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>What is Vintage Story?
Block autism where every update is a dejank update.

>Question of the thread!
What is your favorite kind of base/town to make in a survival game?
I like river villages and walled cities beneath great mountains.

>What’s New?
Some people got back to og, bounces between alive and dead. An anon made a temporary/new island survival server where all the land is on one giant island. Great time for newfags to dip their toes in some VS gameplay. The /vint/ or /mlp/ lad Xeth made a mlp sex mod. Funny but cringe.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

>Server List

>New island sbr
Stuck on a lone tropical island in the middle of an endless ocean. nomap, nocoords.
Great for hardcore people who want to jump back into the game or newfags looking to try it out. Currently the most lively of the 3.

>Mazor’s Sbr
Was the main server for a few months but even head janny dropped off. Still worth a visit. Basically the main vm server for modded but it is pretty dead from burnout. It has some really cool port cities.

The original server and longest running server in the entire game. Not that popular but got some new players. Still slow. Much less modded and no oceans but it has some old worldgen and a lot of interesting old builds.

>Other servers of note
The MLP server has some vm fags. You can find it on the mlp board’s gaming thread. It is a little alive but has a discord for it.

Music for the music mod and stream will come in the second post

>Previous thread
>Music packs of .abc files for instruments mod

cytu DOT be SLASH r SLASH joyless
Named after the town in OG, Joyless, this is a public music streaming area for /vm/ vintage story players on any server or game. (Replace DOT with . SLASH with / and remove spaces).
Island server isn't really all that hardcore. The island is small enough that the lack of a map isn't that big of a deal.
Leashes when
Homesteading update 2 years ago when we were promised and teased rope and falcons
what the fuck is Tyron doing
Busy servicing Tyrone.
am i dead
this games code is niggerhell. tyrone refuses to use any kind of formatter like resharper so all of the code is unreadable. nothing has comments apart from "IDK what this does but it crashes if I remove it O_O". ~70% of it is obsolete or dysfunctional but he's scared a mod might break, which could've been updated in 5 minutes anyways. however the real reason he can't refactor anything is because his game is split into 6 different projects that he manages as separate mods. he also refuses to use nullable so there's a million redundant null checks because his logic is "I'll just wait for someone to report a crash then add a null check."

it genuinely must feel like a breakthrough to add anything when it takes 20x longer than it should.
Yeah, it's been a while since I saw that chicken(?) on a leash.
Book mod when
OOP rots the mind
>Book mod when
Tyron made it in the game.
OwO wats dis?!'11

iron bloomy? y is it so gloomy? UwU

UwU, ill hammer into ingot, iron bloomy gloomy not be gloomy anymore, be beautiful gray iron ingot
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Can someone try to get in OG? The chunks aren't loading for me.
SOOuthsisters, how long do I have to run south in a fresh default world from spawn to reach the southern biome?
A LONG fucking time on default settings. If you want to live in the south just set the starting climate to warm or hot so you spawn down there.
30k+ or something.
Why do I read this about every fucking game? Why are all the supposedly awesome and competent programmers shitposting on the internet instead of making good games?
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niggermaaaaaaaan we had another wiggering
I saw it well said in another thread. Competent programmers work real jobs and mod games. Mid tier programmers and retards make games.
I can in 12 hours :/
works on my machine
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totally not suspicious at all
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yeah they're setting fire to dronzo's shit
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they're polish niggers too lmao
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I had fun hunting wild polish niggers :(
I can't wait for Russia to conquer Poland again.
That looks nice
I managed to reset Dronzos place.
ded srb
VSMC is tyrone's trashy blockbench clone, retard.
Drifter are shit, their spawns are shit, combat is unfun shit. Why can't he just make some proper enemies? All mobs are too fucking simple, but look the racoon can sit on his behind!
because you aren't supposed to have fun, you're supposed to be immersed in a realisticish grimderp post-apocalyptic future :)
now enjoy not hitting a singular fucking thing while swinging your axe, combat clearly isn't supposed to be satisfying
Thank god for mods saving games from their own retarded developers.
no, fuck mod life support, games should be playable and enjoyable by default. no amount of band aids will make a wound better, and no amount of mods will improve a game.
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But I am having fun
(First playthrough)
Feels like I rediscovered Minecraft again
Drifters aren't a threat per say and avoiding wolves and bears is easier than what's advertised here
Cool my hut got featured
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I'm considering trying the game out. But one thing that's making me think twice is how grey/rainy everything looks. I want comfy vibrant colors in my vidya, something like picrel. Is there something like a texture pack for vintage story which adds this in?
Just go live in the south area.
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Man winter is so fucking kino in this game.

Depends a lot on your environment. Things are bright and vibrant in spring and summer.
Spring is vibrant
Most anons are posting either autum screenshots
Or rainy ones
turn off the default retarded sepia filter and it gets plenty vibrant
though honestly the game still could use a saturation slider, it needs like a 150% multiplier
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ruined palace or smth
First, most programmers are just dogshit. The massive increase in their numbers did not come with any increase in the top end, there's just a lot of shit programmers too now.
Second, like the other anon said you can make a lot more (like 2-3x) money working for a different 'boring' company. Gaming is a passion industry, so the glut of applicants allows them to offer shit pay and find someone who, at least to some HR person, looks fine and accepts it. Since hardware is one of those 'boring' industries, we've gotten to the point where you don't need to be great at optimizing to get things done in video games. So you get horribly unoptimized games with 30 fps standard on consoles, 300GB downloads, and so on. The hardware can just tank the hit nowadays, whereas in the past you needed to be at least somewhat clever to achieve meaningful performance and visuals.

