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First of (sadly) many edition

Welcome to Deadlock General - Deadlock is an upcoming 3rd person MOBA/Shooter from Valve. It is currently in preAlpha but invites are available.

>How do I get an invite?
Reply to the anchor post with your email and you probably will not receive one, but worth a shot.

>I want to invite people!
Try to keep it to 3~4 invites a week as to not get flagged as a mass inviter. Otherwise, check the anchor post for beggars
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Beg for invites here
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Please anons... someone release me from my hell...
Is there any news on Open beta?
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Current guesses are announced in september, playtest going on early 2025
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please i want to play my wife
Interesting. Thanks friend.
Look forward to me being bad in your games soon
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Tastan in historic bread
Can someone educate me on this bat gargoyle woman?
Her name is Ivy, she's a little imp with an SMG who heals and stuns
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Wow, she looks hideous in game. At least the fan art is cute.
TY though.
So... anyone here is in? how is the game feeling?
Most of the dudes who are in are in /v/, which honestly I should probably cross post this thread there

Will make some drawings to beg later.
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She looks good imo
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She's literal best girl, as decided by overwhelming majority
unfettered uglycvte goblina kino

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Honest question, hear me out
Should we boycott this game?
This looks waaaay less interesting than TF2, and it is probably going to attempt to replace TF2.
Would supporting this game hurt TF2?
>igCG has no tits
>Fat art has giant honkers
many such cases
no but it still looks like shit and it'll do well if it supports a mid-high level of coomers
Would an anon be kind enough to extract ivy's model and share it?
please gros

Basic choice, but it could not be helped
so they learned nothing from overwatch
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So they'll announce it on the new international I guess?
I've been trying since early when people were giving away keys 24/7. I've been very unlucky deadlockkeyporfavo@moongit.com
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>realize I just suck in general due to my meager experience with moba
>feel like I'm just constantly getting bodied every which way
Holy fuck, I think I'm just filtered in general here. Even with a solid fucking build I feel like I'm barely doing fuck and all to the enemy. I've had more kills at best on melee dynamo running the anons gym teacher build but god damn.
Nice first edition general thread you got here, I'm gonna post in it!
Thx saars i sign you up for many spam
literally who? Some spiderman villain?
Steam friend code: 90570078
So i've played this game i a bit ...
it's nice, there's some fun to be had, moba x ow is a good idea, but it clearly doesn't have the SOVL of older valve games, and it's clearly not has refined.

even CS2 has more soul
gimme plox
astroturfed goyslop
I heard you can see Ivy's ass when she's on the rail thing. I need to ogle and cum and maybe do naughty things to her model.

please and thank you
1 inv please frens
Let's play hide n seek!
I hide
And ppl simping over Ivy itt seek Jesus.
dead12@mail.spinning atoms.com

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