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THis fucking piece of shit
Also, Pax Dei general
You jelly of Asmonbald?
is it good? new world just died
looks pretty hot shit, typical "eh I'll fomo to fuck around with the boys for a couple weeks"
Looks incredibly generic survival crafting slop.
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I can't fucking believe the shit that amazon has done with that game. I loved new world, some of the best fun I've had in a long time when it released. Now it's... well whatever the fuck they are trying to do with it. I don't think even they know what it's supposed to be at this point.
I never play new world, what did they do?
lots but it boils down to one, completely changing the game from an mmo to an action rpg and renaming it so the product is not at all what people payed for, and two, failing to fix, maintain or update the game since launch. They just did a piss poor job all around. The thing that really has people in a tizzy at the moment is the total rug pull thing where they renamed the game, are "re-launching it" and switching it's fucking genera.
>Turn sandbox MMO into generic WOW clone
>Turn generic WOW clone into generic ARPG
Good thing I knew they were fucking retarded when they abandoned the original game to cater to dungeon speedrun brainrot.
yeah, it basically died then. I played for the first year, came back for the free expansion and new desert zone, and then never went back. I had my fun but the developers have fucking pine cones for brains and don't even understand their own game.
>First year
Game was dead when they reworked it last minute to cater to wowfags and their instanced dungeons and battlegrounds brainrot, before it even released, because all the influencers they sent beta keys were whiny that the game didn't have dungeons and quests
no you retard, they reworked it because it wasn't fun for most testers. They were never going to cater to some minority of the market.
I read that they barely changed anything and it's just a cynical rebrand to try and appeal to console players. It's very hard to get a straight answer about this game.
So they ended up catering to no one because vocal WOWfags only play WOW and catering to them when WOW hasn't been good in 15 years is retarded
uh huh. Right catering to wow fags who won't play it is why it had almost 1 million concurrents on launch. Yeah that makes sense.
And then dropped off a fucking cliff because designing an MMO for speedrunners is retarded

it died because it lacked content. The content that was there was pretty good. NW had one of the best 1 - 30 levelling experiences of any mmo. Amazon shit the bed by basically leaving the game to hang.
>It died because of a lack of content
Go figure, remove the sandbox last minute and make it a themepark and people get bored when you only have a bouncy castle and milk bottle game
it had a lot of content actually. The problem was that wowdrones didn't like it, these people are too brain damaged for playing wow and listening to streamers for 15 years. They thought that getting to level 60 and doing the last 2 dungeons was all it had, but the game came with plenty of trade skills to grind and those took a lot of time, and you had to walk the entire map to level them since teleport was extremely limited. The game forced people to interact and with each other the same way those very first old mmos did, it was fun and I made plenty of friends that way. Too bad the game got worse with every update because of this >>1329847
don't reply to me if you're saying that farming and grinding isn't content, because that is exactly what a person damaged by blizzard would say. The farm and grind in this game was the best we had in many years
so about Pax Dei.....
garbage game for autists. the devs ran out of money so theyre pushing early access. sad. many such cases.

with a little less nihilism and some changes like adding some kind of economy that make sense for a mmo the game would have potential to be good eventually
there's nothing to talk about, even with the asmonbald shill the game will be doa
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Truth bomb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcBuK6RVCF8

This "game" is basically just a tech demo. It's not even in an alpha or an "early access" state at all, let alone a state that should be monetized.

The building mechanics are... okay at best. Compared to other games? Awful.

PvE is impossible. A naked armorless mob with a stick will kill you in full chain mail and iron weapons with food buffs active.

This is NOT a solo friendly MMO at all. You can't technically "Solo" anything!

The refine times are INSANELY LONG. Even if you make a crap-ton o refining stations to cut down the time, you can only keep so many going as you're forced to gather more resources.

This is doubled by the fact that you can fail crafts, which DESTROY resources, which is REQUIRED to level your crafting to craft better stuff. I shouldn't have to craft HUNDREDS of boots to have a 5% chance to craft a glove item, only to have to craft HUNDREDS of gloves to craft a boot with +1 defense that translates to 0.3 damage reduction, which DOESN'T MATTER ANYWAY because mobs hit for 60 damage and you aren't really getting over 200 hp with food buffs.

