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>New map just released, it has death pits

>Valorant is launching on PS5 and Xbox in a couple of days, starting with a beta period you can sign up for
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will you play valorant with a controller, anon?
>Viper donk
it's going to be a good thread
I'm going to fall off the new map so much
>Opinions about this?
>Get Haven, someone on my team dodges
>Queue again
>Get Bind, someone on my team dodges again
>Queue AGAIN for like 2 minutes
>Get Bind a second time
>Someone on the enemy team dodges
I don't get why people with negative K/Ds will talk shit to me when I'm trying to clutch and yet if I talk shit about their skill they act like victims and suddenly the whole game is trying to trap me into knife fight "friendly" bullshit for the crime of "being mad."

Also why would you only start ragehacking after I call you out on it, I can see your screen when I die and see that you have amazing aim you didn't before.
lol the afk problem still exists. need to mute half the team and have the clutch mute bind ready
lotus is ass. lost pearl but kept lotus is questionable. iso shield snowballs outta control. need to prefire spam now instead of just taking fights
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>tfw you spend 4700 on an Op just to break a free Iso shield at the start of every round
>people with negative K/Ds
Not trying to defend trash talkers but there are many times the KD is not reflecting your skill, sometimes I am just eating all the enemy utility in a 1v3 on B when my team is having problems killing the single B anchor, sometimes attackers have utility is set up for the entry but the team refuses to go past main even when there are no sentinels in the site, so I have to push in to create space.
Last night I was attacking as omen and my team would just stay on main waiting for no reason, we had an initiator and a duelist and none of them wanted to push in after flashing, I had to get in every single time and I would get a kill and get traded every round, my KD was negative since my team just refused to push with me, we could kill the 2 players on site instantly if we pushed together but they were pussies, I don't "talk shit" but sometimes I have to complain when the last player alive in my team was not lurking and yet they still have full utility.
If the last player alive is a Reyna that still has her 2 flashes that means this player is not doing his job, that bitch would attempt to clutch, flash 2 times, get 2 kills and then die, KD is not always a measure of skill, anybody can bait teammates and end with 2.0KD
>why would you only start ragehacking after I call you out on it
Many people only try to get serious after someone is talking shit, other people can only play well and focus when they are the last one alive, it is a common thing.
I'm happy they removed the map pool for unrated, it was fun getting to play Pearl again
Is the new map good or not
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post your loadout
it reminds me of halo somehow, might just be the lighting, death pits and trick jump shortcuts
I like it desu, but it's a bit busted currently (eg omen can teleport out of bounds to get an OP firing angle on A-site
And then when get in a match and your team surrenders after losing the bonus round, not even 10 minutes in and your are back to queue again
this dude is fucking OP now
not having to do a dry 1v1 to get your shield is insane
the rest of his kit is straight ass though
free astra wall is good. should have two. rest of the kit is ass
Redpill me on Valorant.
Why should I play it?
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can phoenix still use his ult to survive the drop off the bridge on A site?
Its way too big, but I think the sites are pretty fun and I like the more vertical areas of the map. The meta on it will probably be pretty simple rush A/B strats since rotates take too long. I greatly prefer it over Breeze so I won't complain too much, but the map does feel a bit attacker sided (B feels really difficult to defend, also there's a spot where you can plant the spike and then shoot through the wall towards it which is cancer). One thing I appreciate is that unlike Breeze every agent seems to be viable, so you can play Brim, Omen and Harbor pretty effectively, its balanced more around the full roster so its not the same comp both teams every game.
Ah yes, I love how the Op is balanced around being terrible close range because no matter how close you are to an enemy if you move at all it misses.
quick scope is the way. also shorty. move too fast to stay zoomed in theres no field of view. pros sit like 2 inches from their monitors
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everyone get ur free rank up pre nerf iso in. better than jett dash and chamber tele
Anyone here grind aimlabs
No, but I'm a bronzoid.
It's actually smart of them to buff Iso into an AWP cucker when the exact agents they want to nerf are AWP agents.
Give it a month and everyone will be playing Gekko, Harbor, Raze, Breach, and Sova.
if u wanna try hard. helps with breakable abilities and transfers. in range do opposite end bots and start from facing 180 and randomly shoot top billboard
Does anyone have a spare code for the console beta?
It looks like you can still sign up yourself, are they only sending out codes to a limited number of people? I would've thought they'd send codes out to everyone who signs up, though maybe do it in stages so they don't flood the servers all at once
I had a swiftplay where 3 faggots instalocked duelists and then proceeded to get bodied. Mind you I was the only smoke as harbor and and our other pick was a sage. Not a single one of these fucks used a single blind or teleport or any other ability and then I called them out for being dogshit even though they did have slightly more kills than me, I was the only person on the entire team providing any fucking utility and our team was getting destroyed because of it. Of course they were all bitching immediately saying they had more kills and that I was trash at using smokes because they're ungrateful fucks and can't push for shit and just cowered behind despite me covering the fuck outta site with water and the last 2 rounds of the game not a single one of these fucks got a single kill and I killed 3 enemies each round.

I ended the game being MVP because again only one using any utility and yea It's a swiftplay but if your going to be a dipshit and only go for kills and not use any abilities then play deathmatch instead of wasting my time by acting like this is call of duty.
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I havent played this game since CS2 came out. What really made me quit were the constant nerfs to Viper over time and stupid constant map changes.

The main edge Counter Strike has is the movement and shooting. Not being able to stop yourself with counterstrafing to shoot instantly makes Valorant borderline unplayable in comparison
They're adding shit like this but said Jet's dash is too strong? I want to seriously hear the logical reasoning justifying these two design decisions.
The real advantage of CS2 is the fact that the eco is better and more guns are worth using than just the spectre and phantom/vandal. Nobody's buying a fucking bucky or stinger and shit like the ares is almost complete RNG wether it tears through people or gets you killed like a retard with how bad its accuracy is. And if you lose a round prepare to get raped next round because the enemy can full buy and save rounds in valorant suck dick because your guns are just so much worse than a phantom or vandal.

Meanwhile in CS2 if you lose you can atleast still get pistols that can one shot headshot that aren't a revolver with only 6 shots and you earn a fuckload more money for kills with pistols, shotguns and smgs compared to rifles so they're losing their expensive ass rifles and you make a killing because you won with shit guns. In valorant you get the same amount of cash making comebacks hard as fuck.
I mean I play Sova I throw my arrow on the initial lineups but if we're just getting out-aimed at every site I'm not gonna stick around to stare at sightlines and get bodied anyways. My arrow only shows where people are it's up to you to figure out how to make them dead.
Yea see that was the problem. I throw up a wall and they expect that to save them from all harm and not just prevent people holding sightlines from across site to not be able to see us.

