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cultural fighting game

>Frame data

did he take the female kensei hero's coat so he can toot people out of the bridge?
JC is such a faggot for not nerfing Orochi even a little bit
Zerker's Dodge attack is just orochi's but slightly worse and they only gave him the change for now because they are "testing" it.

This is blatant favoritism and there's no other way to justify it.
shinobifags what the fuck happened to my backstep light
it got eaten
What's the use case for the varangian light attack after the fullblock pin?
Who's your main?
because he's a cool looking guy with a greatsword
Is nobushi good?
fur Conan the Barbarian belt

she's got awful neutral pressure, but she can feel outright unfair to fight against in the right hands
>dodge recovery cancels
>way of the shark
I haven't played since the chinks were added but I wanted to come back and there are new characters and I guess things have changed.

Which heroes do you guys recommend me to go back? I mostly play dominion so I kinda want a hero (or maybe 2/3) that is good here and, if possible, has good drip too so even if I lose like a piece of shit at least I can do it looking somewhat decent.
Any suggestion is welcome but I hate warden
like 5-10% of the roster are currently overtuned horseshit S tiers
80-85% of the roster are completely usable and viable, in need of minor tweaks at most
like 2 or 3 heroes are pretty underwhelming and in need of buffs, but even they have their niche uses


if your goal is to effortlessly stomp and just get free wins then scroll up and there's plenty of posts outlining which characters those are
The fact that fucking Orochi can do a fucking undodgeable dodge attack and you can't GB him is fucking insane.

They need to remove his dodge cancel and tune down his dodge attacks and undodgeable shit
on top of all that his dodge lights are ALSO the input needed for his insanely good deflects so Orochi players will often perform them by complete accident while spamming dodge attacks over and over again
change Orochi's deflects so they're activated with a heavy input instead of a light

make it so that Orochi's dodge attacks aren't enhanced

make it so that Storm Rush actually displays the attack indicator correctly

make it so you can't cancel the recovery of dodge attacks
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I wish I could tweak conq a little, hopefully this wouldn't be completely broken
>light opener stays as is, light chains become enhanced
>opener heavy regains the block property, chain heavies go back to being undodgable, then become unblockable instead if charged
>up the heavy chain damage
>you can zone out of full block
>fuck it, increase his damage by like 2 or 3 across the board and remove the shield bash feat

Hopefully he'll be the next knight to get a hero skin, either a better take on a bandit lord or some sort of penitent crusader fanatic with a crown of thorns.
just make side chain heavies undodgeable and top chain heavies unblockable
The only reason they didn't nerf his dodge attack yet is because their trying to jew the money out of the skin first before they nerf him.
When should I kick with Afeera? Any mixup tips?
just bash whenever possible
make sure to bash after a heavy parry so you get like 50 damage off a heavy parry
you damnable shitter
make sure you use your displacement finishers for disgusting free damage whenever you're near a wall
and remember
you have a NEUTRAL FEINTABLE bash so you can just bash feint and parry the following dodge attack for free damage
you basically have a chain pressure mixup move as your neutral opener
>700 Ms bash
>But only 566 of indicator
>She can be fully in the air and still feint creating a super janky animation
Warmonger status?
>someone with a fullblock sits next to you with their team mate ready to peel

Literally what the fuck am I supposed to do?
still has the most annoying feat kit in the game
her actual moveset is still great, but not necessarily unfair shitter territory
>great neutral pressure in the form of her chargeable bash and her enhanced neutral lights
>side dodge bash
>can infinitely dodge attack Tiandi style (though this requires a bit more fingerwork)
>in chain chargeable bash
>she gets to deal 30 damage off a heavy parry if there is a wall behind the opponent, including opponents with revenge
she is very strong, but I never feel like she's bullshit
she's just pretty good
I think her impale riposte should be nerfed like it was for Lawbringer

her feats are complete horseshit though
her T1 needs to be nuked from orbit
huge respect to anyone running Warmonger with the honorable balls of steel to run her non-standard feats
>Arrow Strike
>Punch Through or Tough As Nails
>Arrow Storm
All her feats need to be deleted. People joke about tier 4's being free kills but hers is a free team wipe.
Kensei. this is outdated
i swear shaolin's teleport kick was dodgeable at some point but now i can't for the life of me ever time it right no matter how early or late i press space
Just use a dodge attack when you see him disappear.

