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>This game is absolutely gonna be the CoD Killer you guys!!
>We had some public beta tests that nobody has heard any kind of feedback from, and we aren't promoting it at all, but it'll definitely be a good, healthy competitor to CoD!
>Don't worry, we won't let it sit without updates for a year before publicly executing it! When have we ever done that before?
no one except over hyping retards call it the "cod killer"
its just a arcade shooter in the style of older cods and perfect for people who are tired with the sweat feast that is current cod
>perfect for people who are tired with the sweat feast that is current cod
absolutely not
>perfect for people who are tired with the sweat feast that is current cod

This games barely casual its a pure SMG/AR sweatfest right now all the other guns kinda suck ass and the self heal bitch is the go to sweat pick.
I'd be surprised if it survives until 750
Played one game, ran like shit. Switched renderers and turned down settings, game was half shit while I assumed shaders loaded in the background. Third game was really fun and I got a bunch of kills and it was cool but at the end of the day all the games are low stakes, meaningless, and kind of boring. I guess it's okay to jump in every now and then for 30 minutes but I tend to not enjoy games like that anymore.
this nigga playng on a pentium 3 lmoa
Yeah, you're definitely the target audience for this game. Hope you're enjoying it!
yea the game is definitely not aimed at brain rotten ranked addicts who won't do anything in life if they can't see 'number go up' on the heckin rankerinno
The only game I regularly play doesn't actually have a ranking system or even matchmaking for that matter. We just usually all get on at around the same time and play. The games are much longer and feel more high stakes though, and generally feel more competitive than something like Call of Duty. I think its weird for you to get all sore over people pointing out that XDefiant exists to occupy the same space that Modern Warfare 2 did while you were still a twinkle in your father's eye.
damn bro that's real crazy, tell us the name of that fps that doesn't actually have a ranking system or even matchmaking for that matter and generally feel more competitive than something like Call of Duty
so you're comparing an arena fps from the 90s with a cod cloneslop and acting all high and mighty?
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All I did was give my opinion in a thread shitting on the game and I didn't even shit on the game, just explained why it wasn't for me. This your first time using 4chan or something? Do you know how imageboards tend to operate?
>play a fast paced fps who marketed itself by claiming to not have sbbm on unranked matches
>uhh bros... me no liky... me brain no give feel good chemicals... too fast paced and no stakes... me game better... should be like game QUAKE ARENA (2+ decade old game)
>why (SHIT RELEASED IN 2024) no worky well on me computer that shat itself after the world moved to x64 15 years ago... me no understand.... me better play quake arena again.... too much difference make brain hurt...
Who are you quoting? I didn't say any of that. I just feel like the games are too low stakes due to their short nature. I don't know how anyone can like playing for just 10 minutes before being inundated with challenge unlocks and battle passes and XP. I certainly don't remember a battle pass when I played MW2 on my xBox 360. I guess you'd understand if you were there.
bro why are you treating the xbox 360 like some fucking antiquity you absolutely retarded nigger lmao
>anyone can like playing for just 10 minutes before being inundated with challenge unlocks and battle passes and XP
you're talking about... the screen that shows up in the end of a match?
>I didn't say any of that. I just feel like the games are too low stakes due to their short nature
>>play a fast paced fps who marketed itself by claiming to not have sbbm on unranked matches
>>uhh bros... me no liky... me brain no give feel good chemicals... too fast paced and no stakes... me game better... should be like game QUAKE ARENA (2+ decade old game)
"Fast paced" is clearly referring to the gameplay, not how quickly the game can shit you in and out of lobbies to advertise more garbage to your face. That's not a "feature" anyone wants. Except you, apparently.
show me the advertisements you're getting BOMBARDED and BLINDED BY on this free to play game when compared to the 2009's MW2 (a 60 dollar, without accounting inflation and xbox live, triple A game made by a major publisher)
>fast paced gameplay
yes, it's a cod clone, have you ever played call of duty in your life or do you just talk about it as a hobby while you play quake arena with your tulpa?
weird ass motherfucker
I'm been able to go positive with a shotgun, LMG and sniper. Maybe your aim just shit
was interested in it until i saw gameplay of it, looks like a shit chinese ripoff of cod. it's ubisoft as well so half the characters are ugly creatura zoomers
only complaints so far are that I hate the healer bitch and the sam fisher clone, but, i'm having a chill time.
RPK my raifu is here and I can play as one of my favorite gangs from the Divsion, so, i'm pretty happy.
don't know if I wanna give ubishit money since if I do and the game dies, i'm 100% not getting a refund
>ehh but if you don't support the game, it'll die anyway!
yeah, well, it is what it is
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Hey shotgun users: use the invisible perk in the splinter cell faction
It makes them way more fun to use and I haven't had this much fun playing a cod type game with shotties since MW 2019
>buying mtx
you are the reason fps games are so shit now disgusting pig
nigger did you not fucking read I said I'm not going to buy anything from this game unless it makes it past a year because ubisoft is not going to refund anyone
just corner camp
nothing makes sweats nigger their pants harder than some timmy in the corner with a shotgun
this has to be bait, ubisoft is trying so hard to make this the next esport contender, which is obviously the case with their streams on their main channel and spamming drops to inflate their twitch numbers.
/vg/ thread died, I come crawling back
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well that sucks. didn't really feel like the general was too populated and doubt the game had much fanart to bump with

anyways yet another 2x XP weekend only this time it's weapon xp AND battle pass xp!
KEK your shit general died and got deleted.
>x2 bp exp
I was going to wait until the patch next week before playing again, but I should probably make use of this.
Honestly I was expecting this game to be a straight to /vm/ release and was surprised it even made it to the end of two /v/g threads, nobody made a 3rd though.
Holy shit shizo. Imagine having this big of a melty just cuz some anon doesn’t like your modern AAA Hero FPS-slop.
Read the room. Most of us don’t like it.
They have Patty ‘ACHES’ Price (best pro CoD player to ever walk the earth) helping design the game, so yes it’s aiming to be an esport.
So this is where all the money for development and better servers went
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I hate this game
Great game, real fun
Y-y-you t-t-too th-t-thanks.
This game taught me a valuable lesson that SBMM is good because without it it puts all the laggers, cheaters and mexicans on the other team instead of on my team like how all other games work.
I like how they put one class behind a paywall and it's the most broken class. You just send out little bots that just seeks people out and does like 50 damage to them and stuns them for 8 seconds.

