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Risk of Worms
Risk of Hostless
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Risk of Hostess® Twinkies®
>not on /v/
oh boy another month long thread here we go!!
yes, as opposed to a thread that would die in 2 seconds because there's no hosts
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sopa de chirr... uma delicia
Nothing stopping you from just making your own thread there.
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Make one yourself, faggot
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One of you should do it so I can bump it.
where are the hosts
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>What are your hands for?
>What is your heart for?
>Why are you here?
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>nearly 24hrs w/o modded risky blasting my lobes w dopamine
bros...... im not gonna make it..... bro s....
Might host later.
It'd be the vanilla setup I was working on the other night. Culled the extraneous characters like Sonic, no emotes, it'll be shopless, etc. Regi and a few others might stay however.
>maybe host
(You) me when host
>culled Sonic
Fastbros... it's over...
(You) me if you host
unless i fall asleep again
have you as the hostbro noticed any particular mods completely fucking breaking?
im gonna rope if you dont (you) me when hostan
>have you as the hostbro noticed any particular mods completely fucking breaking?
No, but I was getting instant crashes to desktop before the recent update. They're still there. No idea why.
before? ive only started getting these post-update, trimmed my damn modlist 3 times over one night. havent found shit and logs dont help.
is the host "stable" or is it at risk of soft ctds as well? i havent joined in a hot minute
hopping on the (you) train, i need my funny dopamine simulator back
i'm gonna assume gearbox probably broke something else while making the update, maybe stuff to do with the work they did to help set up sots on the backend before the dlc actually relases that was added with this update
>no sonic
>no emotes
I sleep. May join anyway depending on what other survivors you've still got in
i assume its this but the lack of any feedback from the game itself is whats making me so goddamn assmad. still tempted to dive back in and find a common mod thats crashing but i get the feeling its post-update api or the game just shitting the bed.
>false son in the trailer is a deep voiced ruler type figure emitting an aura of pure dominance
>false son's in game voicelines are a bunch of high pitched shrieks and gargly screams
i mean maybe it's subject to change but if that's seriously what they went with then that's lame as fuck, especially since they already DID add voice acting to the game with the chef robot guys
What if he actually has voicelines for you going down his alt-path thingy but they grow more and more unhinged as he's further consumed by lunar corruption until he's gone feral and is about to bring Mithrix's ideal reality (a moment whole) into being (nuking the planet via Prime Devastator.)
i think that'd be Pretty Neat.
up your tight, pantyhosed clownbum
just got home from traveling, a host would be ebin
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host has abandoned us...
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This is how every level looks when you have chad lemurian army
host... where are you... this thread... grows dark...
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okay yeah nevermind i need to sleep again.
you're probably asleep yourself anyways if i had to bet
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>makes sequel to his lightning in a bottle student project
>makes stupid decisions
>made 2's final a slog in a game about racing against the clock/scaling
>tries to salvage it by outsourcing/taking stadia money/hiring more devs
>doesn't work entirely, one of the devs he hired leaves
>decides he hates 3d gamedev
>sells the IP to a terrible company
>makes a remaster of his first game like he wanted, postlaunch support is nowhere to be found despite hiring some of the rorml devs
>it has been 4 months since the last update and there is still no fucking player uncap in returns
I can't believe Deadboltfags won
Anon you do remember the final in the first game also had timed defense bits right? And just like in 2, if you have enough abilities, you can circumvent the whole thing?
>sells the IP to a terrible company
This happened before anything else you wrote.
>makes a remaster of his first game like he wanted, postlaunch support is nowhere to be found despite hiring some of the rorml devs
Hopoo did not touch returns, that was entirely the rorml developer and the starstorm 1 developer.
>it has been 4 months since the last update and there is still no fucking player uncap in returns
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>Anon you do remember the final in the first game also had timed defense bits right?
Do you also not remember the fact that the original version of final in 2 was a fucking long hallway for no reason? Enemies didn't even spawn until you exited out of that.
>This happened before anything else you wrote.
No it didn't lol, he sold the IP in like November of 2022. Everything else I listed was before that.
>Hopoo did not touch returns, that was entirely the rorml developer and the starstorm 1 developer.
Hotpoo's in the credits as a producer retard, the fuck are you talking about? The starstorm dev was really only an idea guy and "contributor"
It took a whole year before loader and chef were added to 1 and hotpoo never even went back and added official character select animations for them.
Never reply to me again faggot.
>Do you also not remember the fact that the original version of final in 2 was a fucking long hallway for no reason?
Do you also remember risky 1 having doors to defend before finding providence which you could circumvent with items, just like the unity hallway.
>No it didn't lol
Risky 2 exists because of gearbox. The selling was a formality.
>Hotpoo's in the credits as a producer retard
Go ask sarn and neik, right now. Go. Hopoo didn't lift a finger.
> The starstorm dev was really only an idea guy and "contributor"
His code and art is in the game.
>It took a whole year before loader and chef were added to 1 and hotpoo never even went back and added official character select animations for them.
The fuck do I care about that.
>Never reply to me again faggot.
Or what you fucking worm loving faggot.
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>you could circumvent with items
1 did not have a long unavoidable hallway and you were under constant threat of enemies spawning in no matter what part of final you were on in 1. even if you had a bunch of hooves, the original version of 2's final took way too long because of the shitty unity hallway. 1's final also did not have to get completely reworked because of such a hallway
>Risky 2 exists because of gearbox. The selling was a formality.
Do you know how copyright works? The publisher doesn't own the IP until the IP holder formally relinquishes control of it. Funding a game =/= owning the IP for it. Hotpoo could have chosen to keep the IP, but decided not to because he's an immense faggot who got tired of RoR.
>Go ask sarn and neik, right now. Go. Hopoo didn't lift a finger.
I'm not joining a Discord fuck off, where's your proof? Credits don't lie
>The fuck do I care about that.
Because hotpoo has the same fucking shitty work ethic he had 10 years ago and it's to prove a point that he has not progressed well as a gamedev.
>Or what you fucking worm loving faggot.
I am killing the host right now.
Didn't he conveniently decide to start hating 3D gamedev when more and more people starting realizing nothing of note was really happening to the game? The games had the same fucking issues since launch:
>elites are STILL practically damage and health increases
>certain items that are still completely useless, not even having some weird niche to make work
>characters that are objectively shit compared to everyone else, not even in a fun way
>gameplay is still just running in a circle to avoid everything
>most bosses are complete pushovers or have an attack that is always harmless unless you roll the 1% chance it one shots you (grovetender and imp overlord)
>every ground AoE attack only covers the actual ground, completely removing any danger
>on kill effects are king and the game actually gets easier after a certain point even on max difficulty
>have to purposefully go out of your own way to get into the Void stage and boss
>mithrix stage is still boring as fuck and just annoying
>mithrix still a complete pushover if you have any air capabilities at all
>all the unused content that, for some reason, is almost complete but fuck you were not finishing it
>almost half of the enemies in the game might as well do the same thing since they all target where a player currently is, making them non-threats
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Yes, there's so many bad game design decisions in 2 because of hotpoo's lack of experience in 3d. Alongside your points, there's
>enemies that were formerly melee only in 1 had to have ranged attacks added to their behavior in 2 because their pathing is ass.
>guillotines being band-aid fixes to the elite damage sponge problem instead of properly adjusting the scaling
>the fact wandering vagrants in 2 don't even chase you and just float there, the only real danger is its AOE attack at low health which can only be avoided by killing it fast enough or taking cover instead of something engaging like kiting
>wisp hitscan
>OSP not working if you get hit by two separate damage sources within the same second (see greater wisp fireballs)
This single fucking item ruined my experience with my normie friends. They would always stack it while simultaneously claiming the game was too easy, yet complained anytime I tried removing it from the drop pool.
>the fact wandering vagrants in 2 don't even chase you and just float there
This one upsets me even in the EA launch because it's not hard to know why he did it. He probably gave it noclip originally and thought it looked uncanny so he gave up. Literally all he had to do to make it more natural was give it a sound/visual effect when it goes through terrain. It would be so fucking cool since it would even make sense at that point to add contact damage as well if this giant thing is just breezing through solid rock.
>wisp hitscan
erm acktually its not hitscan it has a 0.00000001 second delay before it hits you!
>OSP not working if you get hit by two separate damage sources
I genuinely don't understand how they never saw this is a major flaw in the game. The the fact that enemy damage scales so fast you only really die to oneshots is terrible design. The game would have been better if it simply went with a % and flat value for doing damage to players so you could change it more. Tanky characters could ignore the flat value, but not be outright invincible, and you could actually design attacks to be able to hit the player with more accuracy.
>Hermit Crab is now very accurate
>only does small % based health damage so the actual attack is negligible unless you let it get out of hand
>actually having elite debuffs mean something since you aren't getting oneshot
>have an incentive to kill the freezing hermit crab slowing you
That's not how the fire worm's maw looks, silly. It looks more like a dune worm maw.
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Are there any guides out there for the Starstorm artifacts? I'm retarded and can't seem to find even a hint of where the rest are, only one I can assume to know is the last.
the missing ones in order:
- uncharted mountain, a variant with a in a hole in the ground that leads you to the bottom where it is found
- at the void ("somewhere deep in the void"), in the sky, not hard to spot
- Forest map, one variant has it at the top left, need lots of jumps
- The scavenger trader at the void has it, trade a lot of good value items, its random but only good values give it
- last one is ditto origin but with starstorm's artifacts and void boss

