgotten land once per day per character but you will likely end up breaking your weapon at least once during an average day's worth of farming so it's a good time to visit and stock up anyway.
there's currently an event going on all the way to september that gives free repair all coupons by completing missions but you need to complete the main story quest in seon, the new level 110 area first.
pro tip: you can repair more equipment with a single repair all coupon by adding them to your quickslots.
That sound tedious as fuck, what is Neople doing?
they think "just buy neoprem for infinite durability weapon rentals you can use to farm, goy"
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woah there kunoichi
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Speaking about kunoichi
>Supposedly an easy class
>keep dying in story dungeons because her skills root me in place or have long ass animations
I KNOW you can cancel with a shadow clone but what if all my shit is on cooldown from past rooms or the boss moves so fast that i cant cast anything at all? cant wait to get her talismans which look pretty good at least
more like KUSOichi
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Why are Neo:traveler thighs so fat
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because she travels around alot
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Screw empyreans, give me some of that dragonpussy
Dear lord
Do we fight this Dragon Knight childhood rival?
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Twice or thrice during the lv110 story quests yes, you just stomp her if you have standard gear
damn. i want to grind and go fight her to hear her voice
anon i-
Shes a mute? Dammit!
Unless you wanna her her attacks or something, yes,the boss died so fast i couldnt tell if she had voice lines
well your character is a demi-god so it should be expected at that point
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it's dragover
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i think they are a "Do the dungeon once and they are gone forever" kind of deal with the female dragons,only the boys and big dudes appear again in raids

except this one, she is always on the gaebolg being subjected to kinky science
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kinky science? i thought she was just some dragon invader who wanted to sabotage the machine but got caught up in some machine once we defeat her?
U uh,if you believe that
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>male spitfire is "easy"
>female spitfire is "difficult"
are they really that different gameplay wise?
pic unrelated
your race is FINISHED
here's a haiku about playing mspitfire
i cast all my buffs
xxxxx backstep
I dont know anon, the "aerial" buff seems kinda useless on him compared to FSpitfire who spends the entire time flying

Do characters really have time to press their basic attack in later dungeons? i assumed it was just skill dump like in elsword,does its damage hold up?
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here's a korean dude that beat c4 largo with barely cutoff fame as every single damage dealing class playing both of them
should give you a good idea of what their gameplay is like at endgame
he made a tier list after of which ones were the easiest to do that with and both of them are pretty damn low
The more up the class is the "Stronger" it is? or how do i read that image
the easiest it was for him to do, damage doesn't really factor in a whole lot because all of their damage was set up to be pretty similar since you have to beat the first fight within 5 minutes or else it auto fails, he clears at 4:59 on a couple of them so he's really cutting it close
i think mspitfire took him like 8 hours of attempts or something and that's with him knowing every single part of that fight like the back of his hand
>4/5 of the shit i play is on F or below (FSpitfire,MSpitfire,Lightbringer,Inquisitor)
>only Demon slayer is A
Fuck me, i will just level the archer with fat thighs
you need 50k fame to even enter dusky and the recommended fame for c4 is 57k, the guy's just doing it as close to cutoff as possible to show it can be done
and it can be done on some classes a lot easier than others
the point of showing a long fight is to see how the class plays in a context where everything doesn't blow up in one rotation and you actually have to play the game, you can find videos of all of those including the just kill yourself tier blowing up c4 largo in under two minutes nowadays if you want to
jus b urself
>You can use your capped characters as AI teammates
>But only in outdated raid content that has nothing useful anymore
Oh cmon, at least let me use them to level my alts
that was such a based system i'm baffled they didn't bring it back
supposedly all this schizo shit is due to new directors not wanting to acknowledge anything good the previous directors did, which is why cool features just get abandoned after a couple of years
Easily one of the worst areas while leveling an alt
added to stalk list
Do not
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in the early days before counterparts (i.e blade master and sword master) most classes shared the same name and skills for both genders so playstyles had to be unique enough to distinguish between them

>male spitfire
percent class
uses musket
focuses on bullets
ally soldiers appear to fight alongside on some skills
basic attack x-string spam due to passives, use skills inbetween

>female spitfire
fixed class
uses bowgun
focuses on grenades
jetpack for mobilitiy
grenade skill spam while in the air, basic attack to extend airtime with aerial fire buff

happy 4th
If Fspitfire is mobility surely MSpitfire packs more punch, right?

RIGHT? i just like the flashy explosions
last time i checked male spitfire is sustained dps and is better overall while female spitfire is burst dps. it's situational so depends
lmao even
Fspitfire only has tits, ass and a jetpack,nothing special

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Cant wait for the female version of blitz
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she's a big girl
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it would be like meka tagore or queen destroyer
a big mama enjoyer
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My daughter grows so fast *sniff*
>m spit
Anon, he ceased to be a x mashing class ever since his BEAST nerf, he can't even get away with the basic attack set because his bullet installs don't even fucking scale with it.
whether he likes it or not mspit still spends close to 50% of his time pressing x because his other skills are just that bad
before the rhombus nerf mspit spent most of 110 cap using stuff like rhumbus, grey cat stone and those shoes that boost 1-20 skills that buffers use to buff up overcharge
him not mashing x most of the time is very recent
Iframes and mobility play a big role on unshackled because of his big ass instakill attacks. All top tier characters have reliable/spammable iframes and good enough mobility on top of good damage.
Bully chaos tits
this but her pits instead
Nut on her tits THEN clean up with her pits
900k clear cubes but still haven't got round to doing the cube burn build. I may be retarded.
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how the hell do you farm that amount of cubes? disassembling?
>whether he likes it or not mspit still spends close to 50% of his time pressing x because his other skills are just that bad
That's not true, his x string is filler at very best and he now has access to more than enough cdr to constantly facerolling his hotkeys (figuratively speaking if you're madman enough to use the ent shoulder with both non-cube and manual input skill attack options). That said, Buster Shot and C4 are his best skills, especially when stacking lv35 skill attack+bleed on ent pants.
>before the rhombus nerf mspit spent most of 110 cap using stuff like rhumbus, grey cat stone and those shoes that boost 1-20 skills that buffers use to buff up overcharge
Perhaps, but that doesn't change anything. All his non-cubes, bullet or grenades, are buffed by those items, but the shoes ALSO give +2 levels to every single one of his pre-awakening passives, but most importantly his grenade mastery which is a whopping 20% MORE damage on his 3 grenades.
>him not mashing x most of the time is very recent
Again, cooldown issue until now.

You're way better off selling them or amping normally with that much than to larp as a whale and burn money.

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