>don't have a dodge attack

Then you have bigger problems.
Characters with deflects that are activated with the same input as their dodge attack
and it is likely that if you've been deflected by them they probably did it by accident

Characters with deflects that are activated with a different input than their dodge attack
and if you got deflected by these characters they 100% meant to
You forgot afeera.
does she have one?
but she has neutral CCs? why does she also get to have a deflect? what????
and valkyrie
I really like Kensei but never got gud with him and dropped the hero completely, I am a shitter and I am not afraid to admit it
both of those character use a seperate input than their respective dodge attacks so going for deflects is still intentional

I think deflects are something in need of a standardization pass
>can never be activated with the same inputs as a dodge attack
>make all of them EITHER 1) pin opponents out of hyperarmor OR 2) be able to be dodged out of the recovery so you can dodge followup attacks (Shaman already has this capability)
when you allow them to be activated with a dodge attack then you're making it so that the deflect is way too safe
if you read a deflect attempt from a character like PK or Glad you can try to GB them since theirs are just a regular dodge with deflect frames, but since they aren't dodge attacks they're still GB vulnerable
but with the ones activated on a dodge attack they are GB invulnerable
the risk reward is so inconsistent

let's stack up the properties of an Orochi side dodge attack
>can activate a pinning 23 (with slip through) damage deflect
>can be used to cancel the recoveries of all attacks, including itself
it's just too much happening on a single neutral move
>spend half my stamina just to get into OS with highlander against BP
>he just light spams me out of it
>CC's my own lights trying to interrupt him
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check out this Highlander Rework 2.0

neutral openers
>all opening lights become enhanced
>forward dodge bash that only fast flows, and secures no damage
make the bash a punch
it would be cool

finisher DS heavies
>slow down finisher heavies in all directions from 600ms to 900ms

celtic curse
>standardize the speeds of the side cancels, and speed them up to 500ms
>lower the damage of the side cancels

offensive light changes
>change the side lights from 400ms pommel taps to 600ms undodgeable fast sweeping zones (like Zhanhu or Warlord zones)
>allow unblockable heavies in all 3 directions to be soft feinted into the top 400ms light

general offensive stance changes
>reduce guard switch delay from 300ms to 100ms (standard)
>kicks can still wallsplat, but they no longer secure an unblockable heavy, but instead only securing at most a 600ms side zone
>give the forward dodge caber a unique voiceline so you can tell when he's performing it from off screen
>after landing a kick or caber, any followup unblockable heavy will gain hyperarmor
>slow down the recovery of the kick so that it is GB vulnerable
>slow down kick to caber softfeint and give it hyperarmor (basically bring it more in line with chargeable bashes of Warmonger, Hitokiri, Warden, Cent)
>remove the ability to hard feint the kick

I hope you enjoy staring down your opponents
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just remove the hard feint and turn the kick to caber soft feint into this
>no longer option selected by dodge attacks
>no more janky as fuck animations from mashing kick into feint
didn't this game have dedicated servers? why do I get kicked from a match when someone else d/c's?
that's a very rare occurrence and is indicative of a server shitting the bed

everything is server based
The amount of moves in this game that don't follow the rules is so dumb.
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Remember that if you play the following.
>Wu Lin
>Black Prior
You are a dishonest shitstain who must abuse broken movesets and mechanics.
Sincerely - a Warden main.
>bash light bash light bash light bash light
>bash light charged bash
>bash light bash light bash heavy feint GB
you're just a blender spam character
God I'm so happy my kick to caber at least still works on you, even though it's an otherwise useless mixup
oh wait nevermind your shitter ass just unlock rolls away
Wardens are such fucking pussies, constantly unlock rolling away from mixups
Why are so many orochi players so cocky? Not to mention toxic when winning, quitting when they lose.
they are playing that character for the power fantasy of being the main character of an anime