They would legit walk into site without using blinds and then just fucking die to some dude camping right next to the door way to the left. Oh and none of these fucks ever flanked either.
Yeah the game is full of monkeys who only want to get in and shoot, they can't strategize for shit and they don't use utility properly, sometimes it works since some players can't stop a rush so these monkeys refuse to do anything more than "rush main" since their tiny gamble addicted brains think "this worked before, I need to keep doing it" instead of thinking why it did work before.
You can't just rush a player who has steady aim and good angles, that's when utility comes in place, but retards think they are too good and refuse to use even the most basic utility they get for free.
Funny enough many of those monkey players become good aimers after 2000 hours, the so called "all aim no brain" and usually they switch to Jett, they dash in the site and get a kill while complaining their team is not following them, when the rest of the team are eating 3 different mollies in the chokepoint, on top of that they will have to deal with Cypher's tripwires and Jett still asks "why don't you guys get in?"
Braindead duelists don't change.
You get the info of 3 defenders on A, there is one on mid so the remaining one must be B, and your team still chooses to rush A when the mid and B players already are rotating towards A, if your team plays default they would have B for free but no, they choose the hardest way and still dare to complain.
>Nobody's buying a fucking bucky or stinger and shit like the ares is almost complete RNG wether it tears through people or gets you killed like a retard with how bad its accuracy is. And if you lose a round prepare to get raped next round because the enemy can full buy and save rounds in valorant suck dick because your guns are just so much worse than a phantom or vandal.
getting faggoted by a neon/raze with a shotgun or sova with an odin is pretty diverse though?
yea eco sucks. ghost is prob safest buy. guardian transfers to rifle round well
stinger and marshal work on certain map areas. marshal spam and reloading between shots is effective close range. almost better than shotgun.
Keep getting error code 7 on the console beta, wat do?
IMO since I'm constantly flanking I get flamed all the time for not joining the conga line to get 5v1'd on site constantly, then they complain about me being a "K/D player" because I get like 3 kills then die, I mean maybe if you didn't run in like a retard and all die before I had any chance to stealthily enter the site we'd all be winning but that's too hard I guess.


Are you in a valid country? They're limiting it to certain regions currently
>more guns are worth using than just the spectre and phantom/vandal
I'll ignore pistols, but
amazing eco buy, even post nerf. There's a reason you see it being bought in pro games, you just need to master the gun. Being 500 cheaper than the spectre helps a lot too
Honestly I barely buy it, I need to practice with it more. Hard to justify the expense over a stinger, when that 500 credits could be more util or light shields.
Fantastic ambush weapon, you can pretty much always get a free kill the first time you set up in hookah or lamps with it.
Same but better, even worthwhile on rifle rounds sometimes.
A shittier Odin, but can still fulfill the same role. Good round 2 buy if you're anchoring a site that lets you spam through walls
Arguably overpowered
Pretty fucking good for its price. You lose onetaps but it's still plenty viable
Pretty good, not great for close range fights
REALLY good if you know the enemy is on half armor, can just double tap otherwise. Kinda pricey for what it does

One of the reasons I like valorant so much over CS is that the weapons are actually all viable. CS has so many stupid guns that you're not even able to equip them all now.
nice 666 tripfag
what's the point of playing this game if you aren't a soulless zoomer/a woman?

no matter how good the gameplay is, the character design is so off putting that I could never get into the game, even though I like the premise of it
Zoomers are a huge market, CS has the gambling and the steam market maintained by boomers, this game has zoomers buying $10 battlepasses, the $70 dollar skinpacks once a month and $20 skins from the store from time to time.
But yeah, this is much CS+hero shooter for zoomers, diverse cast and tranny heroes included, but that is pretty much every single AAA game nowadays, in the good side you can disable the ingame character voices and dialogs to make the game a little more bearable and less cringe.
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POV me when the enemy ults and i have disabled all of the cringe shit voicelines
I was thinking about making a /dadg/ thread on /vg/ but god damn this thread is so dead
Yeah but all of those guns still have to apply to CS rules of more expensive guns being better, and since you don't get more money for using more situational guns you can't turn things around until like 3 rounds in where they give you the pity loss money.

Shotguns in CS work the same way, they're a situational ambush tactic mostly on an eco round, but if you actually get one or two kills with it, it means you might make enough money to be useful next round.
I swear to god so many Sages who go 1/4, hoard money, don't buy for others, revive at literally the worst moments the worst players, and have attitudes about it.
shotguns in valorant have dashes, slides, and blastpacks to work with though.
Fucking shit up and having zero accountability for their actions? that's entitled fatherless people in general, most commonly women, trannies and bottoms.
Either you don't play CS2 or you don't play Valo.
Aside from Ares and Guardian, every gun is used at some point during a game.
In CS you're objectively trolling by buying half of the selection.

Tbh I see comparisons between these two games as apples and oranges. The CS arsenal is a symptom of its age, and it plays perfectly fine even with like 12 meme guns. You can't compare their economies without forgetting that CS2 has no ult orbs, or free (sometimes recharging) utility per round. They're so different that trying to come up with "advantages" is an exercise in futility.

You really just let go of a movement key to stop instantly here. Trying to counterstrafe also stops you because you can't redirect instantly (same as CS)
You're in bronze.
Stop lurking, just shoot them in the face.
What makes the character designs offputting to you?
Tattoos, teenager outfits, nothing interesting about the character of the characters, some abilities are very meme-y (summon a bird to blind, throw a knife that silences in an aoe (the knife itself is pretty useless, you don't use it as a weapon)). Outside of the new characters, since I haven't been following this game for a while so I can't talk about that, the only character designs I like are Sova, Brimstone, Viper and maybe Cypher. And no, that's not because I only want to play white characters.

Every character is very safe and there really isn't anything deep about any of them. That's how character design is nowadays. Just look at league of legends, the older champions are much more interesting than the new ones. There were bonds between some of them, they had their values and you could understand what you have to deal with just by looking at them (Darius is a badass warrior, Yasuo is a samurai forging his own destiny, Zed is an evil ninja corrupted by the shadows, lulu is a cute little support etc). Nowadays it's just lgbt shitskins, the characters are either good or evil for the sake of it. And again, I like the design of Lucian (who is black). But even champions like Smolder (a dragon) or Naafiri (a dog) are not that interesting both gameplay and design-wise.

