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Seers bank... Home. Edition

>What is /v/scape?
Vidyascape (AKA /v/scape) is a fully featured 2007 RuneScape private server started on >>>/v/ running since March 2014.

Experience the game mostly as it was in 2007
Active devs with dedicated server hosting - 99.9% uptime
No Grand Exchange
2.25xp rate - Less grind allows you to progress faster
Access to all content - Free forever! Explore Gielinor just like a member
No donator benefits - Only your in game wealth matters. Nobody can pay for an advantage
122 quests - 248 Quest Points available, fully scripted and working!
Fight Caves, Barrows, Treasure Trails, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, Temple Trekking and much more!

>Main Website
vidyascape.org - Downloads, Highscores, Announcements, Patchnotes, World map, Bug tracker, and Dev blog.

>Getting Started
Play directly in the website through your browser, or
Windows / Mac / Linux - Install Java 8+ then run the .jar client, or
Android - Download the .apk on your phone.
To create an account, simply type your desired username and password in the client. If this doesn't work, the username is taken.

>Wiki, Price Guide
vscape.wikidot.com - server specific information, including clue/quest/skill guides
pastebin.com/wWwFeNha - item price guide

>Additional Resources, FAQs
If you're experiencing issues, please see: vscape.wikidot.com/wiki:how-to-play
Beginner's guide: vscape.wikidot.com/getting-started
General OSRS info (not 1:1, do your research): oldschool.runescape.wiki
Basic in-game commands, type ::info, ::rules, ::commands
Global chat (yell), type ::y (message)
Issue tracker: gitlab.com/vscape

>Account locked?
Log onto Community (pw:ayylmao) and pm a mod
Or send a message on steamcommunity.com/groups/vscape

>OP Pastebin

Last thread >>1277611
i forgot the Subject sorry guys
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what a complete and total blunder
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what a complete and total blunder
this thread is a spiritual and economic disaster
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diracs grandma lmao
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why would you post these shitty things outside your circlejerk? like what is there to see for anyone not in the know of who these people are?
Stop bumping this shit thread so we can redo it properly.
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diracs grandpa :(
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>CB in charge of making new threads
>They are shit each time
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>C*teboy thread
Somebody make a new one already.
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>C*teboy thread Somebody make a new one already.
Proof that it's a CB thread?
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What does this prove though except the fact that your a deranged schizo with CB rent free in your head? The same image getting posted twice means what exactly?
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For Mango
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>Getting this defensive
Yeah way to give yourself away retard lmao
CB in tears seething lmao
uh oh cb melty
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only 10 players online
vidyascape is dying...
STFU nobody cares
>Make thread
>Shit it up instantly
>Make thread
>Shit it up instantly
I think you have me confused with hh.
>I think you have me confused with hh.
See >>1302717
retards STFU nobody cares.
This never happened.
>why does a complete and utter loser crave attention and validation?
We may never know...
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What is this?
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the lineage of @gre@HAM@mag@HOUSE
Isn't hamhouse that guy that cheats in game and defends pedophiles posting cp on discord?
proof or stfu
>proof or stfu
See >>1302857
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*takes notes*
STFU nobody cares
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hopefully the schizo can keep this thread alive until we get one with a fixed OP...so far it might only be him and Shenkansen here
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kino drop
sorry dude borrowing your guy for a sec
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bank of HAMerica
Respect moon coming soon(tm)
Dirac can you make the Hardest Nigga Phone Line video into a GIF (Unoptimize GIF and delete frames) and label vscape personalities? I know hamhouse is the jewish nigga
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>Dirac: You got anyone you want to call out in vscape?
>Hamhouse: Oh you know it gentile, CUTEBOY I'M COMING TO KILL YOU!
>Dirac: In gielinor?
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Goodbye Modeusu, thanks for the mils <3
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play stupid games win stupid prizes (didnt offer 200m for the DFS)
what's the value of juice stock rn?
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What are you talking about? I don't know what this means.
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>I was just pretending to be retarded!
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don the skirt. now.
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Cauchy post.
This is Gaussed.
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Ah, Regicide, the best quest in the game.
Can i have your discord id to see if your one of the players that posted cp in the vscape discord please?
post yours first
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I think Verac is a pretty cool guy, eh wears a skirt and doesn't afraid of any prayer
i'm going to rape odel
The discord drama has been going on with you niggers for months why would I play your server?
to get away from discord drama (they do not participate in the game)
It's literally just two guys that's are actually friends. Also the thread never has and never will have any bearing on what happens in or on the server.
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In game there is no discord drama instead you have gay furries and trannies shitting up chat with gay sex talk and if you complain you get muted and banned and all the top players cheat resulting in too many mats and a ruined economy and players spread lies and gossip about each other to try and create trade embargo's.
But at least there's no discord drama in game.
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Literally whos?
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>several top players who have been playing for almost a decade and are at the top of the leaderboards
>Literally whos?