play at 1x zoom to spot them more easily
Thanks a lot, I could've sworn I got that sky void artifact but I guess I'll look out for it again.
>Didn't he conveniently decide to start hating 3D gamedev when more and more people starting realizing nothing of note was really happening to the game?
He specifically said he "sorta doesn't like 3d games" when asked if he was gonna do more 3D shit right after the Gearbox acquisition was just announced. And judging by what we know about the game's largely half-assed development and other things Hopoo has said, he probably realized it years ago. Only reason he stuck with the game for so long is because he'd be retarded not to with how successful it ended up becoming.
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Reminder that right after the first moonman update came out, hopoo streamed a playthrough and admitted he hadn't seen the final boss yet.
Hopoo when?
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I don't even know if anybody can set it up after cloning it because I've never had anybody helping me directly with the project
As I say it has no dependencies on anything else so it should be possible to put it in a new project and be completly standalone, that would also make it more maintainable

reminder that chirr is fat
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>grenny stuff
im 50/50 on buckling down and just finishing her off (icons, anims, small balancing here and there) just to make her a proper survivor for future-proofing, or paying the seamtress/scout/spy guy some dollarydoos and pray he can do it.
ill try my hand at it this weekend if youre cool with me doing it, i dont wanna just go ahead and do it w/o explicit permission.
also are you planning on doing anything w those two other survivors floating around in the turbo files?
risk of no host
hey arent you the guy who's into kids?
anon, what did you mean by this. i dont think you even know my username, much less who i am.
i think he's talking about the guy you're replying to.
>void fields stop time again
>the chest spawns weren't removed
Oh so we're back to running void fields after stage 1 every game?
I always ran gold by because it was always the kino grind field of choice
okay but host when
Feels like a slow /v/ thread sometimes with how loud minorities protest vanilla enjoyers
oh yes gaslight me harder daddy
risk of rain 1 (starstorm) is not as good as risk of rain 2 (Vanilla)

Also that bug is ugly regardless of model. May it take the nearest void portal away.
no, stop, too far, you went to retarded takes, not gaslighting.
Can you cheat in the new artifacts via notepad editing?
obviously, but it's just faster to hit it with whatever working version of CheatUnlocks you have
wonder if they'll try to overhaul how DLC was set up?
more like seasoned takes
it was always worth it anyway even with the timer being there. free items, free command-lite items actually, including a guaranteed red and almost no risk since the enemies automatically died upon clearing the cell. if they got good items you could always leave early
Haven't played in a while, has Gearbox majorly fucked up RoR2 yet?
no but returns is dead
host when
>hopoo admitted he hadn't seen the final boss yet.
I can't put into words how over it already was if this is true. I hope he meant he used commands/cheats to get to the final stage instead of getting to him naturally.
>softlock island was a thing
I believe it
the problem is that at least ror2 devs learn
rorr is still shit which means they are already defeated and learned nothing
They released a rushed update with a decent stage and accidentally leaked most of the upcoming DLC content, that's basically all they've done so far.
I love the new artifact but holy fuck do not take them to void no matter how stacked they are or you will experience soul crushing in mass
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>just pay someone in the community where ss2 trannies dictate everything to get something done
Not sure if that's foolishness or plain unawareness but just to ley you know of the situation I'm not getting any help out of anybody in their shit discord.
>i dont wanna just go ahead and do it w/o explicit permission.
Anybody can do whatever they want at this point
>also are you planning on doing anything w those two other survivors floating around in the turbo files?
Keep modding a game that has gear-fucking-box as developers and tranny furry faggot gay race communism in charge of what gets modded or not?
hard pass man, this game is no longer for us, the target audience and the audience itself has changed
I don't want to be blackpilling or a defeatist, but this sunk cost has gone way too far for me

You guys can keep having fun
The guy who made turbo edition, he was into loli shit iirc
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if I can remember well enough, he sperged out over discord trannies and then went off about lolis or some shit. Wouldn't surprise me if he wasnt allowed near school zones
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we like cunny here
>he doesn't understand the meaning or usage of the image
You should stop shitting up the thread and go back to the discord you came out, tranny
host when
give up hope, brother, the hosts have abandoned us...
Chances of getting a box of gears red item in the dlc?
spare drone parts
But that box has drone parts not gears
Randy's BADASS artifact that renames and buffs elites and gives them a chance to drop armor piercing rounds and backup mags.
risk the rain, feel the pain
Updating femmod. Should I put femParents in the parent eggs?
mentally ill no matter where it's posted
face it 1 or even returns sharters
2 is the game people ACTUALLY play instead of roleplaying about it being sueperior

Randy won. Results matter and returns is a game I wish I could return to blockbuster.
Erm... what the BUNGUS??? That's so f*ucked up of him!! I'm never using ANY of his mods ever again!!
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oh what's a matter??? mongolian basketweaving forum too stinky??? like poopie, hmm?
A little rapie hmm? Poopie rapie?
what the FUCK are these posts
host when
total discordfag death
this is objectively a fact. maybe not the ror1 part but Returns is a worse version of ror1 developed by discordfags that's more poorly balanced and lacks shit that the original game had (4+ player lobbies for one.) all the while having shitty smash bros challenges tacked on cause hopoo has not a creative bone in his body.
utterly sad. no wonder it was a FotM.
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when will we get hopoo's mansion as a hidden realm
there could be a secret coke stash you can find by activating hidden switches
It really is just quite sad how much they managed to fuck up with Returns when it was so easy to get right.
>Have mod support on or near release
>Fix the glaring balance issues that somehow managed to slip past QA
>Communicate with the fans
That's basically all they needed to do and they managed to fail spectacularly. The only thing of note they've done since the game came out is adding directional aiming to appease a crowd that was barely interested to begin with and had already quit the game by the time they released it, because it took them a literal month.
i will not buy your games
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no host, no play
no play, no buy
simple as
Duncan did nothing wrong
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>Duncan did nothing wrong
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randy won
>nooo u can't show charts
or concede by throwing out buzzwords
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the hosts are all dead, just close the general at this point, there's nothing left here
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>hopoo streamed a playthrough and admitted he hadn't seen the final boss yet.
It was worse than that, it was some game journo playing and Hopoo just watched. Which means Hopoo hadn't even bothered WATCHING someone else play
pigs flock to the slop
>waaaah you used a buzzword
cope and sneed
Playable Tharson when?
tharson's dead, anon. he didn't survive his encounter with chirr.
he's dead, anon...
>slop so bad pigs won't even eat it
It's okay he had a Dio's
it's over
Do they call it risk of rain returns because you play it once and then go back to 2?
is the new update gonna be free?
The Devotion update is free, the DLC won't be
>Returns is a worse version of ror1 developed by discordfags that's more poorly balanced
is it? seeing how much this thread praises 1, i've been thinking of pirating it, and i'd like to hear what Returns fucked up from 1.
I like the ability to move a little while shooting returns has, and the graphics, but if they removed some actually good shit for the remake(the fact 1 actually has mods notwithstanding), i'll consider getting it (as long as there is a 100% savefile i can download from somehwere because god knows i can't be bothered with reunlocking things and that you can connect to hosts on pirate versions)
I just want to know why they never bothered adding mod support in Returns
Can you throw in the other ones as well for someone who hasn't unlocked any of them?
apparently they just started working on it lmao. Even when it drops, its low player count will probably lead to mods coming out at a snails pace. Unless SSR somehow brings everyone to Returns again.
I theorize that this is just particularly autistic modfags being mad they can't have large lobbies and starstorm. 2013 vanilla doesn't even let you bind to mouse buttons, nevermind kiting, aim control, making teleport not suck anymore, etc.
>alloy worship unit triggers lemurian evolution
I'm assuming any boss makes them evolve, so aurelionite should too

