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Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart and Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers are standalone mods of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game into a kart racer similar to Super Mario Kart. Both games are lightweight and can run on most modern PCs.
Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.

>How to Play (SRB2K)
Follow the guide here: https://kartinvidya.me/guide/#before-installing/
Compiling help for Linuxfags: https://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Source_code_compiling/Makefiles#Compiling_on_Linux

>How to Play (DRRR)
Download/compile the game here: https://github.com/KartKrewDev/RingRacers
Make sure to unlock almost all of the important content, including multiplayer, with the included PASSWORDS.txt file.

>Do we have a /v/ server?
For SRB2K, yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large quantity of QoL improvements. The guide should link to the custom client, but in case you missed it, download the latest release here:

>What happened to the mods MEGA folder?
No need for it! Since we have upgraded to a new server with faster in-game downloader!

>Joining a server
1. From the title screen, go to 'Multiplayer'
2. 'Internet Server Browser...'
3. 'Specify IPV4 Address...' and manually enter the server IP
>OK OK, faggot, what's the IP for the /v/ server?
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>SERVER STATUS SITE / LICENSES / SCOREBOARD / CYTUBE / discord circlejerk server


>/vm/ SRB2Kart protips

>Anon's Beginner's Guide:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5oU5Lsy5PQHonDekMo2ThVvGgT1AkfYSFj-D1ac1iM/edit?usp=sharing (Long Version)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OkbSNPNmefnr6qcvlQSaNukEsODmcOIhIVwobp_6iBI/edit?usp=sharing (Short Version)

Time it takes to charge a drift spark for each stat if you care about that nerd shit. The Google doc does not take the spark rate buff in the US and EU servers into consideration.

>How do I clip replays and share them?
Go into the Replay Hut/Egg TV (Title Screen -> Extras -> Replay Hut/Egg TV), select your desired replay and record whatever you want with OBS.
To convert the video into a WebM, use: https://github.com/argorar/WebMConverter
Make sure the file is less than 4 MBs if you plan on uploading it to 4chan.

Previous Thread: >>1302870
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how do I unlock these hiromoot-approved, blue board ad sluts in dr robotniks ring racers
Enter "anonymous proxy" in passwords
formerly chuck's
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Went ahead and did more RR backports for the V1 bros. Added 6 characters. Pack now includes:
>Knuckles, Metal Sonic, Big, Redz, Pulseman, Zipp
Also includes chars from the last thread for those that missed it:
>Mail, Rappy, Shadow, SA2Sonic from Chengi's RR pack.

I'm probably going to do BattleKukku and Emerl next and then call it.
Could/did you do Gum, yet? I’ll admit the new angry sprites aren’t as funny as her Kart ones, but still does the job.
>no link to glorious Kart Krew Dev’s sovlful DRRR game manual
Pussy Racers
A tutorial that doesn't last a half hour
Vector and Beat
More color palettes and followers
Charyb removed from dev team
pretty much yeah
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Done. Here you go.
Will add her to the complete pack once I finish up BK and Emerl.
Speaking of which is Noire out yet? Or is it still in development?
still being worked on
ring racers noire would have more eyes on it if they just released an executable and not forcing you to build it yourself
Chances are an executable will be made in the future but only when they've gotten enough done to warrant making one.
Unless the people behind it are waiting for 2.4 to drop i have no idea why it's not released already
Can someone explain to a complete retard how to create a script to load all mods at once?
not sure if kart has it in the same way, but for regular SRB2 if you make a file called autoexec.cfg, then in the file write
>addfile mod.pk3
it'll load the mod as soon as you load the game. not sure how to do multiple files, you might need to do multiple addfiles or you might be able to string them together with quotes or something