Maybe I didn't explain my thoughts well enough, but there is an obvious difference between the designs, lets say, 10 years ago and now
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He is morrocan iirc but it's not like you can tell that by looking at him since there is not an ounce of skin visible.
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honestly i want another non-human char
i know it'd be really hard considering hitboxes have to be constrained to human proportions but still.
I want another GOOD character

that's the problem with riot, if they make a non-human champion, that's what you get. A non-human champion. That's his entire schtick.
Naafiri is a non-human champion, but that's about it. You have a bunch of dogs following you, but you can't interact with them in a meaningful way and they just end up being worse yorick-ghouls. Playing naafiri is boring and playing against her is sleep inducing
Smolder is fun to play (for me at least) but again, character wise he is not interesting at all.
to be fair when you all suck at aiming the strats are back on
I’m new to the game. Do I need to have a high level of autism to be good? Seems like a lot of it is similar to Siege where it just comes down to getting to ambusg spots fast as fuck and doming whoever walks by
>similar to Siege where it just comes down to getting to ambusg spots fast as fuck and doming whoever walks by
I'm assuming you're a low rank/casual player so honestly valorant plays pretty similarly to copper siege.
way less autism is required than siege. Learning all 7 of the competitive maps and all the agents would be easier than learning 3 siege maps and the pathfinder ops.
Val is similar to siege in that it's a tac shooter, very different because you don't have two drones on attack or the ability to completely reconstruct the site on defense.
Yeah I just started playing today and had maybe 4 games in swift play. Just felt like I was dying before I could even get a shot off or my bullets were just going around enemies even when I wasn’t even moving. I guess it’s just a learning curve at first like most of these games. Still trying to figure out which guns are the best to buy and I’ve only really played with Jett. At least enough that I understand all of her abilities. But I’m still unsure which character I’d really resonate with. Neon seems cool
ghost and vandal require the least effort. if you find yourself spraying the stinger does good work

yea they nerfed skye and sova hard but they still kinda work. geckos free plant is powerful
>Forgot all my lineups in Haven and now have to rewatch lineup videos.
God I hate this map rotation shit Valorant does.
You probably do need to get used to it but also don't believe the hype, Valorant has hackers just like any other matchmaking-based FPS game, just less of them because the anti-cheat at least filters out the extremely low quality obvious shit.
you want to be constantly moving, a+d or crouch spamming when ur holding, to communicate with the server before the enemy
Play phantom and move around a lot, widepeek corners and always try to push if you can. From my expirience as a casual player, the worst thing you can do is waiting for the enemy to come at you.
Defense is so strong in siege that every attacker has two sova drones.
Valo maps don't have spots like clubhouse rafters that are hell to clear. If someone is looking at you, most likely you can see them back if you clear the site properly.

When you all suck at aiming the guy who gets good at aiming climbs the fastest. Not the nigga who knows basic T side theory.
are all fps about pc/server diffs? seems im first blooding or cant get a shot off. or is that engagement matchmaking
>anon didn't add me
I don't know if I should try to keep contact with him or if he simply was not interested, maybe he just didn't see my post and the thread died right after that, I am too autistic to figure this out, should I try to reach him again?
>are all fps about pc/server diffs?
What? are you talking about difference in ping, difference in hardware or perhaps difference in server location?
Lower ping improves the response time from the server and this game has peekers advantage so people with high ping keep repeeking, I recommend playing on severs where your ping is lower than 80.
If you are talking about server location yeah there can be a big difference (everyone on EMEA agreeing UK is the server with the lowest skill floor) but it is not too noticeable in low elo.
>or is that engagement matchmaking
Ranked uses hidden MMR, you get match with people of "similar skill" so if there is a really good player or a trio on your team there should also be a trio or a high lever player on the other team, but only in ranked, the matchmaking in any other gamemode prioritizes speed over balance, it can put brand new players against lvl 600 players who have 3000 hours in game if there is no one else available in queue for the next 30 seconds.
I used to play a ton of CS but only have played 3-4 matches of Valorant. Is there any reason to play it over CS?

So far it seems inferior because you're stuck with one character and matches can be decided from the character selection screen. I'm not trying to troll I just want to know what the draw is.
matches aren't decided from char select
a well balanced team can eat shit to 5 duelists
No, if you want it to be your next cs, you'll only become one of those frustrated retards that keep comparing valorant to cs and whining that it is not in fact cs.
Also, agents do not decide the outcome of a match.
Agent abilities make this game way more fun. Cypher makes holding site pretty fun compared to CSGO.
>says 10 seconds left
>lose the round due to time out but it still had 5 seconds left
Sounds like your client desynced with the server somehow.
>and matches can be decided from the character selection screen
Only in the top 0.1%, where people actually know the map and the agents they use. Even then, your radiant lobby with no flashes/recon on Ascent can still just pull a win out of their ass by having a good day.

Real talk though, it's a more nerdy game than CS. In CS most openings are set in stone because the util is quite simple. For example, if it's buy round and you don't throw cave molly on Ancient, you're trolling and objectively playing a lower percentage game. It's not that the game has had much more time to be figured out: it's just a simple game to figure out.

In Valo, the increased complexity creates 4D rock paper scissors. There's just a lot more things to keep track of. Because of the locked utility, each pick isn't just one less gun: it's also one more capability weakened, and recognizing how the game changes afterwards rewards you a lot.

Killed the recon player?
On attack, cut noise, regroup, and slam a site. They have to peek into you to figure out what's going on while the map is quiet.
On defense, powerful rat spots you couldn't play before suddenly open up.

Are they one off Gekko ult?
They'll probably fight hard for the ult point, then easily clear out the site with their dog. Don't hold the site, you'll probably just be a free kill. Better play for retake, or push the side where the attack is weak to make their post plant weaker.

This game is full of this stuff. It's really not comparable to CS. It's more like a heavily simplified Siege IMO.
Even the maps objectively have more sightlines to hold than most maps in CS. In the most popular CS maps, pretty much every site and mid have 2, maybe 3 sightlines to look at. Everything comes down to aim diff and your ability to dodge being one-shot is about "well I'll walk a little bit backwards here so my head might not be where his crosshair is." Valorant has that too, but there's far more ability to play aggressively because sites can often have many more sightlines to hold, ambush spots, and flank pathways.
You people have given me all kinds of excuses for why people won't surrender but I can't get an excuse for why people won't remake.
They already nerfing back Iso, lmao this game is full of crybabies that can't adapt to anything
no more 2 kills for shield reset next patch. 12 sec instead of 20 duration for double tap. both might be too much and now hes shit again.
He's the blackbeard of this game, having auto-win peek buttons are never good and if the character revolves around it of course they're gonna be shit.
Getting shield immediately, and having it refresh on kill, is the only significant thing about his kit.
I don't think these nerfs meaningfully change his power. He still cucks AWPers especially on Haven better than anyone else. They could make it 4 seconds for all I care, he's still good, and he was never broken.
Go back to china faggot nigger
Guys will someone carry me in valorant? Lavandula#8554
yea its better than nothing. plus it gives shield for ult which kinda helps ult not be complete shit. give him 2 walls 1 vulnerable

queing comp to annoy people is some other behavior. i would advise anyone not in this game to not get invested. games good playerbase is bad
I love it when I use Iso's ult for the express purpose of locking down an ulting Reyna only for my other two teammates to try and knife her when she wins the 1v1 and both get absolutely destroyed
Am I crazy, when I came from CS I swear wisdom said that if you have total control of the sight, and no one can walk in on you planting, you plant in the middle of the site where CTs can't hide while defusing, and I figured the same would apply to Valorant, but I never see anyone plant like that. Ever
Planting the spike against something means the enemy can't sit there defusing on that side. Makes it easier to spray them if there's a smoke in the way or you've set up to shoot through the wall/boxes.
There's also the people who are just overly cautious.
>CTs can't hide while defusing.
Some agents can.
A few reasons for that
>There is basically no spray control in valorant, if you get smoked off it is hard to kill a CT defusing at a long distance, if a ct smokes the bomb and you try to spray down there is a window for the CT to get off the smoke and one tap you while you are waiting for your recoil to reset
>You can't extinguish mollies in this game so there is no proper way to counter molly lineups, people always plant in the same 2 spots to maximize the potential of lineup usage
>Utility disruption, utility can change the map, planting in a "better spot" can get fucky when a Sage walls in a way you can't break the wall fast enough or when Astra's ult (bulletproof wall) changes the site in a way no one in your team can shoot back and now you have to push a new chockepoint that wasn't there before

