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We're so back. Back from the dead, baby!

Autistic frog edition.

>Latest news:
>Official news:

>Marketplace (early access, approval needed)
Full launch during Season 2

>Server status:

>/r6g/ links:
Pastebin is removed because it got removed

>Stat checking:
Tracking individual operator stats is dead, Ubi took down the APIs.

Last: >>1244715
Holy fuck I cannot imagine the levels of autism needed to catalogue all of that idiotic bullshit about some random edgelord playing R6. This is just further evidence that frogposters should be killed en masse to save the future of Rainbow
Pretty sure it started off as a single screenshot to piss off the resident sperg and then the more he sperged out, the more shit was added to the picture. Autism is one hell of a drug.
haven't played in years they should give me some kind of free operator incentive to bring me back
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>got a free random operator package
>open it
>they should give me some kind of free operator incentive
I hadn't played the game in 2 years and when I logged on I had like 4 different packs. Not sure if they gave these to me or if they're leftover packs though.
I really wish the og /r6g/ fags would come back
unfortunately it's not even the same board so I doubt they'll ever know about this
Christmas packs, if you got one while having all operators... I forgot what the reward would've been, maybe renown, I don't remember
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jannies might not take kindly to being called a general
if the next season launch goes well maybe we can get the thread to survive on /vg/
>maybe we can get the thread to survive on /vg/

i imagine it will get bumped by shitposters saying 'tranny game'
Who cares shut up
It doesn't matter this is the better board
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Love wimmin, simple as
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>og /r6g/ fags would come back
I'm here and I was on /vg/ until like 2019. That's when the general died and I don't think I've seen another /r6g/ thread on that board since then.

t. OP

Meh. I checked the catalog before baking the thread and there are a bunch of "generals" on this board too. It's fine.
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EU matchmaking btw ladies and gents...
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>Meh. I checked the catalog before baking the thread and there are a bunch of "generals" on this board too. It's fine.
There was a faggot who hated R6 that reported my general a couple months ago and got it deleted
alright, I don't really look at the rest of the board, I just looked at the sticky because I remembered being warned a long time ago when I baked a thread here

I think it's been extra bad in the last day or two
Ubisoft had some issues lately so we might get a double renown weekend soon
Does it stack with boosters?
>buy a universal skin six years ago for fun
>Never use it
>Sell it on the marketplace for 8000 credits
Thanks Ubisoft
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Lmao. Bro is playing CS2.
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lookin midwestern af
Haven't played in forever, is there a good rundown on what attachments I should be using these days? They seem to constantly rotate which ones are good and which ones suck like some kind of slot machine
I have no concept of what people in midwest wear whatsoever lol.
I think that jannies have accepted that /vm/ is now just /vg/ 2.0 where all the actual multiplayer games go for their generals if they can't stand up to the tranny spam from the million gacha and VN generals.
I prefer /vm/ for my generals anyway since you can get actual discussion in them and not have to constantly spam shitposts just to stay above page 10.
Woah Ash...
Lay off the burgers...
Cap is ugly
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>hop back in
>Lesion's mines aren't cloaked anymore
>no longer have a little hud indicator so you can't tell which one has went off
>took his impact grenades away
wtf why did they kill my boy? i don't think he was even considered OP when I was maining him
He's been the 2nd best DEF operator for a year. The nerf has been long due
A lot of ubishit nerfs don't make sense at all. They made Zofia 1 speed ffs. Who ever complained about Zofia? Also took away Nokk's silent step, which was fun as fuck and no one ever complained about either. Took away Ash's flashes for no reason. Made Melusi 1 speed as well. Took away Smoke's shield and Sledge's SMG 11. Like... who the fuck complained about ANY of this shit? Why fix what isn't broken? Fucking retards lol.
They removed Alibi's impacts too. Which were just convenient for quickly making rotations. Sure, I can make rotations with her pistol now, but it just takes longer...
So what is all this major stuff about? https://www.twitch.tv/rainbow6 Did they just rename "invitational" to "major"?
Invitational is yearly and in February
Majors are seasonly
Anyone who still watches pro league after TSM, Beaulo, and Super left is retarded. The remaining pro league roster is filled with a bunch of literal who teams with zero personality. Like for example: Who the FUCK is FearX? Who the FUCK is Bleed??
It's crazy right? I made 30k credits already just selling old garbage
Suppressors on pistols
Muzzle brake on DMRs
Compensator on guns with extreme firerate/shit recoil
Extended barrel on guns with 50 damage breakpoint (SC3K)
Flash hider on everything else

Angled grip on guns with annoying reloads (para)
Horizontal grip on DMRs
Vertical grip on everything else

Laser on everything except nokk and vigil's guns
Pretty sure the random no name teams you're seeing now are from asia, brazil, etc. But yeah, it does suck to see this influx of foreign teams from other countries that are almost certainly going to fade back into irrelevance once the major is over. It's sad to admit it, but Beaulo + Supr (Despite being an idiotic retard with the skills of a low plat player) basically made up 95% of the charisma for the pro scene. Spoit's starting to get some personality on his YouTube channel, at least- I remember when he was a fucking robot with zero emotions
whats funny is that the mines becoming visible has had almost no impact on their trigger rate
jeans, shitty realtree camo hoodies and community church event t-shirts
brakes are actually pretty good on some ARs, like zofia's AK
I use brakes on some guns too but I didnt want to overcomplicate it.
Fabian, Kanto and Canadian were better than Beaulo
At higher levels he was the best defender in the game. He provided Intel, area denial, and could stop pushes all by himself.