the venn diagram overlap of Orochi players and people who love isekai anime is very large
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Guess I should change my handle to IsekaiIsTrash or something like that then. And to think that the genre had some good entries aside from comedic ones in the past.
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>tfw your dream highlander fashion will never happen because it's either armor or kilts for Highlander and never both.
Why are waden, kensei and highlander the only heroes people play in this general.
because there are three people who regularly post here
a guy that plays kensei
a guy that plays warden
and a guy that plays highlander (me)
I'm the guy who plays highlander.
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no I'm the guy who plays highlander
>only level 1 on highlander

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d- d- don't laugh!
You better ONLY play highlander.
to my shame I have 12 reps on Gryphon from like 2 years ago because I thought his fashion was really cool (the greek stuff)
it's more like 4 reps since I was spamming XP boosts and had champ status for all of that
his playstyle is very monkey
the way he strings together combos is cool if you understand all the tricks he has, but it's still lame compared to HL
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god I look so fuckin cool
BP should not be allowed to flip external attacks
what a brainless ganking character
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>great fashion (his monkey mask sets are some of my favorite armors in the game)
>cool unique feats that don't break the game (other than his T3 pre-nerf)
>stance hero
>cool unique executions
Shaolin is such a cool character, but I can't help but hate him because of how he plays after his rework
>bash spam
>sweep spam
how do you change Shaolin so he's less cancerous, while still being fun and viable
Shaolin and Highlander. Stance based characters are the shit and I pray that the new samurai is to them what Shaolin is to Wu Lin and Highlander is to Vikings.
Aside from his sweep having a weird hitbox that makes it stronger one side than the other and flicking (a problem for every character) I have no problems with Shaolin. I think he is exactly the balance that all characters need to be brought up/down to.
who else is going to get the brainless orochi to stop spamming external side dodge lights around a whole teamfight unimpeded
No, the horns are super retarded
then remove the multi parry shit then if that's your argument
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nah they complete the outfit
every part of the outfit is building on a "frost giant" theme
>frozen sword
>blue antlers
>blue celtic symbols
>frost effects and frozen raven execution effects
it's already a fantastical theme so the horns just build on it
>remove his infinite chain
>cant follow-up after a whiffed bash - kick or sweep
>change his deflect input
That's it and its really all about removing the follow-up on whiff
>left right hitokiri released or maybe right after
>thinking about getting back into it
Is the meta still defensive? And what's the state of conq, valk, and gladiator?
Didn't mean to reply to >>1338081
my bad
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>is the meta still defensive?
the meta is characters with amazing neutral and chain pressure and mixups

he's... shit it's hard to pick where to put him
I think he's either low A-tier or high B-tier
he has an infinite chain of unblockable attacks
lots of bashes
he's perfectly viable, but perhaps in need of a minor buff or an additional move
I think he's kind of boring to fight, regardless of whether the opponent is god tier or complete dogshit

formerly S++++++ tier oppressive nightmare that dominated for a whole season
now a high A-tier or low S-tier
fullblock into bash is just a really safe move
wallsplatting displacement attacks are disgusting on every character that gets them
triple light chains that end in a wallsplatting displacement light that gurantees a heavy

after the removal of reflex guard he's been a real bastard
none of his moves feel like easy-mode horseshit so I refuse to call him an S-tier, but he's definitely a high A-tier
I can't think of a character with better OOS pressure in the game
some of the highest punishes in the game (especially on his deflects)
toe stab is still just a great move
having the freedom of both a side dodge bash and a side dodge light is great
quadruple light chains are pretty cancerous

