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/ro/ is the slow-mode bunker thread for all Ragnarok Online related things. When servers are up and running, or a popular server is upcoming/recently released, we move to /vg/ under the /rog/ tag.

Guide for newfags:

>Project Sunshine - New server; Mid pop; vanillacore low-rate; 2x client limit
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>ccRO - Pure PvE card farming, seasonal
Rates: Customized depending on spawn rarity

>But where is /ro/ playing??
Nowhere en masse. You can find a few stragglers on any of those servers.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article.

Source Code:
>thread has no posts and dies
>remake it immediately anyways just so it can be a ghosttown and die again
really activates the almonds
it had 547 posts, schizo
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niggers tongue my anus

deleted the folder a month ago, sunshine was mid.

give me a quick rundown on the curent lolcows and meme servers.
vincent needed to remake the thread so he could put his rentry link back in and prove to everyone that he's not still 300% assmad about getting exposed by relic
vanessa... the bragi...
The fucking schizo nigger remade the thread and put his rambling rentry in the OP.
You're part of the reason we can't have good things.
the discord clique moved to trickster sweety
everyone else playing realized and followed them
clikeksisters we have to spam early threads again to prevent him from putting the hecking scary link in the OP!!
Finally... sweet release.
I heard the discord clique was moving to RF.
Literally shaking and crying
Playing this game won't bring back your childhood :(
raid forums?
righteous fire
Yeah, I noticed that. Tried to play and it's missing something. Also, people don't hang around Izlude or Geffen to chat: everyone moved to Discord. It's literally over.
>>But where is /ro/ playing??
Why do you continue to include that line in every RO thread as if anyone actually gives a fuck where a few other turbo-faggots from 4chan are playing?
As if knowing about 4chan somehow makes you special in 2024 and somehow more appealing to play with when the exact opposite is true, considering that frequenting 4chan usually coincides with being a detestable, smelly, lazy, weeb-addicted faggot.
Everyone and their grandmother knows about 4chan and couldn't care less if you are "from 4chan XD"

The rest of your post is fine. It's nice that you're bringing attention to this great game and providing resources, though the server choices you're listing are a bit crap, especially ccRO.

Ultimately you're a huge, cringe faggot though for assuming anyone gives a shit about other 4chan players.
Instead, learn to realize that Ragnarok fans are mostly old boomers at this point who mostly have a mutual respect for each other simply for sharing a golden age of gaming experience but don't automatically have anything in common with someone from 4chan or even respect 4chan users.

TL;DR: Get a fucking life and just play the version of RO you like and find like-minded people on there rather than forcing yourself to play exclusively with retards from 4chan.
Well said on all points anyone that disagrees is a tard
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4leaf dragon nest
all welcum
if they don't intentionally join a group from here because they're "like-minded" they can't cry when they're not included in parties (despite being useless and annoying)
>use orc trophy
>miss click now its gone forever
Since all the RO servers are kind of dead at the moment, I might just start playing Priston Tale again.

I used to play it way back then alongside RO, since it didn't require a subscription, and you know what? That game was kind of unique on its own, kind of mindless fun too. Time to suffer.
i played this game for maybe two hours back in the day
sell me on it
imagine being so mentally ill you wrote all of that yourself
Is that game even "alive" nowadays? Feel like all the MMO from the old are gone, Ragnarok included. Fuck, even WOW's servers scenario feel cold right now
noaim was found guilty of 34 separate counts during the noaim trial in juno and is now the very first convicted felon in all of ragnarok 4leaf
clikeks abused castle rewards for months and just have to pay a penalty while noaim gets jailed
As a convicted felon, noaim is no longer allowed to use kafra travel, he's not allowed to own a gun, he's restricted from airship travel, he may receive heavy fines, he may serve prison time, and he is no longer allowed to vote for map warps in the kafra election. Can't do the time? Don't do the crime.
He is able to waive his fine in lieu of bond, by paying 2000 Rachel Sanctuary tickets in person to the court, as well as a mandatory volunteer service of three biolabs3 runs and two endless tower climbs. Failure to maintain decorum, or not reporting to the probation officer, will result in further punitive measures taken in the form of MVP cards levied against his account.
That game is just weeb diablo, it was fun for the time but as a multiplayer game is barely functions. There's no real classes, no healing, no support. Everyone just runs at the enemy and hacks at it.
>though the server choices you're listing are a bit crap
They're always crap. I come back to the thread each week to see if there's any new interesting server, because frankly the thread has been overrun by those fucking retards >>1308807 >>1308856 >>1309199 and their buzzwords a long time ago.
>vanessa is a buzzword
ok vanessa
mausu butt
shut the fuck up vanessa
it was really funny seeing the ccro clique post on another forum for players
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variants dropped, who wants them?
mail them to me on 4leaf
char name NoAim
not cropped enough
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Cantide if you're still out there I fucking miss you dude
it's just a mindless grinding old mmo, instead of being 2D it was done in 3D, with locked classes with some simple progressions. the mechanics were pretty clunky, the music was all right. simple and mindless, that's it.

there's always a few private servers, even the regional official ones are still open somehow. but yea, alive would be a strong word.

maybe, not as smooth as diablo, but for what it was at the time it was pretty revolutionary. 3D mmo, and free? damn.
Yes, I'm still playing. 98 sinx and also have 92 LK now.
noaim bullied wanderingq into giving him all the piercing staffs even though he doesnt have a wizard claiming that he would overup them on nosale but he upgraded level 1 +9 weapons to show wanderingq that the overups failed

Dicey: Hey, NoAim, what's up with that move? Taking all the piercing staffs without even having a wizard? That's like me trying to roll a D20 with no numbers on it.
Term: Seriously, NoAim, that's like trying to calculate probabilities without any variables. It just doesn't add up.
Cait: And here I thought we were all about fair play. NoAim, you're really living up to your name.
Anne: Yeah, NoAim, even I can see that's a bit off. It's like aiming for the wrong target in archery, isn't it?
Superlame: NoAim, that's super lame of you. It's like... well, it's like being super lame!
2spooky: NoAim, you're spooking us all with your lack of strategy. It's like trying to scare someone with no ghost costume.
Major Tom: NoAim, this is Major Tom to Ground Control, requesting a reality check. Taking all the good stuff without a plan? That's like trying to fly to space without a spaceship.
Updog: Hey NoAim, what's updog with that move? Seems like you're just barking up the wrong tree.
Follow: NoAim, seriously, you're not following the rules here. It's like trying to navigate without a map.
Dokidoki: NoAim, my heart can't take this irrational behavior. It's like trying to win a love confession without any romantic gestures.
Newbie: Um, NoAim, is this what we do here? Taking things we don't need? That's like... well, that's like being a newbie.
Magnus autismo: NoAim, even I can't compute that move. It's like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces.
Evenebesova: NoAim, what are you doing? It's like trying to dance without any music.
Poppy: NoAim, that's just poppingly wrong. It's like trying to make flowers bloom in winter.
Somehow, still no ragna/v/3
It's called tree of savior and already died on steam years ago (papaya should have a good population)
Yeah I know they added another class this week but I don't have anyone to play with
Maybe ill give it ago
don't waste your time, current year tos is dogshit. papaya being alive at all for this long is but a miracle
clikeks moved on to deadlock
Lmao no, papaya is fucking dead. It has like 20 players now.
papayas are yummy :)
tos sucks though - except for the music, anyway
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I like ToS, it has its own merits that have nothing to do with people projecting RO on top of it. Of course, the modern game is a steaming pile of garbage but the foundation is rock solid. It's actually very satisfying to play.
that is a good population for papaya
>people projecting RO on top of it.
Maybe because the devs themselves did that and then backpaddled later in a bait-and-switch fashion? Yes, I think that was it.
Dragon Nest is kino, I'd play if there was a decent private server.
>move RO to an ssd
>somehow get lower fps in crowded cities
What the fuck?
Still in uaRO? I stopped playing it cus college returned and RO sucked too much of my free time, I plan on returning later though.
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>Still in uaRO?
Farming Sleepers with my sinx oneshoting them with SD.
Doing some meme thing with berserk LK in rachel sanctuary when I'm sick of Sleepers.
Waiting for someone to sell Krasnaya for a reasonable price so I can move to Thor Imps instead.
kwabshine bros ... we fucking lost...
is snorigins back yet?
we'll probably get another ragna/v/ before we get snorigins
^virus do not click
crap, I clicked it
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Cool, I want to return to my Pasana grind when I get back. Also doing dusas with randoms was a lot of fun.
Pasanas suck desu desu ne.
Would be nice if not for the nerfed stiletto vendor price.
Ragnadev could you post your intentions regarding ragna/3/?
Might be time for someone to make a server in the meanwhile. (New preferably)
>make ragna/v/3
>*accomodate and leech ratshitpiss and ratilia so they can grief everyone and scare away randoms*
>*ragequits after crashing and burning*
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ragna/v/3 would be shit for the same reason 1 and 2 were, dev is a complete retard.
honestly i don't know why you would wait for a /v/-specific server that will die within two months at most.
it doesn't need to be ragna/v/3, but i would like a /v/-specific server that stays around for longer than a month.

i don't even care if it's low pop, i just don't feel like playing on some rms server. most are p2w garbage and the third worlders who tend to flock to the larger servers are fucking insufferable.

i'd rather play on a 10 pop server where some fag spams racial slurs in global chat than have to deal with rmsfags.
There already is a /v/ server that has been running for years (if you pretend that "/v/ server" means "server for discordtrannies that use /v/") and continues to run.
Why don't you play there? Oh right it has 0 pop... I wonder why...
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They do suck. But I can't stop myself from wasting 10 hours of my day there. My hamsterbrain is completely rewired at this point.
he already said he's not making a new one, if someone makes another server it won't be him.
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Tried it again just for fun and it looks like I can kill them in 1 BB with my gear.
Maybe I will stay there for a few days before it gets boring.
I haven't played in a decade

I heard all the good servers got blapped, what is left to play on and are they any good?
>are they any good?
Uaro/Project sunshine are the most popular
>just do repeatable exp quests to 85 and also assume you have 40million zeny laying around to slot a pantie+undershirt and you too can have a build which is 1/5th as effective as just getting an oab and pressing the button
>20 hours ago
who the fuck is watching this? /ro/ told me this game was dead
me, i watched it 17k times
>assume you have 40million zeny laying around
>he doesn't
lol, lmao some would say
clikeks make the basedjak face when necri uploads a new video
clikeks played it on repeat thousands of times
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who are those cliquekeks you guys keep spouting about?
the voices in my head
a shadowy cabal that gangstalks this thread
clikeks are people who are capable of making friends and joining groups
Read the rentry in the OP retard
silence, vanessa
It'a a cool game, unironically killed by kikes that wanted easy and fast cash.
>gakkung over upgraded xbow
Utsuho appreciation thread
4leafsmite all welcum
Wheres the new server at?.
no new servers ever, ro is dead
Its really not
is cuckardia still in developement?
This is me when ragnadev doesn't drag the server files into a cheap vps
>the mythos guy made some cool beach maps
>yaps about it for 20 minutes
>watched all of it even though I don't expect to play again
this guy has so much fun with the game it's magnetic af, why are all devs so soulless?
yes, catshitpiss
ProingRO dev here, sorry I went dark.
Do people still have interest or should I just stop?
What's a decent solo PvE Gunslinger build for pre-renewal? Just for traveling around killing and farming things.
Nostalgia blasting on Yanis (seems like the only 1x at episode 13, even if it's a ghost town), but with stat reset not being a thing there I don't exactly fancy breaking the build right from the get-go.
How hard is it to set up a private server these days? Modding the client used to be such a pain back in the day (especially if you wanted it to support non-ASCII locales), I wonder if it got any easier. Considering setting up a basic 1x server mostly for my own purposes (i.e. making sure that it doesn't just disappear).
Not too hard honestly, and theres a preconfigured setup to download
Desperado is the only good Gunslinger ability
Rapid Shower and Full Buster are also ok