Yeah do it, the item changes are some of my favorite additions to the mod.
When will it make its true return?
Probably not, mods being maintained by msufag
Overloading damage is roughly 3x higher in Returns, makes old /v/ rules basically impossible to run as a single overloading enemy can instakill you stage one with a single zap immediately after it spawns right next to you. Genuinely puzzled why they didn't rework overloading and volatile enemies, they were the worst random bullshit in 1 and instead of fixing that, they made them do more damage??
Jump height is just slightly higher than one block, making it surprisingly hard to hit enemies on a slightly higher elevation than you. This is most annoying on wisps, because they're short enough to jump over even when you're one block lower.
Shooting feels less responsive. The design decision to make moving while shooting possible makes movement less responsive for a while after you shoot. This makes kiting feel really bad in Returns compared to ror1.
Most of the new enemies are annoying and badly designed. Macrobes and Swifts spend 90% of their time in the air, where only Engi and Pilot have good tools to deal with them, and can chunk your HP with contact damage. Lynx archers spam way too much, and arcing projectiles can destroy any chance you have of approaching the boss. Lemurian cavalry would be cool, but the spear chuck and the charge with extremely long range and from any direction after the mount dies are ridiculous. Trokks, Tubers, and Macrobic Predators are fine, at least.
the new enemies are fucking horrible and everything you said about them is somehow STILL an understatement
every time i think about booting up returns for a run i think "well i'm probably just going to get an elite lynx totem boss and autolose" so i just don't bother
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>I died to every enemy and wrote a blog about it
Returns is fine. All it needs is mod support
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>implying I haven't 100%'d it as well
Doesn't make the new enemies any better. Playing without artifacts feels so slow, but it makes it actually possible to win. Honor+glass is basically impossible without godlike luck in Returns. At least in ror1, the only really hard enemy swarms spawn on later stages. In Returns, swarms of swifts, macrobes, or archers are all death sentences on glass, and can spawn stage 1 or 2.
returns wont get mod support because of shitcord drama, bet.
Returns won't get mod support because they GAVE THE FUCK UP
does returns still have gay rock birds in it
Yes. They still are cancerous to fight, and they still take up 75% of the spawns on stage 5.

>3x higher
holy kek I never realized it was that bad
How does blighted compare to 1? Feels like they're always just a guaranteed instakill in Returns.
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not a day goes by where these devs deserve to eat
Best believe you will lose a run to one if it's overloading or blighted.
the trokk is the most fucking pointless enemy design ive ever seen
Yeah, ror1 has stage one overloading enemies do about 7 damage per zap, while Returns has them do 24. That's actually a bit over 3x the damage, so you have to be like, level 3 or so to tank one -- meaning, the entire first stage, you have to not encounter any overloading enemies at all, or else do an extremely good job such that you never have to kite through them or else risk dying immediately. Blighted enemies feel like they spawn less often in Returns, but obviously are just as bullshit, multiplied by the extra damage that Returns does just because fuck you.
blight with zappy
Updated the Japanese guy's stuff in femmod
>Overloading damage is roughly 3x higher in Returns
Oh so THAT'S why i was suffering so hard trying to do a /v/ rules run by myself?
I thought you guys were just insane masochists.
I'm assuming Blights were also made more bullshit from 1, and aren't the walking melee nukes they are in returns?
It's pretty hilarious the lemurians have better melee tools period than loader in returns
The Japanese guy is offering to make another model. Quickly, tell me who you want a lewd model of or I'm just going to tell him to do Loader.
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Since no one else put out a name, I asked about Rex.
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shit i was only halfjoking
i was expecting you to just ignore it
We'll both be in for a surprise if he's alright with it. He could say no, though.
if we don't have a Bandit model may as well
Old Bandit or New Bandit?
either or, probably go with new since old isn't always around
Asked him about it.
At the end of the day, I'm still going to have to port it into the game. It's been a while since I've touched Heretic's model, but I think I might have an idea on how to do it.
He said he'll try both.
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oh boy
oh god what have i done
Cap's beacons kinda suck
probably just gonna be a plant anime girl like the femmod
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I hope they give him a proper name, since Providence is supposed to be what the OG commando calls him.
NTA but
bliggers in RoR 1
>don't exist unless on monsoon in a multi-hour run
>don't exist if you use honor
>usually appear at the perfect time as a way to tell you you should probably stop playing akin to Nuclear Throne Freaks
bliggers in Returns
>can spawn on stage fucking 3 and in pairs
>can spawn even with honor
>even with damage at max % the health scaling makes it a fucking slog to kill them
Reminder that in the original its stated that Bligger damage is scaled ~1000% compared to a normal enemy spawning and since Hopoo is a hack they probably copied completely.

I seriously underestimated how retarded indie devs are. This fucker managed to make Randy "Badass" Pitchford look more trustworthy with a franchise.
Don't get your hopes up. I'm pretty sure one of the new devs/"loremaster" called him providence in a video for the DLC. Because who the hell reads lore anyway.

old /v/ rules are outdated. hell, we're not even on /v/ anymore. Returns needs a new ruleset
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>bliggers in RoR 1
>>don't exist unless on monsoon in a multi-hour run
Congratulations anon, you have now singlehandedly convinced me to pirate RoR 1 and punt Hopoo into space
jesus fuck im now angry.
Doing gods work anon, don't give this fag any money. He'll probably just make Deadbolt 2, but it's the same game with an endless mission type tacked on.
Considering how lemmies are called Lemurians in ror2's logs. I doubt they'll give provi a proper name. He'll always be called Bulwark or Saviour anyway.
Not to mention items don't synergize NEARLY as well as they did in ror1 so you are pretty much wasting time and just buffing enemies via time waste by engaging them at all.
Sent the Japanese guy Bandit and Rex
I'd rather know him as Providence than some bullshit scifi apostrophe filled name like Kur'Skan
I hope gearbox names him
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>lore about aliens on a different planet in the future needs to be perfect english
yeah providence sounds mystical and unique, ger'sbexus the bulwark of the weak is just fucking stupid
mithrix is already pushing it a little desu i wish he was just called the king of nothing, it makes it more mystical
I've got you, from what I remember
- one is on the far left in the Far Void iirc, on some vines
- one is on the very left of the Torrid Outlands stage, need some jumps to reach
- Whistling Basin variant, you need to do a timed button puzzle while falling then kill a Gatekeeper that spawns
- Stray Tarn, another timed falling button puzzle, artifact teleporter is near the bottom right corner
- Slate Mines, top left of the stage. Probably the easiest to get as I dont think you even need any jumps to reach it.
Providence is just a name 1 Commando started calling him since he seemed like a god-like figure, we don't even know what his real name was. It doesn't make sense for a completely different Commando to call what is effectively a different entity the same thing. It doesn't have to be a weird alien name either, it just shouldn't be Providence again.
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>if providence keeps his name, then that confirms voidmando = risky 1 commando since he named him
maybe this timeline isn't so bad
I think Providence being the only name given to him is fine. Nigga has divine aura.
My idea to namedrop provi would be in the log of a new lunar item, it would say something like, "savior, hero, bulwark, do you feel good when they call you like that? you always liked to be praised, especially by Her, is that why you saved them? to fill that void with reverence from weaklings? But it doesn't matter, you'll always be the pitiful and uncreative [provi's name]"
yeah but what if the lore logs commando wrote got sent to the higher ups once he escaped the planet and now they all just collectively went with the name
to be fair he has a lot of names but also no official name at the same time. providence, brother, [the hero], [he]
>you'll always be the pitiful and uncreative John Petrichor
they didn't have to go this hard
Sent? Did you send him the ones you made or do you mean the base models
Base models in an .fbx format to use as a base. He said he'll be busy with his job, but he'll look into the models when he has time.
I am quite happy randy is letting risky rain 2 flourish
speaking of risky flourishing, HOST WHEN
Question, what defines a host and what does a host require to not have a retard here make 10 months worth of posts bout how they didn't have fun cause there were either too many mods or not enough random ass mods
hosts are all dead, go home
There's now 3 Merc skins. That means I can add another Merc skin to femmod. Who should I add to replace the Prisoner for the anime version? For the normal version, I guess there's also a bunch of things I could do. It'd be a completely headless femCharacter.
>Who should I add to replace the Prisoner
I'm not sure how to remove the smoke or the sparkle, so that's probably going to stay there.
Her weird not-cape-skirt thing will be hard to do, but would it just be a normal version or a lewd version?
Why replace when you literally are not limited by slots
I'm the guy that manually replaces models. I've been doing it that way since Risky 2 released
I don't know anyone here but alright. Nice to meet you the guy who replaces models manually
>anime version
>no head
Could you do Celty Sturluson somehow?

