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This thread is for online board, card, and social deduction, drawing and etc. games that fill up with lobbies/custom rooms.

Poker Chase: https://game.poker-chase.com/play/index.html
100% Orange Juice: https://fruitbatfactory.com/100orange/
Etohana: https://etohana-koikoi.com/
Catan: https://colonist.io/
BGO: https://www.boardgame-online.com/
Bunny: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2132850/Rabbit_and_Steel/
Heart of Crown: https://store.steampowered.com/app/476420/Heart_of_Crown_PC/
DJMAX RESPECT V: https://store.steampowered.com/app/960170/DJMAX_RESPECT_V/
Melty Blood: https://play.meltyblood.club/

OJ is free for grabs right now! Offer ends on Monday, but there's still a have huge sale until 27th.
OJ League some time after main /mjg/ League.

>/mjg/ board game spreadsheet
>Bunny and Steel spreadsheet
>/oj/ booru
>/mjg/ booru:
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This isn't /vg/...
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>got drafted for the /doko/ team
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I could've been drafted too if only I actually joined more lobbies
>/doko/ team
>no /doko/ theme
wait is there actually a /doko/ team?
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there is a team with a high concentration of familiar >names
I don't know if they are actually making it a /doko/ team though
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Why is there an overlap between bunnies and mahjong?
I think I'm gonna grinch my team to play kokos...
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is bnnuy over?
I would koko a doko but I'm still recovering from an eye procedure and am not operating optimally.
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bunny was just a fotm game that will die by the end of this weekend
I am too busy playing other games with friends but i will host lunar tomorrow a lot. Gotta beat it
your face is fotm
Make a lobby
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Why buy level-ups for 1% damage boost if the enemies scale according to your level?
I don't personally
If every dokp just kokoed, the world would be a better place.
i'll be your doko for almolst any koko
My laptop just died which is a sign that I should go to sleep
what game
if you know you know
oh i know what game but i refuse to join if there wont be clarification
yeah, i ended up getting 3 in 3 songs in a row during our lobby but i don't see any logic behind it.
Difficulty of the song? nope
first time clearing a song? nope
first time getting an S or max combo? nope
Speaking of DJMAX.
What's your keyboard layout my fellow DJs? I need to get away from controller if i wanna git gud in ranked.
The default Shift-asd, l;'-Shift for 6.
I've heard about people using something like Caps-qwe-Space, Down-789-Enter for 8b for more spacing between hands though.
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Rate my setup
4/10 a ddr pad would be better
I don't have a ddr pad though
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Tried spellsword today, my first thoughts were
>what the fuck, it sucks, it's even worse than wizard
Decided to give it another shot, and man I couldn't be more wrong
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I should try using my guitar (an actual electric guitar, not a guitar-shaped game controller) to play djmax
would that be possible? I don't know much about electric instruments, only reason my keytar kinda works it is it really is just a midicontroller
Speaking of DJMAX, they have released a recording of their 2-day associated artist performance, apparently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KomyEm9wMU
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Apparently you can transform your guitar output into midi signal and then convert that into keystrokes.
It's likely gonna be janky as fuck, but doable
/doko/ garage band doko?
In (You)r garage, anon
Spellblade's special can do some silly stuff with some items, having a 10s cooldown and 3 uses.
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I'm still getting filtered by dragons...
And I'm not even playing on lunar...
You and me both, I did not play enough Bomberman to do speed geometry like this
My only runs I get past dragons is if they're the 2nd or 3rd zone and I have a hilariously broken build going.
not being invited to the /doko/ team really killed my motivation to play any /doko/ game. i thought we were friends...
just join the irc anyway, we'll have you
You didn't draft me for the /doko/ team, I'm not drafting you for OJ league.
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rabbit doko...
owari da....
make it
pw: rage
we hate mice

