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>What's new?
3.23 is in PTU and open to all
Invictus announced, starting on the 17th, Polaris to appear exterior only

>New to Star Citizen?

>General info and useful links

>CitCon 2023, intends to release "within next 12 months" (this year)

Previous thread
What is this invictus?

An in game event?
Big sale focused on combat ships only, along with a freefly event, and a full idris tour this year.
more like SHILLvictus amirite loool
>people are still falling for this scam
>PTU open to all
not true since ptu account copy is disabled
Its still the best we got in the genre, especially when you look at what supposedly AAA devs are making with shit like fucking starfield
>Once again, we want to thank everyone for participating in the 3.23 PTU. We say it each and every week, but we can't understate how appreciative we are for your assistance! The feedback and Issue Council reporting from all of you has been invaluable in preparing for a live release, which we're currently aiming for early this week. We're very excited to get this update into your hands, and intend to carry the momentum we've established into the rest of the patch cycle.
is it actually close to being stable?
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Will never not be funny how much people tried to shit stir online about it vs SC before it came out. What's gonna be the next SC killer bros?
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long time hater here, the game is still unplayable but the communication from some CIG dev on spectrum should be an example for any game studio of what a good communication should be
chris is so fucking lucky a bunch of cultist not only gave him money but also are making the actual game
>is it actually close to being stable?
3.23 has been stable for a few days now, but just remember that the PTU is not nearly as stressed-tested as live is, so it's anyone's guess how stable it will actually be until then.
EPTU, anon
>the communication from some CIG dev on spectrum should be an example for any game studio of what a good communication should be
CIG dicksucking is cringe.
eptu require ptu account
I just got my account PTU copy email now, clicked the button yesterday, might be back on again. It probably broke over the weekend while nobody was around to fix it.
They intentionally disabled account copying for the PTU servers over the weekend. As of right now its still not up on the websites settings.
>LFs are now too weak
Now make them worse.
>no new spectrum dev posts today
faggots finally working on the patch?
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have they said anything about repair-cuck missions? would be nice to have some engi rep/skill grind outside of multicrew gameplay
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They just spent a year+ on Master Modes. I'm not saying MM is bad or good. Let's forget about that. The fact that the flight model is being totally overhauled AGAIN after 12 years is insane. This is the single core component of the whole game. It doesn't depend on "new tech". It's just a vehicle movement controller.

Especially this close to a purported release of SQ42 where all it's features have been completed and locked in
its all comes back around to WW2 is space spergs.
THeyre trying to force tail chasing gameplay in a 6dofs space sim.

>back strafing is bad
thats how shit will happen when theres no aerodynamic drag.
I feel people like a1 who's only space/aviation experience is star wars squadrons are a big cause.

The concept of instantaneous turn rate is completely alien to them along with any other complex aviation concept.

They don't know that in modern irl dogfights high instantaneous turn rates and stable high alpha states made possible through vastly improved fluid modeling and materials science has created an obnoxious dogfighting meta. IRL fighters in the near future are already pushing past the limits of wez jamming into the realm of the kind of nose to nose bullshit we see in SC.

I really don't get the ww2 thing either, even at these " soooo slow scm speeds" we're flying at the high corner speed ~420 knots of an f-16.
No this is Heather, who were you again?
space is a setting not a genre you x4spammer lookin ass.
EVE is an RPG set in space.
Star Citizen is a First person sci-fi sim set mostly in space.
A Bunch of pompous faggots who take themselves way too seriously
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>the most powerful ship hasn't changed in price
I'm dead
pls understand the doomsday bomber meant to end the turtle race is actually a smol light fighter
huh? eclipse gets shredded by anything that actually discovers it and torps are in a horrible place right now
>drops a s10 torpedo your direction
Psshh.. nothing personal..
>simply throttles up and outruns it
>ww2 in space sperg
Buckle up then, cause that's exactly what Chris is.
correction, smol medium fighter
My beloved…
I long for the day that you are no longer forgotten about
uhh where is vulture?
the eclipse only has 2 badgers so it's clearly a racing ship tuning
remember when idiots were saying Starfield would be the SC killer?
it still might be, sc is nowhere near release ready and microsoft is pissed starfield underperformed to the point they might engooden it before sc even sees a beta
I doubt it. Seems like most of the things people don't like are from limitations baked into the engine. I don't know how much pressure Microsoft can/will put on Bethesda, but if it's up to Bethesda that shit is not getting fixed. I just don't see a world where Starfield has no loading screens, larger cities, or even good writing. They'd literally need to start all over from the beginning. I think they'll just do little fixes and add more content.
engood this:
Nothing less than a complete overhaul can fix starfield, a remake even. Actually just make a completely different game since the story and dialogue belong in the trash too.
>Nothing less than a complete overhaul can fix starfield, a remake even.
You say this as if Star Citizen isn't in the same boat.
Crysis was a mistake.
3.23 live before weekend starts surely
Yeah they'll drop their fat shit on the way out of the office on Friday so the servers can melt down over the weekend.
Starfield's problems are so immense and unsolvable that there's nothing they can actually do to fix it
Star Citizen's approach is an absolute meme but by spending 10 years on laying the groundwork, it's actually working as intended
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it's over
>tfw the protoscam is saving modern gaming
kek desu
They're gunna resell the raven, their contract with intel only lasted a certain number of years.

Because the raven contains no intel intellectual property it's just that simple to sell it again.
Negative Ghost Rider.
They’re going to release it again with Intel’s next graphics cards
but intel doesn't make graphics cards?
>tfw Infinite Warfare, ME Andromeda, and Starfield have now released before SQ42
>all of them has been critically panned
meanwhile SC is now riding a growing wave of hype as the game nears a state where normies can see and understand it and begin to grasp what it is trying to be.
>lmao Starfield the SC killer
Yeah nah, for as absolutely dogshit as Starfield was, doing spacelegs shit was still way fucking better in it than SC. It was the space combat that was the bummer in it. These games need to have good space shooties, otherwise what's the fucking point? That's why I kinda wretch when I see them focusing on shit like hangars and cargo elevators and food and shit, while the space combat gets to fucking languish. I am not looking forward to this master mode shit. Blowing up spaceships is the only reason I play this dogshit game, and if they make that as boring as the rest of the game, why bother? Might just fucking sell my package.
Reverski is boring bullshit to fight against. I agree that it should be allowed in a 6dof game, but it should be bad.
I know you're taking the piss but how big should a fighter be before you're ok with it? Hornet size? Vanguard?
Starfield is nothing but trash and it will never be fixed or good, last time i checked it had 2k players on steamchart.
lmao even.
Now please kindly fuckoff back to your tranny general where you post character pictures of your gay nigger furry troon avatar and how you love the 50 year old hag.

Whens the update?
Nigger won't even reply to me. I got Starfield for free when buying a 7800x3d and I still kinda feel ripped off. Quit coping about your dogshit game. I'm an elite player anyway, and that game sucks shit too. They all suck. There is no good space game. Maybe Orbiter. Everspace or Underspace. It's hard to get the thrill of killing another player in space combat anywhere else though, and SC has it accessible and quick, which is why I play, even if Elite has a much superior flight model at its limits. Mostly because they LEFT IT THE FUCK ALONE.

Anyway has anyone griefed with the Ion yet in MM? Wondering if I should use that or a Corsair.
>tfw Chris & Sandi's expectations became the reality
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so uhh patch live today?
not him but light fighter should be weak, they are "Light" fighters. That supposed to mean they are fast and fragile and fucking up at all means they die. If you want real shields fly a real fighter not a racing ship with guns. The X-wing is a Medium Fighter, the TIE is a light Fighter.

The Idea of a single Light fighter being a threat to a larger ship is absurd and even against smaller ships the lighter fighters whole game has to be staying out of the gun sights. Taking any damage should a problem and eating a solid burst from anything but another light fighter or equivalent turret should be catastrophic. If you want to tank damage in any way you should be flying a brawler like the Hornet not a skittery fairy like a gladius. The Issue with the lights all along has been that you never got to hit them for more than a couple seconds at a time and you could almost never kill or even really damage them in those couple seconds, at which point theyd disengage recharge their shields and try again over and over and over because their speed allows them to control the engagement. They should not have bot control of the engagement and the ability to soak damage or the other guy cannot win. Slow ships have to commit into combat and in exchange they get the ability to survive some punishment. Lights get to choose to fight or not but the cost of that choice has to be the risk of sudden loos due to fragility.

Reverse may be "Boring" but its objectively how things will fight without aerodynamic drag. Without aero forces make you fly a certain way it is objectively best to point the nose of any ship with nose mount weapons. Enforcing arbitrary speed caps to discourage it is just bias. "You cant go sideways or backwards fast!, why "cus".

It boils down to "Cus I don't like it and thats now how my TV shows are"
Its being dictated by the poor understanding of spaceflight of 1980s boomer showrunners. This is supposed to be a sim. and it was specifically pitched as 6DoF sim
Maybe this is a retarded question but I will shoot anyway. If I uninstall the 3.22.0 build and reinstall the game when 3.23.0 drops, do I lose my progress? I garnered massive wealth and ships during the weevil eggs rush. Don't wanna lose any progress.
stuff like that is server side, your client stores settings and screenshots the server stores your "value" and position.

There is a partial wipe coming with 3.23 though. Might wanna look into it, Im not keeping up my self cus I dont have much to lose, it may be only wallet getting wiped in which case buy ships or w/e. Look it up I am unsure.
all that shit is stored server side anyways and they've already said they're wiping for 3.23
test post, please ignore
No Invictus leaks, huh? I guess the literal tranny discord has finally been declawed.
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i checked
overdrive is over
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did you get yours yet lil bros?
is there still time to do it?
Where is mine :(
decided idgaf about a week in and that the juice wasnt worth the squeeze.
Im not a single seat gun fighter sort of dude. If they do something similar for a T8A Gladiator II I'll be all over it.
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>waifuschizos in this general as well
its over
deployment too hard the spicy sunshine keeps knocking the packets out the collection of tubes
>shipfu posting in this general
we are so back
what are the traits of the girls based on manufacturer?
yo faggots

>Hi everyone,
>We're excited to share that we're aiming to release to the live servers tonight.
>As we gear up for this update, we've been making some big changes behind the scenes to refactor the reputation UI. As part of this update, players will find that some elements of their reputation have been reset. This will impact faction reputation and may extend to some mission givers, but will not impact your progress towards the Overdrive Initiative. While we strive to avoid wipes whenever we can, it's essential this time to prevent potential issues stemming from the extensive changes in this patch.
>As always, we'll be keeping a close eye on things. We can't wait to see everyone dive into all the new features and content, and we'll see you in-game.
Is it out, they put out a video.
All I know is any Drake girl would have STDs.
>couldn't connect to server
see you tomorrow next week
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Modularity when?
Update tonight. Maybe. Possibly.
It's live right now m8

its out retard
patch is shit, too many people, you lesser thans need to get off my servers
I wish the Hawk performed as good as it looked.
this nigga probably has like a 400i and thinks hes the hottest shit.
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Quick, while servers are still stable
>no pyro
It's ogre
is the starmap still cancer to use?
does the mobiglass still lag randomly when you open / close it?
do elevators still throw you into the abyss?
does the server still decide your framrate?
do servers still 40k/30k after a couple hours?
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>is the starmap still cancer to use?
no but the planets still look ugly as fuck in the map
>does the mobiglass still lag randomly when you open / close it?
no, but idk if its the same between windows and linux. for example, the lag spike when initiating QT doesnt happen on linux but it spikes during QT instead
>do elevators still throw you into the abyss?
hasn't happened to me, but even back then it didn't happen to me often
>does the server still decide your framrate?
hasn't been a thing for a long time. the server framerate does still affect AI, but its high enough that they only delay a couple seconds before shooting when you are in their sights, station NPCs are walking around but at a settlement I went to they were stuck at their spawn. I might just have a good server though.
>do servers still 40k/30k after a couple hours?
don't know, only a couple hours in
crash recovery is also supposed to be a thing now
my game crashed once so far, and when I rejoined I was right back where I left off in my ship.
>consoles stop working
>log out, can't log back in
>is the starmap still cancer to use?
>does the mobiglass still lag randomly when you open / close it?
It has the same open/close animation and for me its a very slight lag, cant speak for others.
>does the server still decide your framrate?
Server health doesn't dictate your clients FPS, was never a thing. Servers themselves don't suck as much now.
>do servers still 40k/30k after a couple hours?
Replication layer/server recovery is in for 3.23, feel free to google what that is.
Sat through a 16,000 queue to get on. First impressions: I was already getting 100+FPS in landing zones in 3.22 but 3.23 feels much smoother across DX11 and Vulkan(beta) renderers. CIG's upscaling looks better than FSR so if you're on Intel/AMD GPUs and you need extra frames, use that. Mind you, I'm playing at 4K so 66% render scale is still pretty high for me so ymmv. AI is entirely functional on my server at full capacity, FPS combat is tactical and brutal. The UX improvements make the game feel like a game instead of a clunky tech demo for the first time.

If it's handling the load this well right now on patch night when everyone's trying to play, there's actually a chance it'll be playable during Invictus free fly next week. Gonna play more tomorrow and figure out how much master modes fucked my ships.
We are so fucking back.
return to /vg/ when?
you did claimjumpers? if yes I feel your pain
/scg/sis why is that the default looking "body type 2" character?
>Server health doesn't dictate your clients FPS, was never a thing. Servers themselves don't suck as much now.
False. SC is very similar to ARMA in the sense that the server has a direct relationship to a client's frame rate. Not 1:1 but the difference between a good server and a bad server might cost you 20-30FPS.

Not that you'd want to play on a 'bad server' because those have broken AI.
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You sound extremely confident, but so does this guy. Idk really but i'm leaning towards this guy's explanation on the whole debate. Maybe you and him can do battle to decide who's right or wrong.
>in theory a server should not affect the client but in practice it does (right now) but we're in the process of fixing that
I genuinely cant tell if this is bait or you are having a full on mental breakdown and reading whats obviously not there. Anyways, I'll take it as: Ali Brown 1 - (You) 0
People, myself included, used to use cheat engine to load into the PU map in Arena Commander offline because the performance was substantially better. Sorry, buddy, but Ali Brown is full of shit.
SC players are very retarded about technology, they strongly want to deny the fact that this game was made with an engine running on ps3/xbox360 and that the game does not work because it is complete shit
they keep thinking dlss will help even when you tell them tons of time that upscaling is gpu sided and that the problem of the game is on the cpu
server fps does impact your local fps because of the multiple things, the streaming, the rollback, the monitoring, etc
most people playing this game prefer to invest 500$ in an overkill cpu than listening to actual knowledge telling them that displaying your performance monitor does overload your cpu and reduce your framerate
Flying sideways and flying backwards are two completely different beasts. First off, there is no sideways or backwards, it's space, but that's just pedantics. Second, if the guy's moving in a vector away from you and simply turning around to blast you that's fucking lame. Using all your directional thrusters to pull tighter turns is fucking cool. All I'm saying is that simply slamming thrust and turning around shouldn't be an optimal strategy. If we wanted to talk about what's "realistic" we wouldn't have slow light and capped velocity anyway. Again, look at Elite. Maintaining a reverski requires turning around and boosting again, which means that assuming similar top speed ships, the attacker can catch up. The best thing to do with people who pull that is to disengage.
got my first fight in MM today
I was expecting it for a long time
it took me almost 1 hour to destroy the enemy ship
it was a prospector
I thought they changed my weapons into distortion at some point because I was doing zero damage
so yeah the movements are interesting I think it is less retarded than before but the aiming or the balance is very bad
Prospector has a bug that makes its front half immune to damage https://youtu.be/eUBlxpiffh
Oh, the video died, nvm. I think the bug still exists.
thx I feel less bad
I will try again tomorrow against different ships
I was doing claimjumper mission and there was like 20 other prospector enemies
I ignored them hard
Oh another thing, Gladius is a bad example because it's meant in lore and in description to be a fast brawler, at least tankier than other lights. The Arrow is super fragile. The 125a can be breathed on and die. The Titan's fucking huge and slow and isn't that tanky. And in 3.22, flying in my Corsair, the only possible way I could die to an Arrow is if I decided to stick around long enough for him to kill me. I have no idea what you're talking about, and it mostly feels like resentment against players who have put their time into understanding the flight model and who choose a good tool for the job. It's like bitching about the FDL being OP, flying one, getting toasted, and realizing that ship does work because it has a high skill ceiling, not because it's better.
you can change skin colour to playdough?
>colloidal silver
sounds fun
I was gonna come back because the Vulkan + FSR might make it run well but is it still locked to one fucking system of planets?
>is it still locked to one fucking system of planets?
Yes. Vulkan is also not where it needs to be yet for improving the overall framerate more than DX11, but upscaling does help abit.
Im not too worried, I run a 7800X3D and 7900XTX with 32GB DDR5 at 6000MHz but when I last played I was getting 90fps in New Babbage but still felt a little stuttery.
Will give the new stuff ago.
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>but is it still locked to one fucking system of planets?
I'm not a fan of origin ships in general but I love the 400i.
I wanna try salvaging starting with the handheld meme, whats the best spawn location for it?
Spawn points don't really matter for the salvage claim missions in the contract manager; just pick any. They also greatly buffed the dedicated salvage gun, so it's no longer a meme to just salvage with it for profit.
is it available for sale everywhere?
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Yep, they are at every platinum bay and plenty of other shops.
Overall a smooth patch it seems. Good QoL compared to previous patches, that starmap took ages to deliver but is looking good.