But I would blame young people (the majority of Valorant players) just being sheep doing whatever all the others are doing, planting default just because everyone else plants default, even when you have site control, if there are better places to plant and the team doesn't mollies available, you plant default if you don't want to make your teammates angry, they get confused when you don't plant default.
I guess I sort of understand where you're coming from, but it feels like it applies even more when you're on default. So now if they're pressing up against a wall to defuse and have a Sage wall, they have two walls.
Smoking in valo is easy.
Smokes in valo are weaker.
Defuse is a staggered 7.0s cycle that can be left at half.
You can ping the spike.
These combine to make the post plant meta rely on good spam spots. Planting open is detrimental to your post plant and incurs too much risk for a net loss.

Hell, this is even true in CS. You're tripping if you're planting smack dab in the middle of a bomb site. You're asking to get smoke defused or shot by a rotate that got there faster than you expected.
I don't care anymore, I'm finished with the battlepass, I'll eat the 24 hour unranked queue ban, but that was 3 matches in a row where we were getting absolutely dominated, and then someone D/Cs, and we still won't surrender, but then when we're getting dominated and there's TWO D/Cs, then I have no issue being the third if you're gonna try and trap me in a game.
Bro what rank is this?
You have it justified, having afk or disconnected people for more than two rounds justifies a /ff vote.
On the other side, today we had 2 sentinels on attack and we got 6 rounds against a 2 sentinel comp on the other team, our Reyna still got mad for some reason, then he gave away the pistol round putting us at 8-6 and he started just "trolling", that was winnable and he gave it away.
>The real advantage of CS2 is the fact that the eco is better and more guns are worth using than just the spectre and phantom/vandal.
as the other anon said, across all ranks, almost every gun is used by all the players over the course of a game. I win more ecos in valo due to ults, abilities and shotguns, even stinger melts them if they push me compared to CS2 where you get rolled if even 2 rifles push you on a stacked site with 4-5 people. Atleast play the game before you spew bullshit. Many here play both games so hating on valorant with idiotic takes exposes your faggotry
this is true for most FPS games imo. even a simple AWP shot can have inaccuracy if you're not slighly moving the scope around. Load balancing of requests is done in real-time on servers right now so it matters
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look at the damage dealt per round in radiant after iso buff. even peak chamber didnt have this level of damage. Peak chamber had more impact yes but this damage directly affects aim play. The shield reset counter is almost impossible if the iso is even slightly aggressive and has decent aim.

I fink they made this change for pro play also by looking at radiant stats.
Who's the sexiest champ?
No I just quit if I'm trapped in a game. But amazingly I had three games in a row where I was not the first quitter, I attempted remake, and still, no remake, no surrender, these people just believed in suffering.
Now that I'm not drunk looking back on this I still don't get this community's allergy to a surrender vote... to the point that even remake votes get voted no on. Like unless you queued with that guy and you tell us that he's for sure coming back why are you being like this? We're playing a 4v5 (or worse) and we have the chance to just call it a wash and get into a new game WHY IS YOUR EGO TIED TO THIS
starting on attack, no one can entry or flash or smoke, and no one wants to play for picks or rotates. a 3-9 is possible just because the other team will suck on attack too. starting on defense is op dont need as much teamwork
theres two fucking guys on site. flash n trade. everyone trying to bait n get free call out kills. this game
After the round finishes, doesn't the countdown timer tell you how much time until the next round begins?
there's buy phase, main, and post-round stages every tound
>yoru S tier
what changed?
>play a game
>a girl duoing with her boyfriend
>top frag is sucking their dicks
>another teammate calls the girl a whore
this shit's hilarious
wonder where all the edaters and carried women are at in APAC
I hear women in voice sometimes and they're usually just typical teammates
only funny thing that's happened was a squeaker shitting up comms and a girl tells him to be quiet and he immediately went "yes maam"
>going 0-9
>lose again, but it was almost an ace for one of my teammates
Telltale signs of not going to be allowed out of this one, am I
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>got to ascendant last episode
>struggling in plat now
>getting shit on by plats in aim duels
I haven't been playing consistently but I shouldn't be having this much trouble though wtf happened
It's almost like half of those plats are smurf accounts or people that topped Ascendant/Immortal last episode too, isn't it?
>Play a game
>Theres a woman on our team speaking in comms
>Ask does it jiggle
>Shes quiet and only talks in text for the rest of the game
I don't know what it is about plat, it feels like an absolute casual filter, I play like 3 ranked games a week and I can't get past plat 1 for half a year now.
Why is this game so inconsistent? A few acts ago I was playing on a Plat-Diamond account, and doing well or holding my own.

I play on Silver on my main, and get shit on in ranked. Get filtered, try unrated and I'm constantly fucking high MMR opponents, yet get shit on by golds and silvers. Wtf?
rng. run it down deathmatch style is the only way to lead the game effectively. any teamwork is just asking for more rng. you can mvp or support and still lose. might as well have fun doing it. 5 duelists makes for best no arguing comp
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here's your new skinline bro
Liiterally just a BP skin tier design with some low effort kawaii neko and a shitty finisher
i want a fairy kitty to help reload my vandal :3
Aren't you supposed to be able to hear where Omen teleports to?
Iso's vulnerable on pistol rounds is so good.
>AFK a lot
>get placed in more games that make me wanna AFK
Someone explain the logic of low priority queue to me.
>be a raging faggot a lot
>get a lot of guys around that make me wanna suck cock
Someone explain the logic of gaydar to me
I would like to sexo Neon
As a silver shitter with decent aim, how do I carry other silver shitters on attackers side when they're always terrified of pushing and just wait at entrypoints until the defenders push them or the timer runs out?
Should I just flank every time?
What is it about this game that attracts women players?
Is it just me or are the majority of cosmetics in this game actually dogshit? They just look so fucking weird. The only good ones are the ones that are actually based on reality and turn weapons into IRL lookalikes
AFKing is my right as someone who remembers when games were fun (no matchmaking)
It's a normie zoomer game that came out during the pandemic with plenty of female characters that are attractive but not too attractive
But OW has plenty of actual attractive female characters as well. We all know how women flocked to Mercy. Maybe it’s because OW has a higher skill ceiling and it’s easier for women to be shat on? At least in Val you can get a lucky one tap and pretend you’re actually good. OW requires sustained aim to secure kills. What is the Mercy of Val as well? Which Op do women flock to the most?

