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What are your thoughts on the terrain feature?
For me, I think it’s a great feature even at its buggy state back then when it was introduced, especially at building mazes in the old yellow house starter place. Pretty kink.
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Look at these balls.
is this in retrostudio or something? roblox forced all old games to update to smooth terrain at the start of 2017. which broke a lot of games.
it is terrain
>what are old screenshots
these look new
Dumbass nigga.
desu, never seriously used it. last time i messed with it, the terrain just seemed too ugly and inflexible. id much rather solid model my own stuff
what, were you expecting retroonstudio players to have an IQ higher than 4.6?
i miss legend of the shattered rune
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I fugged up and changed the simple password on my OG account to something complex and I forgor what I changed it to. I probably habe it saved somewhere, but what are my other options in case I can't find it or can't remember? I didn't link an e-mail.
can try the customer support gauntlet
You think they'll be able to associate my account with my IP and give my account back? Just in case negotiations go south, should I have an Indian or Filipino acquaintance on hand to appeal to them on a cultural level and ask for a solid?
having one on hand could help, if you get through the initial bot section
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we need more older demographic roblox youtubers
i only now discovered The Taco Man and his animations got some laughs out of me
never touched it significantly but people like to use it for cheap surroundings in games nowadays.
Even back when terrain was picrel implementing it into places seemed forced and samey
i become friends with the game creator and he was pretty retarded
I loved using it for building houses and skyscrapers, it meshed great with all the greenery. I wished I know Lua back then, I had an idea for a kickass FPS with destructible terrain. All my builds look like shit now with all the nuterrain, fuck them for changing it.
wouldnt it theoretically be possible for someone to make a plugin that re-implements voxel terrain
I swear that Roblox Corp once mentioned adding some sort of terrain smoothness slider (which would allow something kinda similar to old voxel terrain) but nothing's ever come out since
nothing ever happens
roblox "says" theyre going to do alot of things, remember when they said thered be a replacement for the forums? unless guilded is supposed to be their answer to that, lmao
they say theyre going to be providing an option to archive copyrighted clothing yourself to keep your decade+ old account from getting nuked off the face of the earth for a low-res pic of mario you uploaded when you were 7 but i dont expect it to come out any time this ever
Someone made code out there that does that. It Was very laggy when I played around with it though, and tools to modify it where nonexistant.
im assuming because it attempts to render every single individual cube at once with literally 0 optimization. im not sure how exactly the old voxel terrain actually works but im pretty sure itd cull all the blocks that arent visible, much like how the smooth terrain renderer already works, in fact i wouldnt be surprised if the systems were nearly identical or literally the exact same since btools already works with smooth terrain, or at least it did back in 2017 when voxel terrain got removed
Kreekcraft is pretty based
i play quite a bit of real futbol 24

thats actually the only roblox game i play
are there any games where I can play as a creature/monster that isn't just like, a horse/dragon/warrior cat or some rp shithole?
Kaiju Universe By Prometeo Games. That's the only game I could think of as right now..
>roblox youtuber


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Is there a FE version of TurboFusion anywhere
unfortunately no
we live in the dark age of roblox weapon scripts
i just play whatever i see on the frontpage <:)
we already knew you were a massive faggot wesley but wow
i much prefer girls and boys party island
semtex gang
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>scrolling through twitter
>I found this image
>immediately closes twitter

Roblox garbage sometimes, ngl.

That’s just how it is.
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this is loss
lawsuit incoming
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Maybe if you're a running pussy who can't handle the risk of getting hit even once without a nervous breakdown. Can't take risks for the hyper offense true combos like your average KChad. In fact, I dare even say that you're more unskilled than your average timestop spammer.
But it's not like that's something you can comprehend, Wesley. I confirmed you underage months ago. Didn't know the jannies here followed the Exclusionary Rule or something.
dude there's only one janny on /vm/
and he's too busy cybering in second life
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glad to see the roblox home page is recommending me games that have 2 active players due to being dead for over a year
>Same person who made shitty 'Jujutsu Shenanigans Montage' vid
This video is way better than that channel; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8QlCMYstUY

and I wonder if that roblox jojo youtuber is inside this 4chan thread?
no plugin but https://www.roblox.com/games/13706598074/classic-terrain-testing
wesley you larping little squeaker, kys already
>"kys already"
Bro telling others to 'kys' themself and thinks they will listen? LMAO? Ok Mr. Seethe
why the fuck am i not able to dislike anything
no wonder all sorts of games that had downright awful event objectives (the hunt/the classic) still have 90+ like percentages
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i physically cringed irl trying to read that
same here.
This is pretty cute, that’s actually really nice for you to share. Good on ya man.
I mained Tusk4 in ABD. I just liked KCAU for the funni movement, pose music, and throwing people. I can see why you’d get mad at that. And that’s 100% ok. I just liked KCAU more and had it in my inv. That’s why i used it in the video.
I’m glad you watched the video though.
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wesley seriously quit samefagging
>no word on Astral Hearts 2
>Fantastic Frontiers' 7 player servers always felt too lonely
>not gonna pay 5 bucks for Deepwoken + my friend told me it's mostly just niggers ganging up on people
>Tradeland's been ruined by faggy moderation and a cult-like community jerking off the creator and his clique of mods

