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>what is eve
mmo space sandbox
>what is eve really?
ded game
>ingame channel
>should I start playing EVE?
probably not
>previous thread
join a corp
>PI will now be monopolized by sov nullniggers
disappointing outcome
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The null mining change will kill my EBRA profit
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1cn8s19/tritanium_is_back_on_the_00_menu_boys/
another monthly economy report another month of delve being the height of everything
what the fuck do those guys even do with their riches? spend it on supers to rat more?
>2 cycles later
>Been highsec exploring for half an hour
Not bad desu.
>big alliance makes big money
>somehow incomprehensible to people
the question was what they do with it you addled gooner. i know how they get it
make more isk
gather free minerals
You require more vespene gas
50m/hour exploring in highsec. Heh.
>tfw when still attempting to sell what was 90b ISK of Isogen
>Price will probably tank complete
>Tritanium and isogen. Will spawn in abundant amounts
lol what happened to the idea of wanting every space involved in industry. Now this just goes back to high/low/wh miners competing with null mining the same resources, and null gets rorq boosts, quiet systems, and intel so null wins.
>The new combat anom is higher reward for those that want to actively play, but you can still ishtar spin in the older anoms
Ishtar spinning is easily multiboxed so it will still be end-game of ratting, beating out even crab beacons for a fraction of the risk
so the game have basically done a full circle. highsec mining moreso lowsec are going to the dumpster while nullsec becomes an independent island like it used to be. feels bad. i wonder how big of an impact it will have. alliances will prolly want to rush into the new system asap.
thinking about coming back
>highsec mining moreso lowsec are going to the dumpster
Good. Hisec mining is for homos and lowsec is dead anyway
So we’re getting 200mil battleships?
still more than they're worth at this point
They need to remove the faction cores from t1 BSs.
Eve if t1 bs went back to the 50-80m price range, most still arent worth using. There is simply no real use case for a Tempest, or a Megathron, or an Abbadon or an Apocalypse, even the "good" ones like the Hyperion are just memes for bustin gate camps.
Only the Raven, Typhoon, and Geddon are really usable, maybe the Maelstrom too.
They were worth using because of insurance pvp
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bros... kevin... is gone...
It's a complete disaster for having the risk of space determine the price of materials. You can clearly see a price spike on Isogen and Nocxium since those were only found in lowsec and to some extent WH space because that security band is the hardest place to mine safely in. Whereas in HS, where CONCORD exists and cynos can't be lit, and NS, where large alliances can mine under a defense umbrella, have instead caused the minerals found there to tank in price. Hell, Bistot is now LESS valuable than Veldspar despite being found primarily in nullsec, just because NS mining is so much easier and more efficient than anywhere else.

On the flipside, it's a great change for people who don't do industry, the price of hulls will likely drop to a third of their current price.
well itll give a reason for nullsec to be relevant again
almost all the fighting has been in lowsec since Uprising, because other parts of space are pointless and boring, and all the isk comes from every man and his dog farming a C5/C6
>whfag desperately projecting relevancy onto his dead space
post music
>How to reinvigorate nullsec
>unfuck scarcity 2.0? nope
>remove filaments for easy extraction? nope
>remove asset safety so there is actual loss and commitment of resources? nope
>remove ess and add ore back into nulsec so you actually have a reason to own and use that space? nope
>nerf citadel spam and timezone tanking? nope
>add new actual content to get people interested in nulsec instead of meme gudfite zones like ESS? nope

>add in more bullshit to fozzisov because you think people are going to slowboat the new sov resources through gates and not jumpbridge them because the devs don't fucking play the game? YEP

But hey, new purple loot I guess, the only way equinox will be considered remotely good is if they revamp nulsec anoms so there are also frigate and cruiser anoms so a solo roamer actually has interesting targets other than another ishtar bots and ESS Vargurs
But it sounds like they are unfucking scarcity 2.0 and adding ore back to NS. Except it's exclusively for NS and of no benefit to anyone else.
>cheap ships don't benefit everyone else
You might not know this but my capsuleer has replaced their capsule's pod goo with horse cum
I like the new PVE shit but making it only spawn in core upgraded systems sucks. It makes it too safe and hard to pick off people out in the booniesn Nullsec doesn't need more shit on the populated systems, it needs shit in the empty parts to make people spread out.
How do I beat these harder event sites? There's no way I'm this bad at the game.
You don't. The only guy who beat the high tier cruiser sites spent 8b on his fits, and got himself a 20m payout. Theyre pointless.
I can't even beat the T2. My 100m cruiser get obliterated. I don't even care about the higher tiers.
You have to use a DPS cruiser and a logi cruiser.
They add things to game to keep that null sec pi industrialist with 24 mining barges and a rorq and, correspondingly, 25 x the omega time consumption of a noob, playing and happy.

They will NEVER risk losing those whales by changing anything. If you owned an mmo and people paid retarded amounts to play "just as boring as being a actual 1800's whelsh coal miner but in a space ship" the mini game, you wpuld give farcical lip service to "big changes" too.

They also keep trying to fix the null local error by making "new" space like wholes and pochven, but it keeps being captured by autistic bot using faggots.

T3 and below can be done with a stabber
Enter site with Barrage loaded, overheat afterburner for 2 cycles and burn straight to the sentry towers, go through the boundary to jump and kill the other set of towers. The T3 Leshak webs and keeps you at 9km so keep Barrage loaded, for the Drifter battleship switch to Hail and orbit 1k.
For lower tiers you can remove 1 or 2 of the lows for gyrostabilizers
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Remove pirate hulls/bpcs from LP stores. Rollback the faction materials
Pirate hulls are already over priced for what they do. Pirate frigates should nkt be 120m, why would you want to make it worse?
Im not feeling the happiness after reading about the expansion
they're shit because of other ships. you fix battleships by fixing caps, marauders, t3s, hacs, etc.
Soon I can fly the minmatar hound and become bane incarnate to barges everywhere
problem with the pirate frigates and cruisers is half of them are fuckin useless while the others are retardedly overpowered
they need to do a balance pass
make them all way worse
So wormhole PI is gonna be fucked in Equinox? Been planning to setup some passive isk shit.
They need natural price adjusting by rarity and not by some arbitrary fag materials CCP pulled out of their ass
Thinking about training my amarr skills so I can fly an Abaddon.
Anything I should know?
Yes, fly a geddon instead.
I don wanna
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You DID equip the festive launcher and pelt some idiot with confetti right?
It could go one of two ways:

PI prices in general get completely fucked because the Skyhook prints it out at an absurd rate compared to normal PI. At this point, PI is dead except through the Skyhook.

The Skyhook's cost to run is so high that PI prices roughly stay the same. This could be in actual cost (IE, the ISK value of the resources used to run it are better off sold on their own instead of used to run the Skyhook) or the opportunity cost (It's better to use the Skyhook reagents to maintain your new soverignty hub, so no one uses the Skyhook when you can instead get better pirate anomalies from it).

Either way, PI will either stay the same in value or drop like a rock, so it's only a question of how bad the damage will be.
Why are they walking back the whole ecosystem of exclusive minerals thing? Now mining in low/wh/poch is a waste of time since null gets it all plus all the safety.
Where the fuck is the trade-off in danger?
>invaders will be able to steal some bulky low value reagents and r4 moon trash
You should be able to shoot and temporarily offline the Local function
>Now mining in low/wh/poch is a waste of time
As it always was
delete wormhole space and pochven
Breacher halcyon skin, lets cook.
Any nullsec buff without nerfing power projection into the ground is bad for the game. The game is essentially dead already, though, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
PI isnt being changed
the Skyhooks are for new resources and to provide system upgrades for shit that isnt normally available in nullsec
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>you can steal from them
>you can't do it in small ships
feels bad man
>Takes 10 minutes to steal from them
>Nullblocs can travel the entire galaxy in 5 minutes
Nice game design
yeah sure they can...
The resources able to be stolen will just be produced where the dullsec blobs can babysit the producing structures 24/7.

The gigablobs will keep denying access to 0.0 for non-aligned entities even if they don't use the structures. There's still zero reason not to form the blue doughnut.
these stolen resources aren't going to fit in a normal ship are they
A requirement for a hauler + the ability to shoot the structure shield was implied, yea.
ok. another feature closed to soloers
Just use a hauler alt.
hauler alt won't be able to do damage. I'm assuming these things have millions of hp as well
Just use a rorq or the new meme haulers with missiles :^)
all ccp had to do was give ansiblex jump fatigue
just like jump bridges had after phoebe.
but no.

unironically would fix a ton of issues with null and we've already seen how it played out between phoebe and when ansiblexes launched
and it was good.
I'll never understand why they never gave ansiblex jump fatigue. it just doesnt make any fucking sense.
I'd fly a combat hauler, but I'm 99% sure they'll be retarded
It's mostly because CCP is no longer very innovative or dynamic company. EVE is 20 years old and while it's not dead it's dying and the people working at CCP are mostly veterans more interested in carrying out their daily routine and keeping their jobs than actually delivering something great with a passion. I mean it's fairly understandable, someone entered the company when he was 30 and is now 55 with -15 IQ, half the energy and quarter the ideas from his prime barely functioning as an employee in a tech company. The last thing someone like that would do is shake the boat when he can just keep making plain updates that appease the existing players for a while longer while hoping for an early retirement.
>people working at CCP are mostly veterans
No they aren't lol. Most have been replaced.
how is it shaking the boat
jump bridges had fatigue for years before ansiblexes replaced them
theres absolutely no reason to not have given them jump fatigue just like the bridges they replaced.
only if you introduce WH fatigue
The drones that make the game may be replaced but the office culture and leadership positions are calcified.

Because babs wouldn't like it, every change has to improve their power otherwise they may quit.
did they clarify that on stream? the article says
>*Replacing the customs office*, the orbital skyhook takes the form of an anchor, and *will be required to extract resources from planets*.
emphasis mine
the resources its required for are the new sov fuel shit
its replacing the poco in sov space only, and functions identically to the poco for PI.
lot of bittervets in here. just play the game lol
Not even bittervets, bitter solo highsec players with no corp who have played that way for 5 years and wonder why it sucks
you mean wormholers
Mad? Frustrated? Seething?
Join our Punisher and Omen roams
Can I bring my apoc?
x arbitrator
I would suggest Oracle if you want to bring in heavy firepower for our Omen roams
no, wormholers know why it sucks
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>WH fatigue
amazing idea
>he doesn't build his omens for the omen roam in the designated /eog/ shekel printing facilities
Not gonna make it desu.
You mean polarization?
yeah but way worse
Okay but also Jump drives have their range reduced by 60%. And fuel consumption is tripled.
doesn't address the issue. need a (minutes long) activation timer on both cynos and jump drives
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Removing the gas materials from pirate hull manufacturing would make everything better

Before scarcity 2.0 a pirate frig was 40-50mil, now they're over 100, the only exception is the Worm and Dramiel which had lowered down to 70mil because the BPCs went from 50mil a copy to 10 mil because you can get 5 dramiel BPCs by AFKing in a small pirate FW plex for 10 minutes

This just fucks people who actually play the game in the form of combat exploration which requires you to roam and clear sites for a chance at a drop, pirate FW is braindead and boring as shit and I generated enough LP for an azaziel without ever shooting a single shot against another player on an alpha
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Pirate cruisers should be 100-120mil at best.
Think about it logically.
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1 bil Orthrus
still too cheap for what it does
>complaining about Orthrus
How to spot a shitter that doesn't know how to use an Oracle in one easy step.
I want a little more chaos in eve. Changing security levels for systems based on player or NPC happenings, magic space fuckery causing changing system connections (not just wormholes), smash two solar systems together, station gets eaten by a black hole and spit out across space somehere. Why are these faggots so boring and never shake things up?
Dullsec RMT empires absolutely hate any change. Coincidentally, they are also the only meaningful player lobby group and most CCPniggers with any game experience were part of the inner circles of said RMT empires.
None of that would really fix things.

3 things would actually help a lot.

1: nerf the ever living fuck out of all the safety nets they've been adding into the game since citadels. Asset safety being the biggest, but also citadel spam and tethering capitals to astrahus', as well as filament travel in general

2: increase highsec/lowsec gate travel safety measures to promote more travel through 'secure' space, which adds more noise to d-scan

3: Rework d-scan so it no longer gives perfect information instantly.
What exactly is the "gameplay loop" in this game supposed to be?
>wants to fix game
>not one word about Jump drives
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>be at one of two research & production bases
>try to deliver a job remotely at base #1
>"Too many jumps away for Supply Chain Management skill to allow"
>go there
>try to deliver a job remotely for base #2
>works fine, no issue with SCM skill limit
Can someone explain this shit to me like I'm 6 years old because it literally doesn't add up.
Can't imagine playing this game without filaments.
yeah let me just undock and go roaming in my solo pvp oracle
My manifesto is up to 10k words, at what point is it too long?

It really is a beauty

Without asset safety there's no way to live in null except by joining a hyper blob. I don't really see how that would fix anything.

It's a mmo, the gameplay loop is what ever your friends find fun.

Jump freighter is the bane of the game, the root cause of the system failure that is EVE online. Truly the troll under the bridge, the jew in the bankvault, the calcium in the spooky's bone's
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You dropped your laser.. King
Remove drones and RLML.
>No way to live in null
Don't commit all your assets to nulsec then.

The reason why Nulsec is so dogshit right now is because the big alliances are sitting on caches of supers sitting in citadels that are perfectly 100% safe.

Destroying a keepstar costs way more than you get out of it (a shitty quantum core), in fact your reward for conquering something like 1DGQ would be months and months of mind numbing structure grinding while all the imperium does is goes on vacation until your alliance falls apart from the mindless structure grind nonsense then undocks from NPCs stations in supers to retake the systems.

>asset safety is fine
>JF is not
retard alert
nah, redesign to be brawly and not gay
>The reason why Nulsec is so dogshit right now is because the big alliances are sitting on caches of supers sitting in citadels that are perfectly 100% safe.
Which would be made worse by removal of asset safety. Consider this, if it was worth killing structures, do you think there would BE structures that wouldn't be bees? The small brained individual always thinks like this. Surely if only asset safety wasn't a thing you would take your solo fleet of harbingers and take down 1DGQ but conversely no thought is done what would actually happen which is that the same supercapitals that keep 1DGQ perfectly safe would just kill everyone else because it would actually do damage. It would basically immediately consolidate every remaining independent and semi independent faction under goons.
Also I must respond to the remark about JF's because you seem to be a disgusting JF defender.
Consider this. The group that needs asset safety the least is the one with most force to secure their assets. So it's pretty obvious why removing it would simply help the imperium make a bigger blue blob. But the reverse is true with JF's because without jump's (JF's in particular but the problem extends to all jumping ships and fast travel systems in general) controlling larger territories becomes more difficult. It's easy enough for a small group to move stuff between their own structures in a single system where they do their industry and then arrange a convoy to take their loot to HS for sale every week. But a big group needs to move things between multiple systems on the regular and the material demands also require much more traffic, all of which creates actual targets of opportunity when ships don't simple 360 nowarp from safespace to safespace. Jump helps the richest people the most.

Now it's perfectly logical to think that asset safety is bad and jump is good, it's the opinion held by the blobbers like imeprium members which is statistically speaking most of the game. Afterall without asset safety they can finally absorb the remaining powers and without jumps it would be a huge hassle to blob out. I just think that's not that cool, afterall getting dicked on by a super for the 4th time that week when you are the lads are on a punisher almost gets close to taking the fun out of flying a punisher.
>log on
>do thing you like to do
>log off
sometimes you might have to do some space chores like hauling some loot to sell or a market run to buy some shit, resetting your PI extractors for a min or two or checking up on your blueprints and industry jobs.
but game is mostly log on, do your fun/comfy thing you enjoy, maybe fleet up with some bros to go on some pvp

of all the shit on Youtube, Mandalore's review is almost 10 years old but stil sort of covers the game the best. just keep in mind like half of his complaints about the game have been patched out and he tries to shill 4chan's shitty 5-man wormhole corp
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uummmm based?
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Reminder that anyone who wasn't there when Mandalore was doing evictions with us is an actual unironic nullbaby.
You had one chance to live through the best time EVE Online had to offer and you missed it because you had to sit in your queer corp and praise the local cum eaters.
Goons would unironically kick you if they heard you say nigger, you gay nigger.
>5 man
There were about a hundred of us at one point and if you didn't spend your time in ten thousand man circlejerk blobs you'd know that.
He means now
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>do your fun/comfy thing you enjoy
But I don't want to grind isk.
fuck off we're full
Well that just blows the animeposter out harder doesn't it
You are retarded. We are not currently recruiting. Because the thread is full of people of your or equivalent mental capacity. Fuck off.
Yes again, which blows you out
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Nobody capable of typing words on a keyboard is this stupid so I know you're trying to le epic trolle by pretending. Go back to shitposting with your reddit trannies.
Do you just not speak English or what's wrong with you?
>JFs get removed
>lowsec in shambles
>npc null weirdos fucked
>chinese sovbots just keep teleporting their freighters from one end of their space to the other quicker than jfs because fatigue-less jump bridges exist
Kill yourself. Ideally by drowning yourself in sulfuric acid, but the traditional tranny roping will also fit you just fine.
>eats eceleb cock
>takes pride in considering xerself the superior cock eater
>anime pedophile pic
Any bets on exactly how much Isogen prices will fucking tank after this next update?
u mad
Yes, very. I was enjoying the process of optimizing the fuck out of mining Isogen ores in a bumfuck LS region far from civilization. Sunk a bunch of time and SP into alts for it and stuff
I would predict that Lowsec would actually see unprecedented activity with jumps removed, with nullbabs running their stuff over there manually there would be tons of opportunities for an actual pirate playstyle. Lot of people would probably move towards low in general for the convenience. Deep null should be deep and less travelled but rewarding for people who actually mkae the journey.

>because fatigue-less jump bridges exist
The issue of JF's is fundamentally an issue with all "jump" and fast travel systems. The only real difference between jump bridges, jump freighters and say using carriers as freighters is the ease and accessibility. The concept of a jump is cancerous, the difference is just on the amount of cancer each system gives. You may imagine a future where every ship could jump, it wouldn't make jump freighters any less problematic, it would just mean no one would use a jump freighter when you could just use a regular freighter and jump with that.

Just removing jump freighter wouldn't really solve the issue, people would simply switch to using bridges as you say or using carriers or what ever they may cope up with as the next most cost effective solution. But it would be a step in the right direction and would at least inconvenience the users of jumps slightly more. JF is basically the poster child because it embodies the problem most concretely but it's not the only one with the issue. The actual root cause is any and all systems that allow the bypass of travel in vulnerable real space. All of those really ought to be addressed simultaneously to prevent the sort of situation where say bridges become mandatory for instance if they are the only viable method left standing.

When you learn English try to appreciate how hard you just got blown out.
Hey /eog/ what is some cool stuff that you did or are doing today?

I finally got around to learning how to set up PI in order to feed my crippling industry addiction which has lead me down the dark path of invention & T2.
I'm making a grid of undock BMs so that I can escape a heavily camped LS station whenever I want. First time doing something like that
i think you're completely clueless as to why JFs exist at all in the first place

fatigue remedied a lot of the worst effects of cyno travel, only for ccp to bring those bad times back for sovbots with nu jump bridges.

four fucking years now and still ansiblexes dont give any kind of fatigue, what the fuck were ccp thinking

go look at sov map pre ansiblex and compare to now
Honestly no clue why you responded to me with this.
>Capitals and Supercapitals now require a dedicated structure to dock in and resupply themselves, one structure per ship. If the ship doesn't regularly dock, it begins to lose combat effectiveness until it becomes virtually worthless. Capital docks can be reinforced and destroyed like structures, also consume fuel/reagents as upkeep. Hard limit of capitals a system can support.

