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could Starbound multiplayer take off on 4chan? I couldn't host but I would play on someone's server if they hosted.
If anybody's gonna host could they at least include a ton of QoL changes? Craft time is cancer.
they can be modded directly into the game
Craft time is client side.

I've always been interested in it but the infinite galaxy means you'll never encounter another player unless they specifically stay within a certain range.
We had a vanilla server two years ago.
I ran a starbound server for like 2 months on here a few months ago. It got to ten player peaks but there are just so many issues with modded servers that I would have to do maintenance almost daily. It was fun for larp. The game is really easy to grief or cheat in and almost impossible to prevent other than groups making their own little larp clans.
I would host again, starbound is my favorite game. I would also play on one if someone else hosted. A lot of people will only play if you have their hyper niche race mod.
Last time we had a 6 player bog base. You just need to group with non shitheads.
I think there's a mod for that too, so everyone starts on the same planet.
No because who the fuck is playing Starbound in 2024? It's too old and not good enough to have that kind of modern appeal. Now take the current player base of Starbound, find the players who actively play multiplayer, and among those players find those who use 4chan and also want to play multiplayer with other 4channers. You'd be lucky to get ten people TOTAL

Games with way more players and way more presence on 4chan struggle to have 10 players at any given moment
you just gonna bury your head in the sand and ignore the several anons above that said they're down to play? what an ignoramus
you're right, my bad, 2 anons mentioned passing interest in it. I concede to you, Mr Moron. I'm sure this server will be a marvel of activity. I'm parboiling my hat so I can eat it when I read about how lively it is ITT
>You'd be lucky to get ten people TOTAL
10 concurrent players sounds pretty alive to me
Disregard that retard and make it 3 players.
The real question being, is anyone actually going to host or not?
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get real. even if 20 people said they were interested when the time comes only 2 or 3 show up. Tale as old as time for 4chan (((gamers)))
I mean starbound is comfy when slow as well. I would still play. I am tempted to host but have no free time. If we did a server how many and what mods would we want?
Cross-compatibility is kind of a pain in the ass with some mods, for example: big content additions do not work with instant crafting. (minor nitpick but still), can we also unanimously agree on banning Avali?
Why ban avali? Because they are a gay furry tranny race? They have a fuck ton of compatibility
It's ugly.
I like it with cutebound but avali weapons are retarded
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I bought it ages ago and never played it. I would appreciate someone experienced setting up a QOL server and spoonfeeding me yes.
i bought this in early 2016 and completely forgot about it
willing to give it a shot but the couple outrage threads on /v/ i've seen made me a bit unsure
I funded the kickstarter like a decade ago, and recently started playing. It's fun, I wish I had good internet to host, but I think I could manage playing with you guys.
The game is essentially just a dumbed down Terraria that abused inexperienced game devs to make a half-assed product that you can only enjoy with mods. For example, there's a pitifully low amount of RAM allocated into the game so it lags like shit no matter what.
People who compare starbound to terreria are retards who only played the beta. The game came into its own as a survival, build, craft, adventure. Starbound, even vanilla, has better building and exploration than terreria. Terreria is an ugly boss fighting game. The combat is better but the exploration, crafting, and building is much worse.
Probably explains why i have 10 times the playtime in SB. I still dislike how you are cockblocked into using a single movement tech in each body group at a time.
I mean it is still far better with mods which fix most issues. GiC fixing combat and progression with FU and RPG growth. Too bad GiC fucks up FU combag.
Any content expansion mods that you guys would recommend (not FU)?
Corporate Expansion
Project Redemption / Knightfall
idfk if these count:
Galactic Dungeons
The Starforge
Feel free to say if these suck or not. Had limited play time with them all at once.
>The game is essentially just a dumbed down Terraria
untrue, it's more like an Elder Scrolls game & Metal Slug.
it's a slice of life, and not a boss rush.
it has emphasis on doing quests, not farming mobs.
there's variety in the gameplay, and not all in on one single game mechanic.
If I make a server, any opinions on must have mods? Must exclude mods? Then how about race mods?
felin with sexbound so i can rape an entire village and give them mutt babies
Isn't sexmod outdated still?
there's an open source revival, retards weren't able to implement certain positions cause apparently rear views don't exist for them
I just wanna play Starbound, with no degenerate mods.