Are there ANY good RPGs left on Roblox?
blox fruits
fun roblox fact!
the dynamic price floor for accessories will always raise when you get robux, and lower right after you spend most of it
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alright i'm genuinely convinced that dislikes are straight up disabled now
they haven't been working for months
say hello to your average "old 4chan thread" lurker on /v/
first 5 accounts are all me
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I really can't tell anymore.. what am I looking at?

>i'm 13 and this is deep
i liked seeing all of those old ads put up by him yesterday
Is there anyway I can speak to an actual human for a ban appeal or do I just have to pray I get through to one? I've sent several emails and even fucking called these retards but it's been pretty much nothing but radio silence.
I found Roblox game that is really bad, I actually felt suicidal while playing this game..

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Who wants to play this game with me rn?
eye bleach please
dont lie anon, we all know why you played that game
Yeah, only ones and that was all. I didn't join back just to see cringe
anon, you should really satisfy your urges in, literally any other way than playing an online game with children
>asking /vm/ at 10pm ‘MURICA time
i admire your optimism
>4chan groups are majority redditors
>newfag.party groups are majority underageb&
>other *chan- and *chan-adjacent groups are nonexistent
you just can't win huh
what's there to win? attaching identity is the mistake
map-sized gigantic spongebob UGC
you're welcome
truly dynamic
bravo, bazooka man
if true, that reminds me of that bullshit Fallout 76 did with the discounted christmas bundle.
Where it stayed for like $24, but discounted to $12. Even though it was never listed as $24, and came out as $12.
for me it's being given the equivalent of $5 as compensation for a broken promise
which let me buy
games for this feel?
it just went up fucking again
yesterday was 75R$
now it's 95R$
theres just no fucking winning, its joever
life in paradise
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games for this feel?
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The generation I grew up with on ROBLOX was filled with fucked up people that grew up in abusive situations half of the time, unsupervised, RPing with each other on the forums like OT, the majority of them turned trans or some variant of LGBT later. Now, the new generation on ROBLOX is filled with tradcath larpers/infiltrators and is even more hateful than it was already, what changed?
Nice discord profile picture, sissy
i got it off of google images
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le epic kulture war has infected every aspect of online interactions. everything and everyone has to be fitted into easy to mark personality boxes in order to filter out opposing thoughts. if the culture of ROBLOX existed as it did in the early 2000s/2010s now in the modern year it would be called pozzed and trooncoded by retarded subhumans. add onto the fact that communities have become more insular and hostile to outsiders which further exasperates the problem of public communications dying. plus the advent of the internet being available to most parts of the earth, which includes all of the actually mentally disabled third worlders. all in all everyone has become more stupid, polarized, and incentivized to be assholes. the internet as we knew it is dead. come join us as we feast upon the corpse.
Huge Faggot Detected
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it's you.
I grew up with cryptofascist Roblox clans. They’ve always been on the site, maybe it’s just the games and offsite coms were less moderated compared to you and your good-time buddies on the forums.
post 'em and rate 'em
Go to the discord thread
we don't need to shit up /vm/ with multiple roblox threads
It already in shit unless the janny do something. He's obviously lurking here.
>what's there to win? attaching identity is the mistake
I mean yeah, that's the point. There is no purity anymore. Every time someone new comes about something they find interesting, it's absorbed as part of their identity, and that's their entire relationship with it. They can't just like the thing for what it is and treat it normally, it now has to be a part of themselves and their lore. Now you get kids like in that screenshot making their display name 4channel trying to peacock out without actually knowing about or contributing to the interest they are displaying and whatever culture it has. It then becomes increasingly harder to find any actual like-minded people or genuine discussion and insight about the thing as it becomes filled with people who don't give and just take.
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i think i accidentally found a conspiracy
apparently this is just one of the many outside corporations trying to bribe independent roblox developers into doing underpaid work for them on cashgrabs to make suits who only see roblox as a money printer richer