An easy analogy is artists. If you're an excellent artist, you can get hired to do art for a big name company and make decent money, have a stable paycheck, and draw pretty normal stuff. If you're an okay artist, you can take commissions to draw weird furry futa inflation porn, have to advertise and deal with clients personally, and the money is inconsistent and typically too low to live off of in a first world country. Now, since artists have their ego tied to their art infallibly, a lot will badmouth other art and explain how to do it 'right' online. Occasionally a good artist will do a piece for fun and post it because they got bored of doing concept art for hotels or whatever and this makes it seem like the other artists are also that good, but really most of them are just mediocre. Same thing happens with programmers, except it's harder to call them out since most people can't say 'post code' and then immediately judge it with decent accuracy.
>can't say 'post code' and then immediately judge it with decent accuracy.
and that's the problem, there is no such thing as "bad code" in just a single snippet. you can laugh at yanderedev code screenshots because you know how fucking retarded even his boilerplate code actually is, but that's entirely dependent on knowledge. in art, there's at least a baseline of "this looks like fucking shit". in code, there is no baseline. bad performance and bad code are incredibly hard to grasp, especially if you want to know the reason why, and only through indirect means can you actually investigate them. that's why you can get by being a dogshit developers in video games, because you're the one with exclusive access to all the tools even if you refuse to use them.
and there's also the fact that "bad code" is ambiguous. massive fields of branching ifs instead of neat and tidy functions and swithces look bad, and they're bad coding practice that may lead to worse code down the line, but in performance they are roughly equivalent to bad practice. bad code doesn't look like bad code, shit looking code is only circumstantially indicative of bad code because the coder doesn't adhere to practice and therefore is more likely to write unperformant slop. actual bad code that causes performance issues, vulnerabilities, bugs and errors is impossible to spot from first sight outside very specific circumstances. it has to be avoided through ritual and removed through investigation, but never can you juse *see it*. in a painting, you can see the massive fucking gash from someone knifing it. in code, you can't see shit, but it won't compile.
I still love it. Vintage Story is one of those alt girls from the trailer park who tries to act middle class before letting her crazy side out. People warn you about her but god damn is the ride good (sex).
Despite being a whore she still got that virgin grip.
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In the past you had links to cracked clients and shit. What happened
give me free gibs send me the Crack I'm not paying 21 dollars

The first link requires a password to extract, what is it?
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new serb with update?
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>lose everything because of the incessant urge to afk crackskills and forgot was holding an oil lamp... Time to afk a week straight to make up for the sunken cost :)
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no u
What can I do to make water generation in a world extremely rare? I already have the settings on 100% landform, hyperarid and hot, but I'm still getting large bodies of water.
I would be disappointed if I killed this and didn't find at least 5-10 fat on its body
are there mods to make the game slightly less autistic?
In what way? It's all about the autism really, otherwise why not play minecraft?
edit the terrain definitions lol
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Paddling around at night has granted me a vision of my future home.
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where's you custom chiseled window, sister?
Can they hold water?
Some can. It needs no gaps and should be a half block thick with the side touching the water being flush with it.
Sorry sweetie but I follow Chef. The one true light.
You drove away the heretic!
Vintage story chef cultists :1
Catholic Cucks : 0
(I'm eastern orthodox)
Am I retarded or something, is this mod not on the normal mod page? The only skill mod I've heard of is xskills.
Well you gonna share what it looks like in the day?
it's a meme term on vm vintage story. Like drigger, tism' mill, and the likes.
Sorry didn't take any pictures before I paddled off, no merchant on the islands there so I need to scout the area and gather some things before settling down.
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point and laugh
Ah, got it.
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ebin numberdigits!
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So uh...
I started a new world
Ditching my 44 hour progress
Cause I could have done better
I'm resisting the urge to do that right now cause I'm 130 hours in the one I'm working on and should hopefully get my first fruit tree harvest this year.
Why not just travel somewhere far away from your current location instead of starting a new world? At least you can skip the boring beginning
join island server instead
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yes of course Tyron dear, that's exactly what a fruit tree looks like! good job! I'm proud of you!
Looks like a espalier apple tree
I don't like investing in serbs I don't have control over. Too many variables. I've considered doing a run on a similar type landmass though.
Only sbr I play on is og because it's single player with ruins and my builds have been around for 5 years on it. No oceans though.
This is a good point unless you're restarting because you intend on changing world gen drastically.
this. the default world size is INCREDIBLY RETARDEDLY HUGE and you can never explore all of it as a single individual, or even a server of a hundred players. it's 1milx1mil for fuck's sake.
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you're not me
my internet is shit and not suitable for serverplay
sounds too much of a chore
plus I like being a grug
>sounds too much of a chore
walking around is a chore? How is that any different from looking for tin in the early game
>you're not me
But what if I was you
then You'd be straight
I'm actually both of you. Neither of you are each other.
desu vinbage doesn't really use that much bandwidth after the initial load, if you can download like ~1-10 MB at the start you'll be good
even with dogshit ping you can avoid most combat, and it's clientside predictive so you can annihilate driggers anyway
we already had at least two newb grugs on Island serb who eschewed civilization to be grugs
the server also has the (dis)advantage of almost always having time move forward due to afking faggots, so you don't have to wait long for your crops/fires/whatever to finish, or for seasons to change
Impressive hut
Tell ya what
How large is this map?
I always bump the world size up to max desu
where's the hut bro
the starting island you can easily run across in less than an in-game day, which is 48 minutes, so it isn't bad
dunno how big the map is but the poles are close enough that half the trannies we activated went into polar regions, both south and north, so map fits within 2*~9k tiles north south
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can't wait for the next butterfly update bwos
Holy crap that is ugly.
My first time looking at those monstrosities...
To be fair, tyron started out his vidya shit with the minecraft butterfly mania mod.
He did a better job making a game than the rival rebels or hypixel niggas.
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welp my ISP is fucking me again and tyron spaghednetcode can't stand a single packet being lost so... Anyway I combined the shitshacktowns firebricc supply with dronzos and made some batches of iron for waterwheels. godspeed.
They're looking a little stretched. Also catching and releasing live butterflies for my own lepidopterarium WHEN
Damn that area looks nice.
Sorry but anything souf is non-white tier
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new morning
Red at night, sailor’s delight
Red in the morning, sailor’s head warning
Is this where you buy the game? I saw your posts and a couple vid on the net and it seems very interesting. I saw in this site the game is 18€, while on Humble Bundle is 21€, is there any difference? Will I be still able to play the game in multi with the 18€ version?
yes, I'm playing the 18€ version online right now
the 3€ is just the jew tax
Lies of P is such a terrible name for a video game.
Humble Bundle tax?
true, but it's the closest anybody's come to matching fromsoft at their formula, so i'll allow it.