Thanks for the suggestions. I won't be able to try them at the moment, but PR and GD seem closer to what I want to add. The other mods do look cool as larger content expansions.
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some of my personal favorites
There were two attempts, both died in like a few weeks if I recall correctly. I tried joining the second one and ot kept kicking me out 3 seconds in so I gave up.
I'd gladly attempt to play on a vanilla server. Sick of frackinshit being mandatory everywhere.
Not him but good bait, anon. I bet it took some research and thinking to be wrong in literally every regard to maximize engagement. I just don't get why'd enter a low traffic board like this one instesd of /v/ if you wanted to clown around.
I remember downloading Shellguard and it was just a massive red based plopped in my starting star system selling me t6 weapons for measly pixels before I could even travel to a different system. Is it still shite like this?
I just don't want autism sims like Frackin. The last thing I need in a laggy game where it takes forever to craft every little fucking thing is to have to craft 500 little fucking things across several dozen mismatched and mismanaged crafting stations for every little craft.
Sexbound, as I have heard, turned one of the previous servers into a complete unsalvageable shithole of ERPers.
How is that bait. Terreria is a boss fighting game. Starbound is a build/explore game. Sb was similar at the start with the boss crafting mechanic but took a whole new approach, focusing on exploration and dungeons/story.
Terreria for combat, starbound for building and exploring. Outside of combat/the boss loop, terreria had little going for it.
Then I'm sorry that you're a massive retard, lad. What a dreadful thing to be.
Nothing to find in Statbound. When you find a new biome or even a stupid log cabin in Terraria - you find new things and items and creatures and sights. In Starbound it's just shitty random out of place dungeons just plopped like a turd into random places on the planet, with nothing in them other than the empty and meaningless location and maybe a stupid hat.
It took Starbound until 1.4 to even have sloped blocks. Terraria has half blocks, sloped blocks, stairs, more paints, actuators, invisible blocks, etc. Starbound only has slightly less janky wiring and pretty sprites going for it. Anyone who says building in Starbound is better as a feature is a mongoloid.
Starbound is just blatantly less convenient to craft it. Can't browse recipes for multiple crafting tables, can't craft out of chests, and the crafts also aren't instant. It doesn't even help immersion, it's just more busywork.
Not even gonna grace your nigger ass with a thorough ass-tearing of Starbound's godawful story. Better none than what we got.
More biomes, more mobs, random costumes, music, fish, bugs, fossils, furniture, different races with their own unique architecture and culture, lore.
In terreria you have one actual dungeon and a few shitty randomly generated things underground. All you find are weapons, armor, potions, and accessories that all tie into just combat. They have no culture, lore, or soul.
Matter manipulator go brrr. Easy to get materials, more blocks to craft, better looking blocks, easier, smoother building with a highlight of blocks before they are placed, the shift function for single block and right click for backgrounds makes for a more smooth building experience unlike the hammer jank. The search function makes it easier to find shit as well. Different cultures, zoom levels, furniture, and biomes plus more unique colonies you can build (not the same retarded buyers) makes for much more inspired builds. People in almost every terreria play will make a wood cube or stone castle. You see way cooler builds for starbound with inspiration from the game. Endless worlds means endless resources. You do not have to fuck up the landscape of a planet to make giant and beautiful worlds and you do not have to annoyingly load a new fucking game.
A few different benches with a search feature. Way easier than scrolling for years.
Starbound has a shit story but good races that as I said, add a lot to the exploration and building. Terreria has no lore besides a fan fic made halfway into development.
>More biomes
All look the same and have almost nothing interesting in them, aside from a very few exceptions like regrowable kelp in toxic oceans or special floating buff fruits on alien trees. This is exceedingly rare and even then doesn't matter much.
>more mobs
No unless you count the procedurals, in which case hang yourself, NPC.
>random costumes
4 slots and like 7 dyes, compared to being able to put on different hats, chests, legs and up to 7 slots dedicated to hair ornaments, boots, gloves, cloaks, back accessories, belts, glowing eyes, and more. I'm not even certain if there are actually more outfits in Starbound, and even if there is it's still not an argument.
>different races with their own unique architecture and culture, lore
Shallow and irrelevant. Lore anf culture got butchered, and architecture amounts to tiny shitty villages uncomonly occuring on predefined biomes. Garbage.