Fucking megacorp aliens funded by Blackrock and Rothschilds are trying to establish a new ROBLOX order by stealing all of ROBLOX's developers and enslaving them to make corporate-approved cashgrab slop to fund the worldwide communist computer god controlled surveillance state enforced by the CIA Gangster Police
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I sit on a tired dream. To make the world a better place. I could always come back, but I know I would inevitably be called out. I should be called out, anyways. I've done nothing for almost a year now. And yet nothing. It's like I've been abandoned, much like I abandoned the community.
I suppose there's some guilt to it. Do I continue to stay doing nothing? Do I go out of my way to contact for me to finally rest in peace, to move on? Perhaps I'm still around because I am valued too highly. I sit, as the world I'm supposed to know changes more and more into an unrecognizable mess.
I've done my time. I've accomplished some great things. I brought justice. I made someone's dream come true (even if it was a monkey's paw). I got to see the best in people. I got to help people when they needed it. But alas, I'm sure I should move on.
Call me whatever. I don't really care. This is a blogpost made to be heard, but not understood. Nothing lasts forever.
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You're a whiny fucking faggot and you will agree with me in a year.
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>Falseflagging troon
Lego second life aka nublox is diametrically opposed to OG roblox in every way,that includes the ODing and coombait the moderation and community used to enforce against before the final nail in the coffin in 2016.
I still remember the flash animations about ODing and real life pedophiles designed to shock kids into avoiding retarded situations. Juxtapose that to the average item asylum avatar and widespread condo games+ proliferation of fagcord servers.
>communities have become more insular and hostile to outsiders which further exasperates the problem of public communications dying
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about,gatekeeping is non existent today and online topical discussion has mostly evolved into american diatribes and mentally ill shitflinging. Atleast the chuds don't pretend the "culture war" they participate in is toxic and hateful like the annoying trannies that make themselves a point of discussion in every community they forcefully insert themselves in.
child labor is BASED
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>Lego second life aka nublox is diametrically opposed to OG roblox in every way
and where did I say it wasn't? nigger learn how to read, the original demographics of ROBLOX are gone. Even if they weren't then they'd be drowned out by the tides of normals who change the culture by simply showing up.
>Juxtapose that to the average item asylum avatar and widespread condo games+ proliferation of fagcord servers.
teenagers are a huge portion of the ROBLOX userbase. teenagers are stupid and horny. the only reason it seems like an epidemic now is because it wasn't possible back then. discord just centralizes the cancer to be easily viewable, it's a window into what happens all the time on ROBLOX because pedos are drawn to it like pigs to their feeding trough.
>You clearly have no idea what you're talking about,gatekeeping is non existent today
what a strange fucking world you live in. any amount of stepping out of line in terms of the correct political belief will get you thrown out of most circles you'll find orbiting the site. and even without that most users don't even bother with interacting with others because they're terrified of social interactions (in a social game)
>Atleast the chuds don't pretend the "culture war" they participate in is toxic and hateful like the annoying trannies
you think this because you don't even realize how deep you are in it. a decade ago trannies sort of didn't even exist, now they're everywhere and behind every post, I guess. and i'm apparantly a tranny because it's easier for you to make an argument against me if I am. as with the trannies and their urge to call everyone who mock them nazis, you call everyone you disagree with trannies. you shit everything up and muddy the waters by crying wolf constantly.
your paragraph of text is slop and i pray for your suicide
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thanks for reading it.
>flash animations about ODing and real life pedophiles designed to shock kids into avoiding retarded situations
i vaguely remember this anti-ODing video that looked like it was made in ms paint
the whole plot was a kid getting catfished by a fatass pedo in roblox to go to his house, and there were two versions with or without swearing

these types of videos need to make a comeback, more people have to be telling dumb kids (hell, even teenagers) to avoid getting groomed
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> i vaguely remember this anti-ODing video that looked like it was made in ms paint
>the whole plot was a kid getting catfished by a fatass pedo in roblox to go to his house, and there were two versions with or without swearing
Was it this one? I remember talking about it here over a year ago. Picrel if you think this links to yet another namefag video.

>these types of videos need to make a comeback, more people have to be telling dumb kids (hell, even teenagers) to avoid getting groomed
You are being too optimistic, people won’t watch it nor care. The final solution on ODers is just bringing bullying back, ostracize those who even dare bring such degeneracy.
Online Dating, in NuROBLOX, is completely normalized since it’s been heavily promoted by the company itself and the lack of moderation it gives, if any at all. What made these videos really effective back then was the community was smaller back then and you could easily call anyone out for being a ODer, even people were doing just that on the forums. If you do want to make real change of your own community within the platform (you can’t trust this site to moderate), just gatekeep and tell that nigger who’s interested in joining your group to delete those coomer outfits.
ODers won the war. It’s fucking over and we lost.
l2d = days until public UGC summons a wave of lawsuits

also i think it’d be funny if some legal contact forms were filled out
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when the FUCK are they gonna bring back public audio
Bloxburg's building system is so good, too bad you have to do mind-numbing repetitive minigames in order to afford anything.
oh shit
>Was it this one?
yep that's it

