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>sick of battle royale
>sick of moba
>sick of tactical shooters
>sick of hero shooters
>sick of open world survival
>sick of mmos

W-what do I play now?
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Read a book, go outside into nature, start a new hobby, meditate.
If it must be games, go classic, see what things you've missed from the old days, try genres you never thought to touch.
The junk food won't do anymore, so it's time to grow, find something new.
Nothing. You’re an addict and you need a break.
unironically play warframe, you can switch game modes whenever you like, you can also play as an mmo or solo.
fighting games
Indie games... but of course you are only open to play what has a commercial, huh.
Sandbox games have always been my go-to. I enjoy being creative and solving challenges in vehicle building games (like Kerbal Space Program, Besiege, or Stormworks). I like not having objectives and just building whatever comes to mind that day
shit nigga
Name some. you won't.
go to >>>/vm/catalog
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Strategy Games (outside of assfaggots). Many, many multiplayer options here and that's up to you to do some digging. May or may not hurt to have a look over at /vst/.
Arena Shooters. Rather dead. I'm unironically going to say your best bet is load up TF2 and see fi you still hate it.
Puzzles, TCGs, and Board Games. Ranges from gacha-tier things like Hearthstone to the free jigsaw puzzles hosted here on /vm/. For a more reasonable in-between check the board game and doko threads here.
And uh, possibly PvE FPS if that doesn't fall under "tactical".
Welcome to autistic games.
Also, having a break is fine. do something else - learn a skill, make your own game, enjoy outdoors... endless amount of things to do in the world.
UT2k4 with bots
dumbass take from someone whos played only like 500 games in their entire lives and somehow thinks theyve dived deep into the gaming world by throwing around the indie game buzzword
Fuck a ho instead.
What types of games do you like playing?
Come back to the fatherland /vst/, commander. It's fertile valleys and verdant forests call for you.

isometric is just too impersonal for me to engage in

but I want to change. I hate FPS/TPS nowadays because it requires too much energy. I don't want to exert the equivalent of a addled zoomer on 3 monster cans just to play a game.
try War Thunder planes
Gmod with the zombie or cinema maps? Something to fuck around in without being competitive.
NTA, but
Slay the spire (esp w/ mods)
Mark of the Ninja
Steamworld heist (just in time for the second game coming out soon)
Bug fables
Vernal edge
If you hate it, then learn to love something else.
I mentioned huntdown in another post, that would be a good start to branch out into other things from. It's a 2d shooter, think metal slug, but cyberpunk (genuine cyberpunk, with dark color n shiit) and less "you are a 1 man army" and more "you are punisher".
You could try third person action games, like Dark Souls. Or maybe a "slower" FPS game, like Deep Rock Galactic.
Take a couple months off of life and play through Kiseki.
these aren't multiplayer tho
He said he was sick of open-world survival, so I thought everything was on the table.
Dark Souls games have a relatively deep multiplayer scene.
he probably meant stuff like Minecraft, ARK, Rust or Forest
play the greatest server ever created
real life
Fighting games are genre for nigger. Everyone likes to hyperfocus on Asians not realizing that they only play it because it's kind of like a nostalgic tradition to them. But open your eyes and every EVO is full of niggers and all other low iq races. Like how the fucking Tekken is suddenly full of Pakistans, a country with average iq of 80 which is borderline mentally handicapped score. You just press buttons and force mixups and you basically have to be fucking stupid to not to understand that.

have sex
Yea sorry for exposing your shitty genre. Nobody can react to these 5 or 9 frame moves. They're just making educated guesses. I'm now walking towards you. I will throw you or hit you. You just have make an "educated guess". And we will throw in a bunch of cool words like throw loop, oki, mental stack and oh wow this coinflip suddenly sounds very deep.
nobody is denying realtime games are more about mindgames, you're a little retarded if you think so
something you need to do, fgctroon lmaoooo
time to into vr bro
Name three good pvp VR games.
Play the Dead Space remaster on PC
vrchat :)
king-sama, i kneel
share your wisdom (or steam account)
go back to an oldschool vanilla minecraft playthrough
I don't think anyone would deny that, half of fighting games is just predicting what the other person will do and responding to that prediction
Make friends so every online game becomes fun
>make friends

how do you do this impossible task in 2024
Stop sperging and talk to people. Especially easy in games since you automatically share an interest
randoms are either worse players than me or don't want to talk lol
singleplayer movie games with quicktime events
You probably don't play anything now. I think the next game worth getting excited about is that MMO the former devs of Blizzard are making, but if that ever comes out, it probably won't be out for years. You should see your current state of mind as a blessing though. You're basically on the cusp of being done with games and embracing the real world.
Enjoy your freedom
Anon trying not to be insufferable
challange level: Impossible
>Fighting games are genre for nigger.
If you analyze why blacks play fighting games you will realize Arcades are the reason.
After home consoles became affordable and powerful enough to have decent ports of arcade games white people stopped going to the arcades, white people had the chance of playing videogames at home and the minorities were the ones left in the arcade when the big fighting games started to come out and populate the arcades, that's how fighting games became popular among black people, because poor niggers had no money for consoles and games so they had to go to the arcades to play with their friends.
You know why there are many Mexican pros in the KOF scene? is KOF a beaner game? There was KOF arcade machine at every single corner in the low income neiborhoods all across Mexico, same with Brazil.
>Like how the fucking Tekken is suddenly full of Pakistans
Tekken was the KoF of Pakistan, now the kids that grew up playing Tekken all day at the arcade grew up and finally have access to a console.
I know you don't want to be associated with niggers but use your brain and analyze before you start talking shit.
>Everyone likes to hyperfocus on Asians not realizing that they only play it because it's kind of like a nostalgic tradition to them.
Same with blacks, same with everyone who used to play fighting games until recent times, it was just a nostalgic tradition and a cultural thing, fighting games used to sell a lot but they struggled to have big playerbases, fighting games had to change a lot in order to attract new players (look what happened to Guilty Gear). Now, like every single genre or hobby it is going mainstream and becoming shit because of it.
Play historical shooters. War of Rights and Holdfast: Nations at War are a good start.
mad cuz bad
Pretty much. I did this and it helped me transition into other mp games smoother after cs2 flopped. Warframe is actually pretty solid and insane how much game there is for f2p. The only shit part is that you realize the monetized part (storage) once the game really starts picking up in which you can drop $20 or move on to another game.
What active mp /vst/ games are there?
Pavlov VR is s-tier, but I don't know any other decent pvp vr games.


Deep Cock and DS are both mutliplayer idiot, Deep Rock is interesting but imo 100h max and you get bored

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