>who the fuck complained about ANY of this shit
The short answer is people who were good at the game in coordinated groups.
The longer answer was that those were all operators who were doing double duty jobs.
For example, Zofia was designed to be Ash but with tradeoffs. Pre-nerf, Zofia was simply the better choice in all regards.
For all of them, they did their job so well you were at a disadvantage of you picked the alternative over them.
>For example, Zofia was designed to be Ash but with tradeoffs
The tradeoff was she was a 2 speed with a worse gun. I still believe taking flashes away from ash was a mistake.
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>when you lose enough matches and the game takes pity on you

doesn't shot up in the webm but while im rezzing ash is just magdumping the doorway with a pistol
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>Peeking main garage breach with a fucking shotgun
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> Fabian
Zero personality, won't be remembered
> Kanto
Zero personality, won't be remembered
> Canadian
> Only personality he has revolves around embarrassing himself with his manchild outburts, something something stairs incident, won't be remembered
My point isn't whether other pro players are more skilled than Beaulo, my point is that other pro players have the charisma of a piece of wet cardboard. It's fucking embarassing that pro league must have over 100+ players active worldwide and ONE GUY out of all of them became the face of Rainbow 6, and is STILL the face of Rainbow 6 despite "retiring".
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For example: Look at this guy and try to tell me with a straight face he's an actual human being outside of Rainbow 6. He wears fucking bandanas to a VIDEO GAME COMPETITION.
i wear a bandana in real life
Exactly. She was a slower, more tactical Ash with an okay gun. And now she's just another Fuze on attack, aka completely gutted and useless. None of those nerfs I mentioned are justified. Ubisoft nerfs operators based on their pickrate, which I think is really retarded and misguided.
>Ubisoft nerfs operators based on their pickrate, which I think is really retarded and misguided.
Because some ops will ALWAYS be picked more often than others. You can't perfectly balance a game as complex as Siege. It's stupid and a fool's errand.
>She was a slower, more tactical Ash
>They nerfed her by making her slow
>This somehow ruined her
Huh really makes you think don't it?
Fabian was a teacher before playing Siege.
Canadian was a hockey player who started playing while in the hospital.
Both and Bosco have won two Invitationals. Fabian was coach for his third Invitational win.
Just because you never bothered to look doesn't mean it isn't there.
Slower and slow as a snail are two different things. Do you really not understand the difference between a 2 speed and a 3 speed operator? "More tactical" doesn't mean "snow as a snail". It means less braindead and run-and-gunny, but still fast enough to do serious damage.
Thank you kindly
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>basically none of the past 20ish operators that have came out have covered faces or any cosmetics that let you cover their faces
why did they overwatch the game so badly? i just want to look tacticool
Beaulo is back, Bleed is a very good team honestly
I like M80 they even got that Spot dude which pwns. Team BDS got some new people, need to adjust
i would just like literally any default balaclava or something to make ops like Gridlock and Osa look less retarded. Would genuinely double my pickrate of those characters
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Worst, literal overwatch/fortnite tier operator design over the past few years:
Gridlock - the landwhale shouldn't be in the game at all desu
Amaru - this shit belongs in a Lara Croft game, not fucking Siege
Kali, Iana, Ace - an eyesore honestly, don't fit with the rest of the ops, though Kali's and Ace's elites look decent enough, I just wish they were the default skins
Zero - the default skin is shit and makes Fisher look like a fucking bum, I like his elite a lot though
Flores - looks like shit and doesn't belong in the game
Osa - meh, you can kind of make her look like a PMC with some cosmetics, but the default design is shit
Sens - no comment, just remove this shit from my game
Goyo - shit
Wamai - shit
Oryx - shit
Aruni - shit
Thunderbird - shit
Azami - kind of dig it, but her outfit is so out of place in Siege, so shit
Fenrir - even more sci-fi shit, yay

All the other ops look more or less decent and tactikewl. The design of some of the more recent ops (Grim, Brava, Ram, Deimos, Solis, Tubarao) made me come back to the game after a long hiatus that I took during the shittization and overwatchization phase of the game.
>Sens - no comment

what, you don't like Powerline?
The interface for battle passes is so fucking awful. You need a degree in rainbow six siege to operate this shit
Yeah... The whole fucking zooming in and out of thing is atrocious. Whoever designed this annoying shit needs to be fired.
having a completely pointless battlepass minigame seems to be en vogue
>i want every character to look like a killing floor 1 default character

yeah that will be great for character identification.
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New season teaser
May 26 @ 9:00AM PT / 6:00PM CET
they will add recruits?
Yeah, both in attack and defense & usable in ranked
It's honestly fine on the max zoom level and makes a BUNCH more sense on that view.
Why the fuck it defaults to being zoomed-in, I will never know
I would just like the arrow keys to properly move you along the spaces you're on.

Or mabye just have a regular style progress bar BP
>tfw playing goyo and shooting all my unused traps in the last 15 seconds to get more points
How to deal with a fucking shield? They rework them every patch.
If its me holding the shield, just shoot the shield and all the bullets will snake around and hit me in the head
Recruit is getting a rework next season, so yeah.

They should honestly make Tachanka's gun shoot through shields, but only make every shot like 5-10 damage without 1 shot headshot kills.
shoot the shield and they wont be able to sprint or do anything. lesion, clash, and ela are also good counters.

