last Sea of Thieves thread lasted an entire year right?where is everyone? what recent achievements have you made on the high seas?
>>1314191nobody gives a shit anymore rare sure as hell don't
>>1314191Finally found a Horn of Fair Winds. Still haven't been able to complete a Fort of Fortune solo slooping before a larger ship comes along and chases me off. Players are too good now, sneaking in on a row boat to keg their ship or steal the Fortune Chest is fucking dfamn impossible. It used to be so easy. I feel like some players must be using aimbot cheats, I'm pretty good at evading but they never miss a shot no matter how far I am or what I try to do to dodge. Fuck one guy even shot me through the deck floor. I had one boarder point blank range ADS with my blunderbuss while he was raiding my barrels for fire and when I pulled the trigger nothing happened. Just didn't fucking shoot. Cost me the HG match. Pissed me off. I know I'm good at close combat, but the games bugs or flaws fuck me over.
>>1316205it's like how in TF2 Spy became 'nerfed' over time simply due to player awareness. Certain strats like kegging and tucking are so ancient now that only the PS5 babies are ignorant of them
>>1316205me and my buds FINALLY started doing hourglass after I eased them into being comfortable on the wheel/canons so I can boardbut then our poorfriends gamepass ran outI got to 15 in guardians, I can TASTE the curse but its still so far
>>1316961Community weekend is coming up, so that will help get you there.
>fishing at an outpost>see someone blow up my sloop for absolutely no reason>keep fishing
>>1314191I just want to grind in peace, but the game is designed for griefing.If you want pvp it's 80% people trying to run and hide, and 20% gigasweats that sink you in seconds, also you need friends. If you want pve you can play hide and seek or go hang yourself.Either way, this game is holding pirate fans in gaming hostage and they are squandering it. I fucking hate this game in a deep, viscreral way, because it comes so close to being a game I would adore and then pisses it away with retarded design choices that we've known don't work since the 90's. I needn't even mention fucking greed, or glitches, those by themselves spoil it for some.
>>1320786If you want to pvp there's a button on your ship you can press to get on-demand fights. Almost no one bothers with pvp in adventure anymore because there's no reason to.
Jesus christ July 25th reveal means the game is dead in the water for like 50 more days
>>1320786Safer seas.>>1321843I still get people chasing me. I've gotten really good at running. I try to board them but it's either perfect shot sweats/cheats or noobs that aren't even protecting their ladder. Either way there's always 2 so I can't win any combats because the sloop is such a tank and hard to sink. I wish RARE would nerf it down a bit to reflect their unfair advantage. I've tried to sink a duo sloop of noobs but because it's so easy to keep from sinking when there's 2 people, I can't get any advantage and for some weird reason nobody seems able to join my crew when I open it up. It's just so fustrating needing to do 5 things at the same time just to win.>>1321955Whats this about?
>>1322108Tying respawn time to crew size would be an ideal balance, but you know they'll never do that.
>>1322108safer seas is a mode for easing new players into the game, you can't actually engage any of the PvE mechanics that are there to engage PvE players. You can do the story mode safely but that's about the only value it has to anyone that isn't new, and all of them have already done that content since it's the only mostly ungriefable content ever made prior to safer seas. Even if it did work, your options then become either a mega grind safe zone or a now even more hazardous regular mode with the regular amount of grind since the pve players have another option. It's a compromised solution that just results in worse extremes. That would be the case if safer seas were a valid option, which it isn't really, unless people like just sailing around doing nothing for pennies, which they don't.>>1322163they'll never do anything to sacrifice their vision of griefer heaven, they've been clear on that. 30 years of gaming design be damned.
>>1322185>GrieferOh you're twelve. Sure thing sport, whatever you say.
>>1322188amazing contribution anon, keep it up
>>1322212I'm not here for your entertainment, champ.
>>1322163they've already done that, retard. It's been that way since 2022, a solo slooper only has to wait like 8-10 seconds while a galleon crew has to wait 30 seconds for respawn.
>>1322808I genuinely have never noticed a difference no matter how big my crew is, and just assumed they dropped all the respawn times to ten seconds across the board.Apparently the difference between a solo sloop and a full crew gally is 10 seconds. Miniscule, but at least its something.
>>1322808>>1323361It doesn't matter if you're spending 15-20 seconds in a black screen and the door opens before you can even move.
>>1322253Why are you here, exactly?
Is it me or are there not many Fort of Fortune spawns now? I've only seen 1 last week and played half the day today and nothing still.>Is there anything worse than havng an open crew that doesn't want to drop everything and do that fof when it spawns
>>1314191I'm surprised there isn't a /vg/ thread. or at least it's never brought up in /coop/
>>1316654Not OP but a damn shame. I miss the good days of tucking with friends. The suspense, the tension, the thrill when it was "go time", and if we did it at all, how glorious it was.But never was a fan of taking my outfit off to go all black for it. Shame the dagger came late for it too; unless there's value in it's use?
do we have a discord to crew up?I want to grind hourglass and guild rep
>>1322185>you can't actually engage any of the PvE mechanics that are there to engage PvE players.The fuck are you talking about? Yes you can. You can do events, voyages and etc. Just not PVP, Reapers, Athena, or pirate legend crap. Or are you upset you can't do Emissary in Safe Seas?
>>1324795Dagger does high damage but is unreliable. Actually charging a power attack is time better served just using the Blunderbuss to one-shot kill someone. Landing thrown hits against anyone who's actually competent and knows to dodge is going to be time better served just quickscoping them with the Eye of Reach.If it's any consolation, which I doubt it is, knives at least FEEL very fun to use, whether in PvP or PvE
>>1324814You can do "limited events"and the only function of voyages is to give you gold and experience for a progression system it caps. I need you to understand this, PvE players didn't have an issue with the speed of the progression of the game, they had an issue with losing hours of progress in a system that favors those who want to make them lose progress. Giving us an option that cuts out the reputation progress, half the events, and two thirds of the value most of the tasks in the game exist to provide isn't a good solution, it's an insult. Pretending you don't see it is as disingenuous as telling people to "go find another game" as if there's fucking pirate simulators just dropping out of AAA trees every couple of months like hero shooters.Also don't even attempt the "well if you only like the progression you don't really like the game" like PvP faggots wouldn't screech twice as loudly if they made the whole game play at this pace, or more accurately if they gimped PvP to that level and left PvE alone. Gosh Imagine if you couldn't keep your gear and reputation when server hopping as reaper, wouldn't that be fucking quackers. What if you couldn't attack people doing a world event, ooooooh what if galleons couldn't spawn in sloop lobbies, god forbid.What if they cut cannon damage to 30% if you're a reaper? what if you got 3x fewer cannonballs and your ships went down easier?guess you just don't like the game if you think that's unfair
>>1320715Deserved They never should have let the fish fags sell at outpostsGet the fuck out the way of me selling loot
>>1322163They literally did this already
>>1325726Safer seas is for your retarded ass who whines about pirates being pirates in a pirate game
Lmao the game is gonna die, rare is taking away the one blundie and everyone who gave feedback this was a bad change was getting their posts deleted on insider And they also started banning some people who stood up to the power tripping moderator who's trying to look good when contracts get renewed soon and Becky isn't in charge anymore
havent played in like over a year or two. where do i find players to restart with?
>>1329021nah fuck the one blundie, its a retarded cheat mechanic and the sole reason the faggot sweatlords use blunderbuss sniper
>>1327191Pirates had guidelines they followed occasionally, actually. So no, it's not a great representation of piracy.And yes, as I had broken down in the prior comment, it fails at doing anything I actually wanted it to do short of an insulting caricature.Try reading things next time, if you can manage it.
>>1329491pirates also never buried their treasure, went on skeleton killing adventures, dove deep into the ancient sea to fight mermaids and sirens, nor lived after dyingyour point?
>>1329470It's the only way to mitigate the lame ass boarding meta. The ones complaing about the one shot kill of blunders are the ones who can't board by ladder cause they get shot all the time. Boo hoo. Players with skill can sword dash or shoot on by cannon and RARE even added tightrope walking now also, but no you fags have to sit in the water for five minutes waiting for the chance to swim over and get on the ladder. Then some of you tards jank jump on and off trying to shoot at the person guarding or lag your way up or worse just stay there till someone throws a bomb at you. I wish we could put snakes in baskets on the ladder to poison you cunts too. Better yet imagine if we could roll up the ladder and you had to shoot it to knock it back down before you could use it. There's so many things RARE could do to make sea combat better but instead they cave in to the crybabies.
>>1329494Point being they're mostly made the fuck up and reflect what ever behavior we make up that they should.So the cop out response of "pirates acting like pirates" as if anyone but nurare has ever envisioned them as slur spouting children bothering people for the sake of bothering people is moronic and doesn't excuse bad game design.
>>1329491How about I guideline this dick up your ass
>>1330514Chud tier commentary
>>1329494>pirates also never buried their treasureCaptain Kidd did so that he could sell the location in return for a pardonIt didn't work and I'm fact was used as proof of his piracyRegardless, the "doing pirate stuff in a pirate game" has always felt stupid but it's not because PvP and stealing is wrong but because if someone wants to fight you it mechanically punishes you to choose to stand and fight and rewards you for running.
>new balance>removed the shotgun oneshotimportant change, it forces players who can't fight properly into a situation where they MUSThowever the sniper + blund doublegun still exists so it only effects players who aren't actually good>DB Pistolmeh, its not really viable in the first place and a little extra damage isn't going to take the place of a sniper or blunderbuss>ship speedfinally fixes the bug where the Brig is actually faster than it use to be in a headwind, might actually balance the ship however the sloop is still trash regardless, and now that it requires you to turn sails the ease of use benefit it use to have is also gone>they still haven't nerfed blunderbombsso the game is exactly the same as it use to be except shotgun shitters lose
>>1331219I guess that explains why I can rarely get a full crew in open galleon and why the servers seem empty of other players. Seriously even though Sony has this game too now, it seems deader than ever.
>>1330610Average theb watcher faggot
>>1331414Less people use open crew cause it's just cancer 99% of the timeNot at all proof of the health of the game
>>1331219Removing the one shot blunderbuss is a good change.
>>1332521Dogshit change
>>1332521I agree, however it literally doesnt effect anyone who is actually good at the gametherefor it is unimpactful
>>1332966Nah it's gonna cripple mid level players who use it as a crutch and it's gonna help bad players get betterIt's good.