this is a vintage story thread tho why are we talking about korean soulslikes?
Anyone in the mood for a tiny cooperative server, with survival mods and very hard wilderness type difficulty
Theres something entertaining about this screenshot having yuuka in the corner
Every time I try to take a screenshot of the game, it always have a huge "delay" in the output, is this normal?
Capacity capped at 10 players, VPS hosted, biomes and wildlife mods, culinary artillery and bees, 20 degrees temperature hardiness so winter is truly difficult, faster hunger
>culinary artillery
Is that the same thing as expanded foods?
>wildlife mods
It usually goes crazy with the spawnrate, do you have a config already set up for this kind of mod?
10 player sounds like you are poor
New player here. I was wondering if there was a more realistic way of storing wood than simply put it in reed chest. I love how you can stack firewood, but sadly there isn't anything similar for the logs.
you put it in a chest, that's it
You could try coping by making a stack of logs, then hiding a barrel in the middle of it, by using a chisel on one of the log blocks.
There is a mod for stacking planks but it takes a ton of space still
Plank stacking is base game.
Yeah the plan is not a gen pop server
I see, thanks.
But that is a good idea. I've yet to make a chisel, I'm in summer and I'm trying to find grains and veggies to plant but had no luck till now.
I've yet to get to saws sadly.
Because most games have genuinely dogshit code under the hood.
you cant code a fucking game without abstractions being made at the language (and runtime implementation) level, we are long past the days of making games in assembly to make use as much of the hardware as possible.
hell it is hard and a waste of time to make a functional game engine in C or C++ from scratch since other, better developed engines exist, also the amount of retards in certain generals talking about making their own
(toy) game engines and never going anywhere with a useful project should teach you much.

Also most games that have a considerably low scope than "Uncompromising Survival :^)" are just scriptshit under the hood,
add that to the decades of OOP and each layer of indirection from hardware since the 90´s,
AAA games are a whole ´nother can of worms

Atleast tyrone has made a decent game despite how far from its theoretical performance it is and the quality of its code,
compared to other groups of people that cant even get a single functional prototype up without giving up.
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Finally got tot he copper age bros. I'm gonna demolish a mountain now, wish me luck bros.
Hey Dove, claiming is disabled in OG, is that an intended change?
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Nothing better than fire to clear new land.
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>ancient tragedy
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>a drifter spawned in my basement
What the fuck why?

Chaptcha: NH4RD
how bout you light your basement you absolute caveman.
wax poorfag
The game resembles minecraft on the things you'd less expect.
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>can't find enough copper
>have to pan until I get enough copper to make a copper axe and pickaxe
>finally get out of stone age and start digging for copper
>get "enough" copper to last until bronze age
>fix house walls and make basement
>pickaxe dies
>welp, let's remake it
>while I'm at it, let's make other utilities I'll need
>oh, and an anvil
>find out anvil needs 900 units of copper
>mfw I'm short of 400 units
>mfw my pickaxe broke
>mfw I had to pan gravel again for hours
why the fuck are you making an axe as one of your first tools? You only need a hammer and a pickaxe, then you go back to every spot where you found copper nuggets on the ground and dig down, there is a guaranteed small copper deposit under each spot
panning for copper is the most retarded waste of time you could possibly be doing at the start of the game
Unga bunga shiny stone cut wood fast!
this is why neanderthals went extinct
Lmao just go explore dude, panning for copper is insane and a waste of time.
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Peaceful. I just wish fire would spread more.
you people *cast* axes?
what the fuck are y'all smoking, even making the mold for it is a waste of time just speedrun iron and skip the headaches
why even playing then?
to distract yourself from your own HRT, that's what all speedrunners do
Is there any easy way to see what the fuck I'm doing when I'm trying to chisel glass?
Is there like a grid or anything I can turn on?
to have fun building and creating what i want instead of hitting rocks together while a bear gnaws on my unarmored femur, chud
bend over, the bear might make you post-op
have sex, oh wait, you can't
cause chicks pick the bear over you
oh that's sad, so sorry for you pissbaby
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talk about rope withdrawal
He is kinda right. Speedrun iron so you can spend more time building. I do it on sbrs but not sp. I will say that from testing, when you get to bronze age, you need a pic, propic, helve hammer, anvil, and axe mold to be optimal.
The bronze axe cutting wood for charcoal saves a lot of time and even if you have xray, black coal is hardly worth the effort for distance/depth you need for it unless maybe temp stability is off.
Gunna add, lamellar molds are worth the investment if you have a city. You will usually have surplus bronze/copper and it is a lot easier to mass produce than iron brig. If you have a tism mill, iron brig is good but more charcoal intensive.
Thread oldfags. Since starting here, like back 5 years ago to now, has your life improved or gotten worse? Mine has improved and it feels that way for most oldfags.
>it is a waste of time just speedrun iron and skip the headaches
Nah fuck off, speedrunning iron ruins the illusion that this game has more CÖNTENT that it has
Remember to upgrade your P-Organs.
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>even if you have xray
like 90% of players run block overlay and there is no way to stop it. Shit sucks.
on one hand, prospecting is pretty fucking boring so I can understand that
but cheating in a game like this seems very odd, what are they hoping to achieve? Get iron ASAP so they can get to the end of the progression, get bored and quit?
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>be new to the game
>fight to the last blood against every fauna I can find to not starve
>always hungry.jpeg
>open casually in-game wikia about strange plant I've been burning casually all the game
>you can fucking make healing pultice with it
>mfw I was always hungry because I've been only relying on the auto-healing capacity of the body using the food I've found
>mfw I've been playing hard-modo because I'm a retard
>5 october
wat, maybe the game spawned me too far in the norf? Anyway, gotta take all the berries before cold fucks them up. I just hope it's cold enough to let them not go bad in my cellar as I couldn't find any honey to make juices.
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quest for lime continues
will pick up some sandstone on my way back
My life has gotten exponentially better since I stopped playing this game a year ago.
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Are you prospecting, son?
Nuke europe, world war now
that does not look like europe
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Close enough for me.
vinbage ſtory custom nations maps when? 1:1 Yugoslavia serbian when?
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>mfw dane
Also, are enemies able to spawn in the roof? Every time I can't sleep until the next morning I get attacked by a fuckton of drifters, even if I enclosed my house and my garden is (should be) light. The only expalanation can be they spawn on the roof, but 6 of them? Isn't it a bit too much?
anyone else annoyed plaster is a full block and not just a coating you can slap on other blocks.
ideally plaster more make a like 1-4 cubit thick layer that could be chiseled to produce something like pic related.
How many years until this game has enough features it can hit critical mass and i can play this with normie friends?
I've never been able to break out of the cycle of reaching copper and losing all motivation looking for a better base location after a couple of days of meandering and i think playing this shit co-op would be benefitial.
Or what do you do to find a better base place /vsg/?
One anon made a 1:75 or something map of africa two years ago
Why would you move your base?
I want it
it shouldn't be too hard to generate one, probably, maybe, depends on how smart tyron was
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>wander looking for copper
>find juicy pig
>try to kill the pig
>he run away
>pursue the pig
>jump on a wolf that almost kills me
>wolf flees
>start chasing the wolf
>he escape in a fucking pack of 3 wolves and they dogrape me to death
>go back
>died again
>by this point really angru
>go back and torch the forest while I circle around the pack
>start hearing wolves crying
>try to approach my body
>another wolves jumps on me
>flee through the flame
>the retard catch fires and die
>I can finally retrieve my stuff
God this game has such kino potential. The only issue now is that I'm surrounded by the fierest flames of hell, but at least I purged them with my holy retribution.
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So, uh how exactly am I supposed to play like this?
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It's morning and the fire is still burning. It is literally eating through the forest, and I'm like just here watching the tragedy unfold.
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It's so fast I can literally watch it from the minimap lmao it stopped east and south of where it started, but it's still going pretty strong westward. I wonder when it will stop.
>Everything I've ever worked on is now in a pit filled with 800 of the worst designed monsters in a video game.
Wow, that's so fun.
maybe.. not die in a pit mmmmkay?
Make a lamp nigger
Because it's on a shitty part of the map (stone, mineral deposits, some resources are far away or navegation it's too dificult) and because whenever i camp out it starts generating wolves and bears AFTER i layed out everything and due to how this game spawns wild life i can't just kill them all, i have to kill them all as they come back as if they were promethius day after day.
>No lime
>2 IRL days of looking around later
>Still no lime.
Why the fuck is half the game gatekept by finding a rock?
one time i had to go out for 6 thousand blocks to find some chalk, when i eventually returned to my base i decided to go spelunking for a old wooden bed in a nearby cave, and in it i found chalk, about only 80 blocks from my (in-progress) manor.