oops guess i'll join >>1296563 then
i don't see the lobby, are you in a run? i'll wait for you to finish then
negatory 3/4
was there an update
server browser is really fuckin slow to update but make sure you have the right search settings
oh you're right i haven't updated my game
I still don't see the lobby... guess I'll play solo
I went out to get dinner did I miss it
yes, sorry cutie, we were 4 out of 4.
i'll basically be hosting that lobby every night starting around 8pm est until i get sick of the game which probably aint gonna be for a while
that is to say, every night until i get sick of the game, from around 8est-1est
pureez look forward to it
top 10 saddest anime deaths
fucking dwagon has my number, maybe the lobby name needs an update
How hard is it to not walk on someone when you are already in the safe zone? I don't know if I can do randos
anon, make sure you are giving them room to safely position, there are many mechanics where if you just stop as soon as you get to the safe zone then other people will be forced to go through you to get to safety
this drives me fucking insane on frog boss
I am going insane trying to no hit hard.
let's duo and go insane together anon
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Would /doko/ be interested in trying a new web game? It's called AMQ (Anime Music Quiz). Basically if you own an anime tracking website like Kitsu, AniList or MAL, you can enter your username, and it will gather your watched anime and make a quiz out of them where you can guess openings, endings and insert songs of anime you watched. It's highly customizable and has a lot of different game modes.
It's fun to gather around with fellow anime enjoyers to reminisce about anime you watched in the past while listening to some good tunes and some friendly (or unfriendly) competition where you guess your and others anime openings etc. If you don't own an anime list but are an avid anime enjoyer, you can also try for the random game mode, which pools anime randomly, as you guessed it. I have made an easy image guide on how to create an account and add your list, if you're interested in trying it out
what do you think this is, some kind of thread full of weebs? what could possibly give you that inclination
I'd be down to play but I'm a burger and doubt I could join except on weekends
It sounds fun but I'm too embarrassed of my shit taste
That's completely fine, as long as you make an account we can play whenever
Don't feel embarrassed, I've seen some weird shit already, from ONLY yuri shows to only precure shows, I don't think you can surprise me, besides, it's all for good fun
could be fun if you could get a few people
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Sounds fun
Okay if you host I'll join
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Alright, I hosted one, make sure the public checkmark is unchecked so you can find the room in the search list
do you want to link the site
it's just as it is called:
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I'm playing the tutorial
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Ah shit that must be a new addition, I don't remember doing any of that
we're 2 here if anyone else wants to come, you can drop in anytime you want
What is the name of the lobby?
mahjong, make sure to untick public lobbies only so you can find it
ofc you start right when i am about to join.
Come back, we can always restart
Waiting in the lobby for you, friend
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Ah, went to make food. I guess it is dead
it's not dead, come by
Might join in a bit after setting up an MAL so it doesn't constantly pull me songs from obscure 2000s anime I never watched
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I think we're ending it after this game, but we can for sure play another day, we have 6 people today it was fun
I don't use anime tracking sites...
you don't have to, we had plenty of people without lists enjoying themselves
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Room closed for now. Thanks to everyone for joining, it was fun
GGs. was fun besides the inserts. I am going to try some of that nexus gamemode, looks interesting
I haven't dabbled in it much, I think it's some kind of roguelike mode
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Yeah, but i don't understand what it means by comedy.
I got soul eater and k-on, idk if i would say those are comedy.

Decent so far
They have comedy aspects in them, so I assume that's why they showed up. I think it also only pools from your watched list, so if your list isn't that big it'll use what it can
The fuck you mean make sure I do that? I'm the one making room for them and barely anyone else doing such for me (or anyone else)
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Ez first try
The default character is so ugly, I HAVE to keep playing until I can buy another one...
Join the discord then leave after you get the 8 tickets. I got 3 characters with them
ara ara, gokigenyou
I swear to god rando dancers. FUCKING MOVE