>>1333705It's just going to encourage more camping since most mid players use it to boarder defend and break camping
I think RARE has resorted to using bots for players. Today I had no crew for a FoF until a sloop showed up then suddenly 3 people joined my crew and I'm pretty sure only 1 was a real player. The other 2 just did constant noob errors, either just standing around not doing anything then runing off to repair then stand around again. The other just kept dropping the anchor and refused to let me raise it. We were getting hammered by the ashen lord and the ship stayed on fire for about a half hour or more since I couldn't put it out by myself the the bot noob that was helping was just throwing the water back on the ship mid deck. I managed to sink the sloop because they were the worst players I ever saw aside from my own at that time. They came back and we were stil on fire then another sloop came and a skeleton ship spawned on us once I managed to get the ship away from the fort after I bb'd the idiot anchor dropper. Unfortunately the ship was raging on fire and the skele ship hit us with a balastball. Before we sunk I shot over to the island to use the cannons on the sloops but after the ship sunk everyone just disappeared. The sloops were gone just out of thin air and the skeletonship was nowhere to be seen. My crew, who haden't said/text a single thing the entire time, one-by-one quit and there were no barrels in the water or mermaids. I went back to my ship sailed to the fort and finished it, no one joined my crew, no one bothered me. I closed the crew to sell the fortune chest and legendary because I saw a sloop far off heading to me I sold them at the spire. I opened the crew back up and sailed back to get the rest but a retard troll joined my crew and did everything they could to keep me from selling so I quit cause I didn't really care to be bothered about it since the emissary was long gone and I already sold the chests that meant anything to me. I thought it was so weird about the disappearing ships and crew though. Anyone noticed bot crews too?
>>1334154Why the fuck would microsoft pay 80 billions to buy game studios when the system only makes maybe 15 billion at most? That's like paying a dozen high list actors hundreds of millions to make a movie about something stupid that nobody likes that's going to bomb. Has the stupid generation taken over or something?
>>1334396microsoft is trying to buy out all the competition and snuff them out that way, it's pure aggro business sense and I can't wait to watch the whole thing collapse in under the weight of its own hubris>>1334386good, let the game burn, and for the people that'll miss it, just find another game to play :)
>>1329470Not even close, the sniper does 75 damage, so the blundie could hit for 50 DMG across 10 pellets and you'd only need half the pellets to hit stillDouble gunning won't be impacted at allUse your brain you retard
>>1334386No you just got a couple of kids who had no mic
>>1329021That moderator is absolute batshit crazyInsider programme will be dead if they don't get fired for their utter bullshit power trip
>>1335241No one is going to stop playing because of a forum moderator, chief
got linked to your thread by some gay schizo.haven't played in years is fov still locked to a ridiculously low value?
>>1335321If they continue to be a community manager it's a fucking retarded company thoughI don't wanna support some turbo woke cringe enabling dogshitBut also lel skull and bones died so fast, there's no good pirate game alternatives
>>1335361If you are whining about 90 fov please fuck off to wherever you came from>>1335352Zero context means zero people are going to follow your linking retardation
>>1335352This is like seven links that jump from game thread to game threadLiterally delete yourself
>Brig ship sailing up with the wind on a gally fighting a meg>hit them with a single ballastball>they sink in about 3 seconds>lol didn't have time to fix those mid deck holes ey boys
>>1335821will do, have fun playing with a telescope strapped to your eyeballs cunt
>>1336126Imagine thinking 90fov is lowYou must be 12
>>1329021Except they reverted the Blunderbuss change and said they aren't going forward with it. Retard.
Im just glad we’re finally getting the gold hoarder boots
>>1336474>he wears boots
>>1336670From the fucking Insider Forums, which you would know if you actually paid attention.
>>1336673Breaking NDA again? Faggot
>>1335321sick damage control post
>>1336784It was probably the retarded mod browsing here trying to find more people to banThe fucking retard thinks the more bans they get the more likely they can replace Becky as lead CM
>>1336715>asks for proof>gets proof>"wow you're a faggot"Shut the fuck up kid. Also, just like every other thread, no one gives a shit about breaking NDA since almost everyone is part of Insiders.
>>1336927Need to update this, no one uses the DA sails anymore.
>>1336832Enjoy ban from sot
>>1336927Can't stack loot on the anchor anymore retard
>>1336927You won't believe me but I was the first to stack chests on the anchor to keep people from being able to quickly drop it on us. After I started doing it everyone copied it.
>>1336947Weeb retard too? Who'd have thought
>>1337163You won't believe me but I was the first person to use the cannons to shoot another player boat
I hate that they picked such a sick theme for a payed for curse but I like itits hard to make this shit look good tho
>>1338354Yeah you're definitely not doing a good job of it.
>>1338354Is there a reason you're running the game on a Commodore 64?
>>1338354Just give rare a blowjob already
How about the B situation?Turns out Rare is the saltiest of the bunch.
>>1338930Sure Rare is salty, but theb is still an unfunny sperging retard faggot who has more than earned his ban.
>>1338930Oh you mean theb not The BHe's a retarded cunt who can't stfu about how hurt his feefees are that he got banned so he constantly ban evades and then cries when he keeps getting banned for ban evading"wHy WoNt ThEy LeAvE mE aLoNe"Literally sympathy baiting kids
>>1338937>>1338998I'm talking about how Rare was so butthurt that they copy right struck all his YouTube videos.The game ban is 100% justifiable and legit.
>>1339006Don't care about that either, he's a faggot and an aussie so he gets nothing.
>>1339314it has nothing to do with theb, and everything about Rare being butthurt bitches. If they are gonna do a shit job maintaining their game, they could at least be cool.
>>1340127Good, they had how many years to make the game not shit? All they did was squirt shit out of their mouth at critics and monetize more, rare should've died on purchase from Microsoft, the world would be a better place.
>>1340127Is there a reason you copy and pasted this exact same post again after it was already refuted?
>>1340146The game was never shit, the haters like you don't know how to make fun in a sandbox game
>>1340264These are probably the people who firebomb their own ship, steer into rocks, drop the sails while everyone is about to load the treasure, drop anchor every 2 minutes and throw the treasure overboard. Then quit, join a new open crew and repeat. Just because they want every to know how shitty the game is.
>>1340345Lel true
>>1340127>The game is going to die because of a forum moderatorYou are twelve years old.
>>1341258A community manager who harasses, gaslights, and shuts down important feedback on insidersFTFY Yes that can absolutely kill a gameYou guys think the amount of bugs in retail is bad now? It'll be ten times worse without any insider programme actually taking feedback
>>1341386Except they are taking feedback, as evidenced by the fact that they only tested the blunderbuss changes for a few days before abandoning it because everyone hated it.I have no idea where this "they delete feedback and don't listen to anyone" idea is coming from since it's demonstrably false.
>>1341386Yeah except only a minuscule percentage of the tens of thousands of people playing care about insiders, and no one but you cares about this. Nothing is going to happen and you're making yourself angry over something that doesn't matter and you're in the wrong about.
>>1341407Wow it's almost like when they delete things you can't see them anymoreDouble barrel flintlock thread was a dumpster fire>>1341455How am I wrong lmaoTry losing the logical fallacies first
>>1341407Ur the CM arnt u lel
>>1341962>Try losing the logical fallacies firstThis isn't a debate club, loser.There's truly nothing more pathetic than someone going >WAAAAH UR REPRESSING ME!and acting like it's the end of civilizationPeople don't care what you think because you don't matter
>>1341386You really are a child, CMs are worthless. There existence is to make players think the devs give a shit. CMs can be cunts all they want. It makes no difference.
why doesnt rare just disable OCE
meh you guys are being autistic pussysI hope they nerf the blunder and the eor, theyve been the meta far too long and the game is due for a shakeupwind changes were great now theres a higher skill ceiling and reward for it
>>1342830stop being mean friend
>>1342623When they delete good feedback from the program where they want feedback..People are gonna be frustrated and it's a sign of a shit game company
>>1340264>>1340345I'm the people tired of the game facilitating those people.The game is just a griefers paradise.
>>1340264I know how, unfortunately my fun comes secondary to the people that only play to make playing worse for everyone else.
>>1343477They delete feed back to cultivate the kind of "feed back" they want.
>>1342830>I hope they nerf the blunder and the eorlol never gonna happen. just like how they're never going to improve swordfighting.
"What does everyone want to do?"
>>1343582Retard takeDon't play a game about pirating if you don't want to deal with pirates being piratesShitty and trolly
>>1343812They already did improve it retard
>>1343812Lmao have you not played in two years
>>1344348>>1344938It has been fixed to work more consistently, but it hasn't been "improved" as in changed how it actually works which is what I assume he means.
>>1344942Pretending to be a different person and continuing to claim it's unchanged is retardedIt functions completely different now, no more m1 spam with no skill involvedActually need to block and time things right to start the combo
>>1345025Since there's apparently only one person in this thread why are you arguing with yourself?
>>1345202You gonna say this reply is also me talking to myself?
Wait they're moving the chest of fortune away from the fort of fortune AGAIN???The burning blade event doesn't need it wtf are they smoking
>>1345501poor schizo
>>1344229Oh boy, we're recycling shit arguments again!Riddle me this, how did every good pirating game before it manage to be a pirate game without making it griefer heaven?isn't that freaking quackers?
>>1346280What good pirate games?
>>1346277Fuck off retard
>>1346280Name one game that comes even remotely close to SoTYou can't compare this to sid meier's pirates and think it's reasonable
>>1346222Never heard about this. They should ~always~ have a chest of fortune in a fort of fortune but if they want to include it other events that's fine by me.
>>1347440So you basically don't play lolThey move it from the fort of fortune to a different event and it becomes exclusive to the other oneLast season it was only in the fleet, the season before that it was only in fort of the damnedEveryone hated it being moved and were happy to see it return to the fort of fortune... They couldn't even let it stay there for more than one fucking season
>>1346280Reddit ass response, cope elsewhere.
>>1346362Correct, this is worse.>>1346285Puzzle pirates of course.>>1347616You could be replaced by an AI, you have no authentic value at all.
>>1348228>Brain-dead manlet opinions
>>1348399As I said, like a bad AI that costs more.
>>1348563Retard stfu, no one cares what you say
>>1347605The news of the day literally says it's in the FoF this season, nothing about moving it to the fleet again. Is this next season?
