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Previous: >>1295368

This thread is for online board, card, and social deduction, drawing and etc. games that fill up with lobbies/custom rooms.

Poker Chase: https://game.poker-chase.com/play/index.html
100% Orange Juice: https://fruitbatfactory.com/100orange/
Etohana: https://etohana-koikoi.com/
Catan: https://colonist.io/
BGO: https://www.boardgame-online.com/
Bunny: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2132850/Rabbit_and_Steel/
DJMAX RESPECT V: https://store.steampowered.com/app/960170/DJMAX_RESPECT_V/
Melty Blood: https://play.meltyblood.club/
Anime Music Quiz: https://animemusicquiz.com/
Go: https://online-go.com/
AoE2: https://store.steampowered.com/app/813780/Age_of_Empires_II_Definitive_Edition/
The Showdown Effect Reloaded: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2242420/The_Showdown_Effect_Reloaded/

OJ League some time after main /mjg/ League.
Please win some more, it is embarrassing.

>/mjg/ board game spreadsheet
>Bunny and Steel spreadsheet
>/oj/ booru
>/mjg/ booru:
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fresh new /doko/... time to dump bnuuys again
good lunar prog tonight kind of let's get back to it soon /doko/
/doko/ doko
where are all the european bnuuy bros... i need a room now. not in 10 hours when i am asleep.
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i'm sorry euro-kun. maybe we can play together this weekend...
Well, I guess some parts of Europe have finished working, but still, a tad too early.
well, in an hour or two works too. I should also eat dinner before.
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alright, i made a thing.
pw is rage
is the room full ? seen it a pop a few sec but disappeared
It was 3/4, but now closed.
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room's closed, thanks for joining.
fun runs. nice that we managed to see phase 2 on the birb on that last attempt.
also started recording so i can make sense of some of this visual vomit.
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>missed the bnuuy koko
that's it... i'm joining r/antiwork...............
After league if you're up for it
AMq room: Mahjong password: rage
I'm not joining until other people join because it would be embarrassing to be the only one who shows up
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But then people wont pile in...
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>no png
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i'm going to koko lunar bunny again tonight after i exercise and eat, probably in 3-4 hours if anyones interested

hopefully no more shira chokes...
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ggs thanks for hosting
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namedropping is /doko/ culture
Does /doko/ dama?
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Can't miss the koko if you do the doko.
oh, but i am. the koko is now

dwagon fanclub
pw: rage
lunar bunny action
we just wip-er, i mean cleared, lobby's open now, fly in
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4 man lunar is some shit
its not my birthday..... thats on the 23rd
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Nausea doko
no pass
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Found this on Steam's Next Fest
It's a co-op, survival-horror themed typing game sort of like Typing of the Dead
Would anyone want to koko sometime?
it is shit
up your wpm gains sis
wpm isn't my issue, the issue is the camera. I have a mouse for a reason. I type fast with one hand
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how do i stop staying up 45 mins past my bedtime doing lunar bunny kokos.....
mjg tcg doko
Even DJMAX is going bunny it seems
i dont know what that means
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I just found this:
Might be a fun meme game, although I'm not sure the full version will be worth the price
>viscera cleanup detail but you play a goblin maid
eh, sure why not. installing in case there's a lobby popping up.
is this porn
bunny is love, bunny is life
AMQ koko
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lobby: Mahjong
fundefined is more fun than undefined, anon
pomf is dog shit, and the others won't work right now.
anyone want to do some hard bnuuy tonight? i need a lunar break
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I said mjg tcg DOKO
i can koko later...
I can koko in 5 hours from now, can't do it later because I'll be at the bar
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give me the exact hour, I don't want to miss it again
ill join this guys lobby
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character certainly looks like you could place her into some WEG but nah. it is SFW and pretty much just Viscera cleanup detail but in a fantasy dungeon setting.
As someone who never played VCD it's neat i guess. Mob up blood, feed meat to the mimics, put everything back in place and repair traps(and don't die to the traps yourself)