Found the person who never had fun in her life
>shoot the shield
>they wont be able to sprint or do anything
>shoot until your mag is empty
>they can run now
>you can't run while reloading
Thx. I'll try this.
>Lesion mines no longer have a little hud indicator so you can't tell which one has went off
This was my favourite part about Lesion. What ops do you play to get this kind of intel now?
>its 2024 and this anon is STILL mad that videogames are socially acceptable and he didn't get a cash prize for living through middle-school bullying
>What ops do you play to get this kind of intel now?
Just use cams.
Recruit with EMP grenade and hard-breach charge.
bruh too many upsets so far to recall. pretty sure most of my predictions are btfo. this is why i never sports bet. i can be an autismo super into it, but it all goes to shit by random chance and upsets. i'm not all caught up but secret with some nice wins as lesser known team. ofc m80 btfo'd when they have all the potential. faze off to rocky start. ssg on the ropes
also cba to check, but i think bliss are on a win streak? they're top of their region for sure, but that's big fish in small pond kind of thing. doing well so far though
It's honestly even harder to catch up with esports form and the likes so making bets is extremely luck based. Anyway I'm curious about this match, let's see
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We'll be watching
carry me stompgoat daddy
good god i HATE this tranny on commentary. absolute worst. purely about the actual job / quality of commentary, dont even care about the nonbinary whateverthefuck. thank god Blast is rotating in more of the other various talent who actually do the job and have coherent insight, play-by-play, etc. hopefully some higher ups recgonize the vast gap between the better and worse commentators
Cracks me up that these faggots wear actual jerseys like they're real professional athletes. Beyond cringe, zero levels of self-awareness lmfao
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C75/Super Shorty

No skill, double gadget

There can be no more than one per team.
Well they get paid like athletes so why not
I think it's the sponsors demanding that
It's pretty cringey since other movement sports require shirt to be made like that but yeah lol
The recruit should just be a custom character, with changable speed and armor
While we're at it, R6 should steal from Black Ops and allow players to put customizable emblems and decals on guns
Engine is too shit for that
I wish we'd get an Operation Health 2.0 next year
Reasonable, normal person response to gamer jerseys
Retarded, faggot response- I bet if you were a pro R6 player you'd wear your gamer jersey to your local gamestop and be surprised when nobody knows who the fuck you are, silly faggot
People wear soccer jerseys all the time in america even tho no one knows who tf Fly Emirates is
im gonna fucking cum
Yeah, but no sane person thinks they're an actual employee of Fly Emirates because they play Microsoft flight simulator competitively. I guarantee you there's a sizable portion of faggots in pro league right now that 100% consider themselves to be actual, real, professional athletes. If I had to guess, the pro players with the most douchebag personalities on camera or on twitter are exactly like that.

Pro players I can think of that would probably pull the "respect my jersey, bro" card on you unironically:
- Merc
- Achieved
- Canadian
- Supr (Before retirement)
- Fabian
- Kyno
- Doki
- Yardy
Too much headcanon
That's not even headcanon, all of those players are notorious douchebags/manchildren/retards except for Kyno
>There can be no more than one per team.
Nonono you're joking right? So they want to kill fun? Wtf
>no misconduct
>get at least one upvote a game
>never reached max good boy status
>always get knocked back down to midboy status for no reason
skill based rating system. i got exemplary in a week and they were all valor.
leaving the match early, before the after screen also doesnt let you get ratings
If this rework came out 6 years ago it would've been limitless. However, since they are planning to bring them to ranked, they have to balance it somehow and having all those emps, breaches etc. would be almost game-breaking
>if they're not adsing at you, take a moment to assess the situation, don't magdump
>especially for blitz, but also other shields, going back near melusi, barbed wire or any other gadget should help a lot
>if you have the option, get help from a teammate
>if you're roaming and getting chased by blitz or an extended monti
>play shields for a few hours to get in their headspace a bit
>assuming they have a gun like any other player and don't peek them like a retard
you have to retreat unless there's some kind of opportunity
you'll notice that these are mostly about positioning and course of action rather than mechanical solutions
then there's all the obvious operators of course, Oryx is generally not as good as he's made out to be against shields, only works if they're pushing alone and if the shield player doesn't see you coming that well

forbidden knowledge I will regret sharing as a Monti main
>if you're against a very good Montagne player he might spin around to face your C4s, if you notice him doing this you can try shooting first instead of detonating the C4
>when punching an extended Monti, his right foot (your left) gets exposed, exploit against less experienced players who don't have the mechanical to cover their leg when punched, remember that punching too often doesn't work as there's a cooldown on the shield moving
>teamwork with a teammate, one explosive, one shoots right when the shield moves from the explosion, or one punches and the other shoots
>punching and hipfiring might be ideal if solo?
>don't go for a melee unless you have reaction advantage
>in a vacuum, if you can get in the face of an extended Monti shield, he has lost because he cannot unshield without you meleeing him first, of course he wins if the defuser is planted or has a teammate helping him
>impacts go BEHIND shields or on the floor next to them (or behind?), not on the shield itself
>shield players CAN and WILL count your bullets
They did that already
Everyone just picked the same 3 speed recruit
BDS will win
I never leave early
They need to fix the irons on guns like the commando and ar-50, they are completely useless
Need that for balancing
PSG out of Major
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Finals bracket is complete
> All the Asian teams got blown the fuck out back into obscurity
> We're actually going to see past-prime Beaulo vs Spoit
Bo is 100% going to get shit on. Also, what was the point of allowing the APAC teams to compete? They had some moments, but literally every last one of them ultimately got thrown out of the major lmfao
Fenrir or cam ops
He's still S tier.
One of the best guns on defense and secondary shotgun
The fact that he has a good ability is icing on top