you can also make a batch file to do basically the same thing, main difference is that instead of addfile mod.pk3 you instead write
>srb2kart(-neptune).exe -file "mod.pk3" "mod2.pk3" "mod3.pk3" etc.
Thanks bro. the batch file with
>"ringracers.exe -skipintro -file "1.wad" (etc) worked to even skip the stupid intro and load all 40+ mods I had once inserted
will we get to do any racism today?
I'll jump into the server beforehand.
4/31 it's time
15/31 big Saturday racing
im a casual and i havent played srb2k in about a year, can someone give me a qrd on what the hell a doctor robotnik ring racer is?
>can someone give me a qrd on what the hell a doctor robotnik ring racer is?
a shit game
keep playing srb2k until the noire exe comes out
SRB2Kart, except the devs did everything in their power to make it not play like Mario Kart anymore. Whether or not that's a good thing is for you to decide.
It was v2, then they decided they wanted to do a bunch of different stuff that would be too radical for an update, so now it's a different game. It's not bad but people here hate it a lot because it's different.
It's not bad, but it's very frustrating to play singleplayer. If it were dialed back in a few aspects I think a lot of people would have such a big problem
it has been multiple times already.
I personally think it's fine singleplayer. People just get too caught up in the idea that you need to come 1st every single time when it's possible to come in 4th like 3 times and still end up in 1st with a special stage if you're not playing completely terrible.
It's hard to explain, I know the game is technically easier now but it's still frustrating to play singleplayer. It's not really one thing that makes it difficult for me but the cocktail of hard maps, hard special stages, rivals rubberbanding hard, tumbling for a long time and trying to S rank cups makes it a little unfun as a whole. But I will admit, I could just be bad at the game.
Thats generally the consensus, that the single player racing itself isn't hard, but Kart Krew pilled on enough minor annoyances and weird choices that all combined ruin the experience.
It's almost been a month since the latest patch. Will they fix shit and add that faggot Vector? Or are we getting very specific bug fixes no one is ever going to run into that changes nothing?
It's the bastard child of mario kart and F-zero except worse than either two
having said this this game doesn't really try to be F-zero but more like it tries to be Wipeout
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like Relaxed is too easy most of the time while Intense ramps things up too much after the first race. At least Vicious feels like it's at the right difficulty, even if I get my ass handed to me regularly there.
Problem with relaxed is the AI is not only easier but the game is set to the equivalent of 100cc. It's way too slow to be fun.
Yep. I also noticed with Vicious, even though the CPU is really difficult, the fact you're in Gear 3 really helps you to catch back up to the pack, compared to how slowly you move with Gear 1 or even 2. I felt sometimes like I was doing equally well on Vicious as I was Intense.
My bet 2.4 is adding a lot of content
glad I havent touched ring racers yet then, hopefully they remove the ring mechanic
I don't expect the fundamental mechanics to change much, best case scenario is that a lot of the awful maps get reworked
Rings are the best mechanic in the game
and why do you think that?
it LITERALLY on the name
You gotta remember that the first two patches for this game were basically damage control patches because these retards thought that the base 2.0 version would be gods gift to the world only to backpedal and realize that it wasn't. It's probably going to take them awhile to fix a lot of the games issues at the pace they're going with, because of the sheer amount of stuff that still needs tweaking. 2.4 will probably be a roster update and maybe some extra stuff like disabling alternate music/my music slider because this game wants to be Smash bros so badly.
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redpill me on ratgod, why people wants to play as toxoplasmosis
>bronze medals on time attack are designed so that retards can get them
>bronze medals on prison attack demand precise play that seems more fit for gold or at least silver
I don't get it
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I revisited the tutorial and noticed that there's screens of maps which aren't in the game (pic related is after the fans in the tricks section). Might be a teaser for 2.4.
Left looks like splashdown zone
That's what I figured those were, too.
The game has unused textures listed for:
>Frantic Freeway
>Triple Trials
>Eerie Grove
>Egg Zeppelin
>Cyan Safari
>Golden Egg
>Molten Manor
>Petroleum Refinery
>Hot Crater
>Avant Acropolis
>Evil Foundry
>hot crater
oh that's gonna be an absolute travesty. Can't wait.
She's cute and has nice legs and it makes me want to go up to my cat and goad him into biting me
I liked her better when I thought her blush was a nose.
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is it wrong that i think mad rat is cuter, rat god is cute as well don't get me wrong but mad rat really clicks with me. is there a mad rat mod?
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stop lusting after rats
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You know what? No.
multiple infact
>is there a mad rat mod?
yeah for drrr
Despite being a parasite that aims to get rats to be eaten by Cats just so they can join the orgy, their disguise were hot as fuck.
I love both of them

Can't wait for Petroleum Refinery, now with even worse respawn brushes
>still no volcanic valley
Has someone modded it back in yet?
What is /srb2k/'s favorite DRRR custom characters?
Weegee, Dark Rider Shadow, and the Sailor Senshi
Dark Rider Shadow and the lock-on pack were super good
I am biased towards my Harpy but also I like using Dopple Arle and Aigis Toaster
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>someone ported all the SMK maps today
>Bowser Castle 3 with trick panels
It's as cancerous as I imagined it to be all those years ago, beautiful
to be honest, there aren't many. most of them that are on the MB i don't download because they either are drawn like dogshit or don't have a working designs signpost and therefore feel like incomplete characters to me as a result. that said, johnny is definitely my favourite

it's cool someone made a video on this, but the fact that the gardentop requires a tutorial that's 8 minutes long incentivizes me to use it less and not more
Playing through them right now. With a Super Mario Kart character mod I'm not prepared for Vanilla Lake 2.
>checks message board at least once a day to see if a cool video game character got released.
>nothing but badly drawn garbage, or OCs/Vtuber garbage

don't even know why I bother man lol
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>get to rainbow road
>it has no rings at all so the only way to get more is to get a ring box
Vector, Rat God, Pierre, and the Sailor Scouts are my favorite.

One shouldn't be a custom character but we all hear about that one enough.
A lot of the tracks are ring starved. Person who made it needs to fix it.
>>someone ported all the SMK maps today
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>piksqu maps
any racists today?
it's friday.
2/31 it could be happening
6/31 it's probably happening
12/31 it's happening a little
6/31 it's already happened
Here's something kinda neat. Footage of Endless Mine from about 3 years ago.
Just found out Kart Krew's uploading the original song for the game on their YT.
Oh shit, potential scrapped character.
There's a few characters they cut besides the SRB2Kart veterans, including Zylo, Samba de Amigo, Vanessa and Tangle.
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and you think they'd add tangle so whisper could have her girlfriend. on other words what is your favorite 'working designs' sign post?