I bumped into these issues on my first play session:
>DB is slow, inventory is taking a while to load and some requests are taking a while to be actioned.
>You sometimes choke if you take your helmet off in the cockpit of the ship, the interior of the ship also shows ice/frost in the interior which looks off.
>Spazzing out and getting teleported back when loading boxes on the mule
>Star map not allowing you to lock on to a node by clicking on it, the moment you move your mouse to click calculate route the destination gets deselected. Only way to lock on is to search with text.
>Mission Objectives still cluttered with the star map after calculating route for a single destination it is still displaying the other objectives. They should make a distinction between the selected objective and other objectives with a change of colour or something.
>Run at 80 fps
>Turn on DLSS
>Runs at 80fps
So the upscalers did fuck all then.
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>vulture not pledge only anymore
>salvage gives fuck all money
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>limited version of dynamic server meshing this year
>yfw boss is bullshiting and you gotta roll with it
rmc is still pretty good
cm got nerfed into the dirt because reclaimers were grinding up thousands of hammerheads
how we feeling about our smol boi?
Highly doubt they will manage to get dynamic server meshing this year in any form.
The static server meshing tests look promising, we will most likely get that first with 200ish players or so and hopefully better AI due to reduced server load granted you don't get 200 players piling up in one spot.
Events happening in one place would be tricky to handle, they'd have to be split into multiple zones with objectives in each and have some sort of queue if the concentration of players gets out of hand.

Dynamic zone allocation would probably come in after the initial implementation. The bugs will be interesting.
I think there could be a system that shuts off either jump gates when there are too many people on one side, and only allow one-way travel
But they will probably just want to go straight to dynamic meshing, since developing solutions for static meshing problems will be pointless
I REALLY like the new mobiglass UI

also how the fuck do you select something to navigate to in the starmap? I can click on it and a little window will appear with a [Navigate fuel: xx] button but if I try to move my mouse over to it, it vanishes
Well if replication layer already works they could crash the servers at anytime, copy the state to multiple new server instances and allocate them to nested entities like ships or static zones.
You can probably also have layers of servers overlapping to service the same zone and communicate with each other. (example a server dedicated to AI only in that area and several others to handle a thousand or so players in a small region).

How would they decide when and how to do that though, sounds complicated as hell.
I feel like it won't scale infinitely, there will be limitations with handling latency and throughput when a lot of servers are hammering each other to receive the latest info particularly in small highly concentrated regions in the game world where players are interacting with a lot of server instances and transitioning between them rapidly.

If Eve was any indicator people love to concentrate in their thousands in small regions, particularly in battles or huge trading hubs.
I don't have confidence they would pull it off smoothly without imposing hard limits.
i think having a server for an event spot would make it easy to have 200 players in that spot, you have to consider that cities have probably 300 npcs or something clogging the server, in an event like old xenothreat where you have a skeleton crew javelin vs a skeleton crew idris and some spare npc ships, a server would have no problem running 30fps locked with all players being there
So, uhm... wasn't ray tracing supposed to come alongside with vulkan support and upscaling? Where is it?
hes beautiful
Game crashes at the EAC launch screen. Game log says gpu is responsible for crash.

>Is GPU crash: Yes
- GPU crash message: GPU CRASH (async): [...2/DisplaySystem/D3D11Display.cpp:234 CD3D11Display::Present] (0x887A0005) DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED The GPU device instance has been suspended. Check gpu_error.log for more details, raise value of r_gpuMarkers and / or run with r_enable_full_gpu_sync = 2 to get to the source of the problem. Reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG

Know any fix?
update windows 11
update gpu driver
install gentoo
Can someone explain to me why the Avenger has 40% more hitpoints and better SCM than the 300i when the 300i is supposed to be the higher end ship?
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Post your characters.
QRD master mode being so divisive?
300i is a "Luxury" ship not a "Higher end" ship.

Luxury means you're paying a tax for styling and flashiness. A tax that the avenger does not pay.
The 300i is a daily driver cruising ship for rich kids and mid level businessmen.
The Avenger is a 400 year old battleaxe operated in turn by the navy, marines, advocacy, bounty hunters pirates outlaws and freelance mercenaries.

Of course the Avenger is a better fighter overall.
Theyre at the same price point and the Avenger is 100% utilitarian vs the 300i which is at least 40% wankery.
Theres a variety of criticism flying around, mine is that it heavily favors aggressors and punishes people looking to avoid fights.

The hauler or miner doesnt win by blowing up the pirate he win by escaping without being robbed or murdered and mastermodes means that hes gotta **turn his shields off to run away** Which is absurd and nonsensical for a variety of reasons.

guns off in nav sure.
But "go fast" mode should be engines and shields to max power to cope with inevitable collisions at high speed. Even hitting baseball sized rock at 1400m/s would be catastrophic to an unshielded ship, without even mentioning that collision at fractional lightspeeds you work up to in quantum.

It also means when you drop OUT of nav mode your shield are down. Some ships the shields take several minutes to charge. So you trip over A QED, get tackled and are completely defenseless, instant suckerpunches

Like it reeks of a system designed in an environment devoid of griefing and im thinking Im going to spend this entire patch cheesing dads to death to make that point. I have a couple QED ships so I think I'll just camp hauling routes and turn people ships off after they come out unshielded.
The chief issue is that originally it was the "Bounty Hunter" pledge on the KS, and when the game was new was just the one step up from Aurora ship. Then they made a one step up from Aurora ship that was better by every metric and priced it slightly cheaper so you couldn't 0 CCU to it. At least most patches the 300i has been more maneuverable than the Avenger but now it doesn't even have that.
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shartlaris on ptu
they went 999% on he greebles
>docking is STILL fucked
Chris please I just want to larp as a trucker
Has this patch actually fixed anything? I think they were just focusing on getting the new shit in.
Also were else can you buy tiger claws? The Grimhex ones are broken with the new interface.
I am deciding slowly to get a speeder bike but I can't decide whether to get the one with the gun or the racer.

IMO the racer is cooler looking but the armed one is obviously far more useful.
that looks better but still ugly
Is hand mining broken, or is there some new trick to scanning? Or did I get two shit servers in a row? I can't scan anything, it just sits there telling me the mineral, but will never scan or give me a target on the side bar to power to.
The avenger was the previous fleet fighter before the gladius, and as we have learned with the gladius humanity has reclined. The hornet is worse than the gladius which it replaced, the lightning is worse than the hornet which it allegedly will replace. The saber is even worse than the gladius which was supposed to be part of the competition that the lighting won and is by the same manufacturer ffs.
the Pulse works in zero-g right?
I dont think I saw it flying in space in any of the vids or screens.
none of the bikes can carry a crate and the X1 is the only one that will prevent someone from sniping you off of it
they're all useless toys get whatever you want
Meanwhile, the Gladiator is perfection and cannot be improved up. It is, in fact, so perfect that it cannot be reproduced by the dev team, and things we are stuck with a pale imitation.
aegis firebird is in the files, the flight controller is the exact same as the raven except with significantly different soft stats in a few areas. weird
Oh, that’s hot. Maybe they’ll announce it at the same time as that Mirai heavy fighter causing me to spend way too much money
After MM I am afraid of spending any money on any ships until we get armor implemented. Way too much in the air right now for comfort.
For any anon having the same problem as me, I finally fixed it by turning on vulkan from config file. Here's how:

>Close the launcher
>Open this file for editing: %localappdata%\Star Citizen\sc-alpha-3.23.<whatever_the_current_build_is>\GraphicsSettings\GraphicsSettings.json

>Change "GraphicsRenderer": 0 to "GraphicsRenderer": 1
>Save and close the text editor

Open the RSI Launcher and relaunch the game
Also the retaliator has 6 size 2 shields and looks like it got hit with the hull C visual phoning it in from 2018 beam, but way way worse lmao.
i saw the aliens vid and they look really good. The superiority of SC over Starfailed where the aliens literally just march at you in a straight line is evident.
can you play this game on a laptop
>calling it a scam when its actually delivering
Shartfield was quite literally a bait and switch scam to undercut Star Citizen by shitting out a rushed featureless clone early. Suckering as many rubes as possible Bugthesda style.

Roberts dropping the feature complete trailer was master trolling. It proved SC really is the best game being made.
They just stood there and took it in the face, that
's a load of Kopion.
they could fix most of the issues with their game they are just too fucking lazy and stupid to do it.
Ships and cities being closed by loading screens is something easily fixable in their shitty engine.
lol yeah no matter how much they try to "fix" Starfield, nothing with fix the terrible story and setting
Ok, how does damage and armor work?
I found a Connie landed at Ghost Hallow who had just shot my friend. Their shields were off and they were powered down. Non armistice zone. I absolutely DUMPED on this ship and didn't seem to cause any damage. I was absolutely hitting it, and I could see red flashes in the targeting panel.
After a few minutes the crew made it back and spooled up the ship and fought without any appearance of damage. Couldn't scratch their shields either.
I was in a C8X Expedition, stock.
Anyone know where to sell these fucking space tiger horns?
Looked em up on sc tools and they All at zero but two and this are zero at the terminal
Mirai heavy fighter confirmed wont be sold during Invictus. Sorry giga fury enjoyers.
Can't sell them yet.
I did my tourist run and saw all the new features, call me when freight elevators drop and star map allows you to drop personal waypoint markers.
the little peashooters on a C8 can barely touch something like a connie, even with its shields off. Those are S1 guns and you're shooting at a massively tanky gunship. its doesnt really look it but the constellation is one of the most powerful ships in SC, particularly for its size and particularly in term of durability. It can soak up and incredible amount of punishment. I routinely murder hammerhead corvettes head on with it in a totally one sided way. My paint gets toasted but they only way I ever die doing that it strafing into asteroids.
>Mirai heavy fighter confirmed wont be sold during Invictus.
reeeeeeee I want it so much.
I want my TIE-D goddamint
Currently damage is just HP pools to various parts (engines, wings, etc...) and a global HP pool for soft death I think.
Connie probably has a lot of HP for your guns or the server was just shitting itself as usual which seems more likely.
What are some ancient legacy features still in the game that even veterans would miss?
Like that quantum link or whatever it was called to QT with your party.
Or the hidden terminals to sell drugs.

There are so many ancient assets in the game like those cloth changing kiosks, UEC ATMs, Big Benis vending machines, etc...
fuck me it's awful
>no fat fury this invictus
Oh nice, I can save money until the end of the year. SURELY it will be released then
Wasn't the Polaris supposed to have a long slim neck or was that the Galaxy?
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Its always been a space dorito
its just bee over greebled and looks lumpier than it actually is now.
How is the performance on 3.23 LIVE? I've noticed a lot more stuttering, lower frame rate etc... but maybe its just because the server is doing more stuff with some of the updates? Anyone else notice performance differences? That said, when it comes to graphical options, anyone know which if any settings are basically "massive performance penalty, almost no visual improvement"? Some anons said that this happens like the difference between Quality being "very high" vs "high", or some of the distance options etc..but I am curious if that could be fucking up any of it. So farI've been running it at 4K native with no upscaling bullshit and during the F8 event things were smoother on the same hardware so I'm not sur what's going on here.

>HOSAS bindings
Anyone try to go to the Advanced Bindings tab only for it to uh..not work? Just clicking on it sends you back to the general options it seems? Also if anyone has suggestions for a dual VKB GUNFIGHTER (ie not gladiator; I have no extra dials or bullshit for the throttle etc) setup with right hand MCG-U w/twist and left hand SCG Premium w/Omnithrottle adapter ?
servers are totally slammed with people trying the new patch. server load and thus, because of the way SC works, fps, are always shit for a couple weeks right after a major patch, even when it turns out to be a relatively smooth patch, because all the server are at capacity and chugging.
I imagine we'll keep all of those, but they'll be updated. As far as something only originalfags may remember
Really all the early first gen skins/paints, including the skull and bones in Pirate Pack for Cutlass Black
>Electro Hull Plating
(allows you to switch between two paint/skin liveries at the same time)
>Record Breaker Skin
(only backers before 5M on Kickstarter or the first 30 days et)
>Golden Ticket
(those who signed up before the game was officially announced/crowdfunding started )
>Vanduul Scythe LTI
(true, not replica. Only 300 exist as far as I'm aware Honestly I think these should be updated to some Vanduul F8 Lightning equivalent, since they made the Glaive replicas as supposedly more advanced Scythe)
>Million Mile High Club
This one I admit I'm salty about. Early backers with 10K+ pledge packages got one, but after that they made it so that only people who were streamer recruitfag people who recruited literally thousands could get in. Also, there was supposed to be a difference between each person getting their own MMHC, vs there being just one in game and people getting access/membership to it. I think if there's only access/membership, I think at very least Concierge should get it and there should be other ways to get in for those who didn't spend a fortune or recruit thousands either.

not in game,but physical merch they had great Drake hoodies that didn't say anyting about star citizen on them, but just had the Drake Interplanetary logo on the front near the zip up and then had REDACTED on the back. Pity they're not making them. Honestly, I'm thinking of making some unofficially among other in-universe explained fan merch.
UEE Towel
Shit, I thought that was somewhat fixed with some of the overhauls in tech, but maybe nothing that affects FPS as per server-load related issues? I am eager to see when they get Vulkan multithreading working in a future update - Vulkan is in now, but not multithreaded so they don't expect it to be faster than D3D11 yet. Still its great step forward.

I have an old CPU (Intel 5960X, Haswell-E.) 16gb DDR4 RAM (SC complains about not having enough free RAM at times, but it has always done that. The stuttering above I got even when booting th game rightafter launch and it doesn't complain) , and a NV 3090 , as well as a M.2 PCI-E SSD Samsung 960 EVO so those two should be good. Still, last build or so it seemed things were much better, it didn't have minutes long load times to get into the game, or stuters and drops in FPS down to nothing etc.