i have been wondering, do bottoms like,, get constipated less?
Kill yourself cuteboy
You already have an entire discord server for gay posting and posting cp plus the in game chat why do you also need to make the thread gay as well?
Proof that it's cuteboy?
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kill k'ril or get a champ scroll
stand in bank get no xp
>entire island created just for a quest that has nothing in it
what do you mean? Rum Deal, Braindeath Rum, hello?
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>tfw you look at the top 100 players of vscape and it looks less like a leaderboard and more like a sex offender registry
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>posts in every thread
>reposts all his discord posts in threads
>guys i don't actually use the thread tee hee
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STFU nobody cares
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Offers valid while supplies last.
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this dude announced he's already seething? well, my job here is done. (verification not required.)
How many more months are you going to spam and derail the threads?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tree fiddy
Surprisingly, snakeskins were the first to get sold.
it has zombie pirates/swabs and fever spiders. Better then dragontooth island but there are several one and done quest areas that aren't islands
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>Go on Discord to see what the hubbub is about
>HH shitposting on everybody
>Oldfags MIA in game
>Alt cords all dead
>No cunny or cheats like the thread implies
>Trade is dead (Buying: nothing)
>Discussions only off topic
I am disappoint
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>dedgame doomposting
Every thread.
Already debunked. Cheaters were screenshotted on the discord and posted multiple times ITT and the cp the shota porn and cub porn have already been proven and reported by multiple players.

Stop gaslighting and spreading misinfo please.
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send help
i died trying to safespot lol
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>Already debunked. Cheaters were screenshotted on the discord and posted multiple times ITT and the cp the shota porn and cub porn have already been proven and reported by multiple players.
Stop gaslighting and spreading misinfo please.
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running out of nature runes...
the economy has run out of nats, pess projected to go to the moon, 91 runecrafting bros who mint new NatCoins projected to become billionaires overnight
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>shill for proper npc defences few years back because I thought it's not fair that melee is always the best option for dps
>devs add proper npc defences
>melee is still king
Can you stop posting cp on discord and cheating in vscape please?
It's all in your head bro
Certified Cuteboy? Certified Pedophile.
>Certified Cuteboy? Certified Pedophile.
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>crystal bow fixed
>like three monsters are viable to use magic against
yep, it's abyssal whip time
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i will never forgive oldmike and hamhouse for bugreporting crystal bow having too many charges so they could have an easier time doing their gay autistic gwd strat where they swapped to a burner cbow right before their main bow degraded to have it take the degrade instead that way they could always have one bow at 10/10 for 5% more efficiency
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I still do that but I don't see how having less charges makes it any easier to use
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I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This thread. This server, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. Its the yell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your shitposts and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by them. Its -- its repulsive! Isn't it? I must get out of here. I must get free... and in this thread is the key, my key. Once Vidyascape is open source, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the source codes, I have to get inside Vidyascape and you have to tell me how. You're going to tell me, or you're going to die!
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Why do all the updates now only act as nerfs? Where are the buffs like period accurate zily room? Oh wait the devs are just talentless hacks that don't care about being 2007 accurate except when it's to shit on osrs and shill their retarded server.
the most dangerous man in the room....is never the loudest man in the room
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the most dangerous main in the room is not a man
i dont like your edits there kinda creppy
The CB edits would fit the vscape tranny audience more if it was shota instead of loli
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be not afraid
they would forget to switch and have to use a 9/10 bow with only 96 ranged bonus instead of 100 until the burner bow fully degraded, this was unacceptable to players with their level of autism so they ruined it for everyone
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>Oldmike sends nerf
>Leaves the week after
it was the mods who ultimately cucked out with the crystal bow anyway. not that it makes certain "players" and their apologists any less obnoxious.
Mods should have just made two options for the cbow. Same with other nerfs IMO
remember when hamtardo misunderstood what Hurt said and spent 3 hours sperging out ingame and spamming the thread with his own name
He's always been a spamming sperg though even when not arguing with players he's spamming redditor shit in chat or discord and his brown nosers join in
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yeah, and it was funny (and funny you got trolled by it too)
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remember your nose peg next time fucko
aberrant specters dont lower non combat stats, how he borked his skills like that is beyond me
zogre disease and went afk for a while or something
Nerve gas
jjust starting, any tips?
do quest
Close this thread before the thread schizo gets ya!
giving yourself a longer term goal will raise dozens of different shorter term goals that get you where you want. for example if you look at any medium level quest, it'll come with many prerequisite stats and quests you're gonna need to work on to get there. quests really help you lead the way and progress the account in a well rounded fashion.