>The final solution on ODers is just bringing bullying back
is there really no other solution? i really want to suggest targeting parents instead, but that's a whole other can of worms
of course, news outlets have put out PSAs on making sure kids are safe on the internet (and sometimes roblox has been singled out by them), but these only happen once in a blue moon. it's just not enough to get the attention of the parents.
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Why the FUCK are there so many SM64 clones on Roblox? First it was Robot 64, then Microwave Dinner, recently Super Blox 64, and now Pig 64. Do Roblox devs really lack creativity to make original games?
>Do Roblox devs really lack creativity to make original games?
is it really your first day on roblox
real niggas played a straight up copy-paste of the mario 64 map back in 2011
and to answer your question on creativity, the userbase are a bunch of autists with above average pattern recognition, so they will always try to do rags to riches schemes such as making the 30 trillionth anime grindfest or any of the current trends that are merely successful, it's all monkey see, monkey do.
is joining groups broken for anyone else
if i click the join group button on anything it just makes the page freeze and i don't join the group
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>websites all fucked up again
multi-billion dollar company btw
flagship product btw
What did they do this time?
I can't think of a well populated game that isn't a copy of another game (from Roblox or not).
anyone wanna condo
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What increments do you guys usually use in studio ? I'm trying to make some showcases but I always feel like my proportions are off.
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sometimes 0.5

whatever your increment of choice is, just remember that at least it's not whatever the flying fuck the template games are trying to encourage
here's the modern city template
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while i had studio open i decided to check out the fps template
this is fucking empty
also the gun system it has is very fucking barebones
can't do anything with it besides just shooting
and it just uses roblox's fucking shit first person camera system
doesn't even fucking come with the most basic FPS game essentials like a team system or scripted objectives to fight over

also unlike most templates which at least provide SOME form of documentation like signs or readme thingies or links to a wiki article guide, the most you'll get is like 3-4 marginally helpful comments in random scripts

fucking gave up on trying to find where the fucking weapon configuration shit is after 13 or so minutes
the entire fucking purpose of a template is to provide a working, easily customizeable base for people to make games with, but this template clearly failed at it due to a lack of features and taking way too fucking long to find out how to configure/customize the shit in the first place
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on the topic of really bad ROBLOX-published templates/kits
here's whatever the FUCK this is
another fucking sloppy turd by whatever asset store ROBLOX hired to make endorsed models for them, without any actual regard for usability when making games
oh yeah and the fucking colors are part of the texture so you can't just change the kit's model's brick colors or materials to make them look actually good
you WILL use the ugly low poly smooth plastic slop
you WILL NOT try to customize it in any way
you WILL copy and paste the same ugly misaligned tiles over and over again
and you WILL be happy
reminded me of anon in a previous thread who said this low-poly flat shit aesthetic is the Corporate Memphis of 3d graphics, and i couldn't agree more
multiples of 0.2
this looks like some cheap unity store asset
it’s made by synty, some corporation that churns out loads of low poly slop to sell in asset stores
do people still do dioramas / vignettes? feels like they pretty much all died out in late 2017s, doesn't help that the toolbox search fucking sucks and makes it impossible to find new models.
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the poster below decides which of these abominations i play
will give screenshots to prove it
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area 51 map my beloved
(also it's a minute since i joined and everything is still loading)
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new cashgrabbing technique discovered
place microtransaction buttons every 10 studs
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rainbow carpet flashbang
also whatever the fuck this dagedago thing is it plays a 10 second loop of badly sung cotton eye joe
i fucking hate tiktok
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i think this specific jumpscare is leftover from the free model used here
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mmmmm banana sundae
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i should time travel back into the past and raise the suicide rate by telling people who were saying that robloxian 2.0 would kill roblox that it gets way fucking worse
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a code door
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just got in an elevator
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i'm from planet minecraft, can i have op
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time for operation drag this shit out of the way via human wave tactics
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good news, i could get to the elevator
bad news, it's a dead end
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after like 20 minutes of investigation i've found fucking nothing
the dislike counter was 75 before i clicked dislike
i guess the dislike counter is finally working again (inb4 it stops working next time i wanna dislike something)
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Oh no RoBros,
The gooners got him.
>reddit spacing
also the suspect was possibly some literal shit eating furfag gooner who tried to falsely take down his twitter account
ruben derangement syndrome, everyone
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i saw it in a dream
how much robux do you guys think shit like this makes
there couldn't have been any more than an hours worth of time invested into this
i got 30k over a few months from something of similar production value but like half the microtransaction button spam
shitting out an egregious cashgrab right now
i should've figured the money was in free models instead of shitty brickbattle passion projects
Holy fuck you're such a faggot!
Calm down xKezardx, he's allowed to share his opinion
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I've been playing ROBLOX so much I haven't showered in three days!
ROBLOX is so much fun I've even been dreaming about ROBLOX!
The food I eat, the porn I watch, it's all ROBLOX related!
I love talking about ROBLOX with you guys!
I fucking love ROBLOX haha!
I love ROBLOX gooning!!! Tit meshes on a lego drive me so MAAAD!!!!
It's pretty neat.
Retrocart and the Brick battle games are absolutely kino. No flashy sperg shit or overbearing GUI, just good arcade games. How Roblox should be.
Don't catch a bloxxa saying this around the ro-hood. On SIGHT.
Do we really need a source?
Ruben falls under the category of content creators that inadvertently make enemies with the chronically online.
I won't be surprised if it was indeed a furfag stalking him. Do they really think attempting murder is going to solve any problems in their already a shithole community?
how the fuck is this still alive after 10 years
I miss TheRolo so much, bros.
I'm not saying I would be surprised. Who wouldn't want to know whether it's definitively true?
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is this """""roblox"""" youtuber worth getting upset over or is he just a massive yapper
skimmed his list of videos, i'm guessing he's always trying to start brain-rotting drama with basically anyone by making rant videos
>is this faggot worth caring about or just a massive yapper
>skimmed his videos and he's always trying to start retarded drama
another self-answering question
>roblox youtuber
>getting upset over
Your answer is staring right at you.
Not even going to look for the channel, from the image provided alone, it looks like an insufferable crybaby faggot.
>squeaker faggot fighting with nazi larpers and r*ben
Unironically based. Though to answer your question, roblox youtubers are at the absolute rock bottom of the internet pecking order and deserve absolutely none of your attention, unless you just want to laugh at them.
this is not a man who creates videos because he likes to or even likes to watch his own videos.

