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With WeezyTF2's (a popular TF2 YouTuber) new video talking about SaveTF2 that came out a few days ago. It has reignited the sense of SaveTF2 and that it might happen again.

>What is/was #SaveTF2?
It was an online movement made by the TF2 community back in 2022 to raise awareness of the neglect from Valve, the developer, regarding the issue of cheaters and bots plaguing the game among other issues that the game has. The original #SaveTF2 movement was quite successful yet it did not achieve its full potential.

>What did #SaveTF22 do?

#SaveTF2 did many things such as getting the hashtag to be number one on Twitter promoting it everywhere, and signing a petition on change.org.

>What is the point of #FixTF2?

While #SaveTF2 was impactful in terms of Valve updating the game, there was clearly not enough done to fix the issue as bots and cheaters are still rampant to this day. #FixTF2 is a resurgence of #SaveTF2 and I, alongside much of the TF2 community, hope that it will leave more impact than the original.

>Bro TF2 is like 20 years old its dead

Many games that are as old if not older than TF2 are still alive. Things like WoW, Runescape, Cs 1,6, Og Cod, Gta 4/5, etc are still popular. If TF2 should be dead because its old, then all the games I just mentioned should also die.

>Just move on to something like OW2.

Remember the outcry by fans of OW1 when OW2 came out. If die hard fans quit over OW2 and refuse to play, why would TF2 fans do the same? Yes the OW1 servers are shut down and its hopeless but the TF2 servers arent.

>Why even bother again?

#SaveTF2 failed because the community pussied out right at the end. Many still think what the point is if it will be futile. The answer is that for the past 5-10 years, we have done nothing to try to fix the bot problem. So now, when we are about to give it a shot that may have an impact, yall are like "its not worth it bozo" ?

TL;DR: Spread the word about #FixTF2, lets show Valve we are not pussies
You forgot the part where it was proven that 2/3 of Steam's reported player count for TF2 is bots either farming items or griefing games.
>#SaveTF2 failed because the community pussied out right at the end.
i thought it was because it was a massive circlejerk by the perpetrators and the bugmen who don't even play tf2 to kickstart coomer shit like mimi sentry and what not.
just look at the shitty "SOPA DE MACACO" appropriation "update" that came out like a month ago. it's atrocious, let alone they allowed years old submissions to be astroturfed into it even if they have nothing to do with the theme.
fuck this community and valve.
just let tf2 die, valve does not give a shit and the community is too split/autistic/retarded to do anything about it
When im in a being an annoying whiny tranny competition and my opponent is a tf2fag
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i think tf2 will die regardless
who gives a shit. tf2 destroyed multiplayer games with microtransation shit
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y not just play le community servers
name one good community server that isn't dead
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click this box and join whatever server shows up

Next game from Valve will basically bring back elements of TF2, Dota and CS and merge everything in one game. The art will be very similar.

That's why they don't give a shit about TF2. Just wait for their new game and see if it's worth something good. Valve can do great things when under pressure but they can also take the lazy route and fuck everyone over.