>Jump drives have a spool up time before the ship actually jumps or opens a bridge. Can be as short as 30 seconds for a covert cyno or as long as ten minutes for a Titan jump bridge.

>Jump freighters replaced with Deep Space Transport like freighters, massive armor, can't be tackled except by HICs, immune to bubbles and bumping, massive align time. 800-900k m3 fleet hangar space.

>NS Local chat tied to sovereignty, requires an expensive communications upgrade on the sov structure and near-maxed system rating.

>Can't remove sovereignty in a system without an extended campaign. Regular ratting/mining/activity in system builds up sov to the first level, only way to force a loss of sov is to be more active in space for a couple of weeks than the previous owner.

>Successful objectives like running the ESS, robbing a Skyhook, moon drill, etc drop sov levels until the hub becomes vulnerable for non-alliance members, raise it for the alliance using it itself.

>Medium structures can't be fully destroyed at sov 1 or above, only knocked offline. Same for large at sov 3, or XL at sov 5.

>Alliance capitol systems "pool" some sov activity from other systems in their constellation to themselves for the holding alliance instead of getting a free boost for being the capitol
well dont then?
>Hey /eog/ what is some cool stuff that you did or are doing today?
slowly chipping away at the capsuleer event and my Bellicose/Scythe blueprints just finished 10/10 ME research yesterday so gotta go pick those up.
I'm betting a drop to sub 250 ISK/unit. There's a bit of balancing factor because of the reagent cost and opportunity cost of putting on the module that makes isogen asteroids spawn, but I have a feeling it won't be significant enough to prevent major alliances from doing it since they don't need every system to be a ratting system.

The CSMs keep saying it won't be terrible, but the only CSM that does industry on the board is a Pandemicfag. I think they're all looking forward to cheaper ships from the changes.
I logged in then logged out
If you think that's bad, my corp generated 228b ISK in isogen mining last year doing multiple wormhole ore sites per week. Our second highest product is PI sales sitting at 143b over one year. Both of those things are about to get absolutely fucked.
so if I wanted to get into hauling and obviously dont have a freighter, whats the next best thing to work towards?
Deep space transports?
I'm using an iteron mk 5, if I knew what I was hauling then I would switch to something specific to it but contracts never say.
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Ships, skill injectors, imps, drugs and bling aren't free.
you should really be flying amarr
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Being alive isn't fucking free, but here we are. Everything has a cost, it's just up to you to decide when it's worth it.
dst and blockade runners are insanely powerful
dst especially since it has double the cargo of bestower but can get over 100k ehp easily
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>tfw 420k cold/650k hot in a Bustard
>up to 1.4m EHP hot vs blasters
the non-meme fits are good too
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>prices keep going up
>the profit from all activities is almost the same as it was decade ago
Thanks, professor Nathan. I lost my way but now I can see the true path hypernet gambling.
is it just me or is almost every contract something only a freighter can haul?
Make it worth it. anon. If there is one thing I know about life, it's that no matter what it requires effort, so you might as well direct that effort at something you like.
no, its not just you
plenty of people make dst-size contracts but they get snapped up quick
>skill injectors, imps, drugs and bling aren't free.
dont use them then and git gud
freedom aint free
Pirate factions should contest sovereighnty is nullsec systems that aren't actively used. Got a structure anchored in a system that isn't being ratted in? Fuck you, have a fleet of diamond rats.
>combat probe a mackinaw and orca
>not moving
>undock my megathron and stiletto
>land on wh
>its highsec
delete highsec from the game
No, I am pointing out how absurd it is to think JFs are bad when you actually have to undock with that shit but somehow asset safety = good when it magically teleports supers from keepstars into NPC stations where they're not allowed to dock normally.

People who defend asset safety are turbo cucked and I hope they keep getting farmed.
No matter what CCP does nothing will stem the influx of raw ISK coming in from the sanctioned chinese botting

In fact CCP keeps punishing actual players by proxy with systems like ESS
PI is an addiction in itself.

I promoted a gas huff alt to zirn pilot. In about 100 days I'll have zirn in a c1. Going to kill everything and then log the character out until it gets sent to high-sec to be a mining zirn.
dude I feel so stupid.
I didn't realize expanded cargo holds were a thing
Don't worry, you'll feel even dumber when you fill them and get blown up :)
>◘how to kill hotdrops
hisec moment
Remove caps from game
ok poor
Lowsec has proven that they can’t be relied upon as a necessary component of industry because they can’t stop themselves from incessantly hunting every venture. Therefore they will be losing the rights to their exclusive minerals.
Wouldn't be an issue if hunting wasn't braindead easy thanks to perfect information dscan
the other anon is right though, only the biggest groups would be able to live in sov without asset safety.
supers getting asset safety is another issue, god only knows why ccp includes them
although look at the bright side, once they get asset safetied the chance of that super either dying or never appearing in space again goes up dramatically
asset safety should only be for me
>each type of space gets their own resource
>the type of resource that is the most dangerous to acquire is the most expensive
WOW, who would have thunk it?
Isogen being expensive out the ass is the system working as it's supposed to for once in this game's lifetime. It automatically self balances and rewards risk taking.
Holy fuck, you null blobbers are such utter subhumans that you immediately work to ruin the one good thing around so your rettitor overlords can go back to spamming the mining bots blobs that support their multi dollar RMT empire.
Mindless cattle.
Lowsec/Highsec/WHbab detected.
Null is how this game was meant to be played.

>only the biggest groups would be able to live in sov without asset safety
You only deserve what you can keep. Don't like it? Form your own group big enough to rival these big bads. You can't? Skill issue.
They hated him because he told the truth
As I said.
Mindless cattle.
Which shittergroup do you slave for, goons or chinks?
>minerals need to be expensive because uhhh...
Answer the question tranny respecting queer, what master are you cucking for?
>just scanning my chain in my helios
>a sunesis appears on dscan in a c1
>think nothing of it, probably just passing through
>keep scanning
>combat probes pick him up in a relic site
>warp catalyst on top of him
>land outside scram range, the sunesis warps off after a few seconds of trying to burn to him (no prop btw)
>stays on dscan, probably warped to a safe right?
>probes pick him up again
>warp to him with helios this time, hes hacking another fucking site
>slowboat 3km from him while cloaked, warp in the catalyst again
>he dies
its a bot r-right
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take your meds
I get these a lot now, usually in the form of ventures trying to snort up my gas.
I chase them off and in 5 minutes they're back at it. I'm not sure if they have object permanence capability or if they think I no longer exist when they can't see me.
Stop dodging the question you worthless subhuman. Which nullblob do you pay tax to?
the question is voices in your head
>what master are you cucking for?
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I'm pretty fucking disappointed by this change, for once site difficulty determined the value of resources and it clearly shows that mining in low/WH/Pochven space is far more difficult than null. CCP's change is going to completely fuck the industrial economy in these territories.

And I absolutely can't stand CCP Swift and the CSM's response on this matter, "just go be a pirate and steal from null!" I didn't come back to EVE to roleplay as a nigger who can only steal and never create.
I'm having fun making relatively low amounts of ISK in highsec and there's nothing you can do about it.
You don't even know who I am lmao
>steal from null
you can't realistically do this without a fleet, it's ass
>I'm eating pig shit and there's nothing you can do about it.
>industrial economy
You can't even do it with a fleet, try explaining to CCP that stealing moon ore from null is impossible in any significant quantity even if there's no one home. Without compression you can't carry shit out.
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>doing nothing but afking ishtars is how this game was meant to be played
i have made over 100b profit from industry in the last twelve months without counting any kind of mining (made 4-5b from huffing gas)
Imagine suggesting to the Runescape devs that the entire map should be wilderness and players in cheap gear can kill players in expensive gear, but at least guards will avenge you when you die in a town. You'd get laughed out of the room.
stopped reading there
stopped reading there
the 3 20th anni CE skins are viewable in-game now, so we've got names
Immortal Eden for the megathron
Solar Brilliance for the tornado and vagabond
yeah i wish one ship class for all 4 empires were covered instead
the 10th anni box mystery code ended up giving the whole set of concord SARO black troop skins after a number of years
>eceleb wank in an official product
>No new bellicose skins
>Buffs the bellicose
>CCP be like: Now they'll enjoy flying that piece of shit looking ship
redesign it you fucks.
the buff was retarded. it has more pg than it needs anyway, then they add more. I already have 0 fitting mods and nothing to spend it on, on a ham fit
im so sick of these fake fucking event relics i want sansha
Your income vil be nozhing and you vil be 'appy
Does it matter? Nullblocks are the only corps that matter in the game. They are the industrial, political, social and military backbone of the entire game. There is no space that isn't affected by nullblocks and the consolidation of nullblocks into two major blocks is the natural consequence of human nature. The same shit can be observed literally in every aspect of human civilization. Hell, even IRL it's Murrica/Europe and allies vs China/Russia and allies and has been for some time.

If you choose to stay in some small shitter corp/alliance that's your decision. Sure, you can still have fun but don't cry, bitch and moan that you can't do shit to actual big players. There is strength in numbers.
Was baited into 12k member alliance but it has no more than 50 people online at a time.
>Sure, you can still have fun but don't cry, bitch and moan that you can't do shit to actual big players. There is strength in numbers.

unironically not solo/small gang btfoing gigantic retard alliances
You can do plenty with a lot less than 50 people. But if it feels dead, you should leave.
There is no worse choice to make in EVE than staying in a corp you don't like.
What if everyone in eve blue each other?
They already did
maybe people would fight more if combat was more fun
Combat is fun. F1 tidi blobs aren't.
I said more
It can't becasue this is eve online.
Use filaments
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>go away for a few hours
>come back
>the nullgroid is still preaching his crazy cult dogma
I'm probably gonna buckle and just upgrade to the Navy Apoc before I can even fly a regular Apoc properly. The upgrade looks retarded, I get an extra low and double the tank on top of other nice QoL stuff. I'll only lose about 40m from buying the regular Apoc so it's not even that bad.
Just get the nightmare at that point
That's a suicide gank magnet

No reason not to do that. The price difference isn't much and it is just straight up more powerful.
The only downside is that you have to destroy your old rigs, but that's not such a big deal.
I can't afford it, I don't fancy wasting time training into Caldari BS, and I'd rather have the Apoc's range instead of +25% damage since I'm gonna be using T2 pulses before too long. Also it looks like a shield tanked ship and I have no shield skills. And it only has 350 rig points? And like the other guy said, a Nightmare is just gonna eat shit since I'm in Safety space.

I cheaped out on my old rigs anyway.
I finally got around to testing my Navy Megathron.
I think the Fleet Typhoon is still better because it gets 2 hyperspatials and a nano, but the Navy Mega can perform the frigfag genocide.
Spliting your guns into two groups and deleting those dodgy little shits 2 by 2 from 80 km is something special.
The problem of course being, the fit isn't actually cap stable and will theoretically cap itself out eventually. I haven't run into a mission that actually lasts long enough to drive me out of cap, because everything dies so quickly.
Also it has no tank lel. The only tank mods are 2 large shield extenders.
i dont care about relics that much, i only do the ones in my chain
i got 2 corpses instead, big win
Navy apoc is really the no brainer upgrade if you are into flying the apocalypse (in pve anyways). The upgrade is very substantial and helps particularly when your skills aren't very high. The extra fitting, the extra tank and extra drones all help the skill lvl 3 hero a lot. And best of all it benefits from exactly the same skill progression as regular apoc. The nightmare is of course even better but the price difference and different skillset makes it not that great a choice for the beginner pve player.

Of course if you aren't doing pve in highsec then don't do it.
faggot ship, not amarr
Along with Paladin the only laser ship worth flying.
and navy harb
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And my axe!
I want to play a game where I take a mothership/small colonist fleet into procedurally generated uncharted space where I need to build a fleet/base to tackle environmental hazards/hostile forces to extract valuable resourced / ancient relics/whatever and then extract whatever I can before I eventually get overwhelmed by some major disaster / settle semi-permanently conditions permitting.
I am designing something similar, in which you're an early colony that gets cut off from the home world and then have to urgently reconfigure your systems so the life support doesn't fail and kill you all. it's on the list of games I'll never ever make because I'm mentally deficient.
Also try Alien legacy from 30 years ago.
>navy harb
0/10 shittest taste
For me? It's the laser Nestor
Oh hey I have a Nestor in some highsec station, maybe I'll try doing missions with that one next.
I was just being silly please don't fly a laser nestor
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You are too late. Face the consequences of your actions.
It's actually really hard to figure out a ship that's better at lvl 4 missions than the typhoon fleet without resorting to Marauders or 1,5 bil Vindi or Mach fits.
Navy Raven is old reliable for me.
Too bad there's no reason to run L4 if you are not in a very high end setup.
Nestor is surprisingly fast for how tanky it is

Yeah thinking of upgrading my 10/10 typhoon to typhoon fleet but it'd mostly be for style points
Kind of wanna get a panther but >turrets
what if you could torrent blueprint copies
Runescape literally has that as a game mode.
what's your total net worth when making that 100b?
Me, I mine rocks.
You? You huff caca fart gas
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He who niggers, faggens
-ancient faggotese saying
It gets the job done, but there are fields where the fleet typhoon wins out.
-2 highslots means you can get both a tractor beam and a drone link augmentor. Nobody else gets this.
-the drone link aug is relevant because you get 125 bandwidth, so a full set of sentries. This kills the frigfag.
-the abundance of lowslots lets you take both ballistic controls and drone damage augs, which is of course relevant because of stacking penalties
-the Typhoon is generally fast for a battleship, which is probably the most important part. You get to have hyperspatials and a nano on top of that.
The Raven Navy feels like it would be more suitable for equipping torps and brick tanking than the typhoons's long range with cruises and sentries build, which is generally more convenient.
>-the Typhoon is generally fast for a battleship
its the 2nd fastest T1 battleship. even if you armor tank it you're still moving fast enough to speedtank rats in most missions and combat sites.
personally i havent used sentries since their dmg was heavily nerfed, and also cuz i fucking hate having to burn to fucking wherever to go and pick them back up again if I'm in a typhoon. they make more sense in a ship that sits still at range like a Dominix or something.
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Just MJD and stay still. If you start taking dmg your MJD should be ready again by that time. Even bouncers can hit small shit going straight at you from 80km becasue lol magic projectile falloff.
before i bought another 4x12 month omega in april assets + isk came to about 210b
>stay still
>in a 1.5km/sec cold no implants battleship
not my style, also at that speed you're going MJD speed anyway.
There's no reason to move if nothing is hitting you.
You pay more for a ship that is equally bad instead of getting an actual good ship. Truly "no-brainer" in a literal sense.
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>equally bad
I’m considering adding another account and quadboxing
>don’t make it a job
But I’m having fun
But what you are boxing is the question.
There is never enough
it has a laser bonus, fit lasers or you're a fag
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>Higaran ships only use projectile weapons.
pre order refunded
No pulsars, no ion frigs, no BCs?
>All of the SoCT ships have bonus damage to each weapon type
>Except lasers are completely unusable on them because they drain cap while the other weapons don't
I literally cannot even use these ships. My free Praxis is getting slammed on the market the same way today's Gnosis did.
>trading soct when the event introduces gorillion hulls into circulation
>"No anon, don't sell that thing which is completely useless to you, you need it far more than the 35m you got for it"
said the retard, joyfully.
if 35m is something to worry about, you have bigger problems
highsec fags stop posting pls
>"No anon, don't click two buttons for 35m ISK"
said the retard, stupidly.
Gnosis has ample slots and fixing to accommodate lasers.
Meanwhile other weapon types get to use those slots for real things.
Yeah and often still end up with inferior stats.
I know it's you nullgroid. You have no right to talk, the only form of life lower than a miner.
>daily to scan 2 relic sites
>there is a relic site in home
>scan the site
>log off
>scan the same site
gib sp
The nullfag is immunized to all dangers, insults and rethoric slides off of him like water off a fish.
But call him a taxpayer and see how he recoils, how he panics "I have been found out!"
>wormholer btw
no your a nullgroid
No sweetie. Wormholer is not a personality.
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>he literally pays tax to some tranny and then cheers him on as he brags on Reddit about what he achieved with the nullgroid's money
>he pays tax
>in a videogame
>to some Redditor
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>eve online
nuApoc guy here. This Navy version is the shit, that extra low slow is giving me so much more cap stability that I can bring a repair rig and be way tankier which was my big problem, and the 2x armour size helps a fuck ton. I'm starting to think that my current problem is these stupid fucking tachyon lasers. I dunno what retard here suggested them, but they struggle to hit a BS at 9km even with navy multifrequency crystals and a tracking computer, and that's WHILE they force me to use a powergrid rig. I'm still 12 days out (minus any SP boosts) from T2 pulses, but might just go for T1 pulses over this hot garbage.
what the fuck are you doing
[Apocalypse Navy Issue, Now]
Large Armor Repairer II
Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Armor Hardener
Shadow Serpentis Thermal Armor Hardener
Shadow Serpentis Multispectrum Coating
Type-D Restrained Capacitor Power Relay
Tracking Enhancer II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II

Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner

Tachyon Beam Laser I x8

Large Ancillary Current Router I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I

>Current fit
I should be slapping BS's for 1000+ a shot up close, but sometimes I barely scrape 200 damage because these tachyons have negative tracking.

L4 missions? That's how close the ships are getting.
why are you getting them that close
Anon they're flying towards me while I orbit my MTU. Oh, right, I should be flying away in a straight line in a mission where I have to collect 10 militants from a transport I'm forever moving away from. Now post your stupid fucking dog picture like the gaylord you are.
>Tachyon Beam Laser I x8
At least use meta 4 versions.
Ye you shouldn't be at 9km of rats with tachyons, just use pulses or actually kite.
The whole point of the tachyon lasers is that you hit the enemy from 70km away, and you use a micro jump drive and 500mn microwarpdrive to ensure your safety and distance.
Of course, you are using lasers and may be forced to use a 100mn afterburner instead of the microwarpdrive because of the capacitor penalty.
For most missions, 70km is the distance you like to stay at. If you just want to orbit your MTU and let the enemy come in, use pulse lasers like I first told you to.
Ah yes, you, that poster, I should've known by your username.
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>runs missions
>calls someone else a retard
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no your a gaylord
>he can't recognize posters by writing style and content
Not gonna make it, so sorry.
This isnt 2012 anymore mate, pattern recognition isnt what it used to be.
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>Anon they're flying towards me while I orbit my MTU. Oh, right, I should be flying away in a straight line in a mission where I have to collect 10 militants from a transport I'm forever moving away from. Now post your stupid fucking dog picture like the gaylord you are.
The trick to that one is to plant the MTU and destroy the personnel transport first. Then the MTU locks onto the transport and starts drawing it in. While that's going on you are manouvering around and destroying the NPC ships trying to get at you. Then they're dead and you go pick up your MTU.
There's a few missions where you have to pick such things up and generally if you want to blitz the mission rather than full clear it, you use a high damage ship with a tractor beam. The Apoc uses all of its high slots for guns, so the full clear method with the MTU is more suitable.
When I was in smaller groups we were constantly losing assets and being bullied by bigger groups. Got sick of subsidizing my frequent losses with my credit card, so I joined a bloc for the safety and stability to make consistent isk without losing it all as soon as it's made. Pretty simple.
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lol lmao even
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CCP reported an 18.8 million dollar operating loss in 2023 somehow, despite profits being up due to a resurgence in the eve playerbase.
That money ain't going to eve dev, that's for sure.
It's all going to Pearl Abyss
Your Tachs should have a 30-50km range with multifrequency, if not further, why are you trying to use them point blank?