Old men with animal ears
i return hosting hard again
floof fan club
pw: rage
3/4 right now
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why do all the lobbies fill up before I even get a chance to join...
Make your own lobby, with hookers and blackjack!
hate doko
2/4 join join join
closed for the night see you tomorrow /doko/ thanks for playing
AMQ doko
stuck waging come play go with me.
Sure I can host in like 15 minutes
please join.... it's gonna take like 15 minutes.... rules are literally as simple as surround a stone or a group of connected stones on all cardinal directions (east south west north) to take it. then get 1 point for each stone you captured + each empty square surrounded by you.
my skill level isn't high just get in aaaaaaa
go is too intimidating for me sorry anon
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AMQ doko lobby open
room name: mahjong
pw: rage

refer to >>1297299 if you are seeing this for the first time and want to try it out
GG. Back to waging
I have no idea what just happened but gg
You get 1 point for each empty hole aswell, that's why I was passing turn. filling in your holes is not necessary
I'm gonna take a shower first don't wait for me if there's already people joining
yeah we're 4 here you can always join midway and spectate
it's over
you should be able to reconnect
Fuck, server downtime, see you in 10 minutes
Server is back, rehosting! Please join!
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how am i supposed to do the frog jumps if she keeps shitting the screen with HUGE FUCKING CIRCLES and there's not enough time to go around them
walk to the right and move in after circle passes
Don't the circles spawn based on your latitude? Can't you bait them so they don't cover the entire safe zone?
>match colors
>get in the circle
>stop moving
>all with the same progress bar
just go in circle with the color and dont move?
you only have to be not moving when the bar ends?
yes, anon. that's how "keep moving" and "stop moving" work, you can do whatever you want until the bar fills, then when it fills (and for about a half second afterwards) you need to be stopped/constantly moving.

so the idea with "stop moving" alongside other mechanics is to position in such away that you can avoid them and get there before the bar fills.
I see, that explains a lot
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gg lads, that was a long ass session. Good to see so many people joining in
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GGs thanks for the room.
Opening some correspondence Go games for tomorrow. Feel free to join. Note that these games might take a while... I check this site regularly for my current correspondence games aswell, so during EU/AUS hours I can make moves.
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Here is how you win:
Surround empty spaces, they get converted to points as seen above.
Red- White territory
Blue- Black territory
Purple- "Dame" (neither)
In addition, every stone you capture is an additional point. (capture 10 stones = gain 10 points)
To capture a stone, just surround it on 4 directions (up down left right). If there are multiple connected stones, you must surround all of the connected stones on 4 directions.
The edges of the board are like walls, for example if you play in the corner, you only need to be surrounded on 2 sides.
As a general rule, try to make moves that expand your territory, and do not be afraid to play inside of enemy territory if you can find a way to escape out of it.
The best move is your opponents best move in many cases. Building long walls is good, it captures points and also prevents the opponent from escaping if they try to play inside of your territories.
If (You) have never played the game, feel free to join anyway, I'm not some crude bully and I am not a strong player either.
I don't really seem to notice when my pieces get surrounded. Am I getting sniped from halfway across the map?
Kind of yeah.
The walls squeeze the stones so its possible to surround stones by pushing them to the wall.
If a stone has nowhere to run, its going to die soon probably. It gets complex if you start thinking about creating a new group, but that needs a lot of space. Thats why we generally start at corners, it takes 2x less stones to surround a corner than the middle.
That is also why we build these long walls, we use them to push against the opponent. If you try to play inside my territory, I will do my best to push you to my wall or the wall on the outside. If I can only choose one, then you can either escape or capture territory near the outside wall. With nowhere to run, you'll die quickly.