of all the characters you asked about, if you're trying to decide who to play to have a good time I would say go with Glad
he has more cool shit going on than the other 2
is there a way to choose who you switch targets to in a teamfight. annoying to have to tab through multiple people to get the guy right beside me
Thanks a bunch, will have to check out glad.
I'm going to shill for Gladiator some more
>gets Bounty Hunter, one of the best Tier 1 feats in the game that frequently swings fights back in your favor
>gets 3 of the best Tier 2 feats in the game
you wanna anti-gank? use Righteous Deflection
you wanna just generically deal more damage? take Haymaker
you wanna be a "jungler" and sustain yourself off kills without ever needing to return to a CP? take Executioner's Respite
with Executioner's Respite, Bounty Hunter, and Devourer you can get as much as 105 HP off a single execution (out of Glad's 120 HP)
>Neptune's Wrath is still just Longbow, but with a 100ms faster activation time and harder to read animation
>even after its nerf Fear Itself is still one of the best Tier 4s in the game
from top to bottom you have a great selection of feats

his selection of perks is pretty straightforward, like with most characters
>Head Hunter
those 3 are going to be your best overall setup
all the other choices are either too niche to be worth taking, or require you to give up one of the other better perks

if you want to read more for yourself go here https://www.forhonorinfohub.com/character?=6
that site has all the info you'll want for any character
As someone who plays a lot of Orochi, I’d be perfectly okay losing light dodge attacks and a nerf to storm rush tracking if it means my deflects could be more consistent.
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oh you mean make the existing dodge attacks a heavy input?

would you be okay with Storm Rush getting its partially hidden indicator property removed?
would you be okay with losing the ability to dodge out of finisher heavy recoveries?
would you be okay with removing the ability to dodge out of the recoveries of dodge attacks?

despite how much I fucking despise Orochi, I still think he's a cool character
I don't want to hate him
he's technically a stance character so he should be cool as shit, and yet he's just an overtuned bastard character
Slanderous video speculating about the new hero


>hero looks like they'll have 4 weapons
>weapon customization slot limit is 3
based on that alone I'm even more confident that the hero will have
>dual wield mode
>single weapons mode
>bigger single weapon mode
each weapon will have a full unique model and its individual parts wont be customizable
it's gonna be a Medjay styled stance hero
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so possible weapons
>big kama
>sawblade machete thing
>guardless katana
>wooden mallet
>man catcher looking thing
>a yari with an extra long guard on one side
so that's 6 weapons found around the map
I'm pretty confident the man catcher and kama are two of them
and my gut tells me the hammer and machete are the other two

so something like
>Hammer Mode
>Man Catcher Mode
>Machete + Kama Dual Mode
so that basically means
>stance that steals Jorm's animations
>stance that steals Gladiator's animations
>stance that steals Ocelotl and Shaman's animations
I played nobushi back in the day and got my ass eaten as I suck at fighting games and games in general.
What are my chances these days?
all that shit will be cosmetic and he will be a one handed swordsman
they'd do it
>ummm all his other weapons are actually his unique feats!
seen some people saying that 2 of the weapons are probably going to be low cooldown attack feats like Afeeras T1 and T3

at the end of the day there are only 3 customization slots for weapons so his basic moveset weapons still have to be limited to 3 individual models at most
All i know is that the new hero is going to be insufferable to fight and cheap as fuck to play.
the only constant with new heroes
when was the last time a new hero came out and they weren't a completely oppressive S tier?
has that ever happened???
you gonna remove LB yet?
Warmonger status?
great kit with great opening pressure and great chain pressure
broken S+ tier feats
some of the best fashion in the game

stupid genderlocked bitch
Sweep is rightdown unfair because it can only be dodged to the left, lands shaolin a pin, a heavy, frame advantage and can be feintable.
His dodge attack has disjointed huge hitboxes.
Fucking crushing counters in Qistance because ?????

And Qi Stance is nothing but a constant 50/50 spam. But that last not is the fault of Shaolin but of these devs since almost every rework they do is bash into 50/50 spam that chains into itself over and over. The most braindead and unfun shit to fight against.