Like usually stone layers are really fucking big, like thousands of blocks big in both width and longitude, but this shitty chalk layer near my home was about 40 blocks in width, so fucking small that just going a little itty bit south or north would completely change that chalk with shale, or peridodite, or granite.Absolutely amazing.
Thank you Tyrone
This is why people use xray, beyond a certain point you're just burning your own free time for no gain or enjoyment.
Guessing I can't use this on servers or anything?
Skill issue.
What a retarded take, at that point just go creative mode and spawn lime.
What suggestions do you have for finding Lime? :3
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What do I do with it all?
Turn it all into plates
I don't have any real means to process that many blooms.
Make a large flax farm then make a tism' mill
Also spend 2 irl hours cutting trees and making charcoal.
No flax. :(
what kinda nigga has that much iron and no fucking flax
I just dug down.
I have never found a bee hive after 100s of hours of playing this game
I found plenty. Must be shit luck. Most I find like 1k from spawn.
it will burn right to the limit of your simulation bubble and no more. walking around will love the bubble. if you stay in one place eventually it will run out of material.
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>love the bubble
MOVE the bubble ffs
the only reliable way to find one is walk around innawoods without music. there are almost no visual clues, only a buzzing sound that is hard to hear.
they are common but usually too high to hear.
I have never had this problem.
are anons genuinely that retarded that they are utterly incapable of exploring
I've explored at least a days travel in every direction from my bases and usually further, 10s of 1000s of blocks of forests, never seen or heard of a bee hive.
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Yeah in the end it subsided. This is how much forest was burned btw, I didn't expect it to burn so much. Also, thanks to this fire I found a bit of surfacing copper.
Make a torch
Like grug
Any performance boosting mods like Optifine or Sodium that the other block game has? Bought VT yesterday but it runs rather poorly for me.
It works just fine on my machine
On high graphics
What are your specs?
Intel Core i5 7300HQ
GeForce 1050
Dell motherboard, 16 GB of RAM
>find copper
>it's just a very small surface vein
How big can a copper vein be? I need to pass to the bronze age, I found bismuth and almost zinc, but I still lack a good source of copper.
Here's mine
Ryzen 5-5600
Amd rx580
8gigs of ram
why u searching for surface copper idiot
dig dig deeper
Most surface veins are small but I've never needed more than what I just naturally find from surface copper
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I did find it, digging down.
Eh I finished mine pretty fast so I had to find more.
Man I can't wait to see how tyrone fucks this up
inb4 it crumbles in one hit when damaged or when it runs ashore
Ah, the old Minecraft boat. Fun times.
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Why is my window not working?
I'm losing body temperature whilst indoors.
not thick enough to count as a full block I think
That's dumb.
yes, it's another tyron moment
expect it to never get fixed and only for mods to eventually patch it
now you have to build a cozy fireplace
>massive glass window
Nigga those things bleed heat like a motherfucker IRL
But I'm not in real life...
Chiseled blocks don't insulate unless the total thickness is half a block at least as far as I can tell.
I think this mod will fix it at some cost, but otherwise it's working as intended in vanilla.
the closed volume algorithm for declaring "indoors" is honestly retarded and I wish tyron instead used raycasting like in valheim
I completely agree. But for some reason game devs have to do shit their own way even if there's a better way to do it.
>Chiselling a window costs at least two blocks compared to just placing one glass block
>Doesn't function as a room.
>Provides zero functional or mechanical advantage.
The nigga is just retarded.
>The nigga is just retarded.
Fuck me why can't I find some good zinc vein. I've been prospecting this area: outside of the area there is no zinc, while inside the area the distribution seems to be identical (it's all "decent"). It may be faster to just start digging shafts around the map than running prospecting every hill I see.
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Forgot pic.
uh oh VS sisters???
she found the horrid part of our game?
What? You don't enjoy like 80% of the game being gatekept behind randomly finding shit buried hundreds of tiles underground?
kek, just play creative.
been playing this shit game for years now, no uranium.
i vaguely rememeber finding uranium (and graphite) in a cave, but saw it has no uses and just left it there, never marked the place
I swear I don't get how temperatures work. Sometimes I can stay at -20°C without a worry in the world, even at nighttime. Other times it's -10°C, my body temperature drops, and I start shaking. This happens even if I'm dry and wearing the exact same clothes. I don't get it.
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Congratulations bro. Did you find any zinc already? I've found Bismuth too but I'm still looking for the other metalfucker.
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found another halite pillar on niggerpine island
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halite indicator as seen from the windmill, to the NNW
Nah still hunting it down
Might have to go to another continent
Where am I supposed to get gold and silver though?
>gold and silver
basically every quartz deposit has a miniscule amount of it, even without nearby readings, best to be extracted with bombs
but some have a lot more, and those you can find with density search mode
don't bother panning for it, you'd have to pan like 200 fucking people dirt to get enough for a gold lined lantern
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So guys, how is going? Winter almost finished here. I've been passing the time setting up stuff for the good season. I set up a little farming area to finally start growing the crops I found (too late), and I built a basic henhouse.
Windchill is the only thing I can think of, because I've noticed that as well.
this, it's windchill. waterlogging doesn't do fucking anything, and neither does low temperature by itself, but low temperature*wind will murder you
we already have thousands of salt in the grinder room.
But what if there was more salt.
have fun
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Bros how do you plan for a long trip of exploration? What kind of food do you bring? It's the start of my second year of game.
I don't have any flax.
What's the best armor out-and-about armor I can make with iron?
Plate seems too slow.
All you need is grains and mushrooms
For early game
I survived off of mushroom and rye porridge for about 5 days in VS
Mid game you can make pies /after your first winter
Also you can just forage shit while you're at it as long as it's not winter
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I wasn't able to find any grains until august because it seems I'm fucking blind. Then I found a lot of seeds but I couldn't really plant them anymore, and given snow started to fall around october it was a good decision. I'll try to start exploring southward with my first harvest. Also yeah, mushrooms are a godsend, I stored a lot so I've been eating well all winter. Sadly, I finished fruit around the end of january, so bye bye well-balanced meals.
Also, it seems I was very lucky this time around, turns out my copper mine was nearby (another) tin one. I wasted so much time looking for zinc, and then I find two tin mines.
>Go underground
>Literal conveyor belt of pointless trash mobs that throw rocks
>Zero drops
>Constantly respawning
>Literally 100 of these guys just randomly in a cave for no reason
muh difficulty
muh lore
muh hard core survival game
Take your pick
If it's a long trip you might as well bring a full crock. The good perk of being a winter explorer is that temperature is so cold you very likely will go through the entire pot before it rots. Just make sure to leave it outside the mineshaft/cave.
If it's just a day long trip though I'd probably just bring pie slices since they free up inventory slots as you eat them unlike food bowls.
I waited to plant my 30 or so flax till I got some compost for terra preta but evidently the rot takes 20 days to turn into compost?? fucking wot?? other than that I'm doing good collecting stone, wood, and clay tiles for a big windmill
Honestly: because this game tries hard to be "minecraft, but what if it was harder!!!". It's literally the same mechanic you find in minecraft: in caves and during night there are zombies. That's it. Whoever make this game still loved this aspect of minecraft and left it in there.
I can't make pie yet, but I tried bringing crocks and they went bad in a day. Maybe I had to leave them on the ground outside like you said, I have the habit of enclosing mines and lighting fires there to make a makeshaft camp of sort when I go digging.
I honestly wouldn't mind so much if they at least dropped something.
I know there's mods for it, but it's just a complete waste of time and resources to be hassled by these shitty monsters in vanilla.
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Yeah that's what I don't like. The deep mobs at least seems to consistently drop linen, but the surface one are useless and will trow shit at you like fucking monkey which is really annoying. Also, house renovation time, I wanna add a new floor.
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I really wish all the minecraftisms would utterly fuck off. I don't want random ebil mobs spawning for no reason and exclusively being a nuisance. I don't want largely nonsensical hard durability for metal tools that *get worn*, not *fall the fuck apart*. I don't want every predator beelining it for you the moment you come close because that's clearly what all predators do especially after watching you viciously slaughter the rest of its kin. I absolutely do not want player characters to be bound to worlds, and I sure as fuck don't want to drop everything I have on death (mediumcore is tediumcore in Terraria as in everything else).
normal mode sucks dick, homo sapiens mode is The Shit
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And done. It took me so much time, but I'm kinda happy with the results. Also I need more farm space, being in an island surrounded by hills and narrow valleys is not really ideal.
Tell ya what
I'm currently a hunter in winter cause I need my protein (also the satiation meat stew gives is comparable to nothing)
Accidentally poisoned myself by eating a bunch of jack o lanterns thinking they were chanterelles
I've had 2 harvests before winter and my winter gear is fixed cause I got lucky and found a lot of flax during spring
And managed to harvest them twice
I still have a stack of rye and spelt that I got from ransacking ruins
I managed to get an aged bed from the ruins as well as a molybdochalkos lantern
Currently going across the map trading with the trader's
Looking for a building mats trader
Who decided to play on OG right when I'm making cheese? The curdled milk almost went bad.
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Oh fug, look what I found. Gotta try and replant it at home. inb4 come winter it will die.
Pink apple trees are incredibly hardy, I think top 3 for lowest temp that it can endure so unless you're in the arctic it'll be fine. The catch is that cuttings can't establish in winter so if you don't plant them early enough it'll just be "establishing" until it's warm enough and then probably die anyway on the RNG check.
I planted them on the night between the 8 and the 9 of April. I do hope they will survive. I could only get 3 cuttings.
Captcha: CARS
That should be early enough, it SEEMS to take 2-3 months for cuttings to roll to establish but I can't pin it down.
what are you favourite mods that add new mechanics to the game?
there aren't any though
Fishing? Trapping? Photography? Explosive making? Chemistry? Hello?
I have seen none of those except explosives and that one was a nothingburger
I recognize these fat tits
I'm so tempted to disable temporal tempests in my sp game. What the hell is it good for if I have to hide in a hole because a herd of monkeys will lay wreck to my existance pursuing me around and dropping nothing of value? you get literally nothing for surviving.
Ok, just turn it off.
You could turn off a lot of the pointless annoying shit and the game would be better for it.
Licherally the only gameplay purpose to storms is being able to farm double driggers for (almost guaranteed) temporal gears. That's it. If you aren't doing that, there's no point in playing drigger deathmatch.