So you think this will resolve as server load balances out? Or do they need to implement something else to get away from FPS being linked to server load itself (as opposed to other things like latency or whatnot that is kinda always connected to server bandwidth)
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I was already getting 100+FPS at 4K in landing zones on a 5800X3D/4090 but on Vulkan my 1% lows are significantly higher and there's virtually no stutter. MT Vulkan is gonna be insane for me and that's not even factoring in DLSS and frame generation.
The replication layer does slightly help with overhead, and I do find that server performance has noticeably improved, as well as all the changes they made to fps/ship AI that makes them work on lower server fps. Also I strongly recommend 16 more gigs of ram
unironically dynamic server meshing
the replication layer distributing the compute would really help since the server is handling compute for an entire system rather than a sector.
>cuck frames
>cuck frames
Funny how no one with physical access to a GPU capable of frame gen complain about it. It's not like I need it. I'm getting 200-300FPS 4K native in most games but it looks fine in person.
>oh no a interpolated frame that's visible for 0.001 second has an artifact that you'd only notice if you slowed footage down by 700% what ever will I do???????!!!1
My rebuild will have 32gb minimum (maybe 64gb), but for the moment in the past during the F8 Lightning event I got fine performance at the time, and I need to at least get enough performance to finish the Overdrive Initiative before either Invictus or Xenothreat (whenever Overdrive 1 through 5 go away etc - when is that confirmed anyway? Some anon said it will be at the start of Invictus so like 4/5 days, another said after Invictus is over, and then Xenothreat begins? )? If its server/FPS related, will it be better in the next day or two and/or if I play late at night or something ?

I know this is one of the big hallmarks and when it arrives and is mature it will be great, guess we'll have to wait etc.
How is the F8 faring in 3.23 anon? I might pick one up when they do another golden ticket event.
The Record Breaker Skin also comes with an automated repair bot, doesn't it?
I'm about to melt my prospector and upgrade my cutty black into a corsair. To anyone who owns the corsair, you think this is worth it? These are my only ships.
I would not spend a dime on a ship until we get maelstrom/armor. Just my opinion though.
Speaking of, it's kind of amazing how with all the stuff they've put in the game, so many of the backer rewards are missing.

No ORC Mk. 9 armor.
No test pilot suit.
No MobiGlass skin even though there's a shop in New Babbage that sells them.
No MMU backpack for EVA.
No gatling cannon despite all the other gatling guns in the game.
Melting the prospector would completely cover the cost
nvm I get what you're saying. Maybe I'll just wait
Honestly not sure. Haven't been able to fly yet since the framerate was crappy, but that may ahve just been me and/or the time I logged in. I still need to finish the tutorial in my new home in Orison etc. The F8, if you have a ticket for one (I actually have a duplicate F8C Golden Ticket that I would give an anon, but I dont know if it can still be redeemed) , is pretty great though last I checked. I do not know about mastermodes though. I'm a little annoyed that there are so many skins for the F8 that are unique to certain extremely rare circumstances, and hope they'll be available in game to unlock. As far as I'm aware there are paints skins
>base, included in standard purchased or rented F8, from gold ticket
>Shockwave paint, from Wing Commander level Chairman's Club award (10K)
>Executive Edition with black/gold EE livery Praetorian level Chairman's Club reward (15K)
>Stormfire paint, platinum tickets carried by CIG staff only - which was pretty much streamer bait.
Even as someone who has 3 of the 4, I want them to be available to others through play later on in other ways. I'm also interested in there being a a F8A upgrade.

Yeah, I thiink it does. Oh one other thing I wanted to mention that should be added to the list

>F7A MK1
Apparently, those of us who picked up the charity upgrade pack to the F7A (meant originally to apply to F7C) will be given a whole F7A MK1, the boxier style which is neat. I'm not sure what's happening with the other Hornets (ie Stealth, Tracker, SuperHornet, base model etc) that I think were MK1 versions of the F7C, but this differed from the F7A MK1 which was sort of shown only in early computer controlled NPC flightsduring military events ?

You're right about tthis, I've got a ton of things in my hangar from the old days. I wonder when they'll get around to it - isn't the ORC MK9 some of the super heavy SPESS MAHREEN type armor?
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where do you sell this shit? tried area18 tdd both from ship and backpack
i just wanted to say i hate r*ddit and i hate r*dittnggers , that is all
Now with the pocket reloading I can finally be a fashionable retard and run bunkers in cloths. Just did my first.

Also anyone know how to set it so I can rotate my ship while hold z? I used to do that all the time to help look around while flying, but z now seems to lock all ship movement.
Few patches back I sold some, I thought at the TDD but maybe try admin?
Being unable to put in any flight inputs while freelooking is a bug
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the tali's new engines sound great
corsair is the gayest ship after the C2
it is not big enough to be a fun cap ship
it is not small enough to be a fun light ship
it is just a tons of pilot guns under a giant shield
purely balance broken and you'll see everyone use it even if it mean daily driving a huge pile of trash because you must follow the meta instead of enjoying any of the 200 other ships
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>want to do distro center
>can't stealth in it
My stealth fantasy...
Anyone wanna roll in and shoot up baddies?
what would you recommend for a daily driver then anon? Ideally something with enough quantum fuel to use in larger systems like Pyro and Nyx.
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I hope they made it fly less like a brick, the retaliator is so under rated. New paints looking good for it.
Not him, but starfarer is love and life
any ship that you enjoy
quantum fuel are subject to change, big ships like reclaimer don't have enough and small ships like banu defender have too much
it will certainly change way before we get Nyx

buying ships in game is better than with real money and you cannot downgrade bought ships so CIG will always make you want to buy another one from scratch and do the ccu game again

best is to wait until you see a new ship you really want
Not that anon, but I'd say you could look into something like the Zeus ES as a daily driver, when that comes out later on this year. It wont be sold at invictus, so you wont be able to upgrade to it then if you decided on doing so.

Corsair is a fine ship, just not something thats effective solo, even with all that pilot firepower.
Vanguard Warden or Corsair if I'm a newfag just trying to explore the game and get acclimated with most of the content?
at the moment it make no sense buying a ship with real money that you can buy in game
you better buy auec on ebay in a few days
Neither. F8CL or the Scorpius. You'll be able to slave turret to AI eventually.
those two are heavy and unpleasant to fly
maybe rent the cheap ships in game like constellation pheonix, avanger, mustang gamma to get fun ships for exploring while asking to friends to let you try their whale ships
don't buy anything until you have a very complete idea of the game or you'll get bored of your ship very fast and regret buying it
Cutty black if you want to do more than just combat.
Depends on what you like doing, but I would go Corsair between the two.
I have a warden but it's good for 2 people, for bounties and that's about it.
The Corsair offers a little bit more flex on stuff you can do with 2+ people both are great and so is the connie
>Transition from laminar to turbulent flow will cause massive pressure drop and therefore drag on the back end of the burger.

Zeus ES is undergunned and ineffective solo though. Without a turret gunner it has less firepower than an Avenger Titan.
how many more years before they accept that manned turrets were a mistake and make them all remote operated? (except for maybe the hueg ones like the sliding javeline turret)
would I have likely killed myself if I tried to land through this floating box that was just chillin there.
Invictus leaks
>new ARGO crate hauler
>sabre firebird (raven variant)
>Ursa Medivac
>Polaris on showfloor (no interior)
pretty underwhelming
>new ARGO
nice it's all I want
I bought the vanguard when I was in highschool back whenever it was first released. Haven't spent any $ since, but I have LTI on it, so I can fuck around with any of the $200-250 ships available. I just like it a lot because muh space P-38 aesthetic, and the Corsair's asymmetric folding wings is very cool to me too.
I melted down to Cutty for a bit the last time I played a couple years ago, is it really gonna be better than vanguard / corsair for solo?
So definitely no Corsair if I mainly want something serviceable solo? What do you think the best solo is
Same to you what do you think the best solo is? Isn't F8 impossible to get rn less you got the golden ticket?
it's a small single seater that looks to be for moving large crates off of landing pads. IIRC it was in that squadron 42 leak from a year or two ago.
>I melted down to Cutty for a bit the last time I played a couple years ago, is it really gonna be better than vanguard / corsair for solo?
If you want something solo that can fit more than 1 role, then I'd still always recommend the Cutty black, that's been my take for a while now. No other ship is as definitive of an answer for solo players who are looking to do more than combat.
>corsair is the gayest
>purely balance broken and you'll see everyone use it even if it mean daily driving a huge pile of trash because you must follow the meta

Only if you are a meta hugging retard
bought my corsair cus its a cool looking pirate sloop.
I fly it around cus its a cool looking pirate sloop
the fact that its got a million guns and is "in meta" current is just a nice perk. It also has massive blind spots, turns like pregnant rhinoceros and its made of old trashbags, recycled beer cans and good vibes.

People love the Corsair and flock to it because it is an awesome ship and anyone who isnt a contrarian fedora tipper can see that.
It is what everyone always wished the Cutlass black or caterpillar was. The gun focused minimalist attack ship with just enough features to do the job and no space or budget wasted on frills.

Its unironically the hero ship of Star citizen if you are playing any sort of legally grey or outlaw character.
Not the other anons but Corsair has been my go-to solo flier when I don't want to think too much on specifics. It has enough guns and missiles to blow away PvE targets, can run some cargo, can carry vehicles for dropping you down into ground missions, and can ferry friends around if you ever get any into this skinner box
I don't regret my Corsair one bit and it will never leave my meager fleet
Bit if I had to speak on other solo-only ships, Connies lack the internal polish of the corsair but are just as, if not more, capable. If I could only pick one ship to have in the verse, it would be between a Corsair or a Connie even solo
Any tips on fighting multiple foes? Tried to do an Eckhart hrt in my titan and I kept eating shots, feels like I couldn't move.
Alright fuck it, I'm gonna give it a shot. Warden just seems a little too niche since it has no cargo. I've been trying to do ERTs with a friend and he hates Corsair aesthetic but likes his connie, so we'll be a good duo.
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i fucking love the Starfarer™
Load your Corsair up with all Deadbolts for pilot and set power max to shields
it still eats ERTs, especially in a duo with a Connie which can do the same thing minus 2 Size 4 guns
they just fixed the conny, moved the lower gun mounts to the top of the nacelles and now you can put S5s on them.
I mean since there a lot of reclaimer player
the pvp meta is just hard countering them with a stupid ass corsair that don't need anything else than dps since the reclaimer don't have pilot weapons
and the big gay part is to play in 2v1 with a quantum dampener ship so that the reclaimer can enjoy the absurd state of master mode not allowing him to enter NAV Speed, not even talking about quantum jump here

so yeah the pvp isn't even pvp anymore at this point since the game design is broken, it is one sided pvp where the other player can't even defend himself
and not that there are reasons to pvp, there have never been any and will never be since you can just let the reclaimer player actually make salvage and then asking him to give you boxes instead of exploding to fit your tiny corsair ass of 3 boxes

if you can enjoy your ship without considering the meta good for you but you probably end up playing pve in easy mode and suffering from piloting a noisy heavy ugly ship
with master mode you pretty much have to team up with other players to do that kind of bounty now
but I figured out shields are very strong now so maybe if you have a ship with a big shield you're fine for that
but you wont do the idris
I'd like a starfarer variant competitor to the M2 that is made to carry ground vehicles
and with a nice big roof you can walk on that would look that pic related
metafaggot vs metafaggot, both soloing ships designed for multiple crew because they're giga spergs just trying to make number go up
holy shit could I possibly care less I don't know.

I legit do not give a fuck about the struggles of autistic esl minmax farmers.
You're mad that your money printer gets blow up by trolls in dakka barges.
too fucking bad get wasted retard shoudl have brought friends if you had turret gunners you'd fucking murder that corsair.
profits with reclaimer are now too low to allow spitting benefits with another player unfortunally
maybe AI blades will help fix the game
>inb4 but I cant bring friends If I do that I'll have to split my payout and I feed my entire village on the $26 a day I get selling aUEC on Ebay dont you understand this reclaimer was a $400 investment in the future of my village! Interfering with my obsessive wreck credit grinding is racism!
>Somehow get away from pirates with one wing and engine
>Somehow get it into the hanger upright when even a single input causes it go into a 9g death spiral
>Get a massive torque imbalance right before touching down, but still land it
>Not within landing zone and comes up as "location unknown" in ship terminal, can't store it
>Have to cuck and reclaim
Well it was still a fun experience, but wtf Chris? Where is the high fidelity repair crews who can takeover from pic related and recover it? Since it's default fit, probably would have costed more to repair and rearm
A starfarer module that you could change some of the fuel tanks with snubs or light fighters would be sick, same with changing it all for cargo, or having it so it could hold 6 tanks / ground vehicles instead of the fuel cans. It's severely underrated in terms of its chasis. But it sucks it's just a glorified FPS level right now.
Wasn't there a way to recreate your character at the start menu. I made my character kind of fucked up because I just want to get in the game and try out the new patch, but now I want to actually try and make something decent, but I don't see an option.
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Should be right here
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Based vanguard chads coming home even though it's shot to shit
are you sure you sold big canisters for the salvage gun and not shitty multitool ones?
I hate how they add too much aesthetic clutter to the game that serves no functional purpose just to look cool, especially if you are the owner.
When overdone it has the opposite effect on the aesthetics as well.
Functionally, you try to interact and can't which detracts from immersion or intuition.

Then again there is a lot of placeholder assets in the game that are not implemented yet, time will tell.
It's an MMO they have to entice players to cooperate at some point through in game systems.

I thought it would be a huge nuisance but I rarely encounter pvpers in the PU even when going to salvage yards.
The population is too small per server at the moment, most of the time I am raging is because of bullshit server side bugs like blowing up the moment you creep out of a hangar at 5mps fully laden with cargo.

As for server meshing increasing player count we will canoe that burning bridge when we get there, they should have invested in a better system to contract players nearby for services by then but I doubt they will until a long time after release given their track record.
If server meshing is successful with huge player counts I have a feeling the assets available will not be sufficient, or there will be a lot of areas in the game that were missed.
I can also almost guarantee there will be another massive list of bugs to squash and QoL feature updates specifically related to server meshing.
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wait you cant rent prospectors anymore?
the hurricane is the best fighter
A1 says buc is the best atm
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> sabre firebird
A1 can gargle my balls
just a saber raven with no emp but 12x s3 missiles
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>spacedads having a melty on spectrum because they are struggling with pve bounties in MM
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its over
How's the patch, anons? I saw there was no cargo update :c
navigation is good, flight model is updated but unbalanced, UI changes are great
haven't tried FPS yet but looking forward to it
entire game was built with 6dof in mind and then they just took it away cus sperg reasons.
Every mission that spawns a half dozen enemies, which is most of them, becomes near impossible when you cannot circle strafe nose point them and you cannot run away to recharge shields.

Its a shit change and you're just defending it for smug contrarian zoomer reasons.

WW2 in space is retarded and its being forced entirely for biased reasons.

"Backwards bad"
I have yet to hear an explanation for this that goes beyond
"Because I dont like it"
Strafing, nose pointing and reversing to your own optimal range is how combat in a 0g 0drag environment will work.
lol get good
you are a low skill player that took advantage of bad AI and broken flight mechanics
ad hom with no argument and no explanation of why strafing is bad.
servers stable, but lots of gameplay bugs like klescher O2 refill stations and commissary not working, didn't get a backpack at klesher, sudden death out in the field, VLRTs with several enemy ships, enemies don't spawn at repel raid at orison, stuck on the black screen after getting out of klescher, the starmap has issues where you try to select a POI but deselects it when you try to go to the set route button

also you'll get killed instantly if you go up against a few enemy NPC ships
and servers can degrade or be degraded and you should reroll your server or you're in for a bad time
you prob saved yourself a ton of repair cost here
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Whats the meta for making money if you are a peasant with only a starter ship?
Got titan and not sure what to do. Handheld salvage is useless, ROC mining is bugged, prospector no longer available for rent.
gee whiz anon you sure see to know a lot about klescher bugs!
yeah killing comm array monitors gives you CS2, at least the ones around hurston do.
and I was in a party for a bunker, I arrived a late and was killed by the turret for trespassing even though I had the mission. The turret will deliver a quick death to a C1, I could not haul ass fast enough to get out of its range in time. Granted I may have forgotten to switch to nav mode for the extra speed or something like that.
Bunker FPS missions (ideally 'Protect' and its variants so you can land next to the bunker and usually not worry about turrets) are a good way to steadily grind up cash. You can also next shitloads of gear from the distribution missions and sell those for extra change
the 10k ones?

