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Is elder scrolls a good game for multiplayer? Asking myself that question lately.
Would players be interested in a server if it was tuned so as to avoid easy godmoding via, for example, spam selling potions to get rich, while at the same time amping the difficulty up? With minimal moderation of course

Giving that idea a try, set up a server in the TES3MP server list
Server's called "Mahkan" or there's discord.me/mahkan
we played it with anons from a polish imageboard
was fun but you need plugins and mods to make the game more difficult since the base difficulty even when set to maximum is a joke in multiplayer especially with unlimited resting
I think an admin can just retune the server himself, don't need plugins
what sort of mods would you like to see? i'm not an expert in MW or MW modding but maybe more difficulty stuff to encourage working together would be in order. making it more like EQ or something.
I found a way to fix the difficulty. You actually deal half damage now for example. I have ways to make the server more difficult planned but scripting takes time.
Nice ill try to jump on this weekend. Used to play some other big server but they added a bunch of gay mmo shit
nerevarine prophecies? yeah that server is trash
>join server
>someone says nigger in local chat
>another player sees me
>kills me for being a "non-dunmer"
Pretty sure this is just a place for /pol/cels to enact their racist fantasies. Not joining again and would advise others to do the same.
Morrowind is the greatest single player rpg of all time
I think it could only be worse being multiplayer.
might be funny to try but the game is so unbroken idk how anyone could make it balanced.
>servers are all the same, first one you come across is how the rest are run
centralized servers and their consequences have been a disaster for multiplayer gaming

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