I am down to host anywhere in the next 8 hours or so. just gimme a (you) and a time.
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/mjg/ TCG koko
I'll be back in 10 minutes.
2D art is cute but
holy crap that model is hideous
>feed the mimics
can i feed myself to them? haha you know... for laughs... loll.......
I have seen this 3d model somewhere before
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I am not sure if that's the outcome you expected, but you sure can.
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Hosting koko, it's 2D quake for anyone not familiar with it. It's completely f2p.
Lobby: Mahjong
ggs nya
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ggs, fun games, btw CO, can you clarify a bit more how tourney work? Are they exactly like ygo field spells or do they still count as characters on board? Also what does the once per turn on the passive of the Rhongo card imply?
surely it will be in more detail when the game is out of demo.......
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>can't even name the lobby in Goblin Cleanup
>would have to put my name here
I can get the lobby ID but don't know how people would join with that.
pw is rage
there is a direct join in the join menu but no input field so maybe click that while the lobby ID is copied to the clip board? idk.
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fuck, I'm on my way to the bar (real)
hopefully there's another lobby this weekend, I want to give it a try
2/4 will probably start cleaning but others can still join i believe.
Yeah, i am probably down to play it a bit more over the weekend.
anon... do we need to have a talk about your drinking............
I'm pretty sure remember that the anon mentioned that he actually works at the bar as well
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open again
>throws us out of the lobby on game end
Want me to open another one?
new Lobby
pw rage
Copy ID to clip board and press direct join.
gg, thanks for hosting. that's enough goblins for me today.
GGs. idk why chores are suddenly fun when you put them in a video game.
Gotta save some stages for when bar anon is available.
any kokos?
bunny koko tonight if my friends dont want to play lethal company

3-4 hours i guess, my boss is being a bit of a prick today
amqs are dead
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If some one doko'd I would have koko'd
If some one koko'd I would have joined
to doko is too much of a responsibility, what if someone actually kokos
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to doko or not to doko, that is the question.
pinks owe me sex
ranalie, the mythril dragon OWES me sex
More Tasha! More sex!
Shira more like Sexra
mjg tcg today?
Yeah pretty much, I should add a line saying they aren't characters in the extra pile.
AUTISM can only gain each passive effects once per turn, even if somehow resummoned. Even with that, let me know if it's too strong because I think it probably is.
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mjg tcg please
tcq killed amq
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Goblin Cleanup koko
ID 109775241504409729
pw rage (don't know if you actually need it with direct join)
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dinner's here soon. will try again later.
very well made infographic, thanks anon
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Thanks, but i realized i am retarded and put the wrong key combination there.

Also, let's try again
League is about to start, maybe later?
fair enough.
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AMQ koko is open


if you're new refer to guide, it's fun
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ggs thanks for joining
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all master palettes obtained... bunny DLC doko..........
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anon you're suppose to be saving people as defender, not killing them
any builds for the moonlight floofball? it's the only trinket i'm missing
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mjg tcg doko
league starts in less than 1 hour...
should have pressed V little buddy thats on you once again
also i dont know if this is a settings thing or your computer but the colors of those color circles are really weirdly saturated and im surprised you can tell purple/light blue apart
general tips:
>emerald armor
3 hits instead of no hit still gets you the floof
>usagi kamen
something like altair dagger or just some assortment of % chances will get you stoneskin often
>the new graniteskin armor
free hit every fight - on a high movespeed chara like assassin you won't notice it, or some move speed items
>stoneskin bunny/sword
stoneskin for 3s/12s or 5s/20s is basically 25% chance to live a hit at random
>vanish boots/robes
invuln for 3-5s as long as you time it right, or the % robe for infinite cheese
>time something hat + assassin
with defensive cooldown or sapphire, assassin's secondary will infinitely reset your defensive so you just press 2 buttons for invincibility, aside from DPS checks
That's all the easy cheese I know. But remember it's not a real floof and you didn't beat the game if you didn't do it nohit steelheart while playing defender/heavyblade
moonlight floof obtained... all it took was a 1.4k dps infinite invincibility assassin build... i feel so dirty....
but i got my rainbow floof on an honest, cheese-free wizard build with no emerald armor so i don't feel that bad

now it is time for 3- or 4-player lunar runs, so bunny is koko:
moonlight floof club
pw: rage
lunar difficulty please look forward to it
post the build so I can copy it
i didnt take a screenshot because i was too nervous to remember, since i d/ced and lost my duo partner right before shira