>In terreria you have one actual dungeon
>and a few shitty randomly generated things underground.
Which have infinitely more exploratory value than slightly more intricately drawn shitty randomly generated things underground that you have in Starbound.
>All you find are weapons, armor, potions, and accessories that all tie into just combat.
They also tie into mobility, building, utility, and even aesthetics, be it cosmetics or exploration. All you find in Statbound is hats and ugly usually useless procedural weapons.
>They have no soul.
Faggot. Starbound is peak soulless shit done halfheartedly by people who didn't wanna be there.
>Matter manipulator go brrr.
Look, I have a Hamdrax! Revolutionary!
Terraria had that shit all the way back in 1.1.
>Easy to get materials
It's actually harder because you have to get 4 times as many walls as you would have had in Terraria.
>more blocks to craft
Arbitrary measurement.
>better looking blocks
Starbound does look more detailed, admittedly. But that's an artstyle feature, not a building feature.
Starbound also has better music than Terraria
>smoother building
Smoother how? Being able to place 4 blocks at a time?
>with a highlight of blocks before they are placed
Do you not see your own cursor? That's where the block will be.
>the shift function for single block and right click for backgrounds makes for a more smooth building experience unlike the hammer jank
What hammer jank, faggot? Just use smart cursor, it's even better than SB's wall filling.
>The search function makes it easier to find shit as well.
Grasping at straws, but I'll give you that one.
>Different cultures
Already deboonked. You can simulate more cultures in Terraria.
>zoom levels
2 shitty way too close for comfort ones and the farthest one is basically the same as Terraria's default.
Present in terraria.
Present in Terraria.
>plus more unique colonies you can build
And your colonists have as much value and personality as the furniture you placed in their homes. Bonus points for ugly disgusting tennant screens forced into every room and not even printed in different themes.
>People in almost every terreria play will make a wood cube or stone castle.
And people in almost every Starbound play will just shove a ton of random junk and containers into their ship.
>You see way cooler builds for starbound with inspiration from the game.
No. You just never actually paid attention to Terraria builders and how autistic they are and how much detail they put into their shit. There's a whole youtube gathering of them.
>Endless worlds means endless resources.
Since when do you have limited world slots in Terraria?
>You do not have to fuck up the landscape of a planet to make giant and beautiful worlds
You don't have to do that In Terraria either thougheverbeit question mark
>you do not have to annoyingly load a new fucking game.
Admittedly it's nice that you can jumo around your ship during the ONE of the THREE loading screens you need to go thrpugh to change your planet (beam up, travel, beam down), and you do kinda press fewer buttons in exchange for usually waiting more on the loading screen when you set up teleporters, but that's general Quality of Life, not even building.
>A few different benches
Why is this good? I'd need to know so I can tell you why you're a goober.
>with a search feature. Way easier than scrolling for years.
>scrolling for years
He didn't click on the hammer icon. Should we tell him?
>Starbound has a shit story but good races that as I said, add a lot to the exploration and building.
The races are only as good as the artstyle is. Their lore is shit. Just because you want to fuck the vegetable people doesn't mean there is any value to their role in the worldbuilding.
I'm not gonna do this "Address every argument" thing again, it's way easier for you to spout out some random shit than it is for me to say why it's bad in detail, and I hit the character limit TWICE replying to one post. I'm not gonna continue this conversation because you're clearly deranged and it would stretch for aeons, which I don't wanna do as to not shit up the thread any more than we already have.
Tldr save yourself the third
Starbound has more building variety and better inspiration. Terreria is better for some landscapes. You seem really mad anon, you should maybe make your terreria thread now.
It has more biomes.
Randomly generated combos of attacks and dungeon bosses constitute more mobs
SB outfits change looks more than the accessories which, 90% you never see
There are some cool cultural builds even old ones underground and a lot of dungeons. Way more than the two in terreria.
The underground of terreria is swing sword and break pots. The lowest level of looting in starbound.
More blocks mean more builds. Cope more.
Starbound has more mods.
Hammer drill axe is still worse than a matter manipulator
Better artstyle means better building
Gunna add, better backgrounds add to builds as well.
I have built in both, terreria with one at a time and slower building feels clunky. Switching to a hammer feels clunky. Having a block that can obstruct father building feels clunky. Having to craft new blocks for the background feels clunky.