Recommend building around one of the above

Your stats will usually be 99 DEX and then some combination of VIT and INT depending on how often you're getting hit. (Desperado goes more VIT, Full Buster would go more INT for the SP)

Unfortunately, AGI does basically nothing for you. Gun ASPD is terrible and auto attacking with them is generally garbage.
play desperado if you want to kill yourself already
play a good class if you don't want to end this feeling suicidal
Gunslinger is basically sniper except worse in nearly aspect
Desperado has like...two or three niche maps they can kind of farm well, as long as you have autoloot (juperos and hodremlins come to mind, but they aren't even the BEST at those maps)
Full buster is kind of like falcon assault, it does a large burst of damage but if you are playing vanilla 1x rates you are not going to have ANY sp to use it, so good fucking luck honestly. It also requires a billion bullets and blinds you and is just in general shittier than pressing The Button as huntard.
There are other meme builds for gunslinger - pistol for "funny ranged autoattacker that does zero damage", rifle for "funny ranged autoattacker that does some damage at very slow rates", and gatling for "very funny ranged autoattacker that stands in place and also does zero damage but at 190 aspd". Gunslinger as a whole just kind of sucks without buffs, even QoL buffs help it immensely but gravity really did the class dirty.
See >>1324672
Gunslinger is Hunter if hunter was balanced. As a class, it makes zero sense.
>gatlings are slower than revolvers
I will never not be angry at this.
it is honestly hilarious that guns are the slowest ranged weapon in RO

they're ALL slower than bows, even the fucking gatling gun

whoever designed gunslinger clearly didn't even know what a gun is
gunslinger? more like cumslinger HAHAHAHAH!
That's why they call me the farshooter
>slings his cum into uranus
>in development
If you call an orgy cucking session with a few ball fluffers that were allowed to enter the room while all the other cucks just watch, then yes, it's "in development".
>still mad he wasn't let in
No, I'm mad they're bullshitting and haven't yet fully opened to everyone.
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I feel like the population of sunshine fell off as soon as I started playing. More servers need 3rd job cosmetics.
Ragna/v/ had them
its a dual client, effectively meaning you half the lifespan. This combined with high rates AND autoloot is a recipe for failure.

Everyone already leveled a buffslut, a crafter/merch, a huntard and an endower WHILE leveling and fully equipping their main and a couple alts ALL BY THEMSELVES

multiclient is always a mistake, expect sunshine to be devoid of life by the end of the year.
a server made by retards, for retards

all the smart cats didn't touch that steaming pile of KWAB

buckbroken and buttpummelled

later nerds
surely single client is the answer
maybe give us agi bless at the inn
oh wait make it last 10 minutes
oh wait just give me buff scrolls
oh actually since i dont have a hp i need infinte fly wing and a dungeon warper
oh actually make an endower npc
well might as well make a linker npc
actually make a buff npc that gives me hp buffs/endow/link/ws buffs/fcp/berzerk pitch/repairs my gear/identifies items/ and restocks my pots

t. every single client shithole
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>grinding cards in thana tower
>random clickable thing
>3 digit mastermind puzzle
>???? the fuck is this for
>try it
>one of the longest running servers that people still pine for is origins
>had long life
>massive multiclienting
wow it is like you just don't like multiclienting and are inventing fantasies in your head
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yes, that is the meme. vanessa was incapable of solving this (even with a solver)
The solver is actually quite slow, it's just for people that are brainlets.
You say this like it is an own against no MC servers, but what reason do multiclient servers have to not add this NPC to begin with? Surely you wont act retarded and pretend doing amatsu on a mule is considered an "Investment".
The real degeneracy of MC servers are the one man army kind of players doing "party content". Can't believe anyone would look forward to Snorigins launching as it was without even a wipe.
>wow it is like you just cant do the MMO part of the MMORPG
MC dependant forever-alone antisocial aspie tards will always defend multiclient, youre not gated to content because of its dificulty, youre gated cuz you never developed any social skills to convince a couple shmucks to do content with you.

The solo experience can only take you so far, but it will never allow you to experience end content.

heres a (You), this is obviously a bad single-client design and youre being cynical and disingenious about it.
vanessa couldn't solve it with or without it...
i thought you were at first cringe, but maybe you are alright
sorry I think you have me confused with one of your tulpas again
pre-re is decades old and i've cleared all of it for decades
even solo (multiclient) except for ent because I've never tried it
walking the floors on 5 clients sounds like cbt
so what exactly am I being "gated" from?
i actually know how to play the game and do things other than eddgatos...
Are 1x servers just completely dead outside of the russian language MOTR?
Tried Desperado, well, should have probably gone with the shotgun skills instead. Too short range, so at lv. 50 I still can't kill anything worth its exp before it kills me. Maybe I'll re-create the character for the shotgun, it'd probably be faster...
>i miss the original anima ro. i want it back
The thing with Desperado is that it's a ground target AoE around you, physical melee damage, and hits anywhere from 1 to 10 times. Yes, that means you can do a single 600 damage hit, or a 6000 damage total hit.

It's highly spammable and easy to use, hence why it's a good skill. You WILL need SP sustain, though. Most Gunslinger friendly locations are places where you can get SP items as you farm.
It just seems that if enemies have to be within three cells of me, they'll pound me anyway, and at lv. 50 I don't exactly have a lot of leeway for having VIT (or even more than just a bit of INT), so I have to have both HP and SP sustain, which when playing on desolate 1x servers with no economy to speak of doesn't seem very easy.
So, I was thinking that with a shotgun I'd have proper ranged skills to farm something other than Metalings and Geographers until I get to a decent enough level and can get Desperado as well...
It's not that plant weeding isn't mindnumbing fun in its own right, but I keep seeing people claiming that 1-70 can be done in a day and, clearly, I'm doing everything wrong.
I mean, I can't even Desperado normal wolves properly, which I was considering in order to get strawberries. It seems faster to just rifle them normally, considering regen times...
My understanding is that most Desperado builds level early with Rapid Shot until they're geared enough to tank things for Desperado

Full Buster is probably the safest build to run with minimal gear, but it's an SP hog. It'll be a lot of consumable farming for strawberries and royal jellies.
Yeah, there's nowhere to gear up on the server I'm playing... There are, like, five vendors in Prontera, and I haven't seen another living soul. The other 1x ones (outside of MOTR which is Renewal and ru-only) don't even have Gunslingers since they're on patch 10.1 tops.
Rapid Shot does indeed seem to be effective, but it's also quite an SP hog at these earlier levels.
For zeny, I'd recommend going to either Payon Dungeon 1 or 2 south of Morroc.

Payon Dungeon 1 mobs can drop Opal and Skull Rings which vendor for decent z.

2 south of Morroc has Muka which can drop a spear which vendors for decent z.

Both are pretty easy to kill and can be a good starting point for zeny. It'd at least get you ok vendor gear.

Also damn bro why would you play GS on a 1x
Thanks, I'll check those out. Vendor gear is certainly better than no gear... I'd like at least an AoA too, but the skeleton archers are nasty.
Because I like suffering, though only a moderate amount of it. And also due to my inner chuuni.
gunslinger anon end your suffering, just play a thief and click things to death slowly instead
desperado is incredibly janky and it basically functions like an instant cast, instant effect meteor storm centered on the gunslinger that drops ten bullets instead of meteors, except the maximum "meteor drop distance" is 2 cells away from the gunslinger with a 2 cell splash radius on the dropped cell
basically what this means is the further away an enemy is from you, the less chance you have to hit them, also if you are near any obstacles or terrain, any bullets that attempt to drop on a dead cell will fizzle entirely, so you have to be in the open
You're still doing this in 2017+7?
why wouldn't he? he has nothing else going in his life
Hes "different"
shut the fuck up and leave, may. nobody wanted you here
he could at least try to get better at playing bard and solving puzzles

wow, rude
So, turns out that the 1x server I'm playing at is a "beta", which explains why it's so desolate. Looks like they're not planning to shutter it once they release the non-beta version (whenever that happens, probably still at least months away), but not even having that mentioned on the website was a bit of an odd choice if you ask me.
Should've probably just set up my own for offline play at this point, or went to MOTR...
what? also why are playing x1? do you enjoy ball torture that much?
I enjoy the old-school slow grind every now and then, I was never into the endgame no-life stuff.
MOTR is a really old russian-language ~1x server, which is now perhaps unfortunately on Renewal. Kind of unique and still with a very active community, despite all odds. I think it's over 20 years old now, it was already "old" back when I first tried out RO in the aughts.
boomer-sama... i kneel...
I have a deep interest in old RO servers. Can I have a link?
It's updated regularly though - so while it is, indeed, really old, it's not classic RO.
Perhaps I should try playing there one of these days, but my boomer mind is still "renewal bad", even though it happened, like, 15 years ago or something?
Is a brocca worth getting for a BB knight if I can't afford an ice pick
It's an ok stepping stone if you can get one for the right price
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They are not the same thing. Ignoring Defense and Penetration(ice pick effect) are two distinct things.

When the game says ignore defense, as with Brocca, the game simply ignores the value of the enemy's DEF and does full, unmitigated damage.

When the game says that it does more damage accordin to the DEF of the enemy(ice pick, thanatos card, occult impactation skill), it's a modifier on the base atk. Here's how it works:

When you do a normal attack, you do 100% of your atk as base. With Penetration, you do (X+Y)% of your base, where X is Hard DEF and Y is Soft DEF.
If a target's X+Y is higher than 100, it means you do more damage than just defense ignoring, which is how and why certain targets like Beelzebub take ridiculous damage when picks are involved.
The opposite is also true. Using an ice pick versus a Poring, which has virtually no DEF, means your atk is almost null.
Well yes but will it help me kill 60 def enemies slightly faster than just say a 4x carded Pike/Katana or something similar. Pre-renewal I should say
the damage should improve with a brocca, even over quad carded weapons. obviously ice pick is better but you can farm for that later.
Can finally full-blast Hill Winds for that sweet cash and because I just like those guys to death, but yeah, the SP requirement is harsh. At level 56 with 18 INT regen is only 6 and it's still more effective to farm metalings somehow. The suffering continues.
I can't out-damage arc angeling's self healing
almost nobody can
the easiest way is just to fist it, alternatively TKM can actually outdamage it with heat
you can also sometimes get a super geared knight and spam BB, he'll usually be more preoccupied healing his allies instead of himself, but ultimately if you are trying to farm him a lot, then do tkm or champ
You don't have to. If you can AoE the slaves without killing them the arc angeling always prioritizes healing them instead of itself.
is this gunslinger anon?
what are you trying to kill with a brocca? theres ahlspeiss if the stuff youre trying to kill is an easily farmable mob (ahlspeiss is a 2hand spear)
just farm mini demons in geffenia after you do the sign quest clikek
My recommendation would be to move to Gonryun 1 and nuke bears and trees for royal jelly, which should let you keep up sp for Full Buster.

You'll eventually reach a point where you have a bunch of extra RJ, which you can use to farm other places without needing constant breaks.