>>1348698>nothing about moving it to the fleet againDo you have reading comprehension issuesI said>Last season it was only in the fleet
>>1348730>Do you have reading comprehension issuesIt seems I do....
>>1349631Why aren't you focused on the fact it's bullshit they be moving it again already
>>1346277>>1346360stop fighting already ok?thanks
There's people playing this with pirate legend moniker and still don't know how to vote some asshole into the brig
>>1350773The fact that after they have been in the brig you can't vote kick the shitty person is absolutely retarded
>>1351144Absolutely, also as a captained ship I should be able to vote anyone into that brig with only my own single vote.
>>1351787Big agree
Is the shitbag community manager fired yet
>>1353554Sadly not
>do random voyages>guy from reaper 5 sloop teleports on board and one taps me>do hourglass>golden skeleton teleports on board and one taps meWhy do I need to have EAC shitting up my event viewer when it doesnt work?Time to fish i suppose
>>1355752It works to reduce the number of cheaters but it will never be zeroAlso theb likes to promote retarded exploits like funny launching 3 fucking squares sideways of your boat without needing a cannon so crews don't hear you
>>1355771That theb kid needs to fucking move on and stop encouraging kids to whine about his ban and stop telling everyone to exploit in game
>>1356141I don't know how anyone can stand him, now shut the fuck up about himThe more you give him attention the more he stays around
Game is poop nowShe's ran throughLet the whiny care bears have her
Gonna reinstall this game and play for 90-ish minutes, wish me luck.Fuck I wish this game had anything to do on your own. Pugs are (probably) still massive retards.
>lavenderbeardI guess I'm not playing for 90-ish minutes yet.
>>1357803You can do anything you want solo. The only thing stopping you is your own skill.
>>1357812And a sense of the word "boring."
>check my ships>my sloop is gone>check site>my page still has all its progress for it and even remembers the sails I gave it>I just can't use itNo, your faggot-ass game can go fuck itself. I hope it dies slowly and pitifully.
>>1357855Did you pledge it to a guild?
>>1357803What do you think you can't do solo
I bought this game on my PC only a few months before it got announced for other platforms. I only wish I had gotten in sooner. My brother likes to do the straight-up PVP even though we lose every time, but practically every encounter I have on the high seas is frustrating or embarrassing. Part of me wants to have it keep happening until I can hold my own, but I just find the PVP highly gay. dancing around and jumping on shit and one-shotting and jumping out a window to catch a ladder and so on--I just feel like, once your crew is incapacitated it's just a revolving door of >someone is waiting to shoot me when I spawn>ship's on fire>anchor is down and broken>mast is broken>water is coming inI know I could play on safer seas, but that seems like missing the point. I get the impression that the combat in the game is intentionally simple but it just leads to people exploiting it in the goofiest ways. Like, if it were up to me, crud launching would be patched out and the jumping onto the ladder thing from mid-deck would be gone. Like the game seems to have these more interesting or balanced player-player encounters in mind but I can think of like two occasions where someone has been friendly or funny. I'm either getting silently killed by some swordlord or middle schoolers are swearing at me. Super, super fun game though. Just feel like there is something "off" about the PVP.
>>1358506You are suffering from tryhards being little shits with constant boarding If you can get good at cannons and maintain distance the naval battles actually get quite enjoyable
>>1358506close combat pvp sucks because sloops and brigs are very small 'maps' and every weapon in the game can kill you in two shots, so if they board and kill you once you're basically stuck doing the shittiest tdm imaginable in a room the size of the nuketown garage.Its almost impossible to balance. If time-to-kill was higher or boarding was impossible youd just shoot holes in one another for 45 minutes until either side ran out of wood to repair.Could be made less painful by making ships larger or letting you see your ship from the ferry and choose where you spawn to at least have a fighting chance. If you get doublegunned again thats on you.
>>1358506>crud launching would be patched out and the jumping onto the ladder thing from mid-deck would be gone.Sure, but only like 0.1% of players are actually doing shit like that. I guarantee you are losing almost all of your fights to perfectly normal players playing the game as intended. So this is, and I mean it in the nicest way possible, purely a skill issue for you.
>>1358861I hate the melee pvp too. It used to be pretty decent but they went and fucked with swords and gave in to the crybaby double gunners and now they are nearly impossible to kill when 2 of them get on your ship.
>>1359050Bro what, swords hit more reliably now and you can't just m1 spam mindlessly
I wish pvp was centered almost exclusively around swordfights instead of being shitty quake arena. Maybe give people more sword options (sabre, cutlass, rapier and dagger,...) and have guns more as a secondary weapon or to punish running away from the fight.No one ever watched pirates of the caribbean and thought "man if only this was a western instead". Let me swashbuckle i dont want to quickscope anymore.
>>1359504You can just jump away from a sword when you've been hit by it and some people are able to jump over you and shoot you before you can even swing a second time. It used to be you knock them back and stun them a bit and you could get a few hits on them and if they had already been hit or nicked with a blunderbuss you could kill them, now people are able to run away and eat to recover their health then pew pew the sword guys dead easy as pie.
Did they move up the next season I could have sworn it wasn't coming until a couple months from now. I'll never be able to get 40 more chests of fortune in 2 weeks with how rare that fort has been popping up.
>>1359912Yeah I wish there was some actual sword maneuvers we could do like even fake outs and cancelling the sword rush attack or a dual weilding option with either 2 swords or a dagger and sword.
>>1360079It never got moved up, the fof was just turbo hard to find
>>1360082Calm down autist not every game needs to be For Honor
>>1360844>>1360849>>1360852>>1360855Literally breaking NDA again
>>1361008And yet still no one cares, so I'm not sure why you bring it up every time.
>>1361014This is my first time here
>>1360844Now youll have 3 guys with hooks and one guy with the ship harpoon doing drive bys stealing loot from the bowsprint.
>>1361122Maybe it'll encourage people to keep the loot in the bottom of the ship like you realistically should.
>>1361156Nope, back to the captains cabin like we did when we were noobs, then out the side door to the sovereigns poongun when we sell.
>>1361070you have to be 18 or older to use this website
>>1360844>grapple gunfun times, now you have to be good at actually scrambling instead of holding ladders with blunderpuss and bombs>blowdartsfunny meme but I doubt its any strong unless the gunpowder damages shipsalso once again carrying kegs is even worse than usual and they have no place in the actual game>trapscool and interesting>crouching, disguises, and hanging over the shipwild this wasnt already in the game, stealth might be fun now instead of staged clips for streamers to post>merfolk suppressiondidnt expect this whatsoever but very coolgod damn 14 looks so much more exciting than 13 does fucking christ I dont think I can get my friends hype enough to come back till these 4 months are past
>>1361269Then you should leave
>>1361272Grapple gun gay af it'll be bigger crew always winsBlowgun will blow Traps are gayCrouching mid, probably going to cause all sorts of hitreg issues allowing hitbox to be reduced in sizeMerfolk suppression is just stupid, too many people exploit launch so you rarely see a merm anywaysS13 will be fun, S14 will be the death of the game
>>1361427Based complete retard calling every season the death of the game for the last 4 years.
>>1361272Merfolk suppression is kinda dumb. If you board you already have the upper hand. This is more or less balanced by having three different cues that someone is going to board (siren, swimming, ladder splash). Taking away one of those in the same patch where you introduce grapple guns is retarded.Boarding is already the worst part of pvp by far and you're already forced to board to sink a ship, I dont know why they're trying to make boarding even more important.
>>1361509Merfolk suppression has nothing to do with direct PvP and is obviously a tucking tool.
>>1361510tucking is a streamer meme. I have maybe 1.2k hours played and I've never seen a tucker. This legitimately doesnt happen.I get boarded every single time I pvp and unless its hourglass I see the siren before I hear the guy swimming let alone the ladder splash.You can still do silent ladder so realistically if there was no siren the only way to tell if someones boarding you would be to hear them swim. No one is going to use this for tucking, its going to be like cursed cannonballs, something that gives you a 10% edge over the enemy.
>>1361525The last time I was tucked was when I was doing a tall tale and the tucker was on my ship for a half hour before he realised I wasn't going to be getting any treasure worth stealing. He popped up, said as much and left. I do still see tuckers at forts a lot and I bet that's why they are allowing mermaid suppression, yet again the crybabies get their way. If I see a mermaid at a fort I;m doing I hunt down the camper and kill them, if they have a rowboat I keg it then hunt them down. It's what everyone does, everyone who knows what they're doing anyways.>>1360844Grapple guns is only going to fuck over galleon crews, yet again. Too many areas to guard compared to a sloop or brig.Gunpowder dart? Why? Do people actually still carry kegs on their ship? That's a death wish.Mimic dart. This is just stupid.Lure dart. This will be useful if some dipshit brings the ship too close to an ashen lord.Poison dart. Oh yay.>>1360849Spring trap. This might be useful vs boarders. I can see several around the anchor cap.>>1360852Crouching. How? All my buttons are being used already, in fact I've had to sacrifice some things because I don't have any button to assign them. PC players win again.Disguises. These will work for a while then everyone will be shooting and attacking every possible mimicable object.>>1360855Overhang, just another fuck you to galleon players.I'm not looking forward to season 14 at all.
>>1361476I only got here two season ago
>>1361509The devs have never played a true session where they deal with sweaty fucks
>>1361981>Grapple guns is only going to fuck over galleon crews, yet again. Too many areas to guard compared to a sloop or brig.Absolutely backwards The galleon crew will be the cheesy boarders who turn your smaller boat into a TDM match where you get spawn camped until you sink
>>1361992>The galleon crew will be the cheesy boarders who turn your smaller boat into a TDM match where you get spawn camped until you sinkWell I play open crew and 9 times out of 10 the rest of my crew are terrified of getting into combat for good reason, they absolutely suck at it. But yeah that 1 time I get good crew should be a boarding frenzy, I expect it'll just be a ship swap where both crews take over each others ships lol.
>>1362000Well that's your problem, still play with a bunch of random scrubs
>>1361989I feel the devs exclusively play on galleons with other devs so a lot of the real pain points of the game are completely alien to them. Solo slooping, golden skeletons camping your ship until you scuttle, random open crew guys griefing or afking with emotes,... are only things you see if you play the game consistently and more or less alone.All the changes in that patch are geared towards casual galleon players that carry kegs around for fun and can just broadside spam every ship they see so they dont have to board ever. This is the only scenario where youd come up with tucking tweaks, hanging on ships and gun-that-explodes-kegs.