But yeah, go get pulse lasers. They synergize far better with a PvE Apocalypse, the range is already good enough that you should be able to hit most of the room with scorch and have conflag to burn down battleships that are close. You won't need the range Tachyons give you so you might as well enjoy better tracking and higher DPS.
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go with Meta 3 or 4 Tachyons instead until you have the skills for Tech2.
replace a Cap Recharger with an MJD
Replace 3 of your Hardeners with a 3rd Heat Sink, a 2nd Tracking Enhancer and a resist Membrane vs whatever rats you're fighting. You dont need that much tank cuz at MJD range you dont need it
you could replace a low or midslot with either a Sensor Booster or a Sensor Amplifier to increase targeting range and targeting speed.
stuff should be dying before it even gets within 50km of you.
by the time it starts closing that distance you can just MJD again.

with an MJD, most PVE content in a battleship or cruiser you only need just enough tank to survive the 9 seconds whatever spool-up time before you teleport to safety.
MJD jumping immediately off cooldown is about the equivilent to going 1.5km/sec if you were flying manually (need to check the math, been a while)
the MJD also protects you from being warp disrupted, as stuff in missions, anoms and combat sigs only warp disrupts and doesnt scram.
drones, you could use Sentry drones down the line but it takes a while to skill train into them, so for now use lights and mediums. put the light drones on any small shit that gets up in your face.
lastly, make the most of carrying multiple types of ammo crystals. laser's strength is instantly changing ammo types, so use it. switch to short range as stuff gets closer

this MJD tactic works with almost any battleship that can shoot out to 100km or more (which is most of them). with an Apoc Navy you can use Multifreq and still hit out to a good 80-90km for about 690dps depending on your skills
down the line, once you have more experience running missions and know what certain ones are like you can start doing riskier, more fun shit like brawling fits.

I started with a long range Raven then eventually moved to a 600m/sec dual-rep armor typhoon. sometimes I jump on a Tempest to 360 no-scope shit with artillery for fun.

hope this helps
they hired a shitload of staff a year or so ago and have been dumping a lot of it into Vanguard.
now that Tarkov's killed itself and all the other AAAs are doing retarded shit to end their companies CCP are in a good position if they make Vanguard good.
last year the report was that Eve was Pearl Abyss's only profitable game and that Black Desert and whatever other fag shit they own were dying
or battlecruiser* meant to write
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>Doing L4s
>Have a spare Tornado
>Ass awful paper DPS, figure it's going to be a piece of shit
>1400mm artillery hits the first battleship, instantly kills it in a single strike
>Realize even though its paper DPS is terrible, the fact that things die in a single volley means they don't repair themselves at all
>Still fly the Tornado from time to time just because it makes me giggle
>the fact that things die in a single volley means they don't repair themselves at all
yeah boi
tempest, tornado, hell even the maelstrom are good for this.
part of the reason why typhoon and navy raven are so good as well is because they 1-shot destroyer/cruiser rats and 1-2 shot battlecruiser rats because they actually apply all of their damage.

ive never tried the tornado though, do you just 100mn it?
Nah, fuck, I don't even do that. Just 10mn AB II with a Medium Shield Booster for every mission that doesn't drop you right on top of webs/scrams. Fly at about 40-70km depending on enemy type and just burst them down.

You can do the Blockade, Assault, etc. just fine with it, just don't try and do Dread Pilot Scarlet since the Serpentis rats have too good of range and you can't speed tank them like Guristas missiles. Against most stuff, maintain speed and range and pulse your booster on and off to keep your shield up, you should be able to destroy most enemies in a single volley.
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>Me after mining isogen for two years
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just regained access to my account that i made over 10 years ago and haven't played on since around 2011ish
what in the flying fuck am i in for?
Most of the content literally hasn't changed at all.
The Mael is deceptive. So many people say go for a Tempest over it, but the Tempest does less damage at levels below 4 (And basically just ties the Maelstrom at level 4) and has a weaker volley at all levels too. The Maelstrom has low speed and bad agility, but as a choice for a PvE ship, I still say it's better for new players than the Tempest: It's easier to tank, easier to fit, and more useful even at low skills.

You can put torps on a Tempest though to push up its DPS even further, which can be a big deal though hard to calculate how much of a bonus it is. Also, the Mael's speed makes it a bad AC platform despite the tank bonus, so the Tempest probably does ACs better than it too.
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They said these upgrades were just placeholders, hopefully the gas upgrade is real, this market needs to crash
No. How else will I solo ninja huff in lowsec? It's easy money and lowsec niggers get some content too. It's a win win.
According to CCP Swift, the expected value of once-lowsec only goods is expected to drop, "but those who live in those areas should still find their time spent valuable."

>"but those who live in those areas should still find their time spent valuable."

So basically expect less profit for an activity no one does already, got it.
If nobody does it then that's a pretty good reason to change it.
Unironically nerfing lowsec will make lowsec more profitable as it is, because right now it's impossible to do anything in lowsec consistently simply due to it being so populated. Any reduction is a reduction to purely theoretical isk/hr, in practice if it makes people fuck off elsewhere the real isk/hr will be the same or better just because you aren't being interrupted constantly.

Also, CCP needs to stop being fucking retarded and make MORE lowsec. There's just not enough of it to go around. It's fucking impossible to find quiet lowsec outside of Sansha space, and people avoid Sansha space because it's fucking shit.
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>There's just not enough of it to go around
>Hmm, people aren't mining in lowsec because using a barge is suicide and expedition frigates don't have enough asteroid yield, what should we do?
>Maybe we should improve the evasion and survivability of the mining barges?
>Increase mining yield on the frigate mining ships?
>Nah, we'll just add all the valuable things from that part of space to somewhere else

All I'm seeing is that CCP is completely retarded when trying to figure out what to do with their game. "Shit costs too much because no one's going out to get it" is a valid complaint, but now the few people who were going out to brave the space and mine have nothing.

Curiously, despite the price of gas being stupidly high, there's still a lot of gas mining that goes on in lowsec just because the ships you use to do it aren't completely helpless to stay alive. I don't know why that can't apply to a larger class of ship as well.
because you'd die to blops anyway
People aren't mining it in Lowsec because Lowsec is too dangerous and because it's a pain in the ass to find. So CCP move it to a safer space and create a way to spawn it consistently. This is completely logical.
You're under the impression that nullsec and lowsec have distinct populations, which they simply don't. The majority of the people mining it in bulk Lowsec are associated with nullsec blocs, now they'll just mine it in their associated space instead of lowsec.
Giving barges more survivability is utterly irrelevant because you're going to die regardless when some cunt drops a blops fleet on you. The barges dying to solo roamers are an extreme minority.
Ships are too expensive because of lowsec mining bottlenecks and lowsec is overpopulated - ergo, move lowsec minerals to nullsec and solve both problems.
>lowsec is overpopulated
no it fucking isn't. Get out of fw space
I literally intentionally go into FW space because it's unironically safer, nobody fits probe launchers if they're in FW and there's enough targets that nobody is going to fuck around hunting you.
You boomers who still think lowsec is dead need to leave the thread or actually log into the game, it's not 2010 anymore.
is right. I live in a lowsec region
Nah, if Barges could slip away as easily as an Endurance/Prospect and travel through gates on their own without needing a scout or escort, they would be more viable to use outside of high sec and null umbrellas. Making them tougher doesn't help that, making them more survivable by making them capable of evading threats would.

The current mining paradigm of needing to deploy at minimum a Porpoise in bastion and several barges to get anything close to a respectable yield and hold enough ore via compression to not lose most of your time to logistics is what makes lowsec and to some extent j-space mining non-viable. CCP wants mining ops to be a large, sprawling thing with their own defense fleets but because of that, mining fleets are naturally limited to a place where you can find those (NS) or where NPCs handle some of your defense for you (HS). In LS and WH, the threats are far too high and the groups that live there too small to adequately protect any reasonable sized mining fleet, so people have to resort to solo mining in Endurances to have any chance of functioning.
lowsec IS dead if you leave the population centers
Lowsec IS the population center.
FW is actually a great place to mine. Just join a FW group and go to a place where they're active, you can mine the sites all you want and for the most part they'll leave you alone. You don't really get large groups like LSH or PHEW who live in FW space because it's too populated for them compared to having a stranglehold on Aridia/Derelik.
if you only move in FW space maybe. Leave the battlegrounds and the only thing you meet are cyno alts and few people running the niche content
FW space is the best for any kind of non-pvp content simply because there's PvP content on tap so nobody bothers fucking around hunting people. Also, you can just join the PvP faction yourself and suddenly you're blue to the majority of the people there, which gives them even less incentive to fuck with you.
>The Mael is deceptive. So many people say go for a Tempest over i
yeah its a noob trap. 6 guns vs 8, but double dmg bonus on the tempest is a no brainer, plus the 2 utility highs make it better overall.
situations you think a maelstrom's shield boost bonus would be good, the ship fails at
find some shit, make some isk, smash beers anon, welcome back
But you can run the 3XLASB Mael
theres tons of lowsec to go around just fuck off to the boonies and away from FW space and you wont see a soul
this. join a FW militia and fly around the backline systems scanning and huffing, shit's great

whats the point though?
can just MJD in literally anything else instead and use your mids for anything else
Mael is better until you MBS V, after that the Tempest starts to pull ahead. The damage bonus is just huge and it can actually use autocannons which get a huge damage bump when you move to T2 guns. Prior to those though, arty Mael is probably better in most regards because you don't lose out as much DPS using artillery with faction ammo vs autocannons.
>I literally intentionally go into FW space because it's unironically safer, nobody fits probe launchers if they're in FW
yeah thats not true at all, groups are actively probing down each others rendezvous, you'll get caught in the crossfire for sure.
There is literally no use case for a Tempest with faction ammo. There's barely any use case for either the Tempest or Mael, the only semi legitimate one is missions, but you use t1 ammo in missions because if you use faction you'll literally end up being isk negative unless you're going full autist and blitzing only the specific missions you can headshot while juggling standings with multiple agents, but if you're doing that you're going to use a Mach or Barghest.
>you'll literally end up being isk negative
nigga what
Faction projectile ammo is fucking expensive, which is exacerbated by the ROF bonus. Doing missions with faction ammo is retarded unless you're only doing blitzable missions, which someone flying a T1 BS isn't going to be doing.
I use faction with artillery, but I sure as fuck won't use it for Autocannons, Blasters, or Railguns. Arty has such a long cycle time you get a lot of damage per ISK out of faction ammo, but the others burn through a lot of your profits.

You don't really lose money shooting at battleships with faction ammo, but you will notice it take a cut on its own. CN Antimatter is the worst, it's an extra 1k ISK per round and the rate of fire on hybrids is extreme, it can almost cost 100k ISK per battleship kill in my Naga when regular ammo can do it for a tenth of that. When the bounty is only 250-300k to begin with, it's not a good trade.
RF EMP L costs 1200-1300 per round. One npc BS with a 1M bounty is paying way more than just the ammo it takes to kill. And npc battlecruisers are just free money with how squishy they are
It's not a problem with Arty, but with RoF bonused AC's you chew through a whole lot of ammo. Clearing out my home C4 with my Vargur uses close to 100m just in ammo if I let the sites build up, there's no way I'd use faction for missions. T2 ammo is cheaper but the tracking penalty on Hail is ass.
>until you MBS V,
honestly the case for a lot of battleships ey.
having lv5 vs lv4 makes so many random ones pull ahead of others, let alone the Praxis
Too bad Vanguard is shit and there's already a million Tarkov copies.
Yeah, it's the problem in a lot of activities. L4s are usually dominated by Ravens and Typhoons in T1 BS, then by Marauders later on. Abyssals are overwhelmingly done by Gilas to the exclusion of many other things just because they're not as optimal. You can use other ships, but you won't clear as fast and you're going to be measured against the people with the best setups to determine ISK/hr.

There's very few activities in EVE where just "finishing the race" is good enough, you always have to come in first place and be measured against every other player in Tranquility.
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>So CCP move it to a safer space and create a way to spawn it consistently. This is completely logical.
That is not logical, the logical thing to do is to stick with the correct risk/reward ratio making Isogen expensive in the first place you dumb nigger.
>making Isogen expensive
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>item is hard to get
>this makes item expensive
>this means that people with the courage to get it make more money
The point being, kill yourself.
Everything always has a best thing. I don't see how that's a problem. The only way to prevent best from forming would be to simply lock the activity after you do it once for an hour (starting from when you entered) so everyone earns the same and even then the fastest clear would still be the best.
>everything need to be expensive because i said so
So you think T1 BS being 600m is acceptable?
Pretty much. I thought about that for abyss, say that when you use a filament, you can't use another for 20 minutes (Counting the time you go in) so clear time wouldn't matter. In some ways it would be good because it open up the viability of other ships that can do the content, just slowly, but on the other hand it's just an artificial limiter on skill.
But you can already do it slowly if you want with any ship of your choice. Again time gating it doesn't mean people will use the slow ship when the fast ship clears it fast.

There are plenty of ways of making the product cheaper without dumbing down the game. For instance you could increase the amount of resource that spawns at a time which would make mining fleets more viable.
Yes, obviously.
But that's not the point, the point is that you ought to commit suicide.
mining fleets in lowsec will never be viable
Rewards need to be comparable to their challenge. EVE fails at this in many regards, and the one time it works (the mineral redistribution), it happens to be on an item so basic it causes the market to hyperinflate on the things that need it. For a long while, you couldn't even build a T1 frigate without going in to LS to mine.

The right thing to do across the board would be to make it so that ALL content in EVE balances itself against the amount of people doing it. For example, make it so that the value of blue loot sold each month is always worth about 2t ISK, the more people sell, the further the price drops, and the less people farming it, the more the price goes up. Same for red loot, NPC bounties, mission payouts (Which are already adjusted like that), and incursion/NPC corp payouts. So now when something prints a disproportionate amount of ISK relative to everything else because it's too easy to do, the price drops.
I guess it's easier to just delete isogen from lowsec sadly
I mine BELTS in lowsec because it's decent ISK if nobody disturbs you for a bit, but other than me literally nobody does it. everybody only cares about the anoms and with them gone, mining there will die off for good. I don't buy the CCP guy saying it will be fine on the forums
>I don't buy the CCP guy saying it will be fine on the forums
Nobody does
The anomalies in lowsec aren't going anywhere retard.
once goons start dropping their rorqual fleets on them in nullsec you might as well consider them deleted, ape
As a member of Goons who actually has a Rorqual I can't wait. You non-nullblock subhumans don't need to apply.
The thing that gets me is me and a group of other guys (Some 20 odd people) have been mining heavily in lowsec and j-space for the last couple of years. Even with limited skills, we usually pulled about 2-3b ISK every two or so hours depending on how many we had around at any given time and what their skill levels were. And on top of that, we were one of the few groups left capable of farming every single mineral in bulk to run our own manufacturing

We made close to 250b ISK from mining last year because of the prices in low/j-space, this is going to severely cut in to that income stream and likely cause the group to go do other things. I'm predicting after the change that mining in highsec will be just as good of ISK as mining in lowsec, that is to say, completely terrible for the time.
I will forgive you if you use that shit to fight the Chinese
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It's illegal to fight the chinese
You're literally mining for 65m isk an hour and acting as if it's a remotely significant amount of money. It's not. Mining is shit money in Lowsec so only an extremely small amount of retards are willing to do it which has lead to a retarded increase in the price of ships for people who actually play the game.
Go do something productive instead. You have 20 people, start doing lowsec incursions or something. Fuck, do FW, do literally anything except mine. What the fuck is wrong with you.

The rest of the game shouldn't suffer because CCP wants to cater to your specific brand of autism.
Hang yourself nullgroid. And film it, it's the only way for you to make the world a better place.
wow ur so edgy and cool :)
>he doesn't understand macroeconomics
It heavily depends on skills for how much you make mining, on top of the fleet requiring compression/boosts to even function so the first character slot is always wasted.

Porpoise has drones to mine with, but functionally they're useless. They mine slower than a Venture and have travel time to return, so you basically don't get any ISK from it. You have to have one though because it gives compression (So you never have to leave the belt) and gives about +70% yield to all other ships.

A Hulk was pulling about 280m ISK/hr in lowsec last year with Porpoise boosts. When I was out multiboxing with five characters, it was easily 1b ISK/hr. Even just Covetors were still making a little over 230m ISK/hr, and I had never lost one the entire time I mined.

A lot of people didn't have T2 crystals though, and that's what brought the yield down. T2 crystals vs T1 strip miners is literally +80% yield, although T1 miners don't have waste. So even though we had people in barges, they weren't pulling nearly as much as the people who trained for it. And then some people only had a Prospect, which dropped the pay even further.

And finally, the alpha Venture pilots were pulling about 30m ISK/hr. We still kept them along anyway because it mostly a lax fleet, but they can't even pretend to be useful. Mostly they just leech payouts from everyone else, though we did have one save the Porpoise once because he was able to jam an interceptor.

The problem was though that once you got in a Hulk, that was the practical maximum for your yield. There's no getting mechanically better at clearing a mining site, and no bigger ship you can move up to to mine, so the next step was to buy some PLEX and get another account. It was a snowball effect, getting enough cash to PLEX as an alpha took forever, but once you PLEXed and got T2 crystals, you started printing money.
>system upgrades will only need to consume reagents one time at activation
Great, so once everyone’s chosen their upgrades their only other use is to power the moon drill. There’s going to be an excess of it on the market it won’t be worth stealing. And they added a whole ship line just to haul this stuff
They said there'd be NPC orders for the stealable stuff so maybe it'll be somewhat viable. Very unispiring patch, regardless.
Watch them lock the solo mining module behind t2 barges or some shit.
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My dumb cat doing this dumb look every time I dock up

Every ****ing day. Every single ****ing day this little dumb cat just sits there and gives me this stupid look on his face.
>advanced ass production
>CCP made $27.5 million selling cryptocurrency tokens they minted over the last year
What does this mean for us?
The current state of the game there is zero reason to fight for anything, nulsec is fucking worthless for anything other than bragging rights and there is nothing to lose.

Equinox isn't going to change this either, its just going to give nulsec alliances AFK funds to make owning sov not a net loss like it has been since scarcity started
2 hulks and a porp can mine 150 mil per hour in lowsec mining belts
ofc in practice its better to mine moons in highsec but on paper lowsec wins
150m an hour is really bad, an alpha in a gila can sleepwalk through t4 abyss and make that without multiboxing. Which was my point, lowsec mining fucking sucks, which is why nobody does it except an extreme minority of autismoids, which is why it needs to be changed.
T1 Ship prices are legitimately fucking retarded right now, they absolutely need to change. 70-100m to T2 fit a T1 Cruiser is stupid, and it only gets worse as ships get bigger.
I think command ships being that price is unacceptable
mining dark ochre and gneiss is 300-400 mil per hour (2 hulks + porp) atm. it was most probably higher before isogen started dropping in price too but i don't have old prices on hand. obviously nobody in lowsec mines belts. all the drama is about the isogen anoms and the fact that for lowsec it is all it's got. you remove them and nobody is going to mine there except newbies in ventures trying stuff out.
it just sucks that ccp is throwing all that space into a dumpster u know.
lowsec is the dumpster
>your corp let you mine all the mercoxit and let you keep it to yourself unbeknownst how profitable it is.
They wanted me to 'clean' it up so the next astroid plex could spawn. no problem!
>willingly lapping up the crumbs
good goy
>lapping up the space gold
why is that too much for command ships? about 10x the price of t1. makes sense to me
>Free shit

Yeah, it's log off time.
People who multibox and act like they're geniuses who discovered the trick to making huge money are among the worst of all retards. No shit the combined income stream of 10 players is going to be a big number.
Solo mining module? Has there been news of improvements to solo mining that I can't find in this thread or on the internet?
Currently just voices in the walls but apparrently it's worked on
the bits that spawn the good gas are
>desert is overpopulated because dubai exists
lowsec everywhere is nowhere near as quiet as it used to be
You are trying to talk sense into a man that literally pays tax and sticks to the biggest herd he can find because he's terrified of engaging with other players.
Don't bother, just tell him to kill himself.

