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There is no sense of community in multiplayer games anymore.
All communication is happening through external means. While in the past you could communicate with randos and have a good time, even make friends. But now you could play with people from around the world and it's like a ghost town. They're just going through the motions. They might as well be bots
Not just in MMOs, but in shooters both PVP and co-op too, and even in RTS games.
You guys have no idea how many friends I made playing L4D with randos. with some of them we're still playing games but since like 2014 I don't think I made any new gaming buddies. Why is that? Did the culture change? Did the games change?
They might as well be bots

That's the "soul" of the npc normie. They're not there for the human experience or fun. They're there to make number go up or copying a streamer or clique social bullshit.

They've flooded the internet and this is the result. Don't make the same mistake I did and treat them like people because they're not.
>Why is that? Did the culture change? Did the games change?
Both, but the former influenced the latter
This is why the vm vintage story threads are so anti discord. We had a very tight community until discord fags split it.
When matchmaking got popular people stopped talking to randos. I think when it was all nerdy and you'd see the same people every match and you'd talk. But now you can't even stay in a lobby like in old halo anymore, you are forced to queue with new people every match. I think playing old shooters without matchmaking, or playing on community servers when given the chance (halo custom games browser, tf2 community servers, quake live, etc) you start talking again. Been playing Xonotic and quake live a ton recently because I get to talk to people.
I blame everything on the draconian nu-internet. I had a blast being an abrasive cunt in an obscure MMO that couldn't be arsed to have chat mods. I made plenty of acquiantances and had a jolly time socializing. Nobody does this in leftist tranny MMOs like Guild Wars 2. They're all afraid of each other.
Probably due to the shift in userbase of the internet over the years, far more insufferable normies and third worlders are now a majority on the internet. I play rts games and chat but people rarely chat back mostly because few people speak english in those games now. Feels like a lot of games have voice chats but people only use them to trash talk or if the game needs it for any kind of team play.
Idk I have the opposite experience. My friends and I used to be really big on Overwatch and we’ve as a group made a lot of friends. Even flew one of them out to hang with us LOL.
Solo, Destiny has very kind community where people aren’t afraid to interact with you. Just yesterday I wad starting a mission and some guy was just like “need help?” And he and his friend helped me do an exotic mission and then invited me to their clan.
>"games don't have community anymore"
>starts talking about some gay source engine game
God, you are an insufferable cunt. People like YOU are the reason gaming is dead. I've seen what the remainder the gaming community has left at conventions, it's not a pretty sight. Get grifted on, nerd. Maybe if you played something other than GMOD and TF2, all of that autism wouldn't have rubbed off on you
nice pasta
>Maybe if you played something other than GMOD and TF2
I was playing the new CoD at my little brothers house this past weekend. Threw the mic on and started trash talking. Not a single person responded over the course of 3 matches.
Online gaming is dead you faggot. It has nothing to do with which specific game you play.
you can thank twitch streaming and pro leagues for that.
community and fun have taken a back seat for trying to get famous off playing a video game.
and when the average retard can't get good, they get cheats to make up for their lack of skill.
>ugh, you don't play (insert 30 year old, barely functional game only played by spergs)??
nobody cares about your outdated on release shit show of software
Its matchmaking.

Its always matchmaking.

MMOs? dungeon finders and raid finders
shooters and mobas? quick play queues.

Simply not designing your game around some dogshit ladder grind pubby matchmaking system and giving players the ability to make their own servers and enforce their own rules solves every single problem they have now, but the problem with that is you can no longer enforce your microtransaction bullshit on your userbase when they're making their own guns, own balance mods, own game modes, ect, instead of you selling it to them as DLC and cosmetics.
voice chat is cancer
1.Easier to pretend a game isn't dead if you can't communicate or communicate sparsely in game

2.Easier to manipulate game play with less talk

3.There has been an attempt to isolate people from interacting directly through every piece of social media and the entire internet.

There is a 80% chance that half of the people you hear from interact with and talk to are bots pushing a narrative, propganda and trying to keep you in a delusional bubble.
Same for all search engines.