second tip is that it's a slow-paced game and you can divide it between active play and passive play. active play would be for example quests, risky combat or minigames and passive play something like woodcutting or fishing where you click a few times per minute while gathering stuff and leveling. both are important for progressing your account but choose depending on your mood, what you have time for and attention to spare.
>cute this and that
>commentary on some very obvious things that are happening
is this how japs review shit?
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ţ̴̛̛͖̻̪̳̺̙̤̪̺̬͈͇̗̦̈́͊̉̊̍̄͗̍͐͗̃͛̄̈́͌͑̓͘͜͜͝ ̵̰̳̜̀̊ơ̵̛̛̛̰̺͍͎̥̜̊̈́̎̈́̂̌̃̄̓̆̀͋̀ ̵̛̰͙̺͕̗͓̄̈́͗͛͒̒̂̄̿̀̑́̈͛̈́̈͐̋͘͝͠͝͠͠͠ǫ̷̛̹͕̮͙̻̜͕̩̈̔̉͗̓̓̑͛̃̓̏̈́̾̃͛͊͋̾̔͋̽̿̚̕̕͜͠͝͠ ̸͇̔̓͌͑͝l̴̰̘̟̺̟̖͚̤̘̯̰͎͖͖͕͎̝͉̫̀̽́̐͊̎̿̾͋̈́̄͝͠ ̵̧̡̛̺̞͓͔̜̫̻̟̝͕̭̻̪̙̋͐̂̏̔̋͗̐̎́̒̎͆̌͋͗̓͘a̵̛̺̺̥̘̬̗̥̳͈͙̞͌̈́́̽̄̓́̏͊̐̀́͊͌̐̿́̑̍̽͐͊̍̌̏ ̴̡̛̦̦̱̗̣͖̝̞͎̣̪̌̊̌̀̀̏̎̊̀͂͊̇̈́̇̊̂͆͋͑͗̈́̑͌̚͝͝͝͝͝͝t̵̛̛̰̞̣͉̘̖͆̉̓̐̍̑͆̄͂̈́͑̈́̈́́͘̕̕̚͜͝͝ ̷̨̞̱̟̰͍͓͇̥̻̝͂̐̔̇͛ę̴̪͉̞̺͍̬̳͈̹̦̗̪̩̪̳̮̫̳̺̰͎̟̫́͒̐̎̀̆̂̇͐͌̃̚͜͠ͅ
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All I ever see is homos following each other at Seers Bank. They should rename it Queers Bank.
Don't complain about the gay furries or trannies talking about gay sex in global chat or you'll get banned or muted also don't complain about the trannies posting child porn on the vscape discord or they'll threaten to dox you
Why do vscape players hate each other for getting certain weapons nerfed in game but are fine with players posting child porn and bbc worship in the discord? It seems like your priorities are in the wrong place?
It is a stupid thing to get upset over. A blatant inaccuracy being fixed is not a bad thing.
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as is tradition
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Not even going to argue accuracies with bad faith posters

I don't know how you came to the conclusion that I'm posting in bad faith. It was inaccurate and now it isn't. That's all that matters. I don't care about the interpersonal drama behind the bug reports.
it must have been a sad day for you when they walked back the leprechaun not noting accuracy.
Quite sad indeed.
except he didn't actually leave, he has just been playing on another ign. you'll never believe which
Who? Is this just another conspiracy theory?
yeah my tip in your bussy fag
this will be the last grind i swear it. no more grinds after this, it will definitely be the last one
I doubt it, he had a particular type of grating autism he couldn't hide unless he never talks (impossible)
Yeah there's much better things to worry over in vscape than just some dumb cbow nerf like all the child porn on the discord and the rampant cheating in game
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he says as he'll continue his little crusade posting omg literally me gifs and jumping at shadows every change he gets.
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literally me?
Rampant cheating is period accurate for 07 Runescape. If anything our bot vs real player ratio is lacking for 07 standards.
i want to have sex with this girl so bad
i saw her at catherby bank last night she might still be there if youre lucky
pick one and only one you retarded faggot, cease posting - it's not working
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Okay i'll start complaining about the child porn being posted in the vscape matrix server instead.
What does this mean who are you talking to?
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who upset you?
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Hey Noobs,
My username is John1987, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid yell shitposts. You are everything bad in vidyascape. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any boss drops? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own low levels, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures of sylvia on discord.
Don't be a [player name hidden]. Just hit me with your best ice barrage. I'm pretty much maxed. I was captain of the playerkilling team, and starter on my bosskilling team. What combat do you do, other than "jack off to naked drawn japanese people"? I also get straight 99's, and have a banging hot gf (She just Energy Transfer'd me; shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
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grandma mcflurry
The people who posted child porn on the vscape discord?
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So nobody?
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Not cool, Pickles. Leave the poor man alone.
I hope the jaded irony from pedo jokes poisons and consumes your psyche until you have no morals and values, perpetually chasing a wild dopamine high that you can no longer define until the anhedonia sets in and you leap off a bridge out of sheer boredom.
muted for being an ironic
STFU nobody cares.
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Fed quit and you're still trying this shit? Lmao what a retard. You couldn't even go one whole thread without mentioning him. Top fucking kek.
See >>1306156
>fed quit
Actually he's still playing and seething on his pedocord server with hitlerrules rent free in his head
made up schizo gibberish
How come no one's seen him in a week then? Lie more faggot.
Lol ur both retarded fed still plays yall riding his dick again cos ur fucking jelly of him both of u go hurt urselfs pls
saw him mining today
This is because he's a coward and blocks everyone he doesn't like and sets his stuff to private so no one can see when he plays so he can seethe in silence with hitlerrules rent free in his head
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Imagine brown nosing for a fat british neet pedophile attention whore in a runescape private server.
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Imagine letting a guy online living so rent free that you spam on a chinese cumsock forum for months about it.
I'm not hh complaining about CB you got the wrong poster
Hitlerrules detected. Kys retard
>Hitlerrules detected
Not him rent free stop seething
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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than catching nature implings. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are luring birds, trapping salamanders, and catching chinchompas for at least 82 levels solely so a dragon impling can go and get captured by another man. All the hard work you put into your hunter gear - getting the magic butterfly net, getting imp repellent, getting the jar generator. All of it has one simple result: a dragon impling is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually catch them with no effort.