Kill yourself.
What the fuck are you talking about retard. I literally run deds in lowsec.
Are they any good?
I was hoping for more npc driven content and inflation in the sandbox.
>kill random explorer
>1 bil armor capsule
Unrated plexes are ok for how little they take. 5/10 are spammable. 6/10 are dank but angel is a two parter so it takes a long time. Serp 6/10 is giga cancer that has obscene neut towers in the second stage for some reason.
imagine getting out of your comfy pod ever for any reason

i pvp in null with +4s in
I made myself a stratios to do them with, did one and gave up.
But the real money from these things is in nullsec escalations, right?
>But the real money from these things is in nullsec escalations, right?
not exclusively. a lot of those escalations are piss easy as well I think
All I know is that I've seen people running them in Marauders and some of them are so hard you need to bring either that or some kind of specific T3C.
The ones in null aren't that hard? But the main ship to do it with is still a covops T3C, right? Or at the very least T3C with mobile depot and then you refit for travel?
Any t3 that isn't proteus is fine.
>ask about wormholes
>Any Marauder other than Kronos is fine
>ask about escalations
>Any T3C other than Proteus is fine
Is there anything Gallente has against PVE?
hybrids just suck in the higher tier sites and drones are the only thing gallente has
don't talk about game balance if you don't do pvp
pve to attract pvp
omni brain tier
I only ever mine in a procurer with no less than SIXTY NIGGERS waiting on the login screen for the Loki to decloak next to me.
Good, the alternative is world of warcraft style battlegrounds and we already got that gay shit with FW
Drone proteus is fine for escalations.
It's insane to me that warp stabs have different levels and a PvPer can just bring a higher strength disruptor than your stab and you lose and there's nothing you could do.
>bro just bring a super fucking expensive warp stab
The absolute state of this game, honestly.
>you lose
no you just get tackled
If you got locked in the first place it meant you were AFK and should die
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>join Minmatar FW
>mfw Torrent Talon from militia chat
Why would you do this?
You can run 10/10s in a T1 battleship, just takes longer than in a marauder
Lot of people use a blops as well because then they don't have to gate it
>Having more players online is how you win PvP
This single design """decision""" created the blob meta the game has had for two decades.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say this guy sets up buy orders for explo loot in Thera and takes them out to highsec once every month or two.
And he fucked up his cloak.
>wars are decided by who has more manpower
wow thats crazy
+4's is only like 100m, unless you have +5's your basically in an empty pod
in fact i only have 2 +4s in because my queue is all int/mem
but still my corp recoils at this
>T2 fit a T1 cruiser
The majority of that price does not come from LS minerals, but from NS moongoo. The only thing you're really getting with a redistribution of minerals is cheaper T1 battleships and slightly cheaper T2 battleship hulls, cheaper barges, capitals, and very slight price reductions to battlecruisers.

If anything, adding higher tier moon ore to wormhole space would probably help reduce prices further for the everyday thing people need, isogen redistribution only really helps the very largest ships.
Looks bad, isn't particularly fast, only slightly more EHP that a Flycatcher, useless TP bonus.
Who can lock on to my covert cynos? If i light one is it warpable to just my fleet or can anyone with a blops nearby lock on to it and jump?
Anyone can jump to it i think, thing is no one is dumb enough to do that.
im lockin onto it right now fucko thanks ya idiot lmao
>/dog/ in charge of having a clue about PVP mechanics.
You can only jump to cynos in fleet. Lighting an industrial cyno or hard cyno shows up in the overview of the system you're in and on the in-game map when you have it filtered to do so. Covert cynos don't show up at all, even on d-scan, and you can't scan them down with combat probes (But you can scan the ship lighting it).
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based and awesome ship
people always engage it thinking it'll be an easy kill then get buttmad in local when they get dunked
Thanks anon, I'm looking at using blops to travel so i can avoid gates but i have no real experience with them.
>stage out of lowsec near nullsec
>use scanning alt to find shit
>use covert cyno to move main
>extract with pochven express
This fit is amazing thank you so much!!!
different anon, but if you're wanting to get into stuff like that then just look at living in Syndicate.
plenty of small gang alliances living down there that do exactly that to run 8/10s and 10/10s in deep parts of mostly uninhabited nearby nullsec.
even the sites in Syndicate themselves are fucking good, plus belt Shadow spawns can drop High Grade Snakes & nice faction mods, plus the Serpentis/Intaki mission LP down there is really fucking valuable.
like you're talking 3-4000isk/LP to run burners down there compared to 1/4th of that in highsec.

i used to live in Syndicate way back in the day and it was the tits. logistics is as simple as a cheeky Blockade Runner/Jump freighter 1 jump to nearby lowsec then gate 1 jump to highsec even back then. now you have Pochven highway and wormholes, because shit's fucking dead down there now compared to other parts of NPC null

all the explorers go to Stain and all the mission runners and pirate FWfags go to Venal and Curse.
I don't want to bother with burners because I'd have to put like 2m sp into social skills, grind standings, juggle standings, and fuck around with agents, then fuck around with lp. Too much of a pain in the ass. Aside from that, it's basically what I'm wanting to do, I'm 30 days from flying a Redeemer/sin/panther and about 60 from a Widow. Kinda regretting going for Marauders V before blops because i just never have the opportunity to use a Marauder.
then just dont do burners then anon, i was just suggesting it more as a "if you're sick of scanning n shit" kind of option.
plenty of DEDs in syndicate and these days the place is just the occasional Goon traffic for easy kills and the locals are mostly autistic german mining corps that just mine all day and talk about mining.
Sounds good, i already have an alt that's skilling towards a blockade runner even, and my third Hawk abyss alt seems like a perfect candidate for training for Covert cynos now that it's maxed its missile skills.
>The mission LP rewards also scale with the system security of the agent. The formula for calculating the LP reward is:
>LP reward = (1.6288 - System security) × Base LP
Wait a minute, so running missions with an agent that lives in a lower security system pays more LP?
The difference between 1.0 and 0.5 being almost double payout.
Okay so how do I find the right place, most .5 systems are close to some kind of lowsec and I'll have to decline missions trying to send me there too often.
There's multiple factors, but yeah, you should be running in .5 or .1 space (Or the lowest truesec you can get in). Payouts are also affected by how quickly players finished a particular mission in that area of space as well, which is why even though Lanngisi has lower truesec than Apanake, Apanake still pays slightly better (Because there's less people running out there and they're overall slower than the Lanngisi crowd).
What is truesec?
>Many third party mapping tools such as Dotlan also show the true security.
Oh, that's how I'm supposed to look for mission agents. Okay, thank you.
True security is basically what the actual security of a system is and not what it's rounded to. It's more important in nullsec back when everything used to show 0.0 since there was a big difference between a -0.1 system and a -1.0 system. For example, while Providence is all nullsec, the truesec is so high that only a couple of systems in it can actually spawn 9/10 and 10/10 DED sites.
Oh okay.
Do those NRDS roleplayers still live there?
No, it's mostly Red Alliance and Linknet right now.
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>Level 3 missions: 5-10 M ISK per hour.
>Level 4 missions: 30 - 200 M ISK per hour (very dependent on skills, fit, type of missions, LP conversion)
>only SoE have "press X to buy" LP store
I really want to try new activity in EVE but everything just sucks compared to fw.
I’m thinking of getting a 4th account for burners.
And I'm thinking about how I'm going to pay for all this neodymium I need to build two batches of nanotrannies.
Historically Syndicate has been so full of AIDS that it turns everyone gay. I fully expect the same faggots camping the same gates as 10 years ago
Last time I went through Syndicate, I was roaming solo in a Stabber. I jumped a gate into a camp of about 10 frigates and Dictors. I managed to not get scrammed and pulled some range, so they all aligned out and warped away.
>not killing them all
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>default stabber fit
>45 mil
>default caracal fit
>35 mil
Good omen roam guys, had lot of fun. Punisher one next week
Best ship in the game
Always neut down the bellicose, dangerous ship.
Twitch drops from this month, courtesy of reddit:
Ferox Skin: May 14-17
1500 Evermarks: May 17-20
Coecer Skin: May 20-21 (24h campaign)
Booster Box: May 21-24
1500 Evermarks: May 24-27
Thrasher Skin: May 27-30
yes and?
The difference between 1.0 and 0.5 is something like 80% more LP
Finished SOE arc with a hyperspatial daredevil. Took about 5 hours, got 1.2 standings.
7o mate, make sure to join an epic nullsec alliance next so you can experience those giga awesome big fights everybody talks about
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NEVERMIND, I don't need the Neodymium because the nanotranny price just crashed into the fucking abyss, I'll just buy them off the market.
Are there any alliances that won't kick me for autistically screeching about niggers, trannies, fags and jews and demanding they all be gassed on a daily basis?
Asking for a friend.
So why don't you just bring more chess pieces to the board than your opponent? Oh wait chess is a game designed to be balanced and promote good gameplay.
I think fleet pvp is pretty well balanced at around the 100v100 and below level, beyond that its just how many warm bodies one can cram into fleet. It really sucks how there is so much cool shit and comps and strategies that fall apart at larger scales because having more numbers simply trumps any sort of gameplay ability.
no, they are all redditors with a copy pasted "culture" shared between them.
>I think fleet pvp is pretty well balanced at around the 100v100 and below level

>laughs in Huginn and Curse spam
>no, they are all redditors with a copy pasted "culture" shared between them.
Staying in my wormhole then, kspace is for niggers and fags.
How can ccp not post a fucking schedule so I can just set a timer for my twitch farms.
I'm trying to get under 2 hours with a ascendancy pacifier. Last run was 2:05
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any serious FWfags in the thread?
getting ready to move from Null to FW depending how this next expansion goes.
Def not joining Caldari, was going to join Minmatar originally but they're too teamstacked.
Gallente look ded so its just leaving Amarr maybe.....
Any recs? Advice?
I'm thinking of just using Enlistment to just freelance switch between the 3 non-Caldari sides for a bit until I figure out which works for me, is this a good idea or nah?
I have an alt in Gallente. EU timezone is straight up dead.
US timezone has one or two corps that generally win their fights.
Can't tell you about anyone else.
Join gallente or amarr, like you said don't join a side thats team stacked like caldari or minmatar. Look on zkillboard to see what corps are active in your timezone. You can also just sign up to militia and fly in the warzone solo and you will see whos active or not. I don't know much about the Caldari/Gallente warzone but i know Gallente have Sedition that are probably their biggest alliance. Amarr doesn't have anyone as big as Sedition but a bunch of smaller alliances, with Empyrean Edict probably being the largest. Theres also Lumen, Crimson inquisition and smaller small gang focused corps like Meta. Those are mainly the ones im aware of as I'm USTZ. Avoid and ignore the western side of the amarr/minmatar warzone and the chinese dragon rider corps. Just don't go anywhere near chinks.
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thanks for the insight anons.
if it helps, i'm AUTZ (pic related).
I heard Amarr has a couple of active corps in that TZ. Is it true? Is there any Aussie presence in the others?
Worst part is i'm not even fully Aussie timezone because I'm ah Kiwi, putting me closer to late-night West Coast Americans than most Aussies
Best thing to do is check corps zkillboard around your timezone to see if their activity overlaps with yours, and yeah theres a few aussies and kiwis in amarr corps that i know of. One of Edicts directors is a kiwi.
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>get a mail offering to buy some of my stuff directly
Holy shit I had no idea your name shows up when buying/selling on the market. Time to make a proper Jita alt to handle trades and contracts, I dont want anyone to come fuck with me because they're pissed off when I crash a market.
yeah i bought an item the other day and happened to check the name and it was the fucking ceo of Frat
>Time to make a proper Jita alt to handle trades and contracts, I dont want anyone to come fuck with me because they're pissed off when I crash a market.

No. You do it with your main handle like a chad (like me) and let people be mad at you. It just means that it's working since you are becoming known.

This whole "I have 30 alts and you never know who you are actually talking to" thing that's so popular in EVE is actual fucking cancer. What happened to your avatar being a representation of you in an online game/MMO?

Can't believe I am saying this but I prefer EVE Twitch streamers compared to this kind of regular autism niggery. At least they are bound to their avatar identity while they are streaming.
I know an old man who does this. One character, uses it for everything, won't make a second character, let alone an account.

However, I think it's just dumb not to take every advantage you can in the game. Other people won't follow those rules and they'll exploit them to high heaven to gain an advantage over you. Players need to make the decision early on if they want to put up with all the bullshit in EVE and if they answer no, should gracefully bow out before they get in too deep. Trying to fight against it because it's the "right" way to play is an exercise in frustration and misery.
>Time to make a proper Jita alt
why is more retarded autism always the answer with these fags. nobody cares who buys what, especially in jita
>However, I think it's just dumb not to take every advantage you can in the game. Other people won't follow those rules and they'll exploit them to high heaven to gain an advantage over you. Players need to make the decision early on if they want to put up with all the bullshit in EVE and if they answer no, should gracefully bow out before they get in too deep. Trying to fight against it because it's the "right" way to play is an exercise in frustration and misery.

It's true that I am in part complaining about player mentality, but like you said, people do what people can. My bigger issue is that the system of the game itself is built to allow it, or worse - support it. I also don't like multiboxing but it is what it is and there's no getting rid of it at this point. I just wish that they made it so all the characters on your account or even across multiple accounts if you are multiboxing share a family name or something so at least your identity is tied to those characters instead of "I'll use this alt to interact with these people, and this alt for these people and none of them shall ever know who I really am."

And don't even let me get into the whole API autism for muh spies and shit that this whole thing leads into. It's like sockpuppetry in old forum days but actual part of the game.

And yeah I know that none of this will be changed at this point. If humans are known for anything, it's the vehement opposition to any change if they stagnated long enough. I am just ranting is all.
multiboxing would be sort of ok if all ships were as involved to fly as combat ships
I agree with you fully, although I feel like a massive hypocrite since the last year I broke down and got two alt accounts. Literally everything in the game is easier when you have extra characters, and boring roles like a scout can be filled by them so you don't have to have one dedicated person waste their time being one. It's less the fault of the players and more the fault of CCP designing the game like that.

That's why I always be upfront with people when they ask if EVE is P2W. Knowledge plays a big factor in the game, but at a certain point knowledge won't help you when someone just as wise is playing several accounts to your one. I tell them if they want to play EVE, join a corp, be part of a large fleet, and stay a free alpha character, you'll get to experience a lot of the game just like that without paying a dime. Only go omega when you're ready to control multiple accounts.

That would reduce some of the problems, but people still multibox Gilas to farm the abyss with or do wormhole sites. Even those are trivial to control several characters in.
you know I meant proper combat ships, where yo have to fire the weapons manually and they aren't total braindead garbage
You mean like when I decloak my Rapier at 60km from someone, put keep at range, and turn on my webs?
we know, rapiers are busted
Or maybe when I bring three Drakes instead of one to a fleet fight so we can outnumber the enemy 3:1?
doesn't bother me. drakes are a little bit too tard friendly, but you're running 3 accounts and will lose 3 drakes
>someone buys ORE miners
>locator agent him
1 time out of 5 it's some retard mining in highsec and you can suicide gank your miners back.
The real autists have charts of who is whose alt and where the expensive mods are going so they can get them back and sell them again.
I have a chart made up alts that belong to various wormhole corporations and who their main is, what their normal fleet composition is, and what fittings they use. Turns out a lot of people are creatures of habit and you'll see the same bait ships with the same cloaked Lokis waiting to spring on someone.

I've also got a spreadsheet of wormhole systems with the last time I was in one, what structures they have, who they belong to, and if it's important enough, what seed of mine is inside. It came in handy once when some fags tried to siege my station and we couldn't get back in, so we went to their home and rolled them out of it. They stood down pretty quick when they realized we were going to blow up their Fortizar, Azbel, and three Athanors if they kept shelling our Astrahus.
>This whole "I have 30 alts and you never know who you are actually talking to" thing that's so popular in EVE is actual fucking cancer. What happened to your avatar being a representation of you in an online game/MMO?
its a very small percentage of the playerbase
the average eve player has 2.5 accounts
the ultra sweatyboys that have 30 accounts are either highsec miners/blueprint/industry spammers, or nullfag carebears
no-one ever really interacts with either of them short of ganking them for easy kills.
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Those ships seem extremely pointless as anything except maybe bait.
I think they're trying to diluted the epithal so it's not always the most undocked ship.
I mean sure, but why? The cheapest one in the blog they mention as being about the same cost as a T1 Cruiser, or in other words 15 times more expensive than an Epithal even without fittings. The Epithal already suffices for the role it performs, so why would you want missiles on it? Why would you want to pay 15 times more? You aren't going to be fighting anything anyway. Hell most of the Epithal pilots probably don't even have combat skills because they're only PI alts.

They're trying to put a square peg in a non-existent hole. Literally who asked for an Epithal with missiles?
They’re making rats idle near the skyhook, so you can either undock a pve ship, clear rats, reship to epithal, or just get an upwell ship and clear the rats while picking up the PI
>15 times
Typical Epithal is 3m, typical T1 cruiser is 14 - 16m.

That's 5 times the price at best.
Some do look like straight up upgrades. Like the BR version of epithal with covops cloak. That's huge for doing PI in unsafe space.

The freighter also looks interesting. Bet you can get that bastard up to 1m ehp with some fits. Not to mention that with highslots you can probably use cloak/mwd on it, combined with high health it's a straight up upgrade over normal freighters.

But we'll see.
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Our local goblin bringing us an introduction to newly introduced ships.
Make sure you say hi to him.
>Typical Epithal is 3m
what, last time I bought one I paid like 800k. Are you getting jewed by some JFnigger or something? But either way, it costs more to do the same thing. The BR version is just a BR but probably more expensive. Why not just use an actual BR? Like use even your lower cost multiplier. a BR is what, 175m or something? Would you pay 800m for a BR with missiles? Fuck no.
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>17k EHP
>200 DPS
>Slightly more than Frigate tier cap

Literally what use is this aside from fitting dual ASB's and baiting with a cargohold full of cap boosters?
>Why not just use an actual BR?
Because the upwell BR is supposed to have a seperate PI cargohold that can carry much more than a regular BR? In the video they say that the T1 variant is basically more tanky epithal with missiles. For the BR version they say that it trades SOME firepower and cargo capacity for the covops cloak. Let's say it can only carry 40k m3 in PI instead of 70k m3 that epithal/T1 have. That's still a lot, especially if you are carrying P3/P4 around and you have covops cloak on top of that making you much safer. That does sound like something I'd gladly pay more for compared to regular epithal/upwell T1 hauler.

How about watching the video you dumb nigger fuck?
>In the video they say that the T1 variant is basically more tanky epithal with missiles
>Let's say it can only carry 40k m3 in PI instead of 70k m3 that epithal/T1 have

It has half the EHP of an Epithal, and it's only got 35k m3 in its special bay plus its regular bay which is 3k.
I expect 90% of them will be le funny ebin anti-frigate bait fit. fuck you ccp
>It has half the EHP of an Epithal
Irrelevant if you have covops cloak.
>it's only got 35k m3
More than enough for higher tier (more valuable) PI.

Kys yourself.
I don't think a covert Epithal is really that big of an upgrade. These ships don't get caught gating between systems and they don't do PI with a neutral in the system. Even in wormhole space, ships get caught on the customs office, you can't cloak up when you're in range to exchange goods with it.