And I enjoy getting put into games that are ending in 1 minute in a crushing defeat. Great game.
No SBMM plz understand.
DedSec is unquestionably the worst faction. While the spiderbot is a free kill for retards, most of the abilities in the game meet those same qualifications while also having more ubiquitous uses. Granted, spiderbot is also probably the most obnoxious way to die, but compare one free kill every thirty seconds to having near 100% uptime wallhacks with a 3-stack echelon team while rendering your own radar completely useless because they never show up on it, and then their ult is a OSK pistol that gives also gives them wallhacks and ALSO reveals your location to their team.
The only reason spider bot isn't shit is because it can bug out.
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>perfect for people who are tired with the sweat feast that is current cod
>this is everyone's go to for why they supposedly hate SBMM
>Xdefiant removes SBMM
>every match is still a sweat fest with niggers ONLY using meta weapons like ACRs, MP7s, TAC50s, AKs, and M16s
>no uses anything except meta weapons
>nobody just runs around and gets kills
>niggers on head glitches or bunny hopping jumping around bouncing off walls like Jim Carrey in The Mask
Please tell me again how this is supposed to save me from SBMM? I go double or triple positive but I still lose. My enemies are all sweaty try hard faggots. And my teammates are brain dead fucking apes. I'm literally playing SBMM CoD except now I have to dodge X-Men abilities while doing it.
This is such a tired fucking argument on both sides. SBMM (the CoD-style hidden MMR) is dogshit because it dictates to you how your matches *should* be regardless of what it has to do to get there. These systems are gay and manipulative in casual playlists because you can't see what criteria they're using to match you up, and I highly suspect (based on my experience in games with these sorts of algorithms) that this is because these systems actively sabotage players or set them up for slam-dunks based on how far their stats (W/L, K/D) have deviated from the baseline. Winning too much? The game pairs you with people who patently refuse to play the objective. Running through too many lobbies? You're playing the sweatiest cracked out zoomers until we get you back in line, you might win or lose the match, but you're not going to have fun either way. Then when you get your mandatory dick-flattening you get tossed a few pity lobbies where the enemy team is just food being served on a plate to you.

I don't give a fuck about sweaty versus not sweaty, I just want to know that if I leave a lobby and try to find another one where I can actually hang I actually have a shot at it rather than the game deciding that I get to have fun on its terms rather than mine. Most people are going to be running meta setups with meta tactics, and if you're solo-queueing you will have to deal with your teammates refusing to play the objective the same way we did in 2008 when the server browser started going the way of the dodo. The abilities are fucking dogshit and ruin the game, though. I will literally leave a lobby if I see more than one echelon with intel suit, because I already know I'm having zero fun.
Why yes I only run spider bot and flashbangs and camp corners. How could you tell?
I think I would literally rather deal with this than be setting up an absolute god-tier flank only to see [Revealed by Intel Suit]. That shit is fucking suicide inducing.
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Capture the Flag mode
GSK (R6S) Faction
3 maps (one every month)
3 weapons (LVOA-C assault rifle, L115 sniper rifle, Sawed-off Shotgun sidearm)
At least one new device
More mastery skins

GSK abilities seem to be barbed wire and trophy system, ultra is blitz shield
In 2008 I didn't have to sweat this hard to do well. I literally dropped 100 kills with every weapon in BO1 besides secondaries and snipers. I didn't even TRY to do that. It just naturally happened while playing Domination. The whole point of my previous post is that faggots lied.

Everyone claimed that they want to turn their brain off. They want to use ANY GUN not meta weapons to do well. They want to play with their shitty friends who aren't that good at the game. That was SUPPOSEDLY why SBMM is EVIL and WRONG and shit. And yet here we are....with NO SBMM in XDefiant, and as a solo player EVERY LOBBY is a sweaty NIGGER FEST. Every faggot I play against is jumping up and down with an MP7 and ACR or sitting on a head glitch with a TAC 50 sniper. These lobbies aren't indicative of people who want "CASUAL" experience. These lobbies aren't indicative of people who want to use fun loadouts and random whacky shit besides META GUNS. These lobbies are indicative of people who want to play with their shit friends when EVERY squad is a 5-6 man stack of wannabe COD Champ niggers playing like there is a million dollars on the line.

And for the record I understand that some people are just NATURALLY good and don't have to try. That's totally fine. But there is a difference from being NATURALLY GIFTED and NATURALLY GOOD AT GAMES WITH GOOD REACTION TIMES VS ONLY USING META WEAPONS, USING JUMPING AIR STRAFE EXPLOITS AND SHIT JUST TO GET EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE KILL.

The dude casually dropping 60 kills with a shitty MP5 or M4....totally fine. I can believe that kid isn't trying and is just naturally good at games. The nigger that's bunny hopping and slide canceling around corners with a golden MP7 is 100% trying. And I'm just confused because I thought the whole point of NO SBMM meant we wouldn't have to try every lobby. People would be able to run around with melees or pistols and still have fun but those days are clearly over with it.
The world changed, same thing happened with physical card games like MtG. You could always netdeck even in the 90s but most of the decks you could see online were people still just guessing or only depicting their local meta, they didn't have real data to back it up. Other than that most people just made their own decks, copied from their friends or from a magazine. Then in the 2000s there was tons of people analyzing tournament wins and crunching data to breakdown all the play and win rates.
A lot of people are saying streamer culture or whatever caused this in video games but it's really is a symptom of the analytics and sharing data openly. For League of Legends you could already see what the meta was on some dedicated sites for the game before twitch and tiktok even existed. If the data wasn't available to back things up streamers would just be guessing or relaying their personal experience only. A meta would still form but it would take longer and it might not be the correct one.
Remember before WoW classic came out all the old farts who played og vanilla (including me) were talking about how hard it was and how the newfags would have a tough time. In reality it was easy as shit compared to retail and all the content got destroyed way faster than back in the day. It wasn't just because original WoW in the old days was full of people who didn't know what they were doing. Even what the expert elite raiders of the day theory-crafted was actually wrong.
You just typed paragraphs and paragraphs of fucking nothing. Again. My point is that all these faggot ass niggers claimed they wanted a casual game mode and yet nobody is playing casually. Everyone is trying their ass off...they all fucking lied. They don't want a casual matchmaking experience that's chill where everyone is having fun and just relaxing. Jumping around corners slid canceling bunny hopping 720 isn't "relaxing" no matter how much copium you ingest. If people truly wanted a casual experience they wouldn't just ONLY use the best/meta guns in the game, they would use other shit. Now in COD, because of the SBMM/EOMM you're being matched up with similar skill players, and they're all going to be using META WEAPONS because they too know they're going to be matched up with similiar skill players.