>who ever complained about zofia
it's nice to actually be able to play her now that she isn't snapped up by a sweat main every round. Balanced ops encourage pick variety
Seeing the same 5 ops every round is less interesting.
Melusi is still an amazing op
Sledge and Nokk nerfs were unwarranted though I agree
Without UI you couldn't convince me this isn't console gameplay
>who is Deimos
>Who is Solis
>who is Nokk
Thank god they released a full mask + character card with the mask for Sens
You can still grab them cheap on the marketplace if you missed them
Best we've got for Gridlock is the halloween outfit. Very goofy ofc but somehow less goofy than default
Beaulo was boring with a flashy playstyle, and has fed the egos of retards with decent-good aim into believing that they are right when they overpeek and throw the game
Theres literally nothing wrong with aiming with your movement keys
It looks goofy
I've played Siege since Crimson Heist and I don't think there's ever been a moment when Lesion wasn't a great pick. I'd argue he's even better now with the shotty! Also, I still regularly play Zofia, idk why people make it seem like she's no longer a good entry- I continue to sweat my ass off with her and get some game-deciding kills lol. However, I strongly disagree with Melusi being amazing- because she straight-up isn't anymore. The banshee nerf + plus her speed nerf were terrible, unnecessary ideas that completely dumpstered her. There's zero reason to pick current Melusi over current Lesion unless you're going to turtle up in site with Aruni
Is speed always going to be more beneficial than hp?
if you compare Melusi to doc and rook (all 3 have ACOG mp5), it becomes clear that she is still quite good. Depending on the site, her gadget is often better to bring than +15 HP
Trying to compare those faze trickshotters in that decade old youtube video that maybe 3 people in this thread recgonize to actual esports pros is laughable. And to that note, Rainbow Six doesn't have any real notable pros. You're a fucking retard if you think the average gamer online doesn't recgonize people like Faker, Daigo, or s1mple.
> Faker
> Daigo
Uh...street fighter clutch guy?
> s1mple

The average online gamer will probably recognize Shroud and that's about it, chief
This, shroud and like pestily maybe?
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please please invite me to the marketplace ubisoft I want to sell my retarded pizza mozzie and pile of dogshit ela skins to retards and buy a bunch of cool shit instead
Bro just wait 17 days
the market will tank then
is Sens any good?
>Sledge and Nokk nerfs were unwarranted though I agree
All of them were.
No. at all
>Hard countered by Warden to the point that it's actually hugely disadvantageous for your own team to pick them if Warden isn't banned
They need to make the light Warden proof if they ever want Sens to be viable
Look at you, you already know 2 cyberathletes. How embarrassing. Stop worshipping false idols, dude.
I cannot for the life of me discover an attacker that is super fun and that I want to commit to. On defence I have like 5 characters I enjoy but on attack I am starved
they have good guns and the ROU is a pretty great distraction and a big help for glaz. >>1299217 is right tho warden definitely nullifies her gadget completely.
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take the kali pill and camp windows all match
>5-4 win where the defenders took literally every round and it was just a coinflip on who got to play the deciding round on defence
this is happening far too often
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Finals prediction:

Need to think about what to put lol, deadline is tomorrow
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>haven't played in years
>play one ranked game
>perform decently and win
>instantly get placed in Copper IV
Is that normal? I mean I'm not super knowledgable on the game but I'm not a complete bottom of the barrel retard. Pretty sure I was gold when I last played. Bizarre
Ranked 2.0. You now start from the bottom, no more placements
That seems like smurfing heaven
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there's 2 MMRs now, hidden and shown
the hidden one is either identical to the previous system (and in this case the system was put in place to hide poor matchmaking) or has some tweaks, but still should be pretty similar
the shown MMR starts from Copper and is meant to speedrun you to your real rank, so you will gain a lot when you win and lose very little when you lose, this will normalize as you approach your hidden (real) rank
as you have not played in years, you most likely really are the default MMR, so enjoy free lobbies for a bit (real MMR doesn't reset across seasons btw)
probably BDS vs Faze, but I replaced BDS with Secret
if you followed the predictions I posted in the previous thread you would have just enough to get the battlepass btw
hi macie (you are right)
I hate that i passed out early saturday and totally forgot to vote in phase 2
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>it's a solo ash fucks off on her own to DMs for the whole round and then moan that were losing despite her K/D episode
After watching sole of the majors games i can see where they get it from. There doesnt seem to be a lot of team play on offense, everyone just surrounds the building and goes in solo
This is called the "split push theory," and trust me, what you're watching in Pro League is vastly different, more coordinated, and with a rhyme & reasom versus whatever level of random queue with no coms you are playing in QM/Ranked. It would take a ton of world salad and I'm phoneposting, but for various reasons of phantom pressure, prodding to find gaps, taking space in the building, and opening lines of sight / cutting off rotations, you want a team breaking barricades or shooting at multiple entry points of the building. If not, it becomes obvious / predictable from the defender perspective that attackers are clustered up or only entering from one section of the map. By process of elimination, defenders can then forget about other points of entry, and converge on the focal point / "attacker rush" and hold the proper angles to mow you down.
what this anon said, I'm on desktop but too lazy
It's hard to replicate but at the very least I should get the interns of my 5 stack to learn to always apply pressure from somewhere, the defenders don't have perfect information so keeping them guessing would be ideal
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>Y9S2 Event is Confirmed to be Mute Protocol
Join the R6 Membership to elevate your Siege experience. Enjoy access to the newest Operator and 100+ rewards from the Premium Battle Pass. Legendary, member-exclusive gear awaits you every month and are only available for a limited time. Become a member to unlock rewards now! Auto-renews unless cancelled; cancellation effective at end of billing cycle. Terms and age