Ironically the only reason I'd consider a BR Epithal would be for the increased speed in align times and warp speed. If it takes me 5 minutes per PI pickup per character and a BR shaves that down to 2 minutes, that's potentially almost 10 less minutes doing PI per account.
I don't know any space sim/space game where hybrid haulers haulers ever worked. If you game has +X% damage modules and HP instead modular damage mechanic it's futile.
>you can't cloak up when you're in range to exchange goods with it
No, but you can jump to the grid while cloak first to see if there's any nigger there. And if you are really paranoid, you can make a safespot 10km behind the customs office, jump to it, align towards a safe spot in such a way that you pass close to customs office, when you get decloaked getting near the customs office you immediately grab the stuff from it and warp off instantly. Even if a tengu or whatever decloaks the very instant you get decloaked by the customs office, he won't have the time to lock you before you warp off since you are pre-aligned.

There's a fuckton of stuff you can do if you are autistic enough.
the launchers and launcher bonus isn't a problem, unless it's for rapids
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I honestly don't know what an Epithal's align time looks like off the top of my head, but the Deluge isn't particularly fast. 7.5 Au/s warp speed is nice-ish but also not really FAST fast, just somewhat speedier than average.
Also it's DPS is completely irrelevant, in the video even with a BCU is was frigate tier, so it's not even really a hybrid combat hauler, it's just a regular Blockade Runner with some vestigial missile hardpoints.
I'm just struggling to see the point of these. I suppose the one advantage of the Deluge is that i ASSUME it can take a Covert Ops bridge which I can see having niche applications which are mostly unrelated to PI, but they don't actually say whether or not that's the case in the blogs or video.

They haven't got the fitting for HAMs, Rapids is all they can fit.
ccp encouraging rapids on anything is giga aids
Or I could use a naked Epithal for 3m ISK and stuff my PI back into the customs office if I get attacked. There's zero chance of me losing the PI and an Epithal is not a significant cost to worry about when its T2 version would cost 150m ISK (Assuming it's standard BR prices).

It's like why no one uses a DST to do PI despite having enough space, it does not enhance your survivability enough to justify a 200m ISK price tag.
>ng us an introduction to newly introduced ships.
The point is obviously that you are going for someone's skyhook and you want to bring something that both has cargo and can contribute to the fight.
>327 DPS
I mean it's not nothing but 10 second align makes it belong right in the trash can.
I don't understand what they're trying to do with new haulers that shoot missiles. Do they know themselves? Do they even play this game? Have they got this image in their heads that if you just fight back against the meanie gankers that they'll go away and not just logi the damage you do before killing you anyway?
I disagree, it's a pretty great speed up over the Epithal. With max skills, I get about 11s align with the Epithal at a 3 AU/sec warp speed when it's naked. With rigs and istabs, it drops to 6s align and about a 4.7 warp speed.

The Deluge starts at just above 5s align naked and could probably drop to about sub 3s with a couple of inertial stabilizers. It could get up to 10.7 AU warp speed with two T2 rigs, warping more than twice as fast as an Epithal. In general, it just seems twice as fast across the board.

I still don't think it would get used though, PI alts aren't going to waste time training a T2 hauler unless they do things other than PI. Most will still train one rank of Gallente Hauler and that's it.
>>327 DPS
>I mean it's not nothing but 10 second align makes it belong right in the trash can.
It's not even that, it's 327 BEFORE reloads, and that's with RLMLs. With reloads it's 218. And that's WITH two BCU's, which, notably, are not Cargo Holds to let you carry shit, or Inertial Stabs to reduce the abysmal align times.
Practically speaking, a real actual Hauling fit is going to be like 100-150 DPS.

It's a bait shit. That's really what it is. Put two LASB's on it, fill it up with cap charges, web, scram, multispec. Bait.
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>327 BEFORE reloads
With all V skills
>Or I could use a naked Epithal for 3m ISK and stuff my PI back into the customs office if I get attacked.

That's a waste of time, and time is ISK. I'd rather just grab shit and be on my way with almost zero chance of getting caught. Ship being 147m ISK more expensive is not an issue.

Besides, if the skyhooks replace the POCOs that means there's gonna be rats/diamond rats there too according to what they've published so far. I wonder how useful Epithal will be in those situations.
>I wonder how useful Epithal will be in those situations.
If there's Diamond rats there, none of these ships are useful and you're going to clear everything with a Marauder first.
It looks like they put belt rats on grid with skyhooks, so I think they expect you to fight off the rats or something. Which is just retarded, either the belt rats are so weak that they're a non-threat to a passive tanked Epithal or you'll need to bring more firepower than what these haulers offer to kill them.
You know what's a bigger waste of time and ISK? Training a 5x hauling skill just so you can pick up PI easier.
Training TWO skills, actually.
>>327 BEFORE reloads
>With all V skills
that will comfortably dump on small ships
>You know what's a bigger waste of time and ISK? Training a 5x hauling skill just so you can pick up PI easier.

You know what's an even bigger waste of time and ISK? Not multiboxing 20 marauders in pochven for 5b/h.
>only 5b/h
At that rate, you might as well just take them to HQs, you'd be making more ISK.
EVE is comfy for the first few days when you're just Venture mining to save up for a cruiser.
>Talking in alliance chat to one of the CSM
>He keeps assuring everyone not to worry, CCP has a plan, everything's going to be great when you see the full picture
>Get this as a fucking reveal

It is 100% obvious CCP has no fucking clue what they're doing. Like, holy shit, does anyone there even play this game?
You just don't understand, your Jump Freighter being able to fit Torpedoes and do as much DPS as a T1 Battleship will save it from getting hot dropped by a capital fleet, just shoot back.
it will stop it being solo killed by a sabre alt, retard
>solo killed
With cloaked Falcon (alt)?
>Applying to a Saber

Better off with a smart bomb.
Also I just realized it's not even a JF, it's just a regular T1 Freighter, so it's High-sec only essentially.
I know exactly what's going to happen, but I want someone at CCP to explain it to me in direct terms what they expect these ships to do. Like, what is their vision for how these ships work? How do they contribute to the EVE ecosystem at all? I want to hear it from their community managers and devs themselves in a practical example, such as them saying, "I'm going to use the Squall to fight off pirates while I pick up my PI!"
To be fair, cynos were a mistake. Zarzakh was a mistake. Pocvhven fillamets/null fillaments were a mistake. Ansi was a mistake.

They should remove all of that shit and just add more null-to-null whs. That's it. As simple as that.
>Pocvhven fillamets/null fillaments were a mistake
it seems like for some of you guys, the entire game is just fleets, hotdrops, structures and other such faggotry. no small scale activity

wormholes are gay as fuck. hs to null needlejack filaments are based. pochven is gay
Okay let's ask the actual question.
Is raiding Skyhooks going to be
1) even possible
2) actually worth it
3) fight provoking
Place your best.
My best guess is I don't give a fuck kspace is for niggers and fags.
I agree. It should be fucking arduous to get in and out of null regions. Each null region should be separated from empire space by the k-space version of shattered systems, systems that can't be claimed, don't have local, have tons of connections to each other, can't have cynos lit, and are so big you can't reach empire space with jump freighters from null.

The only way to get bulk goods in and out of null would be taking freighters through no man's land with a huge escort, that's it.
someone might show up and shit on you I guess. it seems like a failed design like ess
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>asset safety
Raiding skyhooks will probably be easy. It sounds like you just open them up by hacking them with a data analyzer, so I imagine you just go to the system, hack a skyhook, and wait for the timer to finish so you can loot it. Once you hack it, you give off a systemwide ping about it, but that doesn't matter because why would you hack a system that has someone in local? Of course, one minute later it alerts nearby systems, and two minutes later it alerts every system within two jumps. But on the third minute, it's open and you can run off with all the shit in it.

People might respond to them at first, but eventually the message is going to be so common that fatigue will set in and people will stop giving a shit. It's the same thing as the old siphons, people drop one, log off, and either pick it up in a few days or put down a new one when they log on again. Nullsec just gets stuck playing janitor every so often and doesn't get any content out of it. It's shitty for everyone.

As for the loot, it sounds like most of the skyhook stuff for sov is only need during the initial upgrades for sov, so it will probably be worth it for the first month or two and then the price will tank.
>kill shitters, drop loot in their own citadels, asset safety it back to ls
>anything else involving asset safety
I used to mine ore at empty nullsec moons and asset safety it back to LS, but it literally costs more to have PushX move it than it would for me to just buy the finished product off the market.
I rob the ESS then asset safety the bonds back to LS lmao
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The shirt buttons are doing more work than the whole remaining eve dev team.
End yourself you utterly retarded mongoloid quadruple nigger.
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Pearl Abyss is paying you money now, invest in a gym membership before you die of a heart attack.
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he looks like he fits on industrials and some subcaps with more than 500m3 cargo
why did ccp hire this dumbass redditor again?
>new dst with 150km3 fuel block hold on top of fleet hangar.
holy fuck. best expansion in years, i love ccp.
He probably has more solo kills on some random 2011 trial alt than your entire nullshit corp so shut your filthy mouth.
Yeah I'm a Suitonia stan.
Protip, the hacking sites for the event going on disappear from the scanning screen after you hack one can. That they don't do this for all hacking sites pisses me off no end.
Dock your Ishtar, nullbab
That's probably how it will turn out. An added thought is that even if someone tries to defend it, so long as you started with no one in local it's pretty much impossible for you to get caught. The end result is that any skyhook that isn't in an "always inhabited" system is to some level vulnerable to being stolen from.
Now the counter to that may be to either install more of them and try to collect often or to not install any of them outside of your core systems where you can defend them. The first one may even turn into a content drought in terms of these skyhooks where the few that are operating are constantly guarded by squads of content thirsty gankers but highly doubt it develops like that. The far more likely thing is that as these things become more common and as the loot drops in value people will just generally ignore their defense and prefer to collect often and then on the other side of the coin the returns and risks don't match and everyone would rather just do more L4's than actually try to rob skyhooks except few larping pirate players. Of course the counter to that counter is to just use the lowest value ship possible to perform piracy and immediately peace out when someone tries to stop you, if anything you may go around triggering false alarms on purpose and only then make a hit.

One thing is for certain, if there is ever going to be a "fight" over one of these things it's always going to be a one sided stomp of a thief being dicked on or a hook being dicked on. They simply can't produce enough value to be worth trying to "defend" it against a determined attacker so if you don't outnumber the other guy by 10:1 then just dock up.

Content denial wins again, the side that forces the other to have less fun is the victor.
And I shouldn't frame the last bit just from the defenders perspective, the same thing applies to the attacker. If a hypothetical force brings in say 15 ships to clear out a hook and gains say 5% of the fleets value in loot, they have to perform this 20 times without being destroyed and that's just to break even and I highly doubt that will happen as solo pirates will probably be ignored rapidly but if someone sees content flying around they will prepare logged off cyno pilots and titans if they have to. So they may get 3 or 5 successes and then the fleet drops them on their 6th attempt. So it's clearly not worth it to bring anything worth killing as the potential for loot is just too low for the risk.
anyone else mining like a real man in low sec with blingy hulks, a nice porp and a sexy control tower?
I'm mining in a 3b Gila in a lowsec system known for being controlled by autistic aggressive Russians.
My secret? I AM that autistic aggressive Russian. Cyka blyat motherfuckers ))))))
nuApoc guy here. I've upped my implants to 3% on shit like cap and lasers, and swapped mid cap regen -> tracking computer, and low tracking computer -> low cap regen. I also swapped my 2nd arm rep increase rig for a t2 range rig. The end result is I can shoot a good distance further which means I deal more damage through extending short-range crystals further but can still swap to a tracking script for short range cruisers/BCs when needed.

It feels better and has a nice amount more damage, but MAN am I so tight on cap. Gonna drop 10 hours on getting to the t2 of the low slot cap regen module just for an extra 2% before finally going up to t2 pulse lasers, because I know just how harder those t2 crystals hit your cap.

Thanks for reading my blogpost.
Did you remember to refuse missions that fuck with your standings?
If you fuck this up you'll be like the rest of us, farming the SOE arc every year.
Yeah I've been declining burners because I'd die like a bitch, and the Amarr missions I'm being given. Love me a good slog through Serpentis cunts. I'm also loving the Apoc's bonuses of range and tracking since with lasers range IS damage. But man, that last 5% large laser damage bonus into another 6% damage from pulse laser specialisation on top of jumping to t2 crystals is gonna be so sweet.
RF large cap battery
1-2 cap rechargers
capacitor power relay or two
maybe 1-2 cap rigs

Bam every fit is stable (unless it's 3 reps or some ridiculous shit)
>Yeah I've been declining burners because I'd die like a bitch, and the Amarr missions I'm being given
I'm confused as to where you are running the missions, in Minmatar space?
When I said about standings, any mission against another of the 4 empires will damage your standings, on top of the normal derived standings loss. The burners you are supposed to decline until you get enough SP and cash to have maxed out assfrigs and pirate frigs.
Although, what you can do is train exactly one frig for exactly one type of burner and then only do that one when it comes up.
>I'm confused as to where you are running the missions

I'm decently into assfrigs and used to rat in a Punisher, but no way am I risking an expensive ship unless I know I won't fail.
That's the same place I'm doing it, we probably passed by each other. The reason it confuses me is because it's the wrong place to run with lasers.
The majority of the time, you need kinetic damage, with explosive and thermal usually being 2nd best.
EM/Thermal that you get from lasers sucks most of the time and you should be running somewhere in Amarr where that is the appropriate damage type.
Anyway, I'm running out of Dodixie because I wanted to test different ships and it's convenient to do that right out of a trade hub where it's easy to refit, but if you want to make money, you are supposed to run out of a .5 system because it gives you a lot more loyalty points.
As for burners, there's a guy that died in a car crash a year ago that made a video for each different burner mission, you can look up his guides on Youtube under Hateless gaming.
I moved here because I joined a corp that ended up sucking. Now I'm with a better one and just can't be bothered moving.
Also, I remembered now, the correct system to run missions in for Gallente is Aclan. It's a .5 system that doesn't have any lowsec nearby so you don't have to waste time refusing those lowsec missions.
There is also Junsoraert, but I don't remember doing it out of that system.
Also, I doubt there is a highsec corp that isn't bad, what do you guys even do?
My corp actually does a ton of different stuff. It's weird in that it seems like a small handful of highly experienced players with a ton of alts. Some people butcher lowsec fags, some people huff gas, some people have mining operations which includes a moon popping every couple weeks and constant ice mining, one time there was a L4 mission roam where we had 12 battleships warping into a room of 3 enemy ones, poor cunts. There's random people putting out calls for random content every few days. Today I got a mail about a "high priority" thing, turns out it's a Caldari roam. I won't be joining but still, these guys do plenty of stuff I hope I can help with in the future when I'm better skilled and know more.
Okay, so you don't have any emergencies to respond to.
You actually can run missions from any highsec place just fine, just get yourself a travel Dramiel (or interceptor if you can but Dramiel requires no SP). It gets you from Amarr to Dodixie space in ~15 minutes. You can also use jump clones. It's how I move around, I don't actually keep the character I run missions with in Dodixie, I have to mind my wormhole. So when I have nothing to do, I just go wherever the wormhole spits me out and zip over to the mission hub.
Are interceptors really worth it over a basic bitch shuttle?
A shuttle goes 5AU/s.
An interceptor with 2 T2 hyperspatial rigs goes 12.2 AU/s. More importantly, it has ~8k EHP, which requires 3 battleships to smartbomb. They generally use either Rokhs or Machariels. A shuttle can be smartbombed by one (1) Maller. This includes suicide smartbombing, which can be done while you're warping through the middle of the system.
Furthermore, an interceptor can be nullified, letting you move unmolested through wormholes and nullsec. And corrupted lowsec.
The difference is immense. The Dramiel is slightly slower than an interceptor at ~11 AU/s, but has even more EHP.
shuttles are nullified
Oh, I just checked and they are. Since when is that a thing?
idk, maybe a year or two ago
lmao, I'll bear interceptors in mind.
I use a Dramiel for my trade alt that doesn't have any frigate up to 5.
It survived getting smarbombed by 2 machs with faction bombs in Abhazon, so I would recommend it to anyone.
But yes, an interceptor is generally better.
Honestly the damage difference between Serpentis and other factions doesn't even seem that big according to

Actually now that I look at the Navy Apoc, its base EM/Therm resistances are its highest. I'll think about going back home to Amarr space for my L4s. Thanks for the tip tho.
Look at this:
Let us assume you are doing 200 damage, one with a railgun and the other with a laser, evenly split between damage types.
With a railgun you are doing 28 thermal, 36 kinetic, for a total of 68.
With a laser, you are doing 21 EM and 28 thermal, for a total of 49.
That means you are dealing ~38% more damage by picking the correct damage type, this is a major difference. It's not going to be as bad with normal rats, like a Core Admiral, but it's the elite rats that will give you the most issues anyway.
This is why people like missiles so much, you get to strike directly into the target's hole with no wasted damage.
When it comes to Gallente and Amarr though, we can use blasters or lasers and do even better because we are hitting the hole just fine and we don't have to deal with missile flight time, which is just aids.
This is exactly what my testing in Dodixie has been about and the conclusion is that the Navy Megathron is must faster at killing enemies, but it's damage locked against Serpentis and I guess Angel Cartel, while the Typhoon fleet is much sturdier and can select its damage type. So there are actually relatively few missions where the Navy Megathron wins out, but it is better on some occasions.
Anyway, for the Apoc you ought to have a better time in Amarr space, however, Blood Raiders like to bring neuts which will fuck up your already fragile cap, so you have to maintain distance.
>70% of slots occupied by cap mods
yeah bro very good solution!
>missile flight time
it's pve, flight time doesn't matter
true amarr experience
yes it does because it means more range and cruises not taking a week to arrive
split your weapons and put one on each rat, then you can't have any wasted missiles
you still waste missiles that were en route when the rat died
Yes it does. Cruise missiles hitting at 100km take longer to arrive than the cycle takes, which is the whole point of the double cruise MJD manouver. And enemies die fast so you switch targets all the time. So you have to manually count cycles and switch targets or you are wasting something along the lines of 1/4 or 1/5 of your DPS.
And you can forget about splitting your launchers like you do with guns, the planning involved is just fucking aids.
>however, Blood Raiders like to bring neuts which will fuck up your already fragile cap
Ngl you just made me want to stay in 'dixie space.
>manually count cycles
oh no I have to count to 2
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>55 destroyed
>117 lost
>still dogposting after all this time
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Dog's facial condition is the best representation of new player pvp experience. I wish game had more new players you can actually kill.
The way I see it:

>Roll our NS static wormhole into an empty null system
>Undock our fleet of haulers, send one to each skyhook
>Start hacking, mass warning goes off in nearby systems
>Any attempt for the attacker to scramble to defend them is too little, too late
>Cyno alt appears, entire pirate fleet warps back to wormhole, collapses it, moves on to next system
>Nobody shows up to defend, we make it out with all the PI and leave

There absolutely won't be any real contest for them. From our perspective, it will be a shitton of work to get less value than we would just ratting. From null's perspective, some randoms just run off with their PI in their backwaters from time to time. Even worse, unless the stuff is stupidly valuable, it's almost 100% certain null just won't even bother setting up skyhooks in places that don't have people in them just out of spite.
I mine in Derelik/Aridia/Genesis with a small fleet of covetors and a porpoise, it's usually pretty great.
You forgot:
>shoot shields of the skyhook
>get hazed by the sovblob QRF
>I wish this game had more players I could convince to not play the game
You're literally the enemy of CCP's bottom line.
no shit sherlock
I don't think you shoot the skyhook, that's the moon drills. Which have their own problems.