Always lewd. You're the lewd anon.
No helmet, or helmet hanging off the side somehow?
Helmet if possible, even if it has to be on the side somehow
The main issue for the anime one is that it's going to keep the smoke and sparkle effect there since I'm just replacing the model itself. Having her normal helmet there would just clip through the effect and would look weird. The only thing I can think of for Celty would be to have her helmet on her waistband somehow. If it's not Celty, then there's still Kill La Kill characters like Omiko, Ragyo, or Nui.
Yeah, Celty has smoke coming out of her neck with the helmet off so I think it would work really well. You could give her a belt to put the helmet on.
how to fix risk of rain 2 and make a hundred million dollars (I hope you are reading gearbox)

>make graphics and computation simpler. a lot of effort should go into optimizing things

>balance the items (every single red item should be fucking awesome to get, regardless of build. Some reds should be tweaked into greens. Some greens into whites. White items like Bison Steak need to be reworked or replaced.)

>Add a new tier of items that acts just like the void tier. If you get this tier it works like the void, converting normal and void variants into itself. Whether you get the corrupted or new version of an item depends on which you pick up first. This allows for more items that are like one another without adding redundant items.

>Make the start of the game significantly faster

>Stuff like instantly charging the teleporter should be in the game. Add a difficulty spike when going through the teleporter to compensate. Ror2 should be fast and difficult.

>Create enemy varieties to spice up player movement and strategy. Currently kiting around at high speed is TOO strong. it needs more occasional interruptions and puzzles.

>More variety, but especially at the beginning of runs. The first level should have the highest number of possible stages.

>Add more content

>sell cosmetics (retarded that they haven't done this yet) look at the popularity of the emote mods. this is a good way to add life support to the game.

That's all I can think of right now.
risk of rain 2 is fine, fix returns you cowards
>>sell cosmetics (retarded that they haven't done this yet) look at the popularity of the emote mods. this is a good way to add life support to the game.
Commit a violent suicide.
ideas for new voids
>monster tooth
enemies drop purple void flowers that reduce the duration of debuffs while increasing the duration of buffs on pickup.
if an ally gets hit within 40m of you, you'll redirect 25% of the damage they took onto yourself.
every 30 seconds, deconstruct 1 of your items into 2 of a worse quality. prioritizes higher quality items first.
>spinel tonic
no cooldown. on use, grants a [v??oid tonic ??droplet] item which gives a 5% debuff to all stats. upon entering the next stage, half of those droplets are solidified into [v??oid tonic cr?ystals] which grant a 2,5% buff to all stats instead.
>happiest mask
every 60 seconds spawns an ghostly umbra of you that will attack both enemies and allies. it deals 1000% damage to enemies and 20% to allies. does not drop an item upon death.
>Question, what defines a host
A hosted game, generally with at least RiskyStarterPack in the mod profile but not required.
>and what does a host require to not have a retard here make 10 months worth of posts bout how they didn't have fun cause there were either too many mods or not enough random ass mods
Literally impossible, there will always be people who complain no matter what you do. Too many mods will usually have people who wouldn't even join to begin with complaining about "muh baby sensory host" and how you can't tell what's going on. Have too few mods and you'll have people that actually join complaining about how mind-numbing 2 is when it plays like vanilla, or if you have even a single mod they don't like in your pack they'll just leave until you remove it. There's only like three people here who don't give a shit and just want to play regardless of what the host is.
Will note that if hosting with RiskyStarterPack, disable YEET and Deputy since the update broke them. I think there might be a few other mods in there that were broken by the update, but they just fail to load so it's probably fine.
When someone complains you should host a game where you can only be a lemurian
what's wrong with this proposal? I want a live service game, cosmetics and DLC are a good route IMO. I have never bought a cosmetic in a game ever but I know lots of suckers will. I want them to subsidize my risky rain
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>hotpoo chooses dog killers/grifters chucklefish as the publisher for ror1
>hotpoo changes publisher for reddit-humor anthony burch tier writing publisher gearbox
the signs were already there and he fucking got away with it
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>I want a live service game
i like games that get updates over a very long period of time. I've never paid for a cosmetic because I don't care for them enough, but I like when they're in a game, it means a bunch of people can purchase them and the game I enjoy can continue to get support and new content.

Your reaction seems very "people told me not to like purchasable cosmetics and live service games so I don't" maybe you have reasons for disliking this stuff but you don't articulate those reasons and I can't imagine they outweigh the benefits of a live service model.
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Yes! So much this!!! You've hit the nail on the head, fellow Risk of Rainer! I would personally love something like this. I can already imagine it, the Risk of Rain 2™: UES Store™ and the Risk of Rain 2™: Petrichor Pass™ or some such! Just the idea of it is making me giddy... I'm so sick of all these pesky in-game requirements to unlock new content and cosmetics. I would much rather just PAY for such things instead or unlock them automatically as I grind runs and make progress on my Risk of Rain 2™: Petrichor Pass™.
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>live service game
>for a singleplayer/co-op PvE game
I second the first anon's thoughts
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>I want a live service game
Fortnite general is two blocks down.
wrong thread fag, go back to /vmg/
but it's just cosmetics
goddamn it's easy to get free (You)s here.
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"But it's just cosmetics" is what led to the horse armor DLC in Oblivion which snowballed the entire industry.
"But it's just cosmetics!" "but it's just a side mission!" "but it's just an extra character!" "but it's just an extra game mode!" etc etc. Give an inch and they take a mile.
Tell me this, assuming you're not just pretending to be retarded. What would buying cosmetics from a cash shop do for the game? You can already earn cosmetics by playing the game normally. You can already mod as many cosmetics into the game as you want, even coomer and anime cosmetics. Modding is super easy and almost everyone knows how to do it since the mod manager does it for you.

I'll answer for you; nothing. As much as you want to think it would work it's already been tried in Portal 2. No one cared and it flopped. There's a big difference when you add that nonsense to a single player/co-op PvE game. There's no one to show off to other than the couple friends you're playing with. There's no social hub to show off your paid cosmetics, either. It would mostly be for yourself, and again, we have mods for that. This is why Gearbox would have to crank it up to be more aggressive. Suddenly you have a Mankind Divided situation on your hands where the cash shop also allows you to buy shit that affects actual gameplay and no one's happy.

tl;dr your idea is garbage and if you want that go play Hostile Worlds.
Oh yeah, I never specified girl models to him, so I have no idea what he'll make.
Is he gay? If not I would imagine he'd girlify them
i don't care for the slippery slope stuff here, and they already DO sell content that affects gameplay (quite fairly I might add)
>You can already mod as many cosmetics into the game as you want, even coomer and anime cosmetics. Modding is super easy and almost everyone knows how to do it since the mod manager does it for you.
This is a really, really good point. cosmetics lose a ton of their value because of this. even if ror2 doesn't allow mods that directly rip from their cosmetic store, simply having such an abundance of other options does mean that people will probably not buy cosmetics. this does kind of shoot my idea in the chest and leave it for dead.

I think I agree with you now. Not because cosmetic shops are inherently evil, lead to other kinds of shops, etc, that part is retarded, but simply because modding makes them lose almost all appeal which would kill the shop. For that reason I agree it's a stupid idea.
i much prefer the current dlc model than any live service bullshit
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You will download 20gb of skin bloat that you will never be able to even acquire without paypigging.
You will log in every day and commit an hour to your dailies.
You will boot up the main menu to 5 different skin advertisements on the homepage
You will grind your battlepass for 3 hours per day to unlock the limited-time free event skins.
Your mods will break when they add new skins every 2 weeks, and you will be happy.
This is the future of Risky, and you are not a real Risk of Rain™ fan if you don't want this.
oh nonono the anons who want less crazy hosts are gonna FREAK
Ah shit I hope I have time to host this tonight.
>new enemy types
>stage hazards
holy shit this looks great
>a single shitty map has better content than all of SOTV
bara risky oouuuuhhhh
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>And if you have certain [pokemon] (links to regigigas) installed you might even get to fight something with a lot more punch.
oh? wonder what that could be.
unless it just means regi tends to spawn as the boss of that stage if you have him installed or something.
Hah. Saved.
Fucking nice

Now I want to see more for the memes.
>jolly roger bay
>slide levels
>boo's haunted mansion level
>alt stage 5 bowser final with the moon TP at the end of the obstacle course
i swear if this doesn't play the music i am going to slap a nigga
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>hit the teleporter
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GatQai1rB2I starts playing
(You) me when host
i believe
Oh, holy shit, Hopoo messed up weight painting the Prisoner Merc skin.
qrd? i don't know what weight painting is.
desu this is funny but as one of those anons, yeah i wish someone took an extra 5 hours to reskin the map to be a bit more in line with risky, and to reskin the bobombs to be bipedal jellyfish suicide bombers or something idk. keep the silly version as a separate mod for people who just wanna play a mario stage.
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When Merc moves his arm, one vertex on his legs flies out along with his arm.
can someone upload faggy's taken down mods? i need bettergameplay
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Bait, but it honestly saddens me that games nowadays are either microtransactions hell, or "finished" at launch. I wouldn't mind some form of microtransaction if it weren't so obvious that every company evolves into removing gameplay features and QOL to make you pay extra for it.