I like smart cursor but I prefer breaking through blocks with mm.
How debunked? More blocks, more races, more styles, and more biomes/looks means more cultures and cool shit to build.
Zoom lets you appreciate builds more
More and better looking furniture with more functions in starbound
More biomes in starbound
Tired of replying because i’m not as retarded as you.
>tldr I ain't reading that!
>reads it
>projects his rage
>comes back to the conversation anyway after proclaiming he's not going to participate in it
I know I said I won't talk to you anymore, but I just have to accept your concession. Now it's my turn to tldr you, we're done here.
>thread about hosting a game
>asking for mods to either add more content or add QoL improvements
>devolves into apples to oranges debate
It's not apples and oranges in this case, but otherwise ye, I fucked it up by indulging the other one's nonsense. I'm gonna stop and let shit get back on track.
It is apples and oranges. Two different games. Your brain is rotted with your obsession you paragraph writing sperg.
That was not me >>1285362
but even I gave up reading on your third.
Just so I'm sure, are you >>1285407 ?
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Bro is the type of nigga to call 7 days 2 die a minecraft clone
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>ctrl+f chucklefish
>0 results found
today I will remind them
I don't know what kind of zoomer reference that is, I just wanted to make sure whether he was a hypocrite faggot or if it was just the nigger whom I already refused to talk to being starved for my attention. Seems like the latter was the case.
Not him but they bought a puppy for the office and then inexplicably replaced it with another. Several people allege that they didn't dogproof the office and the first dog accepted islam by snacking on the electric cables near its bed. Has been a meme ever since.
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And discord founders both raped dogs and allowed “cub” to be posted for years (while posting it themselves).
just take the L, you dont belong in a thread about hosting some Starbound.
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>just take the L, you dont belong in a thread about hosting some Starbound.
Not him, I like starbound and terreria a lot, but the anon is right. There is no world where building or exploration is better in terreria. I love terreria for the combat/boss loop. Both have some strengths.
I'm not gonna go through the same song and dance again. I'm sorry you have shit taste and are wrong, lad, let's just move on and talk a out hosting or playing or something productive instead of this inane dogshit argument.
NTA but you're wrong and also a faggot. Take the L and move on.
Dude, the buildfag is right though. Terreria is ugly and lacking compared to starbound builds. Just look at the average steam screenshots under the game.
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>NTA but you're wrong and also a faggot. Take the L and move on.
>Dude, the buildfag is right though. Terreria is ugly and lacking compared to starbound builds. Just look at the average steam screenshots under the game.
>>1285165 >>1285327
>>1285349 >>1285360
the problem i have with Starbound is that shit just isn't interesting
it's graphically improved, locations are more unique, there's lore and something resembling an overarching story... but none of that shit matters because it just isn't interesting or even good for that matter

Terraria is great because you can jump in, build some shit, kill some bosses, and fuck off to do your own thing
Starbound suffers from No Man's Sky syndrome where it shackles your nuts to the floor and says
>"hey faggot! you want to progress? i need you to go grind out 50 bear asses, 30 parakeet ballsacks, and 15 orangutan nipples!"
>"you... don't like that? i literally DO NOT give a SINGLE FUCK."
>"youre going to teleport from green swampy planet to red bloodrain planet to forest bloodrain planet to swampy desert planet and then back to the first - ad infinitum"

tl;dr they spent too much time trying to be a novel and it's fucking boring
If you want a starbound server to work (the third to my knowledge in /vm/) then its not only mods, but the people. Like, either events or an 'RP' focus, but if you don't do something the server always starts to lose pop and slowly dies
>story disabler mod
vmbound needs:
>hand-crafted universe map
>a skeleton of world building
>a public group and set of planets for everyone to join and use by default
>custom HARD dungeons for people to run as a group
>parts of the world people can claim and build their own locales on
>figure out what a "functioning" economy looks like and give the players tools to build it
tl;dr take a page out of MMORPGs, make something new to explore, otherwise it's not worth it
This is correct but, you need someone autistic enough and good enough at coding to do that.
People have wanted that shit in starbound for years. I used to be on an rp server kinda like that.
Random question, but have you ever played through those still populated servers in the official server list? I've always been interested, but one never knows...
