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Anyone here play World of Warships or War Thunder Naval?
Yes WOWS, but sadly the chances that you are a solo faggot in that game and bad at it also is pretty high, so don´t open a new thread for that game. Thanks.
Stop playing wows subhuman. also stop making threads on /v/ every two days dedicated to this shit game too. thanks.
ok bros, what ships are worth getting in the trade-in event?
Karl XIV Johan looks pretty good.
Is it a good idea to skip t9 coal and get the t10 instead if I already have several t8 premiums?
I really don't want to fight superships and t10 CV in a t9 ship if possible.
I mean yeah sure why not
Traded useless freemiums for Kidd and Siroco in the trade event. Pretty based.

T9s have the best credit income. Which ships are you considering.
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i like WT naval.. not many players usually tho..
>Which ships are you considering
Don't have t9 but I have Atago and Brandenburg and thinking about getting Cossack next.
>T9s have the best credit income
I know but having to fight t11 with t9 ships really suck from my t9 tech tree experience.
Sorry I misread. for t9 ship I don't know. Agir maybe? I like cruiser.
Kidd good?
If you're having doubts just go for one of the better T10 coal ships like Moskva, Salem, or Sherman.

It's the american T9 but moved to T8 while gaining meme levels of AA and a heal for the loss of a torpedo rack. It's one of the best brawling DDs tier for tier in the game. An actual bully.
Agir is kickass, you're basically a small BB, youre basically small BB, you murder other cruisers while being much more agile than a BC, torps are decent and your reload is short enough to kill charging DDs most of the time.
Obviously you get blasted by direct fire from real BBs and you're somewhat vulnerable to air, but In close your torp load will rock virtually anything and the guns are actually good enough to citadel many BBs, Agir in a 7-8-9 game is like hacking and even in a 9-10-11 game it does not feel weak, you just have to shoot at the right targets, t11 cruisers are still not safe from your AP and your HE numbers are good enough to attack BBs if you position well.

Agir is probably my favorite credit grinding ship
Its essentially a T9 Sharnhorst playing in a cruiser slot.
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I just played a few games. Aside from floaty shells at range she's pretty fun.
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How should i build captain for the West Virginia 44? IFHE or not?
>World of Warships
Fun in small dosage

>War Thunder Naval
Fucking cancer
Is WoWS really a complete shitfest or is this just your average 4chan bitching? The only other naval games I play are on ROBLOX so my standards aren't super high.
It's technically playable but the devs are just in maximum milking mode because the russian side of the company got all the competent devs.
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It´s crazy to me how Rex even allowed him back to us, after he was one of the first to leave. At least the discord server isn´t dead anymore ;´)
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>miss the commander reward by a day
wow, fuck you too
Kidd or Cossacks for random?
Heinrich is pretty fun in ranked. Which she had at least 30 knots top speed though.
Can you recommend me a tier 8 premium BB?
Can't buy her anymore.
skill issue
looks like some ironic schizo moved in
How's Brandenburg? I'm thinking about trading the Z-44 that I got from SC with it.
Are you like stupid? Why would you trade in a ship you can get snowflakes from? Holy shit this is the reason why the fucking thread should never had been made. Only a bunch of low IQ players left on here.
including you xd
Is your neet/wagie life going so bad that you need to deflect?
Let me guess you used the trade-in and cope now after you understood that it´s the worst scam in the game? Actual fucked up that so many on here post that they consider using that shit. Average shitter players that listen clearly to the wrong people :´)
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How will the 3 man 2DQT stack ever recover?
They won't. They are aggresively copeposting and defending WG because sunk cost, in the thread.
(Yes they lost btw)
Why is your base EXP so low if that’s a win? First thought it’s a lose cause of the Anapolis base exp being higher then most of your teams. Whats your dmg and were the teams equal or not by WR?
>island cuckold ship
No wonder he farmed so much xp
seems like you won´t recover even with that one win, HOTEL prime player right there ;´)
OP´s base is even lower then 2nd place GK. How does a GK have better stats then a Alex in a win??? The only one island camping is clearly the guy whos 6th place...
Much like the Yamagiri and Wisconsin they were surely playing at their best
this is your alex player )))
Simple: By positive WR and PR on the end of the day :) You might wanna work on either OwO.
where are ((they))? in your head does not count
>HOTEL siding with OwO after he was one of the first to leave the clan
>HOTEL using any chance bad mouthing 2DQT like they did back then when Vita and the other spergs/schizos crawled back to them

