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LFP thread for people interested in starting a Barotrauma campaign.

Barotrauma is co-op game taking place in the oceans of Europa, one of the moons orbiting Jupiter. Players have to work together to run a submarine while completing missions for outposts and handling the pirates/aliens that inhabit the ocean.

If you don't own Barotrauma and are interested in playing, the game is on sale for $20 until June 21st. Now would be the time to buy it (unless you wanna wait for the summer sale).

Art is by a guy called Matthew Graves.
Someone post good mods.
Very popular mod but I still feel it's a necessity
Shipwrecks get repetitive real fuckin quick and this mod helps with that.

Adds a bit more management for reactors which makes the engineer actually useful to have

Makes medicine much more interesting. I know medical got updated a while ago so I don't know if this mod is still that great but once my friends and I installed this we never played without it. Having to seriously consider our medical supplies made a major difference in our shipwreck ventures

Because reloading in baro is fucking annoying

Objectively better version of improved husks from what I've been told. Adds more missions, makes Church of the Husk a relevant faction. Improved husks was a cool mod so this mod's probably alright

There are also a ton of submarine mods of course. Too many to count really. Most of them suck dick so if you're really interested in a custom sub stick to the top rated ones or make one yourself. It's not as complicated as it sounds, just a little time consuming. My friends and I had one set up in an afternoon once we learned how all the tools worked.
Nice. I'm interested, but I have bad ping with hosting off my local machine, so someone else would have to do it. It's a shame that there is a dedicated server tool, but even the devs themselves are all
>we have no fucking clue how this works, it's held together with gum and loose string
The only one you really need
There's also one out there that trims down EK Utility to just containers, but I like the simplicity of just having that.
Havem't played in ages but it's a pretty fun game and the mods were generally good quality, Advanced Medicine was great.
Setting up a dedicated server is hell so I think the only way to realistically set up a game would be having one guy run the game on a schedule via Steam

I don't think the EK mods work anymore. A shame because I did enjoy them even if they totally broke the game's balance
I used to run the sessions we had on /vm/ a few years ago, would love to play with you fags again.
How many people here are actually interested in playing a game? I count three people including myself at the moment
Three is enough to run a small sub, and there will always be at least a handful of people who drop in for a session only to never be seen again. Its how it goes.
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Assuming we actually were able to start a campaign, I'd probably spring for the Dugong. It's more expensive, sure, but the extra cargo space will help with jobs early on and it has a proper . Also the Barsuk is extremely claustrophobic in comparison.

Unless of course anyone has any modded submarines they wanna throw out there, I'd say this is the best vanilla option.
I'd be able for a game

Honestly I'd rather play with a modded sub, simply because it's something new and I feel most players probably have already used the vanilla ones
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Yeah grab some cool subs to throw in and the general quality of life stuff to expand the games base systems and I'd be down to drown
I like this mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895083880 , adds a bunch of fun new sub guns you can use so everything isn't just coils and railguns
So looking at a basic modlist from what people have posted
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3209244745 (Simple Steel Cabinet)

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895083880(Ssparky's Gunnery)

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2095211492 (Shipwrecks Extended)

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3045796581 (Enhanced Reactors)

https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2791142042 (Neurotrauma Collection (Might not need all these mods though))

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2887170458 (Hotkey Reload Swap(A clientside mod so optional for anyone who doesn't like it or has issues with the mod))

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3101033027 (Enhanced Husks)

If anyone has suggestions for more mods and/or a modded submarine that isn't dogshit, feel free to share
neurotrauma is dogshit
I'll slash it from the list then. You got any suggestions?
I'd axe the ones that try to complicate things, like enhanced reactors and neurotrauma. Not necessarily bad mods but they aren't ones that are conducive to the hectic and slapdash nature of these kinds of campaigns.
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rate pls
built to be a starter ship with plenty of flaws, but still please my aesthetics and my love of bottom-oriented airlocks
Six junction boxes is kinda limiting but I suppose having it in the reactor room is convenient. Only two mounted guns and there's not one on the bottom. There is a depth charge though which is pretty handy. The room to the bottom right could have something in it but I suppose it's there more for cosmetic purposes. The placement of the ballast tanks are a little weird to me and I don't know if the one below the captain's quarters is necessary. I'm also kinda concerned that the one on the bottom could cause some flooding in the room above? The door placement to the right is also a little strange. I might've just cut the ballast a little shorter if I were you.

I don't think this is too bad honestly. Especially for a starter ship since they're supposed to be kinda shitty. Would like to see what an upgraded version of this could look like though, sorta like the Orca vs the Orca 2 you know? I probably wouldn't use this over the Dugong though.
Sorry, didn't see there was a seventh junction to the right.
Looks good, what flaws does it have outside of turret coverage?

Some mods that don't really change the vanilla gameplay.

Immersive Ignitables




Giant Rat
nice try but all real subs have independent minisubs+MOONPOOLS
>t. never finished mine

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