Good boy.
I don't know if they ever fixed it but in 1.18 you literally couldn't turn it off once the game started, you could put in the command and the game would report that it worked but the storm would still happen at the next time. I just disabled storms in 1.19 from the get go since niggerone made it basically impossible to spawn proof areas. Alternatively, I've seen at least one or two mods that alter the spawn conditions to make it actually feasible to defend an area.
To the owner of New island sbr: I'd like to ask if you could make the Temporal Gear respawn points permanent? New players such as myself have to travel far off to find untouched land and it's more of an issue for me to walk back to my base than for others.
What is your user? It should be on but might be off for some old usernames that were exploited by pirates
Sorry I never really use 4chan these days
does chalk spawn more south? what is the best method for finding this white treasure?
There's no method or way to detect it, you just need to get lucky
The purpose of that setting was to prevent players from fucking off to distant islands.
You can borrow a few gears from the bamboo village, there should be quite a surplus there.
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>spawn in temperate climate
>ice on water lasts until end of May
Ah yes, yes of course.
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>can't find zinc for the life of mine
>actually even find tin so it doesn't matter anymore
>being exploring looking for shrooms
>huge cave in
>find zinc
Pretty noice I guess. It was literally in the last place I would've looked for it.
One of the things I hope gets fixed when Tyrone implements sailboats. Nothing kills the joy of sailing faster than rowing down a river and crashing into one of these small little shits in the middle of July.
She looks great, gotta love girls whose curves are showin in those slutty outfits. + redhead.
So is there any way to make a cracked server for this game? Trying to convince some friends to give it a shot but they're wary to spend $20 on what they view as a Minecraft clone
What else do you think fits there?
I always turned them off adter my first playthrough. They are pointless, its just "get in a hole, waste playtime for nothing, thanks see you later again".
Nothing of value, no exclusive drops from them, just go inside small hut bc home isnt even safe because Tyron said so.
dev gives free refunds no matter the playtime
Id believe there is a maximum, like 10 hrs or so. And it must be in the first 2 weeks after buyin it.
>However, even if you fall outside those limits you can still request a refund and we'll take a look. In principle, if you don't like our game, then we also don't want to keep your money.
Probably could but its pretty expensive for most people from my country so its harder to justify buying it when we may not like it
Where u from? They give free copies to poorer countries under certaim circumstances i'd believe
Is there any way to find Terra Petra or is it really just "Lol get lucky"?
it's lol get lucky but it mostly spawns in temperate regions
you can also go into the files and recolor the terra pretta grass block neon blue
It is Fortuna, the game mentions that land claiming is disabled in the server settings.
Yeah that's a really smart idea. All the old users conveniently spawn right next to their bases, and we're expected to either move off or live in the mainland with very little natural resources?