The problem is that you're eventually going to just live there farming for RJ forever.
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Actually, I forgot you're on a 1x, so this will probably still suck total ass.
Yeah but I lose out on the big def from magnis/stone buckler

I was just killin random shit desu but keep running into high def enemies eating all my sp
Any good downloadable art resources?
I'm mainly interested in the early artworks and the one on sadpanda mostly feature newish art.
S> Evil Wing Ears on UaRO
C'mon and buy it niggers, need the zennies
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BASED, this is is how RO is meant to be played. So hecking soulful
Holy autism. I will never be able to get my head around the fact there are guys that "play" this game like it's some kind of work... and they do it for free!
In this case, it's that one guy running dozens of clients to get perfect spawn timers/locations on MVPs. Which is incredibly fucking gay and anyone doing that shit outside of iRO deserves to be flogged.
The real cancer are the people who run 20+ alchemist clients at once to the degree where they can cover an entire map with homunculi for permanent AFK coverage.
With that kind of commitment to try hard, those faggots should be millionaires irl if they canalized it on something productive, lol.
Trickster kinda mogs you ngl
god damn origins was a mistake
This is why deterministic spawn timers with no variable time are superior.
bro, take off project sunshine from list, server dying like crazy, hard to even find a party now.
pointless to keep playing there, admin is such a nigger, he implemented desperate measure of whole week of rates up.... thats my cue for saying goodbye.

Going back to UARO, never should have leave it.
sunshine is a great example of a server that does a lot of changes right, but was doomed from the start because of the actual people behind it
having the website ddos'd for weeks on end just cemented the doom
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sigruns wings will devalue evil wings slightly now
how long until lord kaho's horns
unlikely, the gms arent intentionally trying to ruin balace and have actually been using the hats to attempt to restore it (placing robo eyes in vespers drops, black frame glasses in kiels drops)
If they didn't want to get DDOS'd, the admin shouldn't have become e-famous for being a cheating dickhead on other servers.

A lot of ROfags hold grudges forever, as evidenced by the absolute state of this thread most of the time.

A lesson in making an entirely new discord & forum account BEFORE you start shilling your new server
was there at any point an actual way to verify who the server admin of sunshine was? iirc there were two competing theories of who runs sunshine but never any proof
Literal nigger subhuman behaviour. Imagine playing D&D or 40k with this nigger, jfc.
bulliekeks schizoposted themselves into actually believing it was noil
>mikutrooner shitting up the thread again
i imagine renewal to be like this, roundabout, soulless, random and completely broken
motr is not just a x1 server with decent pop, its also one of the few no-multi servers with decent pop
Does elemental sword proc on misses? I need to choose between good cards or mummies
I'm pretty sure it does proc on misses. You can fill it up with Cecil Cards and go fast.
ty speed makes my dick hard
Bring the bullies back
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>almost half of current year gone
>still no cuckardia
Can't make this shit up. Really living up to their name.
zulf the cuck is a completely unreliable dev who constantly goes MIA without any warning. Origins (Cuckardia) will forever be in the "soon" status, only to be played by professional ball fluffers in a permanent closed beta.
Well when do you expect him to even dev when every time he gets called zulf the cuck he deletes everyone and isolates himself in the cuckcave for 6 months
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1min of sitting should restore 1% of max hp and sp
>there are 100 minutes in an hour
true and true
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kekwab what a fucking dramatranny
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You know who you are, kill yourself
Looks nice, game name?
I tested it 1 dex against a mimic and it didn't work so ur a lying jew nigger faggot and i dont like u
If you want to multibox, make a monk and give yourself spirit spheres for guaranteed hit procs
it should be working even on misses
so your gay
no it shouldn't
the basically the only thing that autocasts on misses is hindsight
this game is dead as fuck and actually pretty shit in general when you get to learn about it. no point in playing. you need a big population to do everything and the only servers with big numbers are Brazilians and SEA. all NA servers are cliquey and dominated by the same low-rate retard clowns who inevitability bully each server owner into shutting down in a few months. don't waste your time
All true points, but still no other game with as good of a class/skill system or the level of customization with cards. Until then I'll keep checking in every few years to see if there are any good servers for a nostalgia trip
Lol tough luck bro, better get to farming those mummies for that shitty triple ancient ele sword lmao and don't forget to get that ancient mummy waste of a slot on your shield too rofl
idk niggy it's worked on every server i've used an elemental sword on.
Disgaea scratches my Ragnarok itch. Not a MMO though
/rog/ pretending to be good at ro again and making grandiose statements
whatever, are we ever going to make a new server?
rv3 soon
see you at Cuckardia open beta in spring 2026 maybe
i don't think so, guy just left
would make my own but i want to play the game
The eternal RO admin issue. You want to make your own perfect server, and you can, but then you can't play it.
I could make one with the ideas from the thread, but I don't have the funds to host a server, kek. Best I can do is open-source all the changes. There's no such thing as the perfect server though, no one will ever be able to please all the autists that post here.
honestly its dirt cheap to host an ro server.
some ideas for one would be more of the same with:
less or no party xp multiplier,
a focus on earning cosmetics (bgs included)
woe 2.0 with a player cap
daily ingame events
and maybe a turn down the rates a little

the real expensive part would be advertising which some people are nice enough to fund
also never directly link to this mess of a thread in ads, make the first impressions be of a website or fourm
Honestly, another pre-re server with some QoL features would just close in a few months like all the other ones. It isn't because they're bad, but rather because the game is solved already. It would be nice if you could start with a clean player base, but the kind of people that plays on those servers are the tryhards that want to exploit everything and be the best for some internet points or whatever the fuck it is that motivates them.

I'd love to work on a project that revisits the very core ideas of Ragnarok, to make it feel fresh and new again. I don't even know if that's possible, but it's the only kind of server that I could see lasting as much as an MMO should.
thats why you need pvp and things to work towards like cosmetics, events etc,
the fact ragna/v/ lasted months with those party xp rates when thats all people cared about is staggering.
The only thing that kept the first ragna/v/ alive for awhile was the slow but steady stream of people coming in from /v/ ads and threads

I don't know if that would ever work again though, given the usual state of these threads and the fact that most people just ignore 4chan ads entirely at this point because most are obvious scams
pretty much this on top of what rv2 already did would be perfect, a few other necessary balance changes (oab) but despite all the bitching, rv2's balance changes were actually pretty good. hell even though dev's attention was schizophrenic with his MUH CHEEVOS, it was actually a neat way to pace server progression and led to people running parties to get the entire server some neat benefits

but for the love of god, no matter what the fuck you do, do NOT advertise on 4chan and link directly to the vg threads when they are at the height of schizoposting, even just having a $5 witwix or geoshitties website with a download link would have lengthened the server by at least another month and probably would have had enough population for some WoEs. having RMS advertisement would be okay as well as long as you don't go wishy washy with rules, either allow people to scream niggerfaggot and tell randos to cope with it, or figure out actual rules besides and hold to them.

This is part of the reason why I advocate against higher rates (especially drop rates). when rates are so high that people can have full gear/accounts of multiple 99/67 chars within two weeks, the playercount plummets as soon as people reach that point. not saying people shouldn't be allowed to poopsock to max level if they choose to, but when a server encourages just running standing parties, or has such ludicrous party bonuses that you just invalidate most of the game in favor of doing thors/thana/odins/whatever to rush 99s, then things get stale.

same with episodes, I actually like a lot of content later episodes added, but there was some charm lost along the way. it's largely rose tinted nostalgia but i loved when you would just walk around the world getting 1-1.5mil exp (on 1x rate equivalent), whereas now even solo kirito play expects 3mil and parties can often pull 5mil+ per hour per person just by standing in place.
just want to say don't bother making the server if you are utsuho since you are on about custom changes as if the game needs fixing,
stay far away until beating the tutorial respectfully you aren't a game designer.
There's not a single server setting you can do fix the core problem, which is the demographic of these threads being retarded cliques. There's bullies who have absorbed a lot of formerly random players, and they only play if they feel like they can show off and flex on some newfags (they admitted this). Pretending to be good at the game is all they care about. And face it they were like 80% of the ragna/v/ population.
Then there's those useless fucks like ratshitpiss who just wants to be carried and leeched by the former group or else they won't play either.

Ads bring in randoms but last time they failed to create a stable pop that could self-sustain without the aforementioned circlejerk. That one "randomchad" guild almost managed to do it actually, but in the end they neither had the numbers nor the know-how. So when the big guild inevitably ragequits AGAIN over failing endgame, the server inevitably dies along with it.
get greatest general card for level 5 call spirits (spirit orbs). They let you do a little bit of damage even when you miss
vanessa please, there's no cliques

everyone just hates you because ur gay lol
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Sup /rog/, happy 1 year for hata online, I added magma 3 and added pvp gear to the pvp area, brought back payon classic and some more nova maps. Gonna try to downport bio4 and byalan 6 at some point. Have a good day.
There arent many things that can be enjoyed in ro without what you would call a clique, if it is a problem then it is a problem with the game not any particular server. And bullies being 80% of the servers population just speaks to how inept /v/tards are at forming and keeping cliques healthy. As youve said yourself a lot of bullies were formerly random players, so if there was another good clique they probably wouldve joined that like they joined bullies, and continued playing. I wouldn't blame cliques or bullies.
Most people ended up in bullies parties because they were the only ones organizing content

