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Alright, gamers, gather 'round. Let's settle this once and for all: Call of Duty: Black Ops III is the best entry in the Call of Duty franchise. Hear me out before you grab your pitchforks, because I've got some rock-solid reasons.

First things first, the multiplayer in Black Ops III is top-notch. Treyarch introduced a fast-paced, fluid movement system that perfectly balances advanced mobility with traditional boots-on-the-ground combat. The addition of wall-running and thrust jumps adds a new layer of strategy without feeling overwhelming or gimmicky. Plus, the Specialist system allows for unique playstyles and abilities, giving each match a fresh and dynamic feel.

Black Ops III's Zombies mode is, hands down, the best in the series. With intricate maps like Shadows of Evil and The Giant, the game offers a deep, story-driven experience that keeps you coming back for more. The Easter eggs are some of the most challenging and rewarding in the series, and the addition of GobbleGums introduces new strategies and replayability.

For the first time in the franchise, Black Ops III introduced a fully co-op campaign. This isn't just a tacked-on feature; the campaign is designed from the ground up to be enjoyed with friends. The branching storylines and customizable loadouts ensure that no two playthroughs are the same. Plus, the narrative dives into some deep and thought-provoking themes about AI and human consciousness. (1)
The level of customization in Black Ops III is unparalleled. From weapon camos and attachments to character skins and Specialist abilities, the game offers a dizzying array of options to personalize your gameplay experience. The progression system is also incredibly rewarding, with a steady stream of unlocks and challenges to keep you hooked.

Treyarch has shown a remarkable commitment to supporting Black Ops III long after its release. Frequent updates, community events, and new content drops have kept the game fresh and engaging. Even years after its release, the player base remains active and vibrant, a testament to the game's lasting appeal.

On PC, Black Ops III stands out with its mod tools and custom maps. The dedicated community has created an endless supply of new content, from imaginative Zombies maps to unique multiplayer modes. This has significantly extended the game's lifespan and added immense value for players who love to experiment and create.

So, there you have it. Black Ops III combines the best elements of its predecessors while introducing innovative features that have become fan favorites. Whether you're a die-hard Zombies fan, a multiplayer enthusiast, or a campaign connoisseur, Black Ops III has something for everyone.

Let's hear your thoughts! Agree? Disagree? What's your favorite Call of Duty and why?
>the game offers a deep, story-driven experience that keeps you coming back for more
did you even play the same campaign i did?
100% GPT written but here i go, anyways.

You actually don't have to write an essay about what you think makes it good.
Some quick points work better.

I also do not think that judging a call of duty as a package of coop, multiplayer, and campaign is usefull. Campaign? Dogshit. Zombies? Ahared no.1 (other is bo2). Multiplayer? I liked it, got dm and lvl 400 something, but i don't know about best. Then, i liked AW.
been saying this since 2016

>coop campaign
>nightmare mode
>dead ops arcade
>steam workshop
i have the collector guide/book and holy fuck even just the stock game as if it released in 2015 has so much shit to do in it theres heaps of content. especially the campaign its wild
Everyone seem to mentions zombies when I talk to other people, but why no one ever mentions the Multiplayer? I think this is the most fun call of duty ever. I don’t care about the p2w aspects, I love making cool paintjobs and b-hopping around the map with thrust boosting.
There was a big disconnect in the community at that point with the radicle shifts made in theme and design direction.
not my favourite but most versatile. If not for chronicles/mods I wouldn't care
Jetpacks made the shitters seethe because they couldn’t just sit in a room all match anymore. For that reason alone I loved the jetpack era. Insanely high skill gap that we’ll probably never see again now that we’re into the SBMM/Battlepass/Camo Grind era of multiplayer gaming.
Infinite warfare both in terms of campaign and multiplayer is better in every way. Better microtransactions that gave out every dlc gun for free, far better story. It's just that manchildren who overgrinded bo3 got tired.
BO3 really was the best TDM experience, i'd play the shit out of a BO3 clone
I didn't like the 3-lane map design or the aim assist being better than any human, or even the third-party cheats used in other games.
Is the multiplayer still filled with cheaters on PC?
You're better off playing all the older CoD games on console

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