>Ref moon drill
>Within a minute, an a cyno alt logs on
>Another minute, a few dozen ships dumped on you
>Ref moon drill
>No one shows up
>You now have 4,000,000 m3 of moon ore worth a grand total of 800m ISK to transport out
>Destroy it all out of spite, never come back because it's not profitable
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i played eve for many years, like 10~ years ago
i never really did much aside from amass wealth, i set up in a wormhole for a bit, did some wardecs, and joined a corp to steal all their shit from a wh system

i have like 30b liquid isk and another 30b in assets, is there anything fun i could do if i came back?
Apparently missed the grace period for the omen police skin I want to kill myself.
join all-out and steal all their shit again
I warp a disposable ship from customs to customs. If something catches me I just put everything in the customs hold. Hyperspacials and inertails are the most important parts of my epithal.

I might use these for hauling to market but potch hauling and dsts are already pretty op.
Im actually looking at finding a comfy nullsec static to set up in. I dont want all the faggotry of being in null alliances, but want to try the content.
Anon you know fittings exist right?
>0.1 powergrid remaining
with squire implants
why do C3s have a gorrilion wandering holes wtf. Im trying to find a hole to settle down solo and i feel like ill get raped in C3s
Everyone tries to roll into C3s for content because the rats are a good balance between value and difficulty plus fewer people colonize C3s because of one one k-space static (Can't roll for content unless it's null). Even though there's almost as many C1 static exits in wormholes, fewer people bother checking them each day because C1s are useless beyond a quick way to HS.
Wormholes suck because you need a probe scanner
>J-space revamp
>Current j-space systems lose all k-space exits, only connect to other wormholes with priority to wormholes in their constellation/region
>Tiers merged, C1+2, C3+4, C5+6
>Sites spawning are mixed between the two

>New shattered systems introduced
>Systems have a single static k-space exit for frigates only that lasts four hours
>Lots of wandering wormholes that leads throughout k-space and to other shattered systems
>High amount of combat, data, relic, and mining sites inside, but lots of traffic, is now the primary way to farm j-space regularly
>Can't easily close other exits, wormholes spawn "critical" but still have between 1000-4000 kt left, no way to know for sure until it collapses

>Have to travel through shattered systems to get to the original WH systems
>Original WH systems are more likely to connect to shattered systems or nearby (In LY) systems, though each region has a few wormholes that connect to other j-space regions

>Can deploy sov module in j-space to modify the system
>Can add/remove statics, adjust their maximum mass, lifetime, etc.
>Can spawn higher tier sleeper sites, ore sites, data/relic with upgrades
>R8+ moon ore added in small quantities to some moons, yield can be improved with system upgrades
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he looks like a person who actually plays Eve
get a C1 and set up a POS
no-one'll ever bother you
C4 also works but the logistics is a bit shitty unless you get a good static.
C4 Wolf Rayet sites can be run with 2 Confessors and a T1 logi
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lf comfy exploration corp
Battleships can spare it.
wtf no are you actually retarded?
I have come to the conclusion that there are two classes of Eve players. There's the Cyno capable and the Cyno incapable.
Just being capable of using covops cynos on my own has completely changed how i can play the game. Different ships, different ways to make isk, it legitimately opens up a whole swathe of the game that's borderline unusable without either a large group involved or cynos.

Just skilling into covops cynos has suddenly made the game mostly safe, u can get to places i never could before without taking unacceptable risks, not to mention popping up on intel channels.

I really wish I'd skilled into this sooner. I literally just have alts in places i might want to visit and i can be there instantly.
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and the point of this would be...?
>Hype up your nullsec rework
>Sneakily make it so the new nullsec transport ships can squeeze a Fortizar core into a C1 Wormhole so all the Nullsec blocs that do their industry in C1/HS static wormholes can no longer be evicted
>To the detriment of literally everyone except nullsec blocs

lol. lmao even.
You can already do that with a DST, unless you meant Keepstar.
C1s were already impossible to evict
you dont need to fly a memeship to do it, just use a DST
Nah, you can still evict C1s, just requires a bit of extra thought. Bring in packaged Leshaks in a DST, put them in someone's station via cargo deposit, then trigger asset safety to eject them, assemble them, board them. Put on fittings in a POS.
cool but still, whats the point?
lot of fucking around to inconvenience someone's PI setup for a couple of days
>To the detriment of literally everyone except nullsec blocs
to the detriment of whfaggots. nobody else cares
Kill yourself nullgroid

You kill an Athanor, you get 1-10 billion in reaction materials, depending on how many characters are running there.
>evict everyone
>why wh ded??
Nobody cares because industryfags never undock.
t. industryfag that never undocks.
not even close faggot
don't reply to it. It's some obsessed schizo
>ccp does literally anything
>nooooooooooo you broke wormholes!
see cyno on overview
warp at 0
free kill
>Covert Cyno
>See it on overview
That's a good thing. Unless you're willing to claim the system for yourself, all you can do is trim back the owners and rob their shit. If you could permanently keep them out, WH would just be an extension of null with every system being rented.
The only reason people live in wormhole is because CCP forgot they exist unlike the rest of the game that continues to recieve stupid, pointless changes that only ever fuck things up and bring in more chinks.
I live in one because I don't have to deal with some alliance that owns three different regions cynoing in a fleet of dreads and 500+ people to burn down everything my 40 man corp has ever done because it's too much of a hassle to do it. I would consider living in null if power projection wasn't absurd to the point of me having to bend the knee to someone far bigger.
>all the Nullsec blocs that do their industry in C1/HS static wormholes
this isnt a thing
Yes it is, they're like the majority of people in C1 wormholes. Goons have like a dozen C1's they use for manufacturing shit. It's all the benefits of Nullsec, one jump from highsec, and nobody can do shit to do because evicting anyone in a C1 is hard as fuck.
yeah right
ive seen some nullbab alt corps in c1s but ive seen a lot more in c2/c3 nulls.
doesnt make sense since at any sort of scale you have to push an insane number of dsts through the hs.
this will likely change a bit with new ships.

but c1 sotiyos and keeps have died before and they will die again
any group that can pull off an eviction against a nullblob that can have a gorillion kikis appear in system at any time wont have significantly more trouble against keep or sotiyo.
And should CCP remember that wormholes exist, they will figure out a way to add cynoing directly from a keepstar into your wormhole.
Because they're gay fags like that.
>ping Jita hole
(80 seconds later)
>8 DSTs on scan
That's relatively normal. And that's just 2 people with industry characters, the nullfag corps get bigger than that.
It really is not a problem to move such quantities when you've got enough hauling alts. And you do because industry accounts pay for themselves, especially because they tend to double as SP farms.
do you do industry?
I manufacture a lot of stuff, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that at scale wormholes arent worth it except in very niche cases.
Especially when you have a whole null region that you can freely teleport stuff in and out of and more easily defend.
I wouldn't doubt that the upcoming patch is going to have a wormhole generation upgrade to sov, where your system spawns more wormholes or even gets a static wormhole of some type in null. Once that happens, it's over.
Are there really any sites juicy enough to warrant a blops? I guess the 10/10s but those require you to live in the area to farm or buy from friendlies
Yes, but I only bother with one account. I basically repurposed my main into an industry alt.
The biggest bulk of the materials we haul are fuel blocks. Everything else is relativaly compact.
Minerals you can compress, moon minerals are small, salvage is miniscule, PI you have to export once every 3 months now that it's been made so tiny etc.
The only hard part is exporting the actual ship hulls, but you can always dump those in highsec and then contract someone to move them to Jita.
I'm going to put down an Azbel in my C2 wormhole. Not because I actually need it, just because I have enough spare PI to build one and the hole prints so much money anyway.
Anything above 6/10 can pay out >1b, and some of the lower rated sites can as well.
You use a Blops because it lets you travel without gates. A Marauder is better in a Vaccuum, but gating it is suicide. Meanwhile a T3 might technically be able to do it, but it's slow as shit and tedious.
You use your cyno alt as a scanner, find a complex, cyno in your blops, clear the site, then continue, your combat ship never takes gates, so your only risk is to the scanning ship.
azbels are so shit
their rigs are total ass, same limitations as raitaru just with ME+TE combined, for ten times the price.
compare with the sotiyo ship manufacturing rig that costs about 40b but give ME/TE bonuses for *all* ships. or the structure+component one that gives bonuses to *all* components - structure, capital and t2
as well as structures themselves.
TE is nice dont get me wrong but ive never found azbels to be worth it over the other options.
I think TE is good for profit, you can get shit to market quicker before the price fluctuates. It cuts the time down almost in half for building things. But that matters less to me than just throwing down a large structure because I have a bunch of spare PI and can build one.
Today's 125k SP reward should just about finish big lasers V, then it's just 5 days to finish the other skill and I can use those sweet sweet t2 crystals.
Muh scorch
You doing this in friendly space?
cyno fags please go
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>me pressing sharpshooter mode on my confessor
I am already half my way back to my cozy shield when you finished aligning>>1289504
good boy, I would stay out of aridia tho, it's unusually hot with pirates I've found
>PI that I farm myself is free
Ah yes let me just NOT fit cap mods on PVE ships because they're not cool or something, nevermind the fact that you're not sacrificing anything significant because of diminishing returns on stacking other mods.
Don't try to reason with anybody that runs L4 in an Apoc.
A man of such character and integrity simply can't be swayed by a weak arguments. Your skills and charisma are simply insufficient
At what point should I think to myself, "I have enough spare materials/ISK, I should splurge and spend them on a luxury?" If the answer is never, then there is no reason to play EVE.
ignore that anon
(but you should make a tatara instead if you dont have one)
That's not what that statement actually means. If you have spare PI then just sell it
to what end? wallet go up?
I see your intelligence has totally left you, carry on lil miner, let the minerals be free (if you mine them yourself)
Are you suggesting I sell the PI and then turn around and spend more ISK to buy a structure? It's several hundred million ISK cheaper to build it from materials.

I honestly don't have any idea what you're trying to say, assuming it's not don't waste money on stupid things.
You're a retard. I don't mine much and when I do I certainly don't consider the minerals to be free.
They would be cheaper than the market though, assuming good reprocessing skills, since you don't pay any tax.
If that anon wants an Azbel and he has made enough PI for it, then thats literally the cheapest way to do it besides theft/looting/scamming.
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>T2 event combats
Wtf? I thought they nerfed it. Is it worth trying T3?
they unnerfed them
God I hate the copypasta event slop.
all ships should get the t3 destroyer configuration buttons
It's fucking kino, apologize
who cares about talking heads, just give me the devblog
The skyhook uses ESS mechanics.
Except you have to bring a hauler to extract the stuff. Since there is no way this will be worth doing, the only reason to attack is to cut the system's labor supply chain which will allegedly do something.
Bee also got fat.
No real numbers yet.
Wait for dev blog.
Wait that nigga also works at ccp? I was wondering why he stopped doing videos.
1 or 2? sure
but 7?
actually retarded
what fit/ship you using for those?
i got a dual rep vexor off the internet but i havent even tried the T1s because I heard the combat sites were pants-shittingly hard solo.
What, are you just going to fit 2 cap mods and have capacitor issues on principle and then put cargo expanders and ship scanners in the other slots?
Other than cap batteries, you never fit cap mods on a combat ship, problems only occur due to wrong ammo type.
>Other than cap batteries, you never fit cap mods on a combat ship
The capacitor is empty.
are yo uretarded
cap boosters more like. if you're fitting cap batteries you're flying a faggot fit
pls respond
No, the game is a corpse.
wonder if i could sell my account for some money then
You could maybe skill extract and rmt
>fucking over my friends is le cool
why would I enable fags like you?
enjoy having no room for:
mobile depot
on the fly extra fits
you don't need any of that
i wasn't friends with them, they were a group that also did wardec trolling and had war dec'd me for no reason in the past
unironically stabber from community fits
why do I need a tractor beam refit on my roaming solo pvp ship
So you can use it to suck up some dick you fucking faggot.
A common sentiment for nullfags, to be fair.
what a excellent idea that totally wouldnt be very easily abused
I always thought that too, null has to maintain their own stargates, and to get to a system without a gate, you have to use a special covert ops/recon that can travel without a gate and open a cyno for construction ships. In practice though, all this really does is make null even harder to invade or doing anything about.
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Okay, so you can use a fast warping travel fit (or even Leopard) to go to a bunch of mission agents, take them all, go back to your staging station, get into your mission running combat ship and do all the missions in one circle. This all relies on the use of the automatic route optimization.
It never occurred to me that this is possible, I'll try it out sometime, but it seems to be only a thing for faction warfare missions, while for ordinary ones you're really making your money off of burners. If the target is to chain together a bunch of missions with your battleship (hyperspatial Mach or in my case fleet Typhoon), the income is probably going to be kind shitty, but still more efficient than doing it "normally".
And not to mention collecting the loot is either impossible of you have to go do a third (fourth?) circle in something with a large cargo hold if you want to collect the loot. Not to mention the juggling you have to do with your MTUs if you want the loot anyway, there is no way to carry enough so you're basically recycling one over and over again, before doing one circuit with a Noctis to pick up ~100 mil worth of loot.
My normal method is to use one MTU over and over again, dropping off the loot after every mission when I'm ready to take another one so I'm already doing a variant of it, but it might be better to just not loot at all, barring the implant and special item drops.
Anyway, I had no idea you can do this, taking a bunch of combat missions at the same time to spawn a bunch of combat sites for yourself and then using the autorouter to cut down on turn in time. And since turn in time is actually pretty bad, you pretty much have to do multiple circuits for this to make any sense since you are turning in missions and taking the new one at the same time.
This does, however, entirely solve the problem of declining missions because if the agent doesn't have a good one for you, there are others that do.
>See a post in one of the public discords I'm in about some guys getting evicted from their wormhole
>Apparently it was because they put swastikas on all of their shit and were generally annoying
>Everyone in the channel starts patting themselves on the back for destroying le ebil nazis
>Remind them evicting a group like this is absolutely no different than evicting one that flies rainbow flags all over their stations, at it's core it's simple trolling
>Server becomes absolute bedlam as people scramble to find excuses why it's fine here but not elsewhere because they half of them want to seem neutral about the subject while the other half want to give special privileges to the hypothetical group of homos.
Oh and of course this means you have to be more selective about your mission selection since the ones where you have to bring back some kind of item are a no go.
Well, no, actually it is fine as long as you stack exactly as much cargo as your mission taking travel ship can carry, then you hand it all over in the pulling circuit, so it ought to be fine as long as you keep track.
And there is another problem in that changing your ammo is easy enough, the battleship cargo buff leaves us plenty of space for it, but changing your hardeners requires a mobile depot which in turn requires more planning, but it shouldn't be too bad since I end most missions as a static turret anyway.
Inform them they are gay niggers from outer space.
If you want to make money doing standard missions, find a section of HS that has at least a half dozen L4 agents, take missions from them until you get nothing but the Blockade, the Assault, Gone Berserk, etc (All high bounty/loot missions), kill everything but the completion trigger in each pocket, then come back after downtime to do it again. The Blockade is like 25m ISK in bounties and another 20m ISK in loot and salvage, the others are pretty great too.

It's a pain in the as to set up, but it's real easy to clear each pocket in about 10-15 minutes, drop an MTU, and come back in a tanked salvage ship to scoop everything up.
I realized nullfags would make gay looping networks with 9999 jumps between the ends or some equivalently gay thing and deleted it out of shame and committed sudoku
they'd just lock down a few ratting/mining systems to be only accessible by ansiblex
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Oh man looks like Homeworld 3 really shat itself.
I hope Falling Frontier is good. It looks super dope.
kevin please
page 6, stop making early threads retards
How bad are we talking here?
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Dont invest too much into BS and large weapon skills for L4s, small weapons and frigs train fast so get the Nergal and stop being allergic to burners. You'll get more use out of those smaller skills when you pvp.
>bro just dump six gorillion into memefrigs
Yeah paying for the nergal was intimidating, but it really increases your income even without blitzing missions since the big standings gains allows you to decline more of the shitty missions. If you plan to go live in a wh or do the new high tier combat anoms in null I guess you can just focus on large weapons/marauders.

>SYNDE are getting TDSIN'd
who what?
They replaced the story with a trannified fagfic written by gay niggers that wish they were from outer space.
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>retard sets a region buy order for MONTHS of volume for 30% more
>retard sets a sell order for MONTHS of volume with dumpster margins
Why don't these faggots go to jita
Apparently wh niggers had a "war". Synde tried to take down Hawks and very predictably got wrecked. Now Hawks control the entirety of high-class wh space not just unofficially but officially.

That's it.
wormholers will still claim they aren't a blue donut pve empire
say what you want about gay niggers from outerspace but they are redpilled on the women question
A armor cruiser with 4 mids is already a ECM powerhouse by default.
no your the faggot, gaylord
>That time when I wanted to be a market mogul
>Set regionwide buy orders for all types of ammo at .01 ISK in every single empire region
>Still to this day picking up ammo from over 1400 stations in high and lowsec
>Takes my assets window about three minutes to fully load
just trash it
If you are poor why are you running L4?
you get ganked if you run l4 with a t2 fit.
the relist fee is big gay
only botters can be arsed to fucking do 4 item orders
From what I've read burners aren't even worth the money.


Sounds like some enemies have such small sig radiuses that they take forever to kill. Says it took him over half an hour and only made him 17m in a ship worth retard money.
aren't burners for frigs only?
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I'm enjoying abyss now
>no standing autism
>no system autism
>no skip mission autism
>no agent autism
>no LP store autism
>no burner autism
>no real security autism
Press filament to play. Would be even more perfect without timegate and capsule death.
Yeah I don't get it. I just watched a video of someone doing anomic agent and it looked trivial and he killed the one ship in 30 seconds. Huh. Maybe I should get assfrig to V.
>Maybe I should get assfrig to V
You need all support skills to V too.
The base burners may not be worth it. The Supercarrier takes forever to do, I don't think anyone's ever found a good blitz setup for it. The four Dramiels can be done in a Vigilant with great skills, but it's pretty narrow. Talos isn't too slow, takes about 15 minutes for around 26m ISK+LP. Ashimmu I'm not sure what people use.