OW was fun on release, then Blizzard worked really hard to make the game the opposite of fun, and they succeeded.
Man the achievements tied to getting an Ace and a Thrifty stress me out so much. I’ve had a couple of 4 kill rounds but getting the 5th seems like a nightmare. So far the last enemy has always been too far away and my teammates end up getting it. But I feel like in the situation to get it I’ll probably choke.
And I don’t get how a thrifty happens. I feel like I’ve had rounds where we bought way less than the enemy but it’s never triggered. Maybe when ranked comes out it’ll be more likely to happen then?
The game has "support roles", "heros" and abilities, it is colorful, it has "girly skins" it has a huge advertising campaign catering to "female gamers" and a safer environment for women, the game markets itself as women friendly CS, it even has a dedicated Mod team that bans players for harassing women in the voicechat, at least in the US servers.
Some anon resumed it as "CS for women and faggots" but I would describe it as CS for zoomers, now I realize our descriptions are pretty much the same.
>But OW has plenty of actual attractive female characters as well.
And Overwatch is full of women too, I don't get your point.
>Maybe it’s because OW has a higher skill ceiling and it’s easier for women to be shat on?
OW is an easier game when it comes to mental, any game that has a respawn system is way less stressful, Val is way more punishing when it comes to dying.
>What is the Mercy of Val as well? Which Op do women flock to the most?
Obviously Sage, many girls also play Skye and Killjoy, if you ever see a Skye that never throws a flash you can bet it is a woman.
>In VALORANT, Thrifty is a commendation for winning rounds with less powerful weapons than your opponents. In other words, the game displays the term ‘Thrifty’ when the team wins the round while spending less money than the opposing team. This shows that the team used their resources carefully and not wastefully.

>For example, if Team A spent 10,000 credits and Team B spent 5,000 credits, and Team B won the round, then Team B would get the Thrifty commendation. As a result, getting Thrifty is a sign of good economy management and skillful gameplay, as it means that the team was able to overcome the disadvantage of having cheaper or fewer weapons and abilities.

It's the sort of thing which will happen eventually without deliberately trying
Aces just come down to a combination of skill and luck
>So far the last enemy has always been too far away and my teammates end up getting it.
You have to scream in the mic "SAVE IT FOR MY ACE" at the top of your lungs otherwise it rarely happens, most players are too focused on the game to pay attention to the killfeed, that's why Valorant has an announcer.
>I feel like I’ve had rounds where we bought way less than the enemy but it’s never triggered.
The thrifty it is about total money invested in the round by both teams, that includes abilities.
Imagine a 1v1 scenario, the enemy player survives with his gun and he still has full utility, he only buys a heavy shield so he only spends $1000, if you get sheriff + light shield that's $1200 so you still are investing more than him.
Now if that enemy player has shield and a gun from the previous round but he buys full utility that's around $700, you buy a Ghost that costs $500, if you spend another $200 the Thrifty trigger would get invalidated.
But the thrifty is about the economy of the whole team, if one single teammate buys Vandal and Shields that is worth more than the entire enemy utility.
>Some anon resumed it as "CS for women and faggots" but I would describe it as CS for zoomers, now I realize our descriptions are pretty much the same.
I know this would trigger CS fags but you could argue that Valorant actually takes more skill than CS because of the addition of tracking enemy abilities, managing your own, as well as utilising your abilities well such as hopping around with Raze
>you could argue that Valorant actually takes more skill than CS
That doesn't change the fact Valorant embraces a Faggy identity, and this comes from a homo.

On the topic of Valorant requiring more skill that is a touchy subject, how many layers of complexity is okay to add before it starts being annoying? adding more pieces to chess would make it more complex and would make it require more skill but it turns it into a different game, that is just an example, I am not saying CS is chess, I am saying making things more complex doesn't necessarily make them better, like OW compared to TF2, it all comes to personal taste.
Valorant adds more complexity on some aspects and simplifies others, abilities give an "I win" button to every player, take recon for example, getting information in CS without dying or getting spotted is tough, in Val Sova has an "I get recon" button that gives him almost instant information, that simplifies the game to said player and makes it more complex to the enemy team, then the game evolves into using your I-win buttons against theirs Overwatch style.
Brimstone mollies main, that is no problem for Jett, Omen, Yoru and Raze, so this interaction is simpler for them, you are using a different character? too bad, you can't do anything against the molly, you wait or take damage.
But all of that is what Val players love, the Jett being able to stay out in the open with an OP, Chamber now having to think about economy and Yoru being able to lurk wherever he wants.

Some CS complexity on the other hand: it has the recoil patterns, different kill rewards depending on the weapon, CT and T sides having different weapons available to buy and when you die you lose your entire inventory, even your utility. also smoke and flash lineups, Valorant has lineups too but most smokes and flashes are just point and click instead of "mid window smoke tutorial" and good luck if you are at a different location and want to re-smoke that place.
Valorant is gay like RuPaul and Counter Strike is Neil Patrick Harris
CS ladder is about wallhacking and wallhacking only.
Is cheating that rampant in CS? Do Valve just not give a shit about their games anymore? I know TF2 has been plagued with bots and absolutely nothing has been done about it. They simply don’t care which is so weird to me. I was never heavily into TF2 but I do have good memories playing on my shitty laptop in the first year of uni. Just sad what it became
cheating is totally, and completely unhindered yes. there is maybe a bi-yearly "banwave" that affects blatant spinbotters only.
>And Overwatch is full of women too, I don't get your point.
I feel like more play Valorant, though. No idea if that’s true but it’s just what it feels like to me. Maybe it’s those cringe videos you see of women supporting guys to get Aces and shit, I’m not sure.
>OW is an easier game when it comes to mental, any game that has a respawn system is way less stressful, Val is way more punishing when it comes to dying.
That is true, but I still wonder how your average woman Valorant player would handle a game like OW that needs sustained accuracy. Like, I’d like to see one play Ashe or McCree and see how well they actually do in comparison.
>Obviously Sage
Why do women love being heal sluts? And why do they find it so much harder to play male characters? I don’t think many guys struggle to play female ones, but women have this constant need for self inserting
Basically it still has a playerbase, but it's 90% people who play to grind a crate that sells for a bit of a dollar which is like 10 dollars in turd world currency. Literally not a single white person plays CS 2/go.
Cheating in CS is more prevalent than any other game, but there are two factors that work well to keep them segregated:

1. Cheaters rank up really quickly, so they mostly affect like top 5%
2. Trust factor tends to queue cheaters with their equally suspicious counterparts

I obsessively review my demos whenever someone is suspicious, and out of like 300 games played this year, I only confirmed 2 games with walls. Walling is REALLY hard to hide when someone gets your POV.
2/300 is still enough cheaters to keep you guessing if someone just cheated their way to beating you, and that's why people play Faceit, but it's good enough for me.