Now fast forward to XDefiant. There is no SBMM. So you aren't getting matched up with similar skill players. You're being matched with people of similar ping/connection and then the lobby is balancing based on skill rating (which I know some people feel is SBMM but it isn't). NOW IF ALL OF THIS IS TRUE....WHY DO THESE NIGGERS STILL FEEL THE NEED TO ONLY USE ACRS AND MP7S AND AKS AND M16S?????? There is no more SBMM...which means your matches aren't sweaty anymore right? Which means you no longer have to ONLY use meta weapons right? And yet as I've said before, every match I play there is sweaty jumping niggers NON-FUCKING-STOP. In 10 matches, I might get one or two where I don't actually have to try and I can switch to something shitty like the MP5 and level that up. But in 8 out of 10 matches, I run an MP5 or M4, get bitched 3-4 times and then I've forced to switch to an MP7 or ACR if I want to compete and actually do well. What is the point of NO SBMM if I'm still playing in SBMM lobbies with retards for teammates and niggers using META WEAPONS???

All of this was for nothing then. These faggots just want bots and punching bags to beat on to feel good.
All of this was for nothing then. These faggots just want bots and punching bags to beat on to feel good. And the thing is there is nothing wrong with that. There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to beat up on scrubs or noobs or bots. So why can't faggots just say that's what they want? Why do we have to act like this shit is the Olympics or a boxing match or some shit? There needs to be a FAIR MATCH AT ALL TIMES or some shit? It's a fucking videogame.
>This particular argument against SBMM is stupid, therefore SBMM is good.
>therefore SBMM is good
Show me where I said that brain dead nigger.
Switched to proxy mine and now I get way more kills. :^)
KEK it died again!
i cant tell if xdefiant being nothing but reused assets from ubisoft's other shooters is lazy or brilliant
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Jump spamming and snipers nerfed
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>their solution was making the screen gradually doing 8's past three jumps
zoomer spastics still cuck their way out with jump spamming btw, nothing changed
yeah it only starts kicking in with your fourth jump
completely pointless change
Snipers and Jumping shotting still as good as ever. Love when devs make worthless patches, lol!
>shitters on reddit are already still crying it's not enough
LMAOOOOO glorious hearing their tears hit their keyboard
t. shitter
Me a shitter? Naa, I use the tac 50 and jump shot ya sperg. Got my gold skin this double XP weekend.
Why would you launch a cod clone without any deathmatch playlists?
Sure man, sure.
It's because they're no different from CoD and they have to dripfeed content to keep people interested. 1 map a month and people are acting like Xdefiant devs are gods. How is that any different from CoD dropping 2-3 new maps each season + reloaded content mid-season? It just goes to show that faggots (and by faggots I mean nigger brain gamers) will just suck off shit they like and mindlessly hate shit they don't. The game is literally a carbon copy of CoD but because the narrative is "cod bad grrr" everyone is sucking this game off. Don't get me wrong the game can be fun....but it's literally just COD carbon copy.
>The game is literally a carbon copy of CoD
I wish, it feels far more incomplete compared to CoD right now.
Well in certain aspects yes. I just mean that the game is literally just CoD but these faggots are acting like Ubisoft reinvented the wheel or some shit. In many aspects it's waaaay worst than CoD. But NO SBMM means the Youtubers/Streamers can stomp in their 6 man squads again, so they gotta make sure XDefiant's dick is tickling their tonsils.
>reinvented the wheel or some shit.
I mean, in a literal sense they did. CoD was actually a little behind the curve when it came to intrusive matchmaking algorithms, but the fact that XDefiant has a no-limits ping-based matchmaking in casual playlists makes it pretty unique in the field.

Problem is abilities are fucking trash and are one of the biggest things holding the game back right next to the netcode.
lmao, it's DOA. hackers everywhere already.
There isn't enough fun non meta weapons
I use the LMGs but if I get bored my only options are meta assault rifles
I don't enjoy using the smgs or snipers, shotguns are fine I guess.
The game has some gun variety but also it somehow feels it has less variety than games before it and I don't know why.
>Another AR-15
>Double barrel model, just shortened
So only one new weapon then...
whoever wrote this needs to stop trying to be entertaining.
>have to jump like 8 times in a row to max out the spread
>shotgun spread is like twice as bad as any other gun

its not like shotgun jump spamming was a fucking problem lol
I really don't know what they were thinking with the patch. I thought the game was supposed to be more grounded and slow, but if they're catering to the ADHD crowd then I might as well go back to CoD since XDefiant feels like dollar store CoD anyway.
t. shitter who wants people to stand still for free easy kills
Turns out people who wanted something more akin to older CoD games don't like retarded janky movement tech. Zoomers should be banned from all video games until they develop some taste.
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t. old decreipt nigger that can't press jump while shooting
I thought boomers played impossible to beat arcade games? I know the older console games were hard as shit too in the NES/SNES/SEGA era as well? And yet all you old fucks stomp your feet and shit your pants because someone is better than you? Why can't you just get gud? The shit "zoomers" are doing you can do too if you weren't so shit at the game. Adapt or cry, the choice is yours shitter.
I didn't read your post because you're a zoomer. I just wanted you to know that.
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I'm 31 lmao not a zoomer. I'm just not a shitter like you nigger. Cry more.
Nigga why would I play this when I can (and am) playing a game with better movement and gunplay instead? The only reason I even gave this game a chance is because it advertised itself as going back to the old CoD roots, which it evidentially doesn't.
the patch changes feel completely reactionary, like they had no idea what was wrong with their game until people said something.