We also use the long wall to protect us, if theres ever a group in danger, we just connect it to the wall-- the wall that has surrounded territory already.
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poker chase
So why does not each game devolve into a draw of just building a diagonal wall across the board?
It's too slow.
You can build a wall diagonally across the board but what do you do if the opponent spends that time making 4 walls in corners? He has walls behind your wall, so you don't actually capture any territory with your wall, but he does, since he has surrounded the side of the board with his wall.
Also you can pass to end the game and go to scoring.
It will figure out what groups will die no matter what.
That anon wasn't me. gg. That +16 at the end surprised me.
>the opponent spends that time making 4 walls in corners
That's even slower.
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Yeah, I had a lot of points captured + those 20~ish stones i captured from you 1-2 at a time. Do you want a rematch?
See pic related. No matter how fast you are, you're slower than this nyagger capturing corners.
I don't really see anything there, you are assuming I have any skill in the game.
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I'll play the tutorial first for now so I know at least what's happening..
my balls hurt
Since you get points for each empty square you surround, black captured the corners before white could finish his wall. Even if white finishes his wall later, there are no points left to capture since black already controls the corner. Black is, so-to-say, "alive" in 3 of the corners.
You basically build a wall behind white. Technically these territories aren't owned yet, but it's there really aren't ways to prevent black from capturing it, best you can do is make it smaller but that has its own drawbacks.
GG, can't talk in chat because I don't have an email attached to my account.
I trust in the planned mod support in the future
I'll send a rematch and go to sleep.
For the game we played, it was a good start, you were attacking me quite hard, so i decided to counter attack as much as possible. As a key point, think a bit more about stone efficiency. For example move 20 is super inefficient, it doesn't capture anything, and it doesnt make white stronger, nor does it attack black meaningfully.
To be more technical, it's a move that makes a "bad shape", the way your stones are placed is just begging for an attack by black. I backed off there, but having good shape is super important in go if you want to fight. 1-space jumps, knight jumps and extending your wall are the fundamentals of good shape.
If you one space jump instead of making that bad shape, you immedietely pressure the group below while also protecting your own group. Black has a harder time running away, and if black ignores it, you can just keep pressing black to the wall and kill him somewhat easily.
Here's also the games played today if any anon wants to see how they played out.
>but it's there really aren't ways to prevent black from capturing it
White on S14?
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S14 directly runs into R12, cutting off white's retreat path, black tries to kill the isolated S14, while also threatening to go under white's wall by the edge of the board with R10. There's a lot of complication there to play out (R17, specifically by white can cause a blood bath), but at the end of it the fight is fairly favorable for black.
I marked some potential continuations. It gets fairly complicated. Above my level of play to figure out which of these are optimal in this position, i just know i'd much rather be black than white.
>black tries to kill the isolated S14, while also threatening to go under white's wall by the edge of the board with R10.
Then why not S11 to close the wall instead of R17? (Or T14 instead of S14 to make it unkillable?)
T14 doesn't help, since the only way to prevent being surrounded on all directions is by surrounding empty spaces. T14 doesn't work because it doesnt surround anything. S14 atleast tries to surround the bottom side. Black simply continues to attack T14 by white with R12.
S11 is more interesting, but black can play S12 to still keep white cut off from everything. After S11, S12, R17 no longer works (note: purely intuitive guess from my experience. play by feel nya.) white is simply going to get surrounded, captured, then the empty spaces will serve for black as insurance that he can't be surrounded anymore.
There's other moves white can do aswell, but no matter how white plays, black will attack S14, and build a wall while attacking, there really aren't great moves that give black a hard time.
ok its koko time for bnuuy, this is an APB (all points bunny)