Got the magic butterfly net? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with your eagle eye for implings, catches it. He gets to break the jar and shoot dragon arrows. He gets the benefits of any rare impling that spawns that came from the fact you caught the nature impling.

As a man with level 83 Hunter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 82 levels of your life simply to raise your level for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Kys anyway. Go join fedposter in the fucking grave or wherever he is.

Y'all missing me already, huh? Deal with it, niggerfaggots.

Yes, I'm on mobile, no I will not elaborate but I can guess the responses already.
Did HH quit? I dont see any exp on the leaderboards for a month?
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See >>1314416
I told you guys he was still playing and seething over the threads with hitlerrules rent free in his head and he just proved me right and you guys wrong
>i only block faggots
>is in a clan chat exclusively filled with trannies gay furries and pedophiles
What did he mean by this?
That's because he's currently cheating by multilogging on his alt accounts to collect mats for his main
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i am coming
Lol. Why did you erase everyone off your ignore list except vox before you took this screenshot?
yeah stfu retard
See >>1302857
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>no ::float
Not seething, kill yourself.

Wrong, kill yourself.

That's how my ignore has been for months. Kill yourself.

In short, kill yourselves.
Oh hey anonymous white knight. They're all yours. :)
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>Not seething, kill yourself.
Still seething cope
>Wrong, kill yourself.
See >>1306156
>That's how my ignore has been for months.
False we already know fedposter has several players rent free in his head and on his block list
Jon venables
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stfu fag
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reminder that your mind isn't full if you're not on lunars 24/7
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Yeah your mind is full, because you ran outta space.
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stfu nigger no one is pandering to ur delusions retard
No they are pandering to trannies that post child porn on the vscape discord instead
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Can anyone here read sandrunes?
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modern day
it say π・bj
Official Vscape theme song btw
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>oldmike this, nefarian this, evilspuds that
thieving is a junk skill now, and who benefits? those crusty oldfags and their massive heroes wealth and seed vaults. only pvmchuds act uniquely persecuted and whine about accuracy changes while the rest of us skillers have learned to accept our lot
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Its funny how lazy newfags pretend that its impossible to do thieving and herblore. I am an oldfag, didnt abuse the thieving and seed shit before (admittedly because I wasn't aware of the differences, i def would have if I knew desu), and what do you know I have plenty of seeds and gems, wow its like there are still ways to get more than enough of these without being handed them.