I did a while ago. It went pretty well. Was a vanilla roleplay server. I did an apex. They had an economy and forum with lore. It reminded me of late game vintage story or minecraft where you have larpers and buildfags but no real struggle.
These days they more resemble empyrion. Small groups doing questing and exploring together. Honestly I think empyrion would be the best game for space civ/star trek type exploration and larp.
We had an empyrion server a year or two ago. It was fun. We made a mega ship and explored the modded universe.
Could be fun to try something familiar. I know there's like a Cruise Ship in one of the mods that I think you can build on for something familiar? I never bought one personally. It would need to be planned, but yeah.
Like the starbound cruise ship mod? I used it, it's kinda neat. Reminds me of hylotl underwater cities with club decks.
Yeah. Except it probably wouldn't work, because I don't know if you can steer it and you probably couldn't alter it. Otherwise you would need to pick a single ship and start building from there (which is possible with mods). Just with Frackin and such would take some effort. Sadly I don't think you can bind your spawns to other places than your ship though, so you would need to teleport there every time.
So if I host a sb server, would you guys want FU?
Would we do a short vanilla?
Would we have a few or a lot of mods? I ran the last one. We had like 250 mods but it was a lot of work to keep it running. If anyone wants to help make a modpack if we decide to make one I would love lists from anons.
I personally enjoy FU. Its grinding autism but it can be nice grinding autism.Towards the mod-list couldn't we just use the last one with a few additions (and retractions)
I want fu to be a scientist larp. Should we do heavy or light mods? If you look up vm 2.0 on steam collections our old modlist should pop up.
Sure but it would be nice to have more quality of life mods that aint in there
Such as: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=729427436
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817468961 (If it doesnt fuck things up)
And potentially some other popular ones, albeit I've never been one to ask.

There is some misc mods that you could remove from that list to make it lower and potentially less unstable but it would be whatever, mostly clothing and gun mods that don't quite fit into the setting. Once again its not quite the mods but what one does with em surrounding it that decides whether it lives or dies however
I don't like FU desu but if you wanna run it, go for it
to me, that mod felt too much like one of those Minecraft mods that arbitrarily makes everything take 5x longer. there are plenty of other mods that add content to the game that you can grind
i haev no opinion on fu......
>If anyone wants to help make a modpack if we decide to make one I would love lists from anons.
I hate the crafting busywork of FU. I don't have fun recycling and transmuting a billion resources across half a million workbenches, I just wanna go on a soace adventure.
this I like vanilla, I've only noticed one nitpick while playing the game solo. idk if there's a mod to fix it.
It seems like most people want vanilla so I can start on a mostly vanilla modpack. Would you still want a race traits mod?
Personally, I am afflicted with optimizer brainrot AND rp brainrot, so I tend to subtly seethe when a species I chose for aesthetics or genetics or culture doesn't fit into my build mechanically. But I'm probably the only one and not worth listening to in that regard.
are there more than like 12 different planets now? seeing that stupid ape prison colony for the 3rd time sure is interesting.
nta i like vanilla+. the main issue with the base game is that the pacing is dogshit and combat isn't really worth a damn.
usually I use RPG stats + race traits + a shitload of QoL + a few content mods like arcana/shellguard and a few extra races too depending on what i or my frens wanna play with
sometimes SxB too depending on how autistic/degenerate we're feeling

very few races have genuinely build-ruining traits, but in the worst-case scenario the "disable traits" button is there for a reason. plus you can RP that you're "different"
your prison had monkeys?
>tfw favorite build aesthetic comes with universally hated race of feather raptors
I just want my orange white and black color pallette goddamnit
>universally hated race of feather raptors
wait do people hate the avians for some reason? why?
I think he is in reference to the avali. The most popular and hated standalone race mod. Loved by furries and trannies, hated by white men.
Avians are okay, their colors are red/yellow.
oh. That race looks pretty ugly but I don't see why it'd be super popular or super hated unless everyone that uses the mod is an obnoxious fuckwit. Though if it's popular with furfags and trannies then I guess that'd explain it.
The race itself isn't that interesting but their build style, gear, tech, and lore is fun. The mix of high tech smooth curves and carbon fiber accents with orange plastic-y glass, but also bedouin style decorations with canvas decoration and tents.
They have this smug superiority about everyone's tech levels to boot which makes inspecting things fun at times.
Troons ruin everything I like, 49% needs to be 100% already.