Primaries -> M4/M249
Secondaries -> ITA12S

Primaries -> Commando (Mozzie)/M870
Secondaries -> C75/Super Shorty
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Is that the rifle Maverick uses or is it a completely new one? Also, is there going to be only one recruit per team now?
Yes and yes
No fun allowed I see. I wonder what happens when no one has any ops unlocked.
that is so upsetting, no weapons variety either
They've massacred my boy once... They won't stop until they completely remove him from the game. I mean, we went from recruit shield rushes to this...
Never forget what they took from you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhAUSNw4uPY
All Upcoming Pro-Team Sets:
Team Secret, Knights, Team Liquid, WildCard, Dark Zero, Team Cyclops, Team Elevate!
M4 is my favorite gun in the game and I love playing recruit so I'm not complaining.
>muh pro shit
Yawn. Who cares. Let's just watch older siege vids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gz9x4znvZk
This, the recruit should have access to every weapon and gadget
Recruit should have perk where they can pickup guns from the ground.
And he should FLY
Recruit jump mechanic and bunnyhopping. We CoD now!
Recruit should have a "PRESS X TO AWESOME!" button that enables him to do whacky, fun things :))
>i can fix them
literally whatever is clean/comfortable that day
t. midwesterner.
you don't.
shields slow the gameplay down to a grinding halt, and there's no way to fix them, other than removing them entirely.
>how to deal with shields
>lol just focus all your attention trying to get a sliver of their foot in your sights while the rest of their team domes you
fuck shield users, you're all a bunch of pussies.
do people unbind lean from q/e and put it on their mouse? im struggling to understand how top players bob and weave like that, i don't have enough fingers
Esports stream is up if you care. Day 01, phase 3.
Leave it running for 3 hours for that free daily pack
>clearly understands that a shield's strength revolves around teamwork
>is unable to apply that logic to himself
damn anon that must suck
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking when they nerfed Zofia when Zero, the most overpowered op, with some of the best utility and one of the best guns on attack exists. And he's 3 speed too.
>just started playing ranked
>team getting raped by people with insane peeking setups before we even approach the building
how 2 stop this
Never played ranked unless you play with buddies.
yeah my griefing and text abuse ratings are now apparently higher than the average players despite the fact i type nothing but comms or ggs
Go slow. People forget how relatively long r6 rounds are.
Dunno about you but I'm so happy to see /r6g/ being back and so active
It's a fun game with a lot of different ways to play it.
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>3 stack call me shit and retarded all game and then mass report me
>didn't even do that bad and pretty sure I outscored one of them
Genuinely surprised that ubisoft just take reports at face value. How are some of the absolute nastiest people I've played online games with maintaining respectable reputations while mine is going in the toilet for the crime of 4th scoring or whatever

Don't know if I can be arsed with this game and the majority of people I'm forced to interact with to play it
Siege for real has the worst playerbase out of any shooter ive played. Even CS kids are less annoying
I'm guessing you're from NA. Because in Europe CS is filled with literal Russian kids/lowlifes.
I believe it. na siege is lots of nasally fuccbois who do that thing where they angrily narrate every move you make as a spectator
>who do that thing where they angrily narrate every move you make as a spectator
Lmao... At least the vast majority of fags on EU can't speak English for shit to do that.
Gunnar dabs on prime Beaulo and Shaiiko
Place your drone watching the windows and prefire them
Don't take dangerous routes towards the building
Spoit is cute


> Best 1v1 player to ever grace Siege
> Loses every big tournament, can't actually play with a team
I think Spoit would be better off playing CoD desu.
Being the best 1v1er in siege is like being the best at penalty shootouts in football
If your team is good it doesn't matter
> We're going to see Beaulo vs Shaiiko for the 10,000th time
YAWN. Wake me up when an actually exciting matchup happens, this shit has been played out too many times
Jynxzi R6 World Cup live NOW
I only play standard but I voice in every game I play and get lots of commends after every game and toxic people usually don't talk at all if you're just normal and communicate from minute 0
as far as newer young gunners i thought that Spiker kid was decent. seems he's been sent back to B-leagues but i'm sure he'll be around. Gunnar, Ambi, others don't really impress me