There is no enjoyment in what he creates because he himself does not enjoy what he creates. Sure it’s drama, but after you bash a man’s skull in with The Tragedy of Hamlet, the quality of the literature will be drowned out by red. It’s a fucking 9-5 “journalism” job for him.

He tries so hard to be the next “Ruben Sim”, but all he does is fall into a pathetic cycle of mediocrity. There is no improvement, only content.
His videos is unwatchable, he just appeals to autistic people with low attention spans and just can’t stop sucking furry dick so much.
The only good ever ROBLOX YouTuber was BinniePee and he wiped himself from the platform.
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Deepwoken chads report in
shi muh fuggan crip blade shadow build!
Show me something cool you've built recently. I need inspo.
fishinq is probably one of the few roblox youtubers with some integrity (which is not saying much). But something that annoys me is how adamant he is with saying his videos are "art". It's not fucking "art", its fucking roblox drama videos.
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Does my avatar pass as female, guys? I like to think that I'm really cute, and guys love me. But no guy ever pays attention to me ingame. Sometimes they call me a brick house and tell me I'm built like a linebacker. Am I ugly?
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I am so cute. Nobody can tell me otherwise.
please gouge your eyes out
it’ll improve your vision
I completely forgot they fucking added that shit.
Nothing ever happens.
gentlemen... it has been an honor playing with you tonight
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Stay to my left please
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script kiddie faggots can no longer ruin games with impunity? this is legitimately the best update the game has gotten in years
no arrow therefore you look like this
on one hand, should reduce cheaterfaggorry
on the other, this could be a problem if an abusive admin goes on a banning spree
probably just going to enforce admin abuse against normie techlets
actual exploiters will probably have working bypasses for 2 years at the very least if not forever
Protogen Pride World Wide
is it good yet
played release it was absolute dogshit
average d*vforum meeting
deepthroaten is rightfully shit
Yes, it's good
Better than most games even. Elden Ring cannot hold a candle to it
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>try to log in to old account (2009) after many years for some nostalgia
>says password is incorrect
>check the profile and the avatar has been changed
>contact support and get my account back
>next day have 3 PMs in my inbox in all caps
>latest activity were games like "flex your account age"
report him for account theft
for extra humiliation, see if you can slip in the “you will never be an old robloxian” copypasta into your profile bio
post the PMs lmao
Boring time sink, don't even bother.
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remember what they took from you
>fake site
thanks for inspiring me to ask roblox support (yet again) to get my account back from some russian shitbag
i checked the profile and didn't recognize this russian rp group they joined
newfag post
studio is shitting the bed and won't let me view the toolbox

billion dollar company btw
show the DMs lmao
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>report him for account theft
the account he PM'd from was deleted by the time I read them
ignore the timestamp it was a while ago
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it's better than verse 1 deepwoken but the balancing is complete dogshit pvp wise. Also they keep gutting pve for no reason so theres that
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you should've been on the 'arms yesterday. His "gf" was having a mental breakdown for 3 hours straight. pic rel is what happened when ruben tried confronting "her".
arcane odyssey
AO's combat (pvp especially) fucking sucks, everything else is alright
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Deepwoken can be fun but it's pretty hard to get into. They casualized the game, you can more or less get a full end-game build in like 3 hours. Grinding isn't that bad since you're mostly fighting bosses and mobs. World is kinda comfy and has some old Roblox vibes.

The issue with the game is you basically need to have an older brother figure to protect you and guide you. The permadeath is not scary at all, I've been playing since release and I've only had someone wipe me in the Depths maybe twice. Getting out of the Depths is super easy and you don't even fight a real "boss" (NPC) until you're endgame and even that's piss easy.