It's a consequence of having a server with no fresh blood entering
it's just vanessa crying that nobody likes her (and her inability to keep up bragi)
I used to do MVPs with them
Have you fixed your class changes yet?
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why did nekomimi fail?
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If you mean, going completely vanilla with sniper dominating the game as usual, then no, if you mean something else, then specify
I guess I'm only racist to you, since they actually play the game unlike you
I'm enjoying cuckardia's beta. Zulf is doing great things
I'm specifically talking about the changes people asked regarding sniper traps, but based on your response I can expect a no even though you buffed them (wont get into blacksmith)
I buffed them, even added a card that does more damage with them with a chance to drop more traps, not much else I can do to them othet than just giving players the renewal traps
>download uaro
>the patcher is probably a fucking virus
bros. I wanna play ragnarok online how do I cope?
Every RO patcher is the same and they always trigger false positives.
It was too strong even before, and honestly better scaling is questionable but maybe theres a market for broken stuff servers anyway.
Idk what you expect when my goal was to just continue adjusting ragnarok away from the base game into something that plays different. I would almost suggest trying out the wiz changes since they have adjusted cast times and cooldowns making them more dynamic in parties.
Have you adjusted the content?
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Taekwon and Alchemist girls coordinates clothes for Koikatsu when?
Which content? I nerfed anubis into the ground, I added mob changes in to the various places I think I initially planned before bullies threw a hissy fit, and gave more skills to mobs in order to increase the difficulty in otherwise easy areas.
I don't know anything about bullies I'm just asking if the mobs are harder at endgame, are there valk adjustments etc?
Ice dungeon and comodo dungeon mobs had adjustments and additional skills added, but everyone else is using whatever I changed with skill ratios themselves, no further changes. Eq works normally, reflect is capped to 1/2 your total hp. If you have anything else you think needs changed, let me know.
>Which content? I nerfed anubis into the ground
You didn't have to nerf it, but to buff it making it immune to TU so priests dont have an express way to solo to lvl 99.
At the time of the change, there were back to back sphinx parties so I had to get people out of there. I can change them to miniboss now and give them a longer respawn time maybe, but their exp rate is still stupid high, its more valueable to kill them than monestary mobs.
>its more valueable to kill them than monestary mobs.
this is completely wrong unless you also nerfed monastery mob exp
I buffed monastary mob exp
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What's the name of this headgear again?
Can I still find a gf in this game?
That's called a windmill.
you're probably better off going outside
Yeah. I met my wife here, she's severely autistic though.
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requesting a fact check
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Teach me how to change the Oboro sprite to go back to Ninja.
Oboro is ugly as fuck.
Funny, I have a friend that loves the Oboro sprite more and edited the sprite with bigger boobs, but it depends if you are doing it client or server side. Client you just swap the names of the files in the grf, server you have to basically trick the client to thinking your class is ninja instead, but their skills are still in the etc tab.
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Hmmmm. The charm of Ninjas is their legs... is super cute. They rescued some of that essence with Shiranui.
>edited the sprite with bigger boobs
Any pics?
Shirunai has legs for days, Oboro has fish nets, but their boots interfere with the leg definition, maybe worth putting some curve in them.
I have the body bmp, just not set in game, I can show it later
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Oboro is... strange.
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Yeah, the character art looks way hotter than the sprite. Asking my friend for a screenshot of his.
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Also willing to do another request if anyone wants a drawing, RO related of course
Based Yukikaze enjoyer
Amazing. Thanks for the pic.
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Do Skia Nerius wearing Taekwon clothes
The twin from the champions banquet episode? Dayum that was more obscure than I expected also good taste
Yes. She is too cute. My TK ranker on oficial.
Late 60s and early 70s is when the exp curve starts to really fuck you in the ass, and it happens before the massive performance boost you start to feel at around mid 80s. It's the worst part of the game.
>likes reg Ninja over any of its evolutions
Nigga you gay.
Also I think this might cause trouble EVEN if you do a sprite change. Oboro is a dual wielding class and regular ninja is not, so as soon as you get an animation with two daggers out, I think it will crash you. Would need testing.
Nah, I enabled dual weld ninja on my server, it doesn't show double attack, but otherwise just uses the same basic attack animation
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Oboro is ugly~
But good point. Better to change the sprites to Shiranui instead.
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Funny, they also modified that sprite too. Boobs plus legs is super good.
Huge milk is huge!
I would post the busty Succubus and Isis I drew earlier, but Isis is literally stacked and topless, so can't on blue board
Sad... big milk Isis is nice.
Here I'll stick on catbox, this was based off that obscure boxing glove Isis sprite https://files.catbox.moe/fpcoe4.png
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Nice! I've got vague memories of Isis wearing boxing gloves.
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Found the ref, she cute
Ahhh! It's from the pet right?
I think so
holy fuck when is origins coming back. I just want a server that wont die in 6 months to invest my time.
Forgot but also busty succubus enjoying a catrot juice, wearing a galapago hat https://files.catbox.moe/9mqqfc.png
2 more weeks allegedly
Saved. It would be so much better if she was topless~
She would but I should start the tk request
Ohhhh Thank you!
Feel free if you want to do something lewd and of course, take your time.
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I wish. has it been 2 years? how is this shit not back yet? one of the devs on the disc said they are only working on bug fixes now and a bunch of other shit so maybe it wont be long.
well fuck
Yeah its been 2 years, I have the right to be annoyed, especially when they hype up and delay their fucking server (it took me a couple of months to get mine setup and get stuff adjusted how I wanted). And thats what they told me when I asked, so I would rather just not think about that server until they basically have to beg people to show up since it WILL be DOA.
Depends a lot on your class, really.
Some classes can use the 60s-70s to farm their necessary gear, for instance mages can go hunt stings and that'll likely put them to mid 80s-low 90s depending on RNG. Hunters literally don't give a shit because all they need is OAB and they become god. Knights are pretty flexible as soon as they change to knight and get access to bowling bash.
Sins, monks, smiths, to a lesser extent rogues, yeah all these classes really suffer if they're your first char and you don't have gear for them. Sins are notoriously bad because they can job change as soon as they get to 53/40 or whatever and they spike super hard...for about 10 levels, then the 60s-70s hits and every critsin or retardsin instantly quits the game because they rolled a sin without knowing what the fuck they were doing.
Trip fell off
Well I have other requests but I can just do yours first
>since it WILL be DOA.
idk anon, what else is there? I cant believe it but gravity actually succeed with their gay ass lawsuit. they probably never even intended this shit either.
I played alfheim when it was hitting 2-3k players. 99ed an lk, scholar, and whitesmith, farmed some very nice gear. along with a shitload of support characters. joined a guild. farming mvps, bio3, you name it. take a month break and come back to a ghost town. god I was pissed.
at least with oro they have a track record. I played casually there since like 2015 so I will return for sure. IF those fucks ever come back.
Lol I gave up on alfheim too, even midgards was empty as fuck when I logged in yesterday, I think everyone is consolidating on giant servers (which totally won't get sued or cracked down for illegal activity). So its kinda sad to see everyone just give up and just chase big numbers, even my own players just want to play on big servers so my place is a ghost town most of the time too. Sucks they tell me they are leaving and then give me a list of feedback before leaving, then I immediately fix their issues.
yeah its pretty dumb, for the last 10 years I played solo so its not like it even matters for me personally but like you say big number good.
but its like right now all the rats have scattered and are just waiting for a place to go, I'm guessing that will be arcadia.
what is your server btw? I actually just found this thread, never visit /vm/.
Hata online
don't play on his server. he's one of the resident schizos. play on uaro or something.
aside from balance changes i have to agree, would not be caught dead playing there with his history.

if he can manage to turn over a new leaf good for him but its just going to be from the same tree, same branch.
I haven been here since I drew the stupid pvp thing, and before that was was me just throwing an advertisement out. I personally don't play much RO anymore since ragna2 killed my remaining motivation, and doing anything to my server is just me doing maintainence and making shitty classes continue to have some utility (about to do some FS priest buffs for soloing)
Does it still matter?
>go play a big server
a big server will never cater to you or take your ideas or suggestions, I'm actually here and will talk about change, even if it just makes ragnarok easier indirectly.
>my history
my history is I kicked you all out for your profanity, and you fucks of course blackmail me with stuff I only intended to say for you. Listening to anyone on this thread should be treated the same, because (you)r history is just as fucking dogshit as any possible "schizo" shit I did. Form your own opinion.
this is what i mean, im not any of those people and infact when i came to this thread it was just you going off on one at me like a crazy bitch, kind of like now.
my first impression was you samefagging for an entire thread as a matter of fact, so no your history is absolutely rancid.
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Alright whatever, I was gonna transfer this over and line it out but fuck it, not worth it
>utsuho posting with a trip about his server
>as if he wasn't one of the biggest blights on this general
I appreciate the meme drawing >>1344007 but you can be gone now.
i usually dont even bother reading the general when i see the filter number being so high

actual cancer you cant get rid of
see you next thread hope it will be better
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Aw... My Skia is looking good.
Today I will remind them

best ad ive ever read
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i will correct the record here since you are lying by omission. You kicked us from profanity BECAUSE you wanted to cater to players in RMS.

You came here, on 4chan of all the places, to advertise your ragnarok server. You gathered all of the racists, gun nuts, tolls and /pol/tards that often frequent this cesspool (you and i included) and gave us a home in your server.

But you wanted more, you were bleeding players and implementing renewal would be the final nail in the coffin, you had to resort to the RMS playerbase (and i can't blame you for this). But you found yourself in a conundrum, because you cant have new RMS players if the curent playerbase is as toxic as an average 4chan thread.

So what did you do? you BETRAYED your original playerbase, you extended your hand to us, nurtured us, then kicked us out like mongrel dogs. Moreover you LIED to your new RMS playerbase, portraying the illusion you are a well adjusted individual and calling us, your original playerbase, as "fucking dogshit schizos". But there was plenty of evidence that you are a "fucking dogshit schizo" yourself, so you COWARDED by nuking the discord and deleting any evidence of your past so the people at RMS could accept you. This is not blackmail, this is a direct consequence of your past actions catching on to you.

This RAT behavior is what gives you your infamous nickname and your legacy became nothing but PISS and SHIT.

There may be forgiveness for your past but never expect Anonymous to forget it. On my own behalf I, Lord Tirion, can't muster the strength to absolve you, nor can i find the will to destroy you. May you find mercy at the end of your road.
Fukken based holy shit!
>discount terry thinks his opinion matters.
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Based fellow cultivator.
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>getting shat on this hard
>by Tirion of all people
You know it's really bad when nobody, not even in 4chan, wants to be your friend.
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And people literally sit here and wonder why ragnashit and 4leaf died
>because you wanted to cater to players in rms
Because they play the game, you don't
>you came here to advertise your ragnarok server
why yes I did, under the assumption that you would play the game, which you didn't
>you were bleeding players
because the players I had were chasing away new players with their behavior, wonder who that was
>you implemented renewal
content, not mechanics
>can't have RMS players if the current playerbase is toxic
yeap, and the decision only became easier with your behavior towards me
you betrayed me, so leaving you was the easiest decision I could have made, the people that cared have stayed and kept playing
>lied to your rms players
they actually know the truth just fine thanks to your forum post, and you know what? They showed up and played the server anyways, are cordial to talk to, and have praised me for my work, despite my history.
>the original playerbase as "fucking dogshit schizos"
have you bothered reading your own thread? Why are you here instead of /vg/? Certainly not because this thread isn't being actively hidden
>cowarded and by nuking the discord
It was easier than having to delete 3 months worth of crap
>consequence of you actions
you still condemn ragnadev and devchan for providing free servers for you to not play because of their actions, maybe you should practice forgiveness
>the rat behavior gives you your infamous nickname
I don't have a rat character and I'm not named after Nazrin, the cute rat, so uh cheesed to meet you?
>we are leegin we no forgive we no forgot
you, lord tirion, need to go play some other game dude, you get banned on other servers for your behavior and you expect me to tolerate it. Get >>>/out/.
why do you keep making changes to ro when you are so absolutely dogshit you beg to hammerfall and greed in public parties exclusively, or abuse gm to spawn in items for yourself and level alts.
amazing server owner right there
Because stunning enemies kinda maybe works sometimes who knows and collecting items for everyone so they don't have to repeatedly click on the ground saves time????? I would love to cart ram, but every time someone ran a party, it was when I was dead broke, plus dev was already getting on my ass over big tiddy sprites so I had to dump my gear just so if he banned me, I could recover them later with a different account, but he knew that and waited for me to get them back so I would have 0 motivation to restart his already dying server.

