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CTR online is a WIP multiplayer mod for Crash Team Racing.
Supports up to 8 players in widescreen at 60fps. Items are client side only.

Download here and follow the instructions
If the link doesn't work check the thread

If you get host wait for the room to fill before selecting a map.
If you try to connect and get sent back to the main menu a race is already in progress.
/v/ room is US room 4 atm
you should add in to NOT pick any battle maps and adventure maps as that crashes for some reason
I've picked usa 4 but then it says trying to connect to usa1 and never does. I don't understand
that's when you're trying to connect to the lobby that's already full or in a race
Isn't that supposed to instantly connect and disconnect you? It was doing something different for a little bit where it would try to connect for a few seconds
Here's a split download on catbox
will it eventually put me through if I leave the client window open?
no you have to connect manually
the mod team are working on fixing this
USA 4 open
any open?
Mods can't come soon enough
usa 4
Room 4 is the one we use, you’ll need to wait for races to finish before joining a room.
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I always get this no matter what. Is there some setting I'm missing or do I actually have to live in the USA?
This happened to me randomly, close everything.
Make sure you launch the game first, then the client when it asks.
it's likely you're joining when the lobby is full or in a race
there's no region lock at all
alright I'll keep trying, im using some anon's prepatched rom with preconfigured duckstation
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oh my god how did I fall in the pit at the end kek
why does the game freeze on the loading screen after finishing a race?
Seems to be random. Sometimes it doesn’t come up for a long time.
usa 4 open again 6/8
>slide gaysseum
Game froze right at the finish.
Do glitch shortcuts work on this?
lobby's open so you can get back in
Yes. But when they have more progress on the decomp, there may be an option to disable them.
>both fucked up the fence shortcut at the same time
I love much more competitive CTR is than NF with the engine types
you'd think that with no items everyone would just go speed like in NF but CTR is so skill based that balanced, turn, and accel are all relevant and can contest with speed as speed is much harder to play
They're both skill based and require you to learn a lot of techniques.
OG CTR is just more focused on speedghosts and glitch shortcut knowledge than Blue fire and that weird speedghost thing where you kill your reserves on purpose to bypass the speed limit.
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after playing CTR non stop for like 5 or 6hrs (i lost track of time) I think I've run out of fuel for today
ggs anons
Whenever there’s another update.
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>Blizzard Bluff
>Laps: 7
gonna dump some webms, made 14
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Any other professional shitposters been playing on the one (1) Aussie server?
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haven't tried that server yet, we were all on usa 4 yesterday
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>muscle memory from NF kicks in and accidentally do a hop off of a USF pad
this is fun but it's literally just time trial except you can see other ghosts in real time. there's no interaction between players and no way to communicate with them.
Wonder if the proper PC port will have an option to disable the ultra shortcuts.
Were you DNF from yesterday? I was Diddy.
You don’t need to hop when you have USF, makes it harder to steer. Only hop when you have to or it’s running out to keep the speed. Just don’t boost in any way.
>>1312883 (Me)
Let me rephrase this.
Hoping does help with turning tighter, but most of the time you don’t need to hop with USF unless you need to hop over a hole or bump, or need to keep the speed from it running out.
In the final section of Labs, you just turn and drift to angle yourself, then after the finish line, you can either U-Turn around the turn, or try to angle more outside then hop turn to keep USF without falling off, whatever’s easier.
Is this still going? I can't join the room for some reason
a race is probably in progress
Nah, I just went to check, they took down the USA servers for now, apparently they're moving 'em to a new one that'll double the room count to 16, guess we'll have to wait until then.
(3 Days, someone else mirror after)
New Build.
There are now 16 USA Rooms, the client will now notify if there's an update, and on certain days, special rooms will have new modes.
Monday: Icy Tracks
Wednesday: Super Turbo Pads
Friday: Unlimited Masks
not this anon but here's another link with the already patched roms
anyone on?
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playing with a couple people in USA room 5 if anyone wants to join
New Client available in the Discord. Can’t share it right now.
No need to repatch, just replace Client.
Icy Tracks are canceled due to complaints, other events are still planned.
oh yea I just do hopping there without even thinking about it as it helps me line up the angle better with making a rhythm
The game is updated again but it appears that they're planning to create a ban list in the future.
A banlist of what?
Names containing no-no words probably
Why does the lastest patch just boot to a black screen?
New update came out recently.
seriously starting to get sick of manually patching these god damn roms
anyways, here's a download, you already know what to do
New update again and engine swapping is coming into online CTR.
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>all USF pads
The discord is apparently looking for offensive usernames in lobbys.
I’m assuming this will lead to bans or at best name checks so be careful.
Is this a thing in SRB2K? I’ve never played it but wonder for comparison.
Srb2k servers are ran by various individuals.