So in the end he is just one of the many insufferable to fight overtunned heroes.
>Fucking crushing counters in Qistance because ?????
1. a relic of his pre rework days
2. it's cool
The sweep hitbox thing should 100% be fixed. Otherwise I think Shaolin is fine. Is the very top of power that characters should be allowed to have and he still has weaknesses. He has no hyper armor, no recovery cancels, and uses a shit load of stamina to damage with his mixups.

I would much rather other characters get brought up to his level but I also know that would mean keeping the "theme" of certain heroes I think would be very not fun. I'd say Black Prior is just as good as him but incredibly AIDS to fight and I wouldn't want to live in a world where we have several more BPs with a buffed warlord, aramusha, conq, etc.
it feels like he has recovery cancels sometimes since everything he does chains into an infinite chain of horseshit
>get bashed
>get lighted
>he enters qi stance
>he lights
>it's enhanced so it chains
>he sweeps
>dodge the sweep correctly
>forget that I'm only allowed to dodge attack
>eat top heavy while going for GB
>the heavy counts as an opener for some reason
>he is back into his chains again
infinite chaining with this much complexity was a fuckin mistake
holy shit
That's just mixup knowledge. Every character with a chain on whiff can do the same thing and there are many of them.

Keep in mind to do what you just described costs Shaolin 65 stamina. That's over half his stamina for two attacks that actually did damage. 12 for the bash, 9 for the light to deal damage, 8 to enter stance (which he can't recover stamina while in), another 9 for the blocked light, 15 for the sweep, and 12 for the follow up.

Then if he goes back into stance it's another 8. He fucks his stamina very quickly. As soon as he starts feinting in this mix-ups the stamina costs get even higher. If you play someone who can fuck stamina like warden or BP you can really put the hurt on him.
>Sweep is rightdown unfair because it can only be dodged to the left
Wait what? I've been dodging back and GBing him as a punish.
>Every character with a chain on whiff can do the same thing and there are many of them.
that's part of it, but the REAL bastard thing is that the FINISHER counts as an OPENER
that's absurd
imagine if Highlander's defensive finishers allowed him to fast flow
>eat a finisher heavy
>the finisher heavy flows into a blender of 400ms light spam
the zone chain on finisher for HL is already pretty strong
finishers should not chain back into chain pressure / mixups

it's already annoying enough with characters that have a heavy-heavy chain that ends in an UB heavy so that if you eat a GB heavy from them you are immediatly forced into a 50/50 that possibly ends in a the same GB punish
Sun sweep does 24 damage with no hyper armor, Highlander's finisher DS heavy does 29-30 damage and can like you said chain into zone which can be feinted into OS. Also why are you acting like Highlander doesn't have amazing chain pressure that is an infinite chain of orange attacks?

I'd much rather be put up against offensively strong characters than defensive ones that just stare at you.
>zone which can be feinted into OS
the inputs for this are so fucking clunky it might as well not exist
feels like the window for it is 100ms tops
I have practiced doing this shit and it's still a complete toss up whether it fast flows or transitions normally
if they fix the input for it then maybe it will be viable, but holy shit it might as well only exist on paper

>Also why are you acting like Highlander doesn't have amazing chain pressure that is an infinite chain of orange attacks?
that's true, but I don't have as much of a problem with it right now since getting knocked out of it is a death sentence against knowledgeable players
Shaolin has a 433ms bash (that chains on whif) and an enhanced light to open with
getting knocked out of his infinite pressure is no big deal since he'll be back into without a problem in no time
meanwhile Highlander enters a staring contest if he's kicked back to neutral, being completely at the mercy of his opponent
>the inputs for this are so fucking clunky it might as well not exist

Blame whatever highlander players gave the devs feedback. Apparently we "like the pain" of having shitty inputs.

>Shaolin has a 433ms bash (that chains on whif)

This is true but no different than any other opener bash character from dodge. You can react to the dodge if you're paying attention and just light them out of it. I won't lie to you and say that it isn't hard though.

