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What are some MMOs that focus on STORY?

I am so over doing the rush to endgame or grinding to be top dog anymore. I just want to leisurely go through a nice story in an atmospheric lore-rich world with some social elements.

Some examples

Pretty cool. You can even choose dialogue
>Secret World
Basically /x/ the game
Kinda dated but has a lot of content
Feels kinda dead because of instances but the story is there
Haven't actually played this. I'm just assuming it's similar to GW1
Good idea for a thread. SWTOR is the one I've been playing since forever, but I'm also open to new suggestions.
ESO has some semi-decent stories if you are into elder scrolls lore, but I can’t stand the gameplay
dem tits
bethesda games suck though
xivfags swear it has the best story "in all of media" , can someone confirm or deny this
It is awful and massively overrated. As someone that has played every current xpac and is a huge storyfag I can assure you "FFXIV's story is good!" is one of the biggest unchecked lies in gaming. It's very mediocre at its absolute best
XIV fans seem like they haven't experienced anything else in their lives. I don't know how else they can claim the story of their game is the best. It's a sluggish, generic, big nothing.
>secret world
probably the most well-written mmo out there but funcom is such a fucking dogshit company there's been no hope for this game for almost a decade. easily the biggest disappointment in my gaming life and the only one I will always seethe over. the vanishing of tyler freeborn story arc is one of the most kino sets of missions and ending in any game I've ever played.
How is it nowadays? I bought it ages ago and was surprised to find it's turned F2P.
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If you mean players, picrel is beyond grim. It was never a high pop game but jfc. If you mean content, very little was added after the f2p change and most of it was clearly whatever they could push out the door as cheaply as humanly possible (and even then some of it was still pretty fucking good). Most of the important changes planned for the f2p release were not delivered, i.e. combat and animations still janky as fuck, some dungeons/raids in the original version never made it into legends, etc. then the company fucked off to make peepee sliders in Conan Exiles which actually made them some money for once and secret world's fate was basically sealed.
Well that's depressing. Is it soloable?
FFXIV, Star Trek Online, Mabinogi all have pretty robust storylines
everything in the campaign is soloable, yes. in fact, the game limits the number of players in each map instance to encourage a more isolated atmosphere, though that doesn't appear to be necessary any longer.
you don't know the half of it. at its peak it was a really fun, tight-knit community of players with devs who clearly loved working on the game, but the business side of funcom completely fucked it over.
Update me on orange gear, did they revoke f2p's rights for it?
I didn't play GW1 but I no-lifed GW2 for several years and if I learned nothing else from other players, it's that there are very few similarities between the two. Story-wise it is as reddit as it can possibly get. The game is designed from the ground up to capture the broadest and shallowest audience possible.
>fun, tight-knit community
Even the /v/ guild that existed way back in the before times didn't have that many faggots. That is how good the community was.
The Secret World used to be perfect for this before the devs fucked the game up. They dun goofed.
>I'm just assuming it's similar to GW1
Did you mean to post this thread on /v/ with bait this obvious?
It's generic anime shit, people only hype it up because streamers were constantly shilling it for an entire year, now no one talks about it.
It's good in the way most final fantasy storylines are good

So it's not at all but fags keep screaming it is at you
ESO has easily the best questing in any mmo I’ve played. Thieves guild quests in morrowind are pure kino. The gameplay is hit or miss since it revolves a lot around animation cancelling. I can see how someone would like it but I was ehhhh on it.
Is Secret World (Legends) worth playing for the story if you basically ignore the MMO parts of it?
IMO you're better off playing a single player game.

The aspects that make an MMO an MMO gets in the way of good storytelling and you can get MMO like games without always online dogshit getting in your way.

I highly suggest checking out Dragon Age: Origins if you want a game that plays kind of like an MMO from there try other cRPGs and see what you like.
The only story-driven mmo i have played that was very story focused was Lost Ark. But if you're getting into it now, you're gonna be blasted with cash shop currency popups on login
>>1349089 Part 2:
Lost ark by the way plays 99% of the entire game up until max level as a single player action hack and slash like diablo, but action combat. Thats how its able to be story driven
I played LA at launch with a friend, but he dropped out for personal issues (unrelated to the game) and we never got back into it.
I regularly think about trying it again as a diablo clone to mess around with until POE2 releases.
Is it actually worth doing the story? I don't care about end game, if the story is fun and the gameplay is decent, I'd try getting my friend to play again.

I only hesitate because I see so many negative reviews and negative talk about it. I've been burnt by Korean MMOs before (archeage was my last serious try in the genre) so I am hesitant to even give it a shot.
>MMOs that focus on STORY?
What's the appeal?

Yeah definitely one of the ones you're looking for.
>Secret World
Completely forgot about this one. Gameplay isn't as immersive, but story is fun.
Yeah this one is interesting. Not really any game like it. It looks dated (graphics and animations), but I still enjoy the gameplay and story. not for everyone because of those dated aspects, watch some videos of it.
Really shares nothing except the setting with gw1. Completely different games. Its main "specialty" is open world content. Some parts the story is fun, in many others its pretty shit. You can tell its written for mass appeal.
This one can be pretty immersive and good story telling. Can play in first person, kill random NPCs in town, steal from them, fully voiced questlines, some of them have "lite choices" (choices in the quest that change how it ends, but doesn't really impact any rewards or things outside of the quest). Combat is pretty rough though. Luckily the open world is so easy you can play the most random builds in the game and be fine. So adds some customization possibilities to make things more fun.
I heard a lot of people play this for the story. I can't stand the setting myself, but I've heard other people praise it. Potentially something to look into.

You can also play "mmorpg-lite" games that have lots of multiplayer and story options. Such as fallout 76.
I've been calling this out for years, but there is a sizable and growing population of mmorpg players that are exactly like OP. Some call it parallel play. Some call it playing alone together. Essentially it comes down to people are looking for a world to get lost in, get invested in, get immersed in. World being not just atmosphere, but world building, story, etc. And you combine this with the social elements. The social elements provide a level of "new" to every playthrough. You wont just see the same NPCs scripting around. You can talk to people while playing. And choose to group up with them if you're in the mood to. To experience the world/story with others.

To me, it shares a lot of similarities as to why people watch other people play video games on twitch. Especially multiplayer games like MMORPG. If a MMORPG ever comes around that manages to create a "good" mmorpg that appeals to this audience, it will blow up.
Korean MMOs actually have a decent story in their games if you take the time to take in the LORE. It's not about the story itself but more on exploration and lore, reading random shit you find about or sidequests. I went in to Dragon Nest with 0 expectations and when I actually took the time to read stuff it had a decent story behind it. Hell, even MapleStory has a decent story behind it. If you take in the time to read in your MMOs you'd be surprised at how much lore you're missing out.

No. It's not even the best story in the whole franchise. I would put say it's mid at best. Still a good story though compared to other MMOs.
>ESO has some semi-decent stories if you are into homosexuality
yes, that's arguably the only way to play since it's a dead game and many people played it like that even when it was reasonably populated
GW2's lead developer was a woman who never played 1. If that tells you anything.

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