>see white sails brig doing ashen winds>fully anchored down not captained ship>someone keeps dying over and over and coming back from the ship>leave them aloneA saint? Perhaps. Who can say?
anyone want to play
>>1363983U any gud?
>>1364152Guess he's not
Any theb enjoyers in here?
>>1368970Fuck off theb.
>Repair the thread!>I need help!>I need help!>Water in the hull!>I need help!>Help me bail!>Help me bail!>We're going down.
>>1368987Why the hate he did nothing wrongFree the funny man
>>1369842Clown, don't start spamming here like you retards do on every social media post rare makesY'all are worse than the crab pet retard
>>1369842Fuck off retard
>>1314191the game sucks ass now l0l
>>1373206Name one reason
so new season is outanyone want to crew up?
>>1373798I got the update, played 4 games with opejn crew gally, fuck me did each session suck. Fucking retards playing this in droves, literally the dumbest shittiest players in the history of gaming, and griefing trolls. Only 1, ONE, other player was any good and even then we just couldn't get anything done cause of the stupids that would join in. I played later solo in a sloop and sunk the Burning Blade (fuck that was a nightmare fight) and got the Fortune Chest before a brigg showed up to claim the ship. I got the chest sold at least.
>>1374015Open party in this game sucks way more than in other games. I don't know why that is. I must have 20k hours combined in coop games and this is the only game where you consistently run into actual mouthbreathing retards.Rare won't do real matchmaking lobbies or give people a way to filter incoming joins because they treat this like a funny casual party game while also forcing pvp on every other update.
>90 seconds of connect the dots>5 waves of skeletons>orb sells for 20.000 (Twenty Thousand) Gold base price>camps respawn on a 10 minute timer>never contestedOne camp is 5 minutes for 20% a fof for zero risk. If you do a seafort between runs and youre fast with it you can probably match stackers.
>>1374015Open crew is for losers anyways
>>1374289You can sell it to your emissary for the bonus too but it doesn't count toward leveling it up, at least not for Gold Hoarder or Athena from my experience, maybe OoS it does? I expect rare will be reducing the prize $ on this soon. Someone told me they got half a mil from the Burning Blade event when they turned it in at reapers. Anyone here can confirm?
>>1374680Depends on how many rituals the burning blade did, but yeah definitely possibleI hope they don't reduce the value, they need to be active events so that burning blade stays competitive
Is there a /vm/ sea of thieves discord or something?
>>1375884You don't want to join the toxic cesspool that it is
>>1375885I really don't care how bad it is, I just want to find some frens to play sea of thieves with
Umbra will become something similar to a skeleton lord after experimenting with kraken blood ink. OOS-led limited event to stop her, she becomes normal after (?) for marketing reasons I assume.Lost Sands type event where guardians try to blow up skeleton camps and servants try to defend. Lagoon of whispers is scripted to get de-camped before the event and replaced by a similar lore related less profitable location. Islands will remains mostly as it was before. Someone somewhere complained about the art direction so theyll dial back the ashen themes and put more ancients and pirate stuff.-t. janitor at Rare Ltd. part of Xbox Game Studios
>>1374680>it doesn't count toward leveling it upI was wrong it does help level up your emissary but not much.>>1375988Where is Umbra now?
I wish rare would stop catering to the pvp fags like they did with this update and the hourglass one, pvp in this game fucking sucks
>new skeleton parts are locked behind even more hourglass levels AND burning blade commendations
They should let you combine two curses in one.Different model, not just slapping two textures on top of one another. Not all of them either.
>>1376440Yeah it really does. PC players will stomp consoles everytime. There's just no way to make up for their speed and mouse+kb abilities. Also I don't think the Burning Blade can be sunk with a galleon unless you have expert crew which is a fat fucking chance with all these PS noobs now. If the BB avoids combat it's incredibly fustrating to catch and fight it in a gally. Plus the gally is so slow to turn avoiding the fireballs is pretty much impossible. It's funny cause I did it alone in a sloop no problem, well it was tough but very easy to out maneuver it.
i actually played some open crew for the first time ever today. it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. first match was alright, guy had to go suddenly but he apologized for it at least.second was a little kid hotmic-arguing with his sister. he wasn't bad outside of that, i helped him loot a fort and then left.third guy put down an athena voyage. never did it before but like everything in the game it was baby easy.If the crew doesn't leave immediately it seems like things work out for the most part. But after like 200 hours of solo slooping anything different seems exciting
It's weird there's no commendations for turning in ship logbooks.I don't think its even counted in the ship stats at all.
>>1377439Logbooks aren't even worth it. I think there is/was commendations when they first came out, but they were for reaper emissary. I think it's weird there's no commendation for trying to tightrope walk while puking drunk.
>>1376440PvP is the only fun part of the game desu. Getting a full galleon with you and your friends is fun as fuck, assuming they aren't retarded and can handle tasks on their own. Coming up with a plan in the heat of the moment while your dudes are firing cannons and adjusting sails to try and outplay the enemy ship is the most fun I ever had in this game.
>>1375988Fake and gay
>>13746808 rituals is about half a mill, can confirm
So I guess there's a cheat or exploit on the burning blade to gain rituals without actually doing them. I saw a ship with 90 and by the time I sailed up they were 98. A bunch of iranians playing shitty music and speaking that weird language of theirs. The ship vanished off the map shortly after I guess RARE found out and banned them?
>>1378145How long ago was this? The usual method (disconnecting you wifi, spamming the finish ritual circle, reconnecting before 25 seconds so your client sends 20 "ritual complete" packets to the server) was patched as of 10 hours ago or so.
>>1378173Couple days ago. They were gaining rituals as they were fighting me and after I sunk I looked at the map to see them up to 98 just spinning in a circle middle of nowhere, then *poof* server merge.
Rare better start handing out bans for this level of exploit shit being abused all over the game its getting retarded
>>1378441Actually though, why do so many people just get to exploit without repercussion
>merge into alliance server in a sloop>brig goes around chasing me telling me to leave to make room for a bigger ship>tell them i just want to farm athena shit>they think im streaming and start yelling NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER over vc>every time i start doing something they send some guy to sink me>every time i sink or kill one they start calling me a cheater and a nigger over vc>theyre all dogshit at pvp and keep ramming the brigs into rocks so it keeps happeningWhy does rare even allow pay to play servers in their game? How is this not against TOS? Why are they so faggy all the time? There's infinite servers.So many unanswered questions.
>>1378887Send a clip, it absolutely is against ToSBut you do what most do, whine about it instead of submitting a report
>>1379237Everyone including rare knows about alliance servers, Rare is partnered with AV on discord. Requiem is an affiliate alliance.They won't do anything because they dont particularly give a shit about the state of the game, Requiem is over 20k people and all they're all pirate emporium paypigs.>Mods and bangladeshi ticket reviewers would careIf you'd ever interacted with modsails crews you'd already know they're on the alliance servers themselves. Most of the official rare community hates pvp and think you're a bully if you chase.
>>1379333No, report them for yelling nigger over and over, get them banned lol
If anyone wants to play some time add me, my discord is fronter334
>be me>whitesail in sloop>have approximately 5k in treasure aboard>get chased by sweatlord in full ashen sloop and gear for *45 minutes* until I eventually tryu and pull a maneovure that fails and I get stuck in rocksPeople that play this game are psychotic holy shit. Surely you have something better to do than follow a sloop you aren't gaining any speed on for almost an hour? It's not like you even got anything worthwhile out of it.
>>1380925I don't get it either. Myself I like loading up with junk loot just so it glows and look for turds like that to make them chase me. I go from one end of the map to the other, most of them avoid the Devils Roar for some reason and they'll back off, but some do follow me there. I'm a pro at this game so I can evade and do some hit and runs and I'll take advantage of them if shit turns my way, like they get a kraken or meg or skelle ship on them. If they survive that I know they are sweats and I'll have them chasing me everywhere. Why? Cause if they're chasing me, they're not chasing anyone else and I like wasting their time. I still don't understand them though. Fuckin weird freaks. One guy I boarded and anchor dropped a half dozen times, I kegged him 3 times by poongunning kegs out of the water and jumping off the back of my ship. I sunk him twice and he'd find me and keep coming back after me even when I make him chase me for an hour. Guy was relentlessly nuts. This was before we could change servers and I would have back then just to be rid of that psycho.
>>1380925Fight instead of running
>>1380925I had a guy chase me for twenty minutes when I had little loot and was emissary 2. People are wacky.If it's another sloop I just sail to the old arena hq in the middle since you can easily pull off some shit there. I have pulled off more than one ambush there with the stationary cannons
>>1382251You used to be able to find a keg or 2 on the boardwalks there and it was fun luring a ship through the eye of the needle and dropping the lit kegs onto their deck. You almost never find kegs there now though. I wish they'd do something with the Sea Dog Tavern.
>>1382251Emissary grade 2 flag is worth money and signifies you likely also have loot aboard Prepare to be boarded ye scallywag!
>Be me>Wonder why no one attacks the Burning Blade when players are in it>Attack it>get destroyed>Next day I get the BB from the skeleton crew>Ship attacks me>I destroy it with very little effort>Another ship comes>same result as before>Now I knowDamn that ship is fun to get in fights with, it's fucking hard to sink and even boarders get fucked by the crew fast. and that Ashen Roar hahahahahaaa!
>>1380925>approach a fort>make sloop slowly turn around the island>grab a keg and jump back into your ship on the other side>have them chase you again>pass through one of the big arches>drop the keg in the middle if they follow you otherwise keep runningAlternatively just drop off the back and suicide keg them. It will knock them off course and theyll have to go down to rep. If they dont anchor you'll be 3 squares away by the time they're done.The only hard part here is learning how to make your ship circle the island the way you want it to. Every solo sloop should learn. Sword lunging into and island and have your ship pick you up on the other side blows people's minds.If you stuggle and theyre far enough you can soft park next to a fort tower and grab the keg from there.
>>1383726Good advise. I'd like to add if you can board them with a keg detonate it near their anchor to damage it and it drops it, detonate it near the mast(s) and they fall, detonate it near the crew and they die, also if you're using an ancient keg you'll damage their ship enough that they will sink by the time they leave the ferry.