another thing i see that didn't get fixed was how you can go straight from a slide into a jump and theres no animation of you getting up, you just blink right into the jump animation.
The sniper change is something that was something that should have been a thing day 1. Forget the other shit that *should* be obvious, having a one-hit kill weapon in a game with a very long TTK relative to the franchise it's aping is a massive point of contention, and the biggest question should be how you fucking balance it. Bunny-hopping is less immediately offensive, so I can understand why they don't necessarily get it, but the fact they had to add flinch to snipers after the fact like it was some earth-shattering revelation that being able to tank bullets at 50m and then kill someone in one shot might negatively impact the game is not a good sign for things to come.
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>"which attachments? whatever makes the gun look bigger bro"
Is this game made for third worlders specifically? I don't see a single white dude amongst all the characters.
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picrel are the only white dudes in the entire game and they're completely covered
remember sweet baby inc works for ubi
Im a thirdworlder and I cant find a single matches
The next faction is 3 Germans.
so turks
It'll be all premium characters. I imagine they're going to add Altair, Desmond, Sam Fisher, etc later on as premium characters for each factions. It makes 0 sense they have access to all these protags but all the factions are made up of LITERAL WHOS. So they must be planning on using them as cashouts for ez money. You know cows will jump at the chance to play Echelon as Sam Fisher.
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>yet another 2XP weekend
>retard would rather have to get 35 kills to level up weapons instead of 18 or 8 kills if he pops 2xp boosters
Are you really this braindead?
I mean, they kind of have to. Until the content really starts rolling out they need to rely on FoMO to maintain good numbers. I don't play outside of 2XP weekends because levelling takes for fucking ever normally and I'm hoping the game will be good later. That being said if by the time Season 1 drops they don't have a decent roadmap for unfucking active abilities I'm probably dropping the game.
where did i say i am against 2XP? i find it weird they're throwing 'em out like candy
Rubin already said on Twitter they're going to tweak the weapon xp progression because people have been complaining. See >>1329417
So until they fix it (which probably won't happen until s1) they're giving us 2xp every weekend. How is that weird?
Can't wait till the game dies so this fag above me is forced to crawl back to CoD with its sbmm.
>italian american
Makes sense I guess, the Phantoms are super jarring to look at as someone who played GR Phantoms back in the day.
Dead game, please understand.
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I actually looked it up at launch but couldn't find their nationalities. I assumed it was these two as the only whites exactly because you couldn't see their skin at all. I didn't expect to be right lmao.
It's funny in a different way too though.
>White dudes love playing as fully covered/armored dudes with hidden face
>Ubisoft makes white dudes fully covered
Thanks for catering to the rank-and-file fetish Ubisoft. I'm sure you did that by accident though.
What does it matter though? It's not like Ubisoft has a track record of being super diverse. Almost of their shit is filled with white people besides like maybe 2-3 games. Far Cry, 2 out of 3 of the Watch Dog games, and Prince of Persia. Otherwise everything else is white dudes. Splinter Cell. The Crew. Rainbow Six. Assassin's Creed.

If anything I'd be more upset that all the characters look like shit. The fire bitch is fully covered. Dedsec chick looks like they were trying to go for the hot goth look of Clara Lile but Gia just looks like a tranny. And the long hair Libertdad chick looks manish as fuck.

Which leaves us with the Libertad chick with the streak in her hair, who's kinda hot. The Echeolon chick who looks decent. And of course Gorgon from Phantoms who is probably the hottest chick in the game, but of course she's fully covered as well.

I don't get how these retards expect to sell their shitty $30 skins when half of the chicks in the game are covered up like fucking mormons or some shit. Sex sells and nobody wants to see some whore dressed in overalls and hazmat suits.
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>2 guys on enemy team fragging out with RPKs
>switch to my M60
>over the course of the game my team is still using nothing but ACRs and TACs
>meanwhile on their end they somehow convinced the last 4 members of their team to also slot in RPKs
>We lose and I can't even type in "good shit LMG bros" because there is no chat in this game
i just wanna talk bros
rpk is bad, they were just clowning on your team for fun
All of the LMGs are pretty dogshit. It's the forgotten weapon category in every modern shooter, the devs don't bother to balance out their horrid mobility with some nice firepower, the M60 has a fast TTK but it's completely kneecapped by the fact that it's only at close-to-mid range where in the time it takes you to ADS from standing you already got shredded by a viable weapon. They just don't fucking get it.
This. RPK is the worst LMG in the game, that fact that his team lost to that shit means they weren't even trying and still spanked them kek
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>ultra classified american super spy agency
>all immigrants
>t. migrant
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>play with a friend
>have a decent amount of fun, matches seem at least someone balanced/fair although he definitely carries/is more skilled than me

>play solo
>absolutely curb-stomped 9/10 matches and end up ragequitting and going back to MWIII
I wish.
so basically what you're saying is you're a boomer shitter that needs sbmm kek
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Gia is the "Boneless One"
Does that mean coward or is that a euphemism or what
Deadsec are skelly-hacker themed so maybe the boneless one is a wraith or banshee or something like that. Or it's just some inside joke.
No for sure, that's why I thought it was funny and why I wanted to hit them with the LMG love... But ubisoft won't let me chat to anyone but my team...
So uh
Is the AA12 bugged?
Even at just-out-of-melee range it's just faster to use the ACR to kill someone. I assumed the small mag size was the limiter, but I feel like even if I DO unlock the drum it won't actually improve. At least I'll stop running out of ammo while the enemy is still at 70% damage?
Is this one of those funny "please actually use the ironsights and aim for the head" kinda guns? Should I get good?
Nah it's just a bad melee weapon.
No, it really is that fucking bad. You are better off with a pistol 9/10 times, and 1/10 of the time they're merely comparable in performance.
>add sniper flinch
>doesn't actually do anything because of trash netcode exactly as predicted.
I see the new patch today killed the game it seems.
CoD always wins babyyy
it took way too long to unlock an attachment and them putting the battle pass as the next tab pissed me off so I deleted it.

