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How do I gitgud?
Skip it and invest the time into a game that’s actually fun.
No. Shut up.
do you just want to 'git gud' or do you want your rank to reflect that?
if you just want to git gud, play other matchmaking if they do that, or just rock silver elite master forever
otherwise, you will need to play with the same people to actually rank up, preferably people who are higher rank
Not everyone can and its harder than ever now to get good. Most mid-low elo players now have thousands of hours and people with thousands of hours in other fps games are starting now and stomping everyone. And even if you do get good, it might take a very long time to reach your actual rank because the premiere ranking system is garbage. Just stick with playing for fun and if you wanna stomp and feel good for wrecking people play competitive with a non-prime account.
Practice and patience. Learn to aim, learn to control recoil, learn to counter-strafe, learn how to move around efficiently in each of the active duty maps, learn callouts, learn basic smokes, learn timings, i.e., "We just saw the last terrorist A ramp (Mirage). Where could he be now that 15 seconds have elapsed?".

Obviously that's not an exhaustive list, but it takes time to get good at something. it's not going to be an instantaneous process, and doing it solo is literally a grind. Find some friends and it gets more bearable.
I know this vid is for valorant but following it helped me a ton
Learn the basics and then use wallhacks and aimbots. These days you can get aimbots that purposely miss some shots so it's really hard to detect.
You aren't bad

Everyone is literally cheating in competitive multiplayer nowadays. Statistically you'll have at least one cheater in every match
>Game doesn't tell you how long the guy whose Molotov you stood in's cooldown is anymore
Shit game. 7day bros, it's over...
First you need to get your system sweatlord approved:
- 240hz monitor (or over)
- good light wireless mouse
- pc capable of churning out 300fps+

Then you have to realize that it's not a matter of getting good at the game, it's a matter of knowing the actual maps. Obviously practice a lot of DM, the more the better, but the harsh truth is you need to know every detail of every map. Once you know how maps are played, learn your favorite spots, utility and routes you suddenly begin to win a lot and easily break 15k.

That's where your enter the territory of the decently skilled guy with 1k+ hours and the real grind begins. You can't cheat this without actual cheating. They're doing the same thing as you are and are probably just as mechanically skilled and smart as you are. This is where hours really start to matter.
Basically this game has, unhindered cheating and they pay you real life money to smurf with crates drops. It's not a lot for westerners but it's actually enough for some light grocery shopping converted into rubles afaik.. Even in my qualification matches I see people cheat and they say they want to get their rank or their crate fast.
If you want to practice it for some reason, I recommend playing 1v1s with a friend and telling each other wherever you go, long, short etc. Playing something like DM you end up practicing situation that never ever occur in a real game.
Play Faceit everyday.
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This shit seems like such a fkn scam and chinese datamine. I have 800 hours, and i am pretty good at counter strike. Should I join facesit?
What are you on about? How is it a scam? You don’t even have to pay for it. Also, pros and genuinely good players are on it. Not matchmaking kiddies. So if you want to get good then I’d recommend it.
Aight, ill sign up.
>get a 360hz monitor

ok come on now. i can barely tell the difference between 120 and 144
"How do I gitgud?"
>install cheats like all the other cum sucking rags
You need to be active while playing. When you die don't just sulk about missing your shots and dying. Think about your position, body, angle, the enemy, and potentially what the enemy was thinking before he killed you. Be active about what you are doing. Why are you walking the way you are, where is your crosshair, what is your team doing and what is your enemy possibly doing? I think upgrading your mechanical skills can be relatively easy, but the mental game is where you will gain steady progression and be able to stay relaxed and unbiased in the middle of a game. The moment you get upset and start going into a passive mindset is the moment you will stop improving and start losing.
I can tell the difference between 144 and 165. you're just a brainlet
99% of pro players use 360hz or higher, using 120hz-165hz is enough for most people. 1080p 240hz monitors are cheap these days if you ever want to try getting something higher refresh without spending a ton. There are diminishing returns with higher refresh rates also.
you don't
you're going up against niggers that have 15+ years of experience at the least
your teammates are horrible people who start flaming each other at the first mistake
it's filled with underaged niggers and retards
play something else
Honestly CS2 is kinda dogshit to grind, the game feels 'unfair' and inconsistent, hard to put it into words exactly but CSGO just felt better
If you really want to get better, obviously first learn all maps (except office) and all callouts, focus on the core mechanics of aiming, like knowing when and how to spray, tap, and burst. First learn how to burst 6-7 shots on enemy's body consistently with AK, slowly learn the 30 bullet spray while you're at it, M4's sprays are easier, you will have to practice tapping if you're far away. You will need to learn smokes ideally on all maps too but start 1 map at a time first, they're not high priority if you're not that good. Crosshair placement (pre-aiming), counter strafing are also important and your next step, yprac maps in CSGO helps a ton with pre-aiming but im not sure if they're here anymore, basically keep your crosshair at head level and pre-aim where your enemy would watch you. The last step is gamesense and how the game works but this is hard as fuck and cant be learned overnight, watch pro vods and see how they play, there are some coaching videos on youtube also that help