All of the frigate burners are pretty fast though, about 5 minutes or so when landing on grid at most.
Which one of you fucks was that in the Jackdaw called Dubs Check'em?
Not me but check these.
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Amarr Corinthian leather seats
>not worth the money
stop this shit, you've been doing it all thread
yeah its usually kill 1 enemy and you get a 15k LP something payout.

there was an attempt
>Swap the 2x t1 scan strength rigs for a 1x t2 and slot in 2x t1 warp speed
>Suddenly make more isk/hour highsec exploring
Damn. If I was in a T2 explore frigate this would be even more profitable lmao
The T1 event abyss isn't hard, I use a basic bitch HAM Caracal with a Large Shield booster II and the only thing that could kill me is the Leshaks if I sit still and let their damage ramp up. The T2 is a big jump in challenge, but mainly because of the turrets that spawn 60+km away and do a ton of damage. They literally only take 1 hit of anything to kill but the range an issue, and if you can't pop them right off the bat they tend to wear you down really quickly to where the rats might be able to finish you off.
>can't put regular ass minerals in the huge infrastructure bay
>but you can put moon minerals in which barely fill a regular blockade runner
>shrunk the dst infra bay to prevent the (imaginary) c1 keepstar boogeyman, so still need more than 1 trip for a month of fuel.
ccp fucked it. its over.
at least i can sell my orca now.
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That's the worst burner, nobody does Base Guristas.
If you're singleboxing and paying attention you could push 300mil/hr, but typically it's around 250m.
Standard marauder missioning some claim tops at 125mil/hr, that's with making your own spreadsheet and declining terrible missions. But usually if you're going to dedicate that much to mission running it's better to just train some frig skills and do burners instead.
Pic related is old, before T2 ammo buff and probably before marauder buff, but it just goes to show how burners just blow 99% of standard missions out of the water.
My nigger. I would consider gay conversion therapy if invented. Not willing to become minmatar though
I fly a vagabond from hateless for the ashy. Keep cap and tracking drugs in cargo in case you get unlucky but I've only needed them maybe 1/20 runs and its quick.
I fly a 500mn Oracle for everything but the Talos. It works, but it's barely better than normal missions.
>They literally only take 1 hit of anything to kill but the range an issue
yeah thats what i heard.
what would you recommend for this?
would my Vexor with a Drone Link Aug and some Warrior IIs cross the distance and kill them in time?
Or would I want like a Heavy Missile Caracal or something instead? Vexor I'd get 80km drone range or Caracal I'd get 90km range.

thanks for the confidence boost though, might stop being a bitch and just start with a few of the T1s tonight.
just ran a T2 scanning abyssal and holy fuck. the hacking itself was a bit tough on the Zirn wrecks but got 200mil in loot for 25min of hacking and 36mil for the filament.
dunno why i didnt step up sooner, was originally just knocking out the T1 hacking abyss to check off the progress track quickly.

being honest, losing steam with the event though. the progress track is so fucking grindy for honestly kind of shitty skins. wew purple Praxis I guess, but doesnt look as good as Capsuleer skins from previous years.
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>The Avalanche will be similar in cost to current empire freighters.
>bulkhead-fit Obelisk: 387k m3
>standard Avalanche: 265k m3, 3mil m3 special hold
>1 to 3 cargo expanded fit Avalanche: 337k, 430k, 549k m3 (special hold unaffected by expanders)
> Obelisk 600k ehp against explosive
> Avalanche basic t2 fit 700k to 1mil ehp, 1.4mil to 1.79mil ehp with bling mods, 2mil to 2.64mil ehp with high-grade nirvanas
I'm guessing they might tune it down... or maybe if they see everyone using it they'll see the demand for more ehp and release new T2 tank-focused empire freighters
As far as I know, CCP considers the current line of freighters to be too fragile but they don't want to make them impossible to suicide gank in HS. It's one of the considerations why industrial ships like haulers and barges haven't received any HP buffs in a long while.
Can already smell the bombers bar killmails on these.
I'm probably going to train my freighter alt to fly one since he hasn't committed to a racial freighter yet. One problem with the current freighters is that their resists suck, whereas with a DST I can have one escorted with a fleet of T1 RR ships in HS to keep it alive because they have 90% resists or better.
>CCP considers the current line of freighters to be too fragile
Avalanche has me considering training for it, probably a sign it’s too good. Best thing about it is it gives you the opportunity to actually bling it and get good results. Current haulers can’t make use of any bling, faction bulkheads do the opposite and make you a bigger target while giving you just a sliver of more ehp
Freighters have the dual problem of both being unkillable and dying instantly. Jump freighters have triple problem of being double unkillable and dying instantly.
Aren't scrams just fundamentally broken?
no, why
It is kinda grindy, but I got it done after about 10 days playing pretty casually so there's plenty of time. Some people had the track completed in under 24hrs.

The one thing keeping me going is building up a reserve of T2 salvage for my crippling industry addiction and the possibility of Navy or other ocol skins in edencom cans.
The money in highsec exploration isn't actually that bad desu. You can cut a bunch of corners to speed things up massively like completely ignoring non-event relic sites.
Talking about Eve 's problems is pointless. The solutions always boil down to there being basically a need for a completely new game by a non-retarded studio that is not located in the middle of North Atlantic and actually actively develops the game
no they just need to fix things
Step one - Make security status loss exponentially larger the more people are involved in the kill report
post your lossmail hs nigger
I didn't die though lol? Just suggesting a solution to the obvious problem of blobbing and punching down. Baby gonna cry?
Kestrel had his shirt unbuttoned this time, seems hes been listening to feedback.
is he still /eog/
fix the game and tell Hilmar to go fuck himself, you fat retard
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Tried T3. It works and worth it I guess. Did 6 of them. Skin doesn't cost 1bil anymore though.
So this are the new ships? literal xboxes in space
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Just put shield power relays in lows. With 135hp/s (in-game) I tank T3 around 50-60% hp.
Maybe he just got more bloated and the shirt won't button anymore.
Just bought the orthrus triumphant elite skin so I should probably learn how to fly the thing. Currently leaning towards heavy assaults with either hydra or snake implants. Open to any and all suggestions o7
50m/hour highsec exploring in a Magnate. Would've gotten more if I hadn't pussied out of the ghost sites after the first can. Not bad considering I'm a literal T1 fit.
best Faction warp disruptor, either 2 nano or nano + damage control, hyperspatial rigs, sensor booster, RLML.
When flying, your goal is to be a humongous antifun faggot, point the target from 50km with your heated warp disruptor while the Oracle lights hum up. The missiles are there for getting rid of interceptors or whatever frigfag is going for your Oracle.
You want a defensive scram, don't know what the other poster's doing. XLASB, LSE, point, scram, MWD is the common mid layout. He's right about RLMLs and being annoying though, the Orthrus is one of the few ships that survived the RLML nerf so you can shred frigates with ease. Lows seem to be where fits differ the most, some people use signal amps, some go double BCU/double Nano, some stick a damage control in. Rigs are usually an Ancil and an EM shield with a lot of variety on the third. Check zkill losses to see what others are doing.
I'm not much of an Orthrus expert myself but plenty of my corpmates love the ship, I should probably fly it more often because I won the skin but I prefer being the cunt in the Oracle getting big damage numbers.
The XLASB is the best tank module, but paying attention to that shit while you're managing your position and velocity vector is not something a new player is going to do properly. You have to pulse the XLASB correctly, always reheat it after etc. Easier to just put in shield extenders instead and pay all your attention to flying the ship. The difference in tank is there, but what's more important is not getting caught by something like a jump destroyer or worst of all Machariel. A Mach is faster than it looks, can jump and WILL grab you if the enemy distracts you just a little.
The defensive scram is common, and you get to pick between that and a sensor booster so people stop fucking with your lock range, which is the Orthrus' only real weakness. I take the sensor booster, but the scram is probably better for most people.
That's fair, managing an XLASB while you're busy dealing with everything else too can get overwhelming.
it's not a weakness in the real sense. its lock range is perfectly decent
Wow, what a revelation.
The warp disrupt range is 54 km, the lock range is 62,5 and the missiles hit at 63 or less if missile flight time cuts out the last second. This doesn't give you much room to move about in and people know it, so interceptors and generally competent pilots will repeatedly move back and forth to distract you, knowing you have to relock them over and over again.
Now, you don't actually need the sensor booster outright, you can fix that with a rig instead, but it's the only real problem there is to fix on this gay cumship.
all ships should have much shorter lock range, and wanting to play about at extreme range like this should require extending it with rigs and modules, along with weapon range. ccp giving it built in on almost everything is gay af
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>warp drive active
warp drive active
>warp drive active
warp drive active
>warp drive active
warp drive active
>warp drive active
docking permission requested
>docking request denied
Skill issue.
>The capacitor is empty
50-70km is more like mid range. Pulse lasers and autocannons can hit you there, but it's more importantly characterized by interceptors that can cross a distance of 20km in 4-5 seconds and have a long point of ~30km, giving them a reach of ~50km. Long range is well over 100km, where you have plenty of time to react to both interceptors and jump destroyers.
it's not a skill issue, too much lock range and weapon range is a cause of long range ships being too good. you aren't giving anything up to get out that far, so that's the range everything has now
>it's not a skill issue
Sorry I'm not trans.
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Someone explain to me the warp speed implant.
Okay, it makes your warp speed faster, but at what point does it actually help? It's obvious enough if you're taking long warps, but say I have a battleship going 3AU and I use the cheapest implant to go up to 3.15 AU.
Will that save me even one tick on a 5 AU warp or will the difference get rounded down and lost? One second can make all the difference if there's a chase going on. And what kind of time saving am I looking at if I take a higher tier warp speed implant?
it also affects warp accel if I'm not mistaken
Desu as the guy who early posted that I made 50m/hour (it was 58m in just over an hour), I'd fucking LOVE a minor warp speed upgrade, I'm just not shelling out for implants or shit like that because I'm a stupid Jew. To you the benefit is negligible, but to someone exploring who spends a lot of their time warping around, the benefits really do add up over time and convert into more money per hour.
the faster your warp speed, the faster your warp acceleration/deceleration as well, even on incredibly short warps you are still slightly faster.
notice on 5au warps you probably wont hit max speed.
im not sure at exactly what point it makes a big difference, theres just too many variables.
Improved warp speed is good for a lot of things, it's particularly important if you are trying to catch someone or vice versa. Like, most of my sabres and interceptors have hyperpatial rigs, a lot of kiting ships or destroyers etc. etc. I know it's good, I just don't know how it works when we are working with small numbers.

Looks like we're about on the same page then. The stronger 100mil implant that takes you from 3 AU to 3.4 AU ought to make a pretty noticeable difference in every situation, but I have no idea as to what the cutoff point looks like for the chap ones.
Just watch last worstplayerever meme videos about 12 AU BS/BC. You outwarp your capacitor recharge and entire nullsec.
t. man being smarbombed
I saw a funny thread just before of a guy who started fresh thinking veldspar mining was his choice of career. He spent 10+ hours a day mining and eventually got into an Orca he assumed would make him tons of money solo. He bought super expensive faction drones to mine veldspar SLIGHTLY fast.
>Enter, one faggot with half a dozen smartbombs in a throwaway Catalyst
And there goes 200m of drones lmao. Lemme see if I can find it. Okay.


This game should come with a warning that mining asteroid belts in highsec is NOT something you should do after your first week.
Idk, there's people who do weird shit in this game and didn't get the memo.
The weapons exist to shoot other players first, everything else a distant second.
I do think it's a problem that people perform actions that aren't weighed in terms of the game's economy like suicide ganking purely to troll people THObeit. Hard to really argue that EVE is an economy driven game when people can just spend a fairly small amount of IRL money to get enough isk to buy 500 Catalysts to dunk on naive newbies for a year straight with.
>no cigar apparel
can you make as much money playing this game as you would a real job?
are you venezualan?
It's really more expansive than that. The first thing I have to say is that this guy is bad and it's his own fault.
Now, the reason why he's objectively bad (thus invalidating his own argument) is not so straightforward. The core of the problem stems from the risk/reward balance. Right now, we are in a unique time in the game when this is working properly in terms of mining. You mine in the least dangerous space, you get fuck all for cash and in exchange, you don't have to pay attention.
The reason this man is bad is because he didn't understand this most basic concept the game is built on - he did not even know he's taking a risk. If he followed the proper risk/reward methodology, he would be mining in a covetor or he would be paying attention to his drones a lot better. And it's like that for everyone. They don't know how to perform the risk/reward assessment, the most fundamental skill this game has to offer.
So yes, the attacker made a disproportionate trade, but I killed some random retard worth over a bil the other day and traded in nothing for it because I didn't do it in highsec.
The game ultimately isn't about that - it's about understand when you are allowed to expose what and what happens when you do.
There are times and examples where the ratio is busted because of a badly designed game mechanic (jump freighters, jump bridges) or straight up broken game mechanics although those generally get patched out, but in the example given it's working as it ought to be.
please dont reply to that retard
i dont think i can stomach another two dozen posts about how suicide gankers only exist to kill new players and how its so unfair and you cant do shit and they have so much wealth
Not anymore I think. You could even as far back as 5 years ago, but when Chinks swarmed the server they swarmed the RMT market as well and now ISK is worth fuck all.
I think even as low as 7 dollars/1 billion isk, you can make a better money than a minimum wage job US job, but RMT is probably closer to 2 dollars/1 billion.
I don't know anymore what the prices are, last I checked it was about 5, but that was a few years back.
there are no real repercussions to suicide ganking
especially if you use disposable alts
My only problem with suicide ganking lowbies/miners is when the gankers don't do it to make money. It's just about the only activity in the game that people do at an economic loss. Should a Retriever cost 60m? Fucking NO. Maybe they should fix that shit first. Those fuckers should be around what T1 cruisers cost, barely over 10m.
no, poor amerimutt
they're not going to ban the chinks?
>It's just about the only activity in the game that people do at an economic loss.
Have you literally never engaged in a fight in this game?
Very few actual pvp combat activities make money and suicide ganking is one of them. And pretty much all PVP outside of megablobbing boils down to shitting on players with less game time than you.
It's so integral into the game loop that you even see it in le ebin youtube pvp videos, where the explanation of the decisions made boils down to well I looked up his killboard and he's a shitter so I went over to collect my free kill.
Wether in highsec, lowsec, wormholes or gay baby space, this is 90% of PVP because experienced players understand how fights will turn out before they start them so encounters boil down to one of them saying I'm not engaging that and then they both go their seperate ways looking for newfags.
you can still sell for ~$4/b
>they're not going to ban the chinks?
They've been here for years and are not going anywhere.
That might be good enough, actually, when combined with welfare.
You have to know how to move the money around without the tax office noticing or launder it somehow, but if you know what you are doing, getting minimal wage ought to be doable. Even if you get a bit less but dodge taxes it beats having a wagie cagie job by a mile.
Lowsec ganking can at least make money, even if it doesn't always. Highsec suicide gankers explicitly do it purely to troll and fuck newbies as hard as possible. Hell I got suicide ganked on my first day, was just afk Venture mining veldspar but someone threw a Catalyst at me. It barely set me back but still, that's the mindset you're dealing with. Nobody would suicide a 10bil fleet to kill a shitfit Orca.
some of the buyers will pay in crypto, which you can easily convert into giftcards that you can spend directly or sell for cash
Highsec gankers primarily make their money highsec ganking.
The three broad groups that make them money are haulers because the cargo drops, actual fucking retards carryimg plex or skill injectors in shuttles and velators and finally PVE ships with bling mods either running missions or mining.
And then they use that money to fuck with people because they can.
that's not too bad. Since I am mentally unable to keep a real job, that would be sufficient with my neetbux
Having never done that before, I don't actually know how to do that, but I have no doubts that if you're picking between dealing with your tranny loving manager in person in mcdonalds and dealing with your tranny loving CEO in Eve, you ought to take Eve 100% of the time.
You forgot the new players that they gank for the lulz.
The event hacking abyss are pretty good too
The easiest ones are guaranteed 15-20mil loot for 15min of hacking cans
I explicitly explained that all of EVE is all about that.
Imagine the player base as a pyramid, a shitter pyramid. Each tier of player higher on the pyramid shits on everyone under them. And the ones on the bottom are the shittest of them all, shitting on nobody and constantly getting shit on.
As I said, whether high, low or no sec, that's what this game is about.
I don't think you understand. EVE is "designed" around its economy and all player actions being weighed in terms of economy. Highsec suicide gankers essentially operate outside of the game's economy. There is no pyramid.
look what you fucking did

highsec suicide ganking is one of the most profitable forms of pvp but exactly as predicted this moron says that actually its all about griefing new players

the amount of new players that are ganked merely for the lulz is ridiculously small but that doesnt stop our resident retard

kill yourself
>Throwing a 3m Catalyst at a 300k Venture is super profitable!
Fucking lmaoooooo just shut the fuck up retard
>Highsec suicide gankers essentially operate outside of the game's economy.
You could reformulate the same argument for faction warfare frigfags, which hang out slapping each other and anyone who wanders by in their cheap ships all the time. The difference being there's no CONCORD to protect new players, except that's a trick. CONCORD isn't there to protect you, they are there to avenge you. The police can't unrape you etc. etc.
The only place that is the designated new player zone are the four designated new player systems. You leave that place, you are no longer protected.
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>muh strawman
>CONCORD isn't there to protect you, they are there to avenge you. The police can't unrape you etc. etc.
The threat of vengeance is so supposed to prevent the rape in the first place. If it isn't, then the police aren't doing their job right.
Nonsense. We're getting into real life shit now, but the job of the police is not to protect you, it is to protect the state. Preventing/sanctioning crime is part of their subfunction which is protecting public order so the plebs don't get mad and bring out the guillotines, thus endangering the state.
When it comes to CONCONRD, it's not much different, their job is to destroy rule breakers, not protecting victims. I don't remember the ingame name of the convention, maybe Yulai accords or something like that, but they have an actual legal document they signed. Their job is not to protect capsules, it is to blindly carry out retribution.
You're so blind to common sense fucking lmao
>Highsec players are just losers who want easy money!!!
As opposed to lowsec players camping gates who totally don't just want easy money lmaooooo

Imagine thinking you have some sort of moral highground just because you're an aggressive faggot who enjoys the feeling of power like you're some tranny forum mod.
>they're not going to ban the chinks?
CCP is gonna ban you if you call them botters so no.
just stop
theres no reasoning with this moron
Is the eris good
There's no reasoning with players who go out of your way to kill your, that's the entire point. You can't argue that EVE is some glorious economy-based MMO when players can ignore the economy aspect of it and just shit on people.
>players can ignore the economy aspect
No because I sold ships and fits to both of you
Ohhhh nooo people are killing newbies!!! They might learn to become aware of their surroundings while playing the game!!!!!

If some nerd actually gets mad enough to quit the game because he thought he was invincible in highsec and got his retriever ganked I'd say the game is better off without him. Just don't be careless or afk?
High sec ganking isn't even a problem for eve. It's almost laughable to discuss it with all the glaring problems the game does have, like them actively encouraging chinkbotting 20 accounts to play the game for starters. Who are these people that are playing in a way where they are getting repeatedly suicide ganked in highsec anyway?

The shorthand:
>Warp speed increases acceleration and deacceleration, so your real time in warp is shorter even on short warps
>Doubling your warp speed corresponds to about a 50% reduction in time spent warping
>Very high warp speeds mean you appear on grid for a shorter time to enemies before you regain control of your ship, effectively increasing the speed you can lock and tackle them

Naturally, warp speed is good when you're spending more time in warp relative to engaging in combat, which is why in HQ incursion groups where the extra tank or whatever from implants doesn't really help, warp speed implants increase their effective ISK/hr. If they spend one minute warping between sites without implants and 40 seconds with and each site takes 10 minutes, they're shaving off about two minutes of flight time every hour, equating to about a 3.6% increase in payouts for the fleet (Or from 200m ISK to about 207m ISK/hr).

Hauling is another obvious use, a set of warp speed rigs while flying a T1 hauler from Jita to Amarr can reduce the trip time by 15 minutes or better. Adding in a set of implants and getting your align to sub 3s can let you do the entire trip in about 12-15 minutes vs about 30-40 minutes.

As mentioned above, interceptors really get an advantage from warp speed, they can almost appear to land on grid and start tackling in just a couple of seconds. If someone tries to warp off to a celestial, high warp speed lets you arrive before them and speed towards their location before they're even out of warp.
This is my problem with ganking, or in a broader sense, griefing in general. You can't tank a barge well enough to survive a determined assault in HS space, and some people have enough ISK to not care about the net loss in doing so even if you switch to a Procurer with logi support. So instead your counterplay to this is to dock up as soon as a few gankers enter the system and sit idle until they leave.

A lot of encounters from the industry perspective go this way, where a handful of people can hold up a large fleet because they have a small group of Catalysts docked in a station ready to pounce once they tab back in or can leave a cyno alt cloaked in a lowsec system that lights up as soon as the fleet gets back to mining. Wormhole space is one of the few places you can actually kill attackers and eject them from the system so you can continue to operate rather than being stuck with this constant impending strike on a fleet of ships useless in combat.
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The omen's cutter beams slice through the most rigid of hulls.
You can just use an alt in a rookie ship to pre-pull Concord in most scenarios. Unfortunately that's just another way CCP incentivizes multiboxing.
just don't mine, retard
That's what the moon mining fleet I've flown with does, prepulls CONCORD to the grid. If you have enough numbers though, you can still kill ships before it matters, on-grid CONCORD only goes for the first person to flag themselves criminal.

