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Any recommendations for older MMOs that still have a relatively active community? Could be through official or private servers.

Phantasy Star Online is a good example of what I'm looking for (PSOBB).

Some other games I like: FFXI, Lineage 1 and 2, Diablo 1 and 2.

I was going to try MU online because the official servers are still up, but everyone says it's pay to win and not very fun at this point. I've heard Lineage 1 and 2 private servers are mostly dead, but not sure if that's true.
Eve online?
I liked city of heroes. it's a pre-WoW MMO. the source code was leaked so the private servers are good instead of buggy like a lot of dead mmos that had to remake things
HorizonXI is a very active "era+" private server for FFXI, I've enjoyed it a lot so far and some of the changes they did to jobs etc made it a more fun experience.
No dualboxing allowed so you get to party with actual people when exping
Not to cross polinate, but if you're looking for old and odd MMO's that don't immediately come to mind consider looking at the two lists on the bizzare MMOdventure thread here on /vm/, they have a lot of them to sift through.

Only ones that come to my mind is like... Tibia. That's so old school it's ultima inspired
Ragnarok Online private servers

Maybe PokeMMO also fits what you're looking for, although the MMO itself is recent
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play Tree of Savior
>Phantasy Star Online is a good example of what I'm looking for (PSOBB).
One of very close games i know is https://www.tomoshibi.net/guide/rolo/
It's in jap moon runes only, and you'll have to jump through some hoops to be able to use it as an english player
It was a MO, but not massive in any regard. That's like saying Dragon Ball Xenoverse is an MMO because it has a lobby with a lot of people in it.
most of those games look like trash
yeah the mmodventure thing is a neat idea but they only pick the most garbage fucking MMOs to actually play, there's a reason those games are dead and no one plays them
EQ2 is launching a true classic launch era server tomorrow. You gotta sub to access it though.
Monsters and Memories playtest at the end of the month
Most of them are, but maybe you can find some decent slop in there.
What you're asking for is also 98% slop.
PSO isn't an MMO
Seconding these
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Tree of Savior has relaunched about 5 times because they replaced PVP with cash shop HUD popups
>inb4 not a mmo
Not after 20 years, the only downside is that you need to know 日本語 to enjoy it
Also Mabinogi, there are a few private servers like Mabiclassic, Auranogi and MabiPro doing the rounds
Shit was cash!
Hope they don't wait another 6 months for the next one.
Somebody recently made a romhack for PSO, you probably wanna try it out
MabiClassic is no longer around unfortunately, but MabiPro and Auranogi still are, with small, but active communities.

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