mine is ring the racer so i can luagh at how stupid kagurabachi is when it gets axed.
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I'm aware of Zylo and Vanessa, considering they have audio leftovers (along Vector, Gamma, Omega, and the Hero and Dark Chao). Did not know about Amigo and Tangle.
For me, it's Arle. I know it's the screaming at cat meme but I still love it.
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tangle and amigo were only ever "confirmed" by the dipshit that wrote the TV tropes article back when the game was simply just kart V2 (there was a section indicating who was to be added into V2). i don't know if those two were ever supposed to make it in, though jeck jims did have an .md3 of tangle in the works
still fucked up vanessa instead of jacky is going to represent virtua fighter, waifuism is one hell of a drug
3/31 comfy Saturday racing
This one is also my favorite
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He also had a model of Amigo very early in development
Do rivals rubberband to specific rivals like f-zero x, or do they only rubberband to 1st?
dumb, practically no one knows who vanessa is, where at least people may (big may) recognize jacky or akira. better yet if it'd be possible with this game, do the thing sega all stars did and have them both in the car.
Jacky has precedent in that he's the actual nascar driver even in-universe
The CPU doesn't really "rubberband" I think, they just have a bunch of cope speedboosts to make up for not drifting. The rival gets a couple extra ones (like doubled ringboosts) and higher AI level.
I played these on some random server, they're ok but they could tuned better for ring racers
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For me it's Rouge
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what is ecco's sign refrencing?
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>someone turned the sealed stars courses into actual tracks
and they actually work out pretty well
ok, i'm getting better at the game, and to be honest this game's a lot more fun once you got modded characters in there. I was playing as Cream before and absolutely fuming every time Amy & Big would mess me up. Now, I can't get mad when Fat Albert or ATHF characters mess me up, I just lol
2/50 are on
Download where?
I got it off a server I played on earlier. I could probably upload it onto catbox or somewhere.
Would appreciate it, I want to try those out.
It's not all 14 maps, but rather it's 4 from each set of Emeralds
Thanks. You got the name of the mod so I don't have to keep the catbox random gibberish?
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Thanks, bro
rare lepus w
>a bunch of characters cut from the game apparently because some spriters were groomers
>Sonic Shorts 9 just removed one short after the animator was outed as an ERPing porn addict
And so cancel culture continues to destroy everything it touches.

I feel like one of these is a lot more serious than the other

Is that Flonnee??? Download where
What is the killfeed mod?
>>a bunch of characters cut from the game apparently because some spriters were groomers
There's still literally no source for this besides schizos on /vm/.
nta but that was from v1. There is a Flonne mod for Ring Racers which is probably made by the same person, considering the sprites are the same, and her "working designs" sign is Flonnezilla, just like on the main server
>>Sonic Shorts 9 just removed one short after the animator was outed as an ERPing porn addict
For what it's worth, someone managed to archive it. Also I find it amusing how they'll remove anything a groomer touches, but Kart Krew is still perfectly fine with Charyb on their team.
>and her "working designs" sign is Flonnezilla, just like on the main server
Nope, pure coincidence.
Is there a link to this Flonne mod for Ring Racers? Are the other Disgaea characters also there or just Flonne?
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I have no idea. Never really played Disgaea.
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Skin limit is now at ludicrous levels, capping at 65,534 characters.
Followers tbd, the pack isn't loading at the moment.
Sneed follower?
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Alright bros the time has come.
With the new Neptune update, as Onyo said, we now have a staggering 65,000+ skin slots.
Reply to this post with some characters you want in the server and a link to their file.
Also in this update is the addition of followers from DRRR, and Nep made it piss easy for any follower to be quickly ported.
If you have any DRRR followers you want ported over, also link them here.
All of the followers under the Robo Blast 1 category.
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>>>>>65,000+ skin slots
Motorbike Mimiga, Midori and the Zoobe 4th of July bunny from the April Fools update
Dragon Quest Slime ( https://mb.srb2.org/threads/slime-dragon-quest-v2.26547/ )
Tangle and Jewel ( https://mb.srb2.org/threads/tangle-tangoodle-are-here-to-race-kc_ld-tangles.29055/ and https://mb.srb2.org/addons/jewels-character-pack-v6-new-squid-sisters-rusty-rose.1919/ )
Conductor ( https://mb.srb2.org/threads/renderers-character-arsenal-v1-0.28105/ )
Totodile ( https://mb.srb2.org/addons/epicpro-character-pack.4222/ )
Marine and Patamon ( https://mb.srb2.org/threads/joker-chars-pack-v6-1-plus-pikachu.26476/ )
Grim, Fulgore, Felica and Hoodmonger ( https://mb.srb2.org/addons/ayasmes-radical-racer-pack.5907/ )
Gordon Freeman ( https://mb.srb2.org/threads/srherbiis-character-pack-v3-0.29779/ )
Chell ( https://mb.srb2.org/addons/chell-from-portal-flings-into-srb2k.6053/ )
Updated Mort, Sam, Chibi Naoto and Opila Bird + Stinger Flynn ( https://mb.srb2.org/addons/komaloses-character-pack.4662/ )
Max ( https://mb.srb2.org/addons/max-sam-and-max.4107/ )
Kit ( https://mb.srb2.org/addons/rift-pack-v3-6-md3-support-up-to-v1-6-cast.1905/ )
The Lamb ( https://mb.srb2.org/addons/patafoins-pack-rtx-update-11-new-characters.2500/ )
Mina and Vanilla ( https://mb.srb2.org/threads/rift-pack-v3-6-md3-support-up-to-v1-6-cast.26589/ )
Morgana ( https://mb.srb2.org/threads/seans-kart-character-pack-v3-banjo-kazooie.26381/ )
Egg Mobile Eggman ( https://mb.srb2.org/addons/egg-mobile-eggman.5930/ )
Tomomo, Starbo and Alicianrone ( https://mb.srb2.org/threads/polnyanski-character-pack-v4-5-gust-looking-for-profit-in-kart.27370/ )
the hell cake and cacodemon
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Probably should have said this in the post but all of the vanilla followers are already ported.
I was more so asking for followers from the MB or other sources that people want in.
fucking checked
qrd on making modded followers for neptune?
the rest of the disgaeas
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do NOT
I want darkrider shadow and the new super sonic
Pingas (https://mb.srb2.org/addons/fishpack.6712/)
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>not just one but 2 NIS series in kart
only a matter of time until the witches get in.
Using this fork of Followermaker I just made, it should be about the same as making a kart character more or less. Which is copy a template, sprite on it, edit the properties then drop the folder on the exe.
Windows Defender identifies this as a threat for me.
Sounds like a false positive. Heres the virustotal https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/5e8aa000f69cacbe452a273ad388f89847a8b16861686fa97aca6f5bdce26d7e?nocache=1
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it got updated to v2.2a already
draco (https://mb.srb2.org/addons/flesks-follower-pack.6592/)
double the gao