If I spawn something, its literally for testing or demonstrating, I don't even play the game, even with my GM account.
firstly, you have never done anything legit outside of that, never geared or done a good stat build even. not even being able to afford cart ram is lul

you then go out of your way to uberbuff your class into being broken despite being strong already. is this a ten year olds servers or an adults?

secondly, you posted webms of yourself in parties with the cheated gears and characters in thor.

thirdly, you can't respect other server owners basic and few rules they set out for you.
sooo why should people respect you?
Life sucks and ragna2 was just me getting a short straw, my stat build was fine, I spent my time getting cards and gear, not spending it on doing end game like the sniper/hp duo that raped the game was doing.
>buffing your class
when your classes end game build is ice pick, then the game is poorly designed
>post webms
when the fuck have I posted webms
>respect the owners rules
he literally had pornRO sprites in a grf ready to hand out, I gave him my big tiddy sprites, he had no reason to ban me
do you seriously think ws needs an icepick to play the game well? lol dude
you spawned in far too many items
and to my memory, you said you were helping fill parties and posted a webm of yourself in thor with the @item gear.

that doesn't mean you are allowed to grf edit, as a server owner you should know why editing char sprites is bad, grfs have to be approved always
>do you think def pierce is needed by WS and every build guide in existance says its end game
not saying giant axe, berdtz, and heart breaker aren't good, but every WS wants ice pick to kill high def mobs, removing ice pick as a need opens more options for weapon choice instead, my ws players love it because they can just play the game without having to sit and camp 2 mvps or play mob racing games for a month just to do more damage.
I never said that, I never gave gear, I never posted any webms of my server.
He never said no to grf edits, he never locked his grfs, and I bet you alot of players were running grey maps and what not, big tiddy priests being of any kind of concern for <30 players is a non issue.
>I would love to cart ram, but every time someone ran a party, it was when I was dead broke,
what? just hit mavkas for 30 minutes or something
Hang on, let me do that before we go party (why did they leave without me?). In reality I should have just started with knight or hunter like I would have, but people were itching to steal my name and falseflag me, so I had to do the needful (actually, I should have never played that awful server, I think the rose tinted glasses for ragna1 really did fuck me over).
>missquote to try reframe it as you understanding anything about ro
somehow you don't even realize actual good ws switch off ice pick all the time, your same logic applies to every class in the game for novelty items. not to mention ws can easily obtain it? or do you think guilds just @item their gear like you?
same person too broke to use cart ram on a x7 server talking about this stuff is too funny

and yes im sure your ws players love it if they are playing renewal characters prere

we all saw it so denying it just discredits anything you say as always. i wouldn't put it past you to nodelay on the same <30 either with how you act
is all of your game time dedicated to partying? you can solo for a bit. everyone else has to.
Yes he did
ok I am discredited, don't play my server or I will @item you ice pick so you will party at thors according to the webm I posted. I'm tired
My game time is not playing the game because I have shit to do irl, instead of clicking things in a korean mmo from 20 years ago
Link the post
everyone saw it around the same time you were showing off your 900 touhou characters man just stop.
>My game time is not playing the game because I have shit to do irl, instead of clicking things in a korean mmo from 20 years ago
this is beyond invalid when you post your character select screen that has like 15 level 70+ characters
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Nah bro you didn't see my 901 touhou character look they are purble and they do the thing on the game, I totally didn't see the invisible and arbitrary no tiddy rule.
Yeah, ragna/v/ I had 69 characters and I totally leveled them all and had a good time until that no good dev got mad at me. No that totally happened, people are neets just like you.
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hey fag whats this lol?
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My non-GM dancer in a party because people in that party wanted me to play the game legit
Man I miss novaRO so much, I really should just recreate it
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play the game legit you say? no i don't think so
try again
Um, its a +4 stone buckler on a dancer, sweaty. Look, I'm one shot insta casting LoV with my +5 icicle whip with my GM hyper cheats in thors, your just mad you weren't there
>i wasn't gm leveling chars
>okay i was but i never @item
>okay i did but it was only this much gear in the screenshot i shared publicly
should we take a look at some others? :^)
You are such a chronic liar its honestly fascinating watching you dig a deeper hole.
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My friend aiden gave me that gear unsolicited and demanded I play the game on a non-gm account with them in that party so that we can have fun, if it were up to me, I would be idling in prontera not playing the game.
*@hide @goto Anonymous behind you*
*@hide #item Anonymous Ice_Pick_*
Psssh nothing personnel kiddo
*@hide @go 0*
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oh nice so you never made more characters to spawn items on and gm abuse?
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what a shitty server owner, worse personality
Thank you for your feedback, I hope you have a nice day
>hotbar shows you actively playing the game while abusing gm
>nonono it didn't happen
are you surprised why nobody likes you, lol? instead of apologizing you come back with a victim complex begging for acceptance again.
Its time to leave
it's time to stay
When I host servers, the only times I interact with players(other than events, of course) is in PvP. And I don't mean BG or WoE, but actual PvP rooms. I also don't give myself gear that is better than what players currently have, sometimes even using worse gear. Equipment always open. There's nothing to be gained or lost during aimless PvP and dueling is fun by itself.

Engaging in parties, commerce or competitive content as an admin/gm is wrong and immoral. Players will 100% resent you for doing it and it wears down their trust in you.
If you want to actually play, do it on another server, not your own.
host a server if you are so good then
This is probably too strict. Though in my case, even though I played normally (equipment always open as well), I didn't play very much and didn't accomplish anything for players to resent me for.

Still, I think in general this view is too harsh on the server operator. Players kinda have no choice but to trust the admins in the first place; one could just play incognito and cheat, and there's no way to know unless they fuck it up themselves.

Trust the admins or don't play, imo. I think forbidding them from playing their own server doesn't really solve anything.
Put yourself in his shoes, its hard to respect his players when he can't respect others peoples servers without a multi thread meltdown over being banned for rule breaking.
Its sad to see
Perception is what matters most, and trust is something you build up, not simply keep up.
hata no kokoRO
Well, there's that too. Nobody wants to play a server owned by a guy that not only broke rules on another server, not only did it publicly, but also conspired with another known rule breaker to evade punishment. The fact their plan was foiled adds an extra layers of lulz.
ive always wanted to play a server ran by a 30 yo drawing my little pony comics, yet is somehow a narcissist
how do i sign up?
I apologize for being a shitty GM, please forgive me
I should have already left but tirion irked me
I'm sorry, my players have begged me to play sometimes and I cave because I sometimes just like playing ragnarok online and evaluate my changes (I can't even test party play with the changes). I would rather play other servers, which is why I end up playing on MuhRO and scratching my renewal itch.
I straight up go weeks without even logging into my server because I don't want people to think I play and give myself @item
What rule did I break and stop making me your personal lolcow
Sure. This in particular though is kind of a safety blanket kind of thing. Feels good, doesn't really accomplish anything except soothe the paranoid, without actually mitigating the risk of the admin doing something bad (if anything, it improves the odds the admin is playing incognito and makes them harder to scrutinize).

I understand the sentiment, I just think this particular restriction is kinda useless and potentially harmful. Also you run the risk of becoming out of touch since all you get is secondhand experience from your players.
>I'm sorry, my players have begged me to play sometimes and I cave because I sometimes just like playing
Quickly, someone post one of a dozen screenshots of him being entirely useless in parties. Literally just there to leech and pick up items.
The only people who would party with you are the ones who don't know you.
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ill be right there so getting bullied here was not a waste, from 9 players to 10
as long as he's a good server owner i dont see the problem
main dwm developers are nazis androman polanski is a pedo, does that mean their software and films arent good?
aw dammit its not working, shame
hi i
good thing I play dancer then :^)
I better not hear you causing trouble
Single most useless retard in ragna/v/ history
I'm not surprised he turned out to be Chris Chan level of autism based on his deviantart, God bless those people
this is just silly, even if usefulness and merit are the only things that got people to party with (You), you shouldnt assume that that's the case with everyone
there are ten million reasons why youd want to party with the owner of the server you're playing on especially, ranging from curiousity to the desire to be more close, to gain solidarity
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But tell me, your friend did huge breasts Oboro and Shiranui but not Ninja?
He plays renewal more and has more time on oboro than ninja at this point, so it was more favorable to just edit the sprite he already liked and played with more
youre all mentally ill
I see.
Does this work for linux?
Yep. Works perfectly with wine and other forks, including servers with gepard shield. Just avoid the official ones because they're using Easy Anti-Cheat and blocking linux on purpose.
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>come check out thread
>ratshitpiss trying to blow himself over having an empty server where he cheated himself levels and items since he doesn't really play
I warned you mother fuckers but you didn't wanna listen, and chose to instead talk shit and coddle useless little bitches like him.
I'm glad this shithole died and the last two servers were filled by spineless bitches who said they'd never trust niggerdev again, but did so anyways while hoping he makes a third, and 4keks was just a tranny server filled with lying cunts who needed to use a sekrit discord in order to have an advantage over others.
I laugh at you trannies who need to do kike schemes in order to have an advantage over others because you're too scared to get shit on by randoms, you are the reason why shit failed and everything went downhill after the first ragna/v/.
>He never said no to grf edits
He did you disingenuous nigger. I really wonder what you look like.
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I remember logging into Hata after everyone quit and his only players were pinoys multi client leeching on anubis so of course they never got banned.
hop on 4kwabs everypony welcum
i would like to play ro and am still relatively new here
so if i made a server and played under an alias would (you) all find those terms acceptable?
just dont tell anyone, retard.
>honesty is retarded
get your head checked man, this shouldn't be any different to playing with friends. we are a small group
people here will look for ANY excuse to make drama. the only way to avoid it's to not tell anyone
i guess thats true. if we have a record of people being okay with it maybe another hoster would be motivated too?
devchan used to play with us and everyone was okay with it because he was cool. i guess people really don't care, but honestly this place has enough drama as it is
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thanks for the info, wasn't around back then
The difference between normal devs and Utsu devs playing with their players is that Utsu came DAY 1 on his gm char, fully stocked out with every buff imaginable gospelling the party at Myst cases. To top it all off he did not understand why this is a bad thing in a party oriented game.
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ratshitpiss playing his own server on a fully buffed/geared character isn't even the most absurd thing. Don't forget that, at one point, he decided to wipe the server but only the characters belonging to people he didn't like.

Let that sink in. He simply decided to go around, deleting characters and items based on his like and dislike of players. And somehow, he still has the courage to show up here and act like anybody's going to play his shithole.
>retard who went out of his way to favor his trooncord clikeks did this and we were okay with it
>I guess we didn't really care since we were in multiple layers of favoritism and corruption
no shit sherlock, nopony could've guessed it
>we were in multiple layers of favoritism and corruption
anon we're playing ragnarok online on a 4chan-exclusive private server. none of this matters.
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>And somehow, he still has the courage to show up here and act like anybody's going to play his shithole.
Considering how clikeks are physically unable to stop simping for him, why would he stop?
silence, vanessa
remember when vanessa simped for the bullies to try and get in their guild

what a KWABtastrophe
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remember when it was confirmed bulliekeks were multiclienting after ratilia leaked the shared accounts, and their response was "well everyone was doing it anyways"? nobody had to step in and leak the info since they did it themselves and admitted to it after getting cornered like the shitters they are

what a KWABtastrophe
lmao yellow key
shared accounts aren't the same as multiclienting, vanessa. maybe if you can understand this fact, you will be able to solve the yellow key puzzle.
>it's totally my boyfriend logging in for 1 minute to buff me and not me just using a vpn
>we didn't admit to multiclienting I swear
post evidence
Any new storylines? These ones are getting kind of boring...
no new server no new drama.
>Sat 15 Jan 2022
>I have no plans to make one; I'm a little afraid that with a discord, the threads will struggle to survive in /vg/.
Devchud pretends that there isn't a discord to applease nucopecucks while bluetroon and chudkeks pretend that the discord doesn't exist.

>Mon 31 Jan 2022
>>Not communicating here anymore probably left some people feel like you are not even listening to feedback or just reading the discord messages from the inner circle. So not sure how this is a server for 4chan.
>Probably. I just needed some time to work through my sickness (literally working through the sickness, since work deadlines don't move just because you're sick). Oh well.
Devchud admits that there is a discord and that he's only been listening to his chodecucks for server changes.
sorry kid, we all wanted to avoid you.
How does a VPN help in multiclienting? Wouldn't you just end up with 1 IP for both accounts?