>You can also next shitloads of gear from the distribution missions and sell those for extra change
what kind of gear? like weapon attachments?

>With the release of 3.23.1, we wanted to provide players with a less brutal experience when getting back into action. To help with this, we are making all Medical Bed Tiers be capable of being set as a regen location.
>The range at which you will be able to respawn in them will depend on their size class.
>T3 medical beds will allow respawning up to 20km away
>T2 medical beds (which previously allowed respawning up to 20km) will now allow respawning up to 50km away

>These current values for respawn distance will be monitored for balance and will be adjusted if needed. Healing capabilities for all beds will remain the same and players respawning will do so without their equipment they dropped on death and will have to be prepared with extra stored or survive to go back and reloot their corpse.
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>just buy a medbed ship goyim
So by default a pisces is the best ship to take to a bunker run.
Armor and weapons as well. I'd second bunker runs, but I don't know for sure, they just nerfed payouts across the board.
>Armor and weapons
that shit doesnt fit into backpack, how do you bring it all to the ship
So how long do you think it'll take them to go back on the MM shit? How long did it take them to go back on the hover modes or whatever?
not him but tracto beam entire corpses to elevator with multi tool. fly ship full of deadass niggas back to grimhex(lawful stations will waste you for having crimestats aboard) stip their gear into local inventory and sell.

space the corpses into the flight path of the departure hangars so people leaving run into them, they clip through the cockpit glass and jump scare them with a sudden free space friend.
MM is here to stay, at least for a long time.
They could make the AI easier, or pirate ships less upkept to allow players to solo some pirate groups.
SCM speeds could be more spread out and damage reduced/shield increased.
That said, the balance is about to change completely with engineering now encompassing the ability of bullets to hit specific components, soft death being less death and moreso ship disablement, the ability to repair your ship from said disabled state by repairing the broken components. Lighter ships get an advantage after engineering since they have less points of failure.
Furthermore, the combat balance has to be overhauled completely for a third time if they ever manage to implement hireable NPC pilots and crew members.
if they circularized velocities and give you shield in nav mode it will be fine

No weapons in nav mode is fine
no shield in nav mode is RETARDED

also SCM need to come up to like 350 average 600 boost

200m/s 450mph is ww2 dogfighting speeds and is too slow.

We should be at least playing at cold war dog fighting speeds so like ~750mph high subsonic.

We should be aiming for the end/apex of the jet gunfighter era not the middle of WW2. 447mph(200m/s) is just slightly faster than a P-51 mustang.

IMO speed should be targeted for Vietnam-ish level with cruising/turning speeds being in the high subsonic range and burner/max combat speed being in the low supersonic range.
>no shield in nav mode
not big on dogfighting, but I have not found this to be a problem
if you are fighting and lose shields then you run away, at which point switching to nav mode has no downsides, then you can gain distance, switch back to scm and fight again.
distortion weapons will instalock your QD if you have no shields.
also the idea that you have to wait will you lose shield to runs is silly.

The hauler or miner or even just an outgunned combat vessel has nothing to gain by fighting till his shield are down and the idea that you have to drop them to go fast is itself irrational and absurd.

Going near lightspeed is when your shields would be most important cus hitting a stray scu box at that speed would be like getting hit by a nuke. And hitting stray shit in space is already an issue that will destroy your ship, Unless you have sufficient shiels to withstand the impact. Like shield on in go fast mode is so obvious and sensible and them being turned off is a completely arbitrary changed put in entirely to prevent people from fleeing a losing fight, which is a COMPLETELY RATIONAL AND HUMAN THING TO DO. the idea that we lock people into fights in a game with perma death is ABSURD. No one will EVER fly around with a ship full of cool shit.

you havent found it to be an issue yet because you havent played enough to run into the circumstances where it will fuck you over and havent been thinking about it enough to realize how many of those circumstances there are.
For example if you get QD'd you come out of QD with your shield down, aare instantly either crippled or suckerpunched and just dont get to fight at all.

it was changed entirely to try to force people to remain in unfavorable combat situations and fight instead of doing the rational thing which is running the fuck away from a fight you are losing.

Running away should not be a high risk choice it should be the default sensible low risk choice. Like it is absurd the the structure of combat is being dictated by "pirate" players here, they should be forced to plan and do work to tackle someone and keep them there long enough to disable them, the agressor should not get a default advantage of forcing the other party to stay and fight by existing.
>MM is here to stay
Is $20 a fair price for a Titan game package?
Wait, so there's literally nothing stopping me from buying the Pulse with LTI and just upgrading it into a more expensive ship with LTI?
Why would there be?
Yeah that's pretty much what everybody does. Cheap ships with LTI are called LTI tokens for that reason.
Yeah sorry, it was the little multitool ones.
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>Take Bunker Contract.
>Fly there, bunker is empty.
>Fly away, contract failed.
>Go back to Orison.
>Try to store ship, it just sits there loading after I hit store.
>Back off terminal and try again, it's now listed as destroyed.
>Call in new one.
>Head for elevator, fall through the floor when I get in.
>Try to log out before I die, see myself hit some geometry before I make it to menu.
>Log back in, at hospital.
>Hospital lobby doors are shut and refuse to open.

I fucking hate that I can't stop playing this piece of shit game.
What ship should I fly in MM? Titan's shit and Corsair is boring
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>elite updates
>Added SCO drives that eliminate some of the busywork of supercruise, and a new ship that's powerful but with drawbacks so it's not OP
>SC updates
>Cripples the game

Elite won
The thing that gets me is that Master Modes is a straight up worse version of the Precision/SCM/Cruise system they had 8? years ago.
Just looked it up. IFCS was added in Alpha 2.0. They've literally circled back to something they had 9 years ago but worse.
In a couple of weeks all the bitching about new flight model will calm down as people adjust to it.
As is tradition. The PvE vs PvP threads will move in to fill the void until the next FOTM outburst comes through. That's not to say that MM has its flaws in this early iteration, but the bitching I've seen online is largely emotionally driven and childish in some cases.
>That's not to say that MM doesn't* have flaws
Idk it's hard to adjust to the game being boring.
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>200m/s 450mph is ww2 dogfighting speeds and is too slow.
hahaha no that's not true at all retard, 391 knots is in the range of common corner speeds for modern 4th gen jet fighters it's even a little high.

If a ww2 fighter tried to corner at 400 knots it'd rip its wings off. The P-51 for example corners ~220 knots
>Wait, so there's literally nothing stopping me from buying the Pulse with LTI and just upgrading it into a more expensive ship with LTI?
developed frontal lobes can do that
you are a nitpicking pot stirring shithead.
and the fact you replied with a smug anime reaction image confirms it.

you dont corner at max scm speed either you disingenuous faggot.
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>faggot who knows nothing about ww2 fighters has melty after revealing himself as a know nothing
Perhaps you should try not being retarded before you start a narrative next time friendo.

Besides the clear buttangle I'm detecting radiating from your post. I sense you don't actually understand what corner speed even is. Which should be obvious as you believe ww2 fighters dogfight at 400 knots lmoa.
>you are a nitpicking pot stirring shithead.
>and the fact you replied with a smug anime reaction image confirms it.
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I accept your surrender.
none was offered faggot.
You're splitting hairs, Im talking about top cruise speeds, burner speeds and turning speeds, you're nitpicking one aspect and conflating it with the others for the specific purpose of inventing something to argue about.

I didnt say WW2 fighters cornered at 450mph, I said they had a top cruise speed of 450, the same as our top cruise speed in space 1000 years later and thats silly.
We should at least have top cruising and cornering and burner speeds more akin to those of the mid to late cold war.

I actually agree that gun combat at 1400 m/s with up to 2.8k ms/s closure is silly and unplayable. But going back the the second world war is ALSO silly.

SCM limit should be ~350 for a single seat combat ship, ranging from like 250 for something like a Tanker to 300 for something like a gunship to 350 for a medium fighter, 375 for a gladius to an upper end of maybe 400m/s for an M50 or similar tiny fast interceptor.

Light combat ships should be fast enough that avoiding fire by flying evasively is possible. That is not possible at 250, and the game devolves into a dps vs hp pool contest which is boring as hell. Heavy ships should be playing a game of tanking and endurance, light ships should be playing a game of evasion.
If were all slow and every can hit most shots easily why would anyone fly a small craft instead of the most heavily armed tanky brick they can manage. And I say this as someone who LOVES heavily armed tanky bricks. Uniformity and solves meta enforced by arbitrary rules and speed limits is BORING AND SHITTY.

you pot stirring, position lacking shithead.
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>I didnt say WW2 fighters cornered at 450mph, I said they had a top cruise speed of 450,
here's what you said
>450mph is ww2 dogfighting speeds and is too slow.
you even added something more retarded with
>We should be at least playing at cold war dog fighting speeds so like ~750mph high subsonic.

It's pretty clear you play war blunder, which I guess is better that star wars squadrons but lmao.
>you dont corner at max scm speed either you disingenuous faggot.
I also ignored this gem which shows you don't understand instantaneous rate vs sustained rate.

As for your other asks, nah you're just asking for the previous flight model back because you probably need it as a crutch. 100% you where one of those faggots in a hornet or lightning that got noobtraped by guaranteed disengage.
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is this bugged? Its the "server not found" mission, none of the datapad codes in both rooms worked
Is there any sort of icon yet for your inventory items that are basically permanent/account bound ones that you can't 'lose'?

Some of us with oldfag accounts found we'v got an inventory completely full of stuff that seems to be local t your starting 'home' location you set and while some things are at least somewhat easy to identify as being pledge/subscriber/concierge etc.. type stuff... my understanding is that you can still "lose" it at least temporarily if you die somewhere and either don't go back to loot your body, someone else loots you etc...whereas then its basically gone until there's another character restore/wipe/update thing? Aside from pledge ships of course, which at least those you can go and always have replaced thanks to insurance, depending on waiting time. However, for stuff like armor, weapons, collectibles etc... that all isn't restored until there's some sort of update/refresh/wipe on the PU right?

If that's the case, would be nice to be able to separate things properly so I can just go and spend a little aUEC to buy some generic newfag gear that if I lose it isn't hard to just buy again , rather than stuff on my account that will need to be restored somehow and isn't likely available in game at all to just purchase or something?
Set your home to somewhere you dont want to be long term and change your respawn to somewhere else. None of it's going to be useful before the next wipe anyway just throw them at npcs or whatever it doesnt matter.
So if I change my home after initial setting it , all my "locally stored" gear in my home at creation/start this build will be automatically ported to my new home? So if I started in Orison with my home there, and I decide I want my new home to be in MicroTech , set new home to MT, all my gear will be ported there? Then I set my respawn to Orison (or somewhere else) and just hang around there instead with all my account gear safely stored at MT?
What is the current live player count? Did they integrate the 800 player count yet?
Oh what the fuck, the Fury is literally broken dogshit now. Nav mode just turns your shields off and that's it. Your normal speed is 230.
Jesus Christ no, the game already runs like shit with 100 people.

>Similarly, Crusader has continued to apply their ‘frame-and-role’ design process developed in starliner construction to the Hercules line, which has allowed the rapid creation of a number of role-specific variants including refuelers, heavy armor support ships, and information runners. Crusader’s philosophy allows the creation of variants to proceed rapidly as the need requires without disrupting existing production lines.

More herc variants coming with invictus?
It was a server meshing test and handled 800 players pretty well.
server meshing not until after 3.23.x with elevator inventory, which is not until after invictus
and I doubt they will want to deal with static server meshing crowding issues and just instead go for dynamic server meshing
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You have any plans for invcitus?
I'm hoping to finish a CCU chain Ive been building from my Razor LX to a Ares Ion, now that the Ion has been made into a charge-cannon as it should have been all along.

Im potentially interested in a Herc variant if that a thing.
the Not Raven missile fighter doesnt do much for me tho. I hope its not the only new ship.
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I'm not going to spend more money. I've spent thousands of dollars already, and my Idris isn't going to show up in my hangar before the end of the year.
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>You have any plans for invictus?
Probably trying to finish up the MSQ for FFXIV. Maybe do a little work on my Warhammer pile of shame.
How many unfinished armies do you have anon?
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I have 5 armies and none of them are finished
Ayyy I have three. Filling in the spaces between clothing with greenstuff is driving up the fucking wall.
Fuckin a iktf. I tried to give one of those Ork beastbosses a shirt, going with a bro country theme for them, and jfc I couldn't get that greenstuff to apply smooth to save my life
If you ever want to know true suffering, start a Sisters army. Started it at the beginning of 9th and had ~1,000 points painted by the time Votann came out and I switched. Robes with power armor and iconography on a non-elite army is suffering.
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why does this piece of shit game still only has one star system lmao

no aliens even
>I don't mind spending 5000$ on shit ships but I'm too coward to spend 2000$ in a real cap ship
I hope not. I’m still waiting for the SWACS Genesis.
And the regular Genesis for that matter
Where's the killzone armour? Also why are some of the FX downgraded?
looks like a completely different game now, some assets and UI elements look much cleaner and less of a clusterfuck in 2.0 than what we have at present. Most of it is jank as fuck though
>I doubt they will want to deal with static server meshing crowding issues and just instead go for dynamic server meshing
they need to release pyro
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holy fuck 51 mins, you just know that retard is sperging hard about mm
>fucking P-72 in A tier
This man is smoking some filtered crack.
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well did you listen to the reasoning behind it?
I'm not listening to someone try and say that four S1 weapons is better than the majority of ships in the game.
It doesn't matter how agile you are if you can only think angry thoughts in my direction.
if I lam you with the eclipse I will achieve S tier. Baaaaaaaaaah!
I dont have enough for sure people to operate a large capship and Im not enough of a sperg that I want to operate a capship solo. I want to have the 5-10 man group operating a cap ship experience. If you look at my ships they are virtually all 2-10 player ships cus thats the group size I have of people that I have known for a whole and mostly trust. My fleet is planned about my expectations and preferences, wild I know.
I could Get an Idris sure and I could probably operate it fine with like 8 people, but IMO, it looks tarded and I dont want one. Im not gonna dropp a grand or more on a ship I think looks stupid.
lmao what?

also the whole point of that image Is that I spent $3000 but have $5000 worth of ships because Im good at playing spaceship jpeg trading simulator and predicting which ships are going to spike in value so I can ride the increase and then CCU to a different, more valuable hull without paying the different in price.

That how I have a $300 Odyssey, a ship that was never sold for less than $650 and a $300 Polaris, a ship never sold for less than $625.
Along with a $240 Perseus, a Ship also never sold for less than $625.
>back strafing is bad
Because we also have an arbitrary max speed you donut. I prefer full 6dof flight including backstrafing but if we do that we can't impose a maximum speed limit it should all be determined by relative acceleration, you can't backstrafe away from a fighter that accelerates faster than you, you could build up speeds by flying for hours but you will run out of fuel and sustained high G should fuck you (the pilot) up.

If we have a max speed and you want to backstrafe against a hostile ship at that speed they can't push in quick enough to get behind you, we saw that problem all the time in the PU with F8Cunts
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I'm new to this game, so I have no idea what these ships are or whether this dude is accurate in what he's saying. All I know is that I want to punch him in the face. He looks to me like one of those faggots that goes to a Concert-In-The-Park to hit on chicks and then gets outrageously drunk as soon as the first one turns him down.
You think its a bad look now?

Bare in mind this is the guy that would aggressively shit talk people he accused of combat logging and anyone who killed him uses cheats etc
you can backstrafe away from a faster fight back backstrafing a curve, forcing him to trace a longer path with his higher velocity. Obviously this doesnt last forever and eventually he over takes you but it gives a window of nose on time to blast his light fighter ass before he gets behind you, then you flip as he passes you adn it becomes a game of nose on again until he can get behind you again.

The point of strafe fighting is that it allows a larger slower ship to fight a corving nose on engagement against a smaller faster ship giving them opportunities to kill.
with forced tail pursuit the faster more agile ship will have nose on 100% of the time and the slower ship will be forced to rely entirely on its turrets for defense.