Nice Mimyuu
Dawn and Piplup: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/jewels-character-pack-v6-new-squid-sisters-rusty-rose.1919/
NoLegs: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/mindacos-unsorted-box.5689/
Tempo: https://mb.srb2.org/threads/timechambers-character-pack-v1-5-1.28795/
QP: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/kinochars-v1.3489/
Plok: https://mb.srb2.org/threads/plok-version-2-now-with-md2.26137/
Sora: https://mb.srb2.org/threads/sora.26221/
Suguri https://mb.srb2.org/threads/suguri.26518/
Haruha Raharu and Tankman (https://mb.srb2.org/addons/kibitos-dump-of-kart-characters.3673/)
I also posted >>1342375, you can add the rest of the pack if you want to.
Never mind, I'm retarded. Just Haruha then.
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Howdy guys, this anon again >>1325371

Actually some fantastic timing, considering I just finished backporting more characters to V1.

Backported Emerl and BattleKuku as promised, and included Maria as a bonus. Also went ahead and added Gum to the pack as well.
Pack now includes:
>Mail, Rappy, SA2Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles, Metal Sonic, Big, Redz, Pulseman, Zipp, Emerl, BattleKuku, Gum and Maria.
Probably going to be the last for now, unless some character comes out that interests me. If there's any issues lmk.
>Battle Kuku
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I just ported my Harpy to V1 can you put her in

As a sidenote I didn't realize v1 sprites were 80x80 instead of v2's 96x96 so I had to do a fair bit of redrawing
okay battle kuku is a little hot i must admit
get your hands off of him he's MINE
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US Server is going to be down for the day, something's not working in 2.2b
Did anyone watch the honey pot tournament for ring racers, game has a huge bagging problem.
that's what happens when you're solely playing to win in any kart game, but especially when you can just pick the item you want
almost every tournament we played for SRB2K had to have explicit rules against it
Literally every Kart Racer has a bagging problem if you're playing for money
Got a link to it? I want to see how bad it was.
fwiw this isn't uncommon in kart racers but ring racers track design heavily encourages it lol
honestly I feel like the lap bonus sysyem was an attempt to discourage bagging as-is
trying to bag in ELO-based servers will usually get you at BEST a C rank or lower, and depending on placement D and E ranks drop your kartscore into the gutter
obviously none of that matters in a tournament setting, which is where this issue mainly lies
Recently started having an issue in v1 where my delay is fine, then suddenly a massive drop in ping just a moment just for it to go back to normal, and then it does it again ad infinitum. At first, I thought it was a specific server, but it's happening on MS and VM servers. Any clues as to what's going on? Did I break something? I haven't touched any settings recently.
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Should fix the couple of remaining issues from 2.2. US server is back up and the character packs have been updated.
Well the best time to bag is right before the last tripwire cut or so on lap 3, which doesn't really affect lap bonus. I've won a lot of races by playing normally and then bagging on lap 3 to secure a win
he loves me more than he does you
5/30 in US
>mimiggers are killing the server
>3 crashes in a row
guess I'll just kill myself
Disgaea players are now forbidden to play on this server.
>win races before they even start
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Client is currently having an issue regarding followers and replays and it's crashing the server
Nep is already on the case and will push an update soon.
SRB2K > Ring Racers
i disagree but i hope you enjoy your time with SRB2K anyways
Still trying to find the kill feed mod but it seems to not be available anywhere.
That works for DRRR?
When you get hit by an item? Its called hitfeed for SRB2Kart https://mb.srb2.org/addons/hitfeed-kl_hitfeed_v2-2-pk3.2399/ and RR has one called hitlist which you can get here https://github.com/GenericHeroGuy/ringracers-scripts
Thanks, bro.
Digging around the other luas here, the drift gauge and hitlag doesn't seem to be working and I assume hitlist only works when hitting actual other players and not bots.
nah turns out I'm just too retarded to figure loose files out.
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This rat's kart fucking sucks it keeps blowing up

very cute rat though
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Okay, one more time so the server stops crashing