>enhanced light to open with

Only on the top. So it's highly telegraphed.

>getting knocked out of his infinite pressure is no big deal since he'll be back into without a problem in no time

It will be a big deal because he isn't able to regain stamina while in it and uses a lot while in stance. That's your moment to bully him.
He should not be able to feint the sweep neither allow him to use a heavy after a whiff. Imagine if Valkyrie did the same with her's.
>someone is close enough to kiss
>attempt to GB them
>my model visibly clips their model
>somehow this is a whiffed GB
>they get a free GB
I'm about to put a hole in my drywall
it's a little different since Valk's sweep in 500ms,being something you dodge on read, and Shaolin's is 800ms

Valk's sweep is the same concept as Gryphon's kick
500ms finisher bash that is GB vulnerable, can't be feinted, and generally speaking must be dodged on a read
If he can't feint the sweep then it needs to be MUCH faster so that you can't react to it. Like the other anon said.
Just remove sweeps from the game, fucking pins are already retarded strong in ganks.
I agree to this, make it like valkyrie's. Otherwise it's too strong in ganks. Since Shaolin can backstep light into sweep to fuck you over.
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This is a new one. How do I get him? It wouldn't let me on the ladder and none of my attacks hit him. He stayed here until he got kicked for being afk.
yep you're basically forced to wait for a teammate to come and climb up below him

certain top attacks can him him I think
everything else misses because the ladder has a fucking hitbox (thanks ubisoft)
>Dominion game
>Opponent team has Shinobi, Varangian, Orochi and Hitokiri
>Next team has Shaolin, Varangian, Orochi and Afeera
>Next team has Afeera, Ocelotl, Shaolin and Hitokiri

Hope the giant obese retard who can't parry heavies is proud.
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>Shinobi, Varangian, Orochi and Hitokiri
>Shaolin, Varangian, Orochi and Afeera
>Afeera, Ocelotl, Shaolin and Hitokiri
just another great day to play For Honor
There's walls protecting that ladder in the picture though. I tried hitting him from the side.
Removing the ability to feint his sweep would be stupid, just take away his chain off whiff like jorm so you can punish it more consistently. Oh yea also fix the hitbox it's so fucking weird
I hope they actually make an interesting hero, vagina guard was pretty mid
random fashion
Varangian is everything wrong with this game. When do we get to see the new guy?
God I am so fucking tired of 2-3 orochis every match. How the fuck is this character escaped nerfs so many patches in a row? How did he escape a nerf that directly mentions him and then nerfed a different character instead?
How is someone spamming feints in your face with their team mate not build revenge? Why do they insist on using this retarded tag system? If you're outnumbered and someone is near you you're being ganked.
Because he's one of the most popular heroes in the game and they want more hero skin purchases. Makes no sense why they wouldn't nerf his dodge attack like beserker since they have the same issue of being untouchable cause of recovery cancels and really hard to peel because of the undodgeable property on their dodges
While I do think babysit ganking is one of the most unfun and retarded things in this game I don't see how they can change the tag system without fucking it up alot
extend the tag timer and implement the planned DR system
>tags now last 7 seconds
>if you hit an opponent after they were already hit, you'll only deal 75% of your normal damage
>if a third teammate hits them after that then they'll only deal 50%
>25% for a fourth person
and make bleed generate revenge
> make bleed generate revenge

Please. I'm pretty fed up with doing one heavy attack from revenge and then coming out to 60 bleed damage because some jap bitch hit me with three lights.
Hopefully never, i'm tired of easy mode crutch designed to win DLC characters.
I agree with changing the damage reduction off hitstun and making bleed feed revenge, extending the tags sounds hyper aids though
They need to be reworked. There's no fucking reason you should be able to gain revenge in a 2v2. There's no reason you should also be able to get revenge in a 2v1 on the side of the 2 because of the retarded tag system. Meanwhile they still let retarded touch of death ganks in the game like orochi storm rush that don't give revenge and shit like being able to sit in full guard right next to someone without feeding revenge.