But too many fucking people don't know how money works and expect a game to be supported forever and that the maker of the game should just go bankrupt or constantly have a negative cashflow from something they made 10 years ago.
bros... its over...
It's gearbox now
>and they already DO sell content that affects gameplay (quite fairly I might add)
As DLC packs. Which are effectively expansion packs, and indeed a fair way to sell content. I object to cash shops in a game that doesn't warrant them. Then you're just trying to nickel and dime people. For a free to play game that relies on the income, sure, but there's no reason to do it in single player/PvE oriented games. But yeah, the easy access to mods invalidates the idea anyway.
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GatQai1rB2I starts playing
>not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f64nXt1z4XU
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If you read credits section it spoils it for you Its King Bobomb as reskinned Regigigas
Its actually https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbVB-H88jSU. Also music won't work at all if you also have Catacombs installed, something to do with wwise being shit, but I've been working on BBF for two weeks straight in all my free time and I just wanted to push it out. It is rushed release by all accounts and I intend to polish it in the upcoming weekend. But I am not touching it before that, I need a break.
I said multiple times - I can't model for shit. The amount of frustration I got when dealing with animating bobombs in blender outscales the amount of issues I got when dealing with wwise to get music to work. And both are a shitshow but blender is 100000 times worse. Maybe it is unfair to judge entire thing on one open source program, but I am not torrenting 3dsMax or whatever to find out.
As for simple retexture - you don't want to put higher quality textures on low poly mesh, it will look like NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN more than it already does.
On and forgot to add, if you played Super Mario Royale I have two words for you: STAR NIGGER.
B A S E D. I had completely forgotten about that. Good times.
well i didn't mean retexture low poly i meant smoothen it out a little since the base game maps are basically like mario 64 maps with smoother edges
also is there a mod that automatically sets lunar coins to a specific amount every run? that way instead of having fags with 10000000 cheated coins rerolling the shop a million times, we'd all have the same amount, maybe 100 or so and then any others we find on the way
>that way instead of having fags with 10000000 cheated coins rerolling the shop a million times
? there's a cap on rerolls for whitehosts this is a nonissue
>waaaaah i must punish people that actually play the game to get cheaters
suck shit retard
Does this works on pirated risky? https://github.com/SprigWave/r2modmanPlus
When I tried playing Risky with goldberg and mods it would just close itself. So probably?
i'm not talking about hosts i'm talking about privately
then why do you care
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Commit a violent suicide.
why are you so mad
I'm genuinely trying to figure out your usecase because there's a couple mods that do that, but almost all focus around multiplayer for obvious reasons.
i'm talking about privately, my friends all cheat in a trillion lunar coins and take 10 minutes rerolling the shop each time and end up with a full gesture + tonic loadout before stage 5 but i want a mod that limits the coins to a specific amount so that they can't do that. either it could set the amount at the start of the run or limit the amount of max coins or anything idk honestly
either Ephemeral Coins to limit them overall or one of the many shop modifications to cap their rerolls.
Just use the mod that turns lunar coins into per run currency?
>I can’t model for shit.
nigga it’s a stage just subdivide it and use the sculpting tool to make it look natural.
>just do the thing i said to do
Fuck off lazybones.
Well, then do it yourself nigga. Making a decent mesh is the hardest part of making a stage, everything else is just ploping nodes via node painter tool, cloning them and moving them up a bit to make nodes for flying enemies and then reusing existing spawn pools and music tracks, if you want the least effort possible.
this is something he must attempt himself and learn. the grind never stops. KEEP IMPROVING
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Quick late night 10 man Risky 2.
Extract the zipped contents to AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles.

This isn't the vanillaish setup I'd been working on because I really want to see Bob-bomb Battlefield. I uninstalled Sonic since I have a small hunch it was causing some issues. EWI/inherit reenabled for shenanigans.
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10 man Risky TWO
>Anti-jewish devices
>Players can join at any time
>Show death cause
>Press E to pick up items
>Artifact of family
>Other skills reset M1 Arti cooldown
>Flood Warning Artifacts (True Diss, Atlas (all shrines trigger mountain), Greed)
>Old Moon
>Other shit
>Bazaar is my home
>Bigger Bazaar
>Revive artifact
>Legendary chest grants a red for all
>Emotes mod
>Commando skins for all mod
>Big monster artifact
>Some other shit I downloaded just now
>Starstorm 2 Unofficial
>Engi beam turrets can now sprint
>Artifact of Clover
>Forgotten Relics
>Variant enemies
>Lunar pods in the field
>Command if we want
>HIFU Engineer (better engineer)
>Origin imps
>Old EWI
>Scavengers disabled for a spell
>ExtraChallengeShrines (can activate shrine of earth for 3 white items instead of greens, shrine of sky for 1 additional red item. Shrine of earth will give horde of many, shrine of sky will elite the boss and give it a fuckload of health)
>The Driver added
>Added the Returns items mod
>HAN-D skins
>Artifact of the Universe (New True Dissonance)
>Artifact of the Hunted (survivors spawn as enemies with reasonable hp and damage)
>White Dios
>Riskymod OSP disabled for ShowDeathCause
>Catacombs map
Changes since last time:
-AnreolEWI reenabled, enemies will randomly inherit a player's inventory
-Sonic uninstalled
brb cereal
>loaded the game early to join ASAP
>can't join for some reason, doesn't throw up an error or anything, the join button just doesn't work
>try going to singleplayer menu to see if things are properly loaded or something
>gives me a "server full" error that softlocks me and forces me to alt+f4
i'm in now at least.
did it seriously already crash
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>Instant CTD
NOPE. Waaaaaay too late in the night too figure that out. Thanks for joining you crazy lads.
god dammit
Can't you just establish some house rules and tell them to not do that? They'll either listen to you or they won't play with that mod. At least that's what I expect humans with IQ above single digit to act like.
>hosting at 6 AM
fuckin' hell
i want my normal time risky hosts back
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>hosting at 2AM
Setting up actually. Going with the vanillaish setup I've been working on which will not have the shop. I'm going to add Bob-omb Battlefield even though it's against the spirit of vanilla because A: I REALLY want to play it, and B: I want to see if this setup crashes much less than my ewi setup. Interestingly, I'm not the only person dealing with CTDs, so I hope something is done about it soon.
Post some gameplay of Bob-Omb Battlefield if you can. I don't have time to play currently but I want to see it in action.
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10 man Risky 2
Extract the zipped contents to AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles.

