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What are some multiplayer games you can play on a shit PC? I'm stuck on a laptop with the lowend trifecta. I can literally feel I'm getting shit on because of my poor hardware.

>60hz monitor
>GTX card
>Wifi (lol)

It's a real struggle to play mainstream FPS. Slightly okay to play games like OW2 or Gaypex because it's more arcadey and high TTK. I'm wondering if there are other games I could go to. Doesn't even have to be FPS.

Also games that are
>not dead

I don't want to wait 20 minutes to get a match. Or have to play with the few dozen sweatlord boomers who will just stomp me.
try something cooperative instead of competitive games. you'll still get shit on in a lot of old games due to hardware difference because some boomers will be running at really high framerate your monitor craptop can't even display. I'd say the difference might be even worse in old games because someone who has played a game autistically for decades can really take advantage of the reaction time difference between low and high framerate.

Card game simulators and board game simulators are one of the only genres I can think of that aren't affected at all by the disparity since it's usually turn based.
What GTX card? anything in the 10 series will do you fine for most f2p games that aren't The Finals, especially if you're just at 60hz.
Just Shapes & Beats
Web based games are great for shitty laptops. Pokemon Showdown, Board Game Arena (or other board game sites https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/140673/the-exhaustive-list-of-board-games-you-can-play-on), tuggowar.io, and so on.
Tabletop Simulator, Dota 2, League of Legends, World of Warcraft (really most MMOs ngl), Genshit Impact, Ace of Spades, Roblox, Yugioh Masterduel, Hearthstone, Team Fortress 2, Fistful of Frags, Minecraft, Unturned (kinda dead game tho), Left 4 Dead 2, Valorant, Quake Arena, PlanetSide 2, Deep Rock Galactic (maybe), BattleBit

Also some games like Diep.io or Realm of The Mad God obviously work.
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TurtleWoW hardcore mode is the S tier mmo experience.
>Hit 60
>Raid log
wow dude so fun kill yourself
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I said hardcore u fucing monkey, u cant even hit lvl 10 u would die in elwynn to murlocs
Go on Google and search
>not games Google drive
>look for og cs
> incredibly fun online shooter.
I played that shit throughout high school
>invest countless hours
>lose tons of characters
>hit a personal milestone of level 40 on your latest hardcore run
>accidentally "misgender" one of the troon staff
>get permabanned
Halo CE still has decently active multiplayer and is still very fun
This is a solid list, I would def. strike Planetside 2 off it though
Anything on fightcade
CS 2, War Thunder, Destiny 2, VRChat
minecraft bozo
I don't like crafting games.

Whacking trees and rocks for one hour just so I can make some digital house nobody is gonna see isn't appealing to me.

Also the reason why I didn't like fortnite
>invest countless hours
>lose tons of characters
>get so fucking mad that you roll hunter or warlock
>spend the rest of the game getting carried by your pet
>hit a personal milestone of level 40 on your latest hardcore run
>(1) die because a pack of mobs spawn on top of you
>(2) "die" because you misgender one of the troon staff
>(3) die because a hunter named "1989 天安門大屠殺The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反" feels the call of the void and pulls the entire dungeon, wiping himself and everyone in the party
>(4) quit because you realize just how mind-numbing and soulless what youre doing actually is
Forged Alliance Forever is good if you like RTS. 1v1 can be played on a potato, and I play up to 3v3 with decent frame-rate. The pop fluctuates though, can take a long time to get into a match at low pop-times.
Is that the the anniversary edition? I got that and my potato couldn't run it. Does fine with the original version but I don't have that downloaded anymore and I'm guessing most of the playercount is on the remaster
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Tree of Savior
Age of Empires 2
i mean the original, it still has a lot of players
Already played it. Pretty art and really takes you back to RO nostalgia

But it's just grind for the sake of grinding. Also the lack of GVG/PVP made it boring.

Say hi to lolipan for me if he's still doing 4chan guilds
Warframe. 3k hours. God help me
Im looking for low spec online games with small communities or that nobody plays anymore in case it is free
Anything on Gameranger, also King Arthur's Gold, Gmod or some of the games around the catalog
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cs2 and league they run on any shit pcs. Honestly when I had a shitty pc emulation was more fun. Also fuck these captchas.

you need low tier rtx card if you want to run this in 1080
Im running cs2 with a 1070 card at like 140 frames.
I have a 1070 and I only get 70fps

I had to lower it down to 1280x720
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Dino D-day. A bunch of freinds and I (About 15 or so) get together every saturday night to play it for a few hours.

Good as a semi-departure from regular FPS games.

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