People will tell you otherwise, but they actually don't check their demos and just go off their feelings. I actually check.
>Walling is REALLY hard to hide when someone gets your POV.
Total retard with no idea how the game works, walling is literally unprovable when done by a >100 IQ individual.
What European countries can be considered white?
You are genuinely a subhuman >70 IQ brainlet if you don't understand how anyone in the world can hide wallhacks from the fucking steam overwatch system.
Iso still seems really good post nerf, maybe I'm missing something.
Yes and no. Valorant has more cheaters than people like to think. The only real solution to the cheater problem is private servers but you know how that will go.
I'm just an old man and I'm not even taking adderall, what's the point of me playing this game where everyone snaps to my head immediately?
drink a cup of coffee and you should be good for 2 and a half games
Fellow old man here, it is fun when you are the one snapping to the young lads head and when you kill them with your giant space laser.
My average reaction time is 220ms, the aim thing is mostly crosshair placement and map knowledge, I won't be as good as current zoomers that pay 6 hours a day but I am on diamond and I am sure I can rank up to ascendant, I won't try to hit Immortal (Master), I don't have time to play that much, fuck that.
As anon said, get a cup of coffee when you want to tryhard for 2 games, it works for me and it helps me a lot, can be placebo but it's working for now.
It’s actually quite impressive that Riot outright bans Xims from console. It’s so refreshing. No idea why Activision and Ubisoft refuse to do it for their games
Why can’t you have players fill in unrated? Pointless playing 4v5 for another 8 rounds
Nah what got me salty was the 90 degree turn snaps to my head.
So far I’ve only really played Raze and I’m scared to try other agents because I don’t want to be a detriment to the team and I feel like the other kits require more skill to be good with (I know a high skill Raze will be hopping around with the C4 but still). I’ve played Iso a few times when forced and I’ve done ok. Double Tap is obviously pretty good but I feel like I suck with using his other abilities effectively.
I want to play people like Omen but he seems to always gets insta locked. And I really enjoy Neon in TDM but playing in normal games seems more intimidating. How do I overcome the F E A R?
Someday I'll watch these people stop fighting Clove ult when there's no urgency.

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This is humiliating
eat the deranks as you learn how to actually play the game instead of unga bunga duelist
controller requires the highest IQ in the game
Just play other agents, if you get shit on mute them.
>eat the deranks
If part of his fear is losing rr then playing unrated/swiftplay would be better.
people play differently on unrated compared to ranked
since he wants to learn the more cerebral part of the game that'd be pretty bad
nah try to play other agents, dont become a mindless NPC duelist. you'll appreciate the other roles even if you're in lower elos, you'll learn the game more.
The monetisation in this game is fucking insane. £40 for a single fucking melee weapon??
The most insane part is zoomers actually pay those prices and it's a successful business model for Riot
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dawg wtf is with the new act
The goal is to get him playing as those agents, he can go back to ranked anytime he wants.
>since he wants to learn the more cerebral part of the game
You should familiarize yourself with the an agent's kit before going for big brain plays.
Ranks are gonna be a bit off for a week or two because of placements.
always wait a couple days out so the high elo retards can get away from your rank
Why do you cock your gun every time you switch to it? Are Riot retarded?
Because it makes a sound and that's important for balance. Also CS does it.

Also I'm about to kill myself because every time I use Iso's ult I always lose.
I don't like the defuse system, seems like it just means that if defense loses the site and they're not actively fighting for it during the plant they lose no matter what.

Also I just don't get how people are able to swing their aim 100 degrees and know exactly where to put their crosshair, I can't do it, I've played this game for 50 hours and I cannot visualize where a person would show up based on where my crosshair is.
play more DMs and lower your sens, improves crosshair placement
>Because it makes a sound and that's important for balance
audio like switching guns are only heard locally
I know Riot don’t want to make skin earning too easy for F2P poors but fuck me, 45k KC to get to Tier 10 for an Agents gear (AKA, get a weapon skin) is insane. I’ve made like 5k in a week. At this rate, it’ll take me 8 more weeks to have enough. So a weapon skin every 2 months, essentially. Which means to unlock all agent gear it would take me 4 years. Lol.
>90 degree turn snaps to my head.
Don't worry, it comes in both ways, you will see people whiffing you from behind too, it is funny to turn 180 degrees and kill the other dude, the more you play the more you will witness whiffs and 360taps in this game.

Play some shiftplay and spikerush matches to try out other agents since most people pick duelists there, when you get in game focus more on how to use their abilities than winning the match, that way you can learn how to play these agents faster. You can do the same for lineups, trying them in shiftplay and spikerush will get you used to get them right in a stressful situation.
Why is Gekko referred to as an Angeleno while all other agents have their country name given? Also will any dev EVER create a UK character that isn’t from London??
Man the BP sucks
You can just assume characters are American by default, Omen and KAY/O aren't specified either.
oh and Scotland is in the UK :)
>mystery ghost man and time traveling robot from another world
those two have good reason to not be known
Riot is a LA company
Gekko is from LA and gets special treatment
Just got my first Ace :D
>Kay/O just throws his knife randomly where enemies aren’t even close to it
I’m not sure what he thinks it does
Most Kay/Os (and this goes for a lot of characters) have no plan, they just know they can open with a certain ability that gives them a small advantage and give up ever trying to do more with it.

Kay/O on defense = I'll throw my knife at the site approach and if they're not there I'll be able to rotate faster to the other site.
I don't get why the judge is so expensive, it's just the Bucky but slightly less useless for more than double the price.
This guy threw it at a box in front of him, though. It wasn’t an information gathering throw in any way. I’m convinced he thought it was an ability that triggers when enemies walk past it or something
noice fren
have definitely been seeing more bucky recently than judges.
they nerfed the judge to a bucky. outlaw is the new noob tube
The only reason I see to pick the judge over the Bucky is because having 5 rounds semi-auto covers for the game's awful hit detection sometimes but if you're going to be stuck hiding around corners trying to run ambushes anyways, you might as well pick the Bucky because it's an actual budget weapon. Judge's price point doesn't make sense, even the Spectre is a better budget weapon.
You definitely haven't seen how deadly a good Judge player is, even after the nerfs it still is a semiauto one shot kill weapon, in close quarters it is basically an AWP you can't smoke off and you will need good teamwork or lots of utility (neither of those are used in pubs) to take a good judge player down.
I still think it got nerfed too much, it should have 6 bullets/shells per mag since players will always spend at least one drone against a judge.
The judge is not a budget weapon my friend.
>the game's awful hit detection sometimes
I hate everything related to Riot games but I can admit this game has one of the best hit detection systems in the market, I don't know what games you are playing to make such claim, if you are playing on wifi you need to check your network for packet loss.
i love my angry flip wife, neon!
after the cost increase and bullet spread nerf, no, it infact doesnt have the same power as it did in unique situations like a bucky right now. even in VCT, they're running bucky quite a bit this season.
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>reinstall game
>try unlocking the new hot blonde
>i dont see any free option anywhere like the contracts i did to unlock neon
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They replaced the XP unlocks with Kingdom Credits™
Now you can no longer just play and automatically unlock things, when you play you get Kingdom Credits™, you can use your Kingdom Credits™ to buy characters and stuff from the accessories tab in the store. Each character is 8000 Kingdom Credits™, you can not buy Kingdom Credits™ (but you can buy characters with premium currency, lmao) and the maximum amount of Kingdom Credits™ you can save is capped at 10K to maximize FOMO.
Depending on how much you play you could get around 4500 Kingdom Credits™ weekly by just playing casually, that means 2 weeks to unlock a character, that would be grinding 70 cents per day. Ginding for 2 weeks or just paying $10? most balanced Riot Games offer in a "F2P game".
It's almost like this system was made to milk smurfing players who where able to unlock a character every 3 days.