Let's see what happens.
It's all 2fort and trade
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What do you mean "issue of cheaters"? You mean anyone outside your discord tranny para social group, or people who don't care about being "passionate" about an old ass game being kept of 2fort/turbine/dustbowl life support. You can get Fedoraware triggerbot working in under 3 minutes. No reasonable adult would have legitimate fun or novel experience playing tf2 after like 2014. It becomes even more grim when you realize Overwatch sucks ass and is populated by 12 year olds
dare i say uncel topia
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Save TF2 failed because the people promoting it were also part of the problem killing the game in the first place, namely compfags who hate fun and want every weapon they don't like nerfed into the fucking dirt even if it makes some classes completely unviable in their own gay metagames
>drops no longer tradable
>everyone on steam gets tf2 item drops
there I fixed it
Nothing will happen. I hate it.
go back
>casual and comp matchmaking released
>Everyone complains (rightfully) because the new modes are awful and a poor replacement for the quick match system
>Anyone with a brain continues to play on community servers
>Bots appear and make casual even worse than it already was
>I'm supposed to care because weeb faggot YouTubers have run out of content to make from this 17 year old corpse of a game
It's not like there's a huge button at Valve HQ labelled "Allow bots in TF2". What sort of solution are you expecting? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgkgsgaBBCA shows why the bot problem isn't a matter of just pressuring Valve.
Anon, let it go and move on. This is about to be a 17 year old game. I remember in 2007 when I started playing it religiously and did so for years after. It was a great time and the variety of /v/ servers from Aids Pool, Idorts, Old Van, Toycove that existed were a blast to play on. I have memories, good memories. But nothing will bring that back. All of the sane people have left a very long time ago, i'm now almost twice the age i started playing, and the game's identity had been stripped away since 2010 when microtransactions were introduced. The feelings I have for TF2 during 2007-2010 will always be with me, but I also understand that the game coincides with my young adulthood in college and 2000's era internet. None of this can brought back, but I can cherish those memories and leave it at that. You must do this as well.
Just let it go.
Can someone explain something to me?

Why in TF2 do some crits not look like crits? Like there's a rocket heading toward me which is very clearly NOT a critical rocket, but when it hits me I die and the kill feed shows it was a crit.

I've tried googling this topic many times on and off over the years and I can't find a single fucking person talking about this. All I see is discussion on whether crits should be random or not, but nobody talking about why they don't LOOK like crits?

And I swear the rate at which it occurs is like 10x higher when you're an engineer carrying gear, or a medic with a full uber charge.
I really think there's some hidden logic that's trying to decide whether something is a crit AFTER it hits someone, rather than before. And that irritates me on many levels. For one because then you eliminate one major skill from the game: dodging crits. And secondly because it makes me wonder if this is a part of some "engagement optimization" system...
Please tell me there's some other explanation for it.
Why does it hurt so much? Why does it hurt when I can't play TF2 anymore?
>implying the game won't be plagued with cheaters (or bots if F2P) from day 1
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play on a fucking community server you autistic ladder tranny
Name ONE(1) populated vanilla community server.
valve hopes their new mobafps will replace tf2 probably

they need a new cash cow

these old IPs are tapped out
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Casual is in the toilet so I spent two years playing on the furry pound #4 because of it, but the staff is shit and banned all the cool regulars. Not many good community servers anymore.

I just want to game.
TF2 is dogshit plain and simple
If you think valve will do anything other than a one time fix for the current bot problem like when they took down the cathook github you are genuinely retarded

There's no way they will keep the tide of bots off the game when they can just release deadlock and forget about tf2
I love the carrot and stick approach Valve has with its gullible and severely autistic fanbase. It's a rinse and repeat cycle of giving them blueballs. And just keep coming back for more like the simps they are.
Valve doesn’t care anymore. As soon as Gabe dies it’s going to become the next Activision/Epic/etc
The Furry Pound
>things like [...] CS 1.6 are still popular
Counter-Strike 1.6 persists because people actually play on community servers. TF2trannies would rather all announce to the world
>yes, there are almost 10,000 vanilla servers worth of us signing this petition
>no, we won't actually play on the community servers
>why not?
>because we're whiney bitches that put the onus on the next guy to actually be the one to hop into the server first
>without matchmaking, I'm a whiny little piss baby that's too insecure to be the one to join a server first
>please save me Valve!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite part is when they go on this tirade as if Casual is still bleeding players from private servers, even though the whole point of this bitching and whining is that Casual is absolutely unplayable and everyone has known this for years now
Yep. Unless one of his sons was groomed to take over the company, it usually ends with it going publicly traded or sold. Gabe's practically semi-retired at this point. He has so much money that he doesn't give a fuck. All that good will nonsense he spewed in the 2000's was bullshit and only done to promote Steam in a time when Steam wasn't the defacto ruler of PC gaming..
tinykitty's girlpound
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Every single other multiplayer game that is 15+ years old is doing just fine without developer intervention, why does TF2 need saving
It really pisses in my grits, because the one thing I always, ALWAYS hear about dedicated servers is that there's "always a chance to play, even if the dev abandons the game," and TF2 is one of the games that typically gets cited in both that regard and "carrying the torch of the old school multiplayer way to play," but now that the chips are down, they're flipping over the board and begging for matchmaking to come back or else they won't play at all.
you're an homosexual
community servers are nothing but 2fort and dustbowl 24/7
You negros keep saying this, and what's funny is: even if it was true, all that would take for you to change it would be to actually play the goddamn game.
BOT HOSTING TUTORIAL: https://youtu.be/bNoTEz2_BqY
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You can run your own community server that isn't 24/7 2fort or dustbowl