Once you get good at the game it's pretty fun, but like any PvP game there's an issue with fags with the latest cheesy build that stuns you a lot or does a lot of damage. See >>1343015

But even the gay OP shit in Deepwoken is fairly scaled down compared to other games infested by niggers, so skill usually wins. But be careful, never attack someone who has like 5 other guild members in the game and if you that person's guild members joining just run away.

However the big deal breaker is probably the tranny mods. They won't ban you for killing them but if you tell someone to kill themselves, or G-d forbid, say NIGGER in voice chat they'll ban you (typically a month, which is better than most tranny mods).
>be roblox YouTuber
>decide to start drama
>pick a fight with Kiwi Farms and the soiteens at the same time
>they go through all your shit
>people dig up chat logs of your girlfriend wanting to rape jewish boys
>collapse harder than Iraq in '03
What the fuck did you think was going to happen?
>pick a fight with Kiwi Farms and the soiteens at the same time
anyone who does this should skip the extra steps and just admit they're a total clown instead of waiting for people to dig up embarassing info
>so skill usually wins
that's until you get matched against a person who's a bomb cheese contractor fist build (they usually run from you and just constantly throw high damaging bombs at you until you're knocked and lose around 20-25 elo.) or any mage cheese build in chime.
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hmmmm what model should i put into my place
lots of Horror blood and a spining kill brick for...
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>pick a fight with Kiwi Farms and the soiteens at the same time
This made me actually look into what happened and holy shit, what a kek
A treehouse would be excellent for the scenario
deepwoken is a trash game made by developers with no real vision. ragoozer starts these projects with the idea of "im going to be an epic god and kill players as a lore character!" and gets bored 6 months later as archmage turns it into a casualized mob farmer because the amount of cheaters flying around completely ruins open world pvp.
now ragoozer has moved on to his cursed gear closed community while the deepwoken team continues to work on lame instanced pvp arenas that nobody asked for.
when was the last time they even added a whole new mob that wasn't just a red sharko with 10000 HP that just serves as a free loot dispenser?
Yeah still not paying robux for deepshitten you reddit spacing faggot
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this new home page UI is fucking awful
I can't even tell where my last played games are in all this clutter
roblox needs more open world permadeath rpg games. ragoozer please save us... make it great, just like it was on release...
It's sorta funny to look at as an oldfag, because it's clearly not the old site but it's close enough stylistically that I could imagine a fansite back then looking that way
funny that you say that because i had the baseplate setup inside the treehouse model, specifically after scaling it up like 30x or so to get that “you are a lego minifig inside a human house” feel that some old places had (welcome to roblox building was really fun back in the day)
what's wrong
don't want the front page brought to your home page?
fuck, does anyone remember when the home page actually told you about stuff that actually belongs on the homepage, like games you played recently, your friends and what they're up to, group shouts, news about roblox, etc
now it's like 99% random algorithm trash
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How can I create atmosphere in a build?
with lots of piss-colored fog
by not using roblox built in materials
Deepwoken and rogue lineage might be the best games on roblox, biggest issue is that the people playing them are the weirdest faggots imaginable, worse than niggers. Trying to find people to play with is nearly impossible, especially on deepwoken. Rogue lineage also requires for you to spend additional money for alt account which are essential.
You're also not getting a max build in rogue without either player ESP & chatlogs or a clan that will boost you the entire way.
do you really gotta ask? just chuck in ol' reliable:
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>Create the most annoying persona possible, make the most annoying comments possible.
>Purposefully stir shit and respond to personal comments directed at you as if you were a nigger in a dice game.
>Nitpick comments that your circlejerking audience can make fun of.
>made by developers with no real vision
>lame instanced pvp arenas that nobody asked for.
You're not wrong. You can tell it was all half assed ideas when arch mage announced he doesn't even want to make a new Luminant. But the combat mechanics are still peak and the best
you guys unironically watch roblox youtubers?
i like sketch
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Spaces between paragraphs is normal you sperg, kill yourself nigger
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Forgot to come back and report that it didn't work. In my request I stated that I don't think that I have an e-mail or phone number linked to the account, but if I do, I no longer have access to it (I think it was a Yahoo account). I asked if they could possibly check the IP of the account from the last time I logged in with my current one, or if they could ask friends in my friends list if I was who I said I was. I suppose the last option can be exploited. Surely there must be some way they can verify that it is indeed my account. My niggas "Joey" and "Kingston" both let me down.

No doubt they used AI to handle my request. Cheeky bastard even suggested that I appeal to my e-mail provider to try and get access to my e-mail (assuming I did have an e-mail linked to it, which I probably didn't). Maybe I'll try my luck by writing my request in Hindi or Tagalog.
How'd you manage to 'tard-wrangle Roblox support?