>Anti-jewish devices
>Players can join at any time
>Show death cause
>Press E to pick up items
>Artifact of family
>Other skills reset M1 Arti cooldown
>Flood Warning Artifacts (True Diss, Atlas (all shrines trigger mountain), Greed)
>Old Moon
>Other shit
>Bazaar is my home
>Bigger Bazaar
>Revive artifact
>Legendary chest grants a red for all
>Emotes mod
>Commando skins for all mod
>Big monster artifact
>Some other shit I downloaded just now
>Starstorm 2 Unofficial
>Engi beam turrets can now sprint
>Artifact of Clover
>Forgotten Relics
>Variant enemies
>Lunar pods in the field
>Command if we want
>HIFU Engineer (better engineer)
>Origin imps
>Old EWI
>Scavengers disabled for a spell
>ExtraChallengeShrines (can activate shrine of earth for 3 white items instead of greens, shrine of sky for 1 additional red item. Shrine of earth will give horde of many, shrine of sky will elite the boss and give it a fuckload of health)
>The Driver added
>Added the Returns items mod
>HAN-D skins
>Artifact of the Universe (New True Dissonance)
>Artifact of the Hunted (survivors spawn as enemies with reasonable hp and damage)
>White Dios
>Riskymod OSP disabled for ShowDeathCause
>Catacombs map
This is a vanillaish setup; no emotes, fewer skins, no out there survivors like Sonic. The shop mods are in, but we won't use them until we get bored. Cruelty and such will be reserved for later.
Best I'll be able to do are screenshots, new PC will be able to record footage but not there yet.
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>A host as as soon as I leave to eat
post when lobby please i don't want to lead all this shit up only to crash repeatedly trying to join like always
It's a more pared down setup. Cmon in.
if i join and crash i am going to be pissed
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still going? i just woke up.
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Shit was entirely desynced from hell and back on my side, let me know when you get to lobby and have open slots, hopefully it calms down
Still going, if you want you can try and take my spot
You out veri?
i'm comin aaaa
What's the count?, is it actually full?
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Going to make Celty first before I start the Queen.
Should MercCelty have a helmet at her waistband or carry her helmet in her right hand? Merc's animations only have his sword in his left hand in game, so it could work if I put the helmet in a hand instead of being on a waistband.
Was it worth it lads?
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CRASHED, CLOSED. Thanks to every mother fucker who joined even if you left. 5 hours of Risky 2, good shit.
>mfw OG voidling is crash-prone
Also, here. Have the playable Void Jailer I was talking about. Thanks for hostan, long run...
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Got a screenshot of the fucker right before he crashed us
thanks for hosting. bobomb battlefield was based
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>fight tooth and nail to escape jewthrix
>crab cuts to the chase and just nukes the lobby
I guess carrying it would work if it doesn't look too weird.
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had fun in gay baby jail
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posting screenshots 4u
the stage had the actual level music from mario64 and everything. and when anyone died, you heard "so long gay bowser"
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king bobombs were regi skins. honestly very cool
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I told him to use it, he didn't know about it. And then he decided to ignore it judging by the latest Driver release.
Holy shit that's awesome. It's so perfectly ridiculous.
>gearbox shills thought they could do better than hotpoo
a singular shit vs a pile of shit are both equally as terrible
oh yeah, speaking of downloading ror1
what version is everyone using? 1.3.0?
asking since that's the version i keep finding when looking around, and i'm assuming that if i ever want to play with you anons when someone hosts, I will need the same version as everyone else
Mobile game is ded. Randy has posted a video of him shooting up the development studio in a claptrap costume. His motives are unknown but some speculate he believed the game was not BADASS enough.
is the shutdown part of the official canon?
yeah that's the latest, although modloader uses its own version when you install it
>hostile worlds dead
>we'll never get the arti and huntress summer banner
It's over
Sega did this with an outfit in pso2 once and it was. It's still there too.

It's one of the cooler samurai outfits too
This just in, Hostile Worlds was carrying a Dio's, it's back
>Thought people were joking about Hostile Worlds getting shut down
>It's real
Kek, it was obviously never going to do very well and got shit on from every angle, but to see Gearbox just shut it down before it's even fully out like this is still a bit surprising. Good shit though, hope they decide to decanonize all the retarded lore from the game too.
What do you mean it's real? I tried looking and couldn't find anything so I thought it was a joke
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They only announced it in dedicated HW Discord, didn't even bother posting it in the main one. Supposedly the reason they shut it down was in part to "centralize their focus for this franchise onto Risk of Rain 2 and its upcoming expansion, Seekers of the Storm." according to a Gearbox employee.
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Oh that figures, it's nowhere except on discord. It hasn't even made its way to Gearbox's site or the HW socials yet.
Did the selling of Gearbox do this? I bet they had to lay off a bunch of people and now they don't think a shitty mobile game is worth the money. I want to laugh but I feel bad for the devs. It never even got to be playable outside a couple countries and leave alpha.
Wasn't HW outsourced?
It was outsourced but it was funded/supported by Gearbox. So what I mean is if Gearbox's being sold to Take Two the new owners are probably like "we're not funding this shit" and pulled the plug
Definitely a funding issue. First thing they did with the franchise they just bought was release a shitty outsourced gacha. It was poorly received by almost everyone in a time where they really need to get the fans on their side more than ever and it was probably underperforming even with it only being released in a few places. I'm assuming whatever new higher-ups they have at Gearbox now weren't too happy to hear any of that and promptly pulled the plug.
>feeling bad for the devs of a mobile shitty game
It was a terrible idea to begin with. The release was unexpected in the worst possible way. The devs clearly aren't familiar with the franchise. And nothing of value was lost.
It was a literal cash grab anon. Fuck 'em. Simple as.
It's out of empathy from being a sorry schlub that wants to get into the game industry for some reason. At the end of the day having your funding pulled and game cancelled is a shitty thing to happen to anybody.
reportedly the game wasn't even gonna be ror themed, they were expecting the brand switch to come with great gains$$$ but then it turns out like this
AFAIK they were commissioned to make it especially for Gearbox, they announced it themselves a little bit before Gearbox confirmed it was Risk of Rain. I guess it's possible it was going to be Borderlands or something but the gameplay seems roughly Risk of Rain themed enough that I don't believe they just had it sitting around waiting to reskin it for profit.
lots of mobile/gacha games are reskins. it wouldn't surprise me if hostile turds was in the same boat.
art assets are usually interchangable, all you need is a basic game loop which any underpaid indian can crank out
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thanks anon
>just finished a loop run with sniper
holy shit overloading being normal and bliggers being a mini-boss tier instead of spammed makes this so fucking fun
It's like Im actually ENJOYING a video game
but "kill all enemies to proceed" and being unable to jump during the charge of the pierce shot is a small annoyance
also can anyone give me a 100% save file with the unlocks, i really cannot be bothered to re-get shit again
a question i ask often but usually get no answer
Starstorm has a "Disable Kill Remaining Enemies" option in the rulebook, though you need to beat the game once to unlock it.
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>Overloading damage is roughly 3x higher in Returns
Spitters too, a volatile one can oneshot you if you don't have infusion.
host doko
this music made no sense for it to be ror themed from the get go. Just had some weird ass music, time to dig through shitboxes old forgotten games
No, the music sounded like it was an AI's understanding of Risk of Rain music. Like it was trying to do the vibe with none of the substance. I don't think it was just random music but just a novice composer or literal algomusic.
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>get a pretty long shrimp/transcendence run going
>game plays itself
>figure that going to mithrix and have him trigger three billion on hit/kill effects off of aurelionite and clear the whole arena in 0.06 of a second is a bad idea
>decide to give void locus another shot, first time in a while, third time ever
>go to void locus
>events that now seem incredibly obvious proceed to take place
lesson of the day: good game design is for faggots, apparently

why the fuck didn't i just scrap halcyon seed
>lesson of the day: good game design is for faggots, apparently
You think Hotpoo not changing phase 4 of Mithrix would tip you off on that
fair point, but i guess i just got used to it, partially because it's at the very least cheesable. this wound's still fresh.
I dun get it
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First time?
nobody noticed rob uploaded new silly kino TODAY it's actually so over risky is done for
woah, based.
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yea cool i know
theres also this trailer i stumbled upon that nobody has mentioned either despite it having 10k views in 4 days. what the hell. is the risky modding community "cooked" as the kids call it?
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>all those fucking customization options
we could have a full 10-man server with everyone playing tank and there's a good chance nobody would end up with the same build
this is that good autism shit
potmobile but soulless
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>get an even better one going with 4 clovers to my name
>mithrix shits himself and skips last phase like a good boy
>voidling snaps me out of existance with his homing thangs right before my missile barrage reaches him and does the same on his last phase
the cost of learning is steep i.e. my fucking TIME

first time was when i found out that void devastators release child bombs
My jaw actually dropped at 0:20
>You think Hotpoo not changing phase 4 of Mithrix would tip you off on that
But they did? It's pathetically easy now. Instead of items being given back completely randomly like it was, just doing damage gives you items back including doing little bits of chip damage, and they're given back in order. Hell he even gives you items back when HE self damages himself. The phase is over in seconds now.
yeah it's neat. but all I want is metal slug
>stages I can't remember
>he made the mod
I love this already.
I have no idea why someone would do this but I love this too.
Celty Merc, suit open or closed?
gib cleavage
So, partial only for cleavage and not to the naval?
Oh even better, go to the naval
Sorry for not posting much about the model yet. Rewatching Durarara to get into it.
I second unzipped down to the navel
Are these games any fun solo?
Which do you recommend, 1 (returns) or 2?
both are fun. Risky 2 is 3D and casual. 1/Returns is 2D and intense
2 is a lot easier to get into if you're new and is a better deal overall, but you can't go wrong with either. Just pick the game that looks the most fun to you.
There's no harm in playing both, 1 is a bit harder but I feel like it's easier to start with 1 and then go to 2 since I feel like it's harder to get into 1 if you start with 2
returns is dead. even when you are winning shit feels off
Not him but it kinda depends on you. 2 is the most popular one, but I consider 1 to be the tighter designed experience, and Returns to be an upgrade over 1, so I'd recommend Returns.
Why do imps get sent to the shadow realm when you kill them instead of spliting in half like in 1?
Answer A is that it would be way more gruesome in 3D and possibly raise the game's rating
Answer B is that in 1, Providence was severing their connection to the red plane so they would just die, but with Providence gone they're able to invade en masse and just go back to the red plane when they die
Now i want a mod with their risky 1 death animations
According to ghor, the reason behind that and all of the enemies getting more attacks is because Providence's influence over the planet was suppressing their power, and his death caused all the monsters to grow stronger.
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Thank you FemMod Anon for updating the Outlaw Star Bandit.