I wouldn't mind non-frackin as long as there are other QoL mods and some other interesting content mods as well. Just more than the base-game.
I really will never understand why people want to use modding that much.
Unless for maybe some basic QoLs I don't see a need for it.
1. For Quality of Life.
2. Because it adds/restores back content the dev's removed (insert that screenshot of the amount of shit deleted from the game since Alpha on the wiki)
3. Because most of the popular mods are generally okay. Not all fit with the original setting, but many do, and they add new circumstances and things to find, test, and explore.
4. Variety is the spice of life.
5. More is not always better. But Quality Better is almost always better.
6. Adds on and refines incomplete content (guns, mechs, swords, staffs, magic, and so on)
7. Why would you ever say no to more choice? As much as I enjoy this game, playing for many, many hours tends to make the base game relatively stale (unless you get into building autism, which is respectable)
There are many reasons why mods are good, and these are only a few of them. I can understand disliking some mods, but many aren't that bad, Starbound has a very, very decent modding scene.
>Because it adds/restores back content the dev's removed (insert that screenshot of the amount of shit deleted from the game since Alpha on the wiki)
idk if there was a single screenshot lying around, but off the top of my head
>T6 ores were all separate tiers, and had a required tech unlock to be able to craft shit with them (IIRC items went up to T10, which is why T5/T6 armors have three separate sets)
>Multiple removed bosses and trash mobs
>Race traits

anyway mods are good for starbound in particular because the vanilla game genuinely has a lot of issues. it's not something like terraria where most of the vanilla issues can simply be coped with
Not him but I'm pretty sure there were never race traits in vanilla at any point. They did say they wanted to make race armor have different stats, but I don't remember if they ever did do that.
>in vanilla
There were some racial differences but they were almost entirely AI related IIRC
There were a bunch of discussions on the forums (and their discord but discord fucking SUCKS for archival) about planned racial traits but they were only ever plans, nothing actually got implemented because of how messy the development was.
The ones I remember off the top of my head were the Novakid having more ranged damage, the Glitch having more HP, and Florans having increased regen (whenever regen was applied, whether it was from the EPP or buffs)
this, the game is fun
just...host the game already
Weird, I followed that dogshit since the kickstarter announcement and I distinctly remember them wanting to tie racial differences to armor.
That was something that they spitballed a bit too, but I don't think they implemented that either.
The default race differences were mostly minor from what I remember though, compared to lategame armor differences.
Ye they never did add any functional racials whatsoever.
Were the last two servers RP or casual? You know, outside of the ERP pestilence of the first one. I'd love a dedicated RP server for pretending to be a stuck-up pretentious apex or a hyperactive manic novakid or someshit.
>You know, outside of the ERP pestilence of the first one.
What happened to the first one? Did people go crazy with SxB, or what?
Naw. I left before all the sexbound stuff but it was more just a few server issues that lead to a reset or two. Didn't help. There was also an occasional character breaking bug where you couldnt get into the server (I think due to one of planet mods that added large plants)
I ran the last server. It was comfy but the mods made it too hard to maintain without manually updating it daily. Starbound is hard to run a stable, heavily modded server. That is why i'm working to cut back on the mods. FU also makes it a lot harder.
Don't know about others, but I can settle for as few mods as you want, all the eay down to vanilla, so long as there is something to do. Last time I couldn't even play on the server at all because it kept booting me 2 seconds after joining, and I had to take like a 15 minutes break for that abomination to even launch. I'll only be happier for it if FU and other clumsy bloat is ditched.
The main issue mod with the last server was BYOS
Never do BYOS in MP
I wish there were more top-down terrarialikes instead of sideview. I personally feel a lot more adventurous being able to explore enviroments where I can move anywhere on the horizontal axis.
Keplerth is like the only remotely good game like this that I know of, but it's very light on content and the devs are taking really long trying to update it.
keplerth kind of just looks like rimworld but with different graphics
It has the peg body style similar to Rimworld but it's nothing like Rimworld gameplaywise. It's a Terrarialike.
Necessee is amazing.
I bought that one but it is somehow too powerful for my toaster.
Weird. It really is the most terreria top down out there. Very similar progression, crafting, combat, and boss fights. I would not call starbound a terreria clone since it came to its own but necessee is a clone. Not in a bad way. I still prefer terraria combat but necessee has a better raid and town building system.