Questions, comments concerns, faggots?
Top or bottom?
Ask your mother lil bro
She said something about a "power bottom".
the gear grind is pretty bad, especially for guns like the 870 where the choke is damn-near required for enjoyable use. whats funny is the double-barrel unlock tree ends at like lvl 12 whereas everything else goes on for 30 levels.

also yeah the XP grind is INSANE without a booster, but R6Siege also has pretty bad unboosted grind.
Damn this general is dead as hell. What happened?
honestly the game just isn't all that fun. weapon balance is still kinda ehh and the abilities are overall just really irritating.
Why not just play Cod4 or some shit?
RCE exploits.
It's a decent game, but there's nothing that really excites me about it. Nothing that makes me go "I can't wait to play the game again"
I played the game, gave it an honest chance. Abilities ruin it, flat out. I can deal with the shit netcode, I can deal with the questionable weapon balance and some of the crappy maps, I can deal with a lack of a mercenary playlist, but I don't see a world where they turn down operator abilities to make them less oppressive in how they influence the game, and a lack of SBMM doesn't make up for the fact that dying because someone's shit came off cooldown will never feel good.
They added TDM like the players asked for and it's just people camping.
It's actually less kills/xp than the objective modes because of having to search for kills instead of just following the markers.
Very first match I played was on Emporium and you guessed it, it was just faggots sitting in top B flag and kitchen camping. Whoever took over that area won. We won 100-49 because they literally couldn't take our team outta that spot once we took it over.

Just played another match and the shit ended 97-75 on Liberty because once again, faggots camping. And I had some fucking ape on my team going 5-22. While another retard went 0-6 because he was on a phone call the entire time but for some reason couldn't mute his fucking mic. TDM has to be the most pathetic shit they ever put in the game and that's including the dumb ass abilities. Game is fast paced and promotes rushing and yet faggots still dickride corners. Just fucking pathetic.
Sounds like it's the players who are wrong
TDM is just naturally a camp fest because the objective is to get kills and stay alive. So naturally people play like pussies, which is why a lot of people didn't want it added in the first place. Also, the game was built with objective based game modes in mind, half of the abilities are useless in a TDM mode, which means most lobbies will be filled with Echelon and Cleaners. And in the matches I've played, I've probably seen like maybe 4-5 ults used. Half of these tards aren't even able to get their ults within in the timespan of the match and that includes campfest where we reached the time limit before kill cap.
Also forgot to add that >>1339337 is wrong. You get more XP the more kills you get on a streak. So 2 kills, you get 150 xp a kill instead of 100, so on and so forth. So the longer the killstreak you go on, the more xp you get. Which again, just promotes camping and people playing like moist faggots.
welp, back to dirty bomb
>join payload match halfway through where the enemy pushed in 5 minutes and we are on attack now
>subway map
>enemy is all snipers
>pick phantom and just push card with riot shield while sniper cucks watch
>at the last point, activate shield ult and watch as the idiot snipers desperately try to take out my shield
>none of them even try to contest the cart because they're too worried about kd
>win in 4.5 minutes
>top score on my team despite not being there for half of it
>enemy team blaming each other
These niggas should just queue TDM if they're gonna play like faggots.
everyone wants to have inflated stats so they can be scouted for Esports

t. i just made that up
>2xp weekend
>everyone starts playing like insufferable faggots because MUH CAMOS
Honestly, these games would be much better if they just removed stats. Now I see why CoD started hiding combat records and K/D. If there are no little magical internet virtual numbers, then everyone just runs around killing instead of playing like pussies.
>double xp weekend
>line goes up twice as fast
You zoomies get excited about the stupidest things. Gameplay is still trash.
t. Isonzo chad btw.
Are you retarded? I'm literally complaining about 2xp weekend, you mouthbreathing ape.
keep saying it
Keep coping, tard.
1v1 me Tac 50 only.
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Guys the marksman rifles are actually disgustingly good. It’s like having the autosniper in counterstrike. Literally zero downsides, 2 shots to kill, negligible recoil. They’re better than shotguns at close range. I wanna use the svd but the other one looks cooler and I like guns to be gucci. These things and LMGs outclass everything else by a huge margin
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>Outclassing anything
Why the fuck does it take 5 minutes to open this god-damn game. I don't need to sit through 5 unskippable logos.
>LMGs out class everything
Nah. M249 is wet as fuck. The M60 is serviceable but still not as good as the M249. The RPK is DOG SHIT. Unless you're sitting in a corner waiting for people to run past and shoot them in the back, you're gonna get outgunned by actual good guns. RPK has dog shit ADS speed, dog shit strafe, dog shit fire rate, dog shit damage. I'm pretty sure the only good thing about the RPK is that it has a quicker reload speed than the other LMGs, that's literally it. It's essentially the MDR of LMGs. What you said about the Marksman rifles are true though, especially if you use Cleaners. I absolutely raped mfs today trying to level up MK20 and unlock the SVD.
If you use spider bots you're a dog shit nigger. Imagine being so shit at a game you need to follow around some cheap shit for a free kill. I swear I only ever see low skill no aim having niggers using that shit.
It's funny that the only downside to snipers is that it's not good at objectives. You are reliant on your teammates at that point.

If it's TDM and you pick anything other than a sniper, then I just assume you're griefing me and you will be reported.
>Hope you like spider bots ;)
I also run flashbang too.
Why does the block feature not work in this game? I have been blocking anyone better than me because anyone better than me has to be a cheater. I also write their name down on a txt file. I still end up playing with the same cheaters.
It only works if the person you're blocking blocks you as well. I've seen people say report and block cheaters but it doesn't matter if the cheater doesn't block you himself.