The eternal cope is real...oh well I guess we are better of having 4-6 players in voice chat every few days playing the game, then non at all in years ;´) XOXOXO
Why do 2DQT's always cope? They literally started the shitflinging in this thread before anyone else did
i hope you know that trade-in is a scam and you fell for it?
Ask your fellow discord clan members "Vita with a Bulge".
You always were disliked by everyone around here but you aren´t the brightest to begin with. Nobody cares about your schizophrenia rants on the server. If our clan leader would actually had asked around if you should be allowed back in the clan, it had been a simple no from the others. You are simply not welcome and you should know that.
Wym we "cope"? More active players since the split, every single day a div up, clan battles (beside the last 3 seasons that had been called off cause of non stop t10/11), actual proper wows discussions with players that know how the game works AND play the game. How the fuck is that cope? Did I miss something?
>worse exp then 1st and 2nd place in losing team

don't you feel ashamed even posting that? man you should had edited the picture and removed the exp...this is just embarrassing...
played worse then a GK, i am speechless
I'd be embarrassed if my div mates played that shit in a loss luckily i only play solo
Cause nobody wants to play with you? I wonder what the reasons might be!
>owo getting shitted on by both his own clan and the others around here
>it´s just 1:1 like with vita back then

>thread's usually dead due to all the posts being retarded questions by newfags which you can just research by yourself
>one screenshot of hotel and 2dqt surfaces
>thread begins to accelerate
we need the ip counter back
Thread should had never been made but you know the newfags don´t understand how to gather game info these days sadly.
>newfags don´t understand how to gather game info
it is continually mindblowing to me how utterly fucking helpless zoomers are at basically everything.
Incapable of search and parse
no reading comp
no critical thinking skills of note
no agency

If not handheld and led around they just sit right where they are and eventually start crying like an abandoned toddler.
Does not fucking compute, like Im a lazy fuckup of a 35 year old mid-millenial and these people act like Im some sort of wizard because I can use a search engine to find answers to questions.
Weren't these fags supposed to have been raised on electronics?
Yeah, you are statpadding cucks.
>statpadding bad!
>winning is cringe!
You play for fun and lose all the time? Kek.
Heh...? Care to explain what is bad about that?
>guy spams more then 40 games in a day
Is he a bot? Like not even when I do my snowflakes I spam that many coop games. The fucking WR and PR is also just dropping HARD...
>jurua in the battlepass
>check port
>already own it
>0 games in it
Looks like another pass I can skip
Everyone in this screenshot is a shitter
Should I get Karl or Brandenberg as a trade in for Yoshino? I regret getting Yoshino
Whatever you say solo shitters :´)
>divcuck opinions
Also how do you even end up bottom 4 in a supership while playing in a div?
>dead clan opinions
>below 57% wr opinions
>solo opinions
How do get 6th place on winning team with a Alex?
I did say that everyone there is a shitter but I completely skipped the bottom 4 supership in a div, it takes a special kind of shitter to achieve that
Whatever you say, keep protecting him :´). 6th place for a reason I guess.
Where's "any amount of doubloons" option?
Stop spending and uninstall, retard
>"guys only winning matters, not that you play like shit and get carried by others"

Pathetic state of this thread.
It seems they acknowledge that Asia server has much higher CV population.
Who asked?
Should I get Karl 14 Johan if I already have Schlieffen?
You should uninstall
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>We're also excited to bring back Popeye and Bluto, Megadeth, Heroes of Might and Magic III, and Three Kingdoms, as well as to introduce something cosmic and out of this world: Star Trek!
Man they are really trying everything at this point
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I only play real ships that had been built.
Who asked?