pajama hat and sapphire defensive gave me 7s cd on defensive from stage one. from that point either special/defensive CD lowering potion or invincibility-increasing potion was enough to have unlimited iframes. just holding down X and shift to attack with complete invincibility. this continued until 3rd stage when i got opal secondary for unlimited iframes without a potion.
as for damage i had the flow-dex dagger, flash-dex bracelet thing, and sacred bow resetting every time i gained a buff (i.e. constantly).
>not a real floof
*types tr_floof_ball_true="1.000000"*
Get fucked nigger
do you have 4 players already?
we never got a third and gave up, did you want to join us? i can probably wrangle my partner back in here for some 3-player action
sure I still need to learn lunar multi, I've already done all there is to do in single
Terarria doko?
terraria with doko would be fun
i'd be up for it
I know I'm like 5 days late but I'd be up for rabbits in ~an hour when i get home from work. Though I am a shitter at the game, only bought it yesterday, pls no bully. Hard mode is filtering me but i wanna clear the wolf boss there to unlock a new class, fuck the alternative unlock condition that shit's for pussies.
Would you guys be interested in any mods or just plain vanilla?
I'd like calamity, or some other big content increase mod. If its vanilla, atleast do the storage mods cause sorting chests piss me off to no end
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Would these be fine to start with then?
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Terarria Doko
Bought a one month host for a server, we will see how it goes.
Only 10 people can join at a time, not sure if that would be too much for the server anyways
Mod list there or you can subscribe to this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails?id=3269776897
Forgot to mention it is on the master and for bosses like skeletron or wall of flesh, bosses that progress the world state, that we don't solo them but do it as a group. Obviously i can't stop you but you will be shamed
I'll join in a bit, i'm working on a little something
all good, i am just setting up commie blocks for now to get started
We can suffer together if you're still up for it.
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I would join but I've never play calamity...
I would join but I don't have terraria and I'm waging
where lobby
thats good, neitehr have i nor the host
I am taking a break, tired of dying every 5 seconds
naruhodo... ill do the same then
What the hell did you trigger?
its just eye of cthulu in revengence + master mode. even overgeared that boss is strong...
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i was undergeared
anon... theres a 70 damage melee weapon with the charge attack being ranged in the chest... surely even with iron armor or some other meme we can get through it
i hate swords
are dokos still in terraria?
3 dokos and storage is up and running
terraria is the worst case of fomo for any game.
This so much this I missed out on Eye of Cthulu already so it's over and I can never join the server
I don't think anyone has killed it yet. only boss that has been killed is apparently a new calamity desert one, and i didn't even get to participate in that
Nah, I was just dumb and thought this guy was a boss
I've never played Calameme that much but I know I know what you're talking about. The Desert Scourge or something......
I'd join the Terraria serer but everyone would laugh at me for being a noob...
join the club. calamity too hard

also I updated the mod list, once the server is empty i will restart to add them. I added boss checklist by request and more pylons just for easier convenience.
>missed eye
>missed desert worm
>behind already
im grinching
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Another update to the mod list, i am retarded and didn't gen the calamity stuff when creating the server. so i added a mod that lets me gen that stuff back in.
I have all the items needed to gen the structures i just don't know where they go, but the biomes should be good now.
this is the mod if anyone wanted to take a look . I gen'd the crag, abyss+ss and the planetoids. I couldn't figure out if the aerialite veins spawned in https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2951815963
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oh no, at least it didn't delete the building.
Also trying to find the sunken sea, thought i gen'd it but not under the right desert
I knew something was wrong. Hopefully we can now snowball faster.

Aerilite goes into clouds (but should be unobtainable for now), labs go into planetoid above start, opposite side of hell to crag, underground jungle, underground snow and sunken sea. Also random ones in underground that are just abandoned.