All the "egg shaped" velocity cap does is enforce this arbitrarily by making it impossible for the strafing heavy to keep that nose on window open by flying well.

Its not going to make things interesting its going to take options away from slower ships when it comes to dealing with faster threats. the guns forward heavy ship will only ever be allowed to point those guns at something larger than itself. If you can strafe at combat speeds then the guns forward heavy ship will always, if the pilot knows how, be able to get periods of nose on.

This system is being designed by brainlets who understand nothing about combat maneuvering, either in atmo or vacuum and simply trying to enforce an "airplanes in space at ww2 speeds like star wars/bsg/startrek/whatever" meta because thats all they understand. "get on his tail like they do in the movies" when we were SPECIFICALLY sold on a 6dof space combat game.

Its not 6dof if some of the D's of F are arbitrarily restricted.
If anything your velocity cap. which exists for gameplay and physiological reasons, should be highest to the rear since thats the direction opposed by your most powerful thruster and thus that vector has your greatest ability to control that velocity.
So with ships like the Polaris actually potentially existing soon for players, have they elaborated more on their plans for how they are going to keep multiple people on a ship across sessions? Will the ship only spawn in if the owner is online, will people be able to bed log en masse, will the ship just stay floating in universe putting it at risk to being found and salvaged apart killing all on board?
ship spawns with the owner, everyone else logs in after, if you log in when the ship isnt logged in you'll log into a hab at the last station or LZ you touched. You can't allow any random logging on to force spawn someone elses ship and expose it to destruction and you can't have people logging on into empty space or have people locked out of the game cus the ship they're on isn't online.

this problem was part of the argument in favor of possess-able NPC crew, with players able to Agent Smith into NPC crewmen to help their friends multicrew ships.
they're limiting everything but forward accel because retards are crying they can't hit anything in combat and die in droves to pvp players not even trying using meme builds.

There is no arguing around them deliberately dumbing down the flight model to suit spacedads with wallets.

I'd argue you shouldn't have full backstrafing with the old model because of the full kiting bs people would pull, especially F8 (huge dps turret), cutlass blue and talon shrikes(both spamming missiles) because theres no real counter besides disengaging. If you're talking about larger ships that people like to fly solo like corsair/connie they were never a problem backstrafing because of their slower max speed you could easily push behind them and keep off their nose with a fighter
the galling thing is that I >>1289823
largely think of myself as a spacedad with a wallet.
and I am annoyed as shit by these changes cus they lock me out of my ability to outfly worse pilots in meta ships.

Forcing me into a simplistic retard flight mode like Elite Dangerous did and just shitting all over the Idea of a Space """SIM""".

Like fucks sake Im 35 years old, my vision is fuzzing, Im slow and my hands shake. and I FUCKING WANT TO FLY SIDEWAYS AT 500m/s while blasting nerds with big lazer cannons.


WHO THE FUCK wants this game to be WW2 slow.
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>can make 400k/h doing missions in a sperm suit with no gun
good thing they nerfed vulture
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>My fleet is planned about my expectations and preferences, wild I know.
Hey, it's your money. Your complaints are just kinda silly considering that at least three of the four ships have the same crew requirements and functionality as an idris/kraken. And they potentially might have even more as development progresses.
Tell me your secrets, clown wizard.
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its not supir sikrit but Im not telling in case it somehow makes it to 4.0
Star citizen is now a Streamer development game, they flush their entire community' ls opinions down the toilet to pander to paid off streamers.
I ask you
>Has CIG ever reverted changes to something their community (not streamers) didn't like?
I looked it up, so far the answer is "no".
The community gobbles down horse shit they throw at them and their defense is "well it's alpha". Haha get good", "you can't expect them to be true to their promises 10 years ago!"
Ok then why are there test servers? The special test group, etc if it's not used? Why are posts on Reddit and spectrum removed if they don't like something, unless it's by a streamer?
I tried to warn people this would happen in the /vg/ days, but they kept telling me there was no way zoomers and trannies and streamers would get into Star Citizen. Every community should have held them to Kickstarter promises of private servers and mod support, but they won't.
We are now at stage 3-4 of the picture.
>Play the way we want
>We'll just make it so our simp YouTubers swallow our trash to make it so everyone likes it
>Community is upset about (reason)? Delete their posts on spectrum and reddit, continue to make the game worse.
>You will play the way we want you to play
>It's just alpha
>It won't be like this forever
>1 billion, 14 years later
This game's development is truly a shit storm, no wonder it gets laughed off /vg/
>The community gobbles down horse shit they throw at them and their defense is "well it's alpha". Haha get good", "you can't expect them to be true to their promises 10 years ago!"
Wow, MM really broke your booty, didn't it?
How's your PTU pvp going?
Oh right, it's not
I already said I think the Idris looks tarded, I could have over and and over and didnt.
Looks cool > all other concerns.
As for the Kraken, I do like the looks of it but it always sells out instantly and I can't CCU to it meaning Id have to increase my buy by 50% to get one.

On top of that its kinda of fuckily designed for being a carrier. Its got guns but its a drake ship so its got no armor meaning it will need to fight with its ships from standoff or risk getting torped and exploding. I feel like people are vastly overestimating carrier gameplay in general. Most of the time flying a carrier will involve watching your fighters fly away and then hiding for a while until they come back, cus none of these carriers yet have a capacity sufficient to support both an escorted strike group and a CAP. meaning your ass is naked while your fighters are off doing shit.

Gunboats/Fast attack torpedo craft will be more fun to play IMO.
It'll be more enjoyable to be the Polaris salvoing torps at a Kraken, than being the Kraken.

as for the "but it's a base!" question, so is any other ships of sufficient size with a hangar, arguably the BMM or Polaris is a better base cus they'll be much more durable, likely faster and lower profile. Putting all your cool shit in a drake ship seems highly risky. And flying a light carrier is like putting a huge bullseye that says "kill me to fuck over this entire fleet action" on your chest.
Like more expensive does not equal better and you pay a MASSIVE tax on anything thats even sort of a "carrier" like the Liberator for example, hugely overpriced for a glorified car ferry, but you can park fighters on it so $575. When it will CERTAINLY lose a fight to an Orion mining ship. at the same price point, given the Orions cap shields and fukhuge defensive turrets.
>Anon learns it's about numbers and what ifs finally
Well yeah, but it also depends on how CIG will operate their carriers gameplay wise. And who knows how that will play out.
I'm expecting the kraken to take a punch, but not as much as a destroyer.

>Carriers will be helpless
Maybe unscrewed and without a.i. turrets. But
All of the previous Roberts games have carriers pulling up right next to other carriers of bigger or smaller weight class and launching fighters, then torpedoes at each other.
>Erin and Chris Roberts games historically:
In every Roberts game they usually immediately target and damage each other's torpedo tubes, or are ineffective at their carrier or frigate launches due to range of the launch, carrier based flack turrets easily take down the torpedos due to the speed of the torps or fighters intercepting them. Unless the flack turrets are shot off.

Afterwards both carriers have to launch a bomber crew to make a torpedo run on the enemy due to not having any functional tubes or support craft. If the bomber crews in any of the Roberts games are failed to be escorted to successfully launch and hit their torpedos, your carrier either jumps out, or the enemy carrier escapes, cause it's pointless, or you meet a mission failure screen of you getting publically executed for not doing your job and escorting the bombers.

I don't think carriers will work the way you think they will, due to the way they always did their games, but who knows at this point. There's no reason for a carrier to not be able to defend itself.
This is just coming from playing Wing Commander, StarLancer and Freelancer.
previous roberts games were all pve
and all the battle therin were scripted.
I'm going to bee dropping party nav markers3km to the reverse of enemy carriers in close combat and having my bomber wing warp directly to them and fire torps from point blank range 10 seconds out of quantum. Then just fucking leave again to go get more torps.

There is no comparison between a campaign mission and a sandbox pvp environment.
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>retard flight model like elite
My FDL boosts 553m/s :^)
But nah, the fast paced corkscrewing was basically a fast version of our ax combat, and it was fun as well. I loved SC pvp because it was so accessible, and super easy to jump into without a shitton of grind, but now it's slow and boring as fuck.
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>Its got guns but its a drake ship so its got no armor
This is a weird misconception that the community keeps repeating.

Drake =/= lightly armored. Drake ships are cheap and easy to repair because they are highly modular and use civilian components, but that doesn't mean they are made out of tissue paper.
During the pyro EPTU it was hinted at that a portion of Drake's shipline was sourced from Pyrotechnic Amalgamated, a company responsible for mining and terraforming operations in the pyro system. Which means that Drake ships are basically aftermarket industrial equipment.
>as for the "but it's a base!" question, so is any other ships of sufficient size with a hangar, arguably the BMM or Polaris is a better base cus they'll be much more durable, likely faster and lower profile.
The Kraken has roughly a quarter more cargo capacity than the BMM and is more heavily armed than a civilian Idris. It's also designed to exist as a semi-permanent base, acting as both a warehouse lot and a control tower for all sorts of shit planetside.
You don't even need to park it anywhere to make it useful. Take it to a lagrange point, turn off the engines and you suddenly you have a gas station. Or a salvage processing platform. Or a mining barge. Or a mobile drug lab. The possibilities are endless.
Yeah, the Kraken will be vulnerable to suicide runs and/or capital ship killers. And yeah, it has the attack surface of a diving board. But if you're somewhere where torpedoes can reach you, that's because you're retarded, not because the ship is flawed in some capacity.
>When it will CERTAINLY lose a fight to an Orion mining ship
Alright you're trolling.
armor is not in game yet and yes drake = no armor. According to lore, repeated ad naseum.
Right now everything just has HP pools.
Once physical armor is in many ships will be funtionally immune to small cal ballistics and highly resistant to energy weapons because they have physical armor plate thats proof against small weapons. Drake ships notoriously do not have this armor, they have shields and hull structure but the hull structure is made out of more basic materials. Cheap and easy to build and repair, but ballistics will go through it like butter.

Drakes WHOLE company philosphy is make cheap functional mass produced craft with no frills and no safety equipment.
No ejector seats, patently inadequate shielding, no or not enough escape pods. And no actual armor, just basic structural hull plating like a box truck would have.
SCU boxes are probably more durable than your cutlass' hull.
The **entire** current ship durability system is placeholder while physical damage comes online. The current HP system will go away entirely and be replaced with destructible hulls that have physical properties based on their construction, and drake hulls are made of trash bags and recycled beer cans.
PYRO IN Q3!!!!!
I'll be happy when it actually drops.
been here too long to fall for that shit.

3.0 in decemeber.
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>Drake ships notoriously do not have this armor
You're perpetuating misinfo created by John Crewe.
Pic related is Drake. "Cheap" in this context doesn't mean having no armor whatsoever, it means being fast, durable, easily fixable and more readily available to pilots living on the fringe of society.
>Drakes WHOLE company philosphy is make cheap functional mass produced craft with no frills and no safety equipment.
This has changed. Drake capital ships are going to come with escape pods and medbays to keep them more in-line with other capital ships.
Drake is weird, lore wise they are supposed to have the best armored ships. Probably because ever since we discovered the word people and their airshields armor has been for poors and old ships.
bird people*
CIG really nailed the armor designs in this game.
some of them.
some of them look like shit
Its very hit and miss.
Morohzov is great though.
Need more backpack colour variety and there is so much clipping. The new 2D loot inventory helps but they also need to add more QoL for the old 3D inventory so you can easily unequip ammo from the UI without using another Ammo item or hunt for the magazine.
The magazine locations also look silly on most if not all armours
lore is word padding that comes after the game.
>All PvE
>All scripted
>Not sandbox
Shit man, you have 0 INT.
Freelancer did all of this, did you back this and never play any of the old games or Even understand why old fags made this possible? The hell is this general, go play some of them, new fags
>Just jump in ultra close and dump torps repeat.
Just like in the previous games, you probably won't be able to due to the cap ship systems. Also there's no way balance wise that would ever fly
space dorritos, the game.
I'm gonna fuck off to maplestory for a while.
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fireshart missiles LMAO
>recently we completed the gold standard on the base sabre-john crewe
huh? the one from like 5 years ago?
The OG sabre from 8 years ago actually, yea its had a gold standard pass. This was like, 2 years ago at this point already iirc.
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guess its literally raven but missiles instead of emp?
It has the exact same stats across the board, but missiles instead of emp, yea.
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>Quick scramble something so we can pretend like we innovated and came up with something new and gold passed something.
What the actual hell is going on with CIG these past few months?
They moved all their devs to bongistan. only to realize bongistanis don't work and have never made a good videogame before. They also got rid of the American studios and devs who you know actually do work.
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>complaining about them going around an old dogshit exclusive deal and making a ship for everyone
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No wonder this game went to shit these last updates.
>Reskin fighter
>Add missiles that haven't worked in 3 years
>Only 12
>The "missle fighter", gladiator exists already
Lol, lmao even.
I don't think that's the complaint. the complaint is this about recent "new" ships
>f7a mk2 been in the files for 7 years got slight tweaks and cockpit with assets stolen from the arrow
>f7c mk2 ditto above
>the tali "gold standard" who's assets have been done for many years now and was barely touched beyond lazily slapping the engineering stations and using assets from the sabre in the cockpit
>the sabre firebird which is a slightly modified raven
>the sabre raven "gold standard" which is just some new decals and sounds
>ursa medivac it's just an ursa with some lynx assets and animations from the c8r on a new bed model
>pulse micro bike that was probably a 3 week onboarding project but it the only completely new "ship"
it feels like their pipeline is completely fucked
oh I forgot they also ripped the new turrets for the tali off the redeemer
>it feels like their pipeline is completely fucked
It's actually more to do with their need to push more shit to sell and keep the funding flowing. The COVID-19 lockdown and massive influx of cash went to their heads, and now that time is over, they recently bought turbulent and built a massive office in the heart of Manchester, putting them over 1000 employees. That's why they are going through and seeing what they have they can quickly push out to sell, such as the F8 and MK II.

>oh I forgot they also ripped the new turrets for the tali off the redeemer
They are both aegis ships with similar design choices my goy, nothing to write home about.
>nothing to write home about.
They look goofy as shit, like cramming ww2 ball turrets onto a B-1B
The light fighters killing anything above them ordeal is already known to be a major flaw of the current lack of any real hardening of bigger ships. It's pretty obvious from every dev communication that it's an artifact that's just too major to bandaid fix, and we're stuck waiting for the Magical Armor System or at least the shield adjustments they mentioned offhandedly, both of which are probably gated by MM polish, before we'll see things play properly.
New shield changes with MM do make larger ships and turrets incredibly tanky now, but you can still 1v1 a Hammerhead in a Fury
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Exactly what I was getting at.
But who knows, maybe all hands are truly on sq42... surely the flight model in 42 isn't masters garbage r....right?
Yeahh.... Don't worry, they'll get it right on the Diamond pass..... But hey maybe they'll... Have better depression? Idk... There was nothing wrong imo with the old turrets... Infact some of the old turrets put some of their new ship interfaces to shame cause they have more MFDs, more info is always nice.

