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DbD in 2018
+Spooky dark fog filled levels.
+Fun to play as Killer.
+Is a horror game.

DbD in 2024
-Every level and cosmetic is covered in neon rainbows.
-Playing as Killer sucks.
-Is a horror game, but for the wrong reasons.

I know that these companies are getting money from (((certain people))) to push degeneracy to children and low IQ lefties, but it really takes me out of the game. What games have been ruined for you by LGBSYHWN+ propaganda?
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It's so funny when retards seethe at propaganda that is new to them, but are completely fine with the rest of it.
Also solid chance that OP is a brown(SEA/SA/Arab) person.
every multiplayer game
Nope, I'm a white American with mostly German DNA, I'm also probably twice your age and 3 times smarter than you. I just hate faggots. DbD is the only multiplayer game I really play, so I thought I'd see what the Zoomers think about it, since they love cutting their cocks off the most.
>50 yo boomer
>brain is fried by tradionalism propaganda
>actually thinks he's smarter than anyone
>multiplayer game
these are two fundamentally incompatible concepts. who gives a fuck if it's plastered up with fag flags or anything else? stick flossing John Wick in there as one of the killers while we're at it. It was already a dumb fucking game for retards who gives a shit?
Lesbian is just gay female.
A made up term just to separate gay females from gay males and are just gay. Just like the rest of the letters have nothing to do with sexuality, just fetishes.
sexuality is just binary in the end of the day.
Stick or hole, which you prefer?
well he watches fox news and keeps up with politics, so you see in this way he is a great thinker of his time
DbD looked good but then i saw niggers in it, i dont even watch streams of this shit anymore...its really disgusting.
Solid chance you’re a discord tranny that ERPs.
>muh ancestry
kys mutt shitskin
>dbd is the only multiplayer game I really play
how embarrassing
>90 year old Nazi gets filtered by colors
Lmao what a loser
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>tradionalism propaganda
You mean “nature”. We only started encouraging men to go against their nature in the past couple decades.
>50yo boomer
Way to out yourself as a literal zoomer who wasn't even in elementary school when this site was considered still good.
The Illiad is 2800 years old dude and it's gay as fuck
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Look at Identity V, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Killer Klowns from Outer Space or VHS. Maybe you'll find something you enjoy in those
You thought that asking a robot to come up with an argument was a real gamechanger huh?
That's your smoking gun, is "I asked the bullshit machine to write bullshit, and look what it says!!!"?
It's pretty nuts how, despite the HRT and cosmetic surgeries, you will NEVER be a biological woman.

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