If it is too fucked, could probably restart, just copy the housing and items with tedit? Or just don't, you only need crag to beat the game.
tedit doesn't work with mods, but everything should be good now. I will just gen the structures as it comes up. The sunken sea is now under the desert to the right
On that topic, there is also 3rd possibility of new world + just move storage.
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>new world
/doko/ New World clan WHEN? I love New World even for all its flaws
I would vote for this if it's not too many trips and others are in agreement. Finding Stylist or Golfer again would be a bitch though.
gay, valheim coop when
Someone else would need to build the commie blocks and houses. We don't need to get the pylons again though. I will only do it if it is a unanimous vote, so it would be 5 people i think so far to be ok with it.
But again it is all good now. Just need to manually place the few structures, which i will do after i take a break.
Maybe once we beat/get tired of calamity terraria i can switch the server to valheim.
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in terms of how many trips, if we do it, i will transfer all storage to a singleplayer world that has the correct generation then upload the map to the server.
amq doko?
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oh no, i tried generating the space lab while using a grav potion, didn't think i needed to be standing still because i only clicked once. Breaking the blocks parts didn't drop anything so i don't think it really matters.
Enemies can fly through the structure though.
anon.... ill be frank... its probably faster to re-gen...
probably, i will get a vote to see if anyone objects to it https://strawpoll.com/e7ZJaxzPPg3
AMQ koko
bunners tonight? i need a lunar break
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Looks like people wanted a regen so i have now moved the storage over. The main planetoid spawned so i assume everything else is in. Spawn is set up with some simple commie blocks.
ore wa franku
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anyone here play https://store.steampowered.com/app/837880/You_Suck_at_Parking__Complete_Edition/ question mark
it's $2 sale for the next day and the demo was fun. it has barely any mentions on the archive. i grabbed it so holler if someone wants to play sometime. it has online multiplayer and all that
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Thats me in the corner...
Also 3 bloodmoon nights in a row
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fuck these bosses. nothing but bullshit
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Based instant death. Love it.
/doko/let who found here due to bnuuy. I barely ever played Terraria. Always played with friends who never continued. How miserable would it be with the difficulty/modlist on that server?
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it is difficult early on, but we have gotten most of the pre-skeletron bosses down so we can gear you up fast so you won't die as much as we did. Still hard though, calamity bosses seem more quantity over quality type of fights.
While I barely know anything about Terraria it feels like, I do know 'of' skeletron. For what I know of vanilla fights, that sounds... 'wack'? I may look into how tmodLoader works I guess. Won't promise anything though. Learned my lesson making plans
I bought it, don't know if i will play much but i will try it since it was only $2
I demand MORE Tassha.
hell yeah. i figure you can't go wrong spending $2 for a cute little driving game with single/multi. just something small and casual to hop in and out of when the urge strikes, yknow?
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AMQ koko

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fuck ranalie and fuck karsi
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What the fuck you guys are hosting Terraria kokos? How far is the progress? Is it too late to join?
Not hardmode yet, but beaten skeletron.
Join and catchup.
Sorry I lost interest when I saw the calamity mods.
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Calamity does suck somewhat, mainly bullshit difficulty, but it is just fun if you wanted to pop in and build or give it a try. It will be up for at least a month or so until we get bored or i can't afford it.
>Diein going full idol
>Carrot Carrot, Hell'o, Odysseus sequels
>also a backrooms song for some reason
I can also recognize Jyutpi art
does that mean they aren't just gonna keep going with naming the big and non-collab song packs extension 6,7,8 etc.?
Are we gonna get all MVs right away this time?
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>get robbed
>go get food
i hate terraria
They said in the 2.0 update live that they are ending the Extension DLCs and renaming them to something else from now on, I guess they chose 'Liberty'
Also the Glory MAX MV situation was a one-time thing and it shouldn't happen again hopefully
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We found the shimmer, the underground pylon goes right to it. Make sure you get the upgrades https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Shimmer#Permanent_Upgrades
I already took care of the merchant one, so every thing else is up to you guys
and the npc upgrade tome has been obtained
dota 2 this saturday after aus games.
goal is 5v5 mjg custom lobby.
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but i will be at the bar...
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I haven't played dota 2 in 10 years. I'll join and go solo faceless void.
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AMQ lobby is open

I miss Catan
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i'll join next koko, ping me in irc
bnuuy game new(like a day or two old) patch notes
>What does the sphere do, you ask...?
>Uh, nothing! It just sits there and has a lot of health.
>But, trying to see what combination of items destroys it fastest might be fun.