Unless you host your own CTR server using the software, your playing on one of the tagged server owners servers.
And I guess if you’re banned you can’t join the server again.
They’re already banning someone for cheating, so I guess just be careful with names.
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>discord only patch
>all the litter box links doesn't work even with a vpn
it's over for me I have to join the faggotcord
I'll try to put the latest one in a mega just for you
that would be very nice thank you
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>>1316874 (me)
Boy, what I'd give for these faggot devs to wait at least a single week to release these
I'm fine with them rapid firing these updates if it means their making progress to items working online.
that's the thing though, most of these don't even show any signs of that happening any time soon, it's all just to increase the amount of rooms (which are rarely ever completely filled to begin with), not to mention most of these updates are so rushed they end up adding more problems to the game than the last
So uuhhhh, what's the latest client version?
This one still >>1316896
They're taking their sweet time with the next patch, surprisingly enough
Wait, is CTR available for PC finally??
Not yet, they're still working on the port itself, you can play online without items though
Ah, I see. Thank you
good things don't last for long
anyways, here's the next patch
You can now download the patchs directly from the project’s website.
You should be told in game when your version is outdated.

New events for next week:
Monday: Extra laps 30/60/90/120
Wednesday: Everybody PAL Penta Max Stats
Friday: Demo Mode Camera
About fucking time
When is the pc port getting more work done.
I'm more enthusiastic about it and the single player extensions that could be made then online.
>this is fun but it's literally just time trial except you can see other ghosts in real time. there's no interaction between players and no way to communicate with them.

What, do you want to tea-bag them? This is no-weapons racing mode, and it's fine. These players are damn good and hard to beat. Weapons, no weapons, will be legitimate choices in the future game modes as will grand Prix and battle modes.
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>The discord is apparently looking for offensive usernames in lobbys
i knew it would devolve to this gaynigger shit immediately when i saw basically a "community project" tag on this
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projects open source
Can make our own fork like the SRB2K guys if push comes to shove
This is really cool, and I hope they continue this with other games. The PS1-N64 era had nice racers that would work well for multiplayer. And I think Crash Bash would be great with proper netplay. The wipeout 1 source code leaked, and then they made Phantom Edition, as an unofficial remaster and it's wild to see a PS1 game with perfect 3D and huge draw distance in HD. man I wish we got more of these. The PS1 is really the forgotten console and forgotten generation? Most of the games are skipped or they get full remakes. They should have released CTR as "Classic Edition" as is, then did Nitro Fueled as the remake.

A few games I think multiplayer would be grand for:

>Wipeout 3
>Destruction Derby 2-3
>Ridge Racer Type 4
>Gran Turismo 2
>Touge Max G
A warning.
It seems some people in the discord are planning a patch that changes stats around, making Speed and Accel maxed.
This looks mandatory and will remove original stats from online.

I don’t like this idea cause it “makes the game feel better”.
Where “better” is now “we decided to change the game cause we don’t like the developers intended ideas”.
>will remove original stats from online
I read that same thread and the people pushing said that they want it to be a toggle rather than a an overwrite.
At least on the CTR-Tools Discord, where the main development of the decomp comes from, I’ve been reading stuff like:
“I think multiplayer ctr should be its own build anyways, vanilla ctr is not very multiplayer friendly…” and:
“The vast majority might not even notice the stats have changed”
These are more recent posts then what’s in the OnlineCTR discord thread.
These seem to imply them wanting to change online stats entirely.
>>1341298 (Me)
They say this is to help the game competitive.
Everyone good already chooses Speed cause it’s the best, not only that, those people already know the unintended shortcuts.
I don’t think anyone who plays lower stats cares if Speed always wins, cause they choose the lower stats and know it’s not the best. It’s more people who don’t know the unintended shortcuts, who are the bigger majority of complaints.

Keep in mind that they decide to change the stats of all classes to be max Speed and Accel, but keep the different turning rates.
What’s stopping everyone from just using Balanced or Turn stat turning? Since who would want to pick a worse turning rate if there’s no drawbacks.
>>1341298 (Me)
Then them saying: “vanilla CTR with dev intended items is utterly unplayable”
I can understand this if they just change the item rates, and not how items work entirely.

Most items match how other items in other kart racers work, specifically Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing, so I don’t see how it’s unbalanced, aside from ruining reserves for people in front of you, but that’s a flaw in how CTR works.
They would just need to adjust placement rates so you cant get Masks and Shields in first, and allow for better catching up items in lower positions, including Super Engine, which I’m okay with them changing if it could give higher speeds.

The only big issue is the Shield, which I can say is fine being removed if it has to be. Just cause it’s a free item blocker if you have it juiced, and doubles as a player stopper if people touch it.
Clock being a extremely frequent roll is something that even Nitro Fueled felt had to change but I think a rate change wouldn't be needed if it was capped to show up two times maximum per race.
Shield and turbo item getting reworked would be something I'd be for.
No items is perfectly fine in my opinion, it's a fucking race after all, you don't see people karting irl throwing banana peels at each other, it may feel like "multiplayer time trial" but that's because it is, racing is all about consistency and mindfulness, you competing in real time with somebody else is miles different than racing a line alone over and over again, it's a mentality thing and decision making of taking harder/safer lines when driving that makes racing fun irl and in item-less racing games.
They are fine in games like Mario Kart and Diddy Kong because those game have tons of catch-up mechanics, CTR's system ignores these so it's a perfectly fine argument that you can do away with them.
Clock being less frequent makes sense.