Or you know, I could just be a slave to one of the old users that sounds fun. I'm quitting the server and I wouldn't recommend anyone in this thread join New Island SBR, that logic is ridiculous.
Anybody know what the latest dll version is and where to find it? Latest i've found is 1.19.3
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Project land reclamation was a huge success. Now I can FARM, and generally expand my stuff without getting out of the peninsula.
Should've done it in an ocean world, or a desert world.
Just borrow resources. Th ewhole point is to be meme server where everyone is forced to live within a limited area.
I prefer the mod that makes them emit fart gas.
I like the use of the logs, maybe for the ones on the edge of the water try adding 1 more log but chiseling it down to like 1/4 block or something just to add a bit of texture.
There is always time for a second playthrough, although, it's a good idea.
Thanks, also yeah it would look good, I could also try to do like a "pencil" shape like it was a palisade maybe. I need to finish fixing the shores of the peninsula first though.
Does anyone remember TooSalty?
Is there any trick to finding Gold or is it really just finding random 1 tile blocks in a sea of quartz?
Is it only found in quartz?
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I wanted to cover the fireplace area where I put the crucible with something to keep the rain messing with the fire, but I don't have any idea how to make it look good. A roof of sticks would be nice in theory, but it doesn't stop rain and it doesn't looks good with other blocks around it. I could just use wooden slabs but it feels like I'm minecraft all over. I also have to go and wouldn't be able to play until this evening, suffering.
this game would be excellent if drigger combat was more like minecraft. that is all
It does show on node search. Sometimes it shoes even on density search.
What's the difference? Haven't played MC in ages but the only thing that I can recall different between MC and VS was significant knockback with melee weapons and axes breaking shield block.
Not that the shield break matters cause there aren't any shielded driggers yet.
this game would be excellent if the combat wasn't deliberately utter dogshit
the one (1) change that would immediately make it leagues better is if you actually HIT something when you CLICKED, not HALF A SECOND LATER
(and if you didn't hit the block in the way while at it)
(and if your swing didn't get deleted because of some retarded fucking reason)
seriously, you can only do ranged combat, even in melee range, because it actually connects when it's supposed to
I don't have the vidya vocab to really describe the difference, all I know is minecraft combat feels a lot more reactive and like actually sort of fun.
like >>1347689 said your hit animation is slow af and also the enemies hit reaction is almost non existent compared to mc. I'd also prefer the jump attack or some heavy attack option so it actually feels like a game when you fight them and not a chore.
Yeah that guy who tried to conquer the antarctic in VS
Did OG get crackskills back yet? Thinking of moving back in if so
Do you guys make stone axes in order to chop firewood or do you just destroy your metal axes instead?
If I don't forget or I'm not into a hurry I'll make stone axes on purpose. I use a lot of firewood, especially in winter.
I feel like the durablity of axes is way too low across the board.
An inventory of wood is like half of a meteoric iron axe. It's nuts.
Yeah, I agree. Even stone and flint axes should last way longer. I think the point of using a better material shouldn’t just be about getting a few more durability points, especially if metallic axes are not going to last so much anyway. It should be a matter of increasing speed with good durability for every tier.
How would you feel if for mundane tasks (ie- using tools as a crafting ingredient) they gain some amount chance to not consume durability when crafting with them based on the metal tier? I don't really have any idea of what that chance would look like but I always felt like for stuff like that you're punished for using high tier equipment instead of taking extra time to make shitty tools to burn up.
NTA but it should probably be based on material tiers.
An iron hammer shouldn't take damage from hammering a copper ingot.
Likewise, I think he should add tiers for wood, with different wood adding different modifiers.
>probably be based on material tiers.
I mean I did say that.
>An iron hammer shouldn't take damage from hammering a copper ingot.
Completely agreed, I've been watching a lot of blacksmithing stuff lately and this one dude has had a craftsman hammer for over 30 years, granted it's steel but something like that would really incentivize steel production.
I guess what I mean by "it should be based on material tiers" is that there should be more to material tiers than just rocks and metals.
Weird. I will double check. It might be some suplayer edit. I will look more into it when I have the time. I work so much these days. At least I make a lot of money hahaha…
>look at my build!
>Find colossal copper vein.
just bomb it
No, who is that?
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Okay, it wasn't that bad actually.
Wow that's a lot of crystalized chunks.
Does he have a youtube channel or something?
They say it's not meant to be a single-player game, but I enjoy it quite a bit in single-player