Anyway, you probably have Kingdom credits saved, use them to unlock characters, the meme gunbuddies are not worth it.
>Anyway, you probably have Kingdom credits saved, use them to unlock characters
Nope i do not, guess i will just play abit and uninstall if i get bored, i am only playing for the waifus, the weapons i like the most (shottys) feel like ass
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Always work on your aim over your sense. Nothing is better than knowing you can aim diff people in a match. Gives you so much confidence to make plays.
CS vet coming to play this game since I upgraded and can now actually play.
how much does CS skills transfer to valorant?
anything I should know?
CS experience certainly helps with your gunplay, gamesense, eco etc which is always important, but the utility takes some getting used to. I would recommend trying out all the agent abilities in the practice range so you know whats happening. KAYO's abilities are most similar to CS so he's a good pick to ease the transition but I recommend branching out and finding an agent you like. Some easy agents to play besides the free ones are Gekko (initiator) Killjoy (sentinel) and either Clove or Omen (Controllers)
Or you just be a gamepass Chad and get all the agents unlocked as yet another bonus. Gamepass chads keep winning
All unranked Sage players are either aimdiff gods or complete retards with no self-confidence who put up horrible walls and can't hit the broad side of a barn but think they're "helping" because they heal you every once in a while.
This. Coaches recruit based on aim, because strategy can be taught. Also remember aim is genetics and even if you get better you will never be a pro.
I wanna buy the new vandal but I also know that is dumb to spend money on skins, especially one so expensive, I already have a vandal skin.
for some reason, my fren list has been popping since the map change and duelists' changes. It was dead as fuck when breeze was in rotation, But, since the revamp of maps, everyone is IN and its similar to 2 acts ago. Breeze definitely filters normies and they couldnt take chances with playercount again, feels like.
I would recommend saving the money for the champs vandal which is about to come out anyway, If you still want something which wont come back, I suggest buying the playercards/buddies/titles (which I always do) because the guns will come back in shop someway but the other things wont.
>wait til 50 second mark to begin attack
>still lose


very tactical shooter
I do not support subscription services, gamepass and Amazon prime are the only decent ones but still subscription based services that belong to Microsoft and Amazon, fuck those companies.
But yeah, gamepass is good, it's a worthy investment tgat comes with lots of benefits.
It's kinda bullshit that the battlepass is just totally worthless every season usually games at least but SOME desirable stuff on it or at least something people actually want at the end to make it a status symbol for poeple who finish it but nah just every season it's complete fucking garbage to get you to buy skins that cost as much as a new video game.
play the dailies for the agent same as before. I barely play the game for the 30 radianite or free sidearm each season. Always someone afk or another that didnt take their meds
>VCT 2021: Vandal
>VCT 2022: Phantom
>VCT 2023: Vandal
>VCT 2024: ??
What if it's a Phantom this year?
Anyone wanna play sometime? Discord is itsover1995 I'm silver rn peak plat 3. I play unrated too
Flashes are too easy in this game
Nah they’ll want to capitalise on the new console players so it’ll be the Vandal again
God I just love dominating and then a teammate just fucking leaves and we start getting clawed back because it’s constantly a 4v5!!! Please tell me people get banned for leaving
IIRC there's timeouts which get progressively longer for repeat offenders
>losing 7-12
>Sage last alive vs 4
>has ult
>just walks past my body
>dies as soon as she goes around the corner
I played in a 5 stack with a kid we pincked up from a gamefinder thing, he had to leave partway through to get dinner. Messaged us later that he got a week ban from competitive. Wasn't his first offense.
>European server
>only people who ever talk on mic are French
Extremely strange. Still haven’t met a fellow on comms Bong yet
They are moving away from more tactical maps like Haven, Split, and Ascent, and moving to more "exec main and spam" maps like Abyss, Breeze (used to be better with halls plugged), and Icebox.
What is the lore behind the different rounds. As far as I can tell the agents both are like "make sure not to die out there" but at the same time, reference previous rounds including ones they lost as if they didn't all get butt annihilated.
Typically how long will it take to get to level 10 for an Agents gear? I want the Omen Ghost but so far I’ve only earned 8k in just less than 2 weeks. This shit is a massive grind just for a free starter gun skin. Riot really are stingy cunts
Yeah sure, I'm sure there's a few Judge gods, but for most everyone else, it doesn't have significantly more range than the Bucky, costs more than double, and the best plan is to get 1-2 kills in an ambush then die. It's far too expensive for keeping it around for the one perfect situation where it's better than everything, especially when the Vandal exists and does pretty well in all situations.
I only watch vct if its gamechangers. Gimme my trannies
started playing this game at 500 edpi.
been gradually reducing it every other month and now i have reduced it to 240 edpi
hopefully this will be my last change
Well your first 45 minutes/hour playing each day you'll get like a total of 700 from the daily checkpoints + the matches. After that its like a rate of 150/hr. Which is to say it'll take a fucking long time. Just focus on unlocking the agents, its not worth it.
I already have all the agents throigh gamepass so I may as well spend them. Just hate how fucking grindy they make it. 20k per Agent track would be far more reasonable to me
>flash an enemy
>can see they’re flashed
>still look exactly at me and just kill me
Wtf man
>>can see they’re flashed
they can't see when they are flashed
Characters get a glowy aura around their head while they're blinded from a flash, so you can see that they are blinded
Some people spray while blinded to make it more dangerous for their enemy - this is probably what happened to you. They knew the general location of where you would be and did a spray-and-pray while blinded, which worked out for them
i saw a demon1 clip where he double headshot the cypher, through a wall even after he triggered his trip and was glowing for enemy team.
just pure prediction and crosshair placement

some people are just good
So since Iso sucks again who is the best duelist?
I miss unlocking agents through xp. Gave me something to work toward after battlepass, too.
How do I use Jett effectively.
Buy Op, click bodies.
I hate living in Texas I always play with Mexicans and Mexicans are always the fucking worst. Mestizo ass 89IQ motherfuckers with an inversely correlated ego.
I’m in Europe, how do you think I feel? Every single person I’ve played with doesn’t speak English. And what’s even crazier is that Riot will allow me to change my region to the Middle East or even fucking Tokyo but apparently NA East Coast isn’t allowed?? Fucking why? I always play on US servers when I get the chance in MP games. It barely puts a dent in my ping and people actually speak fucking English
Took me like 3 weeks to unlock the Cloves's ghost, playing everyday
I didn't even know you could unlock special character-specific skins.
>I overextended my flank and got trapped but at least I can tell my team that the remaining 4 enemies are coming after me
>please please please just let my death be worth something
>my team rotates in 30 seconds later, taking a bunch of 1v4s one after the other, then I get blamed for flanking/not somehow 1v4ing