If you're outnumbered, you're getting ganked. They're close enough for indicators they're close enough to feed revenge it should be that simple. Yes I know indicators go way further than anything close to their threat range. Reel that shit in too so you can't also spam indicators from 20 meters away.
I fucking hate the outlanders. Fucking easy mode braindead heroes.
Dude what if we make a hybrid hero and gave it enhanced lights, hyperarmor, recovery cancels, foward dodge bash, and be nothing but a 50/50 spam that never stops.
Recovery cancels are such fucking horseshit. Imagine you were playing street fighter but only like 6 characters out of 30 could use specials to cancel normal moves and supers to cancel specials.
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4v4 Tier list by Normie.

Using Orochi is literally cheating. And currently the balance is fucking garbage with 6 heroes shitting on the entire roster.
Started playing non-knights again and man, Noboushi is strong AND fun. I don't know how but I'm doing better with hidden stance than vagina guard's all-guard.

Also I'm probably the most annoying shit with three arrow feats. It's a fun fantasy to be the archer guy, can't wait to get the perk that speeds up the feat cooldown on kills and revives. Do assists count for it too?
I'd rather face an Orochi fourstack than a shinobi one, but that's me personally. Also Cent's pins should probably be higher and Warden should be lower.
>Kyoshin in B tier
>Aramusha in C tier
>Gladiator in C tier
>Shinobi not in S tier
>BP not in S tier
>Tiandi in B tier
>Warmonger being in a lower tier than Warden despite still just being Warden, but better
>Peacekeeper somehow ranked above Shaman
what retarded nigger made this? this is one of the worst tier lists I've seen in a while
you forgot a react faggot made that tierlist and anything that's not unreactable to top players or fucking bullshit like orochi hito vagina guard afeera or ocelotl won't get s tier
I agree recovery cancels need to be extremely nerfed (the decent change they made to beserker where his dodge attack is no longer enhanced even for extenerals) or made more technical like stance cancels
recovery cancels should be limited to being used for the recoveries of a single move, maybe two moves at most
and it shouldn't be more defensive shit that is being used to cancel
cancelling the recoveries of stuff by entering a full block stance or a dodge attack is so fucking pussy ass safe mode
it's crazy that they thought that would ever be healthy on any character
if you're going to allow a recovery cancel then it should be a risky continuation of offense that imparts a nasty punish if read by the opponent
right now none of the recovery cancels have an amount of risk anywhere close to their inherent reward

an example of a "healthy" recovery cancel was Highlander's wavedashing
you could use a guard switch to cancel the recovery of a dodge in OS
that's it

absolutely no characters under any circumstances should be able to cancel the recovery of deadly finishing moves
>dodge attack Orochi's top unblockable finisher
>he dodge cancels out of it, deflecting my dodge attack
>there is no risk to him doing this
why has it taken so long for people to realize Orochi is S tier? He has been one of the best characters in the game for a long time.
>face someone who parries everything but never falls for parry baits

I am going to fucking kill myself this is so obnoxious.
just have a 120ms reaction time bro
It's so fucking aids. I am tired of playing against turtles who might as well be scripting they never fall for anything. Which for all I know they might be. The game is still so unfun the moment someone decides they want to play stare master.
>shinobi that never falls for baits, deflects lights and tracking attacks and dodges nearly everything else
At first I thought he was scripting but after seeing how excited he got every time he got a kill with emote and message spam I realized he's probably a kid that drank few energy drinks. High reaction time and HIGHLY excitable.
but i want that game

>i just want a leaderboard of the fastest reaction times
are you supposed to be able to crushing counter light attacks on reaction
No, there's a delay when switching your guard that parry ignores, so you can do it yea but not consistently
Yes and I find it easier than parrying because pressing a button is easier than pressing an analog trigger.
>analog trigger