Working through the tech progression on your own takes the same amount of time as a major RPG playthrough
>They say it's not meant to be a single-player game
I only play it as a single player game.
Bros what mods do you suggest? Especially QoL ones.
Tyron — Today at 9:39 AM
"Ready to establish maritime shipping routes?"
me shipping Fentanyl to Byz
Can't see shit Captain.
gee whizz I sure hope I can put any block down there and not just chests
yeah, you'll be able to place 7 whole blocks there, definitely a lot more space efficient than putting them in single chest, right?
me @ tyron
Shipping routes to where?
More resources that only spawn 20,000 blocks apart but are a requirement for something basic like basket weaving.
How does he plan to make embarking and disembarking practical without implementing a form of carry on into the base game (said version will be in several ways worse but will prompt the mod dev to stop since there's a "official" version of his mod in-game.
Should i wait to make another attempt of a playthrough with mods or should i wait a couple of years until there's a more feature complete version of the game?
I've been waiting to play again until the next update drops.
I've been waiting a while.
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I have no idea, I bought this game last week.

Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrrr7w4wz18
Don't give that fucking nigger ideas.
Preface; I am a codelet. How difficult would it be to make a storage vessel variant which could be sealed maybe at the cost of glue or several wax to be essentially a large crock for raw/pickled vegetables or something?
Should be trivial. You should be able to get it done by copying and pasting stuff. Look up the modding guide on the wiki.
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I'm starving
Literally emaciated
Got one of the thirst mods, makes ocean voyages on a sailboat much more harrowing, gotta stock up on water since the sea water does not quench
I just installed it today, I've been wanting one for a while just because. I just hope the drain rate isn't too rough, that was my big complaint with the minecraft one I forgot the name of, it felt like all of my time was consumed just trying to find some water. Which I get is how it works irl, but at some point I want to play the rest of the game.
You have two options:
The one for piss fetishists

Or the one where you cant drink water when youre starving because that obviously makes sense right?
>The one for piss fetishists
>the mod option to disable piss is currently "broken"
I hate it.
Huh, didn't even know there was a general for this game. I've been playing on and off since 1.16 or so I think, now I figured I might as well throw my hat in the ring for making a mod.
So anons, tell me, what are some of your pet peeves in VS? For example, I really dislike how you can rush copper by basically day 2 and then all the rest of the "progression" is just to make stuff more convenient but nothing really unlocks anything interesting.
Mainly I've been considering some in and of themselves small changes, but ones that have major ramifications. For example removing the crucible from the game so you can only use the bloomery (and let's say you can pour the molten metal into a mold or something). Or removing the stone axe so you can't properly cook food until later into the game, due to having no access to firewood.
>only tryhard mods that nonsensically make the game worse
no thanks
This must be a really elaborate shitpost because those aren't small changes and not only do they have major ramifications, they soft lock you unless you find metal tools and/or black coal in a chest. No axe means no charcoal to fire the bloomeries to make the pickaxe to mine the black coal to use instead. Being entirely beholden to ruins RNG is retarded.
Each to their own.

The changes are small, but their consequences are huge. That's why they're so interesting to me. But for sure they'd need balance changes too, like making surface coal more abundant, making it a mob drop next to flax fibers, or simply making caves bigger to have more chances to find ores by default. It's a tradeoff that doesn't change the core game like, say, magic, tech, or alchemy mods, but it changes your approach and makes it more challenging.
Dogshit idea, just removing your ability to make something is terrible. If you want to make changes, why not something like that butcher mod?
It's not removing the ability, just putting it later in progression. I would rather change up the gameplay like that than adding an all new system for something.
nobody likes destructive modding. just contribute to dappled groves instead. or better, don't, since all your ideas appear to be artificial difficulty garbage based on nothing but "changing up gameplay"
I wonder, what do you consider the motivation for progressing past copper then? When I originally played I did because I found it cool to try all the game's mechanics, but after that it was really only just building and chiseling and maybe some exploration. And then mods that add a bunch of new stuff. But even the novelty of those wore off because there wasn't much to do with the stuff I could craft, and I could go do the same things in creative without all the hassle. Even the resonance archives don't offer much other than QoL stuff.
not having to reforge a new copper pick every five minutes, and not wasting my time mining longer than I need to. it'll always be simpler and easier and better overall to just buildfag in sandbox, you can't change that. I want there to be more dynamic and emergent mechanics in normal gameplay that you can't really experience in sandbox even if you wanted to. currently the game has almost none, apart from some small areas of the environment changing with seasons. less mandatory drigger incursions, more living world. rivers shifting course, mountains and hills eroding from rainfall and glacial melt, plants naturally spreading and shifting with a local climate co-dependent on them. mingecrap has the same issue of the world being entirely static and 100% dependent on the player to change it, and I wish that wasn't the case. greening deserts or desertifying wolf-infested hellholes sure would give another reason to play.
cool, here's another lame story dungeon you will visit once and then never again
see you next year when we add wolf farts into the game!
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Making armor so that I can shit on driggers whenever I want.
At least you can go there to get more gears and Jonas parts.
based retard
thanks i'll suck your dick
I'm still very much in favour of the prospecting rework idea that was posted several months ago