Don´t ask dumb questions. What should I have for dinner? Why is the earth round? Why are you so fucking stupid and can´t ask anyone who plays the game that isn´t from here?
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>please come to my discord :(((
You want to point out to me where I even implied that? Oh right, you larp on your dead fucking discord server while you play some fucking gacha game and wish that someone would even talk about WoWS. Not like you can ask on reddit and get proper replies instead :´)
I don't use either unlike you sunk cost cuckolds
It´s always the ones that talk about sunk costs that spend the most on other f2p games, ironic isn´t it?
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Is she any good? I don't really play CV but a free ship is a free ship.
She's extremely shit now, you better off using her in the trade in event unironically for the maximum benefits.
Bloodminister literally said (during the Paris event) that none of the current WG dev understand how Lesta's spaghetti code work. This is why they can't add new new map and feature.
The new CV rework seem to be a mess (there will be an open test in a few day)
Just fucking cooperate with Lesta behind the scenes. Nobody cares about fucking ukraine.
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game of clench.
I was 1/3 hp for everything after my first fight with Emerald.
fucked up mspaint time to kms
Ruined by speaking English. The PA one has a weird voice as well and not in a good way.
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wtf is this garbage
coomer bait for the asian and south american markets. I love me some drawn titties but its just so tasteless and like >>1334702 says ruined by generic english voice over.
The Italian girl from christmas is way better I put her in my spaghetti BBs
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Ironclad special mode when?
>can' see this guy the same way since I saw him wearing a maid cosplay during the Paris event last Saturday
>most senior WG dev on the west side
Kidd is so much fun, I think I'm in lover with DD now. Any other DD is a must have?
Fletcher at US t9 can be made damned near invisible. I dont know what kidds detection range is but I had my fletcher down to 5.8km which is less than half its torp range.
I can buy Maine, Annapolis, JHump or Hannover
I already have Edgar
what do?
stay mad and get burst fired for 80% of your hp again lmao.
>stockholm syndrome
never did the Yamato line.
Kinda put off from it cus something about Yamato seems to make people retarded. Like I see then doing the dumbest shit all the time. ALso just seems like they've been power crept into irrelevance.
DE, GtG, AR, CE, FPE, ERE, Secondary range
No IFHE. American secondaries are for fires only. pen is too low to be useful even with IFHE.
Anyone else get random lag on EU?
Say, If I'm only interest in real ships that have been built. Will I have enough selection of ships with just real ships? From what I see most of the high tier ships are straight up fantasy.
I just see a guy with 59% WR with 1000+ game in a tier 6 CV. The nerf can't come soon enough.
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You are pretty much limited into low-mid tiers outside of the few ships like Yammy and so
Naval combat enjoyer here looking at both of these - why's WoWS the one over WT?
Have they removed submarines from random battles yet or are they still confused about why the game is dying?
The white splash they make after pinging is much more accurate now
>still filtered by subs even after all the nerfs
Imagine being this shit at the game
>still playing defense force for WG
2dqgt never changes huh
There's an up-to-date version of that.
Hotel nigger coping in 2024 cause can’t farm proper wr and pr in low tiers with bbs while subs dive around, classic :‘)
>xhe still thinks I'm from some imaginary enemy clan xdd
Fuck, I accidentally dismiss my vtuber captain!
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Yeah why? It looks strong.
Contact player support
European destroyers are soulless
>people noticed that the 3rd D-day ops print credit/exp
>Weegee nerf it in less than 24 hours
>there is a lot of people using bot script to suicide
>WG ignore it.
>terrible handling (as bad as Harugumo)
>Mogador hull but not as fast as Mogador
>awful turret angles (as bad as GK) this mean that you have to be full broadside to use 100% of your firepower
>selfish radar (10 second radar but your teammate can use it for 4 seconds)
>no ap (annoying again broadside cruiser and DD with plating)
>no heal or french saturation
People still need to chase credits?

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