You'll have to walk me through the logic chain on this one, Vincent. What does devchan and the discord clique have to do with a discussion about utsu?
>>I have no plans to make one;
he didn't make it, he was invited
i love lame
I love Taekwon girls
does double bound work with 50% lvl 10 double attack or is it still the 5% chance the bow says
>Has a 1% chance of auto casting Double Strafing of the level currently learned when dealing phsyical attacks.
>When dealing physical attack, has a chance to autocast learnt level of Double Strafe.

i don't think this works how you think it does. that, or it's a server specific thing.
I'm retarded and thought it was double attack, not double strafing
It can only cast on auto-attack, btw.
it also wasn't a discord for 4shit
Where the fuck do i start if ive never played RO before? I want to play a good mmorpg and this is the last one with potential i havent tried.
Archer -> Hunter if you just want to blast through the game

Swordsman -> Knight if you want a harder starting experience with a lot of potential
probably uaRO is your best bet for a pre-renewal private server. renewal is basically a completely different game, very themepark mmo but if that's what you're interested in go for it. >>1348673's advice is pretty on point. if a class seems interesting, you can just make a character to check it out. i will say that ninja, gunslinger, and merchant classes are definitely not a first timer's friend.
This, and you can just ignore the rest of classes. Everything sucks compared to hunter.
Why can't clikeks do this?
>needing aloevera
How's the community on uaRO? Mostly english speakers or at least a solid chunk of the population?
How are the mage classes? thats what i usually go for in mmos lol, im assuming this game has dedicated healers?
mages are gimped as fuck without a bard to support you. most mobs endgame have insane elemental resistances and you have to downrank a lot in this game so your keyboard is full of shit
>How are the mage classes? thats what i usually go for in mmos lol, im assuming this game has dedicated healers?
mage and wizard are some of the most fun classes but have a much lower skill floor and higher skill ceiling than pretty much every other class. i'm not fond of sage, but some people like it. they're definitely a bit awkward to get used to and you'll probably live at a place with some stationary plants fire bolting them for a bit. the other anon is right that a lot of mobs get insane elemental resistance, but i find wizard to be a very rewarding gameplay experience.
RO has priests which are probably the closest thing to a healer, but they're more about damage prevention/mitigation than healing. they have access to safety wall (blocks melee attacks for one cell) and pneuma (blocks ranged attacks in a 3x3 area)
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A classic reborn! Ragnarok: Rebirth - an officially licensed 3D sequel to the famed MMORPG Ragnarok Online, has returned!

-Reunite and Embark on Adventures-
Adventurers, do you have fond memories of gathering at the South Gate with your fellow players to challenge MVPs? You can make your triumphant return as you go on new adventures with old friends!

-Classic Classes Revived-
Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Acolyte, Merchant, and Thief - the six iconic classes are back!
Relive the initial wonder of days gone by and forge a new chapter in your career as an adventurer!

-Free Trade, Unlimited Freedom-
Adventurers can set up their own trading stalls to obtain rare items at bargain prices!

-Adorable Mounts and Pets-
Immerse yourself in the cuteness of pink Porings and dopey Camels!
Assemble outside the South Gate and fight alongside your adorable companions!

-Idle to Gain Strength-
The game's unique idle system lets you play whenever you want, ensuring a relaxing adventure!
Effortless offline gains, with incredibly high MVP card drop rates!

-Seamlessly Switch Between Landscape and Portrait Modes-
Switch between one-handed portrait mode for a relaxing gameplay experience, or or landscape mode if you want more control during battles!
The first RO to let players switch between landscape and portrait, allowing players to play however they want!
Wizards are useful in all content even with basically 0 gear, they're the most braindead class to play in parties but by far the hardest to play solo in any real map. Any other mages will be supports or some meme/niche shit that you shouldn't touch as a new player.
I couldn't imagine what level of brainrot learning ro here has done to people. Just play the game and ask people that actually play
where did my MOUSE go
why not make a server with chatgpt bots and bots
why can't clikeks do this?
Like others said, wizards are incredibly easy if you are lazy (sit in a party and press storm gust), yet have one of the highest skill caps in the game. If you are good and have solid enough gear, you can solo almost any content in the game...albeit not as efficient as other classes depending on zone, but the sheer flexibility means you can always find something to hunt if you're bored and looking for a challenge. If you're on a server that allows multiclient, having a priest+bard trivializes this shit and you can basically do anything that isn't immune to your magic, but even solo you'd be surprised at what wizard is capable of.

But yeah there are no true dedicated healers as >>1348890 mentions. Yes, in party play you'll still be healing because people don't want to burn money to recover HP. But when you get to high end MVPing and PVP, people are expected to bring their own potions because a priest can not keep up with someone pressing a button 10 times a second to outheal anything you could do. But priests are still god tier, the buffs they provide are mandatory and safety wall/pneuma are skills that define RO's gameplay.
so what will cuckshitpiss' new identity be? we know he went nep>mlp>2hu, what's the new hottest thing he will cling to and make his whole persona?
the bots play better than rsp
Shit class. Sniper with OAB + elemental converter + priest can do everything at a fraction of the effort.
>sniper with oab breaks the game
Wow incredible tell us something we don't know
What would it take to balance hunters/snipers with other classes? Or, which server is/was the most balanced? I don't want to play hunter as they don't appeal to me but would hate to be gimping myself otherwise
The class was designed from the ground up, way the fuck back in beta, to be the most difficult to gear and maintain arrows/sp items/progression on. It had difficulty with managing weight and needed a bunch of perfect 4-socket comp bows to be optimal, in an era when you wouldn't just go to one place to go to 99, where many hunting grounds required swapping elements/weapons and it wasn't just a straight shot to max level.

By the time of episode 13, hell, even by episode 10-11, that was largely gone. Strawberries and other SP items being introduced to the game massively inflated the SP item economy, on top of Ep9 introducing trans classes so profs could be a permanent SP battery. Cash shop items like gym passes and kafra cards removed the weight limit issue. Arrows became easier and easier to craft and while I don't think this was a terrible change, it's just another thing that helped them. On top of that, pserv QoL features which benefit every class, tend to benefit sniper more than others. Warpers, healers, multiclients/endow slaves/buffers, AUTOLOOT especially, increased SP regen rates, all of these benefit hunter massively.
And then, worst of all, OAB was released in...ep11? ep12? Late in the game's history. OAB is such an obscenely overpowered weapon, that a level 65 hunter that is entirely naked except for an OAB, is stronger than any other level 90 class with 20-30 hours worth of gear farmed up on them. This isn't even an exaggeration, it's that powerful and it's quite literally a single purpose, best in slot for 99% of situations, overtuned weapon. The easiest way to fix it is just delete the weapon. People propose all kinds of nerfs to it, but honestly the class was not MEANT to have a universally good weapon, it was meant to need a bunch of specialized gear from the outset. Get rid of autoloot, get rid of OAB, get rid of gym passes (70% weight is a better compromise), and hunter is still the best class, just not by such a disgusting margin.
you never played early RO episodes and are making up a retarded head canon
double strafe didn't consume arrows
you don't even need a carded weapon to level and farm
before OAB existed people used things like archer skeleton gakkung/balista
snipers are good at literally ONE thing in the entire game (teleporting around 1 shotting easy monsters) in a game where every class has their own strengths and weaknesses
that doesn't make them overpowered you are just a retard with an irrational hatred of hunters and inventing random narratives to justify it
>double strafe didn't consume arrows
this was changed back in fucking episode 4 or some shit, prior to removing infinite DS arrows you would get maybe 50 arrows for crafting a wind of verdure. and because back then your only options for SP recovery were grapes/juice, blue herbs/pots, honeys/RJs from vitatas, and yggs. you didn't just get to spam infinite DS without ever needing to sit down. either you weaved DSes into normal attacks so you didn't run out of SP instantly, or you chugged what few resources you did have.
>didn't even need a carded weapon
you're correct in that people didn't instantly assume you'd start with a perfectly carded gear back then, but you're also retarded in thinking that hunter was even close to max efficiency with just an archer skel bow
the meta was to eventually get +9 or +10 comp bows with 2x/2x cards, or even 2/1/1 for singular use (less common as people preferred a bit more versatility) if they could justify farming that many cards, but OAB literally does more damage than a 2x/2x comp bow until ~180+ dex (and that's assuming you only have a ~+7 OAB, at +9 OAB it outshines any comp bow except quad AK)
>snipers are good at literally one thing
damn the fact that they're the best at solo farming 90% of gear in the game, the best universal party DPS that you can pick up and go with instantly, the best MVPers because ankle snare literally stops any monster from performing any action no questions asked, i guess snipers really are just an oppressed class after all!

fucking kill yourself faggot
can we have another server then
>all of the way back in beta it was DESIGNED to be like this
>have a set of bows in your storage
>have to carry a single bow and 1 arrow when i go hunting
>ACK i can't carry anything this is so complicated gameplay
>demonstrated that it wasn't like that at all
>oh that was changed in ep 4!!!!! that doesn't count!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what an odd choice to DESIGN a class to have this major problem of holding a bunch of arrows and yet they waited for years to actually implement it, really curious thing to do!
i never said archer skeleton cards were optimal, or near optimal
you are the one implying that hunters are REQUIRED BY DESIGN to have multiple different 4x carded composite bows to do anything
and yet they can play the game just fine without the optimal gear
if they are trying to REQUIRE you to make a composite bow for every single monster that you ever kill, why would they put archer skeleton cards in the game?
it is like... the entire time... this bizarre retarded requirement you invented in your head never existed and wasn't part of their design
>+9 OAB is better than carded bow until 180 dex
lmao, so not only have you not played old RO you don't even understand the decades old pre-re meta
maybe you should watch a necri video on how to play a sniper to get some tips
>sniper is the best MVPer and dps
i honestly don't even know what to say to this retardation
I don't know who you are but I appreciate you
sniper is mediocre. specialized dps like smith, creo, champ are much better. sniper is just the versatile "dps" option when you have bad players on your server who can't commit to gearing the others. even in late game areas they're outshined: like in bio3 why would you take a sniper over a devo'd sinx? I'd only recommend sniper as an alt for supports or for new players trying the game for the first time with a priest and swordie friend.
>/ro/ downplaying archers again
when will you retards learn
You can fit a sniper into any party. If you pick something like a whitesmith/creator/champion/assassin don't be surprised if you're not brought along to a certain party.
You can bring 8 useless leecher supports and 4 handheld dps which only work in a specific map or you can bring 4 supports and 8 snipers to go anywhere in the game.
>not brought along to a certain party
>lack of devo/gospel being available for top tier glass cannon damage
>30 vit
>overhead that won't be covered by the map and is frankly a waste of time to attend usually
If you can't let the smith or creo go balls to the wall you're better off omitting them and just bringing a sniper. If you don't have prof-tier sp recovery for the champ it's the same and the champ is better off using inns and warping to solo instead of using yggs for the party. You need certain party compositions to bring those dps along and if you can't find everyone you're better off with versatile ranged dps like snipers.
I'm not even sure what you are trying to say here, You can bring those jobs basically anywhere for multiple roles. So its less about going balls to the walls. Also devo isn't really at the top of my priority list either.
Those jobs are not really viable in late episode maps without full support to kill enemies before they do anything. If you bring a Whitesmith and they're just using weapon perfection instead of using zeny to dps they're pointless and their party slot would be better off going to someone else to increase overall party dps because a tiny buff to a few players isn't going to be equal to another full-fledged dps. Try taking a Whitesmith to Thors or Bio3 without devo. They're going to spend tons of money to lose a ton of exp and ragequit just trying to get close to hit things.
If the Creator isn't using bombs why am I bringing them instead of another dps? Their utility isn't that great. If we're not talking about dps but shift the conversation to supporting they can FCP and Potion Pitch which has limited usage which is mostly for taking on MVPs or healing a player who gets undead status in a select few maps. No one is going out of their way to bring along a Creator to Magma, Ice, Abyss (excluding bosses), Odins, Nameless, Incarns, and Thors. They're just attending to leech and are a waste of a slot that you're better off giving to a Sniper so things die faster.
Champ is useful but its damage isn't going to be that great when it can't use fist because no one's playing Prof. If it can't use fist may as well bring in a Sniper for damage.