Honest question, has cig ever gone back on anything and done anything their community wants? Or has it always been "our way, our vision"?
>done anything their community wants?
Not sure what you mean here, the community wants anything and everything all the time right now.
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One mission. One purpose.
Masters mode gone is a great current one.
fantastically cheap
Which would be retarded. As much as its controversial right now, its even more stupid to waste a fuckton more dev time going back to an older model (which had its flaws remind you) all because the spectrum loud minority is having a meltdown before they even have a chance to tune it further. CIG need to prove they can stick to 1 model and thats it.
It doesn't have a quantum drive, so it can't enter NAV mode.
I expect CIG to give several of the larger snubs (Archimedes, Merlin, Argo) a S0 drive that's incapable of jumping but capable of NAV just so these weaker ships have an edge up over the Fury, who is by far the best snub ingame right now.
I doubt the Kraken will be equally, much less more, armored than the Idris, even the non-M variants.
gladiator is a torp fighter, it got nerfed by having it's s5 mounts reduced to missiles only back in 2015? when it was the meta in AC, and they never reverted it now that it would be completely fine, because they fucking hate the gladiator
raven got a complete remodel, and now has accessible components, it's not a decal swap retard
>Loud minority
Amazing, let me guess, you do bunkers only right now?
Maybe check their recent video comments and idk, any day on spectrum since it's release. You are in the minority here.
>Chance to "Tune it"
In case you haven't been playing this game and just got here, they had it over 2 years of it being on AC and they couldn't "tune it", let alone on whstever test servers. The word you are looking for is "reworking" the whole thing. It sucks ass and if this is supposed to be the system that's in sq42 that's they ported over and talked about in the citizen con, this game is gonna flop.
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>Maybe check their recent video comments and idk, any day on spectrum since it's release. You are in the minority here.
MM is good, you lost weeks ago.
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What's the next excuse you got?
r/starcitizen awaits you
Just wait till they add PlayStation accounts
>1043-290 views
>5,167,780 citizens
lol you lost troon
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>I'm not a minority here o-okay
>181 upboats
my highschool microshaft movie maker remixes did better numbers than your dogshit opinions lmao
>Can't stay relevant or on topic
Many a case.
Maybe you should go back to your highschool classes and reddit. Again, one look on spectrum speaks truth.
You seem more than just a little angry my kid, calm down it's affecting your brain.
Is anyone else having horrible fucking stuttery performance? I literally can't get out of Orison because I stupidly decided to start there, riding the tram basically causes the whole thing to drop to a 0 FPS slideshow and then often enough, crash. I dn't remember it being this bad in 3.22 (during the F8 event) on the same hardware

hardware -
Intel 5960X (yes its old-ish, Haswell-E HEDT. I'm wondering if they added something way more CPU taxing to 3.23 but its a pretty decent CPU on almost everything else.)
16GB DDR4 RAM + 24GB diskcache/swap set on the same drive as SC + the Win10 OS drive on advice of others
NV 3090 24GB (clearly this isn't the problem unless its some shitty driver incompatibility as its the newest and overpowered thing)
Installed on PCI-E SSD, Samsung 960 EVO

Settings in game
Quality = High (should it be very high?) as I'm told it pushes more to GPU vs CPU
Most other stuff = Medium (if it has the option)
Vsync, Chromatic Aberration, Film Grain = all off.
Upscaling = Off (I'm told that upscaling actually has bugs or worse performance)
Resolution = 4K 3840x2160. However, even dropping it to fucking 1080p didn't seem to fix the issue when I tried before, but I can try again.

So what the fuck is going on? It basically unplayable at least in the city where you start? Now, Arena Commander or whatever seems to work fine, but either that's out in space and/or offline/ so I'm not sure if its the lesser demanding graphics being in space, or the fact its not server based fuckery etc

I'm also having a problem with chat in that I can only see Global channel in the visor, not party or anything else even when part of one. Hitting tab does nothing in the visor and won't change my input to Party etc . I can see the party channel if I open the mobiglass with F1, but despite the big fucking glowing entry box I can't type to it. The cursor is there and the box is highlight but you type and nothing goes fucking into it.?!
>NV 3090 24GB
Funny enough it could be the problem. Vulcan has a serious memory leak. It might be over provisioning your vram which Nvidia drivers then try to push overflow to your ram, but you have no ram and disk cache won't work well or at all in this situation, so you crash.

my guess
Also if it's not that it's always useful to try clearing the shader cache and delete your USER folder.
Does your CPU have those weird-ass E-cores enabled in BIOS? Apparently that shit causes massive perfomance losses. Also 16gb RAM doesnt mean jack if you don't mention RAM speeds.
Strange..well, I'm not using Vulkan currently since they said its not quite 'ready' yet (isn't multithreaded etc) and may have lower performance for the moment, so I'm on D3D11. Would it still happen there?

As far as i can tell in task manager it grabs up to 8GB of RAM or so, but I'm not sure if it needs more and can't get it or something else is going on. Either way though, not using Vulkan yet though I look forward to its fixing.

I deleted USER with 3.23 and had problems from the start, sometimes worse than others even getting out of bed at spawn in Orison, but I can do so. How do you clear the shader cache? Do you think it could be the other direction? That it basically it needs to BUILD the shader cache like some old emulator to have smooth play? Sometime it seems after time it was smoother just standing/walking around a static area between the lobby of GreenHab and the tram, but maybe that's server related or something? Of course as soon as I get on the damn tram and it starts moving that overwhelms things to slideshow and crash. I specifically remember that last Nov I was in MicroTech for IAE and its tram/metro ting didn't lock shit up so no sure whats going on.

This CPU has no E-Cores. It was before that. It was literally one of the first 8c/16t CPUs ever made on a non-server platform (it was high end desktop). E-cores on Intel only showed up in Gen11 or Gen12, mine was Gen5/6 but the HEDT variant.
Also how would I fix it overprovisioning the VRAM? Is this something I should take to Issue Council?
>How do you clear the shader cache?
It's found in "%localappdata%\Star Citizen", and would be named something like "sc-alpha-3.23.0_lopuje_0".
Fuckin oops >>1291620
>Intel 5960X Haswell-E
Woah how did I miss than part, your cpu is more than a little old m8. It's at least 10 years old. I have a 5820k in a junk PC in the basement and it barely runs chrome. That ram and mobo have to be ancient too.
Mobo is an X99 Rampage V Extreme , RAM is DDR4; CPU was massively overpowered for it time and has lasted for years without issue and Ive overclocked it literally 1ghz for all-core turbo (from 3.0 to 4.3-4.5 depending), 8c/16t. It won't win any awards, but during the F8C event I had pretty smooth play with the same hardware. On everything else it seems to play just fine (ie open worlds like AC Valhalla or SpiderMan remastered, Elden Ring, MMOs more demanding stuff at 4K like RTS etc. I have some hardware for a rebuild but havent had the time to sort it out yet

If it was something that never gave me playable framerates at 4K or even 1080p on the PU since 3.x etc.. that would be one thing, but it seems odd to me that it seemed to be reasonably smooth even in Nov/Dec 2023 adn then whenever the F8 event was (and I know I was in Orison during the event as a dude had me fly there without it crippling) . Unless there's been some massive change on SC's side or I have some hardware or driver issue that only shows up for SC, I'm just trying to sort out of the issue.
Oh, do you think I could get more for it? $30-40?
Don't listen to that guy, I have a 7800x3d, 6700xt, an SN850X, and 64gb of cl30 6000mhz and this game runs like shit
it's a 65$ (?) purchase upfront so yes you could probably get 40$ for it grey market
Just figured it was low value because there's gotta be a ton of them out there. I guess I'll ask for $40 and just take whatever I can get. I didn't see the particular pack I had on Star Hangar so I couldn't get a bearing for price. It's the 2019 Christmas one so it comes with that 2 years of insurance instead of the 6 months or whatever. I don't know if people give a shit about that though.
I know there are times its less optimized especially if everyone's getting fucked on framerate thanks to servers being overloaded, but I grant that with your hardware its at least something you can write off as not caused by your hardware being too old/weak or a specific incompatibility like the 3090 being too much for having 16gb of RAM like one anon suggested.
Nah nobody cares unless it's LTI, maybe a 5$ increase at most.
Anon he's talking about more than bad performance, barely getting 50 frames in cities on a 4090 is normal. Hitching and crashing is not.
Hard to say honestly if it's not the memory leak it's very possible that either they introduced something into the render thread without thinking about compatibility with your 10 yearold cpu since November.

It's also possible they exposed an edge case on a very old cpu with likely accelerated wear from being overclocked.
Maybe its worth taking to Issue Council to see if there's some incompatibility where its an edge case?

Also, anyone know about problems with chat? It seems like the visor/hud chat only shows Global. Hitting tab doesn't change channels. I can easily talk to global but basically nobody else. If in a party, I can only see Party chat in the MobiGlass Comms screen, NOT the visor/hud window you see even when its listing "All" at the top. However, even if I go to the mobiglass Comms I can see the current and past messages from party if I click on that channel (and it says its sending them to visor or notifications or whatever) but clicking on the input bar shows a blinking cursor but then nothing is visible, typing doesn't show up there and pressing the send button doesn't send anything etc. Any idea what' going on with that?
I had something like that happen the other day after a crash on ptu. Crash recovery placed me back in the same spot I was, but I noticed chat doing something similar. It might be a bug with the chat not working properly on crash recovery.

STARC-101300 seems to be the ic report
>Crash recovery
As I noted above I've been crashing a good bit (each game session ending with the 2.0 launcher saying the thing crashed, to verify or relaunch etc) , but it usually places me back in my bed at Orison (one time I noticed I had my gear but also a hospital gown in my personal inventory for a reason I don't recall). Does the issue only happen if you return to exactly where you were standing (probably imposible for me given I was on the Orison shuttle) or is it "crash recovery" no matter what if you crash even starting in your bed again?

Thanks for the IC number though, I'll check it out
Crash recovery should pop you down where you were standing last. Although I believe there are exceptions if it doesn't have the data it needs, it doesn't work 100% of the time. If it can't put you back on the same shard because it's full is part of it iirc. However, I've crashed on shuttles on NB and come back in still on the shuttle, but I've also ended up in bed. Who knows CIG hasn't documented it very well.
MM is here to prep for a console release and make the controls more manageable for controllers.
new narrative just dropped bwos, spread it in the usual places. chriss will bow to us!!!
that's basically the corsair

as for modularity, let the retardiator tank all the buggy first pass mistakes
>they're patching out skin fuckery with invictus
I'm actually annoyed about it, could not be more pleased with this avatar as is
I can't understand the cuck mentality to want a boring game
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>The eternal debate
pretty locations
no hot moon
sets you up to smuggle drugs
some of the best ship components and ship skins are sold there
counterpoint: crusader and arccorp have >nodistros, no bunkers, no settlements etc. and hurston runs like shit. if you actually want to do anything planetside, it's microtech.
distros are so fucking lame tho, literally just oversized bunker mission locations
microshit is second place in low performance...........
I had a crash recovery the other day that fucked everything, not just chat but inventories and the door I was trying to use mid crash. right after I'd spent all my money on cargo too.
had to suicide to get out, fly back, and run naked across the moon's surface and take the slow ass caterpillar elevator in full exposure.
counterpoint: free ursa
Quit to Desktop
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I just boughted two Pulses for LTI
I'm sorry for your loss
>rmc hub
>distro centers
>group erts
>kill filthy prison escapees
>centrally located between all other planets
>best hand mining locations in the game
>nearby access to the best refinery in the game at cru l3
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>pajeet my son, you must now choose
A fully developed game
Two of the cheapest bikes in Star Citizen, with lifetime insurance
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>new bug in 3.23.1
>buying/melting/changing anything in your hanger on the RSI website locks you out of the game with a 19004 Error
>this happens right before the big ship sale is set to launch
Incredible timing
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New Babbage = Orison >>>>>> Junkertown >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sandys tickle porn video >>>> Area18
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>my invictus plan is to give my game package to the first person who says they're on free fly
This won't fuck them over, will it?
crunch bongloid crunch do dodo
>best hand mining locations
literally no one does that meme
Tbf he is right, Hurston has Klescher, which is the best hand mining location in the game
Anus remeemer
Anus retardilator
>own retardilator bomber
>get scammed
You get free under suit and helmet when you die. Hospital local inventory
A18, closest to Crusader that isn't Orishit
And before friction apologists start, it's because if you fly anything bigger than a shoebox it takes forever to get out of atmo.
orison has the lowest atmo now bwo
They changed that back in 3.18. You just have to fly 10k above the city to qt, like the other 3 main planets.
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2 hours
what the fuck is gsafe btw
it limits gforce so you don't blackout or redout from acceleration.
no i mean why the fuck its a thing, especially on fighters
c8r is more useful overall than the nursa.
Nursa can fit in smaller spaces, underground, and isn't targeted by turrets.

But unless you are hitting UGFs and don't have a ship that can fit a C8R I don't see the point, would rather park an M2 1km from the bunker behind terrain and put a mule and C8R inside. A mule would be more useful to store loot than a medical ursa.
If you die when you respawn you have access to more armour and weapons than you can pack in an ursa. A 1Km trek is not that bad.
You can use the ship standalone, as an escape shuttle, have a party member take it for a spin in multicrew gameplay.
There are more uses for a C8R.
Why is VTOL on ships without VTOL? I don't know, it's almost as if a lot of things in the game are still half assed place holders.

The idea a lot of people have been oushing is

"Speed caps make combat better".

Doesn't seem to actually ne travele though, artificial speed limits are obviously a negative, it's enough to have the speed be limited by air resistance close to planet.
uninspired 4th wall blatant money grubbing shit, the other ship and vehicle ad trailers are far better
So they don't actually care about Death of a Spaceman
I am afraid to log in, are freefags raping the servers?
>Same to you what do you think the best solo is? Isn't F8 impossible to get rn less you got the golden ticket?
They'll do the ticket event again. It sells incredibly well.
Mirai Heavy tomorrow?
They confirmed that the giga fury wont be on sale this invictus.
wtf why even have ILW then if the medicals are the only debuts
Gotta keep the money flowing
Polaris is getting Flight ready by IAE so buy now
reread what I said: inventories weren't working. couldn't access the many I had in planet storage, couldn't buy one, couldn't get the free hospital one.
I hope you realize it's a thing irl
I hope with death of a spaceman we can train our characters to withstand more g-force as a RPG mechanic
I think they do, but its obviously something that without all the in game systems or at least those related to medical , its not going to be implemented into that final form. There has to be a pretty granular difference between being casually incapacitated /respawned and the kind of death that fucks with your "death counter". Even the death that fuck with the death counter you still come back from, but depending on circumstances (including what kind of medical resources were nearby etc) you may have both stat and cosmetic permanent changes (ie you have a massive scar , lose a limb etc.) but even these it will come down to how much you want to spend to resolve them (ie if you lose an eye, you can either have a cheap glass eye, a nasty looking cybernetic glowing red one, or a a biotech one that's identical looking to the one you lost depending on what you pay. If you want to keep the nasty jagged scar that's one thing or you can pay to fix it etc). It will still up your 'death count" towards permadeath that after awhile enough "hard" deaths will mean that character can't be revived anymore and their assets will pass to a "next of kin" NPC who becomes playable or newly created avatar
Melted my LTI vanguard warden for a 120 month Zeus MR.
Im retarded.
I had a 0$ Tali Bomber to Connie Aquila CCU in hangar I was planning to use this patch
Is it over
pilot suits are coming
I keep saying it over and over but buying ships right now is fucking retarded. It's one thing if you don't have a package but why would you invest in these right before 4.0 before quantum fuel capacities are completely rebalanced and ship armor is about to be implemented?
it's so incredibly over bro
Yeah they said that’s going to be a thing.
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>your life must be miserable so I can have my roleplay loop
If hypothetically I had 170 store credit what should I buy assuming I have a shitty starter set already.
bank refund
Prospector (mining)
use it to make money to buy whatever ship you want
otherwise Zeus Mk II CL (cargo)
or another $40/$70 for the Hurricane/Scorpius (fighters)
Looks like only the Zeus MR is available atm. Prospector is a good call though thanks anon.
Zeus Mk II CL loaner is the C1 Spirit which ain't too bad.
It's not even in the store for me to buy right now unless I'm retarded.
I honestly think your delusional if you think this will happen like you describe. It's honestly depressing to think there are people who believe this and will get upset when this Peter Molyneux tier bullshit doesn't actually get in the game. If they actually did manage to implement this I think the MM backlash would look like a joke compared to what you'd see in reaction to this.