so he's not on any teams just commentating or what? so we banned from the stack
Quite unironically you just shoot back. You are rocking 2.5x ACOGs on attack right anon? Well shoot those fuckers. There are only so many window peeks and jump / run outs.
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>experience (and from the vibe I'm getting from your post, mostly this)
>watching several hours of brainrot spawnpeeks on youtube (you can ignore the azami ones, mostly)
>if you have experience you can avoid bad spawns/bad paths out of spawn
>grab a friend and simulate spawnpeeking each other over and over again
also these
also if it's your team and it's not a 5 stack of friends YOU yourself can't do much about it, unless you plan to challenge the spawnpeek before they die
> Gunnar
Even if he wins the major, it's guaranteed he'll never be as good as prime Beaulo/Shaiko, it's way too late for that
> Ambi
Joke of a player, he's a ranked "demon" like Oozie who will never be able to legitimately hang in Pro league. At least Oozie knows he can't hang since he got shit on by Spoit during the Jynxi 1v1, Ambi is delusional
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tfw you play oryx
>play ten matches just to get 5000 gold
>its a dupe
>get 1150 gold back because the market hasn't been implemented yet

did you guys play r6tms? i saw eu is still alive but wonder if theres anything similar for na.
Yeah I hear ya about Ambi. He did not show up when he went pro. Ofc we all know Beaulo, Shaiko, Spoit, but Nesk and Paluh are basically GOATed imo. Have played for years with consistent top-tier mechanical skill. Unfortunate history (or lack thereof) for Team Liquid though. A dozen rounds over the years separate them from numerous major / SI wins.
I think it's a ranked specific problem beacuse i get plenty of commends on standard and quickplay even if im not good. Only reason I was playing ranked is because the game coaxed me into it with the promise of free alpha packs for hitting silver or whatever
>so he's not on any teams just commentating or what? so we banned from the stack
He's made an all-new stack, he'll play with them tomorrow. Supposedly one of the best he's had
But yeah World Cup is just commenting as a spectator. VERY fun stream ngl, he's gonna make one at the end of every season, honestly a cool idea and I can't wait for the next
20 minute queue btw
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If you think about it, recruits will get an elite set soon...
Wonder what it'll be like.

Anyway, I hope they won't have voice lines, but it does look like so.
this is why you use boosters and wait till you get 180,000 for 50 packs at once
95% of those will be shit.
ok but still
its better than getting anxious every few matches hoping you get enough for 5,000 renown

also you save lots of renown in the long run
Who the fuck even gets anxious about renown? It's more of a "ehh, I have 5k renown I don't need, I guess I'll buy an alpha pack".
>play ten matches just to get 5000 gold
it sounded like he was just playing for the gold for the pack
>how are there people who HAVEN'T been playing for ten years straight?

yeah a question for the ages
i normally buy the BP but i just was not interested in diemos. also i goofed up and missed round 2 of predictions so no free BP for me
BDS finna lose lol
BDS just beat DZ, meaning the score between Beaulo vs Shaaiko is now 3 to 2 I think, still in Bo's favor? BDS only beat TSM literally one time way back in Gamers8 or something. In either case: Who gives a fuck, like that other anon said. We've seen this matchup quite a few times, there's nothing new and exciting about it anymore baka
Also: Canadian fucking sucked this major, like holy shit. He's supposed to be the Siege GOAT or something with these dogshit performances?? Bro couldn't compete with his guns and just starting scumming behind playing shields and still lost miserably wtf
Where i can watch it?
i kinda like tubaro
yeah they're good
>weekly challenges give 1250 renown total

I honestly don't even remember when was the last time I ever bought something with renown
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remember 2 walk
He's Turbarao
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this game sucks
you immediately get a hidden rank, and just earn good boy points til your display rank matches your secret rank.
If your hidden rank is gold ELO, you will play with other gold hidden rank players (who may only have a display rank of bronze)

it is dumb though
It's entirely possible that if you're a previous lifetime Gold, but this season you're doing REALLY good and end up fighting Plats/Emeralds, your secret rank now is Plat/Emerald but you don't know that because your visible rank is still Gold. Make it make sense, godawful ranked system that should just reward everyone their secret rank instead
>but you don't know that
You can always know. After a ranked match, your MMR goes up either a lot (+50 to >100) or a little (+10 to 30). When it goes up a lot, you're still far from your hidden MMR. When it goes up a little, you're around your hidden MMR, and now are grinding upwards.
Losing is a similar concept. If your MMR decreases only a few points ~-5, you're far from your hidden MMR. When it drops between -10 and greater than -30 per loss, you're at / above your hidden MMR.
i think you've got the wrong thread, this isn't the overwatch 2 general
Operation New Blood reveal goes live in 2 min
I unironically picked monty for a while and just charged towards the building and noted where people tried to spawnpeek me from
Find routes that either have 1 unpopular peek, or no peeks at all.
I can provide mine for whichever map, I almost always use the same routes
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Showing faces is good, chud. And Overwatch is dead and Siege came out before it.
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Your meds, anon. Take them.
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Fucking horrible
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Absolutely massive, there's no way that EMP or Hard breach isn't getting yoinked in Season 3 or so
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The Commando picture must be a must be an error since that would be insane on defence and they've shown the actual Commando 9 in gameplay clips.
But anyway, good stuff for non-ranked gaming imo
BDS vs Beastcoast grand finale is starting if youre interested
removing the ability to 5-stack recruit is fucking stupid