Also unrelated but I love it when you're trying to run the Classic and you're at that range where you should be able to aim mostly accurately but then even though you're standing still every round makes a perfect circle around the enemy's head thank you very much rng
The rounds themselves are not canon but the lore to the actual matches is that there is a mirrorverse to Earth (Alpha) called Omega Earth. The Valorant agents of Omega Earth are invading Alpha Earth to steal Radiant through the Spike.
Yeah it’s going to take me a while, then. I go to my gfs every weekend and work through the week which means I lose a lot of gaming time. I can probably play around 24 hours a week which is nothing
raze bc cypher exists. boom bot is best initator
God I can’t wait for more maps on console. I’ve only had fucking Haven and Ascent all day. For some reason they seem to have replaced Abyss with Sunset? No idea why they couldn’t just let us have both.
Ok nvm apparently Abyss still is in but this is the first time I’ve played it since the update last week. Weird
>even in VCT, they're running bucky
As I said, the judge shits the bed against any kind of good teamwork or good utility usage, 2 things you always see in professional tournaments. On top of that the Bucky works for eco rounds too.
>it doesn't have significantly more range than the Bucky
It has even less range than the Bucky
>and the best plan is to get 1-2 kills in an ambush then die
Most of the times the rest of the enemy team will recoil in fear after you kill one or two dudes, then you pick up a rifle from the guys you just killed and rotate, it works as a psychological warfare weapon.
>far too expensive for keeping it around for the one perfect situation
There are a bunch of locations where the Judge can destroy a team, like hookah (window) in Bind and garage (C short) on Heaven, it also works really well in smokes, specially Viper's ult.
>especially when the Vandal exists and does pretty well in all situations.
The Judge is a situational weapon that requires specific positioning and can also be used to counter specific strategies, it is not something you use all the time through an entire match (unless the enemy team can't adapt, then the Judge player will keep getting free kills).
>Also remember aim is genetics
Like every single skill in the existence aim is 30% genetics and 70% practice and development, it can develop way faster between the 12 and the 22 years of age, like any other skill.
>Coaches recruit based on aim
Coaches recruit based on aim and gamesense, yin and yang, no one will hire a retard that has all the aim and can win raw 1v1s but has zero awareness, zero gameplan and always dies in defense after getting flashed.
>1v5 ace
name a better feeling
Spilling your seed inside a women who loves you
An impossibility, better focus on Valorant.
I’m amazed at how many people have bought that gay new bundle
the critters are cute :3
its cute
i bought it for my gf
How many cocksucking fantasies do you have a day?
Biological or chemical
E girlfriend
We talk on insta too
>How many cocksucking fantasies do you have a day?
don't need to fantasize when I can do it for real ;)
I want a butterfly knife but I don’t want to pay money for one :(

Also I hate players that switch to left hand view. It looks weird. Stop it.
Now that Valorant is on console, will the game suffer as it feels the need to cater to the casuals?
who tf says donk outside of trannies and furries
People who use fake 4:3 are worse.
There's no crossplay between PC and Console, and there's already console-exclusive features like "focus mode" (left trigger puts you into an aim mode with lower sensitivity, rather than ADS)
I think the console version will be more casual but it won't necessarily impact PC
the redpill is the lower your sens, the better your aim is. because, you want to compensate the overflicking because your aim is getting faster so you keep lowering it. its a good thing
I cam mid and pressure A/B main with my cypher cam. holding atleast 2 frogs. Team cant exec a 4v3 and later complain why am I not playing with the team.
Why is this general so dead? Why don’t we have a thriving general on /vg/? If fucking Halo General can survive then why can’t we?
I know it’s a F2P game and everything but fuck me, skin bundles should never cost more than $15. It’s so fucking crazy how expensive they get. And it’s not even as if you can sell them on (officially at least). People really spend 500+ on some shiny pixels. It’s baffling. I’d at least love to see a dev one day allow you to trade-in your skins for like a third of the price or something
i just queued with someone named 14chudcore88#TND lol
either you get the afkers and throwers or the enemy gets the throwers. by the time you reach your one real gg your already exhausted from babysitting
In order to keep a thread bumped on /vg/ 3/4 of the posts have to be waifuposting or shitposting, only 1/4 is actual discussion.
We had a general on /vg/ but one anon was really mad at a waifufag that was always posting his really retarded opinions, then the waifufags started to fight each other until everyone was mad and they stopped bumping the thread out of spite.
Another thing is the game being too new, zoomie and faggy but not being the top dog like Fortnite or COD to compensate so it doesn't match enough of the 4chan audience, Overwatch has way more sex appeal but take away the coomers, the shiposters and waifufags from /owg/ and that is 98% of the thread activity gone.
4chan is a boomer website
halo is a boomer game
valorant is a zoomer game
>this general so dead
it's just a meme, don't fall for it ;)
"Too strong" usually means "rewards conventional action gameplay too much" as far as both Valorant and Overwatch go.
The fact that there's no sexy skins pretty much prevent it from ever being popular on /v/ or /vg/.

It's also kind of disappointing to me personally. It's why a bunch of girls play the game though.
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Viper really got that diaper on her
how to play well without caffiene
Sugar rush
That's not the worst part, when you pay for the skin you are actually just buying a paywalled skin, as you still need to get the radianite, that's also expensive af, to unlock all the other variants and the fx and finishers of the skin. You do get the chance to get like 60 radianite every 2 months for free in the BP but that's hardly enough to unlock everything in the skin you bought
I have like 80 Radianite so far that I intend to just use on one skin. Ideally, it’ll be a decent skin when the Night Market comes about. I’m not paying full price for these skins and I’m only going to buy like 3 maximum I reckon (Vandal, Ghost/Sherriff, and Knife). Simply do not see the value in spending more than $30 on skins in this game
I only play agents that have tp/dash/heal/flash/slide
Also all of the battlepass skins suck ass and of course it's the cheapest.

I feel like Riot just knows they're a "premium" (somehow) brand and can charge whatever they want. It might also have to do with, outside of gun skins, there's really not a whole lot worth buying in the store, and with the battlepass being garbage every season, it leaves players desperate.
i play this game to be a hot girl
champions bundle glow effect is the best if your spending. maybe rgx blade this year

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