I went and played on an internet cafe with my friends once and I was legitimately shocked at how insane 240hz and 360hz was. I swear it was like playing on easy mode
I'm sure matchmaking players have 15+ years of experience and great aim.(They don't)
Unfortunately this is the only good competitive fps game but its also unplayable due to cheating, last game I had someone on my team blatantly cheating with expensive skins. This game is fucked and I quit.
I just accepted I'll never be good and only play deathmatch and arms race now, usually I'm the best. It's more fun, besides the last multiplayer game I've played was Quake live and it was always ffa
real answer.
train aim regularly
be reflective on yourself
use brain
take good fights
put yourself in advantageous positions. if not create them
watch the fucking radar
understand source movement
talk. coordinate. say what you're doing. help people. make them help you. help yourself.
make the play that wins the round.

do that (atleast semi) regularly, and you'll be good ( top 5-10%) relatively quickly in cs terms, say >800-1300 hrs.

the longer you play the harder it becomes but you can minimize that by not making bad habits while you learn (be reflective). take breaks when you need to but try still aim prac.



gg ez 20%
gg fast go next 20%
gg fuck my team 15%
gg fuck me 5%
ggwp 20%

don't fucking cheat.

oh, and when you do get to top 5-10%, drop premier and play faceit cause this game is shit btw.
im 1300 hours and top 6%. how long to be faceit level 10 and 1% u think? 2.5k?
utility and call outs are for fags just buy an awp and shoot people

the aim in this game is ape easy, aimhacking barely makes a difference.
>the aim in this game is ape easy
name a competitive fps with harder aim
pretty much any other desu
Quake 3
Any game where you aren't punished for moving at anything other than a snails pace.
>Any game where you aren't punished for moving
I asked for harder, not easier
legitimate retard, hitting a still target in an fps is easy.
>anon says aim is ape easy in cs
>other anon asks what game is harder, since it's so easy
>anon names all the easy ones
yeah, I'm the retard
CS is dogshit easy played only by turdworlders, sorry.
not him but you got owned, just move on
Depends on the person, I knew a guy who got to faceit 10 in under 1000 hours and there is this streamer with 17000 hours who is like 400 elo on faceit.
Not all gamers and not all game time are created equal.
>Play for 3 hours
>Win 2 games
>Lose 2 games (teammate dc'd)
>+50 elo

what a waste of fucking time lmao. how do you fucking rank up in this shit? you'd have to literally win 10 games in a row or something
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Sisters can I beat the bots to get a specific skin float? I'm planning to get one below 0.20 but right now only the ones above 0.30 are cheaper and there aren't many sellers
Yea you need to win games to rank up retard
>doesn't explain how to train effectively

>provides pointless minutiae about spacing

you could read and only play a fraction of the hours and be good enough

you play it like golf. /

yep, gonna do it, don't hack at me unless im right
it's not about hours

it's about how rigorous your training is

>deathmatch is the extent of most people
aim training for enthusiasts
strategy for sweats

>fundamental understanding of the inner workings of the game

oh im gonna save
smoke here always
flashbang points memorised
i heard deathmatch is a waste of time and just useful to warmup
incomprehensibly braindead
darktide is a pve game
If you get a decent streak going you start getting -100 +400 games and you can gain over a thousand elo in a few games.
You can still have ELO in PvE games, just look at chess puzzles https://lichess.org/training
No, that's competitive
DL a triggerbot and maybe a wall hack.
Use them to learn routes of the enemy team and to anticipate timings for shots with the awp vs peekers
Why? You're better off just watching demos
>ZywOo then shared that he doesn't watch demos to prepare, something that has become a staple of top-tier CS in recent years. "I'm watching the game while I'm playing, and I see things instantly, but I'm never rewatching it. Once I have seen it once, I don't need to see it twice."
best player to touch the game doesnt watch demos
he doesn't DM or aim train either
Literal cheater tho
>and there is this streamer with 17000 hours who is like 400 elo on faceit
who would that be?
also can anons name some watchable streamers that grind cs?
What's fastest way to fill your progress bar?

I just want my free case and check out
it only goes up if you win rounds
premiere, comp, deathmatch, which one?

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