Cringe, give me a mak or 1911
>the operator that's so bad that picking them is considered a joke/throwing is going to be less bad
you are the same bitches who cried when Tachanka was reworked, huh
I like new tchanka but i also feel like completely axing the mounted MG was a boring decision.
So we're really here, the NA reject squad versus EU staples. Fuck it I'm going NA. Let's go BC!
Funny enough I consider Shaiiko and BriD the better BDS players and they're negative on Chalet right now. I think Solotov is crazy inconsistent, but he's positive right now.
>less bad
It's not really a one-dimensional scale, there's a lot of shit they're changing and it's all bad decisions
>ditching the iconic original design
>one per team
>only 2 main / 2 secondary weapon options (compare and contrast with Y1 recruit)
but also
>can a combination of any 2 secondary gadgets which can be busted as fuck
It's both underwhelming and at the same time somehow OP, truly the ubisoftest move of all time
Likefac is HIM
*fucking stupid
Based you mean, faggot!! No more teamkilling because someone else didn't pick Recruit and you chimpout on them
bought the fenrir elite
But Fenrir is getting gutted next season
wait i bought it lost the credits but it isnt unlocked lol
how do you fix echo?
acog + 3 drones
acog + 3 stored blasts
He just needs an ACOG really
All of those are good changes
Even with literally every gun in the game at that time, Y1 recruit was worthless
You're just mad because it's different. In six weeks when it becomes normal you won't even remember when you were mad
its really lame how most of the balance in this game is based on what scopes your guns can use.
>3 drones
He's better Valk
>3 blasts
He's Intel Ela
He's Intel Rook

He's just fine where he is, especially since he used to be a must pick.
Echo has never been good since his Yokai stopped being invisible and he lost his 1.5x. The only changes that will ever make him good again is restoring both of those or giving him the super shotty. That's it. Stop trying to make him work and just pick Valk like a normal person, nobody wants to see you fail to interrupt the defuser being planted in a 1v2 and lose the round for the ten thousandth time
I only started playing again recently but had to unfortunately learn the hard way valk cams stop working after a couple seconds out of bounds (I swear it wasn't always like this.)
The drone gives you a whole 10 seconds so I'm still picking him on some maps for corny runouts.
atleast recruit will have a purpose in standard/ranked.
but as a new player class there should be more, like a shield for attack, and more gun categories, also having the ability to play as multiple recruit during quickplay
Wait, there is no new operator for new season? Just recruit rework?
Exactly. And it seems that this new season won't be bringing a ranked 2.0 rework either. No refunds. :)
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>I swear it wasn't always like this.
they nerfed them several years ago to stop the valk runout clownfest in ranked.
>zero new content but here's some more microtransactions ;)
ubisoft cannot go bankrupt fast enough
>the operator that's so bad that picking them is considered a joke/throwing is going to be less bad
Retard. The stigma around recruit only exists because he's banned in ranked and carried over from Y1 recruit who was tachanka tier. He is the most well rounded operator in the game. His only flaw is lack of ACOG but if you're playing aggressive and have good positioning you don't need it.
Please understand, the funding had to go to The Division Heartlands (cancelled) and XDefiant :)
it does unfortunately make sense from a business standpoint. releasing new content for your older shooting right as you release your new shooter isn't really a good business decision, it generates all kinds of 'lol ubisoft already going back to siege, XD is dead!' sorts of clickbait and tweets.
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Y9S2 seasonal
>The stigma around recruit only exists because he's banned in ranked
That's not even remotely true. None of what you said has any truth to it.
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>no new operators are getting an elite
Anyway, Jager's elite coming next season
They literally just dropped an elite yesterday what are you talking about
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And here's Mute's new elite skin.
Does anyone if these are crossovers with anything? They look particular.
Also the colours are trash, normies would only buy these for the MVP animation
That's a Y9S1 elite. They release one at the beginning of the season and one at the end. The two that he just posted are going to be next season's elites, one to be released a week after it releases and the other to be released during the September Majors Final after the Reveal panel.
They do this every season, so learn the pattern if you care about elites and want to buy them
He kinda looks like one of the rogue agents from the division
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>ur wrong
>doesnt elaborate
>two more weeks
This isn't debate club, buckaroo
If you don't understand basic stuff then ain't shit anyone here can do to teach you
>solis got gutted
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>2 predictions short of the free BP
I think the Part 2 of her balancing will buff her a little, honestly her entire nerf sounds like a "temporary" patch until they figure out better what they want her to be
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>3/27 correct
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here's your new season
we worked very hard on it
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I'll do better next time
Not sure if it's a controller bug, but often when I browse my items the game decides to make the highlighted item full screen, like if I pressed R3. Does anyone else have this bug? can't find shit online and i hope it's not my controller breaking
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me too
Good, fuck her. The second Solis was released I saw an enormous uptick of retards doing nonstop jump-outs and run-outs. Hell, I distinctly remember once that I killed a Solis who tried to run-out on me and I complained in game chat about how retarded Solis players are because all they do is run-out, and the Solis player I killed literally tried to argue with me that Solis doesn't enable run-outs despite me killing her doing just that 5 seconds prior.

Solis has been everything the playerbase rightfully hates about defenders, and her nerfs were long overdue. Say what you want about prime Azami and Fenrir, but I guarantee you never fucking saw them YOLO'ing out of the building all fucking game
So I'm trying to duo queue standard right now and we're not getting a game at 7+ minutes, is this common or no? US East.
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This is the third time this has happened in the past month.
I know there was some fuckery around the Tubarao release where Mute could trick Thermite for whatever reason, could this be that? Some good ole wall denial spaghetti code?
never seen this bug. that's unfortunate.
should have brought maverick.
Once you hit 2 mins just cancel and restart
Just got invited to the marketplace beta. Do you think I should try sell my stuff now or wait until it goes public?
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Da boys (Ubi pls release a new Splinter Cell game thanks).