Starbound absolutely is a terrarialike.
Vanilla or a single overhaul mod like FU

The most important QOL mods work clientside and fuckhuge required modlist will reduce your already small potential playerbase even further.
vore mod
I cant believe the servers are dead....
they were never alive to begin with
How so? Besides being 2D survival/craft
There is practically no survival in terraria and similarly there is almost no survival in Starbound.
Other than that, the regular 2D dig-craft-build-fight format is just Terraria with small deviations. Minecraft and Terraria are sufficiently different for the latter not to be a clone of the former, but Starbound is too similar woth superficial differences like a ship-shaped stationary hub replacing a loading screen when you change worlds.
I cant believe we killed what never lived...
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I remember what a random anon in /indie/ told me about a SB serb.
I'm up for it if it has FU.
Also if that anon is still here. Hi there.
That was most likely me. Therr is no server yet, it's being merely discussed right now, and also there's no guarantee it will have FU since several others including me have voted against it and the lad(s?) thinking about launching a server may or may not have listened to us.
I wanted to host it this week but a lot of shit went wrong irl.
Happens. It's good to see that you're still interested though. That's more than enough.
I haven't played the new FU version(with techtree and stuff). That's why I want to play with FU.
Is that bad the new tech tree thingy?.
I like the new FU a lot. In multiplayer when combined with the rpg progression mod it is great for making different roles for players. I love the FU electronics and farming. It is fun feeling like a mad scientist. The thing with FU though, is it slows down progression. Starbound is pretty casual and FU forces you to slow down and make multiple bases on multiple planets for regional resources. Which would be amazing for multiplayer if not that anyone can easily cheat for items.
>rpg progression mod
Which one? https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1115920474 this one?
Interested. The game had potential.
Frackinkino fixes this shit game and shows an alternate timeline where faggotfish studios give a care.
>yeah bro just make everything much grindier in a game that already has pacing issues
the idea of making bases on multiple planets is fine on paper but frackin is a shit mod and does not execute that idea well
so will there be a server or not
i wouldn't make a dedicated server but i have played starbound with a few anons in current year granted we had sex mods and coomed during it too and i made anon grenrgnant but it is possible
why the fuck would you play it with sex mods on a server with people from here
This is very true
So no one is going to host?
get over it
I just checked Starbound steam discussions on a whim and it seems like that whole source code leak might have resulted in something after all. I'm seeing threads about something called OpenStarBound which is apparently an open source rewrite that is attempting to unfuck the game's optimization and has already made progress in that regard. I don't have any solid information as of right now to share, but I figured I'd tell you all lest I forget.
how does it compare to starextensions?
at a glance it looks like it might just be a better version of it without the forced meme shit
I'm not good with mods to be frank, I'm a vanilla purist. Don't even know what StarExtensions does.
Speaking of mods, anyone has any opinions on Betabound? It seems to add new content and claims to be conpletely compatible with release vanilla, and I'm not sure how faithful it is to the betas because of that. If we'll be playing on a vanilla+ server, will that one be added to the modlist?
sounds cool
but I wish we were playing already, lol
I posted this thread two months ago.
Last lad who made a server had to pay a triple digit number of dollarydooblerinos per month for hosting. I don't know how that server died but it did, and so I figure at this point nobody really wants to waste resources setting up a novelty that will last a few weeks and wither away again.
OpenStarbound is pretty new but it's slowly implementing all of the (useful) things StarExtensions did. imo it'll probably completely replace it in a few more months

>Don't even know what StarExtensions does.
It does a bunch of assorted things because it also took advantage of the source code leak, except it did it a long time ago while also inserting some meme shit nobody asked for.
What kinda memeshit are we talking?
StarExtensions downloads google TTS to make every Glitch speak audiably, and it also adds twitch emotes into the chat
Morbid. Thank fuck for these less autistic autists and their opensorse thing I guess. Wonder if it can be put on the workshop for convenience or if they'll never do it bexause of opensorse autism.
desu idk if it'd even work on the workshop because rather than being a simple "mod goes in the mod folder" mod, it outright changes some files
I suppose. Does it help with multiplayer optimization? Should we all download it for the server? Are non-openSB games even compatible with openSB ones?
Starbound is closed due to dead dog.
Everybody go home.

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