>>1384501Kegs don't drop anchors retard
So I played SoT briefly in 2018 when it was new, just made a return a month ago and have put a lot of time into. I play with randos because I have no friends and 99% of the time it's awful, but I finally figured it out, it's kind of like Dead By Daylight, once the game becomes boring, you just try to ruin it for others to have fun. I have a squeaker on mic on my crew last night. As we approached the Burning Blade, I threw some bananas on the stove when ultimately sunk out ship during combat, while I was spamming "ship sighted". The lil feller lost his mind, it was great. WTF I LOVE THIS GAME NOW!
>>1384720Don't be that faggot
>>1383726>Get them in a line>Chuck a keg off the back >Wait give seconds then jump off with another keg>They'll hit the first keg and scramble below deck to patch holes >Climb on uncontested with the second keg and light it as you hit their anchor >If you live, start fighting them I've done this enough times and it has always worked. If they don't sink outright it buys a good few minutes of escape time.
>>1384676They used to, did they change it recently
Man fuck you.
this event is actual fucking dogshit, i cant even have the BB for 10 goddamn seconds without some nigger reapers coming out of thin air to fuck me over. I think rare might be in on it too, my game literally fucking froze and crashed in the middle of combat, which is something it has never done in 900 hours of gameplay. Fuck pvp, fuck reaperniggers, and fuck rare
>>1385241No shot, I'll give you $50 if you can show me a video where that happens
>>1385321I'm glad to hear the blacks killed you, it's what you deserve racist scum
>>1385241Why are you lying about this
>>1385058In my experience people never follow you straight from behind unless youre almost bumper to bumper and they're trying o use the bowsprint to walk into your map room or the canopy above. They do a loose zigzag behind you unless you can force them to literally follow where you're going (archway, classic shipwreck bay play, formerly seadogs arena archway,...)If they're close enough that you can guarantee that they'll hit the water keg yours is probably the optimal play, but imo if you have two or more kegs for some reason I'd just go for the standard keg play instead of risking it.If I was chasing someone and they kegged me three times I'd start to wonder how many kegs the retard has. It's just not worth my time at that point, it's just a matter of time until I miss the ladder guard or he gets a lucky suicide keg while I'm in the front of the ship and kills me.
when is the cap'n coming?
>another 'friendly' in hg that just shoots you as soon as they get on the boatI keep falling for it. Yeah I wanna diceroll.
>>1385321They used hacks to do that. It's happened to me before, in fact my whole crew got ddos'd out once.
>>1385501>>1386086I don't have a vid, why would I record something so ordinary? Do you make vids of shooting a keg on a ship with your cannon? I used to board brigs and drop the keg between the map table and the jail, boom, down goes their anchor and front sail. I used to do it all the time. One of the Ancient or Stronghold will knock out both sails and probably kill the entire crew unless they got lucky and were thrown into the water from the blast. I don't bother with kegs anymore though. Seems open crews can't resist blowing up kegs even if it sinks their own ship.
>>1386465Because you are claiming a lie that has never existed>blunderbuss will no longer be able to onetap >errrrm we let these bugs slip into the game but it's actually YOUR fault for using them Actually go fuck yourselves
>>1387113>all of the instaboarding exploits still in the game>ability to oneshot them goneblunder changes along with grapple guns will make defending against larger crews impossible.They already removed sloops extra speed against the wind, killed its mobility with the sails update, and now they're making it so if you get boarded by two people you just lose with zero counterplay. At best they'll just kill you, at worst they'll knock you out of your ship and knock you out of ladder instead of killing you.I don't think the people at rare play this game at all. Actual abysmal dogshit patch holy shit.
>>1387113>blunderbuss will no longer be able to onetapGood>errrrm we let these bugs slip into the game but it's actually YOUR fault for using themCorrectTime to grow up
>>1387183If you wanted to introduce mechanics to make defending vs boarders harder you should've fixed the at least 6 exploits that allow for instant or completely painless boarding.As it is now the only way to defend against cannon/poon/map climbing or funny launching into ladder snap is to onetap them when they come out or be way better than them at tdm.>"but they cant onetap you either!"They have the advantage because they know where you are and you're going to be doing something else.Also if you're against a larger crew you're done, especially if you're solo sloop. It's just going to be two guys blasting you into a corner or spamming sword (or one with sword + one with any other weapon). Even if you hit all pellets they can eat twice before you can reload once.It's ass.
>>1386465lol, even a mega keg doesn't drop the anchor
>>1387262even here, still not dropped
>>1387262>>1387266I don't know what to tell ya guys, I've done it many times, hell it was my kegging strategy when I carried them. If I got onboard, I keg their anchor or under their anchor to dead stop em.
>be me>doing the new ashen event >got lots of loot>see a sloop lurking morrows peak>head over to galleons grave to sell>he's following but way behind>selling loot >suddenly disconnected>2mins or so to reconnect>come back to a sinking burning shipfuck you RARE
>>1387132>>1387207Godammit! I can't wait to get knocked off my ship when some sweat on the ladder shoots me with his blunderbuss while still able to regrab the ladder. They really don't play their own game do they.
>try and check ashen event progress>click into events tab>massive memory leak that crashes the game instantly>this happens every time I try and click "events" while in a serverFix your fucking game, rare.
>>1387408Works on my machine too, unfortunately.
>shadowmaw knocks me off the sloop>by the time I siren back its already sunkvery nice
>>1387443How much you lose?
>>1387478Almost nothing, one skeleton sloop and the loot from two kraken tentacles.It's still the most annoying meg by far.
>>1387400it's alrightships usually stop quickly similar to anchors if enough holes are made, unless an explosion or meg pushes the ship around
>>1387400>I don't know what to tell you guysThat you're full of shit
>>1387405Ah yes of course, it's rare to blame for your poorfag internet
>>1387400>Retard proven wrong, still insists otherwiseCunt fag stfu
>>1387113At this point they should just massively buff the sloop to compensate solo players, something like a huge speed boost
>>1388004>>1387945meh whatever. I know what I did worked
Cheaters out in full force in the ashen roar or whatever it is
>>1388226They actually nerfed the sloop in the sails update. It's slower on a headwind (but still the fastest) and it can no longer easily spiral a spot.Rare doesnt play on sloops, much less solo, thats the problem.Every change in the past 6 months to a year has been to nerf sloops and buff brigs and galleons.
Anyone else just not bothered to play since the anti-cheet started and every external esp was dead, honest to god it just helped so much with the fucking grind and tedious crap of being able to see where loot was, dig spots, riddle spots, map markets displayed on the hud etc, just making the mindless busy work bearable, I didn't even use it to pvp I just couldn't be arsed spending so much time on running around. I try to play now just a voyage or even this new ashen bottle event and it's just boring as hell now. I use to be able to get enjoyment logging in for an hour or do solo sloop and get some shit done and grind out the season pass efficiently, and now it's like playing day 1 launch.
>>1388419Wrong, you could never keg down an anchor
>>1388947Galleons have been ass for a few years now, brigantine has been the best option for quite some timeBut they really need to stop shitting on sloops
>>1389226Good riddance to your retarded ass who couldn't be bothered to use your eyes for the most basic tasks
>>1389226If you are just grinding for achievements you're playing the game wrong kekBraindead cheater fag
>go off course for no reason>put banana on the stove>throw manifest overboard>stick this fuckass pose>???>die
my friends dont wanna play anymore so I dont get to try burning blade but I guess I get a free grind for siren songthe mask isnt really that interesting but I do like grinding some of the harder cosmeticsI think I'll never get ghost curse or skelly shit but I'll live with it
>>1389307You could back when you could still drop treasure on it and prevent fags from boarding and dropping your anchor. Since then they patched it.
>>1389561sounds about right
>>1388226>>1388947Anything that buffs solo sloops will also buff duo sloops. Honestly though the simplest buff would be to make it just the fastest ship in all situations. All three should have the same max speed with each wind direction with it just being easier to get the sloop to that speed. As it stands the sloop wins with maneuverability but what's the point of that if you're just going to get run down?
which of my fits looks best? tryna keep something evolving per season
>>13904921 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 5
>>1390420You have never been able to keg an anchor downReferencing an unrelated exploit they fixed doesn't make your life valid
>>1320786>If you want pvp it's 80% people trying to run and hide, and 20% gigasweats that sink you in secondsPvP is dead, the mouses have won and cheating is unstoppable these days. If you find someone who isn't a hacker/gigasweat and actually wants to fight, chances are they have nothing on their ship anyways. If you do have something on your ship, the best thing to do is just run away. If you have nothing on your ship, it's a waste of time to fight each other. That's why hourglass works, and you're a faggot for complaining about random-meetup fights.
Hourglass suggestions>infinite default cannonballs>resupply stations for wood and food after fights (for both winning and losing)>point system: 10 points per cannonball hit, 5 per repair, 5 per bail, 100 per sink>1000 points = win, or 30 minutes hard limit (most points win, tie if equal)thoughts?>isolated fighting areaprobably many other ways to improve hourglass, but I think these are not taking away from the experience
>>1390420but you never couldShow me a video of a keg dropping an anchor upon explodingI will bend the knee if you do.
>>1391905Naval combat is too clunky to do a point system. Boarding, dropping anchor and blunderbombing the guys repairing has more impact than shooting main, but would be impossible to properly grade. It's hard in general to rate player's "impact" on the game rather than basing it on the actual outcome of the game (like pure kda). Rocket League gives you points for ramming into cars, passes, aerials,... but these dont matter for the scoreboard. OW gives you 'on fire' points for doing stuff but you can blow the game in the last 15 seconds.I can be technically better at locking onto your ship and spreading my holes but if you're better at tdm and your bilge is decent you're going to win 100% of the time and this is hard to reflect with points.The issue is that ships are too tanky so boarding will always be meta. No way to solve this without breaking non-hourglass combat.Something where the rep and gold you get is based on your ships point performance could work, but its also easily abused, you'd run into the tf2 hightower problem, people stalling near the finish line so they can farm points.Isolating the fighting area is good.If you dive you should get teleported to an hourglass instance with regular plain ocean or like 6-10 small arenas for variety. No more galleon third parties or playing around seaforts or jamming your boat into thieves haven to force tdm.Infinite balls or normalized wood/food is good but most hourglass fights are so onesided it almost never matters, I don't think I've ever actually ran out of balls. Balls dont really matter to the boarding meta anyways.Just put arena back into the game. If you dive into hourglass you go to the arena servers and fight enemy ships exclusively.It's supposed to be an all out war between guardians and servants, make it one.