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>one more time
okay after figuring out how to not be so retarded with loose files I just think the hitlist lua from the repo is broken, since it constantly gives me
>hitlist.lua:149: attempt to call global 'SG_AddHook' (a nil value)
in the log even though the other luas that require graphics work fine, like the drift gauge.
Its not, you need to pack this stuff into a pk3. Here I did it for you: https://files.catbox.moe/sm5bol.pk3
That pk3 looks exactly like the pk3 I created since you can just change a zip to a pk3
Do you literally have to build the pk3 using the python script?
I think so yeah, in doom based games the order of the files inside actually matters since you can move file positions and that is what that script does
well thanks for feeding my dumbass with a proper pk3
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We are so back
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>webm rel

I finished watching the whole tournament and these races are really boring to watch as aside from a literal small handful of moments like webm rel, everyone's just playing the same with people going for invincibility + jackpot chains or it's shrink ruining the race for everyone as people get hit by 3+ lasers stacked in a chokepoint while the guy who used it gets a 30sec grow and stacks it with invinc/jackpot chains and takes every cut for free.

Even people I see that try holding onto the flame shield or doing bubble hops usually just get BTFO by all the item spam and multiple people stacking invincibility so they quickly use the bubble or flame shield so they can get invinc or jackpot chain. The stream chat seethes eternally at all the players bagging and pretending that the item balance isn't hot garbage, even the commentators are saying that excessive bagging is the only optimal strat kek

I also find it funny the hosters took out every track that has crushers in it because of a AI bug KK haven't patched where after a player finishes the race and their kart gets controlled by AI, if the AI gets crushed then the player's score is reset kek. Also weird they don't play on gear 3
where's the waluigi wiggler addon?
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this is the only time I've seen insta whip make an actual good play the whole tourney and of course it's by a heavyweight chad
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that's some playtesting
I think once people get better at instawhipping bagging will become way less of an issue.
Fuck, maybe they should buff it and give it that thing from battle mode where getting instawhipped gives the person who did it your invincibility.
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>that fucking avatar
I accidentally did a similar cut in Emerald Hill, between the curved turns and the waterfall
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metalbro sadly still lost to the baggers
I love these players know about this cut kek
Such bad map design that it's faster to fall off
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Tournament winner (Astronight) interview
>This game is NOT balanced at all! I'm not sure how obvious it was but I was bagging like every single race!
>Shrink. Dontu was trying to stop me from getting shrink, literally NO ONE could stop me and I won by 13 points are you KIDDING me!
>Okay-look there's-it just feels like this whole game was designed to be some sort of like, quitter clip-fest of snowballing and...AUGH from like the overpowered Jawz to Grow being so strong you pair with invulnerability-the invulnerability stacks okay and if you keep doing that you just win
>This-it is so easy to bag and frontrunning is nigh impossible in this meta. I-literally if you frontrun you lose, you lose, doodle was frontrunning, he lost alright
>There's a lot of things that need to be reworked

>Q: Would you say that your playstyle is literally a callout to Kart Krew to fix their shit?
>A: YEP definitely
>Q: Do you have any closing words?
>A: Dr Robotnik's Ring Racers? More like Dr RoBOTCHnik's MID RACERS
>Kart Krew has already made it a point that they COULD NOT get any kart people to beta test this game
Now that's some copium from KK
What happened to all that bragging about how "heavily playtested" the game was with the 5 years development kek
>test with retarded family/friends: can't figure out the meta or map exploits
>test with SRB2K turbo-autists: game is unfun for retards
There was no winning here
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>A: Dr Robotnik's Ring Racers? More like Dr RoBOTCHnik's MID RACERS
that is one of the grossest looking vtuber models i've seen in a long time
This feels like a repeat of what happened to TF2. This game is clearly designed for the "middle" skill group between casualfags and tourneyfags. Casualfags get too owned by all the insane weird chaos and Tourneyfags optimize the fun out of it and turn the chaos into something completely fucking rancid.
I don't know if there's a solution, because tilting the balance towards casuals will just turn this shit into Mario Kart Slop and too many of the fun mechanics would fall to pieces if tuned for turbosweaty tournament fags.
KK already have longtime srb2k players like tb1 and KK have already said they don't care about the reception from casuals because they think the game's design is good which is of course hypocritical with how fast they were patching the game and banning people who call out and criticize the game's bad design on launch
the reaction from the tourney is just an extension of things that have already been said by lots of players plenty of times
TF2 is different because compfags only play comp in their own servers and they have their own plugins/blacklists that casual players will never encounter them
The worst thing on casual/community servers is friend groups doing pocket combos to farm the server but that's done by comp players and non-comp players
In RR, both casuals and comp players are making the exact same complaints
>turn this shit into Mario Kart Slop
that's already the current state with all the excessive bagging
mart kartkrew needs to push out that next patch with the new characters and rethink the whole game to nerf bagging.