You want to talk to people. Get vetted people through an external interface and always be wary.
More games need context sensitive pings and an all purpose salute key. I think effective ingame comms that don't require voice help people get comfortable with using voice comms.
I've talked to more randoms in DRG than I have in pretty much any other game since, and even the ones who don't talk are still being helpful by pinging the big threats or objectives.
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Matchmaking killed online gaming forever
This is for some reason looking stupid at first glance but when u again joining a game and dont see people talking socializing and just having fun using vc and just chat this thread being sad and relatable
But sometimes u still can find this one gold match when u just playing and care about vc chat button more then about the game. moments of true joy after tons of same "games" without sense
Matchmaking good thing what created with good thoughts. But. The guys who playing mm is completely random and often without mics, braindead, and u got the point. We just need special MM like for "Loving guns, veteran, talking." And MM will find u people with same interests like u what so good so far
>matchmaking puts people of similar skill in the same lobbies
>community servers get run by some power tripping faggot who kicks anyone better than them and gives themselves cheats
>Not just in MMOs
Yeah thats why I quit MMOs. I kept trying to figure out why every MMO I returned to felt soulless and empty and that was why. The social aspect of the game is all on Discord now (aside from fatasses talking about food or politics in general chats) so its like playing a shitty RPG with a bunch of AI bots.
Global matchmaking has been a disaster for online communities. Without localized servers the onus for building a community doesn't arise spontaneously it has to be driven by active effort and participation. Couple that with casual lobbies being treated equivalently to competitive in how people are matched and you have a mechanically and psychologically hyper-competitive environment that makes everyone tense and stressed out, which leads to toxicity, which further discourages any motivation to make connections with people in an environment that already has nothing but a friends list and maybe a flimsy clan system to support it.
Community has been designed out of games, why specifically, I don't know. Maybe games are just more "balanced" when nobody is friends with anyone. Maybe they wanted more control over the way their games are played. no community means no private servers, which means no rogue community jerry rigging servers you don't profit off of.
I presume it's monetarily motivated, designers would self correct if they saw these problems and wanted to make good video games, so it has to be some extension of money men, hell just having microtransactions for cosmetics discourages any modding capability which is just another side of the coin that private servers represent. The more control they have, the harder they can monetize and the less you can do about it.

But then we know AAA devs don't make games anymore, they make money.
>MM puts people of similar skill in the same lobbies
no that's what it's meant to do, what matchmaking does is try to make sure you win and lose half the time, how this is achieved is completely irrelevant and certainly your gameplay experience is irrelevant, notably it's more deterministic and less fun than being thrown into a random pit whether it be all scrubs, all sweatlords, all retards or a jumble of everything.
You know what's the most reliable way to get you to a 50/50 win rate? split your games between throwing you into a pit with complete newbies and throwing you into a game with pro players. Presto, you are balanced. Matchmaking deems that an acceptable outcome.
You might say well not all games will be like that, and sure enough it's not that clear cut but ultimately that's what happens. Whether you will do well in a game or not is determined by the matchmaking, not your skill level. In fact if you play better you will be punished for it more harshly with more severe odds until either you are crushed or you're the best player in the game. That works fine for competitive matchmaking, but that's the worst possible feedback loop for casual players. If you do well you suffer, if you throw games you get softballs?? What sort of behavior does that facilitate? I remember playing overwatch(for the record I was an average player, low-mid platinum) I spend a session playing my heart out and another session doing as close to nothing without getting reported. The result? Exact same. By the standards of matchmaking my wins and losses were balanced no matter what I did, but then what was the point in playing? Why play when 9/10 you either won or lost before you even entered the game, and if you happen to pivot that 1/10 game by sheer will into a triumph, your reward will be the 6 game loss streak that is to follow.
While on loss streaks, that's the other thing. What was the motivator for my experiment (trying to win/lose on purpose) was doing weeklies in the arcade where you need 9 wins for some extra loot boxes or occasionally a skin. It was functionally impossible to get through those 9 games without a severe loss streak. Maybe a master rank dude can do it but at my average pace I realized after months of doing it that I will inevitably have to pay the matchmaking at least one loss streak before I'm allowed to finish the weekly. It was as inevitable as the sun coming over the horizon, to win at your level you HAVE to lose, always. So at a certain stage I realized if you wanted to optimize getting wins quickly you actually should throw games. There's no point to trying to keep a win streak going past a certain point, again the matchmaking has to get you back to 50/50 so by its own design, to keep to that goal it motivates you to not bother trying in games that are there to make sure you get back to 50/50 and if I know they're coming, and I know winning them against all odds will just result in the loss streak needing to be even longer, then it stands to reason, if I value my time I have to throw games. Now you might say, well yeah but you'll get reported if you do that. Maybe sometimes, but if you're playing expediently and know a winnable game when you see it, and act polite in games that are actually winnable, you get far more commendations than you'd ever get reports, meaning those reports get swept under the rug. I was consistently at lvl 5 commendations in overwatch despite being an obviously unsportsmanlike player by any reasonable definition. But that's what matchmaking does, it doesn't put you in fair games, and it doesn't try to make those games fun. It makes your win/loss 50%. That's it. My account is proof.
To clarify, you blame discord for killing online communities. When everyone moving to discord was their response to the destruction of online communities. You're blaming the solution, not the cause.
Team balancing is the only form of MM (SBMM) that should exist. Collect players based off of ping, and then divide them up so that the good players aren’t all on one team (unless they’re parties up, of course. In which case, tough luck noobs).
But no, these companies have to micro manage our gameplay down to every minute detail.
By preventing players from having a “bad time” they’ve simultaneously prevented anyone from ever having a truly good time again.
They want every gamer to have as average of a time as possible.
Yes, balancing overperforming players evenly per game would be a much better attempt at making individual games play out evenly and would actually give a reason to perform well, at least it wouldn't discourage it as harshly.
Unless we're talking mid game autobalancing, being rewarded for playing better by being automatched into the losing team sucks, though even that shitty pill is less omnipresent than matchmaking as we know it now.
this is cope for being an offputting outcast
shut up normaltard. anyone who gives it any thought can see I'm right

