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Soku/PoFV/TPDP/IaMP and other 2hu games with netplay. Host, play and discuss your favorite multiplayer Touhou games.

Download Soku here:
>Community pack, all necessary tools come preinstalled. Get this if you are new
>Base game, not necessary if you use the above link
>Upgrade pack for the base game

Can't forward ports in order to host? Try these:
>Autopunch: Mainly for Soku, not necessary if you got the Community pack
>Proxypunch: Compatible with more games, a bit less user-friendly

Other games:
>PoFV Netplay guide
>PoFV Netplay tutorial
>Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams
>Download IaMP here, includes Rollcaster netplay tool
any anons want to soku this week?
Yeah sure
Is Thursday ok?
TPDP has netplay?
I don't know, I copy pasted the OP from an older thread
Pretty sure it always had pvp netplay.
I can play on thrusday yeah
around what time are you available?
i'll probably be up for it from around 12pm to 6pm US mountain time
Alright I think we can play then
ok but what about udoalg
Something might be coming up so I might not be able to start as early as I said, but I will let you know when I'm able to.
I'm at home now, I need to do some things before playing, you up?
I'll be ready in around ten minutes, sorry for the delay
Alright I can host using soku lobbies, do you have it?
I have soku, I'm trying to get a game up the way I did before but I might be having some issues
lobby is up, name is game for anon
sorry I had no sound for some reason, I'm up again
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did you get the no sound again?
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GGs man! I wish I could use more than one character
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ah, GGS anon! I just like doing random since it gets a bit repetitive if i'm just using one girl.
I'm going to learn how to play more girls now, are you up to play tomorrow ?
I might not be up depending on how long I'm up tonight, but if I'm up at a time you might be I'll be sure to post in the thread
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cool man
You up in a few hours?
I'll be good to in around an hour and a half I think if you'd still be up to play at that point.
game is up, name is for anon
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I guess you're not around at the moment, if you get back on later just post in the thread and i'll make the room again
I'll be out for a bit but if you're still on after that I'll make it again
room is up, titled game for anon, sorry for being out for so long
alright give me a sec
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GGS anon! was a good time
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GGs, Iku is really slow but I can see why some people main her, that damage is addicting
Iku does a lot of damage yeah, some of her moves have great range and coverage as well.
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I think I'll lean some combos and build a deck card for her for next time
thanks for playing
nice, thanks for joining
>Community pack
>The file you're trying to download has been terminated
I guess some retard reported the links
Do you need it?
nta but thanks
soku anyone?
Super late but thanks
Anyone up for soku later today?
I can do some soku now if you're still up for it
Sorry I can't now, but I can later today
that's okay
I'm up now
just go to vhu they play it every day
I wanted a vm thread
I can play some with you in a bit if you'll still be up for it then
sure let's go
nice! i'll try and get the lobby up now
room is up, titled game for anon
I think you should increase the rollback, try pressing +
there's a number down to the left
can't see if it's working but I pressed plus abunch
how's it looking now?
well the number did change but I think this is a ping issue
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ah it could be, i'll try changing connections really quick, sorry if a disconnect happens, I also can't see numbers at least in the matching screen
the number is there when you start the match
ah alright, i'll look for it next teime
game is up again, hope it's less laggy this time
it disappeared
not sure why it dissapeared either
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I can't see the number in match, huh
huh, i think it might be because you are not playing in fullscreen
anyways we still get bad ping, ill try to see if it is on my side
there's still network hiccups even on full rollback
darn, I don't mind some hiccups on my end but if you don't like em it's fine if you don't want to continue
let's play for a bit and see if it goes away
it seems like it's improved
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GGS anon!
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alright that's it for me
Soku later today?
wholesome thread
i want to be a 2hu

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