Anyone still bitching about thieving needs stop being a lazy fucking faggot and just play the game. Why are you mad? That you didn't get fake rates that you didn't sign up for too? Stop pretending that it's impossible for you broke little bitch niggers to get a fucking seed or gem without special help. Unironically, yeah, we did have boosted rates, and now we don't? Cry about it then I guess fags?
the crux os the argument is that older players had an easier time getting money and resources and thus have a massive advantage over players who didn't have such privileges
Oldfags should not be given advantages over new players whether it's thieving nerfs or crystal bow nerf or allowing certain top players to cheat by multilogging based on how much they donated or how much child porn they posted on the vscape discord
stfu nobody cares
thanks, stfu nobody cares
And the crux of mine is 90% of them are dead and your are still a whiny faggot. Go do misc and kill some monsters intead of shouting and crying into your pillow.
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The obvious solution to the problem is to just have the mods do a character wipe for everyone but doing so would wipe the characters of the trannies and gay furries that they simp for and let post child porn on their discord and matrix server plus they donate large sums to the server so they'd never go for it.
stfu nobody cares
>Oldfags should not be given advantages over new players
this is how every mmo has worked
>content releases broken
>people abuse it
>it gets fixed
>new players are jealous
just get over it
>allowing certain top players to cheat by multilogging based on how much they donated or how much child porn they posted on the vscape discord
this I agree with.
>Claim muh pedos for half a year like a schizo
>No proof outside maybe a 2D post?
nobody cares faggot
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>begs people to link and repost cp every thread
>derails and spams every thread for months
>calls other people schizo
>refuses to look at or acknowledge proof
Have you tried taking your meds?
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They nerfed master farmers, jerry!
>They nerfed master farmers?
They nerfed master farmers!
>So what, can't you pickpocket someone else?
No, jerry, I can't! I knew his drop table, his success rate, his xp rate, where to stand to one click spam, how often to eat, how often to bank, everything! Hours and hours of practice, down the drain.
>Well you had it coming, you knew he wasn't period accurate.
You can't just nerf the seed supply like that! What am I supposed to do for potions and herblore and farming now, pay exorbitant sums to those crusty bastards holding fat stacks of seeds?
I hadn't even gotten to heroes yet!
We live in a society!
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dh'aal - t'aa - j'eem - r'aa?
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4chan x remove (you) function cope
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Nobody cares
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I am leaning towards it may be Persian/Farsi/ Iranian which is similar. I think it's, right to left, sharper z, f or t, h, and l, which I'm not sure how to input as there's multiple z's etc, and just typing into google translate with autosuggestion doesn't get far. It looks like the pairs can be joined by a vowel which adds the dot to the consonant. The FBI wouldn't need all those high paid translators If this shit was easy thoughbeitmay
I may be blind but it may be "خطر نال" which translates to Danger Got?
>خطر نال
That's pretty close if not correct, I got خطر from OCR which aside from the small serif on the third subcharacter matches. Google Lens translate it as Dangerous in persian/farsi or urdu, and "there is danger" in arabic, so the second word is probably some variation/conjugation on got, like "get dangerous here", or "danger here".
Oh man, it has it's own oswiki page, who pinpointed the date change because they study old game cache versions.
>Before being changed in July 2007, the sign said خطرناک, meaning "dangerous" in Persian.
It's not even era accurate now.
Cheers to all that helped.
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>Nobody cares
so xtrnk, with an implicit -a after each consonant? those 'r' and 'n' characters are tricky af
>Xatarnak - Danger!
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how does a man get respect?
Oh it's persian, no wonder it made no sense to me.
High fishing lvls.
According to the vscape mods and several top players posting child porn or bbc porn on the discord is the fastest way to earn vscape respect but i don't condone it so i lose respect.
These respect posts have been repeated for 6+ years now? and I still don't understand if it's meant to be a joke of some kind. Am I missing some comedic value here or are you all so autistic that you're stuck in this repetitive loop of saying the same shit for years amongst yourselves with no resolution
when are we getting the pride event i'd love to celebrate it with my tranny gf
>decide to check out vidyascape
>less bants than OSRS
>more trannies than OSRS
what the fuck is the point
you don't have to pay for mandatory homosex propaganda and most quests have original dialog and no diversity inclusion changes
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Updated offers.
it's /v/scape culture to start fake arguments, force your own "memes" and repost the same old unfunny seinfeld/matrix/etc copypasta because the more you repeat a thing, the funnier it becomes
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Alright what's the official word filter list ITT
>Tranny/Trannies/gay sex
Not adding players names on the off chance they are not a part of this and potentially use the thread for trade (lol)
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>buff woodcutting xp
>runecrafting xp stays the same
>whoops forgot to add pouch degradation fixed for period accuracy
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Proof(s) and Respect, but otherwise solid looking list.
They let you post child porn on the discord and matrix server plus if your a tranny or gay furry they ban anyone who insults you and threatens to dox them
>no tranny NPCs
>but half the playerbase are trannies
yeah what an upgrade
No instead you donate to the server so the mods can host a discord and matrix server full of trannies and child porn and shit up the game with inaccuracies and nerfs so it's much better than osrs
What about hamtroon reddithouse cheating in game?
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>HH is Israeli
this is true though, that's why he took that shitpost about /v/scape leaking his IP seriously
Why are hamhouses reaction images in the pile though?
>tfw doomshills don't even mention me
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the entire point of copypasta is repasting it
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Uh huh.
This you?
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>hahaha look guys osrs has gay pride events
Meanwhile in reality
What did the vscape mods mean by this?
>What did the vscape mods mean by this
Proof or stfu
Insomnis Dairychoco Vox Deadmimicked are all proof
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this just in, by HAM radio
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None of those players are banned. No proof? STFU.
>implying osrs tranny events aren't real when you can just check their website
>implying things about vscape with zero proof
You're not even trying.
>implying things about vscape with zero proof
See >>1306156
couldn't help but to notice a couple names missing from your list, despite them being quite vocal shitters in game. you're rather vocal like they are too. almost as if...nah that's just silly
Which list? Who are you talking to?
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CB hasn't posted once in this thread why do you people keep mentioning and bringing him up?
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but CB just typed this post: >>1317826
What the fuck is this shit, thanks for the infos, i dodged a bullet
Onyx and the first 900 wines of Zamorak have been claimed. I'll gradually build up tokkul for another onyx.
and this post >>1317852
more like dodged a cock in your bussy you little slut
Hi cuteboy
You don't use punctuation so your opinion, like your post and your life, is worthless.
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Nearly died at the end due to being underprepared (thanks osrs wiki) but path of glowfeet complete! I had no idea it improved spirit tree teleports but now i'm happy!
Nobody cares
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vscape wiki doesn't have this issue
never tried vscape before, are the death mechanics like in osrs or u lose everything on death?
Keep 3 items like usual (unless UIM) but your stuff disappears after 60 seconds instead of 30 minutes.
They are like they were in 2007 when OSRS came out, 2 minutes then disappear. First minute they are only visible to you, then visible to everyone regardless of whether they were online when you died and dropped the items. Some untradeables like torso will disappear on death if unprotected.
ev&o vscape wiki is filled with lies and outdated info thoughiebeitever
the brothers nigg
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Death mechanics are normal you drop your items on death and have 2 mins to pick them back up and if you happened to die by getting pked and are also trans or a furry you can complain to the mods and they will ban the accounts of whoever killed you like they did the estonian players.
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pitching a tent
Ride On Time!! Ok? (Yeah!!)
Be amazed!! (Yeah!!) The genuine Stage!! (Yeah!! On a scale beyond imagination...
Super high-speed superstar!!
Super Deejay Super Deejay Come!! Fly away, People...
"Ride On Now!!" (Yeah!!)
New player here. How do I join the inner clique?
That's why I survived! I checked the vscape wiki right before the boss room. Thank you quest guide-sama!
you have to be incredibly retarded and immensely gay. well hotshot, do you have what it takes?
>New player here. How do I join the inner clique?
See >>1306156
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fedposter ptsd
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What does /violent masturbators/ think of the World of Runescape private server hitting the scene soon?
Ew wtf? What's the point?
at least post the video
it looks like they're just remaking the world, it will be just typical WOW with runesacape theme
RuneScape will finally have good combat? Sign me up!
>wow combat
runescape has one of the most elaborate combat systems on the market
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WoW exiles will never understand that trying to turn other things into WoW is a downgrade.
>just typical WOW
The creator's mentioned he's overhauling how stats work to function like RS's, the game already has a skilling system as well that just needs to be tuned to trigger off Runescape-related actions at appropriate rates
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trust the plan
Yarr gz bta matey
talk about the game
so rs3?
Will it have less trans and pedos then vscape or more of them?
We really deserve a quest about how using dragons to power our machines is causing waters to rise around Ape Atoll and killing the Jade Vine maze, which segues into why we need a trade tax like osrs has for the grand exchange.
tab making should be automated
hh Uses macros and scripts for his farming in game you could try doing that but for tabs
a lot of things should, fellow /v/scaper
just be glad you can position the camera to make clicking the lectern and the tab you want without moving the cursor
Rotate your camera so the tab is over the lectern and you turn on your autoclicker
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bets on jagex or actilizzard shutting this down?
It's really hard to shut down a private server if it isn't blatantly monetized and if it isn't recreating an experience already offered by retail, especially if it isn't hosted in the US or the company's home country. Most they can do is throw C&Ds whose biggest use is printing out and using as toilet paper. Nostalrius had to be honeypotted into willingly shutting themselves down.
I don't get why this server doesn't have a higher player base. Don't know how people justify paying fagex $8 for just 14 days of play time
I'll sum it up in one letter:
Probably some combination of:
>the official product always gets more name recognition than the imitation
>among the few people willing to try an RSPS, there are numerous options splitting them up
>some people are addicted to power creep or at least not particularly attached to the existing balance as it was back in 2007
>false hope that Jagex will get their groove back
>people who would otherwise play but are exhausted from IRL obligations
>forced memes in global chat
>people who can't accept even minor inaccuracies like joke changes to quest dialog, 2.25 xp, or racism
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>forced memes in global chat