Hypothetically speaking, how difficult would it be to brute-force my password (assuming that it's a permutation of phrases and characters that I usually use for my passwords, with a 1337-speak phrase related to the site thrown in there somewhere)? It used to be a hilariously simple password--on-par with fagg0tsabc123--but I changed it for the sake of security. My retarded ass forgot it and misplaced where I had it written down--that is IF I bothered to write it down in the first place--and now I'm locked out of my account like a faggot.

I tried a few password I thought might've worked, alongside slight permutations of them, but no luck. There was a captcha every so often, so I guess that'd be a roadblock. I could pay a sir to solve it for me, or use a captcha solver to get around that. I assume aside from that, there'd be no other way other than a leak from Roblox and decrypting the hash?

He does indeed lurk
they also have support people in latin america
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>Spaces between paragraphs is normal you sperg, kill yourself nigger
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stop talking about yourself fag
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finally an usable game discovery platform that doesn't send you to trillions of starter places
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saw this and tried out block tales after all of the endless shilling and it really feels like an insulting imitation of all that it's trying to be
i could tell by the building that the creator was never around for "old roblox", so i check and lo and behold he's a 2015 newfag
the most egregrious of these tells being the outlet studs on the sides of shit everywhere. a lot of posers use this instead of smoothplastic which is what everyone actually did for generic sides of just about everything
they put no effort into trying to make the buildings look like actual legos which is what it was back then
walls are also filled with an unnecessary amount of brick fluff patterns along their surfaces which also nobody used prior
the discordspeak mixed in with the half-assed "quirky" dialogue everywhere gets on my nerves, it's trying only superficially to *be* earthbound without any effort towards understanding why it was good. it unironically insists upon itself
low fps anim is okay on its own but paired with all these other variables it comes off as tacky to me
combat is okay on its own but it shouldn't try and claim to be earthbound in any sense, it only has paper mario elements
6/10. this game should really have tried to be its own thing, then it would have really shined. but just playing it as it is now i can't help but cringe
Wow someone else actually Gets it This whole paragraph is the same shit I've been thinking for the past 3 months It's a well "designed" and polished game but instantly shoots itself in the foot for being Le Save Shedletsky from the Roblox HQ ClassicSlop Doesn't matter anyways because the aesthetic is trendy and people get rewarded for making creatively bankrupt garbage gentrifying eras they didn't grow up in
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>rip off
>rip off
>anime reskin of TDS
Roblox never ceases to disappoint me
dusty trip is the best out of those choices
I personally enjoyed it. I'm not an oldfag so I didn't pay attention to the various stylistic details, and the world seemed cool to me. I wish there would be more to do between towns/hubs other than fighting some enemies roaming around. This is a nice breath of fresh air in the Roblox community. Good to see creators trying something new rather than making the next simulator or tycoon game with hundreds of gamepasses.
By far. Still a rip off though, and the fact that Roblox had the possibility to feature much better, original games makes it 10x worse
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If you're ever blackpilled about developing your own game just remember that 90% of roblox games with an audience are low quality low maintanence slopware and with enough passion you can get something better than the vast majority of games out there.
>think that deepwoken might actually be a fun game
>make it to power 12, about to shrine
>get ganked on the way to wash my face, get three shot by shattered katana
>brings me to a void zone, grips
>end up in depths
>get backstabbed with a strong left while i'm fighting a corrupted sharko, knocked off cliff
>next 5 characters all get ganked
do actual children really need to power trip that badly
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maybe you just suck at the game
god I wish i still sucked at this game's pvp
I had plans of learning Lua and reading Roblox's documents related to their version of Lua, and making a game, but I lost my OG account, so I think I'll just pout and bitch about it. The greatest [insert whatever genre you like] game will never come to fruition now.
is that jared fogle from subway
>all the options are so shit that fucking desert bus is worth picking
nublox is actually the same shit as 2011-2014 roblox, front page littered with low-quality cashgrabs, some playable games, minigames, except everyone uses faggy corporate low-poly slop aesthetics and the cashgrab people finally learned how to script
"old roblox" inspired game bingo card when
>creator joined post-2015
>ridiculous overuse of studs
>discordspeak/twitterspeak/other out of place mannerisms
>only references the really famous old games
>uses colors that didn't exist back before like 2015 when a huge batch of new colors were added
>0.1 or 0.5 stud increments anywhere
>references to shit that didn't even exist back during the imitated era
>using any fonts besides arial or comic sans or whatever the old UIs looked like
>materials that didn't exist back then (basically everything except plastic, smooth plastic, concrete, wood, grass, ice, corroded metal, diamond plate, foil, and slate)
>accessories from considerably later than the time period it's trying to imitate (or just UGC accessories in general)
>songs that didn't exist back then
i'm sure there's more things to put on a bingo card
hi sharty shoo
hey baby gorilla how you holding up
wow that's four times the kusoge
oh wow i got 21 more robux
still not enough to afford any new hats
i love the dynamic price floor
Is every game on nublox just complete slop? Will someone ever make a decent game?
fantastic frontier
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>Websites fucking BROKEN AGAIN
Why do autists always type Like This at random? My personal theory is that it's their way of identifying themselves as autists to other autists.
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>Decide to see what Roblox Innovation Awards is about
>It's just more shovelware slop
Why do I even play this rotting corpse of a game?
Oh sweet summer child . . .
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game owned and ran by pedophiles, owner is a pedophile thats been exposed multiple times and a known multi-offending groomer.
are you really gonna play this~?
this is not shocking
can we see at least one d*scord screencap to support that
speak for yourself faggot
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cool so i'll fit in
this is 90% of devs on roblox, that one's just a seanig so he can't hide it, e.g. EpicCritical
new archeximus KINO just dropped
tip: press H to view the help menu