>prospecting is split in 4 different tiers with each tier providing more accurate results but with a larger resource cost associated with it
>Tier 1 - pretty much the current propick implementation but with even less accurate results, still usable but highly inefficient and prone to errors
>Tier 2 - a soil sample is taken with a prospecting pick and is stored in a vial and marked with map coordinates, it can then be processed in a portable testing kit for much more accurate results (both testing kits and vials eventually break and need to replaced)
>Tier 3 - instead of processing the soil sample with a testing kit, it instead needs to be processed at a chemical workbench which also consumes different chemicals, this provides vastly better results but the samples need to be processed in your base instead of out in the field, the results also get automatically marked on the map based on the coords on the vial
>Tier 4 - a high tech portable scanner made out of Jonas parts which is powered by temporal gears, schematics need to be found first in order to craft it, simply allows you to point it at the ground and get completely accurate results, also very expensive to craft
I just want touchstones, man, that shit's cool
acids and bases for testing rock types are only a plus
I don't hate this idea but even tier two seems way higher tech than VS
I don't think rudimentary chemistry and basic geology are too far fetched, alchemists existed in the setting
Here's my idea.
>Tier 1 - pretty much the current propick implementation
>Tier 2 - go into caves and use your eyes lmao
I mean what is your testing kit? Washing dirt away to look at the stone more closely? It's not like they're doing X-ray spectroscopy.
I mean keep in mind that Pliny the Elder described shaft mining (not surface deposits) as being literally random tunnels where they hoped to find the ore.
>I mean what is your testing kit? Washing dirt away to look at the stone more closely? It's not like they're doing X-ray spectroscopy.
I don't know enough about geology to answer this, it just seems like a nice concept for a game mechanic that everyone always complains about
I am opening a new public server. It has 73 mods total, all listed on the pastebin here: https://pastebin.com/kRTjE10B
I've taken care when picking these mods to ensure that they work well together without creating a kitchen sink monstrosity. I've tested most of them but if there's any issues you find, or if you have any suggestions, you can post them in this thread.
The world is fresh, I just have a dirt hut currently.

Come join us in Thelamar! IP is
nice cryptocoin miner bro
touchstones, washing, etching, drawing and other methods of assaying and mineralogy to ascertain the presence of some specific mineral or ore in a mother rock. take a dark stone like basalt or slate, smoothen one surface and draw on it with soft ores to determine quality and abundance in comparison to a datum ore streak.
As long as the range is better than a single fucking chunk.
Think carrots not sticks if you want people to even consider a mod. Make a new more convenient tool later in progression or cool new system that requires a higher tier of metal etc.

Removing stone axe is the single most retarded suggestion you could have came up with. We had stone knives, spears, and axes for tens of thousands of years before any metallurgy.

No cooked food, even lower options for stone age construction can't make fences or basic doors, cold weather = you're fucked.
Ah, but anon, you can just travel 150,000 blocks south and be warm. :))))
Just be a nomad like our ancestors were.
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so many pomegranates!
too bad there's no-one to eat them :(
God I love pomegranates
Wish I could have that much irl
Also Picrel
I would if traveling long distance in this game didn't gargle donkey nuts. Hopefully with mounts and improved BOTEs coming next update that problem will be solved.
You guys don't just tenth the size of the world? It's still big but not retardedly huge for no reason
But I only had to travel around 12k blocks to reach a warm climate?
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Hey everyone, I did not account for our 73 mods to take up so much RAM so I had to upgrade the server. The new IP for Thelamar is

Fun Fact: We use the superior scale of temperature!
>We use the superior scale of temperature!
ok you almost had me but now i'm definitely never joining
Fahrenheit is just random nonsense.
That is, objectively, the biggest piece of dogshit of a mod ever happened to ranged. Its literally making ranged way worse and unenjoyable. No thanks. Good luck otherwise, I hope you get players.
as if melee wasn't already dogshit, now ranged also need to be dogshit
it's a cool idea in theory, too bad it absolutely annihilates DPS and makes most ranged not worthwhile, with even spears suffering for it.
though I do miss run-up damage bonuses for spears, but that's about it.
Based Fahrenheiter
>Fun Fact: We use the superior scale of temperature!
I will not be joining this server
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I'm sorry but maybe we can add a handicap for individuals with Parkinsons such as yourself.
Leaded glass requiring a whole fucking ingot per pane is fucking retarded.
I agree in principle, no reason you'd need that much.
But lead is both super common in the areas it shows up it and smeltable at firewood temps. So that cost isn't a huge deal unless you're making a huge build.
Leaded glass is old news, just chisel your windows.
NTA, but how? I'm new and I literally don't know much about the game. I smelted some quartz and got some clear windows, that's it.
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learn how the chisel works and and just do it
Do you have a discord for this server?
NTA but do those count as insulated?
That's very kino, teach me senpai. Is it heavy on performance to have so much stuff chiseled?
>Just turn your rooms into outdoors and freeze to death.
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I tend to use half-blocks on the outside to make windows, that way they still count as rooms.
That's pretty kino, I like the window sill planet.
It's still a WIP.
It was gonna be the communal kitchen and food store for the MP server I'm on, but everyone quit after a couple days.
>but everyone quit after a couple days.
A tale as old as time. Sad
Don't be a retard and you'll be fine. Do better.
Am I wrong or the walls are two blocks wide?
1.5 blocks wide.

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