A Sniper objectively fits into more party comps and will be brought along more often. It has less baggage than melee which need tons of buffs from different classes to operate properly. It's the superior choice for a new player who wants to experience all content in the game or for people who don't want to bend over backwards waiting hours until their prof/gospel/devo is available to party.
kinda insane that it took until 2024 for a server to just fucking delete OAB
can we have another server instead of the same discussions over and over again
>ponyRO 2
You have three live servers to play. I wonder why no one wants to.
Yes they are man, nobody is bringing whitesmith to use weapon perfection lol.
>Try taking a whitesmith to thors 3 or bio 3 without devo. They're going to spend tons of money to lose a ton of exp and ragequit just trying to get close to hit things.
You just don't know how to play whitesmith, the class is fine as a tank too. Can also greed and mob.

>If the Creator isn't using bombs why am I bringing them instead of another dps? Their utility isn't that great. If we're not talking about dps but shift the conversation to supporting they can FCP and Potion Pitch which has limited usage which is mostly for taking on MVPs or healing a player who gets undead status in a select few maps. No one is going out of their way to bring along a Creator to Magma, Ice, Abyss (excluding bosses), Odins, Nameless, Incarns, and Thors. They're just attending to leech and are a waste of a slot that you're better off giving to a Sniper so things die faster.

Ignoring the insane dps, its a superior sp battery to professor, your job is to bring something to the party when you join it. Aspd pitcher is appreciated and healing is alright too, even ignoring pvm if you played woe you would see an example of creator in different utility roles.

>Champ is useful but its damage isn't going to be that great when it can't use fist because no one's playing Prof. If it can't use fist may as well bring in a Sniper for damage.

Champion for its damage, really? What drugs are you on brother sb champ is much more relevant than asura in any party

All these jobs can mob alot better than sniper can too and offer more, I think it should be your job to find a place where they can't party when you just spout off random gibberish.
Would you pay for 4chan ads?
i will. i'll even pay for the server host if you ip ban vanessa.
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this thread
>get a class to 95 trans
>spec your build just so you can hit kasas
>get a bunch of gear including giant axes which might be nearly impossible if OH is camped also have fun even killing OH if smith is your only class
>get 20-30mil zeny laying around during this time to fund your potions and cart terms
>after all this you can finally become the god you were meant to become and kill about 5 monsters in the game better than others can but still nobody actually wants you in parties and your class is fucking dogshit in woe


>get to level 65, pre-trans
>get an oab
>solo kasas by ankle snaring them and then killing them in 3 seconds anyways
>while whitesmith is stuck hitting mavkas and begging for people to sell him gear, you can be getting into parties, killing beelzebubs, valkyries, ifrits and climbing ETs
>don't have to worry about any of the melee mechanics of the game like not fucking dying in half a second because endgame MVPs do a billion damage to ungeared melee characters
>just press the button and occasionally ankle snare to make mvps forget how to act (doesn't proc rudeport btw)
>when making a party for content it often boils down to "okay we have to recruit six different classes to fill the roles" or "nevermind we're just gonna duo it with sniper+priest everyone else can fuck off"
>mandatory to have at least one sniper in woe on low/mid pop servers, and snipers are the highest sustained dps in high pop deathball metas when they're spamming sharpshooting across 20 people at a time

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wanna fight about it? pvp at 4leaf tonight mf.
You forgot that you are doing this faster as the dps is substantially higher solo killing a kasa vs a sniper. You could just say you don't like playing ws vs its bad and unplayable
show me a video of a whitesmith killing a salamander
Do you need a video of that when a ws can kill valk and kasas easy? Iits okay if you aren't good enough to do it but pick between oh is camped or theres no giant axes. You can go and get that yourself or buy it. If you struggle for 30m thats a problem with you playing the class that uses zeny to attack. Its good just about everywhere
>duhh no because sniper of all classes is better early
the first time its not drama and you start acting like a woman that needs gossip.
you are referring to an individual on an anonymous discussion board
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you've posted this too many times already sis
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its joever, i forgot my 4leaf password, F in chat
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Snipers get any DPS job done, that much is true. However, you need to understand that they only work in a vacuum. If you had a live server with competition for every boss, you'd never win any high value MvPs. All it takes is for the enemy priest to Pneuma the boss and, just like that, you can't do shit.

You can argue about Sniper versus Whitesmith in a vacuum all you want, but if both show up with their own parties to an MvP, the WS wins every time.
WS = Endgame Slapper
Sniper = Favela Poring Slapper
Case closed
I think less of anyone who ever plays sniper. If you want a ranged class then choose gunslinger, or at least bow stalker (the best class in the game btw) that you can also respec into big dick reflect stalker for high level mvping
Also never forget
>throw stone
>throw stone
>throw stone
>dead sniper
>Reflect mvping in 2024
We just say anything these days
u guys think Arcadia will release this year?
cant wait to log into Arcadia, check out the prontera fountain and see the moebros again...
Cuckardia comming soonâ„¢
the eternal closed beta server
ball fluffers inner inner circle
getting cucked by Zulf the cuck
>ow stalker (the best class in the game btw)
u wot m8
for ERP (the only thing than matters in this shitass game btw)
anyone erping would just make a low level alt or load up pornro thoughbeit
is the new athena source that fixes several issues and optimizes this piece of shit game being used yet, or are server owners still twiddling their thumbs because they're afraid of it being unstable?
Basically >>1350700 was my reaction. Stalker isn't idea for anything because it's a PvP centric class and even then, by itself it doesn't do much.

The emulators are updated all the time but whatever update in specific you mean, I have no idea what it is.
Stalker is a force multiplier in PVP, it does basically nothing by itself but pisses the enemies off and stripping someone is often just as good as killing them, on top of having a ranged sleep/curse option while being less easy to pin down than a sniper is. And the threat of a recall is always there.
For PVM though yeah it's kinda mediocre in all fields, capable of doing some stuff but never excels at anything, but that's the point of the class with plagairize. Dunno why that anon even thought bow stalker being good is even up for consideration, sure at one point you could like...bowling bash with bows, it was even kind of good for some pvm things pre ep9, like tamruans, but...they're fucking tamruans.

You know aside from reflect cheesing which most pservs remove entirely at this point.
I wouldn't say Stalker is a force multiplier, it's simply another WoE check. You bring Clown not because it's going to help, but to make sure the enemy has to use Marc Armor. Stalker is the same, except you're forcing the enemy to spend precious Alcohol on chemical protection intead of more bombs, driving the cost of warfare up.
I'm pretty fucking sure you bring clown for bragi, apple, and sac, bro. Frost Joke is just the icing on the cake but by no means would you consider clowns the reason to use marc, when you are going to be taking storm gust hits every half second any time you're not standing on an ME. Unless a clown is trying to freeze you from around a corner and somehow DOESN'T have a bunch of allies preventing you from just rushing and killing him, he's always better off using his time to upkeep songs, or try to get cheeky tarot comas on you.

Stalker is just a whole bunch of WoE checks. FCP is one, requiring nightmare card is another - every new server is guaranteed to have at least one stalker dominate a WoE just by putting everyone to sleep, until everyone farms their nightmares for next week. Curse is another one which requires people to run holy waters or panaceas (a ton of people mistakenly think green pots are enough). Swapping to Seeker card is a way to punish people who only run Marc instead of Evil Druid. Close Confine is a great way to stop people from rushing your backline, and a lot of people forget about breaking it with smokie card, or don't have one available. Flying Kick is one of the most obnoxious skills to get away from, on top of semi-dispelling any soul linker buffs from enemies which can be devastating - strip a wizard link and watch as they immediately die to reflected Kaite damage from their precast.

WoE Rogue is a box of tricks, they have a ton of tools at their disposal and are guaranteed to be a thorn in your side. It's just that they don't tend to actually kill anyone.
>blablabla I'm a fucking retard whose only woe experience is small pvp skirmishes in FE babby castles
>that 1 kid who still gvgs in 2024
it is time to move on smokie
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Reminder that Zulf is actually a fat guy irl and he's married to a landwhale
and? better than being an incel like you
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Remember when bulliekeks screamed their lungs out about how reflecting isn't bug abuse?
how is it a bug when it works exactly how it works on official servers?
are you retarded?
>disabled on iRO pre-fix
>fixed in later patches
Seethe forever and keep doubling down on your debunked retardation for the thread's amusement.
>disabled on iro
lol no
>fixed in later patches
lol no, it wasn't changed until renewal
trying to claim that something works like pre-re on a pre-re server instead of how it works in renewal is a "bug" is retarded
>blatantly lying
Dance monkey, dance!
2 more weeks
he's dead, jim...
Anyone remember RebirthRO from back in the day?
>that doesn't make them overpowered you are just a retard with an irrational hatred of hunters and inventing random narratives to justify it
That's bullshit, pure bullshit. Snipers are the best race in the game in every aspect, and it's not even close. Best at WoE, best PvE class, etc,etc. OAB aside, double strafe is the one most efficient dps skill in the game by far.
>i honestly don't even know what to say to this retardation
Who's the best DPS and MVPer in the game then, Anon?
>Tyr's blessing
why are you retards even trying to argue? it is clear you have never played on an official server or ever played with anyone that knows how to play the game
i get that all of your experience is leveling to 99 on dead servers in your clique but this is fucking embarrassing
the strongest class in WoE is the one that barely does any damage and is completely nullified by pneuma? this HAS to be bait
there are hundreds of hours of videos of people playing this 20+ year old game on youtube, you should watch them sometime you might learn something
>barely does any damage
funny how you say we're the people that only play on dead servers
if you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about, if you ever played in 40v40 metas you'd know that snipers top the dps chart and it's not even fucking close
the damage charts in WoE where there are no damage numbers in a game that has no damage meters
thanks again for proving you have never played this game
damn dude how strange that when you look at high end woe players in woe2 castles, each guild has 2-3 sharpshooters and 2 creators who are dedicated to spamming nothing but slim potion pitcher the entire woe
almost like the fact that these stalemates devolve into spamming sharpshooting while the front lines try to land clutch dispel+bomb timings, but everyone is stuck on ME to not die to the wizards - so at the end of the day the snipers are just shitting out so much fucking damage that the only way to keep up with it is TWO dedicated aoe healers