Honestly the problem is really just multiboxing, get rid of multiboxing and most of EVE's problems fix themselves. CCP would never do it because they'd lose 3/4s of their income, but still.
>waah waah
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>Want to cross train something IMMEDIATELY
>Too much SP to make injectors a remotely viable option
>60 days until I can even start doing it
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as a newfag, ive gotta say, eve is the prettiest mmo ive ever played
i really like how you can see the stars you're warping to in the skybox and how the position of the nebulae matches up with where the stars are, kino touch
43 days if you use 2 genius accelerators
2b in Plex to do that, OR 3b and I could just buy the 1.75m SP starter pack from the store which would make it like 15 days.

FUCK Int/Mem skills
ive been doing it a bit every day and i'm just now getting to the Sunesis skin
those cunts who do it in 24h are either ultra sweaty or have found an exploit.
i know the last time they had the Guristas Egg hunt event you could warp to the Data site between cans to do the whole progress track in under an hour, so wouldnt be surprised if some sweaty multiboxxing chinaboy has found a way to do it for more modern events.

they're usually the same fags who make bawww threads on reddit that the event "le heckin sucks because I didnt make 260bil my first week like I usually do"
no-one ever flies it, so no
main thing it'd be good at is people thinking its bad, so they'll just burn towards you.
picking a ship that's really engagable is almost as important as picking a good ship in Eve PVP.
yeah sure you could fly something bullshit but people will just warp away from you, so you'll only catch afkers and retards
Hoping he undoes one live and winks
yeah Hyperspatial rigs are honestly underrated on a lot of ships.
i use them in all my haulers, travel fits, PVE ships (as much as I can spare the reduction in tank), exploration ships, gas huffing ventures, mining ships, anom/escalation runners etc.
even with just one T1 hyperspatial that 20% shaves off so much time in the long run.

my null miner hunting Thrasher fit has 3 hyperspatials and it makes such a difference over flying one without.
>So instead your counterplay to this is to dock up as soon as a few gankers enter the system and sit idle until they leave.
or just stop trying to PVE in Caldari space
i mine, mission run in bling, afk autopilot etc constantly and havent seen a suicide ganker in years.
just use the 18% warp speed implant
I'm always surprised someone like keacte or a good CEO from a poor state hasn't just done a patreon or something to run things.

I guess oz and twitch streamers are kinda there.

Isk selling is clean but I'd pay a subscription for someone to scan my chains and manage logistics.
fuck all-out slam jam did nothing wrong. Jamal really got the last laugh he made the only person who cause keep all-out going fallout quit and veknic has destroyed the corps soul from the inside out
kill youself
lead by example
no thanks, been playing for 12 years and I dont need a crutch like implants
it shows your path through the stars too if you set a course
how can there be pirates in a game about pirates >:( why dont they ban the pirates
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I have ~100b net worth and 140M sp. How do I cash out with RMT?
>Very few actual pvp combat activities
Attacking an unarmed opponent especially in high sec is pve. You aren't killing a miner because you outskilled his gunless ship, you should be doing it because he has enough stuff on him to make it worth you losing your own ship for it.
mining barges can have decent ehp and dps these days
nice argument. unfortunatelly n+1
they nerfed them again anon, god knows why
The skybox is even better than it looks. It actually looks the way it's supposed to look, in regards to your position on the map and this actually copies itself to wormholes.
If you land on a wormhole object and look through it, you can see the skybox in the system it's going to. And if you know what the skybox of a region looks like, because you know what the nebulas look like and where they are, you also know where the wormhole is going.
In general, the skybox in EVE is pretty special.
There was that one schizo who found a player ingame by the position of the stars.
happens all the time just from the skybox
also ingame screenshots are watermarked with the player's char name and IP address which is why i never post my own screenshots
no they fucking aren't retard
Reminder to sell any battleships you've got lying around, they will be crashing in price soon. T1 anyway, not sure about the navy BS.
You mean fit for pvp and get ready
No I mean sell now, buy after the price crashes and then fit them for whatever you want with the spare money you now have.
Unlikely, the null blocs will be funneling all the resources into rebuilding their capital and super stockpiles for quite a while.
Not to mention they have no incentive to not collude to keep prices up.
Iskies4thetoonies heheh
I like isk I’m an iskie liker
I just like to put iskies in my wallet and see the number go up can’t pvp too busy liking iskies
I don't think you understand the difference in volume here.
The sheer amount of Isogen that is going to start flowing once the ore anomaly spawners are up and running is guaranteed to crash the market and even if fagswarm wanted to prevent that they can't because there's too many corps. You'd literally have an ore smuggling business start up.
One proper null sec multiboxer will outmine your average highsec mining corp getting their Isogen from wormhole daytrips and there's dozens or hundreds of these guys.
Dune collab when?
I still remember my first few weeks in a C5 group years ago when the resident corp autist was watching a guy streaming himself dread rat in a C5 with the system name blurred out, recognised the system from the skybox and logged in a scanning alt to get us an easy dread kill. That guy was a fucking magician.
>Start highsec exploring
>First site is a ghost site
>Fuck it I'll try 2 cans instead of being ultra safe
>First can 9m, nice
Thanks CCP.
>Immediately find another ghost site
>First can 10m, nice
What the actual fuck is going on? Of my last 6 data sites I think 5 have been ghost.
Use a cargo scanner
The preferred strategy is to pick the one with the unique name and fuck off. Maybe one more.
I don't have any spare mid slots because I'm in a Magnate, and the sites are on a timer so I'd sooner not bother. The unique named can always has the dosh, I'm just blind trying my luck with a second can.
CCP magic, please understand. Sometimes ghost site cans are just empty.
>waah the probabilities didn't go in my favor this time
>6 event T3s in row without a single EDENCOM container
Either my grace period is over or CCP did something after downtime.
I made 60m/hour doing that highsec exploring btw. Can't wait until I can fly an Anathema so I can crank the money even higher.
>noooo you have to explore low/null/wh for real money noooo stop itttt >:(
Lmao, have you tried being good at the game?
>Lmao, have you tried being good at the game?
Yes. Because I am not some shitter who thinks 60m/h is a lot. I triplebox frig abyss for 900m/h.
>Using the combined income of multiple accounts as some sort of argument
Don't reply to isk/hr fags
Downloading' Albion Online. Is it comfy like OSRS?
It's deader than EVE
Imagine having multiple accounts so you can make more money but then acting as if money isn't why you play.
Good. I don't want XIV
You don't want EVE-type game that is dead because the ingame economy is in shambles prolly. Unless they strayed from their original path too much. Idk, haven't heard about Albion in years.
anon i hate to break it to you but 60m/hr is not that good
im glad you're having fun but please leave highsec.
I will be doing once I have better skills. My main focus will be on getting to warp as fast as possible.
That's fucking least of your concern now. Fitting skills and racial frig V are more important. And hacking to 3-4
The island is comfy. Open world has some charm but falls to alot of the issues eve has. It also has a faster tick rate than eve which is fun for small pvp but means they have to keep splitting servers to help lag and it's killing single shard population. I hope the game figures shit out. It should be my kryptonite with eve+osrs but I can never get into it for more than a month.
I've had shit like that for ages lmao. I should probably put together a dirt cheap fit that can scan down level 3 sites then just yolo a few of them.
Alright I'm in lowsec in space my corp defends. Now what?
I was thinking about checking this out earlier too, because aspects of it sounded similar to Eve. but then I realized it just doesn't have the same appeal to me if you take away the different ships and the comfy and pretty space setting and replace it with some generic medieval looking fantasy shit and a typical MMO gear grind. Albion just doesn't seem like it has enough character to make all the investment worth it
Stay docked until someone pings for a mining barge.
Unpack some punishers and go out and shred
I came here in a shitfit Magnate expecting to die but so far I've done a bunch of hacking sites and jumped into a couple WHs to see if there's anything spicy inside. I was checking a deeper WH when a Praxis dropped on my head, must've been there for the 20 fucking rat sites in there but either way my corp raised an eyebrow and watched the system I went in from. Nothing came of it, but this is more engaging gameplay than sitting in highsec I guess. I might bring a ship out here that can scan lvl4 sites. Also someone in my corp gifted me a fit Anathema earlier, so I'll be straight up suiciding that for them when I can fly it. Apparently the ship hasn't been used in 3 years so dying for the corp would give it a fine sendoff.

Would've made more money grinding highsec anomalies THO.
Just wait until you get 100m from a single relic site in WH and not even a ghost site at that.

You'll never be able to go back to highsec.
Lowsec ghost sites are also turbo easy to do and you can get 100 - 200m per site.
>I might bring a ship out here that can scan lvl4 sites
don't bother, just hack in wormholes instead. only sites that are hard to scan in wormholes are sleeper and ghost sites.
Crystal quarry, your main money maker is lvl 3 off the top of my head.
Temple sites are like 1 or 2 and they are the most common, but the loot is in armor pirate crystal quarry sites.
I was scanning down LS sites for my corp and checked out a WH, then got warped on by a bunch of faggots and died. The money was pretty piss poor DESU.
Oh and in regards to your comment about LS sites, they were the same garbage as HS.
Lowsec sites are a bit better than highsec, wormhole sites are much better, statistically.
The problem being, 90% of the money come from 5% of the cans, which where the "statistically" part comes in. You aren't supposed to hack everything because most of them are bad. You are supposed to come in, cargo scan for a 10+ mil payout (you are really looking for the 80 mil cans) and ignore the rest.
And occasionally, you will run into a dead silent wormhole with 10 sites in it, you are likely to come out of that one with 250 mil.
Problem with bringing a cargo scanner is I'm in a Magnate which only has 3 mid slots. Anathema has 4 which is my next step, unless I wanna go 50/50 between data/relic.
ok but most wormholes are empty so this doesnt happen
sometimes a loki decloaks on you or if you're really unlucky a tryhard in a bomber + sabre
not really a reason to write off wormholes, just cause you died once.
post lossmail

>Crystal quarry
ruined crystal quarry, highsec has crystal quarries but they are shit.
in lowsec the best sites are rock formations, also level 3 and very rare.
3/4 null/wh sites beat the best lowsec site for isk.

not true. not only are the sites better in ls, the cans contain better loot on average as its weighted by truesec.

I tend to just ignore datas. You could take a mobile depot + hacking module in cargo, and just refit to hack datas if you find loot thats worth it but I can't stress enough just how rare that is. Theres a few bpcs that are really profitable to build and one 20m skillbook, and thats about it. The rest is low value and relatively bulky.
>most wormholes are empty
Can you please stop saying this dumb shit? It's the opposite of what I've seen so far.

It's true, even LS data sites were beyond mediocre. I think my HS average was higher.
>Can you please stop saying this dumb shit? It's the opposite of what I've seen so far.
nigger i live in a wormhole I go through dozens of them every day
I wouldnt say it if it werent true.
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>I'm in a Magnate
A magnate is not suitable for this. Even the Anathema is bad, because you don't have the mids to fit the scanning mods.
The Scan Pinpointing Array I, Scan Rangefinding Array I, Scan Acquisition Array I help a lot and you want all of them. The way I do it is by having 3 different Helioses, one of which is for scanning, them one for data and one for relic sites.
If you want it all in one package, you will have to use a different ship. An Anathema makes for an adequate scanner because 4 mods is all you really need if you are just a scanner, but if you want to hack, you are making some sacrifices.
What I would suggest is dropping the data module and getting a cargo scanner instead on your Magnate and on the Anathema, go 5mn MWD, relic analyzer, cargo scanner, rangefinding array, then one emission scope sharpener and one gravity capacitor. I don't remember off the top of my head if you have room to make those rigs T2.
The Anathema is the least used covert ops for good reason, with the Buzzard and Helios being the most used because they are the best.
The Cheetah is a bit weird, it exists, sometimes.
And of the ones I've been in from lowsec most of them have had cunts in them.
post your lossmail cause im curious who would warp in multiple ships to kill a fucking magnate
>I don't remember off the top of my head if you have room to make those rigs T2.
you don't. pick one t2 and put a navigation rig in the other slot.
Oh, you ran into autistic Germans. They will spend days camping to get the most worthless shit. It happens, most unfortunate.
>wandered into germans that occupy a c1-ls
holy shit thats awful luck
yeah unspoken secret of wh space, when you see germans just leave. wormhole germans are a real odd sort of creature.
To be quite desu if I wasn't so shit I would've survived because their scram was only the same strength as my stab, I'm just new and bad.

>when you see germans just leave

i mean leave as in log off. i cant quite explain just how peculiar wormhole germans are. c1 germans are the worst kind too.
gives me shivers just to think about it honestly.
The Astero has like 5 seconds worth of decloak lock timer. And then another 3 to actually lock you and another to scram you. The ship that's actually lighting fast is the stealth bomber, which is unique in that it has no decloak lock delay.
The Proteus is generally used to kill explorers with smartbombs. As in decloaks next to you, smartbombs with no delay.
Look dude I don't care about your gay opinions.
join all-out
Yeah sure let me just chop off my dick and get some pink/blue long socks.
there are no trannies in all-out anon
which is good because you'd be mocked viciously.
Yeah okay faggot.
Okay mr. queer, if those phanthom all out trannies exist, go on ahead and name them.
>advanced ass production IV
Fags use cargo scanners to cherry pick hacking sites and leave the rest, not knowing it hurts their own chances in the long run because the sites don't respawn
Honestly fun per hour matters more than isk per hour
You'll end up with billions in assets anyway
Magnate has thick cargo hold though
Anathema isn't bad either
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Another fun skybox fact: Each highsec nebula represents the empire that controls the space! (Amarr is gold, Caldari is blue, Gallente is green, Minmatar is red) Also, you can Show Info on any system and use the PI preview to see its skybox, including inaccessible systems like Jove space! Picrel is what J7HZ-F looks like
>Amarr is gold, Caldari is blue, Gallente is green, Minmatar is red
wtf ive played for years and never realized this
It's pretty hard not to notice in some of the border systems, you get this nice dark color for most of space, then you look in the wrong direction and get a blinding blue Caldari nebula in your face.
>flying around Syndicate
>Outer Ring's nebula is literally a ring
Did you know that Poitot is the only named system in Syndicate?
fun things to do in syndicate: leave
nowadays, yeah
its just pockets of autistic german mining corps and mission runners now, plus light goon traffic
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>enter random system
>guy absolutely losing his shit in local
>someone's bumping his orca
some things never get old
I wish you could name systems in EVE, even if they only stayed named as long as you had control of them.
itd just be "dickfuck mcsystemface" for a week until it flips
it was a lot of fun a decade ago
i used to live there just to blow up the npc null goons who lived there, but then they stopped logging in
I just want to be left the fuck alone, is it a good place to relocate to for that?
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How much should I pay a blockade runner courier contract through highsec space?
PushX wants 3.6mil per jump
why'd you need BR in hisec? just pay the biggest shitter and collect insurance if it blows up
It's even better because all the cans reset at downtime so you don't have to scan the site down. Just show up and scan again.
Is it possible to assign a hotkey to unlock my currently selected target? Trying to git gud at flying logi but target management is kinda gey.
there is something like that but it is very clunky
ctrl shift click to unlock a particular thing or box select
800k-2m per jump depending on collat
Except partially hacked sites do despawn though? Takes like an hour but they don't sit there forever.
We do them just before and just after downtime to get double payout.
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>Recognizing the dire need for a ship capable of fast operation in unsafe territories, ORE created the Venture. It was conceived as a vessel primed and ready for any capsuleer, no matter how new to the dangers of New Eden they might be, who wishes to engage in the respectable trade of mining.
>respectable trade of mining
>Stealth Bombers are considered variations of T1 logistics frigates
Huh? Is this some Amarr joke or are all factions like that?
Not logi. It's the gimmick frigs
This makes me want to play. However, after spending time reading the entire thread, I know better.
kestrel -> manticore
tristan -> nemesis
breacher -> hound
so yeah, just amarr (inquisitor -> purifier)
Why does Pearl Abyss let CCP waste time and resources on dumb DOA projects?
Pearl abyss doesn't even deliver.
Got my first lowsec ghost site, 137m from the one can then I left. Very naisu. I guess floating around scanning down crap for my corp sometimes pays.
If you are autistic try sleeper caches
there is a hotkey that requires you to press it over the target you want to unlock and there is a hotkey to unlock all targets that doesnt require you to target
ESS's dont get enough hate as a null mechanic

Heres a game where you can do literally anything. Wanna Scam people? go for it. Wanna clear entire mining belts? go for it. Wanna RP Amarr? why not!

Then heres the ESS. Nope sorry you cant use MWDs, nope sorry you cant use jump drives. Nope cant warp on this grid either.

Oh your a defender? trying to stop someone from robbing you? kick rocks my guy. First come first serve mechanics essentially.

The ESS as a whole needs to be reworked PLSS CCP
I don't like it because it's just game mechanics with no sense to them.
>the bank, which has no reason to be here, also has a warp scram bubble on it, which is not available anywhere else
It's completely immersion braking. I appreciate that they wanted to kick out capitals, but deadspace already exists so just do that.
They obviously wanted to prevent attackers from just orbiting with MWDs at their range and giving the defenders too much of a handicap, but the defenders have the ability to both local and dscan which gives them all the information they need to pick the correct ship to go in with.
And then they just get 10+ guys with Ishtars to go in and it's all pointless anyway.
no frigs or destroyers allowed either. fucking retarded. this gameplay if it wasn't shit would appeal to small/solo roamers and be finally something for them to do, but they designed it specifically so those guys cannot interact with it at all, unless they fly special twat fits that can't take part in normal roaming. so nobody does it and it's dead, what a waste of everyone's time
The second part of the problem is that the system only really works when your gang brings out extremely expensive fits. Like 1-3 billion per person and you can now actually go in there and fight off blobs coming after you. Unless they notice what you are doing, which they can because local+dscan, and come in with a dozen marauders, which they will.
And then you get caught by a hyperspatial T3C the moment you leave the relative safety of the ESS anyway, because your specialized afterburner fits can't fight outside of the ESS.
And of course none of the people doing the attacking make significant money because the activity does not scale with the number of people involved.
And you need an alt that does nothing but hold and extract loot.
It's like someone in CCP had the bank robbing idea, management greenlit it and then the nullniggers in CCP realized what just happened and rushed to heap a bunch of nonsensical conditions to it so it can't be done.
So people just do it with a overpropped stabber, earn a few pennies, realize it's a waste of time and move on.
please stop complaining about an aspect of the game you've never touched and are clueless as to how it actually works

small gangs rob ESS with <100m cruisers all the time, and they even kill retarded marauders while doing it.
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>activity has a 0.1% success rate because sometimes the locals are drunk, high or asleep
>points out the one time out of a thousand it worked out
>this is totally a real thing that happens
Because Eve is PAs only profitable game
Their other titles are running at a loss because their games are deader than Eve
stop and consider for a moment that perhaps you're just doing it wrong
I just think mechanics like the ESS, moon siphons, etc are just dumb in general. They never really function as intended because there's never both sides on with similar power levels.

Ratting fleets sort of work because the defender is out on the grid doing their activity and making ISK, so when an attacker shows up, they can't always pull out cleanly and have to make a decision to fight or just salvage what they can. Their fleets run long enough that they're vulnerable for some time, so attackers have a little bit to prepare a force to meet them or just chance into them by luck.

By comparison, ESS and similar have the attacker initiate it at a time when it's most annoying for the defenders to respond and unless it's a large alliance on 24/7, usually the bank will just be robbed without a fight. If it is a large alliance, a disproportionate response will hit the field and chase off the attackers. Actual combat between two similarly matched groups almost never happens, so from the defenders' perspectives it's just an annoying that that occurs with no reward and from the attackers' perspectives it's a tossup if they make ISK or just get stomped.
do you think aiko danuja is a real girl? do you think she maybe touches her pussy when she's bullying miners?
I assume most of safety are just bots at this point, going about their normal subroutine. Getting mad at them is like getting mad at rats for killing you.

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