>>1391905People will farm you for points Did we learn nothing from arena days
>>1387406>implying any dev actually plays their own game for long
>>1390489>the simplest buff would be to make it just the fastest ship in all situations.NOOOO! That would make it the most annoying son of a bitch to fight against. All they'd do is rush in then run away, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Is that waht you want, to have to constantly deal with a cowardly ship that keeps coming back to fuck with you so you can never get anything dona and never kill them because they can always outrun you. It would come down to only another sloop could do anything against a sloop and even then you'd have to be better at sailing than them. Sloops already have tons of advantages already, it's just retards that play this game don't know how to use them and are too incompetant to learn or figure it out.
>>1391439I don't care what you say. I have done it at least 10 times in the past. You can tell I am a liar or say it can't happen but I did it, several times. I know for a fact it happened. It was my kegging strat until people started using snipers to shoot kegs on my ship.
>>1391905It would be nice if the sails stayed the way you set them before you dive.>>1392049>Just put arena back into the game. If you dive into hourglass you go to the arena servers and fight enemy ships exclusively.>It's supposed to be an all out war between guardians and servants, make it one.Fuck yeah
>>1392679>Sloop shows up, shoots a few times, and then leaves >You just use your more crew to repair, and then use your more guns to shoot them more than they shoot youHit and run attacks are practically useless. It would only be a problem if you are kegstacking ten kegs or something. >Sloops already have tons of advantages alreadyNo, they don't.
>>1391905This is the most pathetic baby shit I've ever seen. The suggestion is for you to grow a pair and actually fight if any of these things are a problem for you.
it should be a loss gives you a full hourglass guardians/reaper level till 50 then it gives half then at 100 it drops to what it is nownew players would be more inclined to grind for the curses, the REAL players would have the big curses/skeleton pieces to show offand more importantly the pvp mode gets some much needed population support
>>1393198No that's gayJust fucking earn it legit
>>1393198queues take yearsI dont want to sit underwater for 10 min per round
>>1394170Shit I wish it was only 10 for me, I have to cancel and retry for an hour sometimes. The only times it's quick is gold and glory weekends and even then there's server issues. It wouldn't surprise me if rare cut it after this or next season locking people out forever of the curses if you didn't get them.
>sneak on to someone's ship>draw a dick on their map>leavethis is the real endgame.
>>1394343Blame all the fucking cheaters ruining the game
>>1393198>a loss should give you half a levellmao
>>1394678Love doing that.I figured this game out, it's just rock paper scissors. Sloop beats Galleon, Galleon beats Brigan, Brigan beats Sloop.
>>1395870Not even close kek
I was lured into this game by YT algorithm feeding me content and game just "happened" to be in sale just in time.>really want funny nose mask and 100k for a skull weekend makes going after siren song skulls very clearly easiest way to get own sloop fast>1st attempt, get chest, notice too late that there is flagged up reaper gallion behind me and then 4man team deleted me from the map>2nd attempt is free 100k but when stopping by a outpost I get spawn camped by a 14 year old based on pitch of the voice and amount of slurs so I leave game for new start.>3rd attempt was almost free but I was ambushed at briggsys location but managed to dodge the ambusher guy and deliver the skull.>4th and final attempt was a freebie.I think I like this game. I just need to coerce a friend to play with me so I can reasonably engage in pvp because when im alone i'm a huge scaredy cat pussy.
>>1395870Brigantine beats everythingIt's like rock paper scissors when you're 7 and you play dynamite
>>1396133>can't get Skull of Siren Song turn-insnobody does that content anymore, you must have sails with a big target painted on them and a 'kick me' sign for a ship's crest nigga
>>1396616>reading comprehension3 out of 4 on 1st game session on big boy seas is not really struggling with the task of turning them in.
>>1396643Skill issue
>>1396133>>1396616Yeah I sometimes help noobs get a couple of those and no one ever comes after us unless they are also doing it, which isn't very often.The problem you've run into is, the game is actually designed and programmed to fuck you over in any way it can.>Oh you just got 3 orb camps and finished a Fort of fortune and got your athena emissary maxed?Server merge. Oh look 2 reaper ships and ones a burning blade heading right toward you. >Okay you sunk one of the reapers and managed to escape the burning blade for now.You like sailing against the wind right? Suddenly a Megalodon... and a skeleton ship shooting anchorballs, better hope that burning blade gave up, (they didn't but they're pretty far yet)>Wow you survived that! Now you're turning in your loot quick as you can at the sovereigns! Better hurry the Burning blade really wants to fuck with you and a sloop with a sweaty kid is very close.Allmondbeard
I have a female character
>>1397624Did you design her to be someone you want to fuck or your desired female form, or both?
>>1397339>Designed and programmed to fuck you overYeah noYou've named a few unfortunate circumstances that come down to ringCry less
>>1398234Not him but the game is designed and updated to be a casual sailing-with-friends coop experience and not meant to be played seriously.The game is designed to fuck you over because its funny, and "what if the player is stacking" doesnt really enter the equation because you're not supposed to do that.Smash has the same "problem", a casual party game played almost exclusively by the opposite kind of player.If you're a non-casual player, the game is basically designed to fuck you over, yes. Because its funny.
>>1397979I wanted a female character because I wanted to use the dresses and skirts without looking like a faggot. But ye, I did roll until I got a good looking dame
>Doing hourglass for G&G weekend>Kid wants to dice roll, sure>Get a 20>"Uhh can you roll again to make sure you aren't cheating?">Roll another 20>"Yeaaaaaah clearly you have loaded dice so I'm going to sink you"God damn some real faggots are playing the game these days.
>>1398422Why are you trying to argue with me retard
>>1399715Two 20s is rather sus, should really just set your program to get you 17-19
>>1399715I've never met a dice roller that wasnt like this and I've met over a dozen. The number wouldn't matter.If they ask to diceroll I just assume there's someone swimming over to keg me from below.
I had a couple of cunts try to steal a skull of siren song from me todaytried to take it to the shores of gold but it auto drops off the ship if it hits the red seadont know if you can put it into a mermaid statue or not but I sure as fuck aint delivering it to them for free
Had a guy follow me for 20 minutes earlier. I didn't even have any loot I just thought it'd be fun to waste his time. Eventually got bored and dove to a voyage when there was an island between us. I like to think he went around it in circles for another 20 minutes.
>>1401054ship fights arent fun unless theres something to gainif theres no prize I dont care, I want to take the spoils someone else earnedTHATS what a pirate is you fucking brainless canontard
>>1400368They can't bring a keg in hourglass retard
>>1400516It's literally a PvP quest, you chose to opt into it fucking faggot
>>1401090>pvp quest where instead of them engaging in pvp they camp me out with a full brig at the islandoh youre so right I shouldve just handed it to them like a good little retard
>>1400368Most of them I've met have been perfectly fine, this was just some autistic kid. I ran into him again later and "agreed" to the roll and just blundered and sank him again.
>>1401054>the only fun part is the ship fightsI like the puzzles and such>PvP in a PvP gameIt's a PvPvE game
>>1400733I didn't. Once I saw you dive I followed thinking maybe just maybe I'd pop back up behind you and I could finally give you this crate of supplies I've been trying to pass on before I quit playing.
>>1401089Remember when RARE thought it would be funny to pup kegs floating in the water everywhere? Once during an hourglass match I saw some floating in the water so I lured my opponet into them. It was funny, thanks RARE.
so glad they put battlepass shit in the shopI'm halfway to getting this shit it looks sick as hell
How do you differentiate somebody from cheating and just being really good?
>>1401774I don't know. There's so many glitches and exploits that the only certain way I know for sure is that people can show up on your ship and delete all your supplies in seconds. They can delete your treasure too. Apparently they can drop kegs on you from the sky and travel into vaults to take treasure out of them but I've only ever seen the first 2 myself. Yesterday a guy ojn a ship really far away somehow boarded by the ladder with no rowboat and no sound and he moved so fast I couldn't kill him but I was full health and he shot me with a blunderbuss at distance and instakilled me which I know is impossible so I think he was cheating but it could just have been hit reg.
>>1401774If you hear one of your cannons load and then suddenly they appearThey teleport to your cannon and it plays the sound as it happens due to how the cheat works
>>1401596Fake and gay
>>1401099Yeah you'd be a retard doing that too Why not uh gee I dunno, sink their boat so they can't spawn back, let your ship sail around the island while you cannon over to find Briggsy's location, and try to kill a few of them before risking running the skullDuh doyHow many times were you dropped on your head
>>1401774Actual cheats (teleporting around, flying, noclipping) are relatively rare because they're expensive to make. SoT is a very small game and there's already alliance servers and the like, the market for real cheats is small.If you're a game cheat dev you're better off making stuff for warzone or tarkov instead of butting heads with cheat engine for less than 1k a month at best.Exploits (cannon/poon/map boarding, snapping to ladder, funny/crud launching) are not being actively patched and half of the community doesnt think they're actually "cheating" so no one cares.Realistically everyone that knows how to is going to start crud launching as soon as a fight gets even a little hard because no one likes sinking. If they knew how to consistently board through cannon they would.At higher level hourglass you'll never see an exploitless match ever, at least on;dr no one is explicitly cheating but everyone 'really good' is crud launching.
>>1401825yeah a solo player is going to sink a full brig while debuffed by the skullits like you just dont think when you make your retarded posts
>>1401824You're fake and gay
>>1401945>crud launchingOh thats probably how he got up to us from so far>>1401777>a ship really far away somehow boarded by the ladder with no rowboat
>>1402167Oh man you sure showed me, this proves your claim completely
>>1401945Exploits like that are bannable though kekThey won't last long
>>1402188The only way you're getting banned is if you're a 20 ccv streamer and rare cares enough to ban you. Big streamers and youtubers arent banned because they're 80% of this game's exposure. Regular people arent banned because reporting is a pain in the ass and you wont have any proof that anyone is crud launching ever.You'd have to record every hourglass match and submit them as a formal report, and even then the most they'd get is yellowbeard.>They won't last longEvery pvp discord I'm on does these and worse and I barely see any bans.Crud launching breaks pvp and has been a thing for almost a year. No one cares.Theb is still playing and uploading videos.