I know personally because I play on PS5 with crossplay off and I run into the same RD_Cypher nigger and his little 4 man squad every time I play. Faggot ass nigger is NEVER solo, only plays with a 4 stack like a dog shit faggot. I blocked him and his merry band of niggers, but I still get into matches with them.
KEK what a shit game. Uninstalled.
Spiderbot would be a completely balanced and cool ability if it was an actual mine that you could set down and have it stay there and catch braindead rushers, instead of having no use except collecting one free kill or dropping it at an ultra user's feet.
which one of you faggots is this?
Literally anyone chad enough to pick up the M16.
M16 is an S tier gun, what are you talking about retard? It melts people, even Phantoms.
It's an S tier gun but fps npcs don't bother using it.
It's because in most cases the AK47/ACR is better and are much easier to beat out MP7 jumping faggots. Close quarters, you're going to lose that gunfight against competent players, where you have a higher chance at winning with AK or ACR.

Medium to long distance, M16 is a literal god. Especially with heavy barrel. 1 burst kill if headshot, 2 burst kill, even to phantoms. You're melting kids even if you're shit, but if you're actually good you're fucking deleting people if you hit your head shots.

If you want to call him a chad, he'd have to be using a dog shit gun like the RPK or M4 or the shotguns. That's truly some Chad shit right there.
Try it with recoil attachments; it is the fastest ADS AR so you can sacrifice a bit to get the same ADS as the other ARs but much much tighter recoil.
I did. My M4 is like 140 or something, it's ass. It's just a shittier ACR. Just as bad as the MDR honestly. I finally started sniping and now I see why people suck them off...snipers are ridiculously easy and kinda fun.
>on 8 win streak
>lose it because i get placed in a TDM in progress and the score is 30-85.
Thanks game.
You know you can artificially pump your win streak by just quitting? It doesn't remove your win streak for some reason...I don't even think it counts as a lost. As I quit any time they load me into a losing match. And my WIN/LOSS is still 1.7. It's how faggots be having 300+ win streaks. Any time they're about to lose they just quit and it doesn't end the streak.
New patch, actually sticking to the roadmap so far new faction, new map, 3 new guns
>Changed the expiration timing of activated Boosters so their lifespan counts down only during match time, when you're actually playing, rather than all the time, like when you're folding laundry or whatever.
>Tuned Match Bonus XP rewards: MVP and Victory went from 2,000 to 1,000 XP. Draw went from 1,000 to 500. Completion doubled from 2,000 to 4,000 to encourage player stick-to-itiveness.
plus some inconsequential nerfs like cooldown on the scan but doesn't actually make it any weaker.
Flashbang stud here. This new patch is great FB and Spiderbot both got stealth buffs!
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>mag barrier nerfed to oblivion
this game will die if the only ones playing are CoD failed sweats hope more people trickle in
>Zoomers should be banned from all video games until they develop some taste.
Are Doom and Quake zoomer games? Retard.
>had mouse acceleration turned off for mouse/keyboard
No wonder this game felt so sluggish. I was trying to flick from people to people but it just never worked. I still get shit KDs, but at least I don't die to kills I could easily have gotten if the flick worked.
>The games were low stake
It's fucking VIDEOGAMES, of course they're low stakes, unless you play the fucking Sword Art Online type bullshit.
Do you read like half the words in an alternating order and then try to guess the original meaning of the message based on this half?
what in the FUCK is this shotgun spread. Like, why does it even fucking change? I mean, if in real life I jump 8 times, do 50 sit ups, spin around 10 times, down a bottle of everclear, bang my head on the wall and then pull the trigger, the spread from my shotgun still would be the same.
>The only white dudes
>The next faction is 3 Germans.
>playing with mouse acceleration
You're a retard.
CoD "movement" isn't anything like Quake and I'm tired of you disingenuous faggots trying to convince people it is.
>movement on Doom
KEK! Let me guess. 2016/Eternal was your first entry in the franchise? Also bunny hopping and rocket jumping in Quake take a lot more skill than simply spamming jump/slide cancel in cod lil zoomie.
This game needs the relative aiming coefficient setting yesterday. Aiming down sights feels too sluggish. And I suspect fine adjustments are ignored entirely.
>make game have bouncy movement
>give controllers autoaim
>allow crossplay
What's the point of bouncing around against the controllercucks if they just autotrack you?
>game starts 3v6
>no problem this game has hundreds of thousands of concurrent players
>3v6 entire game
>ultra mega lose
Yeah, this is a dead game.
Turn on input based matchmaking retard
how you do that in ranked you stupid nigger faggot?
>playing ranked
You are exactly what's wrong with casual fps games nowadays.
The only male is a turk
>3 maintenance patches this week along
>with every update these monkeys break like 4-5 other things
>shit that was broken on release back in May (for example the weapon/faction challenge tracking) are STILL broken to this day
I genuinely don't get it. Fucking apes are so happy to not have NO SBMM that they slurp Ubisoft's shrimp dick even though the game is abymsal and broken at every turn. Does it have potential? 100%. Will it even matter when these retards can't get anything right? Nope.
It's a janky CoD with Overwatch elements. I don't see any potential. Considering how most players are just mw3 refugees, it's safe to assume the game will die this autumn with the release of BO6. Ubicuck's cash cow is Siege anyway.
Despite your faggotry, the game is still fun. The game has potential to stick around and be a fun CoD alternative to Activision's faggotry. Literally every update breaks something. Previously it broke the ability to melee before your death. If you did it brick'd your character and you'd have to quit because you couldn't run, shoot, jump, melee, or anything. S1 update fucked spider bots and completely fucked the frame rate for some people on PC and mostly PS5 users. The 2nd update they did yesterday fucked the frame rate even more and somehow spider bots no longer had the 40 sec delay that they implemented into the initial patch and now had 25 second delay timer. And now this 3rd patch/hot fix they put out today seemed to have fix the frame rate for some people but a lot of people are still complaining. It's a fucking shit show. It's clear as day that this game wasn't ready to be released when it did in May. It's also clear as day that the engine was fucked as well and I heard someone say that they knew this 2 years ago a but said fuck it and kept using which is why the netcode and desync is so shit. It will forever be shit. The thing is if they fixed all the other bullshit, the desync people could live with because I died around corners/walls all the time in BO1 back in the day.
>it's safe to assume the game will die this autumn with the release of BO6.
And people will come running right back to this once they get raped by the SBMM/EOMM. I'm not playing or buying that shit unless my friend buys it and gameshares it with me since he loves zombies. Treyarch already cucked me with Cold War, that game was pure dog shit. Treyarch is just as bad as IW now, I don't give a shit about BO1, BO2, or BO3, they've burned any good faith they had with Cold War.
Dead boring ass game.
>meta is 3 phantoms and 1 hacker to EMP the phantom bubbles
Ranked was a mistake.
>ranked mode drops
>suddenly a huge drop in meta guns
>actually at least one person in every game with an LMG
>seeing DBs and AA12s running around
Holy shit
This is suddenly way more fun, instead of the entire kill feed just being 2 guns, actually good patch.
It's actually insane to me how much zoomer faggots push that shit when movement tech in shit like Quake, or really most old-school shooters was more about navigating the map quickly something that would not help you in a firefight beyond maybe the first or second shot fired. Quake movement has inertia, you can't make drastic adjustments to your direction of movement, so movement in a firefight only really helps at the absolute beginning. Zoomer movement is spastic nonsense without any inertia or momentum, anybody who thinks the movement in MW3 is acceptable does not have a right to talk about "movement tech"
You must be playing at shitter Bronze levels because nobody at actual high levels are running random retarded shit like that. Actual high skill lobbies are still ACR/MP7. I've seen some retards running AK but actual comp that knows AK are GA'd aren't really running them because they know a ruleset/restiction will eventually be applied.
Now THIS is retarded. I don't know why the fuck they would release a ranked mode with no faction limits. Even BO3 and BO4 had specialist drafts, ban/protect system, and a ruleset when ranked finally launched. This game is a fucking joke. Nonstop bugs and glitches. Shit like rapid fire reducing recoil STILL being a thing after like 4 recent patches they just put out this week alone. The game is fun but the devs are a fucking joke. Anybody that thinks this game will have an actual eSport scene is beyond brain dead.
I think other anon is saying all the good players moved to rank, so unranked is just filled with shitters that are just doing whatever instead of using all the tryhard meta guns and owning the lobby.
I mean that's still not true. The new mastery camos dropped some faggots are still jumping around and sweating so they can get level 400 on their ACR/AK/MP7.
How are the new guns? Is the Lv-whatever just a better m4?
this game is just boring. theres nothing to it. i havent come back to play it
they didnt actually nerf one of the few fun things in the game did they?