i love how you bring up pneuma because you don't know that pneuma doesn't work on ME
i love that you are so stuck up your ass defending sniper when every pserv meta revolves around snipers being the best class to farm gear, to farm mvps, to do anything with on day 1 and there is a 99% chance that the first people to 99 are the sweatlord sniper+priest duos
i love that you are literally the dumbest retard in the fucking world
>no name shitter servers
>high end players
>everyone is on LP so they can't be pneuma'd
wow, this is such new knowledge to me! I've never done WoE or RWC before
wait, this means that the A+++ tier players you are highlighting are choosing to sit on LP instead of in pneuma
that must mean that the things that LP protects them from are more dangerous than than FAS
and you even say that the thing that actually kills people is wizards
and that FAS is just constant damage that is easily potted through and is a complete stalemate
strange how the entire meta resolves around people trying to kill targets other than the snipers when snipers are supposedly the strongest class....
it is like what actually matter is burst damage that actually kills people instead of damage that is easily healed
you know
the thing that snipers don't do?
>Reduced default chance of Miracle to occur from 0.02% to 0.005%
>Chance of Miracle to occur is now further reduced if AGI is above 46
>redditfrog can't work around hit
skill issue
You are absolutely pants on head retarded and those of us that woe would appreciate if you left.
Where do you get these grf edits anyway, I need to spice this game up a bit if i'm gonna start grinding again
Term: Wow, NoAim, stealing an immaterial sword? That's a new low, even for you.
Dicey: Seriously, what were you thinking, man? You Dicey'd your way into that party just to swipe the sword?
Cait: Asanagi trusted you, and you Cait-astrophically betrayed that trust. Not cool.
Anne: You Anne-spired to take advantage of the situation, huh? Couldn't resist, could you?
superlame: That's superlame, NoAim. I mean, come on, stealing from your own party members?
2spooky: Spooky how low you'd stoop, NoAim. Bet you thought no one would notice.
Major Tom: Ground control to NoAim, stealing swords is a no-go.
Updog: NoAim, what's updog? Did you really think you could get away with it?
Follow: Can't believe you'd follow through with something like that, NoAim. It's just wrong.
Dicey: Again with the Dicey moves, NoAim. You've really outdone yourself.
Dokidoki: My heart can't take this, NoAim. You've really disappointed everyone.
Newbie: Even a newbie knows better than to steal from their own party members.
Magnus autismo: Your actions are magnus autismo, NoAim. Just unacceptable.
Evenebesova: NoAim, evenebesova disapproves of your behavior.
Poppy: That's a poppycock move, NoAim. You should know better.
Makii: Makii believe you actually did that? Shameful.
Anonymoose: Not so anonymous now, are you, NoAim? Everyone knows what you did.
Unga: Unga-bunga move, stealing like that. You've really crossed the line.
bunbun: Even bunbun can see that what you did was wrong.
super lame: Wait, did super lame already say something? Oh, it's just NoAim being super lame again.
Booba: NoAim, you've got some booba-headed logic if you thought this was okay.
Giant Rat: Even I, a giant rat, wouldn't steal from my comrades.
AS109: NoAim, this isn't an AS109 issue; it's a moral issue. You messed up.
housewife: Even a housewife knows better manners than to steal, NoAim.
Borsalino: NoAim, your behavior is as shady as my hat.
Ero-Batusey: You've got some ero-batusey moves there, NoAim. Not cool..
how come chudkeks can't do this
I forgot to delete this thread from the watcher. I and my friend made the edits and used a act editor to replace the frames. Tokei or whoever has a release of that editor on the rathena forum, just have patience and you will be able to edit the sprites to have boobs. Anyways, fuck this thread, acid terror yourselves.
>takes the time to reply to me with a non-answer of where to even get them
Why did you even bother filling out a captcha you retard
do you always sound so whiny/numale?
You get them from me, retard, I basically told you to go make your own.
Why are you gay
says the faggot always whining like a girl and erping with men online
No u
>didn't deny it
what a freak
Please do not abuse the quoting function
please leave the thread next time you get teary eyes and announce it for the 200th time.
its embarrassing
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>Autistic manchild that draws my little pony comics

>Gets made fun of
>*Sniff* Okay you guys don't want me here?? FINE
>Comes back to defend himself every time he stomps his hoofs and trots off
>Guys PLEASE be my friend again PLEEASE I just want things to go back to the old days!!!
You should have used that gun on yourself lmfao
One of these days...
Your thread either is about shitting on me or arguing about sniper in woe, I doubt you'd want me gone, otherwise you would have to embarass yourself with your lack of knowledge of the game. Here lets talk about renewal and my class having 50 million more damage with one gear set at +27 than your class with another gear set at +25, there lets keep stirring the shitpot until the thread dies.
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is this the sped that put matk on katars?
hows that server going man? 9 players is pretty good for years of changes and custom my little pony cards.
its not you, its everyone else that just doesn't want to be your friend ;(
Yeap its pretty nice having friends, matk on katars for auto spell bullshit? The worst that happens is you have +5% matk on an elemental katar oh no the world ended, not like I could not change SD to account for matk or something like I have done for other skills
you don't have friends which is why you need to continue to beg for forgiveness here,

also, your changes and server are largely seen as a joke by the community and have been tossed around and roasted to death.

please stop talking and get a grip, you have 9 players brother.
Lolcow behaviour
I'm not your brother, pal. I did my forgiveness begging months ago, I'm here to rub it in. My changes are a joke to the vanilla idiots that think this game should be vanilla, but then want qol changes, then want custom changes, then quit because the game is too custom. I simply have cut to the chase and bastardized my server to its logical conclusion.
Thanks for the (you)
Not really helping your case here with being a full blown lolcow
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Its funny to think that vincent kinda made you all into lolcows too by constantly spamming the same clikek collages every thread
>i did my forgiveness begging already
>im here to rub the fact i begged in?
>everyone in the ro community that bullies me is wrong and i with 9 players is right
>v-vincent sama
beyond pathetic, even groveling up to vincent LMAO
i actually play ro which is why ive seen your server being roasted to death, not 4leaf

bonus: utusho coming back to rog for friends
Hi vincent, did you get the yellow key?
you and your tranny friends are the only lolcows here, you don't even fucking play the game and just come to make bullshit drama and lies, and it's sad that without anyone even mentioning the name you namedrop as last resort to save face
kill yourself
you just got done sucking his nuts brother after hes mocked you for years, how much lower can you go?
oh wait a meltdown accusing me of being him that would do it.
Nobody here plays ragnarok online, might as well delete this shit thread

Do what now? Who are you? Why are you thinking of sucking nuts?
>mltroonie who spent years not playing the game and just ERPing while begging for items and being carried in charge of telling others they don't play
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You just got done bitching about gameplay discussion schizo.
Are you reading what you are posting, or are the tears or his nuts covering your eyes?
Go beg him for his friendship next
>you just got done sucking his nuts brother after hes mocked you for years, how much lower can you go?
Still not as bad as sucking "LE UTSU-CHWANNYWANNYWANNYUGUUUUUWUUUUUCHANNYCHANTANCHAN :3"'s tranny balls and refusing to call him by his real name
There he goes abusing the quoting function again
Honestly, why do you exist? You shitters have shown that there's no good faith in you and you've forgotten what morals are.
You and your "friends" have gone out of your way to ruin everyone else's fun out of playing /rog/ servers simply because you don't want to play or you're butthurt that someone else is doing shit more efficiently than you.
I'm honestly surprised that anyone would defend you after all these years specially after ponyRO, it was laughable that you went from "this server is for rog/" to "it's for /g/" to "it's for /jp/" and when you saw nobody wanted to put up with your shit you went all in on rms even after you called them SEAniggers.
If you're gonna say and do something then stick to it, you and your trannies are pathetic and I'm not sure how it isn't humiliating to constantly doing the same bullshit act over and over.

tl;dr kill yourself
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who are you talking to tranny?
im new and i didn't play the erp server like you deepthroating his tranny balls and idling(erping) with him for attention.
get your head out of his crotch and go back to erping in pso2g, you're both pathetic.
Discord? You go sis, you totally owned her
Just look at Troonrion the ERPfaggot of Equestria: "yes he backstabbed me but I'll still forgive him uwuuuu my beloved utsu-chan-wan-tan-chan :3"
These subhumans CANNOT get his tranny balls out of their mouth no matter how much he pisses down their throats, even if they want to LARP and pretend they """hate""" him, every single word they type betrays how much they really wanna kiss his axe wound.
Vanessa the bullies cumdump...
We /lolcow/ now
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noticing a common theme with rejection
>no new content
cmon man I wanted to read some new OC...
Post the other
I miss the thread posting whore's nudes instead of this boring shit.
when was this?
>he missed mouse's nudes
Calm down. We don't actually know if it's mouse. It's probably just someone using pics of a random /soc/ girl and claiming it's mouse.
Jfc just found it, what the fuck, that can't be mouse
I seriously doubt mouse or anyone else would expose themselves like that to this god forsaken thread. That has to be a falseflag.
>we le care about RO discussion btw xD
>ERP tranny in shock and disbelief about coomer drama
who gives a fuck
post ragnarok online screenshots if you care so much
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it feels empty
>that whisper
kill yourself my man, you're a disgrace
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Remember pegasisters, 4keks was our most successful server filled with the best players /rog/ has to offer, and we just wanted to slap porings and nothing else.
Yep, might play a bit more lk tonight and just poke stuff for fun
remember when vanessa got run off of 4leaf too

how do you get embarassed by shitters on 3 different servers lmfao
>You and your "friends" have gone out of your way to ruin everyone else's fun out of playing /rog/ servers simply because you don't want to play or you're butthurt that someone else is doing shit more efficiently than you.
*sits at hill winds for 3 months and doesn't party with or speak to anyone*
ok vanessa

and utsuho, just close the thread.
Will do
>full strips you
>throw sand
>throw stone
>repeat until dead
it's that easy, and I didn't even need equipment
new cope headcannon just dropped, freshly baked from the equestrian bakery
Any decent new servers coming soon? I tried ccro during the new season a few months ago but it wasn't that fun.
ragnav 3
Has anybody even been in contact with niggerdev?
I'm still around and reading all these posts.
My ideas are still half cooked so a new server will have to wait. it hasn't even been that long since Ragna/v/ 2.
it has been a year, long enough
Too early for yet another timeloop of
>ratshitpiss and his simps try to kill the server with anti-shilling
>clikeks/bulliekeks try to farm an audience of retarded seals as applause-fodder and ragequit when there's no applause
>niggerdev pulls the plug while cunny is still playing
you forgot the part where vanessa freaks out in global chat and outs xerself on day 1
i posted my thoughts on a server, just copy those and turn down the sp regen if you are that starved for ideas.
you haven't properly done pvp or a reason to stay yet and bg is part of a good way to do it.

any new and original ideas will fall flat on their face vs a basic well done execution. we really don't need the wheel reinvented
ragna/v/ 3 but it is only first jobs and episode 10
episodic servers are neat until you realize they all fucking die at like episode 5 because the release cadence of each episode is like 3-6 months and servers dont last that long

they don't release episodes on a schedule, it's always as a "playerbase is finally dropping due to no content, break glass to release new episode" kind of thing
ragna/v/ 3 but we only have 2-1 jobs and have to clear renewal content
nothing of value would be lose if you deleted monk, bard/dancer, alch, rogue, sage, crusader, sn, gunslinger, taekwons, ninja
Instead of trans classes you start over and can finally make a 2-1 job (2-2 are banned), my ideas are bad and not to be taken seriously.
utsuho my queen close the thread i'll take care of this *unsheathes dilator and begins lying about nonsense while proving no proof*
silence, vanessa
utsu-chwannywannytanchan (uwu :3) PLEASE just close the thread, WE can't have you embarrassing yourself more, it's bad PR for simps like us!

- OAB removed from the game
- Plagiarize NPC
- Single-client + Buffs last WAY longer (or allow dualclient)
- Buff lvl 3-4 weapons by giving them additional sockets (ie. Zephyrus [2])
- Overhaul forging but this is probably well above niggerdev's competency level
- Un-cucked Grand Cross (full amount of hits on stacked mobs)
- Satan Morroc patch, no new world romhack mobs and broken gear that is piss-easy to get
- HIT buffs on melee classes
- reduce Gunslinger SP costs
- Costume Hats, Custom Pets, Keknewal sprites etc. are to grind for, fuck off with this FREE EVERYTHING bullshit
- Go in harder on the quest progress rewards, make them worthwhile
- /v/coins drop from MVPs, quest progress rewards, etc. they can be used for hat gacha, GD access...
- DO NOT give party exp buffs
>(ie. Zephyrus [2])
is this terry?
>- Un-cucked Grand Cross (full amount of hits on stacked mobs)
so it is
ragna/v/3 but all loot is instanced and you can only have one character on your account.
randomized ro
ragna/v/ but every melee gets an ice pick[1] for free upon transcending
Ragna/3/ but its vanilla and the whiners have to pay tax to better players for parties
ragna/3/ but we invite randoms to the server so it's easier to have a full party without inviting dramawhores
ragna/v/3 but we add in the bot technology seen on other servers so people can spawn bots to fill out missing roles instead of inviting rsp-tier players
ragna/v/3 is this thread; game is dead, the only thing keeping it alive is old drama none of you can let go of
ragna/v/3 but ratshitpiss finally fucks off and the overall quality of the entire thread objectively increases

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