mk8dx did that to a degree.
>Invincibility, Grow and Shrink do not appear in the item roulette normally
>if you've been hit by another player and you're far enough behind, these items will be available for X seconds before being locked again
You think that would fix bagging?
you'd have to add garden top and rockets, at which point you've locked out half the item pool.
This would also completely pigeonhole trap item placement (except for eggboxes).
The other big boost items like top, rockets and flame shield don't make you invincible, nor do they fuck over everyone ahead of you, so you'd have to play carefully to take full advantage of them
neither does grow.
>trying to bag in ELO-based servers will usually get you at BEST a C rank or lower
reiterating this given current events
while this won't fix anything about the current item balance, if KK doesn't rebalance the game in the next few updates I can completely see tourney hosts switching to rank based scoring
it wouldn't eliminate last lap bagging bullshit but it would prevent shit like astro winning an entire tournament JUST by bagging
Being able to plow through spikes and other hazards makes it roughly the same tier as invincibility
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Nintendo never fixed bagging in MK8 and it's at it's worst in that game compared to previous MKs
The 2nd item box was a bandaid fix but all it did was make bagging even more optimal because instead of getting one item you can stack 2 which makes it worse for players that dislike it
Even when Nintendo did a patch to try and fix bagging during the wave DLC, they didn't fix it properly as you can still do it like in webm rel
The reason why bagging is so bad in MK8 is because of the changed item logic which is far inferior to MKWii and MKDS as in MK8 items work like
>Items are based on distance from 1st place, not position
>There are no restrictions on shock which is why one person can get and use shock while another person rolls shock and then uses it again a couple secs after. MKWii for example had a built block that it's impossible for another shock to appear for at minimum the next 30secs after one is used and only one player can roll a shock
>Lack of restrictions on stars and bullet bills which is why you can have races where there's: 4 stars being active, 2 bullet bills active, 1 guy uses shock (another guy rolls it within 10secs), 2 gold mushrooms active etc
>More spam items that are just filler and clutter up the item pool as they all have similar design (boomerang, fireball)
>More item spam devalues the impact speed items have (mushrooms, gold mushrooms) so the meta devolves into wanting stars, bullets, and shock as they make the most impact
Shrink either needs to be disabled/deleted or heavily reworked so that multiple lasers don't appear in chokepoints and are properly spaced out, and maybe make the trail slightly shorter and the lasers slower.
It also probably shouldn't give grow to the user because for the vast majority of tracks grow can last for an entire lap or multiple laps on smaller courses
Should probably only show up for last place and 2nd to last too
The Insect Swarm item from SEGA Transformed works similiarly to shrink in that it causes hazards to appear on the track the racers have to dodge but they're always well spaced out and leave big enough openings that it's fun to dodge them and drift around them when you're snaking all over the track
This is fine on it's own, the problem is that you stack it with Jackpot chains as Jackpot is easy to roll in timing and gives you a speed boost that's better than sneakers
KK should get rid of the added time from hitting people with it but make the base time a little longer, and make ring boxes roll even faster if you're invincible so it's harder to get jackpots
This is also fine as it's weaker than it's srb2k version
Grow is a hinderance on most tracks as the heavier weight makes the physics fuck up really easily and hot garbage on water tracks or doing water skips because of water physics and the physics on uphills can be garbage too
Grow can be countered by tops, invincibility, and insta whip too
The problem of Grow is when the shrink user gets it for free and they can stack it with invincibility/ring boxes which offsets Grow's downsides
Doesn't change anything because you just need to roll shrink once and it's an auto win as consistently seen in that entire tourney
I feel like the proper solution to shrink is to go from this "determine shrink laser position based on checkpoints" system to "have shrink lasers be manually set per-map", because the current issue with it is that the game has a bad habit of spamming shrink lasers in a really lopsided, nonsensical way, especially on small courses.
Item is fine but it appears too often, should only be given to lower half of positions
Also fine, sneakers are bad in RR and rocket is the only good version, it's a hindrance to get this item as flame shield, shrink, invincibility, top, bubble are all better speed items
The best use this has is for taking cuts or building up a big sliptide boost just like how sneakers only use is for taking a cut but you're not expecting to catch up with it
>hosts switching to rank based scoring
That is the only real solution so far in vanilla's current state kek
Lap bonus should be expanded so that you get given points in every position instead of only 1st-4th counting and the number of points you get each lap from lap bonuses is what decides your total score instead of the usual position based scoring
That makes frontrunning actually optimal as players don't want to waste 1-2 laps bagging if it means they lose the tourney because too little points
Astro also wasn't the only one bagging, tons of players were doing it the entire tourney because it's the only optimal way to play because of KK's design
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actually to add to this I also forgot to mention
>Coin shows up too often especially for 1st
>2nd place can get triple reds, but 1st only gets: 1 green, 1 banana, coin, horn to defend themselves with
>reds have extreme homing with very little offset compared to previous MKs and it has too long a range when thrown. Players can be a corner behind a racer in front but the red will perfectly go around corners and track even though the guy ahead isn't on screen
>Bullets can last way too long in MK8 especially when players figure out the correct places on the track to use them in
>Blooper is useless in it's design to block your view as it barely covers the screen
cheesed land my behated
>only 1st-4th counting
as a slight correction to this: 1st already gets 2 lap bonus per lap, and being in the top half at all gives only one
ranks are affected by both lap bonus and position, and placing bottom half means that unless you were steamrolling until the final lap, you're getting no better than an E