>This "fight" might seem like an odd inclusion, but it is the start of some grander plans.
>Eventually, I'd like the toybox to be the place where modders test their creations, as well as a place where people can fight modded bosses and try modded items quickly without having to go into a full run.
>...That is, when mod support is a bit more developed.
get hyped for modded madness like risky rain but cooler
shame i still need to unlock pretty much everything before i can try this stuff out myself
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I wish
Tassha sex
I have a modded character and 'at least concept' for an area/area boss idea. I dont' know if I can pull it off art asset-wise though.
More Tasha! More sex!
DJMAXing in 2 hours
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Dinner got delayed but I'm here now
Anon, it was League time...
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Well fuck
At least there was one other person other than me this time
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Also checked it again and yeah, the top 100 acryllic just says top 100 at the bottom.
Also regular S11 acryllic is 16$. in S11 i think they randomly selected 100 to get a free one and now they are doing that PP voucher crap i guess. Definitely value my time more than that.
Also fuck em for not doing international shipping themself. i don't wanna bother figuring out how to get something from korea to me.
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new whip, who dis
This is a game changer for clearing out areas.
How do you get into toybox mode in rabbit?
Have everything unlocked
then it's a setting in the run screen
Checked, but that is wrong. In the extras
not like i can access it anyways haha help the grind is killing me
Genuinely just play. Currenly, I'm unlocking the rest of the music from pure boss kills. Not because I'm grinding them. Just because I'm playing when I feel like it. Hard by the way. Should start grinding lunar, but I'm kind of in a mental/life state where I have to be in specific moods/feel a certain way to be able to learn stuff without getting irritated (specifically in lunar because of the difficulty).
I'm still here if you want to koko. I can't koko myself because I'm busy most of the time. It's weekend now though
koko doko
AMQ after league perhaps?
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AMQ koko
>slander Gintama once
>gets disconnected
Please forgive me, AMQ-sama...
I don't think I'm returning, my internet is very unwelcoming right now. Please guess my slop for me.
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If you're planning to grind co-op Lunar you should let us know here; I'm down to help whenever you're up for it (and maybe another anon depending)
i think that pattern's actually easier in 4p than 3p
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bogo, mjg tcg or worms later?
rabbit's foot....
What the FUCK is that? I'm almost glad I still can't upgrade my golden floof so I can move on to lunar...
>I still can't upgrade my golden floof so I can move on to lunar...
if you want anon, we could hard mode duo so you can try for easier hitless floof.
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Room open
>No lobbies that match your search
4/10, strange. 4 people could see the room.
If it comes to worst, you can send me a friend request on steam and ill invite you to lobby.
after a mess trying to get 12v12 to work we went back to opening this room again
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missed the doto
Damn a lot has changed since I've last played DJMax. Even the menu themes are different. Does it do that every time we get a new season?
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i had no clue what I was doing
axe bros..
Axe was a terrible pick, especially for a bad/new player. It's better to pick something with strong buttons like stuns/good ult, so that you can have influence on the game even if you're behind.
No, the themes are the same you've equipped? It's just new overlay that is new.
I checked all the other themes I have unlocked but none of them bring back the menu music I'm familiar with. Pretty sure I was always on default
Ah, the intro music updates with every major DLC (Extension), yes. I guess if you are on default theme, it also updates.
The menu change came as the 2.0 update which was like a month ago, that was the only time the menus ever got an update for the near 4 years of Respect V's life
If you're using the default Respect V skin then yes they replaced stuff like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSW3P_kzDrU to new songs as well
I see, thanks for the info.
RIP https://youtu.be/Degdalz14Ec?t=9
i want to play fun doto custom lobbies...

maybe some anime music quiz
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Anyone want to play some MBAACC? I'm a noob who never played against anyone and I don't know how good the connection is going to be, don't hesitate to leave if it lags too much, I have no issues on fightcade but I assume cccaster isn't quite as good..
Lobby: 6977
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AMQ after league
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>evenly matched opponent
Aww yeah
Kek this character I wasn't understanding anything
that super was so sick anon
4000 years of chinese kenpo
I kneel
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I can finally use my fightstick
although i am at the bar
Thanks fun games, my internet died but I'm still up to play if you want anon, sorry!

Looks sick anon we should play sometimes.
Something's wrong let me reboot the router...
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Is there a name that song mode and not name that anime where the song is from? That is how i will win one of these shits, i am not a weeb i don't watch anime. I only listen to jap shit
>missed the yearly melty koko
it's over
I'd love a mode like that where you guess the title of the song and there's songs from non-anime like vocaloid/rhythm game songs/jpop but idk if it'll ever get implemented.