>>1402201>Big streamers and youtubers arent banned because they're 80% of this game's exposure.Big streamers also don't use the exploits.
ya know its actually kinda nice to just hop in, do a quick siren song, and cash outeven if I get messed with I can quicky just hop server and get another one started to get optimal speed
do we have a guild?should we start one to get the grind going for that heroic helms shit? the jacket is pretty sweet
I could have sworn there was some new mask you can get that's locked behind a burning blade commendation, sell an orb stolen from anothert crerw as the burning blade crew or something, or turn in a lvl3 bb sword? I think I saw it requiring the commendation title to unlock it but I can not find it anywhere now. I been to the pirate legends lair, checked all the stores, I even looked in the fucking Emporium. I know I saw it and I remember it required something you have to do from this season. Anyone know what I'm talking about and where to find it? Did they remove it?
>>1402587should be next to brigsies
>>1402587hereim a third of the way through my skull of siren song so I wanted to take a look at it anyway
>>1402590>>1402609That's it thanks, how did I miss that.
>>1402609Oh shiiiit that's dope af
>>1402201I literally just got a 3 man brig crew banned for the fishing rod cannon exploit bullshitGet rekt tard
>>1402201>Then still playsYeah that clown is ban evading which violates ToS every timeHe'll never be unbanned when he's constantly rule breakingWhat a stellar example of exploits are fine, a man who can't go 30s without violating ToS
>stalwart sea dog tankard doesn't have a graphic for being filled with grogWhat a ripoff
What makes skeleton ships spawn? The small ones. I suck and I'm getting sick of the stalking. I was anchored barely off the beach and I watched one slowly roll in, take down its sails, and just sit there pummeling my ship as I ran over. Couldn't get there before it was a lost cause.Another got me earlier, pacing me 100%, and couldn't get away. What's the play with these fucks?And yes, it was a NPC crew, I'm sure, I'm bad.
>>1405056Skeleton ships don't attack unless agro'd, you either have to shoot it or be near it yourself otherwise they just pass by. They also can't raise their sails. What you saw was other players attacking your ship.
>>1402609That's going to be almost impossible to get. You'd have to get lucky or rig the game with some helpful nobodies to go and get one for you. In my experience, I can play for hours and not have the stupid bb show up and if it does, there's 2-3 other ships fighting over it.
>>1405259The first time I'm almost 95% sure it spawned in the water behind me. And it was definitely skeletons. They used cannon balls that made me anchor. Sank them, but my boat went down shortly after. Is there a skeleton costume? And boat decals?The second ship looked very similar to a skeleton one.
>>1405313>Is there a skeleton costume?Yes. They can even pop up in the water. When you dive you pop up on another server, usually that's not too close to other players though. So it's unlikely it was a player.Players can use cursed cannonballs too, which anchor you etc. Boats can look similar to a skeleship but there's ways to tell the difference. Skeleton ships have more lanterns and a rear deck that is noticably different from player ships. And they always have the white kracken skull figurehead.That first ship was most likely a skeleton ship, players will board you now-a-days when you get anchored unless they were noobs. Skeleton ships don't attack a ship with no crew though, ever. You have to be near their ship to agro it. What could have happened is that you may have had a tucker on your ship and he agro'd them so they attacked your ship.Skeleton ships appear if you've spent a while on an island but not always, sometimes it's a Meg. Sometimes they just appear because a random chance decided to spawn one on you, I find that if you have something to lose they are more likely to spawn on you.
>>1405056Skill issueThat was a player ship, get better at checking the horizon before leaving your ship
>>1405528I've had a skelly galleon shoot at my ship while I was parked at merrick so its something that can happen. I think someone else was aggroing it and moved it too close to the island and it locked onto my boat after the other guy sank or left. Its not normal behavior but if he parked outside of the island despawn radius it could've happened to him. You don't need to shoot first.>>1405056>What makes skeleton ships spawn?A skeleton ship or a meg will spawn for your ship after a while (1 hour average). They cannot spawn if you're too close to an island.Random spawns are 'yours' (If you're on a sloop you'll only spawn skeleton sloops and "sloop megs" which are weaker than brig or galleon-spawned megs) and will follow you around until you leave their very large spawn radius, usually the whole region. If you escape by getting too close to an island they'll dive back into the sea. Non-random spawns just hang around patrolling the region and never despawn until server merge or if a higher priority world event makes them disappear, which is very rare.There's no way to increase or decrease the chance to spawn and no way to force anything to spawn. It's pure RNG.
>>1405528Thanks for the info anon, I'll keep this shit in mind.>>1405602Pathetic response.I literally told you it was a skill issue. I said I was new and bad like twice...>>1405755Good too know too, thanks. That's interesting about the Meg. The first time I mentioned earlier had a meg following us for a bit too, but the fight ended up in the shallows near an island, so it disappeared. Anyway, anyone got any tips on how to defend yourself? Or is it just what you expect, get better at, shoot, steer, fix holes, bail, shoot, repeat? For solo sailing.
>>1405784You also insisted that a skeleton ship raised its sails Useless fuck
>>1405784Get good enough at tdm (fighting with guns on ships) that you can consistently defend yourself from boarders.Ships are tanky as fuck so the way combat works in this game is you put as many holes into the enemy ship as you can before jumping over and defending said holes so they cant repair. You can have 6+ holes in your hull and still be able to patch it solo without issue so boarding is almost the only way to finish a fight.Blunderbombs are impact grenades and can 2 or 3 tap a player. Fire is more annoying than it is useful, it takes a full minute to punch one hole.Anchoring a ship means you can start spiraling around them and put holes on both sides of their ship so its your main priority when boarding.Chainshot also stops the ship from moving so get good at that too.Also learn how to make the cannonball hit where you want to hit. If you can consistently shoot at the cannonline/helm they'll be too busy either healing or dead to shoot or repair.Against skeleton sloops just kill the cannonline so they dont shoot you back. Then spread 5 shots across the hull and they should go down in less than a minute because skeletons can fix holes but cant bail water.This game has few players and the combat is not that deep so most people in pvp will demolish you for the first 30 or so fights just because they can hit cannons and you can't.Go lose 10,000 hourglass matches to get good.
>>1405798Nice spacing and worse reading comprehension.Go back you try hard. Or actually make a real attempt in your next sad reply. Too low value for me to respond to.>>1405812Nice anon, thanks for the breakdown.When you say fighting with guns on ships, do you mean anchor my ship and board them (then using the techniques you mentioned) or sniping from my boat?Sounds like PVP, get on their ship and fuck them up. Skeletons, snipe the cannon firer, and then cannon balls the hull. Correct?
>>1405852>Sounds like PVP, get on their ship and fuck them up. Put some holes in them first by cannons or ramming them before you board. Ramming is an easy way to board. Then you'll need to get good at cqb combat which in this game is fucking hard due to many retarded factors like frameskipping, lagg and just melee being a janky mess. NEVER anchor yourself fighting players unless you want to lose.>Skeletons, snipe the cannon firer, and then cannon balls the hull. Correct?Yup, don't bother boarding unless you have a matey to repair and stop your ship when they sink. Don't waste your cursed balls on them either. You can also just drop your anchor and let them circle while you shoot them and repair since skeleton ships aren't really a threat. But don't do that if player ships are nearby. Anchoring or raising your sails to fight them is an easy way to get their treasure they drop since they will sink near you and you don't have to sail back for it, if you want it that is. They usually have at least 1 storage crate to resupply you so it's worth it.
Can we petition RARE to put a water barrel by the captains cabin on a galleon? Fires are fucking devastating to galleys I'm so sick and tired of trying to put out massive fires that just reignite and doing it alone is almost impossible even worse when you have a retard troll throwing firebombs all over too. It would be nice to not have to run below deck to get water and you can't always stop to bail sea water onto the ship if you're under attack. Today I was lucky the storm was nearby so the burning blade fire wasn't such a terrible thing but normally it's a huge pain to put out a fire.
>>1405852TDM ie Team Death Match is using your regular pirate guns, usually when boarding. "Naval" is using your ship cannons. Sniping ship to ship probably falls into naval combat and its usually your helm's job if you're duo slooping.You dont want to anchor ever in pvp, if you fuck up they can get themselves into an angle you can't reach with your cannons and break half your ship while you raise the anchor back up.To board you'd shoot yourself out of the cannon more or less 20m in front of them and try to grab their ladder when they sail past you. Ideally you'd land on top of their deck but if you're new dont bother trying. If you're hitting your shots you just have to lead the shot accordingly and you should land in front of them. Your pirate is twice as heavy as a cannonball.Most fights have both ships orbiting around eachother so you should also be able to jump off your ship and swim towards where you know they're going to be. This is trickier because people move their wheel all the time so you may end up way off, but if they're close enough or right behind you its your best shot.If all fails just ram them. Puts holes in both of your ships but it works.Learn how to ladderguard and how to bait the guy ladderguarding. When you're up anchor them and then either kill them or be as annoying as possible if you cant.>Sounds like PVP, get on their ship and fuck them up.Pretty much. Open as many holes as you can and when you see you have the upper hand (you balled someone, their mast is down, you hit enough holes that they had to go down to fix) you board them and stop them from repairing.>Skeletons, snipe the cannon firer, and then cannon balls the hullCannonballs have splash damage so as long as you hit the cannon you're doing 1 tier 2 hole and damaging the skeleton. They die to 2 or 3 splash damage shots.Then just shoot the waterline, spread your shots so you're not shooting open the same hole every time.Both of these also apply to player pvp.
>>1405884>>1405897I'll read this stuff in a bit, thanks for the tips. But I gotta say these are not humans, just happened again, the speed and accuracy is insane. The fucking onslaught is ridiculous. You can't bail and repair fast enough, the cannon balls just keep coming. I know I'm new and bad, but holy christ this is stupid. I've been up against humans, they aren't this aim botty. I can escape humans too. I tested it. This is straight up retarded.
>>1406024Again, I know I'm bad and just bitching. But it's 3 times in a row on my way back with a loot haul. For a new player, forcing them to keep fighting a literally inescapable aim bot stalker, is shit game design. Their AI could come in easy, med, hard based on your level or some shit. But this is literally the hardest part of the game and for now assured death. Harder than any of the humans I've run into.I'll get good, but fuck off, shit.
>>1406003Skeleton ships will always match your speed, I dont think you can really escape them. Just shoot them back, kill their cannon.If they were good and didnt miss they were probably players, skeleton ships miss a lot.>You can't bail and repair fast enoughYou can outbail 5+ holes comfortably. you can probably outbail every lower hole in a sloop if thats all you do.You dont have to go repair for every hole, you can just go bail when your ship makes the creaking noise and keep shooting.