I'm realizing now how flawed a scoring system using either could end up being in practice
if you go with bonus based scoring, the race comes down to who can maintain first for all 3 laps, and will lead to predictable results
but going with rank based scoring means bottom half is cucked out of getting points (theoretically, E rank would just give you no points)
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>she doesn't hop like in DRRR
0/10, follower support was a waste of time
Rank based scoring sounds good until you realize that it is literally impossible to recover from a single bad lap, as you can get at most 4 points. It's also very possible to be behind for most of the race but get in first at the end of each lap, I've gotten a 6/6 on races I was either barely frontrunning or outright far behind on for a good chunk because a good power item can get you to 1st very easily, even if it's hard to maintain because of bagging
You can still quasi-bag with ranked based scoring by stealing 1st at the end of laps and the droping places to do it again. Then all you need is to finish in 1st-3rd for a full score when totaled up.
>they had to run a fucking tournament to realize the game is twitch bait dogshit trash
LOL i played this garbage and in less than 5 rounds already realized that INSTANTLY
>DRR tournament
lol i seen better games get shit for much less, fuck this trash "game" it doesn't deserve any attention
Why the fuck is there a life system for Grand Prix Mode?
What kart racing game doesnt?
It's for the special stages.
Ring Bonus gives you more points and bonus lives, so you ideally want to stock up and have the best chance possible at clearing the special.
Splats more like
1(+4)/31 on US
4/31 on US
Get in
This would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that using too many also tanks your rank, because this game needs to punish you at every turn for absolutely anything.
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this is like the third time now
Rank literally doesn't do anything, though. The only requirement is "have 425 points after the last stage" for the special stage, which you can get pretty easily as long as you're not completely fumbling it.
I blame custom client for randomizing hitboxes even further.
How would you guys fix this specific bagging problem? All I can think of is completely randomizing items and always having a fast speed on the spin wheel but I don't think that would directly nerf some really good item stacking
This shit is scuffed and isn't the only place this works. The respawn snake is largely garbage in some cases where it's easier to actually get out of it sooner than stay in the damn thing

Listen, I was doing this to fuck with Astro. It was a pyrrhic victory to not allow him shrink in this one race even though he had guaranteed 1st by this point

IMO KK really fucking screwed up balancing hard for what Astro said, it's more of a haha funni clip generator than anything.
The Disgaea bias is real
Honestly, just buff instawhip by giving it that shit from Battle Mode where it steals invuln when you land it.
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nah this is vile schlomo sorcery.
Races WHEN? It's friday and I NEEEEEEED to outspeed anons.
5/31 pop open a cold one and get in
15/31 party time
how do you guys just essemble so quickly? one hour i check theres no one on the server, next hour theres 16 of you? is it because all of you are in the same timezone?
the races call and the racists answer
check the website listed in the fp
there's a status page
also discord
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>b*sty etna
finally, etna's been fixed
so you guys just refresh the status page all the time? theres gotta be an easier way. i dont want to be on discord
it helps to post something and then sit in the server like this guy >>1347056 probably did
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Also regularly update the threads with player counts and the occasional ebin shitpost for engagement purposes
10/31 evening party racing
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reverting grow and invincibility back to how they worked in srb2k would fix the bagging problem in drrr
by making grow completely worthless, sure
still leaves the top and both the new shields.
Shrink is what Astro was trying to consistently get through bagging. Between the inconsistent laser spawns and how it can double as a free Grow for you, that shit is busted.
I wonder if the correct call is just making the lasers do something to the Shrink user other than Grow.
Maybe giving them 10 rings every time they touch one, or something?
They could've won if they listened from feedback from years ago but they didn't
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Races? Races WHEN?
4/31 please keep all hands and legs inside the kart while in motion
11/31 not for racers with high blood pressure or certain physical conditions
17/31 please keep your head flat against the back of your seat and enjoy the race
10/31 please wait until the race has come to a complete stop before exiting the vehicle
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from the other day
flonne finally uses her head
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The command randomlistchar has been updated to also allow you to pick colors. In your randomcharacters.txt file, you can define colors for the skin by using "skinname;red" instead of just "skinname" for the line. You can also use "skinname;default" to use the skin's default color. "skinname" is still valid, it will just use whatever color you had last.