You can change your settings on both playstation and xbox controllers to have your triggers act like electronic buttons.
Orochi is so fucking easy mode it's disgusting. Absolutely unfun to fight with kick/storm rush spam plus recovery cancels. He's literally made to win.
Fix the hitbox of his heavy finisher and lower the damage of it and of his unblockable top heavy finisher. Plus lower the tracking because he slides through the floor like 6 meters during it.
Rework storm rush, it shouldn't be a fucking heavy parry, undodgeable, enhanced AND he can also cancel it because fuck you.
And of course rework his recovery cancels and his fucking undodgeable dodge attack.
I would also remove some of his follow ups from his kick, you shouldn't have to guess so much retaded shit he wil do next because of his clunky looking bash.
I honestly think everything about him is too much. There's no one thing to point to. He needs to be reworked again. It's the kick, it's that storm rush is unreactable from all sides and can be canceled while only offering a heavy parry punish. It's the heavy finisher. It's him sliding from the other side of the map with his unblockable. It's hit stamina efficiency. It's his 100-0 gank with storm rush.

He needs every single part of his kit looked at.
I remember when freeze was whining about ubi removing the dodge recovery from his bash on miss.

Guy talks a lot about how other people whine and bitch about their mains but then turns around and does the same.
Freeze also despises highlander for some fucking reason. He's useful for numbers and technical data but his opinions are the hottest fucking trash around.
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I'm new to the game. Do they really only show a character one fucking day before release?
sometimes a week before
but yeah
usually they save it for pretty soon before release
>kensei hero fest followed by a shinobi fest followed by a kyoshin fest
Ok, kensei can be annoying but fair to fight and kyoshin is a bit annoying, but a fucking week of everyone grinding shinobi? Fucking passing on that shit.
That faggot seethed about the removal of stunning tap.
he's such a fucking faggot
did a Highlander main fuck his mom or something?
when the hell was Highlander ever good enough that he should deserve such hate from Freeze?
>because of the animations and speed the bash and Storm Rush are basically a chain-pressure 50/50 mixup that's accessible from neutral
>dodge attacks are enhanced and undodgeable for some fucking reason while still dealing normal damage
>unblockable heavy finisher on a two hit combo so if he GBs and punishes with a heavy it instantly leads right back into another 50/50
>can dodge cancel recovery out of his finishers, allowing him to deflect dodge attacks even though he still committed to the attack
>can dodge cancel out of the recoveries of dodge attacks (no character should be able to do this except maybe Tiandi and that's only because it's easy to GB him)
>kiai and kunai being low cooldown I-win buttons (kiai is still broken as shit don't even pretend)
>deflect is activated on the same inputs as the dodge attacks, making orochi's dodge attacks the single strongest move in the game
>side heavy finishers have planetsized hitboxes with insane forward momentum so they're basically dodge attacks
>500ms zone that only incurs a heavy parry
>366ms Storm Rush only incurs a heavy parry
he was made to win
When do moves go from "read to counter" to "fucking guess faggot" in your opinion? I feel like most bash undodgeable mix ups can be read since it's usually just two potential attacks, but when a move can come from any of the three direction with an unreactable timing like orochi's storm rush or shaman's zone into bleed soft feint you have to guess unless your character has a tool to counter all options at once like BP or an attack fast enough to interrupt them.
the 50/50 fast mixups are all "guess faggot"
a berserker spamming his light soft feints doesn't ever expect to be punished for it
the only soft feint I can consistently "read" and parry is Storming Tap and that's only because it comes exclusively from one direction
soft feints should 100% be limited to a single direction

reading your opponent's neutral behavior and landing a neutral Shugoki hug is an example of actual read based gameplay
Orochi and the S-tiers are ruining dominion.
yeah once the Elden Ring DLC came out I haven't touched FH
probably won't bother returning until they either
>nerf Orochi and the others into A tier or lower
>implement the revenge / gank rework so you are actually capable of surviving a gank

It needs to be both. I have no idea how orochi has been allowed to be this strong this long.

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