There are scripts in tampermonkey for typing in song and artist name and it will automatically type in the anime for you, try to look for AMQ scripts, there's several
>admitting to cheating
Now i will never play your shit
But he didn't tell you to use Shazam to identify songs??
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>ask for something
>I give what you ask for
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>ask for first party gamemode
>get third party trash
you should settle this argument in a game of catan
host and I'll join to get beat up by you
Luckshitting with the Monopoly card feels so good.
Shit the song was actually about losing your bestie to a kidnapper
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Come join for the wall of flesh. We shall break through into hard mode with (you)
Oh boy, let's go (and die repeatedly) (bring dynamite)
doto doko?!
melty koko:
Lobby: 1332
djmax doko?
djmax koko
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AMQ koko
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100% OJ Room
Room: mahjong
Password: rage
Of all the MVs to preview they chose this boring-ass csqn copy?
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poko doko: 248130
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back by popular demand
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bloodmoon + zerg potion is a great way to farm gold
Speaking of, I have fished out the advanced combat techniques, os unless you want sanguine staff for some reason, we probably have farmed everything possible out of blood moon.
Or there's some pet out of goredilesx10 + post-moonlord stuff, we should be at around 7.
post another poko nigger
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poko is over, we are now amq (if you want)

FUCK IT WAS Imaginary Dance/Over the Starlight SEQUEL
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is this a doko game? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrN1f3UK_bc
Mom come pick me up. I'm scared.
Reminds me a bit of Marenol.

can't believe this is doing well enough that it got to season 6.
entire player base is probably South America
AWBW, anyone?
doko ill join
pass: rage
joined. not sure if it was intentional to leave T1 COs open. Not that it will help me much, i'm not very good.
it's fine, T1 is balanced, T0 is the one that's a mess
Does anyone have the poker chase how to make account guide?
was a good game.
I think i needed to turtle for a bit longer, I felt I was on the cusp of your CO power getting too expensive to stop me.
good game
I don't think turtling would have done you any favours, if you check the replay you can see how much of an economic lead I had all game long. I almost choked in those midgames trades though.
I will say, that extra money and 110/110 units was really hard to deal with. more or less I expected neo tanks to come soon, so I went for 2 preemptive bombers, but I lost too much before the retreat, so I couldnt really hide them for much longer. So I decided to just send it and hope no AA guns for 2-3 turns.
also tfw I couldn't use my CO/SCOP at all.
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I love Sasha, it feels like the safe pick in T1 because she'll always be useful no matter the matchup.
Bombers are a terrible answer to neotanks though (unless you really catch the opponent offguard), either you build your own neotanks or place a couple of artis to stop the incoming push if you have the upper hand. Bombers are almost as expensive as neotanks and get countered by a 8k unit
i thought bombers are good since neotanks cant fight back and bombers do a lot of damage to neo tanks.
AA guns don't really counter bombers in the sense where you just hit with the bomber then surround it with 4 layers of units.
Apparently Peace comes at a price was already hinting at this as the next antagonist and OBLIVION is involved and Hell'o and who knows what else.
I really need a 4 hour video essay of a schizo rambling about the DJMAX plot at this point or I'm gonna turn into one myself.
Translating korean comments on youtube videos is not good enough for me anymore.
wait what? I thought DJMAX was just another rythm game, what's this schizo shit?
It's not like other rhythm games don't have weird lores and plots
Rayark rhythm games are all about dystopias or purgatories you know
DJMAX Respect was meant as a game that "gives respect" to the previous DJMAX games, so it has a lot of songs with MVs that make allusions to some of the older songs, and even some that are direct sequels
Over time they decided to create a storyline that attempts to make sense of all the cameos and shit, and now that they've versioned up to 2.0 it looks like they're planning on taking things in a crazier direction with alternate dimensions and eldritch horrors or something
Well it was already kinda spoiled from the UI images but now the monster bear and snake and bird are all girls too
>furry Clear and Fail
Who asked for this?
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>Who asked for this?
porn when or more appropriately where
Hooooly cringe
Just DJMAX or GFL and Tapsonic crossovers included?
I'd think it's kinda useless to distinguish Tapsonic from Respect considering that Tapsonic itself is all but dead and we practically pulled Lena (and Mamo.C) from its grave, both in real life and lore-wise
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AMQ koko
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Here's my Pepe Silvia board
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Before the DLC releases, let me just say
My trained eye can already tell that in that Valentines harem song the winner is actually going to be that pink-haired friend for the gae end
Should i buy the djmax dlc when it goes on sale tomorrow?
Yes, but then that means I need to play the El storyline there to make an input.