Also a Neptune update, but you aren't required to update your clients for this one.
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how you were allowed to clear that I'll never know.
31/31 GET IN NOW!!!!
I forgot to upload the binaries to this whoops...
Alright they should be there now. Sorry lmao
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>look at server status
>no racers
let's change this shit, get the fuck in
yes YOU, reading this RIGHT NOW
i'll be waiting in the server and if you don't get in i'll keep telling you to get in
2/31 begin launch sequence
Alright I'll be there in a little bit.
10/31 stand clear of the blast doors
15/31 launch successful
>notice that someone made a vibri mod in ring racers
>victory sign has faggot propaganda
So I went and fixed it. The original mod didn't have a working designs sign so this one also won't
What's the point in having an item roulette for rings if it's always the same order and its really easy to get jackpot?
Literally all the item sets are hardcoded and in the same order. The whole point is that you can pick if you're staying focused.
about half of my replays have been sigsegving halfway in. Is this just me?
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>victory sign has faggot propaganda
This is so random
0 subtlety
The girl pack on the message board was the same way, but it was atleast easy to just go in and delete the pride flag followers/icons/colors. This one was baked into the sprite though, which sucks
fucking hate that about girl pack. retard said some shit like they didn't want to do individual characters because "it's more trouble than it's worth." and "it's disheartening when I put all of this love and care into my character packs and people only use the two or three characters..." like yes retard. That's the entire point of this fucking game and the last one. These games are customizable and so people can build their own rosters. If people don't want your shitty FF7 shit (because it's the only FF game these retards play anyway) then they don't have to get if they don't want it. This modern art mentality shit needs to die man
thank you, I have fagtigue
why is hitting a speed panel while spinning out so cruel
Might want to post them for Nep to look at, may be a client update issue.
I don't get why trans folk are so insistent on shoving their ugly flag everywhere

Even Americans shove their flag around less
Its all they have
Do it enough times, and the simple concept of pink and blue being together inflicts permanent brain rot in people. It worked for rainbows.
Blame fags and trannies

I only have two using the current modlist, the nightclub and jelly circuit ones, the others go a few days back
i hate emerel's voice in ring racers, he sounds like a character out of tgt
Because its nothing but a religious cult they need to show their iconography everywhere they can
I hope KK has been in full panic mode since the bagging tournament, getting tumbled near the finish line is really grating on my nerves at this point
the game needed another year of testing. both for bugs and actually having all weight types playable without mods. plus choosing your item is bound to lead to dumb-fuck levels of bagging
The recent events certainly make the “we tested this with amateur players outside the inner circle” statement less believable. People were probably tryharding in the sessions so much that nobody stopped to think "what if I intentionally stayed behind to farm the good items?"
i think they probably did but only for the tutorial they're so proud of
That makes even less sense because the tutorial is overly long and under-informative, and you know the latter immediately when you get into your first race and are presented with the positioning phase.
they didn't test jack shit i'm sure of it. how many people 'tested' the game in the credits anyways?
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They definitely did pick up testers at some point, pic related for example, but the apparent problem is that most if not all of the test audience was turbo autists who knew SRB2Kart from the inside out. KK needed Valve-tier retards to test alongside them to ensure the game would appeal to the general public.
That first paragraph is on the nose. Some tracks have spots where if you get hit, your just so slow and heavy and in such a ditch that it's difficult to get out relatively fast. Natural spin dashing is the way to get out but golly
>KK needed Valve-tier retards to test alongside them
I mean, as far as we know, they did. Several of the devs claim to have gotten their parents/grandparents.
there's also the freyaday guy who they got to do all the last-place staff replays who drives like a toddler on ketamine
The staff ghosts back in SRB2Kart also had some terminally retarded drivers, so I don't think that says much
kind of late to this but as someone who's posting their own characters to the board it's a mindset that boggles my mind
it's like why would you make it more inconvenient for people to use your own pack
and the weirdest thing is that it's a mindset many others have??
it's not even that hard to manage all those .pk3s, since most of the time you'll not even change anything from most characters
it's so dumb
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Only real reasons I can think of people to not want to make separate versions of each character is because they're either very lazy and can't be bothered, or because of the personal desire to have people use the WHOLE pack than part of the pack (even though chances are they're just gonna rip what they want out anyway).
I get wanting to keep everything consolidated and for people to appreciate the work you put into the whole character pack, but at the same time it's a detrimental mentality to have and is just kinda annoying, like it takes just a couple of minutes to set up separate character downloads why can't you just do it now you lazy bum
>why can't you just do it now you lazy bum
>make a popular character (i.e. mario)
>make obscure waifu/husbando character nobody but me gives a shit about
>bundle them together and give no separate download
>now servers are more likely to use both
It's not that hard to understand why.
>the game needed another year of testing.
the fact that this opinion is so common despite the game taking half a decade is honestly embarrassing
makes me wonder what the hell KK was doing in that timeframe, or what the dev process was even like beyond "it works, we're done here"
i'm convinced they were too busy sniffing their own farts during those 5 years
People tend to demonize early access, and for understandable reasons, but this is the opposite side of the coin. A bunch of shut-in devs who believe that everything they make is perfect and the entire playerbase will happily accept their work.
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I will do this so Harpy is on every single mod server
u better make sage, faggot
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well evidently it won't happen officially until 2030 and I don't have faith any other person who does it first won't bundle it with a shitty oc or do a shit job so I guess I probably should since she's cute

It'd fit if her uh... red cyber stuff was what was recolorable so you can have good sage

Only annoying part is that I won't be able to cheat with symmetrical

I've drawn her before so I can probably just use this as a base since idk how else I'd make the swirl hair look good
I'll give you a hint about the hair in case you didn't notice: It's supposed to look like an eggshell.
Better than omelette
Roasted Ruins is kicking my ass at the moment. I've got the whole track down to where I can drift most of the time through it, but if I hit anything once, it's hard to recover
ratgod and honey sexo
What servers not listed on the SRB2K browser still have a playerbase?
Seems like pretty much everyone fucked off from getting listed and hid away their own servers.
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rat milk

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