go back to your low IQ retard sites
Spoken like a real team player
They hated him because he spoke the truth
The reason game devs don't pander to "gamers" is because you faggots are so toxic and annoying that normal people(the ones who spend money) want nothing to do with you
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>muh multiplayer games
you faggots ruined the video games industry decades ago
It's because of you triple A is just slop shit, no one wants to craft art anymore, no one wants to make great single-player odysseys of the soul anymore
It's YOU, you multiplayer faggots, for over a decade now, just peak fucking slop. Fortnite tiktok brained retards
Although I have to thank you; you ruined the video game industry so bad, I stopped playing games years ago, and actually improved my life
>Actually thinking fitting in with the barely sentient herd of useless eater cattle of modernity and the 21st century is a good thing
Let me guess
You wore a mask and got the vaccine too; you lobotomised gimp faggot sub-human
Idk chief, old cs community was based
>you disagree with me therefore you must be made to fit my caricature of the opposing political party
NA brainrot detected
nuance rejected

Not to even mention the preemptive reiteration of dehumanizing those you deem "other" to reinforce your narrow and dysfunctional world view. You've optimized thought out of the process.
No, multiplayer faggots just ate the slop they were given. Moneymen rotted the industry from the inside and "just don't buy it" is a cope excuse that never worked.
>I stopped playing games years ago
yet still take time out of your busy schedule to come whine on not only a videogame board but one geared specifically to multiplayer. I can see you've made great strides.
everything is bad now because (You) engage with it. it was starting to get bad even before 4chan existed. none of (You) should have ever been allowed electronics or televisions.
I blame discord for that.
yeah this,
it depends on what game and genre, in MMOs for example, those people are more social
>While in the past you could communicate with randos and have a good time, even make friends. But now you could play with people from around the world and it's like a ghost town.
Its because companies ban for bad speak now and players report for it.
That's it.
I don't want to trash talk or listen to some faggot if I can't tell them to shut up and call them a nigger.
So I only talk to my friends over dedicated voice and disable all text chat and in-game voice.
You fags got your no-toxicicity gaming, and now you want to cry that no one talks?
Being fully serious, having chat means people will trash talk, people with bait, people will seethe/rage and people will laugh and talk about non-game stuff.
But if you can be banned for bad words, its just safer to not use those in game features, because while most don't spam nigger in chat, the risk of getting mad and writing out a bad word of any kind is a risk not worth taking.

Warthunder, some player with a chink name was blatantly cheating.
I posted in text "be sure to report the chinaman for cheating". Most people agreed, a few lol'd and I left the match to play another.
Next day I get a 30 day chat ban for " racism"
I mean, fine, I said a bad word, but after that I realized the high risk talking in chat offers now.
Not worth it to risk my entire account. So I'll just stay silent and not see or listen to chat anymore.
Bro slurs aren't a daily part of life like you seem to think...4chan isn't real life. Besides that I think it was nice to cut loose and shout nigger in a chat room and losing that ability was kind of lame.
See? You're so triggered by even the suggestion that you are here giving platitudes and other bullshit to justify the current state of retardation that you fail to actually understand what I was saying.
None of what you said matters, I simply told OP exactly why no one talks in chat or voice anymore.
Warthunder used to have all manner of chatter, now it doesn't.
And you know how I'm right? In a game like CS2, which doesn't ban for chat, people still talk.

But feel free to seethe knowing all the people refusing to talk are calling you a faggot in their minds.
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you have nothing to gain from attempting to "socialize" with gamers (ie: (You)). simple as. normal logical people have long since reached this conclusion.
>Blame discord
>not the fact that saying the wrong thing in matchmaking dogshit games gets you banned from the game you paid for
>not the fact that everyone in modern games are afraid to talk anymore
>not the fact that if you're in a matchmaking game and someone is micspaming deepfried garbage you can't leave or mute them because then you're trolling
>its totally discords fault

Its the fact that people would rather chat with people on the same wavelengths instead of some random 12 year old kid who thinks the n-word and blasting rap over an open mic is funny.

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