The whole point I’m saying is they’re changing things about the game that don’t actually matter unless put in a situation with more gimmicks.

I understand No Items as an option, but when you’re changing major mechanics of the game without using all the features of the game as a base, it just seems misguided.

Why bother changing stats when items are still not in, and intended shortcuts aren’t optional.
Why not look into fixing unintended shortcuts since I’ve seen people say it’s possible.

I know that the main developer Niko, is working on a Nvidia drivers so he can’t work CTR for now, but it’s seems like he’s just letting the speedrunners take control.

This is the patch being planned. Notice how a bunch of changes are based around speedrunners,
Unfortunately discordfags are usually speedrunners and have extreme opinions about things because they are so autistic, and they become the voice of whichever discord group project they barge into, making devs think that listening to them is actually a positive thing, it happened with games like Them's Fightin' Herds, Sonic Robo Blast Kart, and many others, they are all extremely divided or outright dead. I really hope these devs wise up and don't go overboard trying to appease to this niche believing they are the main users.
The only changes that need to be made for CTR are:
>Patch out unintended skips because they skip too much of the track and 1st can just put an item to block other players from doing them
>Change Clock to work like the POW Block from MKWii. A skill based item that only fucks you over if you mistime it as that better fits CTR design instead of the instant fuck you out of nowhere and you also get a proper warning for when the Clock happens
>Warp Orb could work kind of like SRB2K's SPB so 1st has a decent chance to outrun it if they have good lines which better fits CTR having a skill based design in how it's always the player's responsibility to generate and maintain speed. NF didn't need a Warp Orb change because the base speed of that game is faster than CTR so players could already go faster than the Warp Orb to dodge it on Blue Fire tracks which was fun for lots of players
>Make a No Items Toggle for lobbies which also gives everyone 10 wumpas too as default
>Rebalance item rolls as ND only designed them for 4 players
>Rework how items affect reserves. e.g. getting hit by an item doesn't kill all reserves but only a % of your current reserve total when hit. Red beaker is too OP

Balanced and Turn are flawed in their core design to always be slower than Accel and Speed on most tracks but even in vanilla Turn can be faster on tracks like CC. Even Perfect engine can be slower than Speed on some tracks in TT

There's no point forcing the changing of engine stats when you don't even have items implemented in the game. No shit most people will pick Speed or Accel in No Items mode but if you make all the engines have the same speed and accel value then engine choice becomes meaningless as every track will just have the one optimal engine choice based on turn radius and everyone will mindlessly pick that even when items are implemented.
That also doesn't even fix the engine problem because Speed will still be the best for most tracks because of it's drift angles
>“vanilla CTR with dev intended items is utterly unplayable”
discord niggery at its finest. they just can leave anything alone it needs to be their retarded vision. the worse thing however theres dipshits even itt who will agree with what theyre doing. this isnt going to pan out well.
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>leave the game for a week
>the second i come back, i see speedrunning trannies pushing for core mechanics in the game to be heavily altered to fit their stupid fucking ideas
guess it was just a matter of time 'til this shit completely lost its appeal for me, fucking insane how the sole idea of changing class stats at all is even being considered over getting rid of the bullshit glitched shortcuts, but i guess that's what happens when you shove online into a game that has been broken to hell and back for more than 20 years
I recall people saying that their working on code to remove giga skips but the main dev still needs to look over it and push it.
They finally added weapons to the game.
Anyone verify if the stats are indeed changed?
Nothing about it in the change log, but I see a server host saying it is in.
Did they?
I'd be up for some races if so.
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downloading now
Yes, but there's no rockets.
Warp Orb, Mask, and Clocks work so its possible to make a comeback against the giga time trialfags now.
Just heard about this, where's everyone?
First race, and the game crashed, great.
I played a lot yesterday and it was pretty fun.

The balance change made it so that everyone has the same speed and acceleration so turning is what differentiates characters now.
Weapons made comebacks possible although rockets not working unless your really close is a bit lame.
The only thing I would say is bad is that in 2-3 person lobbys the item odds aren't changed so its pretty easy to hit someone once and then lead for the rest of the race.
rockets are just inconsistent. same with bombs. prob to do with the explosion. also crashing kinda often but its still fun
New Build.

Weapons removed as it was just a test.
Stat are forcibly changed.
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>Weapons removed as it was just a test.
So what's the latest build? I downloaded from the website but every single server and room have 0 players, that can't be right.
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Items were genuinely fun and I hope they come back.
Although I read the dev post that it was rather difficult to get them synched so it probably won't be any time soon.
on the bright side all the testing happening now will make the pc port work great (hopefully)
Next Item test soon fellow Stalkers.

Trust the Plan.
>it's a fucking race after all, you don't see people karting irl throwing banana peels at each other
what type of stupid fucking argument is this? hurr durr my realism in a game where a fucking bandicoot drives a car
I don't want some modders' gay fan-fiction, but I can say the game isn't really balanced around 8 players because you can see like 2-3 orbs at any time hitting the first place kart.

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