>>1405852Do not anchor your ship you will be dead in the waterDo you have any brains at all
>>1405891Don't solo the Galleon then idiot
>>1406144Sometimes you have to if rare isn't putting players on your ship dumbass
I became a pirate legend before I got the "fight like a merchant" commendation>block an incoming attack, then strike within 5 secondshow
>>1406287It's been bugged for years. Rare says you can get it against any enemy but I only ever got it when blocking vs players and even then it doesnt work.
>>1406003Skill issue
>>1406272Don't drive a fucking galleon then, especially in retard land open crewYou know there's other boat sizes right?
Is it possible to share a1 purchased ship? Like it's the crews ship? Or are ships just per account and one of us just needs to buy the whole thing and then we can both use it?
>>1407027One person buys a ship and then commits it to the guild so everyone in the guild can use it.
>>1407027You're looking for the word guildOtherwise yes the captaincy boats are only for the individual who bought it and can only be used on the high seas
>>1407054>>1407214Shiettt, okay. What's a guild, in this game? Can I make one with just my one friend who plays?I'll look up a guide too, if it's a whole thing.
didn't think 4chan of all places would have so many scared swabbie faggots on here, jesus christin other news, they're removing quickscoping on the sniper, so ig you pussies can rejoice when we all quit and you can chase your chickens in peace
>>1406779>especially in retard land open crew>You know there's other boat sizes right?You telling me there's no retards on the other boats? Yea right. stfu and play the game before you comment
Sometimes playing this game makes me feel like I'm participating in a pirate themed Star Trek Kobayashi Maru test...
>>1407560It's like a 0.3 second delay, hardly changes anythingThe blunderbuss getting cucked was the real shame
>>1407861No faggot I'm saying 4 retarded monkeys on a galleon is objectively worse than 2 retarded monkeys on a sloop
>>1408625Surely it will work as intended 100% of the time and wont be like the quickswap fix where even now, guns don't fire when you pull the trigger. Tell me youre a sword fag without telling me.
>>1408687>Imagine thinking pirates should never use swordsTroglodyte thinking
Getting jumped for literally no reason by sweats really sucks the fun out of this gameYeah I know hurr pvp but still
>>1407560>they're removing quickscoping on the sniperGood abouttime they nerfed that weapon. Don't come at me with skill bs either, I got so good with the blunderbuss I could shoot a chicken dead at 70 yards now I'm just knocking em back away from me.
>>1408687I'm a swordfag for sure, nta, but you're right about the not firing part, I've lost so many fights to that now I have to rapid pull down the trigger a few times when I shoot just top make sure the stupid thing actually fires.>>1408777checked, I wish we could dual weild the dagger and rapier.
>>1408777troglodyte thinking is getting stuck on the first rung of the skill ladder and refusing to ever get good at the game>bUt iTs a PiRatE gAmE (I'm too comfortable spamming left click to ever venture out)>>1408786stop chasing chickens and go through an 80s montage of getting good. the fun comes when you can dictate how player encounters happen.
>>1408859>I wish we could dual weild the dagger and rapier.Or have a 6 pistol belt that we can hold pistols in each hand, holster em, pull 2 more fire fire, holster, pull 2 more fire fire then if you hit with at least 5 shots they dead, long reload to compensate, both pistols take up your slots, hold 6 bullets.Also dual weilding swords would be awesome too, maybe not the best loadout but if they spent some time developing an actual swordplay mechanics, having sword duals could be the most fun I ever had in this game, or the most fustrating, we'd see.
>>1408883You can become skilled and also enjoy the swordSource: Based slunge enjoyer
>>14088905 shots to kill? That's only 20 DMG per hit giving it the slowest TTKThis would be the most dogshit weapon in the game
>>1408938Becoming skilled with the sword = 1 day of learning how to hop through an enemy, hold right click to block, sword lunge/turn and burn, and spam left click faster than the other guy.
>>1408985I think you're just not very good.
>>1408988I think you're sub 30 allegiance
>>1408985Spamming left click isn't the strat, hasn't been since the update that changed sword combat
>>1409031That doesn't mean much, loss farmer retard
>>1408985>>1409442I don't like the sword combat much, if I have someone shoot me by the time I can draw my sword they have reloaded and shot me before I can swing once. Blocking another sword is clunky and soooo slow. Why can't my draw be an attack as well? They need to speed up the sword at least double in the draw and block and some other attacks besides slashing or the slow ass lunge buildup would be nice too, why can't I poke them with the pointy end in rapid attacks? Someone tell rare to go learn how sword fighting works.
>>1409491Go play For Honor.
>>1409444"hurr durr, i prefer adventure mode pvp its so much more fun (it totally isnt because i get to shit on noobs and retard open crews but get fucked as soon as i have to fight an even battle against a semi-competent team)"Always the same with you fags who struggle to get even a 2 streak
>>1409491Go learn how game development works first
>>1409919>Struggle to get a 2 streakStop projecting
>>1409919There's no reason to go past a two streak unless you need/want the commendations.
>>1409919Jokes on you. I don't even know what you're talking about.
>>1409491It's a cartoon pirate game, chief.
>>1409953stop ruining my pirate game with your faggotry.>>1409957xp per win maxes after 4, there's no reason to lower unless you're scared of losing
>>1410490It maxes out at 10 streak actually, not that you'd ever know
>>1410490U ruin it plenty all on your own kek
>>1410523wrong, every win after 4 gives you 6600 xp
>>1410524i do ruin it plenty, for mouth breathing faggots like you, when i strip u of ur 3 captains chests
>>1410799Big talk lel u must have tiny pp
Did RARE change how the sails work now? Can you still flat them when you have a headwind and move quicker than you would if they were angled to a side?
>>1411369they changed it a few months ago, flat sails against headwind is now the slowest possible and its always better to angle them right or left, even on sloop
>>1411369Yes, putting the sails to the side when going upwind is the play now.
>>1411369>Tell me you haven't played in months without telling me you haven't played in months
When I bought the second tier of a trophy, ie. I just bought a "prized" sloop one, my tier 1 "admired" sloop trophy disappeared.Is the next tier supposed to replace the previous tier? Or should I be able to display both?
>>1412303They replace the previous tier. It sucks because several of them look better in lower tiers.
>>1412303>>1412617That sucked and so did them slashing prices and requirements of milestone trinkets 8 fucking months after saying it was meant to be a long term goal and a gold sink
>>1412692imagine how all the insiders felt after wasting countless hours grinding every week just for Rare to cuck them lmao
>>1412617>>1412692>>1412795lol thats dumb that the case with anything else? like if i buy the next tier of gold hoarder shovel or merchants telescope will i only be able to use the highest tier and not swap them out in the chest?if so, they really should tell you this shit, christ
>>1409919u probably spawn camp noobs dont youpathetic
>>1412926No, every piece of equipment you buy stays in your inventory, as they should. It actually kind of sucks when you're swapping weapons in a hurry.Higher tiers replacing lower ones only happens for ship decorations for some reason.Internally from a gamedev pov it would probably be easier to let players have every trinket available, I don't think there's a single reason to force players to use the highest tier.
>>1413672hate to break it to you buddy, but the people who spawncamp you are other noobs. not worth a good player's time unless you're screeching nigger or faggot and i get to make some funny clips
>>1414091>making clipsoh no, you don't post gameplay clips somewhere, really?
>>1414091If they screech faggot then they get reportedIt's funny how many retards get themselves banned for being little shitters
I have the Burning Blade, what do I do now? There a quest?
>>1415908The quest is simple, learn basic cognition and figure it out
I just got a new PC and man this games kinda beautiful ngl
>>1417630Yeah too bad the combat is such dogshit
Why the doodiddlydarn is Ned a censored word?
>>1417776What up my nedder
New player, my first emissary month just rolled over. I'm pretty sure I was high enough rank to get rewarded, but I didn't see any. I could just have missed it or am looking in the wrong spot. Thoughts?
>>1418638Which emissary, and what are you expecting? They just unlock and become availableIt's also the long weekend, might take an extra day
>>1418724Looks like there's a sail there now and something else. It's was the gold hoarders, I'll check the gh's store next time I log on
>>1418802So basically a bunch of you impatient fucks freaked out about nothing
>>1420194Wrong. So, I got the GH's Inaugural Captain Sails, but I don't have the previous tier Inaugural Marauder Sails. Even though it says perviously earned with a check mark.So, that doesn't make sense. It should be in my sails, unless it's like the trinkets where the previous tier disappears.
Rare should have locked the treasure room door on the Burning Blade until a crew pledges to Flameheart. I'm so sick of taking it over and finding out that someone already took the chest out probably just minutes before we got there. Also it's now impossible to get the half mask because no one seems to be doing the camps for orbs, so I end up going after ships that actually have no loot at all let alone an orb.
>>1421011Skill issueStfu
>>1314191>Get jumped by a galleon while Im selling as a sloop>Can hear them in voice chat frantically making calls like they're in an actual pvp situation arent just jumping some random guy in a sloopHonestly I would rather you just laugh and shittalk me if you're going to do galleon vs sloop, the second hand embarrassment was more painful than anything they could have said
>>1422685Let them enjoy the game retard
>>1422685That's happened to me before too, like they are coordinating a super serious military strike as they attack in a 4 vs 1 pvp match with a parked ship. I found it hilarious how serious some noobs take this game.
>>1423115Y u mad
Anyone interested in doing merchant rep? I'm close to pirate legend and dont feel like solo slooping havent played in like a year
>>1427049Merchant voyages suck. IF you manage to get the lost cargo ship voyage to not glitch on you then maybe it's worth doing but all the others are boring and tedious. Then after a few hours getting up your merch flag rep to 5 you can spend a few more hours hauling crates from one outpost to another for fuck all money. Your best bet is to go to the new camps and get the orbs.
>>1427497Yeah I think I'll just get emissary 5 then do the new islands for orbs
>>1427497Skill issueThose quests work fine
>>1387400Kill yourself
>>1427607>Never had the shipwreck not appear>Never had a key not drop>Never had a clue not render text>Never had the birds not displayTell me you've never played SoT without telling me you've never played SoT
>>1427049Ashen Medleys can get you 4+ levels an hour