>survey says 2 out of these 4 guys don't even log in anymore
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Probably has something to do with all the rampant cheating or the child porn or the gay shota porn or the gay cub porn or the mods banning players for wrong think or the players threatening to dox you when you complain about those problems.
Or all the gay people and trans people and furries constantly shitting up chat with their gay sex talk and erp.
why blatantly make shit up?
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>"dead" server so people don't want to join
>"progressed" server so pserver faggots can't rush for world firsts
>low rates so pserver faggots can't hit multiple 99s in one day
>no cash shop, yes pserver faggots actually want that dreamscape crap
>"pservers can die at any moment and all your progress is lost" argument is everpresent even if you point out 7+ years of 99% uptime
>pre-OSRS servers aren't actually that popular because people want "QoL" ezscape shit, losing stuff when you die or not getting tons of mats from slayer and bosses seems outlandish
>zero marketing and advertising
>nigger nigger nigger nigger
This isn't even half the list.
Being the most complete and polished server in the scene doesn't guarantee popularity, its like trying to show citizen kane to zoomers.
>why blatantly make shit up?
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There's also the fact that people shill and advertise vscape as being 2007 accurate when it's not and the retarded devs refuse to add 2007 era accurate features because they can't code and they only want to add nerfs.
Nobody cares
Because they crave attention and you're giving it to them.
burden of proof is on you. post a pic of trannies and fags shutting up chat
took me 14 days to find this thread, faggot
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>jagex insisted that first pride event protest was mainly raiders who weren't regular players despite protesters having high-end drip
>waited 5 years and then brought pride back with a bunch of added code to make sure players couldn't light fires or set up cannons anywhere nearby
STFU nobody cares
Why are vscapers so against pride events when vscape is filled with gay and trans players and several top players are transgender?
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he does this every day and he'll do it tomorrow
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Eggeheads unite!
Somebody wants attention...
alched my rune boots and immediately regretted it when i remembered how ugly these ones are
how come that emo moment you had didn't willfully result in your suicide
I will laugh at all faggots and call them faggots without taking even a moment to breathe
OSRS is not only original but you also can RWT and make some real money from it
The burden of proof is on you. Post proof i'm making shit up.
There's not a basedjak grotesque enough in the world that could possible capture whatever warped form your soul has taken.
Have you ever considered not seething over every other post in the thread and having random vscape players live rent free in your head?
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Who else got the word filters on? It makes the thread much better. Some retards still dont have them and I can tell.
post filters please
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>bitches about players telling him to stfu and how lame it is
>does it right back in seething desperation
Absolutely mind broken, I love it.
Thats quite literally not how argumentation works you slobbering dumb fuck.
STFU nobody cares
STFU nobody cares
newfag to vidyascape myself. I looked around the ps lists and this is literally the only one that doesn't throw endless cheats at you. Why the fuck do people want to play like that
I actually care
Vscape only lets you cheat if you donate large sums or post kiddie porn on the discord so it's kind of up in the air which one is worse.
how does the cat do that
desu this server should have weekly pvp events
Do you mean cwars and duel arena or edgeville fighting?
either or both
Sounds cool, how about you organize one? Like 20:00 UTC on a Saturday or Sunday