You're just too lazy or incompetent to do it or encourage someone who isn't a flaming homo like unkle cuck to do it for you.
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Community servers are definately the way to go.

if the ecelebs get their way they'll start pushing for even more faggotory in TF2 than they already have, random crits and random spread and compfag banlists might be shoved into 'casual' next.
>Many games that are as old if not older than TF2 are still alive. Things like WoW, Runescape, Cs 1,6, Og Cod, Gta 4/5, etc are still popular. If TF2 should be dead because its old, then all the games I just mentioned should also die.
Unironically yes. Not even trolling. Move the fuck on.
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this but unironically
tf2 would be alive if cosmetics and official servers didn't exist
They will save tf2 by letting it die and hope you go to that new hero shooter game and spend money there
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I wonder how many troons with unusual NFTs will off themselves when they realize the $5000+ they spent on them is now worthless
Unlike other assholes in the industry, Gaben cares about us, the consumer.
They just gone keep making youtube videos pretending the game isn't dead. Live a lie.
An anon from /tf2g/ went to their offices all day dressed as scout yesterday.
The employees engaged him at first but then some sort of message was presumably sent out as even the same employees who acknowledged him were blanking him after 9:30am.
#killltf2, #rapeandskullfucktf2, #munttf2

fucking jewtuber e-celebs RUINED this fucking game by begging the devs to implement matchmaking and fucking destroying the valve dedicated server experience because they couldnt get fragging clips against actually experienced players cause they are all fucking horrible at this game
>retarded autist thinks they're engaging him in a positive manner and not just outright mocking him
That's always funny when a sperg encounters a situation like that and can't figure it out
Mann Co ruined this game
>to implement matchmaking and fucking destroying the valve dedicated server experience
Anon, most communities, even the numerous old /v/ servers that started in 2007-08 were starting to really dry up and die in 2013-2015 (Around the time fightingamphibians imageboard died).
Meanwhile the browser was being flooded with non-conventional servers, which started with achievement servers after the Medic Update in 08, idle servers with hats in 09, trade servers in 2010 after mann co, VSH servers in 2011 ect. Valve's idea of MyM wasn't a bad idea on paper, but obviously they had no intention of anything but placing the game on indefinite autopilot after 2006-2007.
when you kill yourself your parents are going to use your birth name (male) on your tombstone
>he says, posting on 4chan
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If I hosted a server (east coast), what maps would you guys want to play on?
And it's matchmaking's fault. I hope they get more fucking bots so valve can kill matchmaking
well they should make tf3 then.
attack/defend gorge
mountain lab
I want to clarify what some of that so called "treadmill work" that people cry about so much, it isn't nearly as much as you would think.

1. Require Casual mode to prohibit players from connecting when running in text only mode and without a profile that has been set up. As well as requiring community servers to force these requirements as well to be able to get item drops.
This would slightly increase the hardware requirements to run bot farms and increase the costs of doing so, and slow down the rate that their accounts can be made.

2. Update VAC, VAC hasn't been updated for nearly 4 years now. Updating it would ban people using new cheats, some of which are used by bots.

3. Mass delete bot accounts, it is really easy to to tell cheat bots and idle bots. Yes they can be remade, but the amount we have running today is effectively a backlog from over a decade worth of people making accounts for the sole purpose of farming items or cheating. If they where all deleted tomorrow they would not come back in a single night. It also helps that many bots are in the same group or are friends with each other.