LOL, lmao!
It's hilarious going to the subreddit and seeing these faggots suck him off for insulting people on Twitter because his game is a buggy piece of shit. Their new favorite buzzword is "transparency" aka the damage control he's doing every time they put out an update patch that breaks 5-10 other things. But hey, as long as he comes on Twitter and tell people that they're working on fixing all the stupid shit they fucked up, he's their god. It's genuinely pathetic. I see why the autists on this site hate reddit now.
>boot up game for first time after it goes public
>get into first match of the day
>player flying around aimbotting people
>uninstall the game
It was inevitable. Without some sort of price barrier to deter all but the most determined third-worlders you would need the world's most powerful anticheat, this game has neither. Companies that do this shit are just asking for their games to die.
I mean that's not true Fortnite is f2p and the cheating was nowhere near this rampant. It really just comes down to whether or not the devs/company give a fuck. Ubisoft is a billion dollar company, who is owned/backed primarily by Tencent, another billion dollar company. If they genuinely wanted to get rid of cheaters and implement actual decent anti-cheat they would have and could have, but they don't really give a shit. The game was clearly forced to release so they could get ahead of BO6. The game was released unfinished and buggy as fuck. Every update breaks like 5 other things. It's a complete shit show and Rubin's retarded ass just goes on social media screeching like a tard to anyone that shits on his broken ass game. It really makes since that he was apart of IW for OG MW2 because that game was a broken shitpile as well, even though the game was still fun. XDefiant is still fun but also a broken shitpile.
>i hack your barbed wire
The Internet of Things is totally the future, you guys.
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You just caught them in one circle jerk, if you wait a day they get into another one going the opposite direction. That's why reddit is bad, downboating means each thread is just one opinion even if it's the complete opposite opinion from yesterday.
Olympic gold medal mental gymnastics these clowns do everyday defending this game. Don't get me wrong it's fun but 9,000 fucking bugs. Shit breaking during every patch. I had some faggot in the discord telling me that I can't blame the devs for fucking shit up with each patch and how it isn't intentional. No shit it isn't intentional retard but them fucking up the game is still them fucking up the game. If someone accidentally knocked over a drink and spilled it on you, they still fucking spilled something on you, whether they intended to or not, you can still blame them for said action. The people defending this shit are literally brainwashed because they've been getting donkey dick'd by SBMM for the past 5 years, they'll excuse anything all in the name of NO SBMM. Rubin could literally pull his dick out and slap it on their forehead and they'd have a Joker smile on their face because NO SBMM DOEEE.

It's like yeah the game is fun but it'd be even more fun if it wasn't a broken piece of fucking shit. Half of the people on playstation can't even play because of the fucking god awful frame drop bullshit with the last 2 updates. And another half of players can't even play on PC because they're getting DELTA-4 or MIKE1 errors. But these fucking monkeys on Twitter and Reddit just continue to shovel Rubin's dick in their esophagus like the game is flawless. It's free doeeee so you can't complain doeee. Fucking retards.
Anyone else have the nigger cleaner for some reason be the loudest out of any class? If my team is him, I can hear him reload, activate spell, throw grenade, etc. even if he's on the entire other side of Attica and shit.
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>13 kills a match
>0 MVPs
Is this the game for people too retarded and slow to play siege?
>snooze six siege
>get called a tryhard for using MP5
did it get buffed or something?
it was an mp7 nigger you tapped wasn't he?
No MP5 still the same he probably called you a tryhard because you were slide cancelling and jumping around corners like a sweaty nigger at CoD Champs.
sh-shut up...
Try killing this ;)
I had fun and managed to get into the top 10 world ranking with shotguns but stopped. The bunny hopping killed all enjoyment I had for the game and Ubi made it clear they aren't going to properly nerf it.
Playing 10 matches is the worst daily challenge. It takes longer than literally all other challenges combined even if you lose every match.
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actually enjoying this more than CoD atm
I just go afk for 10 matches cause the game still does not kick you for afk, lol!
>queue game
>join match in progress where we're losing
>stay and lose
>queue again
>join another match in progress where we're losing hard
>stay and lose
>queue again
>join another match that's losing heavily
>leave and find match
>get into fresh lobby
I'm learning to just say fuck it and leave matches now.
Blessed, the more people that leave games to more fucked up the match making well get and the more people will quit this game.
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>guess i'm not completing one of the dailies
>Start playing again today
>First match winning badly
>Still alt-f4 before it's over
>Game feels like dogshit to play
I'll play with you anon OWO
You're like 2 months late retard. Any time they throw me in a match where the team is getting pounded I just quit. There is no leave penalty and you're just tanking your win/loss by staying. Maybe once they add prestige the 4K match bonus might be worth staying for but even then I won't be staying.