buns united against dragons
pw: rage
didn't put difficulty
its hard, sorry, also we are 3/4 at this particular moment in time and space
what's apb?
https://store.steampowered.com/app/113400/APB_Reloaded/ the hit new /doko/ game
all points bunny, i already told you

2/4 hard right now
don't play the slowest bun solo lmao
heavy is very strong solo
>RoR came and went
>Anime Music Quiz came and went
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is that your way of asking for a koko?
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AMQ lobby open


boomers vs zoomers round 2
we're 3 in here now, if anyone wants to drop in you can always do so
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Two new Go games
It says challenge received but I don't see any challenge pop up
GGs on the 9x9!
I sent a rematch, you can see it at the top on the bell
Never mind I see it now
My first win!
room is closed for now, thanks for joining
I'll go all out for the last one for now. I gave you a handicap
GG, thanks for playing.
This is your GOKO training arc.
The 13x13 lobby is still technically open, but i'm done for today. Feel free to join if you want to play a correspondence.
Even with a handicap I still lost...
I think I let my pieces get captured too easily
Thanks for the games
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You should try to avoid making these 1 space jumps when the opponent can bulldoze through. Getting seperated in this game gets you killed easily. Not everything needs a connection but its still better to have one than not have one.
Yeah I realized that whenever I do that I kept getting raced and lose everytime. I'll try to keep it in mind next time.
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Also be really careful about playing diagonals that touch enemies like this. Unless you can calculate the square move by white, you should always connect in the square yourself, or not end up in this position in the first place by just extending your wall instead of attacking. Getting disconnected like this is really painful, especially since in this case there is no way to defend both stones.
>not drafted for team doko
please be fake...
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You're weren't famous enough, sorry!
bnuuy koko is up once more
owari da...
pw rage
>want to play bnuuy
>keep making small mistakes because I keep suddenly losing total awareness
>not just zoning out. just straight up feeling like I just suddenly missed a second
>wanted to play more multiplayer
>bad thoughts back
Whelp it was nice having something I could have fun with for a bit. Oh well
Yeah I get that feeling sometimes too. I'd say get some good rest to get some of your focus back but I'm not following my own advice so it's really up to you.
Rabbit and Steel.
wait for me
we just ended a run
solo is too hard
4p multi is too hectic
where are the 2p lobbies
was thinking about spinning up some lunar duos in lieu of my usual 4 man hard lobbies tonight
GGs, closed
sorry for messing around. haven't played in a while.
2024... Anime Music Quiz is... Forgotten...
Don't worry, I'll revive the Catan rooms soon
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I'm gonna go to the store, I can host after I come back
AMQ lobby is open
name mahjong
pw rage
No... I'm waging...
If the matter of sleeping was the issue, I wouldn't have the problem. I appreciate the sentiment though
is there a crack for playing online for the bunny game
feel free to make fun of the poorfag
Lol poorfag
lol poorfag
typically i wouldnt say that but its only $15 anon...
if its multiplayer people genuinely dont mind you fucking up, just dont be total dead weight, the only person stopping you from playing is you
hard bnuuy koko
dragon fan club
pw: rage
Who said I care what other people think? I probably didn't word something well, so you're misreading what I was trying to say
>fish for pity in /doko/ while pretending you don't care what others think
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>miss the bnuuy koko
owari da...
bunny game
somehow 4/4
i cant believe (You) left on 3/4.
ill wait 2 min for you
4/4 started
>missed the bnuuy room having some slots open
He meant take a break once you start screwing up.
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AMQ doko
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fuck AMQ, I wanna play BGO
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i am growing stronger.

After a bit since 2.0 I think the DJ Class rating is better than whatever weird master % or whatever it was called before. At least you don't to grind all the songs and DLCs to get it up. But who cares i am still not getting high enough for anyone to see my name
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2/(at least 4)
old doko is dead...
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3 in! at least one more!
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bogo takes too long
Do all the debuffs in bunbun work the same?
>doesn't stack on itself but stacks with the same effect from different sources
>can't be applied again until it falls off
I'll join in 9 minutes after I take a shit if it's not started
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gg, thanks for joining
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Anyone up for some gartic?
we should do Jackbox
we should do AMQ
we should do sex
we should do
I should take a nap
AMQ koko
come play
Anon this is your captain, you should be making OC.
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we could be making OC practice in gartic...
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we're the doko team, playing doko games is our OC
update your bunnies