4. Suspend bot hoster accounts for violating Steam terms of service. They genuinely believe that they are invincible because they typically are not doing the abusive behavior on their main accounts. Many of them do have expansive inventories from funneling items farmed from their bots into their main accounts too.

5. Throttle the process of creating new accounts to one IP per day and blacklist IPs known to be in proxies.

6. Suspend players from Casual mode who are connecting on a known proxy IP.

None of this is impossible to do. While it isn't fool proof, it would massively reduce the problems down significantly and make it much harder for bots to be created quickly and ran on a large scale. It also does not involve making TF2 paid again, or adding an invasive anti-cheat to the game.
>one month later and zero response
>card games
>basically every non digital game
>basically every sport
these should all die because they are old yes?
Just remove casual mode. It's only a problem in matchmaking.
>multibillion dollar entities owned by the largest companies and known the world over
>a old shitty game that kept alive by manchildren with sunk cost fallacies that need to throw collectivized tantrums to get anything done
apples and oranges, negro. get out of your racecar bed and move the fuck on.
His point was that those games are not abandoned due to their age.
>card games
>american gridiron football
Also all of these games are not copyrighted and not owned by a billion dollar company.

Regardless of how much of a crybaby some players have acted. Valve has both the resources to actually pay someone to work on the bot issue, and a responsibility to maintain the integrity of their brand and platform.

Also, suggesting that it is uneconomic for them to do the basic work to fix the game is stupid. What is applicable to mitigating the bot crisis in TF2 would be applicable to any multiplayer source engine game or Steam. Speaking of which, there are hundreds of thousands of bots running across Steam simultaneously, not just TF2. Valve's entire platform is being compromised because their negligence has allowed 3rd worlders to use Steam as a bootleg dollar exchange form.
My point was that Valve can fix the issues and clearly list out what each one is, without doing something a little drastic like removing casual entirely, or making TF2 a paid game again.

To be perfectly honest with you, I think casual mode is here to stay until the day comes that Valve finds it uneconomic to host their servers. The fact that Valve still has servers for competitive mode despite the fact that maybe only 1 match a month has been played in the last 2 years. Until the day comes the competitive mode is completely gutted from TF2's main menu, casual is going to be around for a while.
and the things you listed are things that have exponentially more cultural impact and people invested in it than a retarded video game from 17 years ago, so comparing these different things is retarded.
>Valve has both the resources to actually pay someone to work on the bot issue
resources that could be better utilized for making new games or hardware. valve isn't going to stifle their other projects so the three people left on the tf team can push an update. and they damn sure won't outsource it.
>and a responsibility to maintain the integrity of their brand and platform.
lol. lmao.
>Valve's entire platform is being compromised because their negligence has allowed 3rd worlders to use Steam as a bootleg dollar exchange form.
and they're making money off of it. the fees paid on market transactions from botters is worth tenfold what you buying a faggy pair of pants for your pyro or a new game gives them.
face it, tf2's 15 minutes of fame is long over and it will never get it again. any of the issues you brought up are things that could have and needed to happened 6 years ago, but didn't because no one save for uncle dane's 300 fans give a fuck about this outdated piece of software.
go get a new hobby.
I don't care about the cosmetics or whatever fucking eceleb you think I like.

As long as Valve is allowing these accounts to still exist on Steam, and use their platform for malicious activity, they have an obligation to fix the issue.
The issue with botting isn't unique to TF2, and the fixes done to TF2 can apply to any source game or Steam as a whole.

This Banana game is another game that is being botted to hell on Steam. The issue with bot accounts isn't unique to TF2. Since Steam also a platform for trading and has social media elements, it massively impacts the entire platform is a significant portion of the userbase are bots trying to farm items, and then those in game economies become devalued, hurting the players that are not using bots, and can drive users away long term. Any game that has items that can be traded on Steam is impacted by Valve mediocre moderation.
oh god please no.
nobody cares we just feel sorry for you atp
I guess the banwave was a first step

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