I do think there should be a bit more of a cost to death other than potentially losing your ship and stuff, but I don't see a death counter or any kind of perma death ever actually happening.
Anyone else having more crashes 3.23 then previous patches or does it just hate my PC? I've gotten at least 1 every time I play.
am I just old and out of touch or is it actually really fucking impressive that they've got atmospheric voxel clouds that dynamically create sunshafts, shadows, evening light etc based on the rotation of the fucking planet in relation to the sun?

not in 3.23 but since they launched invictus it's crashed on me twice just wandering around area 18, which is about as many crashes as I got in a week of playing EPTU
I had one crash in about 24 total hours
haven't played 3.23.1 yet though
clear shader cache idk
Ah nice, didn't think it through. You are right.
Tested the nursa, it's fine. Especially cause of small size.

Had it in Corsair and reclaimer
how did you fit a medical ship inside of a corsair? wtf
It was fine on EU. Only the convention center was bad
Oof. Rough.
Both c8r and Ursa medical fit. C8r is uncomfortable jittery but nursa is fine. As for reclaimer, nursa is bad fit,c8r is fine but dangerous.

Nursa was fine until friend fiddled with it while jumping and ended up inside the sun.
Now that reclaimer salvage elevator works, what is it for? Did any of the original reclaimer material say what it's supposed to be for
its impressive
SC is a roleplayers dream. Im gonna be medic and save no one
I survived and got my shit back to sell even though pirates chased me from the landing zone to atmo and almost blew me up
it was actually some real hollywood shit
Why do you think it wouldn't? The entire game is predicated on being unlike a more traditional project and leaning to the side of immersion. Just like MM's, and every other game system (including those like mining and medical they've already added) its bit by bit and version by version. What we see in a testing build at any time in't finished and they've been willing to overhaul things in most games would be "finished" - and this is good thing; go back and look at the version of the Constellation in the first hangar mode, vs the one we have now even. Death is no different. A death counter and permadeath is blunted by the fact that it isn't like your account loses everything, just the same way that "full loot" is blunted even now in PU by you can only lose what's on you, not what you have stored anywhere else from a ship to a respawn locale . They need to have penalties for death,just like they need travel time, space and on foot combat both need to take more time than a twitch shooter etc.. and I think they can do all these things if they have the balls to do it well and aren't overrun by newfags from the long arc of development who want it to be like every other game in the industry. I'm actually most concerned about this with monetization but that's another discussion, but on both fronts they're holding the line so far
>Ambulance doesn't have warning lights or siren.
>Ambulance has guns
That's what makes the game great
is there a medic ship in SC?
C8r small ambulance, Carrack large ship has Medway and 2 new ambulances being developed soon(TM)
sweet its in my star sign too
Don't forget the RSI Apollo Triage / Apollo Medivac . Its supposed to be able to carry several medbays depending on what size and be modular (ie 1 T1 or 3 T3 in the same space etc). I remember it was supposed to be one of the bigger med focused ships outside of a full on Endeavour with the Hospital module.
Can some anon please confirm that Overdrive is still active for all missions? I saw them say it was supposed to go through Invictus until Xenothreat starts which is after Invictus etc
yeah I'm stuck on the comm array one (kill three vanguards within the time limit, lmao ok) and it keeps popping up for me
Thanks anon. I'm starting out because ever siince 3.23 (and maybe my old as fuck CPU hardware is partially thecause but it was fine in some builds and unplayable to crashing in cities on others) I had isues but the .1 patch helped a lot perhaps. I'm starting with Intel Raid (the first oen) and I'm told it takes a group to do as opposed to soloing, even though its on foot and a bunker misssion?
yeah. so basically there is a server room and the servers will go down periodically, and you have to venture out and find a monitor in the bunker that has a code to restart the server. if you take too long, the server blows up. also there are enemies periodically spawning. it makes it a lot easier to have a couple guys roving outside while one keeps an eye on the servers.
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is chris taking influence from real life now? nova tanks seem to pop like a T90 autoloader every time.
nah the hull vaporized that's a trademark of the kharkov locomotive factory
My big question about that is, why would I bother staying with a lasting injury? Why wouldn't I just move my shit from Bob Bumpkin to his identical twin brother or son Blob Blumpkin? Why wouldn't I just press backspace until I hit hard death, or failing that, why wouldn't I just jump off the platform right next to Empire and repeat until hard death? What possible incentive could I have to stay with a cripple instead of just getting a fresh new guy?
>t. transwinning
Just checked and yeah I only see the MR too, I think it's the only one available since it's the combat variant and this is the military ship event.
Backa, my ship sales go off - you see the gameplay turning
You feel the regret burning, Backa, now you're learning
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so if you get to the end of pirate swarm you get to watch a bunch of idrises duke it out. I got stuck in a dead connie and just had to watch from afar. how long does it take 2 idris to kill a third? fucking forever.
>for shits and giggles, check out the Polaris
>no weapons
...why? Why do they fucking make combat ships with no guns?
Can I have two? Two measly S7s? On a fucking $750 warship? I mean shit multicrew and all this bs but wouldn't 8 niggers in a Polaris get outdps'd by 8 niggas in Ions?
They are shooting at different shield faces so effectively 1 idris until they breach the shields fully and star depleting the hull hit point pool.
Perseus is more fun to play with less crew.
Virgin scoot and shoot Torps vs chad cannon brawler.
5 turrets
28 of the biggest torps in the game
biggest combat cap before an idris
2x S4 shields, same as idris-P, perseus has 2xS3 for reference
it's fine
wtf is the hotfix env?
>no med bay
>no hanger
>around the same number of crew to be effective
connects to LIVE server
has some quickly thrown together fixes that could have more or less bugs/crashes depending on your hardware/software/gameplay loop/ship
At least you can put a decent combat ship in it I guess.
>5 turrets
Who cares?
Wow, I pressed H.
>Biggest combat cap before an idris
With no guns
>Big shields
They go down when you have to run away anyway.
Yeah at least having 3 guys in a Perseus gives you more firepower than 3 guys in Ions.
>4 s7 cannons
>far more armour and smaller profile
>cooler aesthetic, looks like a pocket battleship
It has enough cargo for basic needs and can carry some vehicles up to an ursa rover size.

It is a pain putting a full crew together outside of major events. I avoid huge ships that need more than 6 crew to operate effectively, given the current state of the game and experimental features showcased using the HH as a baseline I would only take it out for big events like XT and ERTs unless you are in a large active org already.
Not going to bother joining a big org until the game is released.
>looks good
blows up your shitty "muh looks good" ship from outside of your tiny range with torpedos from my polaris
Damn bro you look good blowing up lmao. GG
Nta, I'm >>1293150
Why wouldn't he just press H?
>5 turrets
>Who cares?
any fighter

>Yeah at least having 3 guys in a Perseus gives you more firepower than 3 guys in Ions.
what is this doublethink?
not only that but the two big turrets are almost never going to line up a shot on any fighter
and the two small turrets are only top and bottom, so you effectively only get one turret actively shooting back at fighters attacking the perseus
plus the torpedoes will output way more damage at once than S7 turrets if they hit

bullet distance is not capped now, cannons will get an advantage in long-distance accuracy
the perseus has barely enough point defense to shoot down incoming torpedoes, but if they're focused on the fighter that the polaris brings then it's over
I doubt perseuses will try to fight alone because of the lack of defenses
Because your ship is shit. It has only 2 turrets for anti torpedo duty. You have a tiny range that is out done by almost every other capital ship with torpedo's significantly, have no med bay for respawning and are at a significant disadvantage. You still need around 6 people to run the ship effectively the same as the polaris and you're a big target for anything with torpedos that you cannot effectively counter or deal with. Seems like a big flying coffin.
You can't shoot a fighter down in a turret anyway because of that fucking acceleration shit. Turrets are for the most part wasted fucking dps, and the only reason the perseus' turrets makes sense is because they're so big, they're good for killing big shit. Of course I wish they were pilot guns, but they're at least better than a bunch of dinky guns that aren't good.
You still didn't answer the question. Why would he need to shoot down the torpedo if he can just press H?
>his question
Your question
You're retarded.
The ship is 100 bucks less than a polaris which has more utility, more weapons and damage capabilities and needs around the same crew. If you want to cuck yourself for a much worse ship that you still need at least 5 people to use effectively while being handicapped by the garbage design, utility and damage be my guest.
If the perseus gets released without some major design changes there's going to be a lot of idiots melting and paying another 100 bucks for a polaris which is probably what jew roberts wants.
You only had to listen.
I didn't say his question dipshit, I said "the question"
>I fired le decoys that means I'm immune
I mean... Yeah. Missiles are fucking garbage in this game and always have been. They're basically only useful for stationary targets. I laugh my fucking ass off any time some ship has a "combat variant" that only adds missiles. I also don't consider them part of a ship's DPS
ok so when decoys are nerfed what then?
Verdict is still out on how effective the S10 torpedoes would be in terms of speed and maneuverability compared to a fully crewed Perseus.

If the perseus is too slow in keeping a sharp angle from the torps and countermeasures/PDs are ineffective then it would be easy to take out the moment one connects.
I doubt a single fighter would cause much damage to a fully crewed perseus, a swarm would be a huge nuisance.

Polaris can most likely dictate the terms of the fight in a 1v1 since it can detect the ship further away and most likely move faster in a straight line, even if the persues knows of its whereabouts unless the polaris pilot is inexperienced and closes the distance it can disengage whenever it wants the persues would always be on the defencive unless the polaris cannot shake off s5 torps easily and the perseus can close in with enough distance to use them.

The way the game currently works you can just go NAV mode at large engagement distances and fuck off well before the torps have a chance to reach you so either party can disengage from the fight pretty much at will in a 1v1 long range situation.
I mean, if that happens sure, your ship with less guns than a Constellation might make sense
Lmao okay boomer.
>I mean...
You're stupid. Fucking dumb. You're outranged, outdamaged and don't have any utility. Not only that but they can put a torpedo bomber in the polaris bay and just swarm you. You're going to take hits and you won't be able to do anything.
I mean you sound like some old boomer so you probably enjoy getting cucked. Therefore please buy a perseus so you can get cucked in any serious fight.
I'm not gonna buy a Perseus because I hate ships without pilot guns. All I'm saying is that the Polaris has less effective firepower than a Constellation.
I do agree that only boomers buy cap ships.
>either party can disengage from the fight pretty much at will in a 1v1 long range situation.
What's the detection range of torps currently?
>pd's are ineffective
Have you seen the bottom pd on the perseus? It has terrible coverage. Your entire bottom front half is exposed.
turn rate-challenged brain
>ships are now only good if they can fit a medical ursa in them
I mean what fucking use case is a combat ship with no guns? You might as well fly a Hull-C into battle.
Connie needs to be nerfed desu. Knock all the gun sizes down by 1.
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Assuming you can detect a torpedo moving at 200~300 m/s from 30Km away (not sure of the detection ranges) would you not have ample time to rotate such that guns have good LoS on target?

If you get too close you will be able to spot the perseus with your radar and react accordingly, 90 degrees currently is not an optimal angle to launch torps from based on my experience with the eclipse and retaliator typically you try to align the torps parallel to the trajectory the ship is flying in but I am not sure about MM with speeds now lowered unless it is tested once the ships are out which I am sure someone will fuck around with to understand the meta by then.

I am almost certain the mechanics surrounding torpedoes will be tweaked by the time the polaris is out. But some math can be done with the latest provided figures to predict how much reaction time you have and whether it is possible to evade with a ship of that size.

has anyone messed around with torpedoes in MM pvp? how effective are they against a competent player?
>will be able to spot the perseus with your radar
I don't think anyone has tested the distances in MM.
You're assuming a lot. How do you know you can detect it from that range in the Perseus? Do you think it's going to be one torpedo? Polaris has 4 tubes of size 10 torpedos. What about if the fighter it's carrying is an eclipse? What are you as a perseus going to do in that situation? It's not even far fetched or out of the realm of probability. It's actually very probable you'll have swarms of torpedo's barrelling towards you of which the s10 do a million damage each. Remember these are similarly priced ships.
Considering this I just don't understand why you wouldn't get a polaris. You're missing out on so much utility and damage at this point. Say what you will about the guns on the polaris, but they have very good coverage and are made to deal with smaller fighters effectively. The perseus has none of that and in place of s10 torpedo's it has 2x 4 s7 railguns of which we don't really have a clue about their effectiveness and worse still they cannot be swapped out for any other s7 guns.
Pointless to argue meta at this point, the game has been going through a lot of changes.
Worst case scenario I melt the peruses if I do not like it I couldn't care less if it is outperformed by the Polaris I like the play-style of using s7 turrets in PvE events.
duking it out with large ships whilst coordinating with crew in a HH was more fun in XT, dumping torps on idrises then running back to rearm constantly got old quick in the retaliator and eclipse for me.
You're going to get bodied by bigger ships boomer bro.
Typically your aren't fighting alone in events, evasiveness and armour effectiveness when in close range is still unkown. I wouldn't completely dismiss it as a useless platform this early.
I like the fury.
I doubt useless. But completely out performed by it's competitor would be my statement.
nta but my best idea of the perseus is that it'll get armor which gives resistance to ballistics, huge bullet capacity, decent radar and reload speeds, all else they can still add another 1-2 PD turrets or bump the turrets to have 4 guns each
and it is still a lower priced ship than a polaris, it doesn't need to overpower it but just have a chance, the turrets and other unknowns will be balanced such that it can do so under good circumstances
>they'll buff it
Yes! For only 120 dollar more Robert sama will fold perseus 500 times to make it cut sashimi better!! All for the low low price of 200 dollar more! Did I say 200 dollar? I meant 1000 dollar!!!
Release trend from CIG recently i've noticed to date is they release a ship and intentionally make it overpowered for a while before nefing it to the ground (with the exception of the Hull-C) and repeating the cycle with a new ship until they go through a major balance pass.

Look how they are scurrying to sell the medical ursa with low effort mechanics wrangled together to make it look good in >>1292401 its pathetic.
Short term they go where the money is at, hopefully not the case when the game is out but I bet they will carry on handling things the way are accustomed to until someone else lights a fire under their asses and shakes up the market.
You think they will roll back the medibed changes? Fitting a nursa in your ship is going to be the biggest meta.
They won't roll it back but they will need an excuse for T1& T2 beds, dropships, and medical gameplay which they have invalidated with this change.
Temporary or not this is definitely not the final state even if they will not roll it back they would need to figure out how to justify everything else in the game to make the other assets useful or change the mechanics for them to something else entirely.

I am all for it in the short term now but I do not like this change in the long term, convenient as it may be given the buggy state of the game they didn't solve the underlying problems only skirted around them with a simple band-aid solution.

At the bare minimum I expect penalties from overusing regen. Not enough people in a server right now to make medical beacons worthwhile so people (myself included) just backspace anyway. Maybe with dynamic server meshing things will start to look different.
I think they'll roll it back by way of making a soft death kind of state, you might have to crawl back to the bed or get transported there
but then why would anyone in combat let someone do that?
Dropships might still have a use if a 20km zone from the target is too dangerous even for land vehicles. Drop ships could be used to ferry people from ships with longer range medbeds (T1 & T2) and for dropping vehicles for support.
I have a feeling they will add a stacking debuff for respawns to discourage overuse.
Do you think I could fit a medical ursa in the back of a Zeus Mk2 MR?
Connie can fit an ursa sized vehicle at most, I think zeus might fit smaller vehicles but I could be wrong.
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Height will be a big deciding factor.
>needs around the same crew
Nah I think with engineering you will need more crew to operate optimally whilst Perseus will require less.
Operational cost of the Polaris will likely be higher those s10 torps wont be cheap and it might not be able to sponge as much hull damage in a brawl if it is intended for hit and run tactics vs large ships.

If defending a convoy or static target the perseus can sponge more damage and serve as a distraction granted it is not being pitted against hard hitting capitals.
Perseus seems intended to duke it out with ships its size and smaller like the HH down to cutlass.
Hitting those with S10 torps especially if you end up expending multiple would be wasteful those hard hitters are intended to be saved for capitals.
S5 and S7 is cheaper combined they also have a larger ammo pool to stay in the fight longer.
Stocking S10 torpedoes takes up more space, despite the size difference you have a hangar that takes up significant space. So logistics wise smaller ships could be used to carry supplies to a Perseus.

