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TF2 is getting demolished by bots, do you think there is any hope for valve to actually acknowledge the games simple existence and fix the issue or are we just gonna have to move to community servers if it gets worse?
No, it's a dead free game and I'm not sure why zoomer manchildren are obsessed with pushing valve to fix it. Literally play with your friends or move on.
OP is a faggot as usual
BOT HOSTING TUTORIAL: https://youtu.be/bNoTEz2_BqY
Idk, I don't see any bots on the servers I join. If you do, just !votekick them or call an admin.
Based, TF2 died with meet your match and anyone who supports the game after that is the problem.
>I'm not sure why zoomer manchildren are obsessed with pushing valve to fix it
Maybe it's because Valve are still actively profiting off it and there's no viable replacement for the game at all, you braindead nigger monkey?
Profiting how? The same 100 or so players trading hats with each other?
TF2 is confirmed to be making roughly 6-10 million dollars monthly. Not a ton to a multibillion dollar company like Valve but certainly nothing to scoff at.
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>Profiting how?
mvm tickets
$100 ring

cosmetics are what brings in money, so we get updates that are just hats grabbed off the workshop
>muh replaacmeent
Maybe it's just time to move on?
Here's the thing, fixing the bots would be a massive advancement in general.

Think of it like people are clamouring for Masterlock to make a pick-proof lock. There are tons of complaints that Masterlock just isn't doing anything, doesn't want to acknowledge the community, and a general sentiment that Masterlock is either lazy or incompetent. Now, if you know anything about locks, you know that that a pick-proof lock of any kind is almost fundamentally impossible.
No, nigger.
You can fix it yourself.

Stop begging a billion dollar company to fix your 15 fucking year old game because you're too cucked in the brain to run your own servers.
Bots are becoming less frequent, deadlock WILL fail and be overshadowed by overwatch, paint your walls burgundy pathetic hosters
You're the type of guy who keeps calling a girl who stopped answering a very long time ago and you can't seem to take the hint, instead telling yourself "there is no one like her"
Just let it the fuck go and realize that you're pushing against an movable wall.
No, I'm gonna keep playing my game and you will never be a woman
Ok then stop crying about bots you matchmaking zoomey.
uninformed faggot, bots and hosters are getting banned on a large scale, we are so back

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