It's still my favorite skin mod for RoR2
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I love how ghor is the only dev who put thought into the story. You never hear any of this shit coming from hopoo.
Does anyone have the ghor's unused lore entry about Mithrix? it ends in HAHAHAHAHA
Still working on anime Merc. Figuring out where to put Celty's helmet.
host when
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I still think it's funny that one guy complained about the thong, so she just became naked with a pussy covering.
>Ah, brother. I am glad you have answered.

>I advise you listen carefully.

>I have spoken with her. Not she who burns brightly and fizzles to nothing, a foolish end. And how could I? After all, she is gone. You know that well. Your heart knows why.

>No, it is not her. It is the one who assures balance. The one who whispers guidance to her far and many. You know of whom I speak. And you know why this concerns you.

>I have seen from afar the infested worlds to which you have had your gates carried. Our gates. Our worlds. And I have, I suppose in an uncharacteristically unpleasant mood, shared this information with my acquaintance some time ago.

>Oh, brother, I simply could not have known what measures she would take. How far she would carry whispers of your tainted worlds that bear our treasured opus. You see, her disciples have already acted. They have already claimed a gate from a dead world.

>If only I had known sooner, brother. Perhaps I could have warned you before they could present a danger to everything you have worked for. Before they might grant me the passage you have stolen from me.

>I suppose you could use the gate they have taken. To unweave it from the other side would leave you stranded and doomed to the sickness of the black sea, of course.

>But perhaps you have a chance.

>It seems fortune has afforded you a brief opportunity. They are approaching this world. She has told them where to find it, but they cannot see it. Perhaps you can bring the vessel, and the gate it carries, back to this world before the sickness would claim you.

>The vessel would not be surrendered without a fight. It would be bloody. I'm sure you are conflicted, but they will soon depart from their failed search.

>You have a choice to make, brother, and time is short. What will you do?

Returns somehow feels like a step down from the original because it fucked balance in a lot of subtle ways that just make it that much harder to gain momentum.
If you wanna play 2D risky, then just play 1 with starstorm instead
Is there a 2013 mod that allows keybinding to mouse buttons? Ever since I realized that I can just keybind all those shoddy keyboard schemes to work with mouse I feel repulsed by all the controllerslop games that don't allow binding to mouse keys.
kino, someone mod it in
They should've included this because it would shut up everyone who thinks "Her" is N'kuhana, this hard confirms they're different entities
Why was this lore scrapped anyway? Is it because ghor left before it was added or did hotpoo simply dislike it?
Ever since the new update, my game keeps crashing as soon as the bepin console loads up. Any clue as to what mod is causing it? Or if it's even a mod issue at all?
revealed too much in one log. Revealed that the UESC is a possible front for a N'kuhana cult, Mithrix convinced Provi to nuke the contact light, "her" and N'kuhana arent the same, revealed why the Contact light had its detour etc. Its a perfectly written log but oh well
It also explains how the N'Kuhana followers got to Petrichor V in Returns, so it seemingly was still canon despite the log being scrapped
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based, thanks anon
this is probably the only lore that references the time = difficulty mechanic. That makes it canon in my book
Why shouldn't the log of the final boss have the answers to a lot of question?
God I hate hopoo
I think returns is not as good as 1 vanilla.
You and most people here
I think no host is not as good as host
think of the theorybait, they could milk it for like 300 more dlcs
I think it could be good if they didn't sever item chains while buffing shit like invisible tasers
Yeah, it could've been good, would've been a straight upgrade if they didn't fuck with the balance but that's too much to ask apparently. Mod support could still save it but who knows how long it'll be before we finally get that.
>enforcer updated
:D ya--
>its another translation patch
i think risky modding is finally dying and is now trapped in a fugue state of mediocrity.
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Anybody tried the HUNK survivor mod?
It's pretty damn fun, probably one of the most creative survivor mods I've seen.
whitedude's had it on his server for a little while, though i haven't tried him myself. all i know is that the camera is kinda wack when playing as him and that he makes a funny meme scream when he dies.
It seems very well made, but it's some real CBT if you don't play with chests on.
yeah, the camera can get fucky, but theres an option for that
There is also an option to increase ammo droprate on kill
mod options menu is pretty great
propersave compatibility never
I think it's significantly better than 1 vanilla.
holy mother of SEX
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Starstorm > ă‚´ă‚´ă‚´ă‚´ [POWER ABYSS] ă‚´ă‚´ă‚´ă‚´ > Returns > OG
>>1317553 (me)
Returns ~ OG, a correction tot
If returns is so good, why is it so dead
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>voidtouched overworm
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Just like, get away from it and shoot, dude.
I think there is some good in Returns
like Scorching on Miner, it's dope
the alt abilities are cool too
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He still has a shit special
>not liking the shotgun jump
how can you not like having a high jump on demand?
Unless you mean backblast, because i can agree with you then
Will shotgun jump compensate for bird shocking you on stage 2
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i wish for a host, but know that one will not arrive
reminder that starstorm is getting more updates
scaleless wyvern even got its own item
Post proof
NEW ROB MOD JUST DROPPED ..... its two items........ STILL.
We're SO back.
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My son.
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does he have any attacks or is he literally just there to be a mascot and eat shit
if he can attack i want hostman to let me play as him
he has basic beeble attacks and can scream.
i have no idea how he stacks.
i assume more health per stack
He seems functionally immortal from the first stack so I doubt it's that, honestly.
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i gave him a dios though
is it possible to pirate ror2 and still play online
it uses steam multiplayer so i don't believe so
it's possible to pirate the DLC though unless gearbox fixed that in the last update
No, unless connecting to a dedicated server, which is only iffy.
DLL editing still unlocks DLC as per usual.
I'd say that we should only be concerned about the next DLC dropping and changing the system.
Once two DLC are on the list, i'm pretty sure the intern will decide that it's not worth the 0.00 wage to fix it.
new dlc item revealed
>unknown number % chance on hit to reflect unknown number % damage back to the attacker
it's a white
Tank mod WHEN
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playable tanks WHEN
boss-style playable characters like regi WHEN
tanks at all WHEN
SOON™ hopefully
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>crying about tanks
>not crying about hosts
What the fuck did you guys do this time?