You forgot the completely irrelevant and inexplicable Over Me, which is a collab of main timeline with a bunch of other tracks.
>only I want You mentioned
At least also bring up Never Let You Go and Deasdly Bomber merging into S.A.V.E., that directly brings up space-time travel.
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How's this
that's the stuff. Much appreciated.

Also will be hosting DJMAX Liberty songs in like 10 hours when i am back from wage slaving and probably until i fall asleep.
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Diein actually tamed 4 monsters (cat, snake, bird and humanoid giant thing)
And i think whatever Diein actually planned to do after splitting El got interrupted by the PSP lightbeam which fully ripped apart the giant, sealing it in Clears arm(which is what got out in Boom!) and ripping out the cats right eye putting it in Fail.
Though there is some inconsistency. Vertical eclipse shows the cat with both eyes. But in Die In it's already missing the eye before the resurrection.
But final hour recreating that shot shows the cat with both eyes again.

Also i guess Revenger is them living in a hotel after Diein destroyed the tower so feel free to add that too.
Reminder that a premium clear pass let's you play whatever a host puts on for the season.
Season has like what, 50 days left? Can't check right now. Don't know if that's worth it for you just for that but in case you already have it anyway can just mooch first and see if you actually like a song pack enough.
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They never "explained" how the fuck Fail showed up in Boom considering Black Cat should never have happened.
But more important, what happened to Dien's dick? They addressed Diein as him and also looked more masculine in Nightmare.
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why the fuck do i suddenly have 1700 PP? better spend them before they steal them away again.Watch them put me in the negatives.
Also, DJMAX doko in a bit.
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DJMAX RESPECT V - V LIBERTY PACK KOKO rolls right of the tongue
koko jungle
bring new DLC or premium pass. I'll be here for a while.

nevermind. you get PP depending on your DJ class when they change the song lists for what counts as old and new. Only showed me the second time i was on the start screen.
(ex 5 no longer is new, Falcom still is though.)
My game crashed and I can't join back :(
Anon, ready up please...
lmao, you are still in the lobby for us. or me at least. gonna kick you, see if you can join again then.
couldn't kick you. killed room and remade it instead.
Crack theory, but Bestie and Dream It could be related. Though Dream It has giant Red IIRC
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Any doko games i should pick up on sale?
Got kicked out again, going to just play solo, sorry.
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still over $100...
I think BlackCat being an alt version of glory day got retconned since they now plaster this scene with naked Clear and Fail beside Diein >>1345398 everywhere
I found the next doko game. It only requires one person to purchase it in order to play. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1404090/Trivia_Tricks/
It is also bundled with another game that does the same friend pass gimmick
I'd have told you to not buy the complete pack (which includes cosmetics and soundtracks) but turns out even if you only buy the game bundles they go around $120 lol
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Hosting wormtown doko
Lobby: BTCR6C
Will probably host for 30 minutes if no one joins
didn't realize you were breaking the building, lol. Def need more than just 2 people though
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Black Cat cannot exist at the same time Glory Day does, since it' literal retelling of the same story with a different girl. But they were always implied to be two sides of the same coin. In both So Happy and Boom! Fail just appears on the graveyard some time after the main party. Also while we see golden crown again (and giant DJ in Boom!), red crown never makes a second appearance.
Also also, there is an obvious retcon between Boom!/Dream It and Daydream, or Clear's arm somehow re-corrupted after Dream It. The latter also has to exist in main continuity, or at least something similar, as it has Game Graveyard as a place an Fail's eye is still fucked up.
The other fun fact is the Gaya grave (tombstone) mentioned in Die IN. You'd think Diein would want to resurrect whatever was there and not do some convoluted plan with two girls (and the rest of the cast from first two extensions partying around. I guess main storyline was already a whacky multiverse, no need to separate So Happy out of it.) Maybe it's related to Gaya's tattoo.
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We could argue that Diein then just went and found another suitable body somewhere or pulled another Deus Ex Machina, since we could interpret LUV as that Fail was the intended product from the start (hence her greater connection to the shadow beasts).
>red crown never makes a second appearance
Anata no kokoro wa mou meikaku
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All that hubbub about the new DLC almost made me forget about this
What the fuck is this even
Hard skip
How worth is just the base game?
There's ton of content in the base game alone.
I don't remember the exact number, but the base game has around 200 songs. Also you can try some randomly selected dlc songs in Air mode or play any dlc song the host picks in open matches if you own the current season pass.
>consider buying it
>anticheat DRM
ill pass.
Why do you need to cheat?
i meant that its a really intrusive DRM (that is also an anti cheat).
Would you prefer a separate flash drive that must be always in to play the game instead?
>mfw the previous entry actually did this
what the fuck is wrong with koreans
They take rhythm games seriously
And also all their IT companies suck ass
AMQ koko
How is terarria coming along? plantera beaten? Moon lord?
Mech bosses beaten, no progress past that when I joined yesterday.
AWBW doko
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I'll be trying Plantera after EU games. In other news, we have a small patch of underground corruption now for farming those items.
It is done, but no jungle key drop in 3 tries. So if you care about pirahna gun, feel free to kill her again.
Dota 2 koko:
missed the doto...
we'll prob play 3v3 if you join
Why not League of Legends? It's more popular so more people (I) would join.
Dota gives all heroes for free, meaning it's easier to just pick up and play, and easier to switch between characters if one suits your fancy more than the other.
League requires you grind the game for hundreds of hours so you could unlock a quarter of the whole roster, meaning if you liked a character and they rework him so he's not fun to play anymore you've grinded for nothing, enjoy being fucked over.