I've tried listing everything, from the rarest shit, to some of the most common garbage, and none of it sells. Plus I think if you have something actually rare I'd wait until it goes public.
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Da boys 2.
i think prices are going to dip when it goes live as it did when they added y1 skins days ago. my crossfader dipped from 8k to 6k. theyre probably going to add more when it goes live, so the newer stuff will be at their peak.
i am trying to sell some of my stuff like dust line skins for their highest price. they also might lower the minimum sell price, so i kind of believe buying right now is bad. you can probably get pro team skins that are usually sold over minimum for 120, then wait 2 weeks to sell for more.
There's been a lot of recruit fuckery in casual lately.
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>You can actually make Sens look cool
wtf I might actually play this op now. I wish all the OC donutsteel characters had skins like this
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>just Brava'd an evil eye camera in a bronze game
these guys are absolutely mindfucked
What attachments should I be using on blitz pistol?
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>the absolute state of this mira opening
is this debris server side or am i just being fucked by my client
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That is one normal looking bell curve boys.
That's why she have shotgun
Too bad the designer between this headgear left the company
Really? Damn, they had the right idea
I actually like sens's mohawk. She look like ruby rhod
i love finding dumb spots for goyo traps
>they still haven't fixed these spots in villa
ubishit pls...
Every time more people get invited to the market the prices tank. I think the big brain play is to sell everything you can and then buy nothing for 120 credit minimum until they drop it lower than that because they realise no one wants half this shit for that amount of credits
>pay full price for game
>$9.99 a month now to play
Fuck that shit.
>$9.99 a month now to play
What did he mean by this
Starting in June, Rainbow 6 Siege is going to charge $10 a month or $80 a year for "a new subscription service for Siege called R6 Membership, which promises exclusive content drops, animated skins, and premium battle pass access"
I don't see where it says you have to pay for that garbage "to play the game".
lol that happened to me when i got a free operator a long time ago and i was PISSED
The most expensive operators take like 3 hours to unlock by just playing the game...
Oh do fuck off you tedious cunt.
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Why do I always get ridiculous clown shit for mozzie? How about something TACTICAL?

Why would you get mad? The game is already choke full of "paywalled content". Why are you not upset about the battlepass? This is just another layer of paywalled optional shit that you literally don't have to pay for to play the game. Fuck off.
Are you brain damaged?

you can play 100 games in 3 hours?
to be fair you did word it poorly. not the other guy but i do agree its pretty sad.
Wait is that real?
100 games? Wtf? I get about 1k renown for a win with a booster active (that I always get for free...) and a standard game ends after 4 round wins! They take like 15 minutes?
What is that?
Lmfao... Noticed it too. I guess they're celebrating it at Ash's house?
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This Ash challenge is fucking ridiculous man. First they take away her flashes, then they ask me to BLIND opponents with something to complete her challenge. What the fuck am I supposed to blind them with? Ash's asshole?
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mozzie has exactly one headgear where he almost looks tactical
I mean the point of the challenges are for noobs to unlock the respective characters You don't do the challenges as Ash you do them as recruit
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the uniform plus steel wave helmet look good
Tell me about Mozzie, why does his uniform say "GOOSE".
It's his surname
I bought this skin but I still hate it
the gridlock version looks even worse
Name one good Gridlock skin
> What the fuck am I supposed to blind them with? Ash's asshole?
Yes, she is bleached it.
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tachanka fashion, i have more since getting market
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I had that helmet and camo on my old account, but now I have to be content with:
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they are both on the market for 120. i almost got that uniform to match the black helmet he has.
>they are both on the market for 120
That applies to pretty much 99% of uniforms/headgear lmao (no one wants that garbage)... that might change once everyone gets access to it though? I guess we'll see...
>4 commends
I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY. Commends never make sense. When I carry the shit out of my team I never get commended by these salty no-skill losers, but when I just sit back and chill they spam commends. Fucking retards, lmao.
I always get the most commends out of all my friend group and I don't know why, I like to flex them though so I hope they don't rework them
Maybe they all want to fuck you lol :^)
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>View all ingame skins! (including upcoming things we haven't posted here yet)
>View all pack collections (including alpha!)
Is there tip that shows an item availability? From what source and it is obtainable or not.
Nokk's silhouette is pure sex
official yeah
>almost every attainable flores skin is just a recoloured hat
when are they gonna make this dude look cool
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I've got 10k renown which attacker should i buy
Dokka if you aren't a shitter
Mav if you have a girthy cock
Zero if you solo queue
Flores if you like to win in Oregon basement
Ace is a must
Think I'll go for Mav despite my average peen. A new breacher would be cool but Ace seems too much like Hibana/Thermite
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Ace is easily the best hard breacher at the moment, even has a top tier kit. Thermite the best in terms of high risk-high reward, while Hibana is more situational, you'd want her in maps where having hatch control is key to winning rounds

But yah, Mav is still a top tier choice and you'll have to get him eventually
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k a l i
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i love being in retard elo
fucking servers dead
Ace does everything Hibana and Thermite do but better.
Genuinely the most versatile operator in the game
Except be a beautiful Nipponese queen. Hibana's fishface makes me diamonds.
>You will never be Pulse putting a Hispanic-Asian baby in Hibana

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