I refuse to go 5-10 and get fucked because some shitter joined a match, got raped, and then decided to quit. I'm not taking someone else's ass whooping for them and that's literally what you're doing by staying in the match. You're not the reason why the team is losing 600-125...so why should you stay and get a lost on your record? Fuck that noise.
I want to get all the shotguns to max-level. Any tips?
You'd have more fun smashing your own nuts with a spiked bat.
Yeah, the more sloppy seconds games I get put into, the more I understand what people mean. There's no point in staying in it, because the reason why you get put into it is because someone left because they're getting curb stomped.

And considering the niggers that leave are the KD shitters, that means your team's best player likely left so you get to be in the game that just gets crushed.
>scrolling through faction too fast causes the game to freeze and crash
There's always fucking something with this fucking game.
This game will not survive BO6's release unfortunately. I've already stopped playing. The desync is horrible to battle. You got fags running in 3+ stacks. The shitty lobby balancing which makes most games feel like SBMM lobbies if you're even slightly above average stats-wise and solo q. And then to top it all off nothing works. Grenades still randomly bug out. Guns still firing after you die and respawn. Abilities just randomly glitching and not triggering when you use them. Sometimes they glitch out and "use" even though nothing happens and now you gotta wait for ANOTHER COOLDOWN. Or my favorite bug is when the ability just glitches out and you have to switch back and forth and die like 2 times before it starts the cooldown process for the ability again. It's just a complete and utter shit show. I'll be the first faggot to say I used to defend this game but I can't....I think I've played like 4-7 matches in the last 5 days. Literally have just been binge playing San Andreas and trying to 100% that instead because this game just isn't fun. The least these jews could've did was give us 2xp weekend to incentivize playing during all these bugs and glitches but nothing. And every faggot on Twitter and Reddit will just tell you "JuSt DoNt pLaY iT" "PlAY CoD ThEn" so I guess we just give them what they want and let their game die. Since the answer to any sort of criticism is to crawl up into a ball like a faggot and pretend it doesn't exist. I'm just glad the frame rate glitch happened immediately because I didn't get the play for the first week, which means I thankfully didn't buy the battle pass. These faggots won't receive another cent from me.
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Why is backing out to the menu slower than cod4 from nearly 20 years ago?
naa, :^)
Its still more fun than playing with normal guns and doing just as badly because I suck phat ass.
If you can't do well with an M249, ACR, MP7, M16, or AK, you might as well just uninstall shitter. Even an amputee could go triple positive with those guns.
>These faggots won't receive another cent from me.
What stupid cosmetic did you buy anon?
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S-stop bullying me...
Go back to Overwatch 2 faggot.
I've literally never played Overwatch.
It's free to play, so might as well give it a try.
I mean if you are willing to play this garbage.
I bought the battle pass and the 19.99 edition of the Founder Edition. I haven't bought a single cosmetic because you can't even see your skin in a FPS and secondly, all the cosmetics are ass in the game.
You said in your post you didn't pay the battle pass retard.
I said I didn't buy S1 battle pass you brain dead nigger. Reread the post. I said I'm glad the frame drop glitch happened in the first week of S1 because I didn't buy the battle pass. Reading comprehension is your friend ape.
>weapon buffs and nerfs
Yeah we /CoD/ now which means this game will 100% be dead when BO6 drops. I actually look forward to watching this game die now. They could've easily just buffed weapons without nerfing shit but I forgot the devs are incompetent.
this was the sweatiest game I played in years, it's nowhere close to casual. the last cod I played was black ops 3 and that one was casual as shit, how fuckin sweaty are cod games now??
Stay mad pay piggy.
Lol I accept your concession retard.
>wallhacks and spiderbot still in the game
>keep getting sniped trying to do LMG challenge
>fuck it, pull out my sniper too
>outsnipe the faggot
>he leaves
I guess I was ruining is KD.
I got that challenge done in 3 games, just pull out hte M249. It's literally ez mode.
Not playing is even easier.
>old bugs fixed
>new bug of just fucking crashing to desktop acquired
This game can't go one patch without some bullshit.
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Works on my machine.
>niggers cry nonstop about Echelon
>devs nerf Echelon into the ground
>niggers now crying about Phantom
>devs will nerf Phantom into the ground
What will the niggers on Reddit cry about next?
they should nerf weapons to reduce TTK overall, it gets lower and lower with time and exaggarates shitty netcode
>What will the people I make up say next??????
>brain dead nigger that never leaves 4chan
Makes sense.
>won 0 out of 10 games today
>profile stats still hasn't changed
feels good man
Officially going back to MWIII.
For a game with a million concurrent players, it sure takes a long time to find a match and when a game is found the lobby is rarely full starting, and sometimes never fills a match in progress.
Its over, MWIII season 5 killed the game.
Anon, both games are bad.
We don't sign our posts here chinaman.
>2 minutes to boot up game
>2 minutes to find game
>2 minutes of intermission to look at fag emotes
This game is just one literal giant waste of time.
>2 mins to find game
5-10 mins*
What's the best shotgun
If I die does my mine stay?
The amount of 0 IQ nigger brain apes playing this shit amazes me. I'll reinstall this nigger ass game when they add Free For All...until this I hope whoever play this shit dies of the most aggressive form of cancer possible.
seething chud above me
>games don't start with full lobbies anymore
it's over

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