lobby up
dragon fanclub
pw: rage
where are the NOTES
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bnuuy koko status?
full, starting a run just now, sorry luv
3/4 koko
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damn my game was outdated
still funny
>a dev replied
enjoy your cute bunnies while you can
how does this insinuate the cuties are going away
What the fuck is wrong with faggots. Besides the whole faggot thing.
are you saying men can't be cute
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I got a perfect build on Ancient that gave 100% invul uptime and a buff every second by just holding the secondary and defensive buttons but my power went out like 20 seconds before the clear and killed the room I was hosting.
Now I'm fucking pissed and sad that I will never have anything this good ever again.
who cares if it wasnt lunar retard
Finally beat scholar's nest with defender on lunar but after trying mouse and dragon I've come to the conclusion it is literally impossible to do defender on lunar without a lot of movespeed items
Going to have to beat it all with dancer first before giving defender another go...
if you want cheese you need to be playing bruiser my friend, even with the 'nerf' sapphire defensive breaks easily and emerald special is all the DPS you ever need
M*le bun players get put on the blacklist. Shrimple as.
nah I don't want cheese I want the opposite, to be able to ethically beat the game with my fav class
that said after playing some dancer and the new sniper holy shit the games so different so much easier how the fuck did the dev think defender was remotely balanced like holy shit every other class does more damage while not having an iron ball strapped to their ankle and all of it's "buffs" in the new patch are complete shite like what the fuck man
I'd honestly like to see the dev try and do lunar or hell even just hard with defender no cheese there's no way he could
NTA. Did Defender change a lot or do you mean just in general? I would think the movement speed availability would help her. I always felt "why would I play her over heavyblade when it comes to the slowest characters". I don't have as much experience with her, so I'm unsure if things potentially got worse
Defender buffs:
>Opal primary
Now gives 2 charges, still shit because >cooldown
>Ruby primary
Now is just one meaty hit, looks cool but there's no real reason to use it, also still shit because >cooldown
>Emerald primary
lol. lmao.
>Opal secondary
Only genuine buff, 2 charges on a 1.2 gcd is good
>Emerald secondary
Now gives some passive movement speed, eh it's not bad but when you compare it to dancer's emerald defense (perma +10% dmg and abilities/loot no longer slow you) it's weak
>Opal special
+100 damage, still shit because >cooldown
>Opal defense
Now gives 5 charges, cool but not really relevant
All the movement speed items introduced look great until you realise they're all shit defensive items (aside from a couple). Having to throw away a good upgrade for a weak QoL that all the other classes get by default is not fun
Yeah I noticed that with the movement speed items. At least it makes some of those items feel less meh/shit to pick (whether because party or just other options aren't worth)
AMQ doko
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i don't get the point of the nova crown change.
Sounds overly convoluted to have almost the same effect as before. Unless it changes some interactions with other stuff but i can't think of any.
Quartz shield makes me sad though.
It is practically speaking the exact same effect because 90% of the time you're in a GCD when it triggers so there's no delay on using the freshly-reset special
I guess midwits were expecting it to activate literally instantly for automatically-activating specials like ancient emerald or something, i don't know, but it still works fine, I had a fucking crazy druid build with it last night
post your lunar runs then faggot
it does matter for the few items that proc on cooldown reset, ie. that one bow.
if cd is set to 1 then it isnt a cooldown reset, so the bow wont proc again
i can't beleive anime music quiz is dead
anon it's monday
bunny koko again
Who spread this game to /xivg/
kek you saw the OP for it too? I don't browse it, but I was in /vg/ catalog and then saw bnuuy OP image. Was confused then read the general name
I mean it's literally FFXIV but only the raids
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more bunnies the better
We HAVE to play AMQ today, I'm in withdrawal
host a koko...
But today is bar day...
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AMQ host koko

Why do you keep leaving drunk?!
see >>1303880
Room closed thanks for joining
bnuuy doko?
bunny koko once more
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nobody joined my lobby... from /vm/ anyway
/doko/ players doko......
koko rabbit and steel
ggs thanks for playing
rabbit & steel koko yet again
Stop making kokos when I'm at the bar
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you're always at the bar
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Why don't you join me?
Why is that mahjong table so big?
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its ok.... i'm prepetually stuck in OC mines.
hope you arent at the bar
dragon fan club is koko once more (this time on lunar) (join) (it will be fun)
NTA but I'm stuck in some bad traffic coming home from the bar. Can you wait a bit?
how much of /doko/ is alcoholics?
we filled but may have an opening soon keep an eye out
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I'm like the only one that still plays oj
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Make a room
oj league never ever
oj league once i get back from the bar
oj doko...
I own oj, but never played it before. Haha besides being surrounded by people that played it before I got it
not the alcoholic?
we're 3/4 right now alcoholic-kun, but we bumped down to hard difficulty
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thanks for the koko, haven't played the game in 2 weeks and i really need that hit of dopamine.
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hey neat i dont have that version
my pleasure drunkard-dono i koko the dragon fan club pretty much every night if you ever want to fly in
not tomorrow though because ill be at a rolling stones concert unless i change my mind because i hate crowded places and im kind of just being dragged there by my friends
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You should go, you can stay in any night but this is a one time event you might regret not going to. you never know when you might not have those one time events any more
yeah but i want to play bnuuy i can also listen to jumpin jack flash any time i want
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Guys i am back from the bar and ready to doko.
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AMQ Koko is back
Room: mahjong
Pw: rage
Don't drink and doko...
The roguelike is more fun than any of the other gamemodes combines, when is a doko of that
50 songs is too way many
it's not gonna be all 50, people are gonna die
cha la head cha la
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Shogi doko? https://81dojo.com/en/
osu doko
bnnuy doko
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Why do all the good dokos happen when I am at the bar.