>A mod that makes the UI better by adding a nice little button to the main menu
>All other features of BetterUI have been removed.
>This change was made due to continued harrassment from a part of the RoR2 Modding community and Thunderstore's lack of action regarding these spite-fueled individuals.
retard turbo-sperged about mods to remove the annoying 'GIVE ME MONEY' button that did more than specifically remove his.
did nothing and watched the pisscord tranny spergfit as he usually does.
so is there a replacement for this mod?
there's bound to be several but https://thunderstore.io/package/Moffein/ItemStats/ for just item stats and https://thunderstore.io/package/Dragonyck/ImprovedUI/ for a full replacement. There's bound to be others.
We didn't do anything, it was all discord drama. Just a mentally ill tranny that imploded when people suggested hey maybe don't modify the main menu to plaster your donate button on it
Thanks for the info.
Other question about this update. I see the new map ingame but not the the artifacts? Are those jewish tricks again?
The codes for them aren't ingame, because gearslop.
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>it's not about robbing items from your teammates
They put one on Twitter and one in the trailer because that's Gearbox
Isn't this better for a full replacement? I don't trust Dragonyck's mods to be bug-free
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>go to Vields as a burst character
>[WARNING] Tougher Times has been integrated into the Cell…!
>LCfags implemented survivor variants before ss2devs
For me, it's
Like i said, there's others. I stopped using any after the first BetterUI shitfest where the button was decreed legal, and hardly ever installed it in the first place, so that was just from a quick search for keywords.
I like some of the hyper skins in here, the ones that aren't BBW
>real, honest to jod variants
this is the biggest thing ive seen in months. i pray this goes somewhere.
mod seems kinda broken right now (character models dont seem to load in??) but i see a vision and hope to god it's realized.
host when
No idea what LC is but that Bandit variant seems cool as hell. I want a wizard that isn't Artificer.
lobotomy corp, it's that chinese(?) SCP ripoff that got a semi-recent gacha spinoff thing.
lobotomy corporation is korean
there's also an existing mod which adds library of ruina items and like two characters
hasn't seen an update in a year though
oh right that existed
nearly forgot since NOBODY FUCKING HOSTS
Couldn't be less interested. The Bandit variant remains interesting though.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
not everyone has hardware good enough to host
>but soon, faggot
I too would like a host
By 'soon' i mean 'next month'. We're all still waiting on White or someone else to come out of the blue.
PMchads win again
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>oh cool, a focused convergence
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>propersave during nemforcer unlock run
>kill sneedrix
>nothing happens
>realize the flag or whatever the fuck it's called got reset
so is there a way of doing so through editing the save file? there ain't a force unlock in the config.
wrong tab lil bro
>>1322848 (me)
figured it out, if anyone else needs
hey champs, is there a ror2 ui mod that moves the cooldown indicator somewhere closer to the middle of the screen?
>>1323103 (me)
nvm found it, riskui does that
I want to know what the thread thinks of RiskUI. I think it looks nice but loses the feel the regular UI has
i like it, much cleaner
Why would it fucking matter. You don't need "variants" in RoR2, it has loadout system and skins are trivial to add.
It doesn't fix the inherit Unity issue of not being able to add new animations to the existing character, as evident by reskinned Bandit that has zero animations for half of the abilities, all it does is add new UI thing that moves "new" suvivors to a separate tab. That's all it is.
Shut up and work on SS2 fag
Anon, I would never work on SS2 since its full of trannies and the dev list is longer than the list of features, it is horribly mismanaged and those retards would much rather redo already done survivors than finish what was unfinished.
I am just baffled at the statement that its "the biggest thing" that anon have seen in months when at best it is a nice UI mod to reduce survivor bloat in menus.
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>It doesn't fix the inherit Unity issue of not being able to add new animations to the existing character
I think this could be theoretically fixed if someone was brave enough to pull apart EmoteAPI and try to break it into working on the fly with skills. Janky? Yes. Viable? Possibly.
sadly the average ror2 modder is dreadfully uninspired and any thoughts about this have likely been discarded for shitty survivor mod #212
Cool ideas but the sounds are too fucking loud even after the update that apparently lowered their volume, alse rather buggy specially commando alt primary (bugs almost every time you try to use his other abilities with it) and the swepper but the modder is updating and bugfixing at a fast pace so I assume these problems will be gone in a week
How're the enemies added? Modded enemies are almost always a miss when it comes to these mods, this one do any good with them?
Is anyone using QOLchests?
It keeps highlighting all the chests etc. even if i turn that option off
Out of the ones advertised in the mod page I have only seen 2, I have seen only once a steel table that apparently does nothing and the one I saw in almost every stage is a quadroped black ball with a heart antenna that earrapes you with an aoe attack and if you are close stabs you, it also gives a shitload of money and apparently only spawns once per stage or at least I have only seen it once per stage.
Then there's the ordeal enemies, in stage 3, 4 and 5 you get a 5 minute timer after which an ordeal spawns. On stage 3 and 4 it can be a bunch of the sweeper survivor as enemies or a bunch of robots with chainsaws and machineguns, thankfully they are innacurate because it spawns a LOT of them. Stage 5 is always an immobile boss with rotating horizontal lasers that sweep the stage and orbital ones that move around and leave a trail of fire, it's legitimately a cool boss and my favourite part of the mod, the only issues are that it has too much hp and that ordeals don't give any reward for now besides the money from killing the enemies so it's never worth it to spend extra time on a stage to fight them.
>I have seen only once a steel table that apparently does nothing
actually saw this in a run right now. it hypnotizes one enemy to run towards it and if it makes it there, it ends up killing it and buffing all other nearby enemies. pretty neat.
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closed due to worms
thanks for playing guys
with the advent of survivor variants do you think risky modders will make void versions of every survivor or will they just not give a fuck
Why bother wasting time on variants when there's furfag skin commissions to fulfill and half-assed DeviantArt OC survivors to make?
so true, mod developxirs should do nothing but make visual changes because those are the only things that get eclipse players off
there was a host?
theres one going on RIGHT NOW
No response, you liars.
if you have to ask you dont deserve to know
pisscord troon private shitting street got it
fine, keep your secrets..
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there was no host, that anon was just pretending to be retarded
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>host offsite
>come to thread to attention whore about it
what compels discordniggers to do this?
>hate the game
>never host
>complain when other people host
what compels you sad faggots to do this?
closed :) and those of you who didn't get in, sucks to suck ;)
that "host" was probably someone trolling. Either that or some discordtranny is posting about some secret club where no boys are allowed
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Total Discordfag Death.
They were never welcome here and are just as bad as that steam group for 1 ages ago that was used to "track hosts".
That is all, host when
Chuck when
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RiskyStarterPack host in about 40min.
(You) me if joining, will be a short and vanilla-ish run.
yeah sure.
um xister you were supposed to post this in #toasty-hosties, we're going to have to remove one of your roles.........
>raw starterpack host
fuck it we ball
heads up, we hit the bump limit btw.
only on page 6 but still, keep it in mind.
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Open. Will wait 15ish for people to join.
First time hosting after the Devotion update, so fingers crossed.


Sac + Potentials + Origin
5/16, starting
1 anon is getting food
wiped, starting again with 6/16
Damnit, when I'm AFK there' a host. You'd better still be running .
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Moonman defeated, closed!
Had to end early due to the item pickup bug, will look into that.
ehh fuck it sure.
i'll use >>1328286 profile in around 9ish hours if I can get at least 2 (you)s
>9ish hours
don't think i'll be awake by then, but fuck it, let's see what happens.
Updated the profile if you want to use this instead.
Disabled Frost Wisps, and disabled HUNK since he currently breaks multiplayer if someone disconnects (dev is working on a fix).
Thanks man. I'll host around 8:30pm UK time
less than an hour to go. If you want a host, reply here. 2 (you)s and you get a host
i might have just enough juice in me for like, one run.
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okay no nevermind, ran outta steam during the wait.
ehh its fine. I'll open the lobby in 15
Risky 2: Eurofag edition
Usual survivors, items and whatnot.
If people join, i'll host again sometime
forgot to post lobby
3/16, starting in 4
>disabled frost wisps
>disabled coil golems
why did host do this? do anons really dislike fighting these two lil nerds?
>coil golems
jank enemy, doesn't sync properly sometimes
>frost wisps
aids enemy, too beefy to be doing what it does. Make it not power through stuns and it might be less aids.
wiped to void, starting again with 3/16

as >>1329372 said, Coil Golems are desynced and Frost Wisps seem to be universally hated since they constantly stun you
good to know. i have a soft spot for the coilem but maybe someday some rando will fix FRs jank.
also do sanctum wisps ever spawn? i rarely see those fucks.
Don't think i've ever seen one, and coilems desync got markedly worse after SotV dropped, used to be bearable.
voidling forgot to spy check
thanks for hosting
np. If turnout keeps around the 3 player area, i'll keep hosting, although i'll be abroad next week.
Anyone tried this recently? Still wanna try out that Bandit variant but if it doesn't work multiplayer I do not want it.
hoes when
host where
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could host, any takers?
send it, doubledubs host
game keeps crashing on start
not sure which mod causes it, investigating...
how goes the debugging, hostman? still trying to iron it out?
>another host dies to the host curse
risk of host is real
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Is arti extended shit or good?
shit because it has no toggle for basegame-fucking reworks and nerfs the only movement utility Arti actually has
Yeah, tested, new skills are not stellar and while "elemental" stuff is interesting, it plays like shit. On top of that its either float or elemental enhancements, feels absolutely shitty. Dont get why that guy did not just use built-in dove in her jetpack to allow for small aerial dashes. I remember some mod long ago used that option. Was fun to play her at the time.
Also many new skills are just plain shit, how are you supposed to play her in melee-ish mode or with fire skills that block your goddamned vision because meteors tend to do that is beyond me.
In any case thanks for your opinion.
Think there was another mod (skillsmas?) that added a bunch of actually interesting skills but it had to go due to incompat fuckery
I wonder when the next dev blog is gonna be. its been a few months without one.
probably september, give or take, because the gap between sots devlog 1 and 2 was about 5 months
I wonder when the next host is gonna be. its been a few months without one.
we had one 2 days ago
i'll probably host again in 2 weeks since im leaving for a while

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