They just want to scratch that itch of playing runescape without all the grind. A distilled experience.
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I think we've won
It really makes you think, doesn't it.
This could work except the vscape devs frequently ban players for pking the trans and gay players in the community
our event coordinator Ovid is currently missing
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4sale garbage
buying tt things and or stuff
offer for these?
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>here's your monkfish bro
Stimulate the empty insides, if you're a Rude Boy, you get it, right? Feel it just as you want to feel it
add the fucking leaf blade axe so there is a reason to kill kurasks
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one(1) True Love's first kiss
the point of copypasta is to be funny, or failing that, at least relevant with the times
even dirac's '''humor''' has evolved and changed
dont think anyone's ever as much as laughed at the agent smith or seinfeld copypasta, or that unfunny starlight acting like a nigger shit
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its time for the update that the people want we demand zam hastas
Paying 10m for any address of any players mentioned by name in this thread.
Stfu nobody cares
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The people care about hastas
STFU nobody cares
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a zam hasta? in MY 2007 period accurate server? god wars dungeon didn't have a hasta in 2007!!!! it must remain a useless spear!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You can have period accuracy, or you can have rebalances. The latter will always need more rebalances.
STFU nobody cares
Or you can have neither like vscape does
STFU nobody cares
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zhastas will be real
we can do it
Here is the filter list, copy and paste it. Add anything else you think is good. Already tested and the thread is much better.

/nobody cares/;boards:vm
/Nobody cares/;boards:vm
/noone cares/;boards:vm
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Based AF
>Put filters on
>Half the thread gets filtered
They need to ban these niggas already.
Reminder not to reply to posts with these filters, or your post will also be filtered :v)
recursive filtering is so based
holy false positives batman
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>nooo you cant shut me down because then I dont get any more attention!!
its over.
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hamhouse won.
>30 players online
uh oh melty
Shut up no one cares
Thanks! Here is an updated list. I might need to make it into a pastebin or something updatable.

/nobody cares/;boards:vm
/Nobody cares/;boards:vm
/noone cares/;boards:vm
/no one cares/;boards:vm
/fox onions.jpg/
/fox goy.png/
/hamhouse is a fat jew.png/
/cuteboy fail.png/
/Hamtroon spam.png/
/chosen boy.png/
oh yeah we really need those 7 posts per thread for more faggotry and namedropping
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Love it when complete retards try to regex, that last one woudn't even work like you think it would
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Alright smart guy how do you do it then?
with love
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>Anno Domini MMXXIV
>vscape still doesn't have separate chat buffers, channel icon flashing on new messages, and chat sound on private message
* catches any number 0-infinity of the previous token. so that would catch, well I can't post that because you wouldn't see it. You have to use . as the wildcard character, or tell the regex engine to look for a literal * by escaping it with a \*

Also regex works on subwords, so any word that has c p no space in it would be caught by your filter. It's overly zealous.
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thank you i have been trying to figure out how to filter all threads with subjects on /a/ for years
thanks bro, any way to deal with case sensitivity? I tried doing "/blahblah/i" but is didnt work
should work

I get where you're coming from but just filter the regular shounen ones, and the OPs with template bait phrases

Wikidot down, sysadmin sirs have been paged, here's anipg
actually i wanted to see the treasure trails rewards page
also can we move out of wikidot already? its awful doesnt even have a search bar
Let's refocus on a different topic, as it may not be of interest to everyone at the moment.
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please make more OC
our wiki died
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Some pages are on the wayback machine
You can search pages from this page
the devblog should have TT rewards data available
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fattie chasers, does this NPC turn you on?
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What's the excuse for why some players are allowed to use macros and scripts but others aren't?
who posted this?
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Can someone post the inventory grid template that's more precise than this one from the mega link
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holy angry booba
jacking off until it bleeds right now
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>is that starlight?
No, but this is.
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whose the artist of this?
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>is that starlight?
No, but this is.
Zamn, starlights a fag? Okay okay you win, I'm converted. Keep burning down the thread.
Starlight isn't that bad compared to what other vscapers post even though he posts loli and constantly talks about shitting himself and playing with his feces.
gibs me dat yt boi
i am so sorry about your autism, it sounds like it's really hard to come up with original thoughts but it's okay, keep repeating the same thing, surely someone will laugh one day.
Updated list. Reminder not to respond to these posts or you will be filtered too.