The fact that the game has imbalance issues like FOOD that TAKES 20 MINUTES TO CRAFT AND HOURS TO "tech up" to, are WEAKER and WORSE than a handful of berries you can find on the ground...

Buildings don't serve a purpose, at all. They're for aesthetics only, as bases aren't raidable. Is this a "cozy" game? Animal Crossing kidddos aren't gonna pay a huge up front cost and a monthly sub to maintain their castles.

No proximity voice chat. It's 2024, umm... hello? Even text chat is hella inactive cause everyone uses discord or already has a group of friends they play with. This is more a generational problem but the game has no incentive to socialize anyway.

The payment model is far too expensive for anyone that doesn't live in a 1st world country working a middle upper class job. Sorry but that's the truth.

The fact this company either had "baby sized creators" shill the game or mega-titan "the usual corporate grunts" really speaks out about the state of their game. If they really were proud of what they made and knew it'd sell, they'd have actual MMORPG youtubers such as myself or of similar size cover the game. You know, ACTUAL non corportatized youtubers?

The game has memory leaks and is unoptimized. It's an Unreal game after all.
"b-b-but they'll fix it!" Nah, they probably won't. Has anyone ever? Tell me a game that got optimized in the future. I'll wait. I can't think of any.

The combat is akin to INDIE SLOP that someone made over a weekend for a "game jam" or some other amateur project. Sure the combat "isn't final" but why are they charging us $100 for something that's basically a placeholder? LOL much?

What're you supposed to do in this game when you have plenty of gear sets, a clan of die-hard pvp bros, and a mega-castle everyone can see? What... keep paying the monthly fee so you don't lose it? Nah. That's extortion. Very predatory.
>NW had one of the best 1 - 30 levelling experiences of any mmo
Absolutely delusional
say 5 games that top new world
how does the combat hold up/compare to titles like: chiv2, mordhau, bannerlord etc?

combat looked clunky when i took a look for like a minute
Hey Jammno. Why did you change your username to SwoleBenji?
1) The previous names were being SEO index'd as street names in India.
2) I was a wagie who was getting lots of heat by dipshits phoning up the bossman complaining about how I griefed their autistic retard kids in Minecraft, and 2016 is when the cancel culture bullshit started and being an avid Trump supporter and vidya game griefer, lefty-loo co-workers and underlings (Mostly zoomers) kept complaining and trying to cancel me IRL. Seeing as how I thought I could climb the corpo ladder and get an office job and shit I didn't want to get fired so I nuked the previous channels (and names) and made the Swole shit in secret. I was also getting swatted by Keemstars goons for being a supporter of Britbong (Who is still based, btw.) so it was easier to just not have to deal with all that shit.
3) I made the new account purely to acquire gear in WoW Classic so even if the other shit wasn't happening it was just ideal to start a new persona to get gear.
4) If I had found alternate revenue streams where I could sustain the old names I'd have kept them going regardless of the cancel culture dweebs but also I was in the middle of becoming redpilled and the previous names had some blue pill past shit (which sucks oh well live and learn) so it was better to just start fresh and say fuck it.
5) I wanted a more annoying and hateful name to troll people with.
6) I was getting recognized every single time I went to anime or gaming conventions and was getting sick of it so I just wanted to be anon for a while. I still get recognized but not nearly as much anymore.
7) As a faceless I can simply deny it and play dumb so I can get away with more trolling.
>I don't think even they know what it's supposed to be at this point.
They never knew. It went through two complete overhauls prior to launch. Originally it was a multiplayer survival game.
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So Gloria Victis but more scammy?
>This is NOT a solo friendly MMO at all. You can't technically "Solo" anything!

How is this a bad thing? It's an MMO. It's supposed to be multiplayer.
i wanted to like GV but it just was too boring and the combat felt so soulless
people are saying this is grindy but how does this compare to wurm online
More along the lines of Life is Feudal. Gloria Victis was more about combat between factions, this is life sim.
30 hrs got me to wrought iron gear solo. idk shit about wurm but pax doesnt seem that bad. the combat is shit but the game has sovl. i like it
>jealous of rotten teeth and dead mother
money can't buy natural god given teeth nor a new mother, so no.
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Wait, nu-Ragnaros has legs?

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