third person camera was probably a mistake though, at times it devolves into two retards jiggle peeking like every other one of these ww1/ww2 shooters. never understood why these games like frontline: karelia (this one actually pisses me off since it's a red orchestra clone, so it should be exclusively first person), entrenched, centaura etc all let you go 3rd person or are centered around this.
Can these retarded faggots release their Critical Expedition successor already?
Countless Worlds might as well be vaporware at this point. it's shame because i had fun playing the demo too.
It was cool to go out of bounds and discover locked areas in the playtests. Could have grinded for that stupid Gunblade reskin but burnout was in effect. The troon who burned all the funds just so he can buy a lameo limited will forever remain a pillar stone in why you shouldn't hire trannies.
Whats with these "FPS "games adding in a third person camera for no fucking reason. Alot of these games seem deliberately designed around all players having a locked camera, but then they just let you zoom out to give you gods view of the world.

This game is a perfect example of what Im talking about. In it, bullets can shoot through walls, which means that someone could pick a weapon great for doing that (machine gun), hide behind a wall, use your third person camera to look around unhindered, then blast oblivious players. This scummy method is the only reason I have a 5.3 kdr in this game. No clue why they gave you that camera, especially with the already low time to kill this game has.
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>play recon2 on NATO team
>have a full auto M14 as your primary
>same penetration depth and damage stats as the semi auto version marksman1 gets
>rape PACT from across entire sections of the map while hiding behind a wall
I have become gunny, destroyer of mobiks.
>uhhh this game is bad because one of the old owners was a pedo
ofc theyre pedos they like touhou GEG
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also you can bet on which game gets top pick for points for UGC
this means not even the organizers give a shit about votes since everyone will just dogpiles on top vote for points. Horror is the only category I saw people get animated over
Atleast the lobby is cool and not just the Giants Causeway stuff again
yeah the lobby was extremely well built
too bad that effort was wasted on something that's only going to be up for some garbage dead on arrival event
>this means not even the organizers give a shit about votes since everyone will just dogpiles on top vote for points.
besides the prediction stuff there's not much reason to give a shit about which wins what
the options all suck anyways
>blatant cashgrab games
>paid access games which 99% of roblox can't play because the 'blox economy sucks
>stuff that's so derivative it's not even funny (INNOVATION AWARDS MY ASS)
>stuff that's just using blatantly copyrighted shit because the hook nosed roblox front page devs can get away with it
>cashgrab crap made/turned into soulless cashgrabs by sovlless cashgrabbing corporations (FUCK (((VOLDEX))))
>games that are locked to age verified accounts (such as On Tap which is 17+) which the majority of ROBLOX players can't play either due to being too young or not wanting to give their full personal info to strangers in megacorps
>games that get to be in multiple categories for award whoring (The Strongest Battlegrounds & Guts & Blackpowder)
>"games" that are literally just childhood gambling (like Sol's RNG which doesn't even have anything needed to be considered a game, even fucking idle games have more mechanics)
and there's likely more instances of shitty game selection
also some shit is just in the wrong categories
>a dusty trip in "Best Strategy" category despite being a driving game
>The Strongest Battlegrounds in "Best Strategy" category despite being a fighting game
>Guts & Blackpowder in "Best Fighting" despite being a shooter game (which it's already in the category for)
>FUCKING (((VOLDEX))) in "Best Studio" category even though they don't fucking make games, they just buy them from retarded developers at lowball prices before flooding them with microtransactions and making the games way harder to drive people towards buying microtransactions (an example is Dungeon Quest, which has the third dungeon being near impossible without an extremely overleveled carry because the previous dungeon's best gear has become total dogshit since it was reworked after (((Voldex))) bought out the game)
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So I've kept my account alive all this time but I haven't played anything except for the old stuff in my favorites. What are some good new games? Even stuff worth spending bux in cause I've still got a shitload. I've already seen the enormous amount of gatcha and phone game clicker trash on the front page and don't feel like sifting through it to find something worthwhile.
if you like pain and grind autism, try rogue lineage and if you like it get at least a bank alt
otherwise, search around for any hidden gems on >>1349993 since it has some surprisingly good shit hidden in there

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