Plus LoL has chinese spyware but who cares about that
no custom games
Mobas are never easy to pick up and play and having 100 choices at the start instead of 10 doesn't really change that.
If you like a champ in League you can just buy it, new accounts get enough ingame currency to buy lots early on. It's just hundreds of hours of grinding if you want all the characters and nobody plays all the characters.

But there are?
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if you want a LoL koko, you should make it yourself (I don't play neither of these 2 games)
>If you like a champ in League you can just buy it
you've already lost like 90% of people when the competition is completely free
>nobody plays all the characters.
Who is that Nobody? Do you know him personally? Is he in this room right now? ANSWER ME DAMNIT
>nobody plays all the characters
league wasnt always a one-trick only game
rip went back to sleep just 5 minutes before. i is never meant to be...
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After league AMQ koko

Please update Terraria server.
Try now
Thank you!
d-dokobros... where are you.....
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you already know the answer
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Come back here, (You).
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Do you like malera?
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AMQ koko
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ggs thanks for joining
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thanks for hostin
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Is this a doko game?
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doko https://nitori.itch.io/touhou-luminous-strike
will host till i don't
Singleplayer only so no, don't think it is.
roblox doko?
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It's been so long I actually forgot how I was supposed to get points for the first few rounds
Did you like the MV for Break Out?
Well, it is a pretty good MV.
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damn i wanted to play but not buy the dlc. the premium pass isn't even on sale
amq doko?
catan doko?
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amq koko
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thanks for hosting
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ggs thanks for coming
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This is definitely a doko game https://store.steampowered.com/app/394690/Tower_Unite/
That looks like one of those games where it's not fun unless you're RPing constantly and making Youtube-compilation-worthy jokes nonstop
Not really, It is more of a chill sandbox with minigames. Basically a more curated gmod
>Basically a more curated gmod
It's a "remake" of GMod Tower from GMod after the numerous cease and desists the mod makers got for stuff like Ultimate Chimera Hunt. It's been out for a LONG, long time at this point and they really haven't done all that much with it except add more features to the lobby because the only people that play it anymore are trannies who sit in the lobby 24/7 so even if they added any new gamemodes nobody would play them.
>no one plays them
that is why we coordinate a time where people are playing to play the gamemodes, and they added some not too long ago.
Also i know what it originated from, i was trying to simplify it
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Come koko this shitty doko
Thanks for joining, I will be hosting https://store.steampowered.com/app/1404090/Trivia_Tricks/ later.
If anyone would like to join you only need to download the friend pass. Make sure to also enable the beta branch to allow for picture based questions.

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