A pack of Perseus ships might be able to soften a lone idris if they manage to close the distance after taking some losses.
They shouldn't be going against a Polaris or swarms of medium fighters and under which can control the fight.
Does the perseus really require less crew though? You need 5 to operate piloting and all the guns at least. Then you'll probably need an engineer. You're looking at 6 people just to fly it at a minimum.
Polaris, you don't need a gunner in every turret really. Not having one turret firing on the polaris isn't as detrimental as not having a turret on the perseus out of use since it really needs all of them manned at all times.
I don't think the perseus is really going to be as small to crew as people think in practice.
turret blade/ai whatever, the two PD on the perseus are remote only
I'd argue the perseus can go longer without an engineer because armor
but it all depends on what you are fighting
I also feel like the perseus is a sitting duck for fighters. It has 2 remote turrets for dealing with point defence and one is horribly placed at the rear between engine nacelles. We don't know the turn rate of the size 7 turrets but they appear to be to counter larger ships so they may not be good at dealing with nimble fighters or even heavy fighters.
You have a number of small torpedos and smaller missiles on the perseus I guess. But again the Polaris has more and bigger.
I understand people are talking about wastage and expenses, but if you're a perseus and you run into a polaris or a bunch of hard hitting fighters in PVP you're likely going to get your shit pushed in. It's really that simple. I understand people think the heavy armor might make them impervious to smaller ships but there are so many nimble fighters with big guns and torpedos now I just don't see it happening.
Can slave some turrets, smaller than a HH and armored so less running around fixing shit. You can lower the crew size more and utilize them outside of engineering for longer in a brawling encounter with near peers which it is suited for.
>AI blades
>slaving turrets
This stuff is so far out in terms of implementation I doubt it'll even be in the 1.0 release.
Yeah it needs to be used in conjunction with a fleet to make up for its weaknesses.
Even in fleet operations wouldn't you rather have a polaris? It can rearm and refuel one fighter at a time giving some reprieve if your main carriers are clogged up, has very good point defence coverage against torpedos and fighters for your fleets flank and is a significant threat to capital ships with it's size 10 torpedos.
I just don't understand what the Perseus is even for. I would understand if it's the Polaris but MUH GUNZ but it's not even that.
Yeah sometimes CIG doesn't make any sense with their design choices. We'll see by the time the Perseus is out we might even see big changes to their original concept.
When are they planning to work on the liberator? It's about C2 sized hoping they release it next year but given they are working on the RSI lineup I highly doubt I'll see any news relating to it until sometime in 2026 at minimum.
how do i have fun in Elite
i'm gonna jump back in and mostly i just wanna get the fuck away from everyone in my krait phantom, and go explore
i saw they added xeno biology so maybe i'll try that
Ihe problem I can see is very easily in their minds at CIG it doesn't really add much.

If you want vehicle + cargo transport well we have the c2 and m2.

If you want a carrier that can carry 3 ships the Idris will be ready sometime next year or earlier.

It is unfortunate though being a ferry boat captain for pyro sounded fun, however it seems because pyro is so compressed now that won't really be necessary.
Whenever in flight refueling and repair is properly finished I suspect.
If medical was any indicator they wont add any gameplay mechanics with hard dependencies reliant on other players.
>see people constantly fail at even small multi player ship communication
>people have no idea what's going on
I think boomers are going to have a rude awakening when cap ships are in game and are constantly getting raped by small inexpensive ships. It's going to be Eve all over again.
You're making up scenarios in your head, anon. The fact is, it's all just murky theorycrafting.

The biggest question all of this will boil down to is how they implement armor. Will they go the whole 9 yards like World of Warships or Warthunder where shots can bounce off of sloped armor or just not penetrate if the armor is too thick? Because if that's going to be the case, then the Perseus will have little to no issues shrugging off fighters. Inversely, this could mean that the Perseus S7 could just overpenetrate if using AP rounds against anything smaller than a Connie or Cutlass.

If the Perseus would be implemented right now with only AP rounds as its standard ammo, I think it'd be absolutely perfect for VHRT/ERT farming. I think that the Perseus, Hammerhead and Polaris all work best in tandem with each other.
I cannot wait until the day that hirable NPCs are released and all the boomers that think they’re going to have a huge fleet just for themselves find out that they suck. It’s going to be a level of catharsis that will only be matched when armor is fully implemented and light fighter niggers can no longer solo anything bigger than a Constellation
club some other 1/2 seaters like ions or torp bombers.
Angry bees >>>>>>> joosi targets
when can we check out idris?
imagine free flies with 100 rented javelins
I think its supposed to fly around or some shit
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Go be a bob somewhere else, tranny
>joining US servers
No I'm not. It's just facts based on the ships design. The perseus hasn't got any functionality, combat ability or utility over the polaris and is significantly lacking. Mainly due to it's lack of turret coverage, medibay or hanger. That has nothing to do with head canon. Although I'm sorry you spent money on a ship that is a flying coffin for you and 5 other friends you manage to scrape together boomer-kun.
At least it’s not the Nautilus
can't have space world war 2 without space magnetic mines in space omaha beach.
polaris is going to be a big slow trashcan with even bigger and dumber torpedos that can be targeted and shot by any gunner half awake in his turret
that is if the automated ciws on the capitals it's supposed to hunt don't blast them out of the sky first.

torpedos make sense on something like an eclipse which gets the benefit of surprise and can close distance undetected to release it's payload with as little warning to the enemy ship as possible or on a ground based AA platform like the ballista, again relating to it's ability to remain relatively undetected due to being a ground vehicle. The polaris is huge and slow and one showing up somewhere isn't exactly going to be a surprise because it's bringing a parking lot for a more useful ship with it, which means whatever it's hunting has the maximum amount of time to prepare.

it's like a ballistic submarine that has to remain on the surface at all times. awful design.
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>anon making up things in his head again about nonexistant ships in nonexistant gameplay loops and situations
Face it retard-kun, all this discussion is null and void because it's all lacking mechanics. Be happy with your Polaris, it's genuinely a great ship.
uuuuuuuuh best I can give you is missile operator modes(aka missiles DS/Antares)
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It really depends on turret coverage and how many turrets you have. If a polaris is launching waves of torpedos and missiles at you are you confident your two gunners in your perseus are going to identify the torpedos in the mix and shoot them down?
My main point is that the Perseus is just a badly designed ship. It's meant to be a combat patrol ship but offers nothing to a fleet that other ships can't do in spades already. So is it meant to be a ship you take out on it's own? If that's the case what's it going to do against heavy fighters with that yeeyee ass point defence coverage? It only has two remote turrets for small ships and torpedos and one of those is between it's engine thighs up it's ass crack. That's just bad design. Really Perseus owners should be begging CIG to put extra remote turrets on the thing so it isn't a sitting duck.
perseus has automated ciws
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I don't think so. Aren't they just remote turrets?
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Oh yeah? How many gold bars have you shat out boomer? Your wife already has to clean your taco bell projectile diarrhea every tuesday. Poor woman.
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From the Perseus Q&A
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So it's just AI blades. Which you can do on any turret in any ship. Do you think those are going to be better than some rando in the turret? Or even better do you think an AI blade is going to change the dogshit point defence coverage? A reminder. One of the turrets is in the Perseus's ass crack. So I don't know what you're planning to shoot with it.
>So it's just AI blades. Which you can do on any turret in any ship
when is this shit actually gonna exist?
torpedos launched at max range aren't really a threat due to their speed and limited manoeuvrability. s9's max out at 527m/s so I can only assume s10's will be even slower topping out in the 250-300m/s range. the farther out you launch these things the more time there is to react to them. conversely, seeing as they are missiles they also have minimum ranges as well so you can't be TOO close. dumb firing torps with any consistent accuracy at the moment is tricky as well seeing as all torp ships lack any sort of a bore sight system

dumb firing s10's out of a polaris at point blank may potentially kill the polaris as well as it's intended target due to aoe splash damage at the point of impact
Probably never. Roberts has been promising NPC's and AI shit since he sold the constellation.
Yeah bro you'll be at just the right range and you'll take out that polaris bro!! Omgg! Your friends will be so happy and that girl you liked will call you and say she was always in love with you! And Chris will do a whole episode of the chairman about your awesome fight and...
Bruh. Boomers really be making up head canon for their bad spending habits already lmao.
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>this enrages and confuses the torptard
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>one remote turret with only top coverage
>second remote turret is in the ass crack
>meanwhile AI in star citizen right now
Buy triangles
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>seeing as they are missiles they also have minimum ranges as well so you can't be TOO close
I hate that this is a thing. missiles fucking suck now and half the reason is these narrow range limitations on when you can fire them. can't dump them in a guy's face when it's too quick to react (and too close for the dumb nigger missiles to fuck off in the wrong direction) and can't dump them from ten miles away and potentially catch a person unawares.

I miss the days of yore
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how do you fix it?
>Hits countermeasures
>burns directly at poolaris
>torps now useless at point blank
>slams that fat ass with quad s7 cannons
>another perseus can come along too seeing as minimum compliment on a poolaris is 6 while a 3 person crew on the perseus is 100% combat effective

don't even need point defences, but it's nice to have them :^)
delete it from the game
Make it way more agile and upsize turret guns to S6. S5 aren't a selling point anymore now that Corsair and Connie can have the same/more firepower
hot take: in a 1v1 the polaris will crush the perseus, with superior agility, range, and damage output even if very ammo-limited

in a fleet battle the polaris will get actively targeted and folded over with paltry armor and not enough mobility to actively evade, while a perseus is able to happily sling artillery shells around and ignore or tank most incoming fire with huge armor
neither of them are objectively better or worse, the polaris is significantly larger and will be more expensive to operate as a result, but especially rearm fees will be extraordinarily high on torps
perseus has a gaping weakness to small shit and will have to genuinely fear masses of small ships tickling it to death or providing distraction for a torp bomber, but is far better suited to fleet combat and extended, close range slugouts
remove one of the s3 shield gens so it doesn't have subcapital shielding and can be agile without being broken
>hot take: in a 1v1 the polaris will crush the perseus, with superior agility, range, and damage output even if very ammo-limited
Perseus guns are probably going to have a range of about 5-7km
that's knife fight ranges for s9 torps, nevermind s10. get under that and torpedo manoeuvrability gets woefully inadequate, engage at ranges higher than that and your torps get identified and shot down almost immediately
so what do you have left to slug it out with a bruiser like a perseus? a dual s5 gun turret supported by a couple s4's?
for the crew and the money? perseus comes out on top every time
Probably add a recharge to medbeds so the first person who dies can respawn but the second needs to wait 10 minutes for a T3, 3 minutes for a T2, and 30 seconds for a T1.

Or "trauma" from respawning at a T3 that doesn't go away until you can heal it at a T1.
Perseus PD will likely struggle to shoot down one, much less multiple S10s, it's just twin S3
It's likely that the PD is going to be more useful for stopping larger numbers of smaller torps, any capital ship is in hot water if the Polaris starts firing at it
If S10 torps get intercepted so readily, they would become basically useless, every other capital ship is absolutely bristling in weapons by comparison to the Perseus and having a few bladed would probably be a negligible cost on such a massive hull

for the crew and money, I agree that the Perseus is probably better, but the Polaris absolutely is gonna have a role and every large ship is gonna be on the receiving end of it
dads are gonna get a rude awakening when they realize the Polaris hangar and cargo bay isn't enough to make it a profitable ship to operate once wear and tear+rearming costs are a serious factor, and you can't just run a claim to refill the torp magazine
>Perseus PD will likely struggle to shoot down one, much less multiple S10s, it's just twin S3
why would it struggle to shoot down larger slower targets and not smaller faster ones?
>If S10 torps get intercepted so readily, they would become basically useless
>he doesn't know
Because a S10 torp is gonna have way more health than a S5?
It's several orders of magnitude larger
you can already easily shoot down s9's with s1 weaponry
Because all ordnance has 1hp right now, any amount of damage will destroy them instantly
that's obviously not working as intended, missile and torp gameplay is just incredibly neglected and always has been
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>thinking it's going to change
it's not
thanks for the money, retard
>Rear PD is completely useless
>Deploy fighter / bomber to harass front PD
>Polaris fires Torps
>Front PD can only engage the torps or the fighter, if it does the former it eventually gets knocked out by the fighter and the Torps will just hit in the next salvo
Not looking good Perseus sisters
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ty based whaletards for funding the game, I can only afford a starter pack
Yep I am thinking the Polaris won
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we are so fucking back bros
Would I be retarded for getting a 315p as a solo run around?
>Want to finish Xenothreat Incursions
>None of my friends online
>No way I can solo 24 ships
>Nobody in global wants to do them, and they'd probably want to start from the beginning anyways
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idris where
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>take protect site contract
>shoot one of the people with a green marker that just appeared over their heads when I hit 4/10 enemies remaining
Great UI design guys, gold star
>UV-C light sanitation stations in Orison
Just an FYI for everybody here, since CIG is retarded: UV-C gives you skin cancer. If you see any light labeled as that, stay the fuck away.
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>plays star citizen
>immediately escorted through the game by a fleet of established players doing the most boring pve bullshit ever

at least take him ganking or pirating or something interesting. the pve is so fucking tame and a fantastic way to make sure he never wants to play again
good, stay away, fuckoff
based boomers screwing up the new player experience for streaming faggots
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if that piece of shit cheater fucks off forever thanks to that, its a win situation for SC
CIG could can manned turret "gameplay" if this shit happens often enough. at least if they were remote turrets you could swap between them or switch to different views (engineering / other) or exit your chair and hop in the copilot seat with ease
Are there any real downsides to rattlers? It seems like there's not much reason to ever take any other size 2 missile.
They are IR seekers I think and thus pretty easily defeated by flares
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This is what I've got currently. I really want a single seater run around just for doing dumb shit or ferrying myself to places. Something small and quick. Not an avenger or a cutlass and something that has some cargo space so probably not a fighter.
Was thinking of origin 300i or 325a. Or maybe even a mustystang.
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>his first impression was dogshit dcenter pve with bricked NPCs
yea that guy aint touching SC ever again
He's still playing.
>Was thinking of origin 300i or 325a.
Maybe consider the 315p instead. It has the most fuel and cargo space out of the other 300 variants. That, or one of the starter ships like the Cutter or Syulen.
different person
All these e celebs look the same to me.
Why do people buy the spirit? It's cargo space isn't very big for its size. Seems like a waste.
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some CIG cope after shroud shat on SC in front of 20k people
Spirit can do almost anything. It has ok hard points, ok cargo, ok speed and ok components. It's a good allrounder.
I hate all cutlass owners.
i have the mustang package and one other ship i forget it was 90 bucks and like a green fighter.

i wanted to upgrade the mustang package to the alien ship because the alien ship package they have right now. is the alien ship cool? idc if it isnt meta or super good at pvp, just if it is fun to fly.
IMO, the Syulen is the best looking ayy lmao ship in the game, inside and out. It does land/take off in kind of a unique way that no other ship does, so it will take abit to get used too.
A lot of people probably like it's aesthetic.

Corsair was the better option in 3.22, in 3.23 probably Taurus if you are blind, corsair if you like soul and c1 if you are aesthetics nerd
Wait for the Crusader starter that’s very definitely most assuredly coming out at some point maybe.
I don't fly drake tranny ships.
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That's because you're gay.
Klean seemed to like it. I was watching Klean and he was with some dude for the first part of the stream and it was chill. It kinda turned to shit when he got into the big group with berg and shroud, because it seemed to turn into the
>Lets try and make sure shroud is entertained!

Really funny though how summit is now a full blown cultist though.
I'm wondering why they didn't run him through the overdrive chain.
Most of those missions were enjoyable enough, the first set was great and the big 24 ship furball would be fun even for a HH turret cuck.

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