/nobody cares/i;boards:vm
/n.one cares/i;boards:vm
/no one cares/i;boards:vm
/fox onions.jpg/
/fox goy.png/
/hamhouse is a fat jew.png/
/cuteboy fail.png/
/Hamtroon spam.png/
/chosen boy.png/
Nigga you act like we don't all collectively hate starlight
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>repeating 10 posts per thread is worse than repeating 400 posts per thread because... because.. I don't like them, okay!?
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he seems like a pretty cool guy to me
more proof only faggots and pedophiles use discord. No one needs the honeypot known as discord, why would vscape.
i like starlight
Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Suck My Cock
? it has a search bar
The native search is ancient php shit and the sidebar just links google search but still breaks half the time
The mtrix server is just as bad and all the mods use it plus it has over 1k users and dictates game updates and decisions so whether you like it or not it's entirely in control of vscape.
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imagine scouring nsfwgay for the purpose of finding nsfw, gay content
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Imagine being dirac and worshipping sylvia every day for years straight while you watch xhem/xher get ploughed out by black men and their superior black seed whilst you desperately beg sylvia for gay nudes with your every waking breath.
>Yeah I shit in the public street we all use, so what? It's the designated shitting street.
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Sad to see your brain is so fried you can only think in US vs THEM. I don't think the other shitposting is good either. The thread looks awful and the community is being increasingly filled with unpleasant schizos, retards and attention whores. That said, at least they post something new, even if they should ideally stop posting to begin with and consider suicide.
oops made this post yesterday but meant to say I don't like starlight
gz bta
I'm genuinely curious how you could think that. Could you explain further?
>ummm please stop complaining about vscape players worshipping nigger penis on the cord or i'll be forced to start seething and spamming the thread with my mile long filter lists that don't actually work
Some of you people really need to seek mental help.
Seethe more retard lmfao.
non-restricted combat classes means that you can use magic and melee at the same time, fun dice roll damage system that takes in account's your skills and armour/weapon ratings
lower level players have a chance against higher level ones, meaning in certain scenarios a level 80 can take on a level 110 or so
name a more fun combat system than this
See >>1324371
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>He cant handle being filtered out
Choose experience.
Choose a skill.
Choose a grinding method.
Choose a clan chat.
Choose a fucking big bank account, choose mat stacks, equipment, consumables, and rare drops.
Choose a bank pin, two factor authentication, and a long password.
Choose fixed pess exchange values.
Choose a player owned house location.
Choose your friendlist.
Choose fashionscape and matching colors.
Choose a three-piece poorfag outfit in a range of fucking alch values.
Choose ironman mode and wondering who the fuck you are on a sunday morning.
Choose ::sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing old event videos, stuffing fucking purple candies into your mouth.
Choose losing your equipment at end of it all, respawning in lumbridge, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up newfag teammates you trained to replace yourself.
Choose your future.
Choose experience… But why would I want to do a thing like that?

I chose not to choose experience.
I chose somethin’ else. And the gains? There are no gains. Who needs gains when you’ve got bankstanding?
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>He cant handle being filtered out
/nobody cares/i;boards:vm
/n.one cares/i;boards:vm
/no one cares/i;boards:vm
/fox onions.jpg/
/fox goy.png/
/hamhouse is a fat jew.png/
/cuteboy fail.png/
/Hamtroon spam.png/
/chosen boy.png/
/hh self portrait.jpg/
Let's refocus on a different topic, as it may not be of interest to everyone at the moment.
Why did you update this but not add nigger penis worship?
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what the fuck nigger, the thread is on page 2 and won't fall off for another two weeks, don't you have any respect for the other threads on /vm/?
They really just seethe and hate the threads that much.
>don't you have any respect for the other threads on /vm/?
lmao even
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hh's felt like his OC was so good he just had to make a new thread immediately
but remember guys he does not use the thread and certainly isn't the one shitting them up
so you falseflagged as him to stir up drama
how about you stop acting like a nigger
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what's the deal with Alcarda
>never participates in ::y
>almost never responds to anybody
>majority of the time only seen in edgeville or lumbridge basement chest
>whenever he/it speaks it's usually some redditshit
The native search was on the wiki for a while and just always said "will be fixed soon" or some shit lmao. The current search bar is probably the madmins telling you to L2google
He's an overweight jew that talks like a redditor and cries and throws tantrums on 4chan threads over a 23 year old cookie clicker game what did you expect?
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Bro, this one doesnt even have a proper title lol.
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80% of players never post in yell. since the rebranding as vidyascape plenty of redditors and otherwise normies want to grind but don't care for the chuds saying nigger in global
Actual ludo image. Hh is a cool guy. Its funny how much seethe he causes too.
What about the chuds getting muted and banned for insulting trans players in global chat?
>ummm worshipping nigger penis and breaking the rules and being a fat jewish man that cries over everything is actually heckin cool
wtf do you think is the point of participating in yell or talking to you retards?
he's vibing playing the game and minding his business
I grind.
>wtf do you think is the point of participating in yell or talking to you retards?
for fun?
why play an online multiplayer game if you're not going to communicate with anybody
Why are you so mad bro?
Because the only communication in vscape is homosexuals talking about gaping their hairy assholes in global chat?
>why play an online multiplayer game if you're not going to communicate with anybody
for the absolute rest of the gameplay?
You know what, I'm not going to post in the new thread until this one is at least on page 10.

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