I don't want to play bad quiz games any more
Or at least a better quiz game than weebshit
>posts bocchi the reddit
>calls others weebs
bnuuy game is reclining...
Thats because I am an otaku not a weeb
bunny koko
dragon fanclub
pw: rage
doko should play real games like Final Fantasy XIV Online
doko should get in the bunny lobby described above
too many story missions
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3/4 join up /doko/ (or don't, it's totally up to you, i'll still love you either way)
3/4 again aaaaaaaaa
ill join whenever another spot opens up desu
just say when
now, stalker
osu doko
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make the REAL osu koko
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ggs thanks for hosting as always
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Watching the bruiser hit me with the spread while they dashed in was funny.
floof status: annihilated without recompense
people need to understand that you literally do not need t move sideways for this mechanic, just up and down to break tethers
buddy i only know 2 dimensions, now you want me to add a 3rd AND 4TH? UP AND DOWN?
people these days
what the fuck that's not at all how it looked on my end
I was pretty much stacked with dancer
they didn't have a fluffy floof at the start of the webm though
oh so you were after MY floof then? that's a write-up
amq doko
But I'm waging
AMQ koko
how does this work? can I join without having a MAL account? Or rather, can I just join to hear the songs and chill? I know I will embarras myself because I suck at recognizing music...
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90% of people who played are boomers who don't know anything. You just join and chill, it will come back to you. It's multiple choices, so you can guess. Having a list isn't required, but making one helps, as it shows you shows from the list you made making guessing easier. Without a list you get random shows.
I see, thanks. I just never used one of these tracker sites and obviously at this point I'm not going to make one and update it with all the stuff I've watched. I'll try to join later! once I finish my OC for league
It's quite easy to do tracking if you use apps like Taiga
Neither did, I made a list specifically for this game, so did others.
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Thanks for the games, I was expecting to do even worse somehow.
I guess I'll go make a list for the next time I want to play, surely it won't take too long...
ggs thanks for coming
osu doko
any bunnyers tonight? i can koko in around 15 minutes after i finish a job application
BNUUY KOKO (again)
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Is there still space?
we been 2/4 all night, we're mid-run right now but keep an eye out
join up, we just had what can only be described as a meme-tastic cringetabulum
dragon fan club
pw: rage
we're in a run right now 3/4, i reckon about 15-20 mins
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good games thanks bnuuy buddies, more lobbies sunday
Honestly id be up for it.
I know the rules, but i'm kinda bad.
I'll keep an eye out for your koko.
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/doko/bros we just had free advertisement, why is the thread still dead
hehe, boobies
I can't believe league killed all the kokos...
shogi doko, ill go to sleep in 1 hour.
AMQ doko
Osu! doko
shikadoko dokodoko koshitantan
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I did it. I killed /doko/ again.
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>get an ad space in the biggest /mjg/ event of the year
>die anyways
I can't believe Anime Music Quiz is dead...
Anon, everyone is watching league...
Fuck league
who cares the 1 adept at the table is going to get farmed for 8 rounds there i saved you having to watch it
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It's first day of league you retards, no shit the regulars will be too busy with OC, playing, and watching for /doko/.
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>too busy with OC, playing, and watching for /doko/.
Ask in the doko irc channel
>game is all about cute bunnies
>community is strangely wholesome
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I am too drunk to not be wholesome. Which reminds me, I need another drink
which bnuuy would you have a plush of? https://www.makeship.com/petitions/heavyblade-rabbit-plushie
tfw still too trash to get the rainbow floof...
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AMQ koko
At this point, Heavyblade is probably the most iconic bnuuy but I wouldn't say no to a simple floof plush. Also, I wish there was a more concrete end design for the plush before I decide whether or not to drop $30 on it
gg thanks for joining!
i just woke up do it again
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/doko/ huh........it's been some time

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